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The Empty Box and Zeroth Maria (light novel)
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Jul 29, 2015 12:41 AM

Nov 2013
Thank you so much Eusth for your hardwork on translating this masterpiece,..
Now I've finished this novel and really miss all of the characters, especially Kazuki, who ends up being defective after those iterations,..
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
Jul 29, 2015 8:34 AM

May 2014
Damn chapter 3 was depressing to read, the way his mind went insane was pretty dark. I could not think of a worse torture than what he went through. The epilogue was amazing, I loved the closure of every character especially between kokone and Daiya, Yuuri cracked me up and the ending was perfect.

This has become my all time favourite fiction story.

Can someone clear something up? When Daiya send Kazuki the address to maria house when did that happen?
paperplane11Jul 29, 2015 8:41 AM
Jul 29, 2015 9:12 AM
Oct 2014
EusthEnoptEron said:
testamentKAISER said:
Do you have some Yuuri Yanagi? :D

There don't exist a lot of pictures of Yuuri, but I think this one's pretty nice:

Wat? Where is it generally from?? xD
Jul 29, 2015 9:40 AM
Jul 2010
paperplane11 said:
Can someone clear something up? When Daiya send Kazuki the address to maria house when did that happen?

Yeah, I was wondering about that too, but didn't think too much about it and just progressed with the story.

I think it might be before Kazuki actually got into Maria's Flawed Bliss, so he already has that knowledge when he ends up inside.
It wouldn't make sense otherwise. Maria doesn't exist inside the world of Flawed Bliss, so 1) Daya would have no way of knowing about her or her previous home, and 2) There wouldn't be anything about her at that address for Kazuki to find.
So it must have been before Maria used her Flawed Bliss.

On second thought, I think I actually remember Daya giving Kazuki the address in some of the previous volumes, but I read them a long time ago, so someone else should confirm.
Jul 29, 2015 9:44 AM

Feb 2008
paperplane11 said:
Can someone clear something up? When Daiya send Kazuki the address to maria house when did that happen?

Well, the text mentions:

And if you take a look at "After the Curtain Falls" in volume 6, you'll notice that the text also mentions that "last visit" at school from Daiya. So it happened between the cinema incident and the start of v7.

Nanamoto-sensei said:
Wat? Where is it generally from?? xD

From the short story. (not Diamond Days)
Jul 29, 2015 12:34 PM
Jul 2018
Thanks for all the translating Eusth. I'm really glad I managed to experience this story.

That was really a fantastic ending to a fantastic story. Maria and Kazuki go in my favorite heroine and favorite MC list.

Really glad I bought the LN's.
Jul 29, 2015 5:45 PM

Apr 2010
Amazing, absolutely loved the conclusion to this. Chapters 3 and 4 were 2 of, if not the 2 best in the entire series. Brilliant. Fitting end to the series, perfect.

Jul 30, 2015 12:57 AM

Feb 2013
Finally got around to finishing it and I have to say I loved the ride. If I had any complaints, I would say I wish we got more about the supernatural elements, but the characters themselves I think had a great ending. I have mixed feelings about the MC and how he ended up, but overall, I don't regret for a second reading this series.

If we ever did get an anime, I really would like to see how a studio handled chapter 3 of the volume because my god that went dark fast.
Jul 30, 2015 1:36 AM

Jul 2014
Well, that was one hell of a ride.

After forcing myself to skim quite a bit of the first 6 volumes to refresh my memory before touching the 7th one, I felt that the first half was rather boring after going in with high expectations; chapter one was like a mediocre version of volume 1, and chapter two was a somewhat interesting backstory; nothing comparable to previous volumes though.

The next half was surprisingly interesting though; in no way did I imagine Kazuki going that far. The author connected the first half with the rest of the story really well, and the way they summed up the lives of all the characters who had important roles throughout the series felt fulfilling too. Maria regaining her memories of Kazuki also felt a little forced, though. Also, like the translator said, the marriage definitely deserved a picture, even better if it was colored. it would have been so much more fulfilling.

I also feel a need to mention that Kazuki spent 1095 years in the box; 755 years he spent repeating nonstop until the end while retaining all his memories. No wonder he went insane.
Jul 30, 2015 2:37 AM

Nov 2010
Just finished reading this after finished rereading from the very beginning.

Boy, what a journey. That journey of Kazuki is exhaustingly insane, in a good way. When written as a synopsis, it may sounds cheesy and gritty, but Eiji Mikage actually managed to write an actual road into insanity which seems to has no end.

