Jul 21, 2015 12:26 PM
Whoh... Guilty Crown. Vowed to watch it since 2012. Took me 3 years to actually do it. I regret nothing. Except perhaps the ending. At first glance, it seems just sad. Saved the word - lost your girl, some friends, eyesight, and an arm. Don't forget them super powers. Sucks to be you, kiddo. "BUT WAIT!" I asked myself. Does this overly realistic, down to earth, unrewarding, crappy ending really fit the anime? Granted, it has a bleak atmosphere, but all the supernatural elements and overall creativity allows space for an ending with a similar flow. You know, a rewarding ending. Something that doesn't have to make too much sense in order to get the good ending. So, after looking at finer details of the anime and doing research I could somewhat label "adequate", I decided to pile it all to get a less crappy ending that does not stab the gut. Indeed, after this, the ending can somewhat be labeled good. But that is all up to you to decide. Thus, without any further gibberish, I invite you to a loooong section containing even MORE GIBBERISH!* (depending on how you see it). Buckle your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride... Guilty Crown Ending- Personal Interpretation/Explanation Alright. Let us first begin by defining who or what Inory was. Inory was an artificially made human body that was supposed to serve as a vessel to transfer Mana's consciousness into. You can also label that as soul. So basically, Inory was just a husk waiting for the soul to be put into it. Before that could happen however, she was rescued by Gai and exposed to "the outer world". Presumingly being completely made in the lab, Inory never had a childhood nor any social experience. Thus, she lacked emotion and personality, which continued making her a soulless husk (metaphorically). So she ran with the Funeral Parlor, carrying out her tasks like a machine she was. However, after meeting Shu Ouma, she was exposed to more or less normal social experiences. She started developing a personality, and started displaying emotion. She was no longer an artificially made machine - she was now a unique (human) being. She fell in love with Shu because he was "heartbreakingly human", who has "shown her the bad and the good of this world." Basically, she loves him because he taught her how to be a human, and this in turn made her feel like one and come to terms with her artificial origin. Being human, aka having a SOUL, was Inory's most valued essence. It is what "made her whole". Note: Inory always had a soul, but relatively to others, she almost didn't. It just kept her alive, not special. Now let that sink in for a moment and let's move on to the voids. Voids are the manifestations of people's personalities, souls, hearts, complexes, etc., basically whatever makes a person unique described in one object. A particular void we should be interested in here is that of Yahiro's - the elephant grade shears. These shears are able to cut the "strings of life" of a person directly. Let us remember the scene where Shu talks to Jun in what appears to be some sort of a "spiritual lobby". Surrounding Jun are red, faintly glowing strings of life essence arranged in shape of helix, or DNA. If you cut the strings, the body loses life and becomes a corpse (or crystallizes, doesn't matter). At this point, one has to ask; do those strings of life represent simple rights and metabolic functions to live, or do they neatly carry all meanings of life aka soul, personality, conscience. My answer to that would be the latter. Why? Remember how Shu killed Segai with the shears. The shears do NO PHYSICAL DAMAGE. They appear to pass through the body and right into the SOUL, which we can also, at this point, call Life, and are used to cut the red strings that represent it. Thus, by cutting the strings of life, you actually destroy the soul of the person. A body is useless without one. Everyone has it, even Inory. So that much we know about the red, glowing, helix shaped strings of life. Fast forward towards the end. After the battle with Gai, Shu kills him. Mana dies due to this as well, since Gai was using her void at the time, as explained HERE (Thank you @Esper). This in turn begins to slowly crystallize Inory's body since she was the host of Mana's soul at the time. (The reason it did not happen instantly is, as stated in episode 11, the blood in her body has resistance to the virus. That, and the fact that there were TWO souls in her body at once, and only one of them died - Mana.) Knowing that Inory's body will die soon, Shu chose to die with her and decided to sacrifice his own body to annihilate the virus once and for all by absorbing it all. (Please notice how I'm using weird expressions of body instead of just saying death). It would seem like the two are about to die together, and that would be the end of it, but Inory had a different plan in her mind... Before such ending could happen, we