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Sep 16, 2015 3:33 AM
Woah that was a really great chapter.......we are officially out of Dressrosa now and it's finally conformed that we are getting a fleet........and I really liked the way the exchanging sake cups was done and luffy's reaction..........and that Fujitora face though:rofl:.........also that last panel with the narrator saying "all this will lead to a very big incident".........FORESHADOWING AGAIN......overall it was worth it |
Sep 16, 2015 3:48 AM
Sep 16, 2015 4:02 AM
Sep 16, 2015 4:24 AM
"It will lead to a very big incident..." What incident? TELL MEEE!!!! Oda you better not die by some freak accident before you finish One Piece, or I will come hunting you. |
Ad Astra Per Aspera |
Sep 16, 2015 4:35 AM
Dimitrije1606 said: "It will lead to a very big incident..." What incident? TELL MEEE!!!! Oda you better not die by some freak accident before you finish One Piece, or I will come hunting you. He has written a script in case that happens,which he entrusted to his assistants. It´s unlikely that he´ll die but possible and OP will probably, conclude in 10 years in 2015 with chapter 1200. |
Sep 16, 2015 4:36 AM
Awesome 800th chapter. Looks like Luffys bounty is indeed 500million now going by mangastream. |
Sep 16, 2015 5:04 AM
im liking fujitora more and more!!! and that narration at the end o.O a big incident? foreshadowing? anyway really liked this chapter and now luffy has 5600 man under him :) |
*people die when they are killed* - emiya shirou....... |
Sep 16, 2015 5:11 AM
Sep 16, 2015 5:12 AM
That foreshadowing: "All this will lead to a very big incident... But for now... It's still an untold story." where the 7 underlings will play a huge role and "leave a mark in history". I kinda have mixed feelings with this, but it is the most understandable and typical of Luffy. Now the important question is, Luffy is $500 million bounty? WOT, it felt so out of place, and did they updated his bounty immediately after Doflamingo lost? I kind want a more hyped up process towards it. |
![]() "Have you ever encounter a wild beast that guarantees to never bite anyone?" ~ Roronoa Zoro |
Sep 16, 2015 5:17 AM
Isterio said: He has written a script in case that happens,which he entrusted to his assistants. It´s unlikely that he´ll die but good to know lol, never bothered looking into that, tnx! now at least i know it'll continue if he gets into an accident or smth, unlike some other good manga (imo at least, tastes differ ofc) which just stopped for years now cuz the main writer got ill.. I'm sure if a writer gets ill he'd want his work to continue in stead of him feeling even worse because his 'dream' also stopped.. anyway as for the chapter, hmm... dunno.. in 1 way, i'm kinda happy (with the part of those idiots doing whatever the hell they want, just like they were told to lol, Luffy's straight forwardness got him into this kind of shit again, haha), on the other hand, not that happy as i kinda feel that the chapter was being dragged on, just like with the part where it says "big things will happen", well that's a bit obv, no..? if anyone who didn't even do big things could become pirate king, then what would be the point of the story anyway..? so imo, it should have contained a bit more, for example we could see a really small convo with Fuji and Sengoku after Fuji got surpriced by Sengoku, that's the funny shit lol.. and ps, lol @ that opening page of sanji and robin as Snow White |
HiroyuukiSep 16, 2015 5:21 AM
Sep 16, 2015 5:17 AM
Raven-kun said: Now the important question is, Luffy is $500 million bounty? WOT, it felt so out of place, and did they updated his bounty immediately after Doflamingo lost? I kind want a more hyped up process towards it. The Strawhats were assumed to be dead, they most likely updated it once he came back and appeared on Shabondy Archipelago destroying three pacifistas. It´s more likely that they´re gonna update it even further now. |
Sep 16, 2015 5:17 AM
knew it. Laws crew now please! :D |
Sep 16, 2015 5:22 AM
Hiroyuuki said: Isterio said: He has written a script in case that happens,which he entrusted to his assistants. It´s unlikely that he´ll die but good to know lol, never bothered looking into that, tnx! now at least i know it'll continue if he gets into an accident or smth, unlike some other good manga (imo at least, tastes differ ofc) which just stopped for years now cuz the main writer got ill.. I'm sure if a writer gets ill he'd want his work to continue in stead of him feeling even worse because his 'dream' also stopped.. It´s unlikely that Oda ever would hand over his work after getting ill. but the script is somewhere hidden in a closet or something and only his Editor and one assistant if my mind serves me right know of it´s location. It´s preparation only for the unfortunate case of his premature death through whatever means. Similar to how George R.R Martin entrusted the TV show team with the ending. |
