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Aug 22, 2015 3:46 AM

Mar 2015
What a fantastic movie.

I wish there were more Taiyou Matsumoto adaptations, because both Ping Pong and Tekkon Kinkreet were simply amazing. I really need to read Gogo Monster as soon as possible.
Aug 31, 2015 9:13 AM

Sep 2014
Great movie! Extremely powerful and atmospheric. Quite dark and brutal at times.
Mirai, zura~!
Sep 14, 2015 3:30 AM
Feb 2011
Digging the art and the music, but a lot is thrown into the plot and in the end it's just too convoluted to be truly appreciable.
Mar 12, 2016 4:19 AM

Apr 2013
10/10 absolutely beautiful as expected from the creator of Ping Pong.
Apr 16, 2016 9:25 PM

Aug 2012
Can't relate to any of the people who enjoyed it. I don't get bored easily, but this movie just made me doze off, without even getting halfway through it.
May 17, 2016 11:59 AM

Nov 2011
Never really was a big fan of Matsumoto, just unable to appreciate how he approaches psychology in his works, same issue i had with Ping Pong. Here though, the first half was fantastic, but fell away in the 2nd half for me.7.

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May 26, 2016 6:51 AM

Feb 2015
What kind of anime did I just watched? I never thought animation could be so compelling like other mediums.

Mind Game blew my mind before thanks to Studio 4C, now Tekkon Kinkreet? No way, 4c, you are a deity of animation.
JomsMay 26, 2016 6:55 AM
Oct 3, 2016 9:20 AM

Oct 2014
It was boring and I wasted my bandwidth 1/10
Dec 22, 2016 3:33 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
It definitly was enjoyable but its more because of the art/animation and the ost because seriously, there was nothing amazing with the characters, i think the only characters i've actually been invested in this are the 2 yakuza that had the more screentime in this.
Also, wasnt a fan of the minotaur part at the end too.

Giving this a 7/10 because like a said, the direction and the OST was amazing and helped to go through the film.
Mar 7, 2017 6:00 PM

Dec 2014
I found the first half boring but the second half made up for it. It was an okay movie in the end.

Apr 9, 2017 8:02 AM

Mar 2016
so this was extremely powerful
Apr 19, 2017 3:34 AM

Oct 2015
I think it deserved that Oscar because it was great in my point of view maybe because the bond between kuro and Shiro, i felt it. The movie's story and art are both awesome in my view, it shy away from the typical anime style, 9/10 is a bit less for me.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Feb 19, 2018 2:10 PM
Feb 2015
What the heck, guys. :D I see a lot of you, hated how the ending was rushed? It wasn't rushed a bit. Minotaur is not a new character. It is a dark side and a demon of Black itself. This anime has so much symbolism, that you need to rewatch this anime lots of times. I'm dissapointed in people, who finds this anime so "simple".
overall is strong 9/10
Apr 7, 2018 11:57 AM

May 2016
The movie was pretty unusual like that part when White just floats down the roof randomly saying "Be happy", them pretty much flying, and the scary alien men. While there were definitely a lot of symbolism, I think that I still understood it a little after thinking about the movie because they made it literally lol

In a place as shitty as Treasure Town, one can't help but lose their grip on reality without having someone to help in pulling them back in. The parts where Black almost lost White and actually lost him was heartbreaking but the Suzuki+Kimura subplot hit the right spot of feels for me.

White's clairvoyance can be some sort of twisted brother's intuition and I guess Minotaur is Black that went full-psycho. They're perfect for each other.

Apr 8, 2018 4:37 PM
Aug 2016
Fantastic movie * ^ * Unlike anything I've seen recently, the art is stunning and I really dig the diversity and the choice for uncanny character designs , it's got lot of personality and the backgrounds are so detailed framing the authenticity of the city. The interactions between characters are pretty great, could've taken a bit more time for portraying Kuro and Shiro's bond in my opinion.
Aug 21, 2018 3:59 AM
Dec 2017
Ow! The Fucking Edge left a big fat gash in me, I liked the art style and it had great acting, Not enough levity, I don't know about you, but levity is very important to me when watching a show, if a show is always dark and brooding then it just becomes suffocating, In other words I got another Madoka Magic out of this, overall pretty mediocre, But I liked it enough, Ill probably check out the manga.
Sep 14, 2018 5:43 PM

Jul 2017
Amazing setting, story, characters, sound - wow! I really loved the colors used.
Oct 28, 2018 8:22 AM

Aug 2016
I had no clue that Blacks inner demons thing was supposed to be the Minotaur till I seen people mentioning it in the forums. Probably would've enjoyed that scene a lot more if I associated the kid who came out of nowhere with super powers wearing a Halloween costume as a Minotaur but I guess not. Pretty disappointing movie to be honest, I thought the Yakuza scenes were mainly really well done and enjoyable but that's about it.
Jun 2, 2019 2:05 PM

