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Aug 28, 2015 8:47 PM
May 2015
Demonism said:
Meiko is so fucking perfect, I love her more and more after every episode.
Lost my shit when she fell off that door, she can be so awkward and clumsy :'D

Anzu and Shingo are adorable, glad that she admitted the truth and that the guys are a team again.

That's one of the points of Meiko's character it seems. She excels at being unintentionally funny
Aug 28, 2015 8:49 PM
May 2015
JTLouie said:
I still don't like Shingo despite him apologizing. He's been an asshole for basically the whole series so far so I'm not gonna go from hating to liking him just yet.

Andre, obviously, was fucking hilarious, I screen capped at least like 10 pics from him cuz they were so damn funny.

I'm a bit salty that Shingo gets such a sexy bitch on his side. Out of all the dudes I feel like he deserves a girl the least, especially one as good looking as Anzu. I hope the other guys each get a girlfriend eventually. I can see Andre getting an abusive gf LOL.

9/10 episode, the -1 cuz we couldn't see Anzu's nipps.

Shingo was only a bitch for literally 2 episodes and he did have reasons to be pissed
Aug 28, 2015 8:55 PM

Aug 2013
Great episode, this plot really is very good, even knowing what was going to happen I was excited the whole episode waiting for the events, large scenes, especially with the expressions of the characters, not finished this season, but already I expect a next ..
Aug 28, 2015 9:02 PM
May 2015
These females had better have some real good backstory to suggest why their ideals are so morally fucked up
Aug 28, 2015 9:08 PM
Apr 2015
That was awesome.Excellent plot! 5/5
Meiko best grill^^
If only every ecchi series was as good as this.
Aug 28, 2015 9:13 PM

Dec 2014
I'm just amazed how Shingo's confession scene almost made me burst into tears and also made me laugh out loud in less than 5 minutes.
Aug 28, 2015 9:19 PM

Apr 2010
Andre's face after he finally got whipped. LOL And Shingo's face after he got beat up for seeing Anzu's goods. Double LOL
Aug 28, 2015 9:22 PM
Oct 2014
Lol. The story is deeper than meets the eyes and the characters are just bloody awesome. That last part with Meiko: justice has been served.

4.5 out of 5. Best ecchi of the season.
Aug 28, 2015 9:25 PM

Jan 2014
Well although exaggerated, what can I say. Human disorders like masochism are a very frightening thing, specially when they can be sickening to downright disturbing levels. In the end the idea is to feel sympathetic of poor Andre that does not get his beating, but that's quickly overshadowed by how disturbing the entire shit is.

Checking back that Nip scene is REAL (even with censors, you can see it clear). Shingo was the star here, from learning of his mistakes and fighting back as hard as he could for redemption. The scene of his apology, and sudden beating was way too funny, everybody was happy and then in less than 5 secs, he was a bloody pulp on the ground.

The student council are real bitches, Mari being the foremost and most unbearable here. I mean she is a total hypocrite. Ok her father is an uncontrollable pervert with an ass-fetish and she is right to not think much of him. But are you seriously going to use something you're aware is of low standings as your compass point to judge all MAN-kind? You gotta get it straight Mari. Besides if the boys were so really truly awful as you believe them to be, would it be necesary to pull this scheme to have them drop? Really Mari, you've got no justification at all, you're just the criminal you hate all along.

I'm not sure how this will end up like, but I want to see her downfall.
Aug 28, 2015 9:26 PM

Jan 2010
I wait for

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Aug 28, 2015 9:32 PM

Dec 2014
WillKamio said:
I wait for

Maybe this will be covered next episode?
Aug 28, 2015 9:35 PM
Jul 2015
Trentor11 said:
JTLouie said:
I still don't like Shingo despite him apologizing. He's been an asshole for basically the whole series so far so I'm not gonna go from hating to liking him just yet.

Andre, obviously, was fucking hilarious, I screen capped at least like 10 pics from him cuz they were so damn funny.

I'm a bit salty that Shingo gets such a sexy bitch on his side. Out of all the dudes I feel like he deserves a girl the least, especially one as good looking as Anzu. I hope the other guys each get a girlfriend eventually. I can see Andre getting an abusive gf LOL.

9/10 episode, the -1 cuz we couldn't see Anzu's nipps.