Sep 16, 2015 5:25 AM
Sep 16, 2015 5:39 AM
btw now that i think about it, where is Bellamy? if i remember right we haven't seen him on the ship as of yet, huh? |
Sep 16, 2015 5:39 AM
That was a fast bounty up. Are u telling me no one other than Luffy had an increased bounty tho? I really hope the others had one too D: |
Sep 16, 2015 5:42 AM
Hiroyuuki said: btw now that i think about it, where is Bellamy? if i remember right we haven't seen him on the ship as of yet, huh? Now that u mention it I wonder. Hope he stayed on Dressrosa even tho I doubt it XD |
Sep 16, 2015 5:52 AM
Hiroyuuki said: btw now that i think about it, where is Bellamy? if i remember right we haven't seen him on the ship as of yet, huh? Don´t speak of the devil or you´ll make him show up. |
Sep 16, 2015 6:14 AM
Just read the mangastream version and it was more awesome and yeah Luffy bounty is now 500 millions and can't wait to see how the rest of the crews bounty are now. |
Sep 16, 2015 6:18 AM
Isterio said: Raven-kun said: Now the important question is, Luffy is $500 million bounty? WOT, it felt so out of place, and did they updated his bounty immediately after Doflamingo lost? I kind want a more hyped up process towards it. The Strawhats were assumed to be dead, they most likely updated it once he came back and appeared on Shabondy Archipelago destroying three pacifistas. It´s more likely that they´re gonna update it even further now. It was still on 400 million during the Dressrosa arc. But that seems to be the most plausible explanation, though I kinda find it just "out of nowhere", I rather have a buildup towards discovering new bounties, like from a newspaper article |
![]() "Have you ever encounter a wild beast that guarantees to never bite anyone?" ~ Roronoa Zoro |
Sep 16, 2015 6:30 AM
Raven-kun said: It was still on 400 million during the Dressrosa arc. But that seems to be the most plausible explanation, though I kinda find it just "out of nowhere", I rather have a buildup towards discovering new bounties, like from a newspaper article As far as I can judge it, there are two options. 1.Oda doesn´t bother anymore with bounties as he keeps moving Luffy to his endgame aka worlds biggest and most dangerous criminal. 2. Oda forgott to raise them, didn´t pay attention to that detail and now he has to make something up, using the excuse of a random raise during the 3days Luffy recovered by only 100 million for beating Flamingo. |
Sep 16, 2015 6:42 AM
sushantssj said: Woah that was a really great chapter.......we are officially out of Dressrosa now and it's finally conformed that we are getting a fleet........and I really liked the way the exchanging sake cups was done and luffy's reaction..........and that Fujitora face though:rofl:.........also that last panel with the narrator saying "all this will lead to a very big incident".........FORESHADOWING AGAIN......overall it was worth it Guess the big event is the war that Kaido plans or the war after Luffy finds One Piece. Or that war could be the same??? Other than that, nothing could be, nothing that would make the 'underlings' go down in history. |
Sep 16, 2015 6:49 AM
500million is pretty low for a man who took down Punk Hazard (former government facility) protected by Law a Shichibukai (undercover) and with the G5 stationed. Then taking down Doflamingo, who is also a Shichibukai and a former world noble and king of dressrosa. Just a 100berry increase?! I was expecting it to be 570+ or something or at least equal Aces' 550million berry bounty. For sure news will fly that those on the dressrosa attack squad will get an increase. Luffy is said and done. 1. Law from a Shichibukai to former and now known as a "D" and the mastermind of the pirate alliance, i'd expect a big increase for him from 440 to 500+??? 2. Zoro from 120 to ??, 3. Ussop (Known as the GOD in dressrosa) from 30m to maybe 70+ 4. Nico Robin from 88m to 90-100m??? 5. Franky from 44m to maybe 50-60+?? 6. Brook from 33m to 40-50+?? I can't wait for the next Arc! I'm hype! And here I was expecting it to be released tomorrow, Oda with the surpirse attack. |
Sep 16, 2015 6:49 AM
Sep 16, 2015 6:53 AM
Sep 16, 2015 6:53 AM
