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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Aug 20, 2023 8:02 AM
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Hope you've been well.
Sankyuu~ ^^
Lets hope that this will be a good year for all of us anime fans ^_^
There are authors who know how to always make the sequel of a series feels fresh and interesting, and in those cases new sequels are always welcome, and there are (most of them) authors who don't. I don't believe code geass will be of the former.
Didn't really check what's going to get released in 2018. Still hoping for an announcement of Honzuki adaptation though. ImO there's good chance we'll hear about it this year.
It didn't feel particularly interesting, especially the way he keep changing side (or just pretending to) feels like watching a weathercock more than watching a properly written character.
2 episodes per volume is not the current average like I said, it's 3-4.
That's what many LNs are as well though. Many don't start the good stuff until after the end of a first adaptation.
Trying to put so much in one single series of anime just makes the result completely uninteresting and shallow.
May you give and receive much love, joy, and peace this season.
Merry Christmas from your friend - Fireheart!
I don't know how people cannot complain about that tbh. Maybe because there's less fans to begin with on english boards?
The current trend isn't 1 volume = 1 episode at all, that would be the most awful adaptation ever.
Even rushed adaptation usually take 3 episodes for most volumes, and sometimes 2 for particularly short volumes. Many adaptation are closer of 4 (example alderamin; and Youjo Senki is even a bit more than that ). SAO was 6; RnY was 12, and KyouHora was 13 (which considering the length of the volumes would make 1 ordinary volume size for 3 episodes as average).
I don't really see why it wouldn't work. Yes that would make it an advertisement for the VN, so what? Most manga and LN getting an anime are doing exactly that.
They're translation BAD? heeeh interesting. That LN didn't work in Japan. It was selling just enough to not be cancelled, but that's about it. Never read Rakuin no Monshou (although the set almost ended up in my amazon cart several time when I ordered) though.