Shingo was only a bitch for literally 2 episodes and he did have reasons to be pissed

Actually he started being a bitch around like episode 3. He'd always be a snitch, like whenever he'd see someone slacking off or something he'd go whine and say it's not fair. In episode 4, he kept whining about the MC not doing his work (this was when he left for the date with Chiyo) and he even told the Vice Pres. Not to mention that after that, he was the one who started the boycott with the MC. So really, he's been a dick for at least 3 or 4 episodes which is HALF the series so far. I think I have a justified opinion to not like him YET. I'll have to see some more things about him for me to like him more.
One dream that will probably never come true: A full anime adaptation of Kimi no Iru Machi or Suzuka anime reboot.

"It Happens."
Aug 28, 2015 9:54 PM

Apr 2015
crime in seeing nipples. LOL
Aug 28, 2015 10:06 PM

Oct 2011
Shingo confessed and he got his beating. Nipples are a serious crime indeed
Aug 28, 2015 11:24 PM

Jan 2013
Good episode, the underground student council is infuriating as of now.
Aug 28, 2015 11:31 PM

Dec 2012
Trentor11 said:
These females had better have some real good backstory to suggest why their ideals are so morally fucked up

As far as the manga goes;

Aug 29, 2015 12:15 AM

Aug 2015
JTLouie said:
9/10 episode, the -1 cuz we couldn't see Anzu's nipps.
Aug 29, 2015 12:38 AM

Dec 2013
This was amazing.

5/5. Friends forever, until the one guy got to see nipples 8)
"No one knows what the future holds. That's why its potential is infinite.” - Okabe Rintarou

"El Psy Congroo."

Kirino Kyousake Picture
Aug 29, 2015 1:52 AM

Jun 2015
Best epoisode so far,,,,,
Aug 29, 2015 2:41 AM

Aug 2014
Of course the Vice President moments are going to be weak, they were weak even in the manga. It grosses me out more than Andre, whose facial expression were just AMAZING during this episode.
Aug 29, 2015 4:46 AM

Aug 2013
Aug 29, 2015 5:05 AM

May 2014
LOOOL dat Andre epic orgasm moment was so funny!

Good episode as always!
"A life that lives without doing anything is the same as a slow death" -Lelouch Vi Brittania
Aug 29, 2015 5:44 AM

Jul 2015
WillKamio said:
I wait for

Anyways, the episode was

"You shall fall in love with someone who doesn't love you.
For not loving someone who did"

Aug 29, 2015 5:45 AM

Mar 2012
Andre would make a good Kyojin :P

Well looks like Shingo got the beating he deserved though it was for a better reason lol.
Aug 29, 2015 6:44 AM

Mar 2014
JTLouie said:
Trentor11 said:

Shingo was only a bitch for literally 2 episodes and he did have reasons to be pissed

Actually he started being a bitch around like episode 3. He'd always be a snitch, like whenever he'd see someone slacking off or something he'd go whine and say it's not fair. In episode 4, he kept whining about the MC not doing his work (this was when he left for the date with Chiyo) and he even told the Vice Pres. Not to mention that after that, he was the one who started the boycott with the MC. So really, he's been a dick for at least 3 or 4 episodes which is HALF the series so far. I think I have a justified opinion to not like him YET. I'll have to see some more things about him for me to like him more.

"I think I have a justified opinion to not like him yet"

And Shingo's attitude hasn't been justified? He maybe s hypocrite but he at least had permission to skip out on work and take a break. "He'd always be a snitch" examples before episode 5? So in all you're calling him a bitch for having justifiable reasons for his attitude. Boycotting Kiyoshi is childish but every character in this series is childish even the Chairman in a way

Put money you act the same as Shingo unless you're going to say otherwise just to try and prove me wrong
Aug 29, 2015 6:48 AM

Dec 2012
Serious and hilarious :D Poor Andre is was totally out of control and he fell in the trap ... Shingo saved his humanity in this episode, but he failed to come back in time.
The last scene, when they beat him, killed me.
SakaitsuAug 29, 2015 6:53 AM
Aug 29, 2015 7:27 AM

Sep 2014
Good stuff, definitely enjoyed this episode. Shingo had what was coming to him, but everyone's made up now. Now, we're getting closer to the famous ''Tits or Arses'' part. <3
Aug 29, 2015 7:32 AM

Feb 2014
Andre .-., how could you?
Aug 29, 2015 7:41 AM
Jun 2012
TheGrandSage23 said:
JTLouie said:

Actually he started being a bitch around like episode 3. He'd always be a snitch, like whenever he'd see someone slacking off or something he'd go whine and say it's not fair. In episode 4, he kept whining about the MC not doing his work (this was when he left for the date with Chiyo) and he even told the Vice Pres. Not to mention that after that, he was the one who started the boycott with the MC. So really, he's been a dick for at least 3 or 4 episodes which is HALF the series so far. I think I have a justified opinion to not like him YET. I'll have to see some more things about him for me to like him more.

