I like Anime, as simple as that!
Also a fan of the Zero Escape Series!!
I also play League of Legends!!!
CURRENT ACTIVITIES =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+]
Just wait...

How I rate...
While watching anime, I give an initial score upon watching the first half of the series and then give the final score after completion.
Movies and/or single OVAs/Extras only have final score. I also rate differently with regards to Specials and other extras.
10 : [Insert biased description here]
9 : Great watch. I recommend it to you.
8 : Very good. These shows really impressed me.
7 : Just fine. Still worth time.
6 : 'A' for Effort. A hit-and-miss show.
5 : I just tried my best to finish it.
4 : Nothing was rated like this as of now, as well as anything below it.
Have something nice to ask me? Want me to recommend you an anime? Wanna recommend me an anime? Feel free to leave a comment!
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All Comments (186) Comments
But that number's gonna go down soon after I finish some stuff.
It became like that cuz for example, After I finish an arc of anime that I considered 'great', I'll stop watching it for a while so that I still have something to enjoy in the future free time.
Maybe I just dun want to finish good animes immediately.
mah god you're right, you're born 2 days earlier, senpai! xD
Also I think it might be time to replay 999 and vlr :D
I haven't seen any of the saw films but the trailer gave off a very similar vibe to the saw trailers. I don't really like the graphics/ style that they're going with, I would have preferred a return to the 999 2d style personally. The English voice acting sounds awkward, but luckily Japanese voices are available. Based on the trailer, I'm very excited and a little bit apprehensive. However, the other two games were great, so this should be the same.
Also, there's never too much blood :P