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Jun 23, 2008 7:41 AM

May 2008
Out of all the games of Phoenix Wright (and Apollo Justice), who is your favorite prosecutor?

As much as I really like Edgeworth, I have to give props to Prescutor Godot. XD When you first figth him in court, you find out it's his first tim as a prosecutor, which I thought was funny, he has a cool theme song, the fact that he drinks coffee (and throws his coffee at Phoenix XD) is just awesome.

What about you guys?

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Jun 23, 2008 8:13 AM

Jan 2008
There is only one correct answer here. (Edgeworth fangirl - beware!)

I also really like Franziska and Godot.
Jun 23, 2008 8:34 AM

Dec 2007
Well, I don't think there are many choices, really. It's very obvious the answer can only be Edgeworth, the only man that can match Phoenix's style of defending. Second goes to Godot, for his coffee cup throwing.

Bottom goes to Gavin, if anybody cares. He is far more irritating than even Winston.
Jun 25, 2008 8:21 AM

Dec 2007
Obviously Edgeworth!
best style, and totally cute :) (edgeworth fangirl here too xD)
Jun 28, 2008 11:47 AM

Jun 2008
I love Franziska! Her whip is so awesome!!
Mann choosing a favorite was hard. It was between her and Edgeworth.
>< They're so cool!!
Jul 2, 2008 10:19 PM

May 2008
?___? no one like Klavier? I heard he was popular....

Jul 3, 2008 4:09 AM

Dec 2007
Klavier is not only annoying, but by far is he the most worthless one. Think about it. In all the Phoenix Wright games, there are always the cross counter moments, where both lawyers get their close ups and has a quick debate with no thought breaks, they just say whatever they think. For one, Klavier not only spends he time to over think stuff, he also spends most of hie time on the back foot, as in, on the losing end. he doesn't prepare his stuff well, and

Just an opinion BTW, don't come running after me if you're a Klavier fan. XD
Jul 3, 2008 1:14 PM

May 2008
HalberdierRetsel said:
Klavier is not only annoying, but by far is he the most worthless one. Think about it. In all the Phoenix Wright games, there are always the cross counter moments, where both lawyers get their close ups and has a quick debate with no thought breaks, they just say whatever they think. For one, Klavier not only spends he time to over think stuff, he also spends most of hie time on the back foot, as in, on the losing end. he doesn't prepare his stuff well, and

Just an opinion BTW, don't come running after me if you're a Klavier fan. XD

Ahh.. okie. ^^ Now I see. ^^ Thanks

Aug 1, 2008 3:57 PM

May 2008
Edgey by far!
Aug 31, 2008 11:21 AM

Jan 2008
my fav prosecutor is Godot but I think that as Diego Armando he is better ^^
"A Lawyer is someone who smiles no matter how bad it gets" Diego Armando
Sep 6, 2008 10:06 AM

May 2008
Edgeworth FTW <3 I don't know if Klavier's gonna be in any of the next games like Edgey was for the PW ones. Doesn't matter to me ._. *liked Kristoph better*

But Edgeworth hands down was the best prosecutor D: I wonder if he'll come back at all.

Oct 21, 2008 12:28 AM

Jun 2007
Klavier Gavin! Gonna loves his air guitar! Lolx..
Mar 10, 2009 12:48 PM

Jul 2008
Even with all the bashing in the topic (Is no fandom safe from bashing...?) I voted for Klavier, with Godot coming a close second.

For me it was just nice to see a prosecutor who wasn't an enemy from the start. Sure, he was a jerk, but he made it clear that he was more interested in the truth while most of the other prosecutors cared more about getting a guilty verdict than whether or not the defendant was innocent. Don't attack me, that's just my opinion.

For Godot it was just that sexy smile.
Apr 13, 2009 2:21 PM

Nov 2007
I bet that there is a lot of S T R E S S involved.
But if it means crying alone
come get me
Aug 9, 2009 7:34 PM

Jul 2009
Edgeworth is #1 for me, followed by Klavier and Godot. :D
Aug 18, 2009 4:04 AM

Aug 2009
HEY! What's this? Nobody likes Payne!?!? C'mon, he's so cool with his hair against Mia's case... xDD

Nah, just teasing you, of course Edgeworth, followed by Godot and Franziska
(And Klavier can go to play his air guitar wherever he wants, really, that irritated me so much xD)
Aug 24, 2009 7:20 AM

Sep 2007
Edgeworth! Who can resist his charm! :3 TAKE THAT!