see Shu and Inory together in, again, what seems to be a "spiritual lobby", which is somewhat similar to the one in Shu and Jun's meeting in terms of concept. Inory shows Shu a RED, faintly GLOWING STRING in the shape of a Cat's Eye (string figure), or what I would prefer to call an open eye. That, is in fact, her very own string of life. Her soul. And she is giving it to him. Now lets review our knowledge of those red strings of life. You CUT them, you destroy a persons soul (life) and basically kill them. So, what happens if, instead of cutting them, you TAKE them? What DO you GAIN? An extra life to live, like in Mario? No. You are taking the SOUL of the person. Their CONSCIOUSNESS in a way. At this point, it is tempting to think that she gave him his rights to live, as he was going to die. But at that point, both were alive, and what she was giving to him was not a life he can use to throw at the virus like a bone it can chew on instead of his own. The virus needed a BODY sacrifice (got the reference now?). The crystals were forming on the BODY of the person, not his soul, and thus are not related. So what DID Inory do? She decided to give Shu her SOUL, and use her (already dying) body as a sacrifice the virus needed as a vessel to get trapped in. To save humanity and Shu. What hints this, aside from what I have stated earlier? The Opening Theme Song! "So everything that makes me whole, I'll now give to you. I'm yours". WHAT makes Inory "whole"? The thing that she values the MOST. It is her SOUL. What she has developed thanks to Shu. The strings represent both her life and her soul, thus by giving it to him, she basically transferred herself into his body. Shu's body now has two souls - Shu's and Inory's, together. "I'm yours." She literally is now. Hell, the opening theme song even symbolizes her sacrifice by having her tied to a crystal cross (like Jesus Christ, who was sacrificed on a cross for the sins of humanity, thus becoming its savior, according to the Christian bible). BUT HOLD ON. Now that sounds just bizarre. Can two souls even live in one body? YES!! Best example you can get is Mana's soul that was in Inory's body! They were sharing the same body, and were able to communicate with each other and control the body (to an extent). BUT WAIT! How did the soul transfer between Inory and Shu even take place? Going back to the white wedding, gentlemen! Episode 12. Inory's body is covered in some sort of a hexagon wedding cloth that appears to be transferring some sort of RED, GLOWING STRINGS into Inory's body. What are they? You guessed it! They are Mana's life strings! Her soul being transferred to Inory's body, which turned out later, to be a SUCCESS! Mana was GIVING her SOUL to Inory! Or technically, forcibly stuffing her own soul into Inory's body, making it have two souls. You get the idea. So what conclusions we have so far? The red strings of life DO represent the soul (and consciousness) of a person. Giving it to someone else means transferring the soul to that someone's body. And that's exactly what Inory did to Shu in the last moment! Why? So they don't have to stop existing! Because, you know, if they would just leave it at that, they would both die, and stay like that... Basically, Inory saved us from a really crappy, down to earth ending! Hooray! Sadly, not many people will applaud this. The fact is so subtle that I cannot blame anyone for thinking it was what they thought it was - a non-rewarding, realistic, dull ending. "HOLD IT, hardhat. Where's your proof ya back-pokin' snake!". The have I do proof, officer. *hick* Let's look at some solid images. Last episode. Shu is listening to Inory's music. A scene shows up where Shu is hugging Inory... in, AGAIN, a place that seems to be some sort of a "spiritual lobby". Indeed! Check it out, it even has the same blue-white clouds that were also present when Shu was talking to Jun in the spiritual lobby. You might argue that that is just his imagination according to the song, or it is his memories, BUT here is why I find that quite unlikely. First, it cannot be his memories, as this is the first time he is hugging her in that brown jacket of his (lel), and in that spiritual lobby space thingy. Second, why can't it be imagination?! Simple! The blue-white clouds give it away! Shu seems to be present in the same place as when he was when talking to Jun. You think that he just imagined the whole conversation with Jun? Oh boy, that would not be any good. It would basically mean that Shu only thought in his head that Jun wanted to die, while Jun was actually begging for mercy. That's just silly. At this point, I would like to point out that YES, the "spiritual lobby" exists in the anime, and that's where TWO SOULS MEET EACH OTHER. To talk, and stuff... And that's exactly what we see in the ending scene as the SOUL OF SHU embraces the SOUL OF INORY, who is always with him now, as they share one body. "Is this