Jan 2013
I like how "Kuro's" shirt said Black on the front and Kuro on the back ^^

Story was well executed.
Interesting way of showing the inner demons that Black (Kuro) had and the optimistic / always looking for a positive outcome from White (Shiro)
The animation / art style was really unique, really did the movie justice.
Nov 16, 2019 11:30 PM

Jun 2016
Trippie I thought for a second that Kuro did not even existed and was all in Shiro's mind.
Nov 18, 2019 5:07 AM
Apr 2018
I didn't expect ending would be like this. I thought they would beat those muscle guys after coming together. You know, brotherhood or friendship or something like that.
May 16, 2020 11:15 AM

Dec 2009
I loved those parkour/freerunning moments when they just unrealistically jump around and climb to high places completely conquering gravity. They roared both in air and in the sea at the end. Just WOW. I wish I could fly~~

They are both cutiepies, especially Kuro (The Seme. *smirk*). All he wants is the best for Shiro, but they both save each other and re-unite at the end, since that's the best for both of them. <3

I must say that the police is just completely useless in this whole shit. Even kids fight better. Haha.

May 19, 2020 12:28 PM

Apr 2020
Loved the part where Kuro confronted his inner demon. It was a good movie but I somehow feel that it lacked something.
May 23, 2020 4:48 PM

Jun 2014
I always enjoy this kind of trippy animation. The directing was great as well.
Rely on nothing under heaven
Jun 4, 2020 9:52 AM

Jul 2016
With the opening scene, the music, atmosphere and sweet animation I could tell this was going to be great.. then 45 minutes passed and it sadly got boring. This movie had great potential, but the story line was unfortunately nothing.. it seemed rushed and scattered.

Like the scene with Kimura killing his old boss Suzki. The man was in tears and did not want to kill his father figure, but understandable he is a Yakuza and business is business.. but then a couple of months later he kills Snake and that was it..? He learned what Suzki meant by "Love is all you need" within a couple of months and we did not really see why? It sort of just happened Kimura coming to this conclusion and we never really had anything fleshed out as to why until he shot Snake. I understand his girlfriend was pregnant and they were going to get married, but it wasn't touched all that much.

Then learning about Black at the end made me feel like I invested in a two hour film for nothing since I dug Black. So he is a orphan with an inner demon who protects White, and his city, because it is pure? I don't know. But back to the positives; the soundtrack and the animation really is off the charts and does help soften the script.
Jun 27, 2020 7:03 PM

Mar 2016
i really enjoyed this movie! it will be with me for a very long time <3


Feb 13, 2021 6:06 PM

Jun 2014
This was an incomprehensible trash heap of a movie. The only thing it had going on was the pretty background art and the cool setting. The characters were boring, obnoxious and outright retarded and the story was dog shit. Most of the film was a snoozefest.

Aug 18, 2021 6:52 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
Nothing like I expected and that is probably just fine. I enjoyed the movie a lot. The artwork was fantastic and the color palette very nice. All I can say after seeing it is: the apple tree grew! 7/10
Jan 12, 2022 2:10 AM

Sep 2020
Most likely one of the worst anime movie I have seen. 3/10
Jan 16, 2022 11:51 AM

Feb 2020
Great film. But Not as good as Matsumoto other work ping pong. I felt like it had some pacing and structure issue, maybe could have worked much better in tv series format. Though studio 4°C still did a great job capture the atmosphere with their bizzare animation style and high production quality.

Overall a bit too metaphorical for me but enjoyable neitherless.
AdampkJan 16, 2022 11:56 AM
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Feb 25, 2022 1:05 AM

Aug 2018
This film really did feel some kind of breath of fresher air, it had a very unique enviroment and use of symbolism that made me really thing about some things I was seeing.

The plot isn't anything too special and really felt a little bit rushed at times but the animation style is just oustanding, absolutely beautifully drawn and done in such an aestetically pleasing way.

Its a truly good animated movie overall

Jul 9, 2022 11:35 AM
Nov 2020
Just as good as the manga
Mar 28, 2023 1:36 PM

Aug 2012
Most interesting thing about finally watching this was knowing the creator of the manga was Taiyo Matsumoto, the same guy who created Ping Pong the Animation which is easily one of my favourite anime. And it was cool to see many of the elements that made Ping Pong special represented here, from the unique artstyle, the consistent use of visual symbolism, the supporting cast having their own distinct arcs, and centered around a strong duo relationship. It was cool to see all these elements still present in Matsumoto's earlier works, but I'd be lying if I said I loved any of these elements as much as I did with Ping Pong. I enjoyed the movie, but I would not consider this one of my favourites.