Everyone is broken and stay that way, however live goes on and as long as you're still kicking and alive, live will find its way. Great volume which display the furhtest someone broke and how to recover everything back.

Deepest gratitude for Eusth who translate this.

Need goddamnit wedding picture/10.

P.S would love to see Daiyan epilogue as well.
Jul 30, 2015 2:54 AM
Sep 2014
Man, I started this series on a whim because I was just getting into reading light novels and this has just blown me away.

I started HakoMari a week ago and just finished today and boy can I say it was worth every sleepless night filled with constant reading. I also could not have asked for a better ending.

11/10 would read while trapped in a box.

Also now that I have finished this I honestly feel empty. One of the worst things about finishing a story so well crafted is that it's hard to start something else to try and fill the void.
MezsiJul 30, 2015 3:07 AM
Jul 30, 2015 3:32 AM

Jul 2014
zeroyuki92 said:
Just finished reading this after finished rereading from the very beginning.

Boy, what a journey. That journey of Kazuki is exhaustingly insane, in a good way. When written as a synopsis, it may sounds cheesy and gritty, but Eiji Mikage actually managed to write an actual road into insanity which seems to has no end.

Everyone is broken and stay that way, however live goes on and as long as you're still kicking and alive, live will find its way. Great volume which display the furhtest someone broke and how to recover everything back.

Deepest gratitude for Eusth who translate this.

Need goddamnit wedding picture/10.

P.S would love to see Daiyan epilogue as well.

ikr, i want after epilogue's illustrations. everyone of them.
Jul 30, 2015 8:11 AM

Jul 2013
Dayian epilogue was connected with Kokone's.
Jul 30, 2015 8:23 AM

Jul 2014
Well, in the end, you don't write a friggin ~350,000 word story and end on a depressing or despairing note lol; you're just not supposed to do that... so I kinda expected this result, which is great of course.
"Beyond the veil of cherry blossom petals blown by the wind - almost like their promised reunion -

Feelings pile up with the passage of time: once the torrent of emotions comes rushing down, what is the spectacle that awaits?"
Jul 30, 2015 8:26 AM

Nov 2010
Molek123 said:
Dayian epilogue was connected with Kokone's.

I know, but man, considering how vital his role is on vol 5-6 (and he's basically the pseudo protagonist of this story) I would like to read a lil bit of prologue from his own perspective. Preferably to see his interaction with Kokone and especially Usui, I think that guy is the one who is most lonely in Epilogue.
Jul 31, 2015 3:47 PM
Jul 2015
BEST. BOOK, LN, ANYTHING. EVER!! 400.000/10 (Thanks, Eust!!)
Jul 31, 2015 4:53 PM
Aug 2014
This... is a masterpiece. That is honestly the only word that I have that can adequately describe the rollercoaster that HakoMari has been.
Behold! The way is clear! We're free! I, the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, have triumphed under a twofold assault, from SERN and the Organization, by twisting the very fundamentals of time and space! The world as we know it has been put to rights, and a future of chaos awaits us. This, my friends, is the choice of Steins;Gate!
Aug 1, 2015 1:50 AM

Nov 2013
Read this while sleep deprived, kinda gave up on making sense of all the different timelines, parallel realities, loops, etc (the author sure likes to jump around a lot).

When Kazuki was first being tortured I was like hell yeah dude you totally deserve that for being an idiot in volume 2, but then I started to feel really sorry for him and couldn't wait for it to end. But of course, it doesn't really end because Maria has to suffer too watching him. And then most everyone (well mainly Daiya, Kazuki and Maria) have rather shitty lives for a bit.

Dem FSN vibes tho.

1. Where did Maria get her box from? Last volumes created a sort of paradox so I was hoping this one would clear things up. Maybe I missed it idk.
2. Yanagi and her boyfriend were disappointingly pointless; they were used as a cliff hanger in one of the previous volumes so I thought they'd have an important role in the finale or something. Meh.

Besides that, I'm mostly satisfied with everyone's epilogues. Iroha and Yuuri's conversation made me laugh like an idiot. Usui's epilogue is probably my favorite. Daiya/Kokone's was touching, and Kazuki's was sad. Maria's was obviously full of OTP win.

A lot better than volume 2, but not as good as 1 and 3-6, imo anyway.
Aug 1, 2015 2:14 AM
Aug 2014
Botato said:

1. Where did Maria get her box from? Last volumes created a sort of paradox so I was hoping this one would clear things up. Maybe I missed it idk.
2. Yanagi and her boyfriend were disappointingly pointless; they were used as a cliff hanger in one of the previous volumes so I thought they'd have an important role in the finale or something. Meh.