the best you got, little man?". Yes. Iii mean - NO!! One more, less solid but never the less stable proof that I have is Shu's mentality. What have we learned about Shu throughout the whole anime? He is VERY emotional. He has social problems. He is always in his head and thinks too deep about useless things. He gets hurt easily, and his personality can change on a whim! Just remember when Hare died. He COMPLETELY changed himself - all his ideals and his personality. From a good hearted wimp to an iron-fist dictator in just a moment's flash! As you can see, he gets affected REALLY EASILY, and REALLY DEEPLY. Remember the Lost Christmas? He was so devastated that he forgot the whole event! Even the fact that he had a sister! And some crazy blonde hair dude that fate decided to kick right into what he tried to escape! Hah, talk about life and its lemons! So what conclusion can we extract from this? Let's run a simulation for that! Imagine, Shu, with all those mental problems that he has, has: -Lost the love of his life - Inory, -Lost his eyesight, -Lost his right arm, -Lost two of his best friends, -Lost his king ability (debatable), -Seen all the catastrophes of the event, -And was forced to change his entire personality and nature just to use the power he never wanted and stand up for its responsibilities he never wanted to take, all in a relatively short amount of time. Now, if he was traumatized in Lost Christmas, then THIS would make Lost Christmas look like Disneyland. The kid would SNAP! Indeed, certain arguments exist against my conclusion - that he has matured greatly from that time, and that a few years have passed over Inory's apparent "death" so he could have gotten over it. But DID HE get over her? No! He was listening to her music! In harmony! He was smiling! He was HAPPY after ALL THAT!! WHY?! Because Inory didn't "die"! Well, her body may have been destroyed, but her SOUL lives within Shu's body. Two souls together, not letting go, just as the theme song says in the end. She still "lives", and THAT'S why Shu did not snap. I don't know about you, but judging Shu's personality, he would never allow himself to be in peace if Inory would be gone forever. That, OR he would have forgotten her existence due to trauma - which is clearly shown not to be true. And such is, ladies and gentlemen, my interpretation/theory/explanation of the ending. Gimme a round of applauds! Followed by a round of flying tomatoes! And maybe even watermelons, just for the variety! Now, the ending I have proposed may seem waaaaay too subtle. It might indeed be simpler to say that the writers simply became unimaginative towards the end and finished off the anime quickly, and the obvious ending is the true ending. But in my opinion, the writers are far from that. There is a fair number of subtle messages in this anime. For instance, the shape that Inory and Mana present to Shu in the beginning of the anime using strings is called Jacob's Ladder. It represents the staircase to heaven according to the book of Genesis. By asking Shu to take it, they imply that he should accept the (guilty) crown and be the king of the new world. Ascension to Godhood perhaps, but that's just my interpretation. In the end however, Inory, using the life strings, gives him a shape of an open eye (or Cat's Eye, from a string game called Cat's Cradle). When Shu takes it, IT'SA TRAP! HAHAH! Well, sort of. As he takes it, the eye shape "closes" (Fish in a Dish string figure). Aside from being a foreshadowing of the rest of his life, a closed eye also means he is relieved from his unwanted duty of being the king. Closed eye (which also means blind) also means innocence. The Innocence that Shu was striving for for so long. It was his redemption from the responsibilities he never wanted to take. It meant he no longer had to be the king. It meant that he should no longer be "guilty". This is just one of the examples of how the anime writers used such subtle elements to summarize and represent bigger pictures. Thus, I wouldn't be surprised if they used the same technique to make a clever, complex (but not really necessary) ending. That is all to my theory, really. But before you go, or before you throw watermelons at me, I would like to mention Mass Effect 3. Lolwut? Look at the similarities! Both ME3 and Guilty Crown seem to have awful, down to Earth, dull endings. But that's what we see with an untrained eye and on-flow mind. I would like to refer you to the "Mass Effect 3 - Indoctrination Theory". Link: Watch it! (of course, if you know ME3 and how it ended). The theory collects all the very small and specific details of the game's story and environment to reveal that the obvious may not be obvious at all! It is a really plausible theory that has some solid proof to it. It instantly makes the ending of Mass Effect 3 from god awful to pure genius! And I say the same MAY, JUST MAY exist for Guilty Crown. I have faith