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Oct 18, 2015 6:53 AM

Nov 2011
The creatures in their world seems fascinating tbh. Also, that green little alien thing is starting to bug Sougo lol

Was a fun episode I guess at the amusement park. It almost felt somewhat like a date I'm still really curious about Felia's powers though as she is able to display some hidden powers?

This episode made smile quite a bit until the mecha drama begin. I think a part of this series is becoming like a cat and mouse game.

Oct 18, 2015 7:08 AM
Jul 2014
Seems like a slow starting anime, still just daily stuff but we get a little more hint towards the extent of felia's power.
Sougo's a rich thang isn't he, buying all that stuff... Assuming that the bird/cat will become merchandise sooner or later lol
Oct 18, 2015 7:33 AM

Aug 2013
I'm really impressed how nice CG robots looks in this show, almost like it wasn't CG. Good work (for the first time I said something positive about CG wow).
Felia is like Noel <3
HidenNinpoOct 18, 2015 7:41 AM
Oct 18, 2015 7:35 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Psycho lolicon-kun has entered the fray

First half was pretty cute and really fun and I am loving this whole family dynamic between our main cast :'') Kaon is the mom, Sogo is papa and Felia is the super cute daughter (My god she is way too adorable lol)

Second half was pretty intense with all the havoc in the city and psycho boy terrorizing them all. Thankfully Sogo managed to outwit him which I loved and then Moura took care of the last mech which was cool

Great episode overall, really liking how Sogo's relationship with Kaon is growing and how cute they are together especially when they're with Felia and as I suspected, psycho boy joins Team OP Antagonists

The CGI looks really really good btw, well done 8bit
TokoyaOct 18, 2015 7:56 AM
Oct 18, 2015 7:40 AM

Jan 2012
My, my, all that trouble over a cat pigeon cake. Pretty exciting finale considering how laid back much of the first half was. Felia remains adorable, while that blue haired dude was a creeper, and now he's joined the Legion of Doom it seems...great...
Oct 18, 2015 7:48 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
So random villain A's motives and goals for doing all of this were... uhm what exactly? He wanted to see Felia use her powers? Because... why?
Oct 18, 2015 7:50 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Creepy pervs are creepy. As much as I like the pacing used for character development, I'm not sure how much content they're gonna fit in 12 episodes. Felia's 2adorible4me.

GoldenDevilGamerOct 18, 2015 8:19 AM
Oct 18, 2015 7:53 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Psycho fuck out of nowhere with no motive other than ''I want to see more of your power RapeFace'' It felt too fast as well.
Oct 18, 2015 7:56 AM

Jan 2012
What a cringeworthy episode.
I really had hopes for this, giving me a bit of an eureka 7 feeling at the start.
But the characters really suck, especially the antagonist. Guess he went to the SAO/Accel World school of being evil...
The storytelling is almost none existend and the whole bird thing was pointless as fu**

I doubt this will evolve into sth decent but i am still watching it just to make sure.

Edit: Also note to the japanese. If you can't pronounce the word "mademoiselle" don't use it every 5 seconds.. This really bothered me.
AeonenlebenOct 18, 2015 8:03 AM
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Oct 18, 2015 8:09 AM

May 2010
Great now we have a retarded annoying kid + its worm/mech with super annoying voice AND a weirdo lolicon-pervert who isnt any less annoying.

This episode is dog shit and so is the anime sofar.

The art style is is boring the animation is full cgi in action scenes and for everything else its mediocre at best. The characters are by far the biggest flaw.
KerozinnOct 18, 2015 8:18 AM
Oct 18, 2015 8:30 AM

Aug 2008
Felia is even more annoying than I expected. I don't even remember when was the last time I saw dumbass like that in an anime. Stupid and loud is not cute, it's annoying.

And what a waste of time was the first half of the episode. It's an original series, why cram in the shittest cliches and plot devices you would normally find in the worst kind of source material you can imagine.

The second half of the episode... it was just to stupid to even comment on. That came from the guy who worked on DtB and Xamd... Well, and a lot of crappy series as well so go figure.

This proves how much you can predict about a series without even watching it just by looking at the staff list. These two directors and a scrip writer truly are a sign to get the hell out of here.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 18, 2015 8:34 AM

Feb 2014
Damn what are those cables made of, they supported 2 mechas!
Oct 18, 2015 8:47 AM

Jul 2010
I had hoped that the creepy guy would stay a small fry, but getting the invitation wasn't exactly worth welcoming.