1. O gave Maria her box. Flawed Bliss disregards causality, noted as how Kazuki retroactively became the Saviour.
2. Nana Yanagi's only purpose, given that she never actually makes a real appearance in any of the novels, is to create a plausible link as to how Maria knows of Kazuki, at least subconsciously, prior to meeting him so that Kazuki can be given the role of Saviour. This, ultimately, is what instigates O into taking interest in him in the first place. If she'd actually made an appearance she would probably have a greater impact. Furthermore, it's arguably a good idea that Mikage didn't try to shoehorn Yanagi into the final volume anyway, I don't really see how she could have been relevant.
Behold! The way is clear! We're free! I, the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, have triumphed under a twofold assault, from SERN and the Organization, by twisting the very fundamentals of time and space! The world as we know it has been put to rights, and a future of chaos awaits us. This, my friends, is the choice of Steins;Gate!
Aug 1, 2015 3:13 AM

Feb 2008
How Maria acquired her box leaves room for interpretation.

My own interpretation is that she, in her despair, somehow ended up channeling a greater power (that could be an allegory for something) to grant "her wish", which also created a personification of that greater power called "O". This was touched upon in the prologue of volume 5 and at the end of chapter 2 in volume 7.

At the end of the day, though, it's just a plot device to drive the leading theme of how to grant your wishes.
Aug 1, 2015 3:15 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
Really enjoyable read and glad the author did not drag it. It was a happy ending but still cheesy, even though everyone was broken but there was still hope. Personally I did not like the romance in this LN, I think the author is better handling dark situations. Like what he did with Kazuki killing everyone surprised me.

So, what was O's origin? I know the relation to Maria but it was not really explained, unless the author wanted to let it on it's readers imagination. But I guess Eusth's explanation makes sense.

Also I do not know if I missed anything but surprised how Kazuki's family was not shocked with Kazuki's sudden broken behaviour. You would expect them to question things.

Now hopefully someone can translate F-Rank no Boukun. Will the author continue with the rest of his works or put them on hiatus? If anyone knows.
Aug 1, 2015 3:18 AM

Feb 2008
Homura_ said:
Will the author continue with the rest of his works or put them on hiatus? If anyone knows.

IIRC he said he won't continue F-Rank.
Aug 1, 2015 3:19 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
EusthEnoptEron said:
Homura_ said:
Will the author continue with the rest of his works or put them on hiatus? If anyone knows.

IIRC he said he won't continue F-Rank.

Is he dropping it for good? I know he has another one too.
Aug 1, 2015 3:30 AM

Feb 2008
Homura_ said:
EusthEnoptEron said:

IIRC he said he won't continue F-Rank.

Is he dropping it for good? I know he has another one too.

OK, couldn't find a tweet where he explicitly stated that he would drop it. Well, since he has changed to writing "real" novels, I doubt we'll see a continuation to any of his previous series any time soon.
Aug 1, 2015 3:55 AM
Jan 2015
Eusth, sorry to ask this after you've already done so much work on the hakomari series but do you think that there's a possibility that you will translate Mikage Eiji's future works even though they might be standard novels? (which I don't think mal tracks)
Aug 1, 2015 4:05 AM

Feb 2008
Drunkeagle said:
Eusth, sorry to ask this after you've already done so much work on the hakomari series but do you think that there's a possibility that you will translate Mikage Eiji's future works even though they might be standard novels? (which I don't think mal tracks)

I won't rule out the possibility, but I don't plan on picking up any new projects from now on.
Aug 1, 2015 4:07 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
EusthEnoptEron said:

OK, couldn't find a tweet where he explicitly stated that he would drop it. Well, since he has changed to writing "real" novels, I doubt we'll see a continuation to any of his previous series any time soon.

A pity. He writes better compared to other novelists in the LN industry.
Aug 1, 2015 5:07 AM
Jan 2015
EusthEnoptEron said:
I won't rule out the possibility, but I don't plan on picking up any new projects from now on.

thanks for the quick answer! Well in any case, thanks for having translated hakomari for all of us!
Aug 1, 2015 5:20 AM

Nov 2010
I think he would be better writing in novel rather than LN. That suits him more.

About O, I think it was explained in 6? Wish granting body is always there, but Maria's wish is the one who make personification of a part of the power called O. Someone mentioned it in vol 6 discussion, look it up.
Aug 1, 2015 6:39 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
zeroyuki92 said:

About O, I think it was explained in 6? Wish granting body is always there, but Maria's wish is the one who make personification of a part of the power called O. Someone mentioned it in vol 6 discussion, look it up.