in the writers. But I'm not in such stance because of them. I'm here because I made research on my theory and it seems plausible. Granted, it may not be very solid. And I'm sure you may have some counter arguments (we'll get to that later), but so far, it makes sense to me. You see, Guilty Crown is not a realistic anime enough to make such a realistic end. You know - where "people die, they die, get over it kiddo". It sounds acceptable because the anime comes close to such atmosphere but not quite. No, not when you consider the whole picture of the anime. It is futuristic, sci-fi. Its not realistic. It doesn't even come close to realism. Thus, for me, the ending seemed too down to Earth to be acceptable for such an anime. It seemed too simple. It was out of line. It did not align itself with the anime's general writing creativity - the flow, the atmosphere. Thus, I (I) believe that the interpretation I have proposed is actually acceptable to the anime's story and overall logic. It fits. There is reasonable proof to it. And the assumptions can apply to the logic of the anime. The other, more common ending interpretations fit as well, but seem rather out of place. Unsatisfying. Shu losing nearly all and is forced to live like that - dull and cruel for no reason. Both dying - better than previous ending, yet still saddening. So yeah (lel). That's all folks! If you've actually read it all, pat yourself on the back! Trust me, not every human being is given such a unique ability to READ EVERYTHING FULLY. Especially if it is any longer than a paragraph. REMEMBER! This is just my interpretation. It can be completely wrong, BUT I would GLADLY listen to YOUR counter arguments, as long as you REMEMBER to do it like a civilized being. The reputation of the community behind Guilty Crown is infamous. It is true that you either love or hate the anime. So please. It is obvious that I loved the anime, so don't try to point me at it's unrelated-to-the-topic plot holes, inconsistencies, clichés and inconveniences. My opinion won't change on whether I liked it or not. So if you are going to debunk my theory, use the proper facts and proof format rather than bluntly stating that I'm wrong then calling me weird names in the desperate hopes to show off the size of your e-peen. And I've seen that happening, so I'm warning you. Good day, folks! |
Xspy70Sep 7, 2018 7:44 AM
Jul 22, 2015 3:40 AM
Nice theory, mate. It's nice to see people still trying to interpret the ending. It's solid, good job. Though it's not really a new theory. I've seen a similar one before, I believe. Don't worry if you are too disappointed with the anime's ending. The universe and characters are interesting enough to allow the most amazing ideas for fanfictions to be born from people's minds. If you would like to see some cool attempts at second seasons, you can always read some of them or write your own. I believe I even saw some of them using the same or a similar theory like you have. I myself have a lot of fun doing just that. If the creators won't bless me with a continuation of this amazing story, then I myself will write my own one. Heck, there is plenty of material to use. |
I sing for my people, I sing for my friends I sing for justice, so that the world finally ends I sing for my father who rests high above and also for my mother who I deeply love But as I sing I wonder, what is it for? when there is no one who sings for me anymore... |
Jul 22, 2015 5:48 AM
This is the longest post I have ever seen on MAL. Well, I agree with you on most of what you wrote. In fact I had a similar theory after I first watched it. I guess most people who actually made similar theories did that because otherwise this anime would have been strange. It would have made no sense, but we have to admit that authors did their job good enough if this theory was correct. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jul 22, 2015 9:30 AM
Indeed! The ending leaves too much space for creativity. I did not find that a too good of an idea, as different people then get different interpretations. And getting a good interpretation out of this anime requires extra attention - what people don't usually give. I think that this is one of the reasons the community is divided so sharply. Either way, I'm glad I came to this interpretation so I don't have to feel sad for the ending anymore. Plus, it makes playing Prototype much more enjoyable! :D PS: I'll be adding some pictures to make it more comprehensive and tolerable. |
Xspy70Jul 22, 2015 9:39 AM
Jul 24, 2015 9:56 AM
Alright! Added images and some customization to make it all somewhat more eye appealing and tolerable to read. |
Jul 25, 2015 8:23 AM
Woa, really impressed with how you improved your own article. It's now way easier to read and looks inviting. Very nice formatting skills. |