"I think I have a justified opinion to not like him yet"

And Shingo's attitude hasn't been justified? He maybe s hypocrite but he at least had permission to skip out on work and take a break. "He'd always be a snitch" examples before episode 5? So in all you're calling him a bitch for having justifiable reasons for his attitude. Boycotting Kiyoshi is childish but every character in this series is childish even the Chairman in a way

Put money you act the same as Shingo unless you're going to say otherwise just to try and prove me wrong

1. His relationship with "Anzu"
2. Didn't Kiyoshi see a lot of nipples and boobs in the first episode? He did not tell and lied them!!!! He deserved a lot of beating!
3. Shingo and Kiyoshi are childhood friends.

I'm a manga reader and after some chapters It's okay. I forgot Shingo was a dick 2 years ago. xD
It's okay to not like Shingo now. I mean Shingo was hated by a lot in chapters that he's being a dick.
Aug 29, 2015 7:43 AM

Apr 2015
Don't give up mates. Wet shirt contest is near!!!!!
Aug 29, 2015 8:14 AM

Jan 2015
LOOOOL dat door scene
Aug 29, 2015 10:04 AM

Feb 2014
Great episode as usually, though next week it should be even better.
Between the adult world and the world of kids,

there, Holyland exists.
Aug 29, 2015 1:23 PM
Jul 2015
TheGrandSage23 said:
JTLouie said:

Actually he started being a bitch around like episode 3. He'd always be a snitch, like whenever he'd see someone slacking off or something he'd go whine and say it's not fair. In episode 4, he kept whining about the MC not doing his work (this was when he left for the date with Chiyo) and he even told the Vice Pres. Not to mention that after that, he was the one who started the boycott with the MC. So really, he's been a dick for at least 3 or 4 episodes which is HALF the series so far. I think I have a justified opinion to not like him YET. I'll have to see some more things about him for me to like him more.

"I think I have a justified opinion to not like him yet"

And Shingo's attitude hasn't been justified? He maybe s hypocrite but he at least had permission to skip out on work and take a break. "He'd always be a snitch" examples before episode 5? So in all you're calling him a bitch for having justifiable reasons for his attitude. Boycotting Kiyoshi is childish but every character in this series is childish even the Chairman in a way

Put money you act the same as Shingo unless you're going to say otherwise just to try and prove me wrong

LMAO calm down bro. Even if my reasons aren't justifiable to you doesn't mean I can't have an OPINION. I can't start liking him when literally 1 episode ago he was being such an asshole to his FUCKING CHILDHOOD FRIEND KIYOSHI knowing that he has secrets to hide himself. Sure he redeemed himself in this episode but I've gotta see some more about him to like him. I can't simply forget about his asshole-ish attitude just yet. Maybe you can, but you don't have to try and force me to think like you bro.
One dream that will probably never come true: A full anime adaptation of Kimi no Iru Machi or Suzuka anime reboot.

"It Happens."
Aug 29, 2015 1:24 PM
Jul 2015
jCiao01 said:
TheGrandSage23 said:

"I think I have a justified opinion to not like him yet"

And Shingo's attitude hasn't been justified? He maybe s hypocrite but he at least had permission to skip out on work and take a break. "He'd always be a snitch" examples before episode 5? So in all you're calling him a bitch for having justifiable reasons for his attitude. Boycotting Kiyoshi is childish but every character in this series is childish even the Chairman in a way

Put money you act the same as Shingo unless you're going to say otherwise just to try and prove me wrong

1. His relationship with "Anzu"
2. Didn't Kiyoshi see a lot of nipples and boobs in the first episode? He did not tell and lied them!!!! He deserved a lot of beating!
3. Shingo and Kiyoshi are childhood friends.

I'm a manga reader and after some chapters It's okay. I forgot Shingo was a dick 2 years ago. xD
It's okay to not like Shingo now. I mean Shingo was hated by a lot in chapters that he's being a dick.