I know that and I am not talking about the personification but the very origin/source of the power before Maria's wish.
Aug 1, 2015 7:28 AM
Jul 2010
It's just a deus ex machina. There's this greater power out there, as Eusth said, and Maria managed to call it forth. It granted her wish of being able to resemble it - to grant wishes (along with the insecurities their owners might have). So she, with the power of this being, produced O. So that O could go around and grant people's wishes.
That's how I understand it and it makes sense that way. At the same time, I'm really afraid I'm wrong, since I, regretfully, didn't re-read the previous volumes when I started the final one. But it does make sense this way.
Aug 1, 2015 7:53 AM

Nov 2012
In the end, O's origin doesn't matter. As Eusth said, it's a plot device to drive the plot. The whole point of the novel is not about fantasy anyway
Aug 1, 2015 3:46 PM

Nov 2010
Homura_ said:
I know that and I am not talking about the personification but the very origin/source of the power before Maria's wish.

Well, you asked about the origin of O so I answered that. O is just a small "direction" of that unknown power, and once O is no more the being itself is already out of the story since iirc it doesn't necessarily has any will by itself.
zeroyuki92Aug 1, 2015 3:53 PM
Aug 2, 2015 5:28 AM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
TheHollowShrine said:
It's just a deus ex machina. There's this greater power out there, as Eusth said, and Maria managed to call it forth. It granted her wish of being able to resemble it - to grant wishes (along with the insecurities their owners might have). So she, with the power of this being, produced O. So that O could go around and grant people's wishes.
That's how I understand it and it makes sense that way. At the same time, I'm really afraid I'm wrong, since I, regretfully, didn't re-read the previous volumes when I started the final one. But it does make sense this way.

That makes sense the most. I would still like some focus on that power but oh well, it did not matter. It was more about the psychological aspect.
BronyaSilverwingAug 2, 2015 5:42 AM
Aug 2, 2015 4:43 PM

Nov 2012
This volume concluded the series perfectly imho.

What more can I say 10/10.
Aug 2, 2015 7:37 PM
Aug 2014
Homura_ said:
That makes sense the most. I would still like some focus on that power but oh well, it did not matter. It was more about the psychological aspect.

There's also the fact that in the first volume, O says that people have always had the power, and that all the box does is grant it a little push. It's entirely possible that Maria willed Flawed Bliss into existence after Aya died.
Behold! The way is clear! We're free! I, the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, have triumphed under a twofold assault, from SERN and the Organization, by twisting the very fundamentals of time and space! The world as we know it has been put to rights, and a future of chaos awaits us. This, my friends, is the choice of Steins;Gate!
Aug 3, 2015 11:17 AM

Sep 2008
Amazing last volume, amazing series. The best LN I’ve read.
Aug 3, 2015 9:44 PM

Jan 2015
OH my god just finally finished and that may have been one of my top 5 reading experiences of all time. This series truly was worth the wait and has without a doubt on of the best endings I've come across since FMAB.

The atmosphere in this last novel is absolutely fantastic and throughout the whole read I was feeling our MC's pain all the way. And what an epilogue, this had a true epilogue where there was no stone left unturned and it gave just enough to hint at the future.

I'm going to miss this series, definitely going to have to reread this in a couple of years.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Aug 5, 2015 12:32 PM

Aug 2011
WHy did it end ;__;

And the author said he will stay away from LN, why you do this to me

» Escapism.

Aug 6, 2015 8:43 AM

Dec 2011
Man, what a ride, what a ride....

The part where Kazuki gradually lost his humanity, his senses, everything, was quite hard to read.
Really glad and satisfied for the epilogue. The best epilogue was indeed Yuuri's XD

I'm so going to miss all of the characters, especially Maria, Kazuki and Daiya.
One of the best series I've ever read. Bravo, bravo!

Thank you so much for translating this Eusth!
alcrowryAug 6, 2015 8:46 AM
Aug 6, 2015 9:33 AM

Apr 2012
Oh, finished reading it yesterday and I have a few points I want to mention.