Without a doubt the strongest element here is the background art. The amount of detail included in this setting is often staggering, Treasure Town itself is one of the more visually impressive constructions in anime. The movie as a whole looks great, but the environments are easily the standout here. The OST largely didn't impress me much while I watched it, but having listened to some of it on youtube since watching it, there's definitely some solid compositions in here. "White's Dream" is pretty good, and I love "Safety in Solitude" which I think it the only track that stood out to me during my watch, sans the ending song by Asian Kung-Fu Generation.

But beyond that, the movie didn't really emotionally engage me. It was enjoyable but there were really only two scenes that had any emotional impact on me. The first being Black & White's first encounter with the alien, as that was one of the more effectively tense sequences I've seen in anime, and the second was Kimura killing Suzuki, with Suzuki himself continuing to instruct Kimura on how to handle this situation. So the fact the two main story threads of this movie both had someone I did latch onto in the end was nice, though admittedly I'm mixed on how separated these story arcs are. Ping Pong juggled multiple different character arcs at once, but it all felt cohesively interconnected. All very much felt like different branches of the same tree, in a sense that's kinda true here. The changes to the city and the important of love are both represented within both story threads, but otherwise they feel very separated from each-other, almost as if I'm watching two different movies that just happen to take place at the same time in the same general location. There's something novel about that which I definitely appreciate, it would've been more generic if Kimura's story inter-mingled with Black & White's more directly, but it did make the film feel less focused and a little more lopsided. 

I just don't know if the two stories here balanced off each-other well. I think the intention was to highlight this perspectives of the themes through an adult and child lens. With Black & White the changing of Treasure Town is represented through nigh unstoppable monsters directly attacking them, but sandwiched in that battle is Suzuki lamenting the passage of time while enjoying a, largely empty, strip show. I think that moments effective, but otherwise I don't think the two truly play off each-other well. The differences are still showcased as the Black & White dive more into surreality (White floating down from the building) as opposed to the more grounded moments of Kimura's story (like the post-coitus cigarette/pregnancy reveal), or how the climaxes to both stories play out, one this surrealist mental war and the other just standard gun play. It's nice that there's different framing but outside of the earlier aforementioned moment, I'm not sure there's much here where one story elevates another through the pairing.

Though I think my biggest disconnect comes with the main duo in general, Black & White. The yin yang nature of them is blatantly apparent, outright explicitly stated by White even, and it's so much to the point where I don't really see them as characters, but more as a concept. Moreso with Black than White, since White has several oddities so-to-speak that make him stand out as an individual, but I can't say I ever got invested in their particularly relationship, because their relationship as a yin yang pairing was all I really saw them as. Black's dealing with The Minotaur (side-note: some people criticize not foreshadowing the Minotaur reveal enough, I'd say the opposite, I wish they didn't have a scene where a character outright theorizes it because that dulled the reveal imo since I figured it out from that) is interesting mostly down to the method of it's depiction. I love the visuals, I love the Minotaur's voice, the strongest sequence of the film on purely a visceral level. But I didn't find it compelling on a character level, because Black himself isn't much of a character outside of the yin yang relationship with White. 

For what it's worth though, the yin yang dynamic itself is very well portrayed. I appreciate the different ways in which the balance each-other out. Like I'm glad White needing Black isn't expressed solely through physical protection, how he needs him for more basic functions like dressing himself and stuff. It's not that I think this method of writing characters is wrong or even poorly done, it just impedes my ability to get emotionally connected to the characters when I only seem them for what their relationship with the other one represents than as individuals. I also want to say, the toilet paper belt thing at the beginning of the movie was this kind of childlike invention that I loved and did immediately endear me to White at least, it just didn't carry over for the whole film. 7/10.
TerrestriousMar 26, 2024 2:28 AM
May 9, 2023 1:58 PM
Dec 2021
A masterpiece with awsome animations
Jun 23, 2024 10:06 AM
Nov 2018
so tedious and boring, this movie is useless dialog after useless dialog, between useless characters, and when is not useless dialog is the incoherent ramblings of white, shitty "action" scenes with assasins take that forever to do anything and never capitalize on the change to actually hurt or kill their target, the backgrounds were okay but holy shit the characters are ugly, couldnt finish this, i give it a 5 out of 10.
Aug 18, 2024 7:53 AM

Dec 2022
Repetitive nonsense with a rambling narrative and useless symbolism that looks pretty while failing to represent anything a viewer can glean anything meaningful from. Also, probably the most horrifically ugly character design out there.

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Shaded Horizon

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