I sing for my people, I sing for my friends I sing for justice, so that the world finally ends I sing for my father who rests high above and also for my mother who I deeply love But as I sing I wonder, what is it for? when there is no one who sings for me anymore... |
Jul 25, 2015 8:30 AM
ending still sucked. |
Best Couple of All Time Kamille x Four (Zeta Gundam) |
Jul 26, 2015 11:29 AM
Xspy70 said: Alright! Added images and some customization to make it all somewhat more eye appealing and tolerable to read. Good job on editing. Now it makes it much easier to read. Also flashy images not only act as evidence but also attract people. Malicre said: 99% of anime ending do. This was of better ones. Good ones are ultra rare thing.ending still sucked. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Aug 5, 2015 1:27 PM
INCREDIBLE ANALYSIS I've had my own similar theories but I've never gone into so much depth with them, thank you for the post :D |
Aug 5, 2015 1:43 PM
Guilty Crown is a rip off of Code Geass (if I remember correctly it was the same writer?), which is a ripoff of a lot of different concepts merged into one. As a result, it has great ideas... that stop making sense in the middle of the series, and turn into pretentious shit. I loved it anyway, plus... the music! <3 |
» Escapism. |
Aug 5, 2015 2:35 PM
Xspy70 said: Indeed! The ending leaves too much space for creativity. I did not find that a too good of an idea, as different people then get different interpretations. And getting a good interpretation out of this anime requires extra attention - what people don't usually give. I think that this is one of the reasons the community is divided so sharply. In all honesty, isn't that kind of the point of art? Coming up with your on interpretations while conveying some sort of emotion with it? That's the problem with the anime community especially on MAL. They want everything to be spoonfed to them, and the majority of them have very little knowledge of what an analysis is. Kenchiin said: I don't really know if you can call it a rip off, if its by the same writer. It's just his own writing style.Guilty Crown is a rip off of Code Geass (if I remember correctly it was the same writer?) |
Aug 12, 2015 8:43 AM
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the ending. |
Aug 15, 2015 1:21 PM
Aug 19, 2015 7:54 PM
My lord. This analysis you made right here seriously changed my opinion of this anime. I was so bitter after that ending to the point where I wanted to completely forget about guilty crown, but oh man you have saved it. Everything makes so much sense to me now. the ending in a way still feels bittersweet, but I'm so relieved now thanks to your post. :] |
One dream that will probably never come true: A full anime adaptation of Kimi no Iru Machi or Suzuka anime reboot. "It Happens." |
Aug 19, 2015 9:12 PM
And I was listening to Everlasting Guilty Crown at the end of your post. I guess all's well that ends well. |
Sep 2, 2015 10:26 AM
your theory is really good, but i have a question. why did he physically get blind? i understand the metaphorical meaning of that, but what caused him to get blind? PS: i don't remember shu destroying mana's void. he just killed gai... |
Brokensoul24Sep 2, 2015 1:09 PM
Sep 2, 2015 4:17 PM
Brokensoul24 said: your theory is really good, but i have a question. why did he physically get blind? i understand the metaphorical meaning of that, but what caused him to get blind? PS: i don't remember shu destroying mana's void. he just killed gai... He absorbed Inori, who was also blind. My guess is that Shu got blind cuz he absorbed Inori and inherited it from her. |
One dream that will probably never come true: A full anime adaptation of Kimi no Iru Machi or Suzuka anime reboot. "It Happens." |
Sep 2, 2015 7:47 PM
Shit, that was a very well thought out and well written review. I applaud your observational and analytical skills. As for the ending being open-ended and ambiguous, I noticed that Goro Taniguchi did likewise with Code Geass; when it came to the death of a certain character. (Not gonna go spoilerino mode because I dunno how to use tags.) I think that was the point; you can imagine what happened to them next, because what happened is now irrelevant - what was aimed for, was accomplished. Edit: After a bit of searching, I saw that Goro Taniguchi was not involved in GC, though I'm pretty sure I remember someone who was pretty deep into CG involved in GC - or I might be mistaking it with another anime. I'll update when I find out! Edit 2: Figured it out! It's not Goro Taniguchi I was thinking of, but Ichirou Okouchi. |
swagyolomasterSep 2, 2015 8:01 PM
Sep 3, 2015 10:37 PM
Sep 23, 2015 8:55 AM
Nice post. I have to say though, it was Hare's death that got to me the most. :-( I liked how they all gathered on her birthday. Felt like a nice touch. |
Sep 25, 2015 7:13 AM
After watching 13 episodes I dropped it for a whole year and only watched it because my internet was down and have nothing else to watch (I strongly disliked it at that time). I didn't hate it as much after I watched it but it was after reading this post that I started to love it. Great job mate, thanks. |