Franziska is second because she cracks me up with that whip of hers. poor gumshoe. XD
Aug 24, 2009 9:24 AM

Jan 2008
Edgeworth FTW. Though I'm also a big fan of Franziska and one can't help but feel bad for Godot.

Aug 24, 2009 7:30 PM

Jul 2008
Edgeworth <33
I love the development of his character =3
Aug 29, 2009 7:31 AM

Jul 2008
Edgeworth, all the way, up and down.

He's full of surprises and when Phoenix doesn't really think the same way as I do, Edgeworth does. :"D It's weird, really.. But yeah, luv him. And his emo looks, the way he waves his finger.. Everything in him.
Aug 31, 2009 11:46 PM

Feb 2008
Edgy is gorgeous! *trying not to show all the fangirly feelings over Edgworth*

But Godot was amazing as well.

Love them both =)
Sep 11, 2009 4:07 PM

Jan 2009

I fail to see how Godot can be losing so badly against Edgey, well they are both kickass but well, Godot has coffee
Oct 16, 2009 2:34 AM
Jul 2018
Manfred von Karma. Yes, he is a total bastard, but he was a tough one, and I enjoyed the case.
Oct 31, 2009 4:20 PM

May 2009
Edgeworth! He owns all the other ones :D
Nov 28, 2009 7:39 AM

Jan 2008
Worthy all the way <3 ~ this is something about him that's attractive :]
Dec 23, 2009 6:30 AM

Dec 2009
The coffee addict.
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains must be the truth.

I Like My Woman Strong, Flat-Chested, Tall, Slender and Scarred

Yuri & Yaoi Hater

Mar 20, 2010 6:02 AM

Jun 2009
Franziska von Karma. She just my type favorite one.

sig by MAL secret santa , ty <33
Apr 3, 2010 4:45 AM

May 2009

But I also like Godot and Franziska.
Apr 8, 2010 7:00 AM
Jul 2018
Franziska~! Although Edgeworth is pretty awesome. xD
Jun 3, 2010 2:28 PM

Mar 2009
Godot won my vote, but I adore Edgeworth!

Also, props go to Gavin for being SUPER HOT!
Jun 6, 2010 11:53 PM

Mar 2010
Probably Edgeworth although he's been suffering from alot of Flanderization, he's still awesome.
Neil Marshall is awesome too...why isn't he an option on this poll D:

I don't like Godot (Ooh...the fantards are going to kill me for that), Payne or Manfred.
Godot's a sexist asshole, he holds an unfair grudge against Phoenix even though it was his own fault that he couldn't protect Mia and he tells Franzsika to go back to the kitchen. Shi-Long Lang is better.
Payne sucks and Manfred is...yeah.
Franziska's was bitchy tsundere but she became better later...Phoenix even called her cute.

I like Klavier but we don't really know enough about him. He's an okona so it was kinda obvious he would be a jerk at times, people. ._.
He was something different since they always stereotyped the prosecutors as the competitive evil person.
Klavier's like Apollo, their personailtites haven't been explore enough for a purpose. So that they could expand on it in the future games.

I wish those games would come sooner...
doujinshiJun 7, 2010 12:04 AM
Jun 7, 2010 6:53 PM

Mar 2009
BlackbirdMerle said:

I wish those games would come sooner...

True that....

Also, even though I voted for Godot as my favorite prosecutor, I have to agree with you that it was annoying that Godot was pissed at Phoenix. But I liked that cases I played with him and he is a kick-ass prosecutor so I stand by my vote.
Jun 25, 2010 8:44 PM

Jun 2009
Edgey! Godot! Can't choose! But I chose godot!
A rose with thorns~
Jun 26, 2010 7:40 PM

Sep 2007
BlackbirdMerle said:

I don't like Godot (Ooh...the fantards are going to kill me for that), Payne or Manfred.
Godot's a sexist asshole, he holds an unfair grudge against Phoenix even though it was his own fault that he couldn't protect Mia and he tells Franzsika to go back to the kitchen. Shi-Long Lang is better.
Payne sucks and Manfred is...yeah.
Franziska's was bitchy tsundere but she became better later...Phoenix even called her cute.