Hearing what role Felia plays, and some limitations regarding the transformation were nice, I guess.

I really hope that this goes beyond this city they live in, I would think that there are still many sights to behold, whether it is the metropolis, or a much more rural area; fantasy just isn't fantasy without exploration and discovery!
Oct 18, 2015 9:05 AM

Sep 2015
damn that hentai megane, those who bully Felia need to be executed.
Oct 18, 2015 9:15 AM
Jul 2018
Mechs on concstruction sites? How would that ever be practical? Hint: it's completely pointless.
Oct 18, 2015 9:17 AM

Jan 2015
Ah..the backgrounds are just wow.
And HOLY F*CK guys, you are complaining about this new villain that has no reason to attack Felia, how can you know that him has no motive to attack her? We don't know nothing about him, he must have a reason, maybe they'll tell us in the next episode.
Sasuga MAL
Oct 18, 2015 9:30 AM

Dec 2013
Good episodie ! Felia is cute to watch ! XD

Dat catpigeon !

Really give me vibe of an anime of the past, in a good way.
What do you think about the planetarium? That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when....
Oct 18, 2015 9:42 AM

Jul 2015
Great episode, but Cat Pigeon? WAT?
Oct 18, 2015 9:44 AM

Aug 2015
Man the art and cgi in this series so eyegasmic, anyway the episode is just too random, villain attacking Felia out of nowhere without a deep motive unless we can call his power fetish a motive but still..................
Oct 18, 2015 9:48 AM

Sep 2010
Nobody messes with do Mon's food and gets away with it.

"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -a magnet
Oct 18, 2015 10:00 AM

Mar 2012
you'd think they'd think twice before entering a mechanical train that can be controlled like the traffic lights or mecha than enter a safe building not made out of hackable tech, this felt like a filler

(Felia's too much of a kid for me to like)
CEOAmaterasuOct 18, 2015 10:08 AM
Oct 18, 2015 10:17 AM

Nov 2011
I hate pigeons but I love cats.

I feel conflicted over this 'CatPigeon' thing.
Oct 18, 2015 10:39 AM

Mar 2014
Holy crap this series is awful.
Oct 18, 2015 10:41 AM

Feb 2015
Damn! , that action again in the last minute of the episode
Oct 18, 2015 10:59 AM

May 2015
This episode was just friggin' stupid. They pretty much did nothing for the first half of it. Felia is still Chaika-levels of annoying and someone should punch the rock snake.

Second half was worse. Introducing villain with no motive, he wants to see Felia's power...why? No reason. So they make him a creepy lolicon to make the fans hate him. The problem with Sugous is that they make the fans hate the show, too. It's disgusting.
Oct 18, 2015 11:00 AM

Sep 2014
I hate the directors/writers. Why did they lure us in with the premise of a fantasy adventure and an awesome first episode and then run the show into a wall at full speed? The characters and their interactions are all so cringe-worthy, irrelevant slice of life bla...god. This is infuriating.
Oct 18, 2015 11:04 AM

Aug 2008
Xenocrisi said:
Ah..the backgrounds are just wow.
And HOLY F*CK guys, you are complaining about this new villain that has no reason to attack Felia, how can you know that him has no motive to attack her? We don't know nothing about him, he must have a reason, maybe they'll tell us in the next episode.
Sasuga MAL
You must be new to anime. Most characters in lousy series are badly written and have no reason for anything other than padding. They already presented "reason" of this freak and it can be summed up to "look what a scary, bad guy I am, feel bad for the cute little girl, oh what an action packed series" which translates to "I'm a crappy plot device, retard is scared, shit happens".
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 18, 2015 11:10 AM
Jun 2015
Wow, This show only gets worse the longer it goes on. The slice of life part of this episode doesn't really develop the characters at all and this villain must be taking notes from Sword Art online.
Oct 18, 2015 11:20 AM

Jul 2014
Lame episode compared to the previous two. Dull slice of life and a hilariously cliche villain is never a good combo. And the rock snake thing is pissing me off.

Please don't let this be wasted potential, not after the first two episodes were so good.
Oct 18, 2015 11:35 AM

Aug 2011
One of the most annoying things i've seen so far out of all the shit i've watched.