I am liking Fujitora and Sengoku more and more. I really can't wait for the Reverie, where Fujitora would most definitely play a role in. He is gonna be awesome! plz Oda I want his backstory too, presumably linked to the 7th shichibukai I really like how Oda handled the rejection and included the theme of freedom. It's cool to see that the 7 captains persist on despite getting rejected, claiming it's their form of freedom, to do whatever they want to. I am also glad that Oda included a panel or two of Kyros and Rebecca, that was a good closure to their story. I cried tears of happiness for them, when they talked about the warmth of another person, and it showed the flashback of toy Kyros not able to feel any warmth. I remember toy Kyros not able to feel his dying wife's body temperature, and that really got to me. Really glad for Kyros. (of course for Rebecca too) Isterio said: I don't know what you mean by "only 100 mil" and why it should be "over 100 mil for beating DD".2. Oda forgott to raise them, didn´t pay attention to that detail and now he has to make something up, using the excuse of a random raise during the 3days Luffy recovered by only 100 million for beating Flamingo. We've been told that bounty doesn't raise so easily after a certain point if I remember correctly, so 100 mil raise after the 'certain point' is a big deal, Luffy now holds the highest bounty among the supernovas of that we know, if that is indeed a bounty raise and not a mistranslation / mistake by Oda. Second point, why should Luffy get an increase in bounty for taking down DD, especially after Fujitora made the public announcement that Doflamingo was behind the destruction of Dressrosa. Is it just because Doflamingo is a celestial dragon (well ex-CD) and a shichibukai? Yes, he has become quite a notorious pirate, but even if that did increase his bounty, I don't think it deserves more. Edit: Regarding Baby 5, I really feel that we need to see more from her perspective. I am not such a fan of how she changes side and totally didn't feel a thing about the fall of Doffy's family. I feel that something needs to be done on that part. Also, funny Law in the second last panel of the last page: Zoro forces Law to join the party. XD |
ToG25thBaamSep 16, 2015 6:56 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short -------------------------------------------- most kawaii loli overlord ---------------------------- Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control |
Sep 16, 2015 6:56 AM
A bit dissapointed with the big 800, it was a just follow up to 799 with nothing special. I thought he'd show us what other characters are doing. Good job polluting the sea with your rubble, Fujitora. |
Drake1000Sep 16, 2015 7:05 AM
Sep 16, 2015 6:57 AM
MS version just makes it much better. Expected them to work for luffy and that happened one way or another. But the next bounty of Luffy I thought would be above or the same as Ace. Still a jump of 100 mill after 400 mill is quite big. The parts with Fujitora and Zoro were hilarious. Zoro just forcing law into all of this xd. |
Sep 16, 2015 7:02 AM
Captain of a grand fleet . Freedom of a pledge . Beer to anyone ~ !! |
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Sep 16, 2015 7:15 AM
ToG25thBaam said: Isterio said: I don't know what you mean by "only 100 mil" and why it should be "over 100 mil for beating DD".2. Oda forgott to raise them, didn´t pay attention to that detail and now he has to make something up, using the excuse of a random raise during the 3days Luffy recovered by only 100 million for beating Flamingo. We've been told that bounty doesn't raise so easily after a certain point if I remember correctly, so 100 mil raise after the 'certain point' is a big deal, Luffy now holds the highest bounty among the supernovas of that we know, if that is indeed a bounty raise and not a mistranslation / mistake by Oda. Second point, why should Luffy get an increase in bounty for taking down DD, especially after Fujitora made the public announcement that Doflamingo was behind the destruction of Dressrosa. Is it just because Doflamingo is a celestial dragon (well ex-CD) and a shichibukai? Yes, he has become quite a notorious pirate, but even if that did increase his bounty, I don't think it deserves more. Why I consider this 100m bounty raise not planned if not being raised since the Strawhats return. 1.The bounty of Luffy rose to 100 million for seemingly no apparent reason after Alabasta, a 70 million increase, just for getting blamed to have caused havoc on the country,While they gave smoker the praise for saving it. 2. The second increase followed after declaring war to the world government. 200 million tripling the bounty. 