Sep 29, 2015 5:27 PM
i just skimmed through that mighty long analysis but i agree Inori still lives as a soul inside Shu and also they can resurrect Inori too if they wanted too with the help of the Daath organization that resurrected Gai from just collecting his crystal remains |
Oct 2, 2015 3:50 PM
Oct 2, 2015 4:56 PM
Brokensoul24 said: your theory is really good, but i have a question. why did he physically get blind? i understand the metaphorical meaning of that, but what caused him to get blind? PS: i don't remember shu destroying mana's void. he just killed gai... Anime is based on religion. Blindness = Purity. |
Oct 3, 2015 12:03 AM
tldr |
Oct 4, 2015 12:31 AM
Interesting read, although your main conclusion is one that's been floating around here and there within this subforum. However I think what you did particularly well was that you explained and backed up your conclusion, rather than just say that Shu and Inori are hugging in Shu's mind in the last scene, which is what I've seen. Adding the screenshots and bolding the important terms also helped with the reading. I'm glad you mentioned the cat's cradles, since they caught my attention throughout the anime. Also, I think that with your explanation, other things like how Inori fell in love with Shu makes more sense (although it always did to me). I know many people who dislike the series don't see the chemistry between the two main characters, so the explanation of how Shu gave Inori her soul, or show her how to be human, makes their relationship more meaningful. The ending is still bittersweet imo, that while Inori still survives within Shu, she's also physically dead. The sad part is that she sacrificed herself for Shu. And whether the person dies or not, sacrifices are always sad. Especially given that Shu was ready to die, but Inori saved him. I think the bittersweet ending is part of what makes me like Guilty Crown a lot though, since I don't think I've seen many anime that end in this direction. Anime endings are typically uplifting/happy or "the journey continues" type. Another part I liked that you mentioned was regarding Shu's mentality. He's the biggest reason why I enjoyed the series as much as I did, and I feel like if a person really liked and understood Shu, then he/she would find the anime to be a good watch as well. |
Nov 27, 2015 6:27 PM
Thanks a lot for your post, I was so heartbroken by the ending but what you said really made sense and now I feel it has transformed it from a depressing piece of shit ending to a mind blowing one. Regardless loved the anime, so much feels to it hahaha! |
Dec 9, 2015 6:13 PM
@Xspy70: i watched all the episode of guilty crown yesterday, and still feel the emotional damage even now but, after i read your explanation, i feel relieved. I won't said your long post as theory or interpretatio or something similar to me it's explanation. Are you ok with that (^o^)v |
Dec 17, 2015 8:15 AM
I knew it. I knew the end didn't fit the anime at all. I really like your theory because it is based on solid arguments and really corresponds to the feeling the anime was giving during 22 episodes. I don't have much to say against any of your argument. Very good researches and interpretations. I created an account on MAL just to post this answer and to thank you. You got me out of my "wtf-with-the-ending-blues". ;) Yokatta. Edit : just like what is right above my post, your "theory" feels like "explanation" to me ^^ |
Jan 16, 2016 11:37 PM
Ohhhhh. I wish I had known all this while watching the show. None of it made any sense. I still don't understand how Jun fit into the show at all. Was he a real person or a god, or something else? Who created that crystal virus? But at least I know how it ends, this makes more sense now that it's explained better. The show felt a bit rushed with so many random events happening without any background. |
Jan 20, 2016 6:36 AM
Nice theory I hope this ending theory is true. |
Jan 20, 2016 10:44 PM
Well, this makes me feel somewhat better about the ending. Thanks for the super long and detailed interpretation! |
Apr 20, 2016 4:43 AM
The idea of Irori's ( Mana's ) void destroyed can explain why Mana died immediately after Gai's death eventhough Mana didn't die when Gai died the first time . |
May 4, 2016 1:00 PM