Yeah, I'm surprised by Godot's following as well. Prior to the scenes with Mia (where he talks down to her and calls her kitten/kitty kat), and the revelations why he hates Phoenix, he was pretty cool. But I just found it disgusting how he talked down to Mia (who is freaking awesome!!!). I just couldn't look at him the same way after that. :|

Edgey is by far my favourite. And I have a soft spot for Frany because she was my first real prosecutor (Winston doesn't count) since I played Justice for All first.
Jun 26, 2010 7:41 PM
Nov 2008
Franziska von Karma.

That's right, I took the booby prize.
Jun 30, 2010 6:29 PM

Jun 2010
My faves for the main prosecutors go in order by game. (Edgy > Franzy > Godot > Klavier).

I liked all of them, though. Yep, even Payne.

Byrne Faraday should be on the poll too. I liked him.
Jul 5, 2010 10:08 PM
Apr 2010
Franziska! She's so awesome with her whip! Even whipping the judge! haha. Then of course Edgeworth, because he is just WIN.

Jul 8, 2010 1:13 PM

Sep 2009
Edgeworth ♥♥♥ ~
Aug 5, 2010 1:52 PM

Jun 2009
you got it all wrong, godot is the best!
A rose with thorns~
Aug 22, 2010 9:13 AM

Jan 2010
It's so hard to choose between Franzy and Godot!!!!!!
So i just picked random and chose Franzy.
BUT I love Godot just as much.
And yes, Little Franny is ADORABLE! XD XD

And the only reason why Godot hate Phoenix was because in Godot's mind Phoenix was the only one who could've protected Mia from dying. He really did love Mia,and i feel really bad for him that after 5 years in a coma he wakes up only to find his loved one dead.

Selphie-Aug 22, 2010 9:18 AM
Oct 20, 2010 9:21 AM

Sep 2007
Hiyorin17 said:

And the only reason why Godot hate Phoenix was because in Godot's mind Phoenix was the only one who could've protected Mia from dying. He really did love Mia,and i feel really bad for him that after 5 years in a coma he wakes up only to find his loved one dead.


That's pure BS and even Godot admitted it was. He was angry at himself and directed it at Phoenix to hide his own worthlessness/ feelings of loss of manhood. And anyway, how the hell was Phoenix suppose to know she was going to be killed. And Mia has always been a free spirit, she didn't want nor need any one's protection. And I swear I didn't know he loved her until it slapped me in the face at the end, since he is basically rude to her throughout her chapters. >__> Not to mention he put the lives of Misty, Pearl, and Maya (the most important people to Mia) at risk just to regain his manhood. If it was really about loving her and not himself, he would never have done that. Selfish, conceded and arrogant. No redeeming qualities. Like I said, he was cool when you didn't know how he really was, but afterwards, horrible. Maybe the creators intended it that way, like with Von Karma. The ending, where he admits his own flaws, really makes me think that.
Dec 1, 2010 3:56 PM
Jun 2010
Franziska! I just love her <3

Aug 16, 2012 10:47 AM
Sep 2009
Franziska von Karma! , her character is so funny,that's way I love her so much!! :D
Mar 30, 2013 3:00 PM

Mar 2013
Hard to choose. Edgeworth is numero uno for sure, but Godot is cool too. I guess i'll give my voice to Manfred von Karma, beacuse he has his own great style just like these two have, and he's one of the best villains from the franchise. And the way he says "Objection!" is freakin' marvelous. Also, he needs some votes really badly.

Btw, lol at Winston Payne :D
Apr 1, 2013 8:11 AM
Sep 2012
Edgeworth... It was him or Godot... but... Edgeworth is still better! He has a great story and character development!
Mar 7, 2014 4:49 AM

Aug 2012
Gavin was a genius, the others were just well prepared
Dec 27, 2019 1:25 AM
Oct 2019
Edgeworth's my favourite, with Simon Blackquill in second. My least favourite is Nahyuta Sahdmadhi.
Digibutter64May 23, 2020 9:22 PM
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