3. The third increase were another 100 million for ringing the bell of justice to give his crew the message, but not fightning in Marineford, as he was just one of many. 4.The last increase is undefined, however many factors changed, Akainu is fleet admiral now and he hates Luffy with a passion, they took down Doflamingo and Fuji openly declared to the "Dressrosa people" that the Srawhats safed them, there was no public announcement. Given the position the Tenryubito and Akainu are in currently, it would make perfect sense to blame anything that happened on Dressrosa on the Strawhats to the outside world. Furthermore a 100 million increase are peanuts considering how dangerous they have to deem him towards the world Government at this point, especially when middle timeskip Law reached a bounty of 440 million during the timeskip.Luffy declared war to the wolrd government and escaped them and only hit 300million with that.What did Law do to them to make them deem him more dangerous than Strawhat. Luffy had the highest bounty pre timeskip with 400 million, alone the fact that he was inactive and returns now is enough to push him over the edge.If he actuallly made another controlled country fall (as they would want the public to believe),they should deem him more dangerous than sloppy 100m. Dragon is freeing countries left and right adding them to his army, he and his people are considered more dangerous than "all the pirates combined". Which is understandable, his bounty is indefinite. However, it makes no logical sense to keep downplaying the Strawhats at this point anymore with their accomplishments, except Oda tries to go for the shounen cliche of the villain that loses to his arrogance. |
IsterioSep 16, 2015 7:21 AM
Sep 16, 2015 7:32 AM
Awesome, I'm really happy that he's got a fleet that's backing him. |
Forum set made by my secret santa, Nate! |
Sep 16, 2015 7:39 AM
Barion-Zara said: PS...Loved how Zoro had his arm around Law's back at the end of the chap being all buddy buddy XD That and Zoro drinking the cup sort of cements him as the underboss of the Strawhats and implies he'll be dealing with the underlings as the enforcer and liaison, in a Caporegime sort of way. If you think of Luffy Luciano as the putative capo di tutti capi, then you could see Zoro in the role of Vito Genovese, and Sanji as Frank Costello and maybe Law as Joey Bananas or another founding member of the Commission... |
Sep 16, 2015 7:59 AM
well everyone talking about Luffy's bounty only being increased by 100m, we have to remember 1 detail though.. Wasn't it stated before that after 400m, your bounty doesn't go up UNLESS you did smth really threatening or whatever? So for Punk Hazard and Fishmen Island, it isn't known to the ppl in the world, aside for the government themselves or the fishmen, so i see no reason for an increase in bounty for that. Now for the takedown of Mingo, that's another story, he 'disrupted' the 3 main powers in the world, yet again. I kinda agree with 100m only for that, it wasn't him alone who did it anyway, he couldn't have done it without Law his damage inflicted to Mingo. Also, the bounty mentioned is the same day as the day he was thought to kidnap a princess, which im pretty sure is a reason for a bounty to go beyond 400m, so i can see another bounty increase happen for that in the next few chapters (should say days in the storyline though, depends on how Oda will make the timeflow go by in his chapters) with a newspaper mentioning all their bounties. ps: poor Sanji, won't have his bounty increased that much as he wasn't part of the main force in dressrosa, so he probably only got an increase for him still being alive lol |
Sep 16, 2015 8:05 AM
Dahaka_ said: ^after 300 mils it's harder to rise it right, 300m, not 400, my bad ;p |
Sep 16, 2015 8:11 AM
anyway Has anyone even noticed that the narrator didn't include Luffy in his speech? He's talking specifically that those 7 pirates will be responsible for something big, not Luffy. |
Sep 16, 2015 8:42 AM
Isterio said: First thing first, didn't Fujitora broadcast himself apologizing to the neighbour country? That would of gotten the news out, and that is probably why it reached Akainu's ears.1.The bounty of Luffy rose to 100 million for seemingly no apparent reason after Alabasta, a 70 million increase, just for getting blamed to have caused havoc on the country,While they gave smoker the praise for saving it. 2. The second increase followed after declaring war to the world government. 200 million tripling the bounty. 