Arsleust said: I knew it. I knew the end didn't fit the anime at all. I really like your theory because it is based on solid arguments and really corresponds to the feeling the anime was giving during 22 episodes. I don't have much to say against any of your argument. Very good researches and interpretations. I created an account on MAL just to post this answer and to thank you. You got me out of my "wtf-with-the-ending-blues". ;) Yokatta. Edit : just like what is right above my post, your "theory" feels like "explanation" to me ^^ Thanks a lot guys! A lot of effort went into it (nah, just 1 day perhaps), even made the account just to post this here. Feels great to see the explanation works for you people! I too felt that the ending was sad and empty, so after being inspired by Mass Effect 3 indoctrination theory, I grabbed my virtual spade and started digging. Glad I did. I kinda forgot about this thread. Few were replying at first, so I thought "Oh sht, I made it too long!". But then I realized that people that are into the anime wouldn't mind reading all that to get the ending explained. PS: I see there are BBcodes left in it. Site bug I presume. Would correct it but... I'm afraid that I'll accidentally screw it all up somehow. So... consider it as some cheeky joke, as the flow of words gets interrupted by a sudden code of brackets and numbers. Fixed! Thank you @Esper! |
Xspy70May 14, 2016 3:28 AM
May 12, 2016 12:15 AM
DarkByke said: ch eck the special last cristmasOhhhhh. I wish I had known all this while watching the show. None of it made any sense. I still don't understand how Jun fit into the show at all. Was he a real person or a god, or something else? Who created that crystal virus? But at least I know how it ends, this makes more sense now that it's explained better. The show felt a bit rushed with so many random events happening without any background. |
May 13, 2016 3:26 PM
Man you are a fucking genius!This is my favourite anime,and i was really sad when i ended it.. |
May 14, 2016 3:10 AM
@Xspy70 [b]Guilty Crown Ending [size=150]- Personal Interpretation/Explanation[/b][/size] It should be like this Guilty Crown Ending- Personal Interpretation/Explanation [center][b][u][size=200][color=red]G[/color]uilty [color=red]C[/color]rown Ending[/size][/u]- [size=150]Personal Interpretation/Explanation[/size][/b][/center] |
EsperMay 14, 2016 3:19 AM
This salad is salty favored |
May 14, 2016 3:16 AM
May 14, 2016 3:22 AM
May 14, 2016 3:25 AM
Yep xD I guess it proves that the site's BBCode rules changed at some point a little. Different arrangement. |
Jun 10, 2016 2:19 AM
Thank you so much for this Ending Explanation/Interpretation. It truly save me from being troubled by the ending. I guess I'm one those in MAL that wants to be spoonfed by explanation. The ending made me cry but after reading this it made me somehow satisfied. |
Carbon is a chemical Element with symbol C and atomic number 6. It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds. Symbol: C Atomic mass: 12.0107 u ± 0.0008 u Atomic number: 6 Electron configuration: [He] 2s22p2 Discovered: 3750 BC Electrons per shell: 2, 4 |
Jun 10, 2016 10:28 AM
So, I just rewatched this anime and... For Mana's death part. Fast forward towards the end. After the battle with Gai, Shu destroys Mana's void Guy's death lead to Mana's death. Not because Shu destroyed Mana's void. Remember episode 20? Shu want to gave the void back to his friends on the ship because if he dies, the "original owner" of the void also will die. It was the same concept with Mana's death. Mana died immediately after Gai's death (Gai was using Mana's "void sword" at that time). which in turn begins to slowly crystallize Inory's body since she was the host of Mana's soul at the time. This is also for @Brokensoul24 question Brokensoul24 said: your theory is really good, but i have a question. why did he physically get blind? i understand the metaphorical meaning of that, but what caused him to get blind? PS: i don't remember shu destroying mana's void. he just killed gai... |
EsperJun 10, 2016 10:32 AM
This salad is salty favored |
Jun 24, 2016 4:35 AM
Well guess now I can watch this anime. At first I didn't want to watch because I dont want the same trauma I had with Naruto. Yes I fking hate the Naruto ending and watching your favorite anime since 7 and supporting a pairing which you didn't get because of stupid reasons is bad! I went to watch the ending of Guilty Crown because I thought the couple was nice and I want a good ending but when I watched it on youtube I regretted it because it looked sad. Now! After your wonderful explanation I will watch it because thanks to you I have looked at the ending from a different angle, because I mean whats not better than having the love of your life soul in the same body as you?! Its fking amazing. Good job |
Jul 11, 2016 2:17 AM
If I remember correctly in the first opening of guilty crown isn't their a part that says some thing like "Even if they place a crown of thorns apron your head I'll stay by your side" won't this somewhat connects to him being the king and Inory soul being inside of him. Also, this is my thought here it would be interesting to see how season 2 will develop. And I am looking forward for a season 2. Also your theory on the ending of the anime was good I enjoyed reading it. |
Jul 11, 2016 2:27 AM