Aside from that all the characters are giving me really shallow impressions.
Heavy breathing megane lolicon-kun left an awfully terrible first impression, which doesn't bode well for the future of this series tbh.
Oct 18, 2015 11:37 AM

Feb 2015
I thought it was a decent episode, not sure what people are moaning about. The viillain was lame but the action in the second half was good.
Oct 18, 2015 11:38 AM

Dec 2013
I don't even... I'm so done.

Am I the only one repulsed by villains like these?

Like, literally physically disgusted by it. Why such things are included in a show that's hanging on a hair already?

I'm so disappointed, the trailer looked so promising, even now remembering it I can imagine the possibilities what could have been done with the setting of the show.

I'm sorry but comedy revolving around some brainless child goofing, some goofs with the mech worm is the worst thing you could do. And shopping as well. And character interactions between the main characters like "...I-i-it's not like that" as well. Is this some bottom of the barrel rom-com? Is this the best the creators can squeeze out of a show with such a strong setting and premise? Awful.
Oct 18, 2015 11:45 AM

Aug 2011
Crashmatt said:
I thought it was a decent episode, not sure what people are moaning about. The viillain was lame but the action in the second half was good.

I'm pretty sure we've all made it clear what we're moaning about.

robis798 said:
Am I the only one repulsed by villains like these?

I don't like it either.
I think crazy-eyed/face villains only work in a narrow subset of shows like an extremely goofy parody or Jojo or something along those lines.
Or at least the other characters have to be really REALLY good in order to compensate for that one character.
Oct 18, 2015 11:47 AM

Aug 2015
ShadowTheRaven said:
Sogo just summoned a massive robot..
Sogo=official master of mecha-class servant

Fate 2.0 confirmed

The Sixth Holy Grail War is starting

This episode was meh, I am kinda tempted to drop it ...

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
rodacOct 18, 2015 1:15 PM
Oct 18, 2015 11:56 AM
Aug 2012
HaXXspetten said:
So random villain A's motives and goals for doing all of this were... uhm what exactly? He wanted to see Felia use her powers? Because... why?

The same motive the turbo virgin neckbeard from Sky Wizards Academy had. That's literally what this boiled down to.
In fact they both look exactly the same aside from the fact that Nua was blonde
TropicalwoodOct 18, 2015 12:02 PM
Oct 18, 2015 12:04 PM

May 2015
More world development please. The episodes have been decent, but what is going on? Alfredo is bringing reminders of that perverted psycho from SAO.. gross..
Oct 18, 2015 12:04 PM

Sep 2013
It's amazing how easy people are brainwashed into the bandwagon XD
"yeah I agree it was bad"
reasons: .....

The episode was fine, the villain was a looney (he will be a bigger threat now that he's joined the guy's team) but everything else was on point, thou the fight on the wire tight rope should have been longer :'( 9/10

I finally realized where I saw that moura mech before :O
It looks like dai shogun's mech XD lmfao

That Cat Pigeon thou :O
What a BEASTLY animal <3
Merchandise when?

Oct 18, 2015 12:05 PM

Dec 2013
Oh yeah, those birds the loli found is probably incredible worldbuilding.
Oct 18, 2015 12:07 PM

Sep 2014
ichii_1 said:
It's amazing how easy people are brainwashed into the bandwagon XD
"yeah I agree it was bad"
reasons: .....

Says and proceeds with:

"Episode was decent"
Reasons: .....
Oct 18, 2015 12:08 PM

Apr 2013
Kerozinn said:
Great now we have a retarded annoying kid + its worm/mech with super annoying voice AND a weirdo lolicon-pervert who isnt any less annoying.

This episode is dog shit and so is the anime sofar.

The art style is is boring the animation is full cgi in action scenes and for everything else its mediocre at best. The characters are by far the biggest flaw.

this anime is exactly what I'd hope it wouldnt be, generic garbage with mechas in it.
Oct 18, 2015 12:22 PM

Sep 2013
robis798 said:
Oh yeah, those birds the loli found is probably incredible worldbuilding.

It shows the fantasy aspect and it was fun, sorry this isn't filled with edgy deaths and philosophical sayings at every turn, how about you appreciate it for what it's doing.

Miragee said:
ichii_1 said:
It's amazing how easy people are brainwashed into the bandwagon XD
"yeah I agree it was bad"
reasons: .....

Says and proceeds with:

"Episode was decent"
Reasons: .....