I really liked it very much, but there were some points that honestly bothered me. At the end of vol6, Maria lost her memory of Kazuki, and it was presented as a really big obstacle. It was like "holy shit, she actually did it, she voluntairly erased her memories" and I gained the impression, that it would be a big part of vol7 about how she regains her memories. I was actually disappointed how it was handled in vol7, like it was not a problem at all. That deus ex machina O can solve it all in a few pages. It was not a problem at all. "Oh, there is Kazuki's bubble. And now I remember him now. Cool"

Thoe second point is actually simmilar to the previous one. A major plot point of Wish Crushing Cinema was Maria witnessing Kazuki's will to murder. It was actually a huge issue, one that would make her turn away from him. One that would make her voluntairly erase her memories of her. Kazuki basically fucked up for good. None of it is referenced in vol7. It's like it never happened. Yeah, Maria eventually dismissed her inner Aya and returned to yeroth Maria, but she seemed to have forgiven him (or even forgotten about it) even before that.

All in all, I'm satisfied with the ending. I'm happy it resolved things and did not let it stay in some limbo. I'm happy we got a nice final conclusion of a masterpiece series through a volume, which was pretty good, even though not the best in the series.

I may have seem to be overly negative, that was not my intention. I really loved the volume, and I especially liked how Mikage managed to depict Kazuki's psyche in his descent to madness.

There is also one more thing I wanted to say. While waiting for the final volume of Hakomari, I've gotten around to finish Suzumiya Haruhi series. And while I liked the first volumes, they were merely 'pretty good'. But when I gotten around to (so far) final volumes 10-11, I absolutely loved them, and it was becaused they actually reminded me Hakomari. The final volume trilogy 9-11 of Haruhi actually got a lot darker, and instesad of easy writing style of earlier volumes, it went for deep psychological descriptions, long philosophical and ethical molologues/dialogues and basically discarded any feeling of hapiness. If you loved Hakomari, I suggest gining Haruhi series a go.
Aug 6, 2015 7:21 PM

Jul 2014
jonnyrobbie said:
I really liked it very much, but there were some points that honestly bothered me. At the end of vol6, Maria lost her memory of Kazuki, and it was presented as a really big obstacle. It was like "holy shit, she actually did it, she voluntairly erased her memories" and I gained the impression, that it would be a big part of vol7 about how she regains her memories. I was actually disappointed how it was handled in vol7, like it was not a problem at all. That deus ex machina O can solve it all in a few pages. It was not a problem at all. "Oh, there is Kazuki's bubble. And now I remember him now. Cool"

I do agree with this point. volume 7''s solution seems different from volume 6's cliffhanger problems. I also expected memory lost and Daiya's final wish to play a big part, but well, whatever.

jonnyrobbie said:
Thoe second point is actually simmilar to the previous one. A major plot point of Wish Crushing Cinema was Maria witnessing Kazuki's will to murder. It was actually a huge issue, one that would make her turn away from him. One that would make her voluntairly erase her memories of her. Kazuki basically fucked up for good. None of it is referenced in vol7. It's like it never happened.

If i'm right, Maria never hated Kazuki in the first place. Maybe, she left him because she believed her existence made Kazuki lost his every life, her existence turned Kazuki into a beast, so maybe she thought that if she leaves, Kazuki may return to his normal-self. She's not giving up her memories because he hated Kazuki but because of her false belief that she must make everyone happy. her false belief bind her from refusing other people wishes.(no matter who is it.) Maybe when she grant Daiya wish, part of her also wished for Kazuki's happiness ( maybe that's why "O" went to find Kazuki and made a false everyday life for him ).

jonnyrobbie said:
Yeah, Maria eventually dismissed her inner Aya and returned to yeroth Maria, but she seemed to have forgiven him (or even forgotten about it) even before that.
There's nothing for her to forgive him in the first place, she never hated nor blamed him. She blamed herself for what happened to him that's why she left. when she visited Kazuki's world in her box. She felt hurt when she saw Kazuki have happy life with Mogi, she love him, but she blamed herself, she thought that she doesnt have any right to be by his side. But Kazuki made her realized that her false belief was the root of all this, that he's waiting for her, that she's the one he need. Even after everything has ended, she still blamed herself for what happened to him.
Aug 7, 2015 4:12 AM