You have a point, but I like you said it's understandable for people to not like Shingo right now. Thanks for the info about Shingo being better later on, I look forward to it
One dream that will probably never come true: A full anime adaptation of Kimi no Iru Machi or Suzuka anime reboot.

"It Happens."
Aug 29, 2015 5:12 PM

Jul 2015
karneheni said:
wtf... they didnt censor this?

Thank the guy that didn't..that's an incredible view...or ya bromance and wet t. shirts
..JC staff we fans want atleast 24 just saying don't f*ck with us...12 and censored is too big of a cock tease
Aug 29, 2015 7:06 PM
Jul 2018
Shingo never really got me that pissed. I think I've always liked him, I think his actions were shitty, but justified and understandable, and I had the feeling things would resolve themselves.
Aug 29, 2015 11:09 PM

Dec 2013
Felt like a lot of shit went down in this episode. Andre desperately needs help. Badly.

Funny when they bashed up Shingo like that lol
Aug 30, 2015 3:09 AM

Mar 2015
What a beautiful eyebrow:
Aug 30, 2015 6:33 AM

Sep 2009
best episode so far
Aug 30, 2015 8:28 AM

Dec 2014

Aug 30, 2015 12:31 PM
Jun 2015
This was definitely one of the best episodes of the season so far. Seeing Andre go all crazy and what not was a sight to see. Now they all have to find a way out of the expulsion. Can they do it?
"I'm warning you. You so much as bruise what you hold in your hand and I will show you pain. The hue of your soul will cease to matter, because you will not be judged when you die, you will no longer exist."
Aug 30, 2015 12:55 PM

Nov 2011
Great ep, the show really handles tension scenes very well.

Join the MSP Club for an in-depth look at score progressions and other stats of currently airing anime
Aug 30, 2015 6:05 PM

Sep 2014
Haha, this anime is just pure gold.

I'm glad Shingo stopped his crap before there was no return from him being a dick. His moment of apology with the others was nice and it was so funny how they all agreed on punches due to nipple!

Hope they can get out of the current situation somehow.
Aug 31, 2015 12:49 AM

Aug 2012
Dat megane b*** just keep getting more annoying and disgusting every episode. The DTO was successful thanks to Shingo. Kiyoshi was too kind, if I'm Kiyoshi I'm gonna beat Shingo to a pulp. I couldn't care less about Anzu, she's just a meh additional character (¬_¬)
-Shinrei-Aug 31, 2015 2:47 AM
Aug 31, 2015 2:33 AM

Mar 2013
it's Shingo, definitely.

Andrei suffering from not having punishments, Shingo finally realized the wrong things he did, DTO's success, reconciliation, the boys finding out that they've been set-up, and Meiko's pull-ups leading to another of her clumsy antics. that sums it up.

a lot of chapters covered. everything is too fast for this episode which made me a bit disappointed. but anyway, they did pull everything off so i guess it's still fair. i think they're saving the focus on one of the best scenes that would soon happen (probably ep 10 and 11). looking forward for some arm wrestling!

Aug 31, 2015 11:15 AM

Jun 2015
This episode made me mad as hell for all the right reasons.

I just realized (after 8 episodes, I've always been a quick thinker) that I share Andres name. I dunno how to feel about that.
Aug 31, 2015 12:39 PM
Oct 2013
Shingo getting his ass handed to him was the best part
Aug 31, 2015 2:05 PM

Jun 2014
its was pratty good episde anzu is a bae
cant wait till next week

Sep 1, 2015 12:42 AM

Jun 2013
The censoring is so random and inconsistent. Should just remove it all xD nobody has time to wait for blurays anyways with a show this entertaining

Fucking rest in pieces Andre.

And this is about the part where I stopped reading so now I can enjoy it even more :D
Sep 1, 2015 4:40 PM
Jul 2015
lucidbrandon said:
The censoring is so random and inconsistent. Should just remove it all xD nobody has time to wait for blurays anyways with a show this entertaining

Fucking rest in pieces Andre.

And this is about the part where I stopped reading so now I can enjoy it even more :D

I've already simply learned to accept that I don't need nudity in anime...xvideos is your friend
One dream that will probably never come true: A full anime adaptation of Kimi no Iru Machi or Suzuka anime reboot.

"It Happens."
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