3. The third increase were another 100 million for ringing the bell of justice to give his crew the message, but not fightning in Marineford, as he was just one of many. 4.The last increase is undefined, however many factors changed, Akainu is fleet admiral now and he hates Luffy with a passion, they took down Doflamingo and Fuji openly declared to the "Dressrosa people" that the Srawhats safed them, there was no public announcement. Given the position the Tenryubito and Akainu are in currently, it would make perfect sense to blame anything that happened on Dressrosa on the Strawhats to the outside world. Furthermore a 100 million increase are peanuts considering how dangerous they have to deem him towards the world Government at this point, especially when middle timeskip Law reached a bounty of 440 million during the timeskip.Luffy declared war to the wolrd government and escaped them and only hit 300million with that.What did Law do to them to make them deem him more dangerous than Strawhat. Luffy had the highest bounty pre timeskip with 400 million, alone the fact that he was inactive and returns now is enough to push him over the edge.If he actuallly made another controlled country fall (as they would want the public to believe),they should deem him more dangerous than sloppy 100m. Dragon is freeing countries left and right adding them to his army, he and his people are considered more dangerous than "all the pirates combined". Which is understandable, his bounty is indefinite. However, it makes no logical sense to keep downplaying the Strawhats at this point anymore with their accomplishments, except Oda tries to go for the shounen cliche of the villain that loses to his arrogance. 1. In Alabasta, this is the first act of Luffy going directly against the World Government, not small marines department, but the system itself, the shichibukai under the world government, thus he was deemed a dangerous individual and got his bounty to a 70 mil raise. 2. Yep he invaded one of the 3 government jurisdiction, and directly declared war on the WG. It tripled his bounty. 3. I don't think that's all that. He invaded Impel Down and freed all the prisoners, arrived at marineford and news about his lineage got revealed, and came back to marineford once again to do his bell ringing thing which caused the Marine HQ to "lose face". This incident wasn't covered up like it was in Alabasta, Smoker was even shown to make this point clear few chapters back. Luffy is not the villain of Dressrosa, it was Doflamingo. There is no reason why it should go up even more just for DD's defeat. Also the fact that bounties don't get raised so easily after 300 mil as stated by above comments. As for what Law did, we would probably never got to see them, but regardless, they are still part of the supernova and in the worst generation. Oda hyped them up so they definitely did caused some chaos in the New World. Dahaka_ said: Noticed that but didn't pay much attention to it. Definitely couldn't wait to see what Oda has in store for the 7 crews under Luffy.anyway Has anyone even noticed that the narrator didn't include Luffy in his speech? He's talking specifically that those 7 pirates will be responsible for something big, not Luffy. |
Honobono Log - best slice of life short -------------------------------------------- most kawaii loli overlord ---------------------------- Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control |
Sep 16, 2015 8:47 AM
Epic Chapter, As i expected luffy refused the proposal, he wants to be free than to have power. The ending is just funny. Happy 800th Chapter. Congrats Oda-sensei |
Sep 16, 2015 9:21 AM
Well this ends the arc, Luffy has this great alliance weather he likes it or not. Ha ha. I liked the chapter, and nice to see how people understand Luffy and how to make him be their boss, just have an alliance, simple as that. When all of Doflamingo's customer come up looking revenge, Fujitora of all people helps, I do hope him getting saying how he had no right to capture them doesn't get him in anymore trouble. Great chapter. |
Sep 16, 2015 9:51 AM
What if everyone from luffy's past joined his alliance. Franky Family, The girl from alabasta, Sky island, Fish man Island, and more. It would be cool to see everyone from the past. Meeting up at with luffy at Dressrosa after 2 years of training. This would be cool ^_^ |
Sep 16, 2015 10:00 AM
yeah yeah great chapter....but i want to know one thing....where the hell is the Bull? |
Sep 16, 2015 11:20 AM
short_review said: Isterio said: short_review said: So in the end we all lose. He didn't accept and at the same time the 7 did as they please. Ah ah. Nice :p Didn´t you call exactly that outcome? Not really. I said that Luffy would refuse and tell us being the king of pirate means being free. Here I was right. But I wouldn't imagine they would exchange the cup between themselves nonetheless. Can't say I expected it, but I couldn't figure it "not happening" at all considering the build up. I guess everyone's happy? sheidesu said: I KNOW A LOT OF YOU HAVE NOTICED THIS BUT... BABY 5 IS NOW OFFICIALLY LUFFY'S UNDERLING! Well, Sai is on the ship, and she's sorta engaged to him. Law is hilarious. Anyway, all we need left is Riku and possibly Bellamy, and looks like Dressrosa is over. |