May 2015
I finished reading this ln yesterday and only now, when I thought about it a lot, I have something to say. I didn't cry at all, I wasn't in a deep sorrow, but I got sad like after any good anime, book or tv series when you don't want to part with characters whom life you ve been tracking for so long. Anyway, I can't get this story out of my head and I believe that it will influence on my mind somehow and will force me to rethink several things. Regarding to story, I was terrified how strong bonds between Kazuki ana Maria, especially from Kazuki's side: he spent more than 1000 years to bring Maria back, he consciously went crazy just for her. This is one of the strongest link Ive ever seen. I believe that with such affection they will be all right no matter what but there is one thing that i cant stop think about: I consider that it is not good idea for Kazuki to remember that he has lived eternity inside the box, because after restoring the consciousness he may go crazy again, It will be better to seal the part of this memory off with help of Maria. So, if i were him i would lose mind certainly.
Aug 7, 2015 5:59 AM
Jul 2010
@jonnyrobbie & @-gensan- I'd like to point out another thing that makes this ending work. Yes, Kazuki did become someone who Maria couldn't approve of anymore, but in this volume he was basically reborn. He lost his humanity, his memory and became a new person after regaining some of it. So he is wiser now, he's different. Even if Maria remembers everything now, she doesn't have the right to judge and punish the current Kazuki for it, since he probably wouldn't do it in his current state of mind. And he obviously regrets everything. Look at his reaction when seeing Daiya.
Aug 7, 2015 8:55 AM

Apr 2012
It's true that it's been quite a while since I've read 5+6, so I may not remember Maria's motivation quite clearly.

Also any chance for adaptation has lowered even more after vol7, because I'm not sure anybody would be willing to animate Kazukis brutal and gory mad murdering spree.
Aug 7, 2015 9:03 AM
Jun 2015
Wow, just wow. I heard this series was good but after reading it good is an understatement. Such a good story and a good ending that leaves the only thing to be desired a wedding picture. Even though I read volume 1-7 in 3 days once it ended I felt a void, and sadness knowing that there isn't going to be anymore. Such a great read. Shame the author is moving on from light novels.
Aug 7, 2015 6:27 PM
Aug 2014
jonnyrobbie said:
It's true that it's been quite a while since I've read 5+6, so I may not remember Maria's motivation quite clearly.

Also any chance for adaptation has lowered even more after vol7, because I'm not sure anybody would be willing to animate Kazukis brutal and gory mad murdering spree.

There's also the whole deal where it's -extremely- unlikely for a work to receive an adaptation if it's completed, because adaptations are often done to boost sales of the parent work.
Behold! The way is clear! We're free! I, the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, have triumphed under a twofold assault, from SERN and the Organization, by twisting the very fundamentals of time and space! The world as we know it has been put to rights, and a future of chaos awaits us. This, my friends, is the choice of Steins;Gate!
Aug 7, 2015 8:13 PM

Aug 2010
I feel so empty right now...

Just everything about this volume affected me in so many ways. I feel both sadness and happiness. There were so many scenes that hit me hard.

Learning the truth about Maria's sister was a pretty big twist.

Despite Maria being my definite girl in this series (Yes for once my girl isn't on the losing side) I still couldn't help but feel bad for Kasumi. She would easily win Kazuki's heart if Maria wasn't in the picture. Glad Yuuri seems well off and I don't think she'll have that tough of a time from moving on. Haruaki's epilogue was probably my favorite. If there is one character I can associate myself with the most it would definitely be him. I really wished he and Kasumi would get some kind of romance going with each other but for some reason the author left those two alone.

One thing I'm surprised is that Daiya didn't get an epilogue from his perspective. He is the author's favorite character so it comes off as a huge shock to me.

Well, there are just way too many highlights in the volume but I couldn't be any happier with the finale... Maria Hoshino! Why couldn't the author give us an illustration, my life would be complete with that. I also wished to see a picture of shorter hair Maria, but I guess I'll have to stick with my imagination.

10/10 for this Novel and pretty much the best thing I've ever read.
Ragna92Aug 7, 2015 8:16 PM
Aug 10, 2015 5:28 AM

Jul 2014
Oh my god I completely forgot about volume 7 coming out, how could I?!

The truth about Aya was pretty surprising. And I loved reading about everyone going insane (I'm sorry).

Maria Hoshino <3 I'm glad the author went for a happy ending, even if it was a little bit cheesy. I mean if he decided to make it tragic and mentally f*** up everyone even more, I think I would have completely broken down.

I was smiling the entire time while reading this, especially everyone's epilogues (no Daiya epilogue though...). Yuuri's epilogue was pretty funny, about how she liked manipulating people xD

10/10 for this series, easily my favorite book (not including manga, but it'd probably be 6th or something if going by enjoyment and counting manga).
Aug 10, 2015 8:54 AM

Nov 2013
best thing I've ever read. 10/10
maybe I'll get to translate it to Portuguese
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9 by Hikool101 »»
Nov 19, 2023 9:58 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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