I said everything was on point meaning the animation, and what the episode went for aka a fun trip and tense fight.
Keep up please.
ichii_1Oct 18, 2015 12:29 PM
Oct 18, 2015 12:28 PM

Jan 2012
The antagonist was clearly portraied as obsessive pervert, and looks and acts EXACTLY like the antagonists of SAO and Accel World wich are known as one of the most one-dimensional antagonists there are.

Sure this has some sort of crappy backstory but the sole fact that the complete cast of this anime is lacking even a little bit of depth is undeniable. This only has 12 episodes so we are 1/4th through it and there has been no real characterisation at all wich is reason to doubt there will be any at all since the plot has to fit somewhere between the dumb slapstick as well.

You got a lead that has pretty much done nothing significant at all so far. Showing only the usual hero-mentally but doesn't even interact much with the other characters, a stereotypical-loli that just acts like a kid, a childhood firend that only blushes and plays mother for the kid and a mecha-worm with the artificial intelligence of a Alpha version of windows vista.

The saddest thing here is that this is an original work, not bound to crappy source material like all this LN-Bullshit. But they seem to drive this golden oppurtunity straight against the wall with crappy slapstick and lack of depth.

Mod Edit: Derailing comments directed towards another user removed. Please discuss the episode, not each others' lists or taste in anime.
rodacOct 18, 2015 1:21 PM
"Es irrt der Mensch, solang er strebt." - Faust I, Vers 317
Oct 18, 2015 12:47 PM

Sep 2014
ichii_1 said:
robis798 said:
Oh yeah, those birds the loli found is probably incredible worldbuilding.

It shows the fantasy aspect and it was fun, sorry this isn't filled with edgy deaths and philosophical sayings at every turn, how about you appreciate it for what it's doing.

Miragee said:

Says and proceeds with:

"Episode was decent"
Reasons: .....

I said everything was on point meaning the animation, and what the episode went for aka a fun trip and tense fight.
Keep up please.

Yep you said that, without telling us reasons why that's the case. So? You are doing the exact same you are complaining about. I think enough people said what they thought was bad, similar to how you said what you thought was good. I don't know why you feel so entitled to be allowed your own impression without going in-depth while others apparently aren't allowed to do so.
Oct 18, 2015 12:48 PM

Jan 2008
robis798 said:
I don't even... I'm so done.

Am I the only one repulsed by villains like these?

Like, literally physically disgusted by it. Why such things are included in a show that's hanging on a hair already?

I'm so disappointed, the trailer looked so promising, even now remembering it I can imagine the possibilities what could have been done with the setting of the show.

I'm sorry but comedy revolving around some brainless child goofing, some goofs with the mech worm is the worst thing you could do. And shopping as well. And character interactions between the main characters like "...I-i-it's not like that" as well. Is this some bottom of the barrel rom-com? Is this the best the creators can squeeze out of a show with such a strong setting and premise? Awful.

Nope, you're not alone. You've pretty much summed up my whole opinion on this episode. And it looks like we'll be seeing more of this perverted pedophile since he gets recruited by the shady looking military dudes.
Oct 18, 2015 12:57 PM

Aug 2008
Tropicalwood said:
HaXXspetten said:
So random villain A's motives and goals for doing all of this were... uhm what exactly? He wanted to see Felia use her powers? Because... why?

The same motive the turbo virgin neckbeard from Sky Wizards Academy had. That's literally what this boiled down to.
In fact they both look exactly the same aside from the fact that Nua was blonde
I hate to say it but compared to this, that failure of a villain from Kusen is a fairly complex character. At least he wanted the girl and was such a wimp he was hungry for power when the occasion appeared.

It's kind of sad but many series from this season make Kusen look like an almost decent series...
Ii tenki desu ne...
Oct 18, 2015 1:14 PM

Aug 2015
Villains like the one from today's episode annoy me so much. Overall I thought the episode was good and the action in the second half was cool.
Oct 18, 2015 1:14 PM

Sep 2014
damn this show sucks
looks ugly, annoying characters, random generic and disgusting villain straight out of the ass
2/10 dropped
ImaishiOct 18, 2015 1:18 PM
Oct 18, 2015 1:27 PM

Mar 2013
dont know why.. but when I saw that little green alien.. ai-kun came in my mind.

Oct 18, 2015 1:29 PM
Jul 2018
The megane guy was one creepy pervert.
Oct 18, 2015 1:34 PM

Dec 2013
Uh, a bit negative opinions ... I hope the next episodes will change some opinion, IMO it is a bit too early to come to a full judgment.

For now I really like it.
What do you think about the planetarium? That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when....
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