ashfrliebertSep 16, 2015 11:50 AM
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ |
Sep 16, 2015 11:39 AM
800th chapter !!! "All this will lead to a very big incident... But for now... It's still an untold story." the hype is already here |
Sep 16, 2015 12:31 PM
Sep 16, 2015 12:49 PM
Omg, I was really excited when the chapter came out so early, best way to end this arc. |
Sep 16, 2015 1:04 PM
Just the kind of reply I expected from Luffy. |
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Sep 16, 2015 1:30 PM
Isterio said: The way it is now, it is called Chekov Gun where he called out something that gonna happen later in the series, the same way Shanks called out the turning point of the era (Marineford) when he met Whiteberad.G_Spark233 said: Poor Luffy got his bounty lowered to 5 million lol That foreshadowing at the end was strong. Y blatantly stating things is now foreshadowing! I´m gonna take a dumb later. FORESHADOWING! GODA DID IT AGAIN. But depend on what's gonna happen next, it could become a foreshadowing. If one of those seven were to die in the near future. Ace dead and this [spoiler] Basically same style of narration and information, might be called repetitive but still a foreshadowing nonetheless. |
Sep 16, 2015 1:45 PM
tr1ckst3r said: Isterio said: The way it is now, it is called Chekov Gun where he called out something that gonna happen later in the series, the same way Shanks called out the turning point of the era (Marineford) when he met Whiteberad.G_Spark233 said: Poor Luffy got his bounty lowered to 5 million lol That foreshadowing at the end was strong. Y blatantly stating things is now foreshadowing! I´m gonna take a dumb later. FORESHADOWING! GODA DID IT AGAIN. But depend on what's gonna happen next, it could become a foreshadowing. If one of those seven were to die in the near future. Ace dead and this [spoiler] Basically same style of narration and information, might be called repetitive but still a foreshadowing nonetheless. There is proof that they are similar but not the same. The main point of my argument was how, foreshadowing requires to be subtle to be foreshadowing. If a character or narrator blatantly states what he´s gonna do, there is no foreshadowing to it. Because as the meaning indicates "shadow" , it´s meant to be cryptic, which it isn´t in this case, it´s a vague comment but no real foreshadowing hinting towards a specific outcome, that only rereading/rewatching the series makes the reader realize the worth of the scene that foreshadowed the event. Else we´d have to consider every war declaration, every contest/battle challenge, every comment portraying future events in a fictional work as foreshadowing. |
IsterioSep 16, 2015 1:54 PM
Sep 16, 2015 1:58 PM
Isterio said: tr1ckst3r said: Isterio said: G_Spark233 said: Poor Luffy got his bounty lowered to 5 million lol That foreshadowing at the end was strong. Y blatantly stating things is now foreshadowing! I´m gonna take a dumb later. FORESHADOWING! GODA DID IT AGAIN. But depend on what's gonna happen next, it could become a foreshadowing. If one of those seven were to die in the near future. Ace dead and this [spoiler] Basically same style of narration and information, might be called repetitive but still a foreshadowing nonetheless. There is proof that they are similar but not the same. The main point of my argument was how, foreshadowing requires to be subtle to be foreshadowing. If a character or narrator blatantly states what he´s gonna do, there is no foreshadowing to it. Because as the meaning indicates "shadow" , it´s meant to be cryptic. Never said that they're the same, right now it is only a Chekov Gun BUT i'm gonna told you again, If someone out of those 7 were to die, it's a foreshadowing not about the big event but foreshadowing about they're dead, why? because last time Oda used those kind of narration, Ace dead. And foreshadowing should be subtle and whatnot is shit. why? because foreshadowing itself is not that hard to pull. It's just Oda is one of many mangaka that loves to use it. if a character said in the first episode that he hate an octopus and later it is revealed that back when he was a kid he got tentacle raped, it is a foreshadowing about his hatred toward octopus. It is foreshadowing. about whether it's good or bad as a foreshadowing is a completely different story. |
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