Also I wanted to add that if you listen to the the anime opening "My dearest" the full version some of the lyrics connects to what he says if you read his theory which I couldn't tell if it was quensidence or not. But I would consider listening it in english. |
Jul 12, 2016 1:07 PM
Jul 13, 2016 2:23 AM
Esper said: Snip Yep, thanks for pointing it out. Slipped out of my mind it seems. Corrected it and credited you (and linked your post). Don't think it changes the theory. I think its sort of a bind-mechanism. Since only the once with the power of the king can take out voids, if he took someone's void out and dies, nobody can put the void back into the person, so the person dies. Though there were 2 people with the power at that time (Shu and Gai), and only Gai died, yet Mana died with him. So I guess your void binds to the person who took it out for as long as they have it. |
Xspy70Jul 13, 2016 3:39 AM
Jul 13, 2016 2:43 AM
Yhuori said: @Xspy70 There is one small yet impactful detail you missed. Why does Inori offer the cat's cradle at the beginning of the series. There is no logical answer with the theory in mind. You mean when they first met at the warehouse and she shows him this string shape using normal threads? That's not a Cat's Cradle (Cat's Eye) - that's Jacob's ladder. And I did comment on that. For instance, the shape that Inory and Mana present to Shu in the beginning of the anime using strings is called Jacob's Ladder. It represents the staircase to heaven according to the book of Genesis. By asking Shu to take it, they imply that he should accept the (guilty) crown and be the king of the new world. Ascension to Godhood perhaps, but that's just my interpretation. Cat's Cradle (Cat's Eye) looks like this: Unless I misunderstood you. To what point in the anime are you referring to? Also big note: the terminology of the strings confuses me. It would seem that Cat's Cradle is a 2 or more people string game where you make shapes using 4 hands basically, and the Cat's Eye is merely a shape that you can change into the Fish in a Dish shape by making the second person take it in a special way. This game and the two shapes are represented in the anime towards the end - where Inory shows him the Cat's Eye shape (open eye)(aka inviting him to the game), and he takes it in a way that turns it into a Fish in a Dish shape (closed eye). I think I should edit that part to remove the confusion. |
Xspy70Jul 13, 2016 6:25 AM
Jul 13, 2016 4:34 AM
Alright I updated the main post. Some corrections and elaborations. Should be better now. Rick-huang said: If I remember correctly in the first opening of guilty crown isn't their a part that says some thing like "Even if they place a crown of thorns apron your head I'll stay by your side" won't this somewhat connects to him being the king and Inory soul being inside of him. Also, this is my thought here it would be interesting to see how season 2 will develop. And I am looking forward for a season 2. Also your theory on the ending of the anime was good I enjoyed reading it. I'm not sure what you said about the crown part (thorns, apron). It might be a nod to the time he became a cold-hearted tyrant in the school during the lock-down (she was still with him as he ruled them). Or simply the fact that she was always loyal to him after they got together. @Rick-huang @nobraCoceiN @Jjlim Glad it helped! |
Jul 13, 2016 3:43 PM
Xspy70 said: Yhuori said: @Xspy70 There is one small yet impactful detail you missed. Why does Inori offer the cat's cradle at the beginning of the series. There is no logical answer with the theory in mind. You mean when they first met at the warehouse and she shows him this string shape using normal threads? That's not a Cat's Cradle (Cat's Eye) - that's Jacob's ladder. And I did comment on that. For instance, the shape that Inory and Mana present to Shu in the beginning of the anime using strings is called Jacob's Ladder. It represents the staircase to heaven according to the book of Genesis. By asking Shu to take it, they imply that he should accept the (guilty) crown and be the king of the new world. Ascension to Godhood perhaps, but that's just my interpretation. Cat's Cradle (Cat's Eye) looks like this: Unless I misunderstood you. To what point in the anime are you referring to? Also big note: the terminology of the strings confuses me. It would seem that Cat's Cradle is a 2 or more people string game where you make shapes using 4 hands basically, and the Cat's Eye is merely a shape that you can change into the Fish in a Dish shape by making the second person take it in a special way. This game and the two shapes are represented in the anime towards the end - where Inory shows him the Cat's Eye shape (open eye)(aka inviting him to the game), and he takes it in a way that turns it into a Fish in a Dish shape (closed eye). I think I should edit that part to remove the confusion. Nvm. You covered everything. Damn I just want a second season tbh... |
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