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Jul 20, 2009 5:22 PM

Jul 2008
It seems that a traitor is suspected to be somewhere in the church. Teito does care a lot about Frau doesn't he?^^ I guess they have to find some evidence if they are going to free him though.
ShanaFlameJul 20, 2009 5:46 PM
Jul 20, 2009 5:32 PM

Nov 2007
The war is discussed in this ep.

lol @ Teito's question about smiling.

Even though it's funny, but I'm glad for Teito's effort for trying to smile.
tsubasaloverJul 20, 2009 5:47 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 20, 2009 6:08 PM

Jun 2008
So cute that Teito smile, which totally made me laugh and Frau's reaction made it even worst for me xD

Well, there are quiet much talking on this episode. So there is nothing much to say than looking forward to the next episode, which seems more interesting for me than this one~
Jul 21, 2009 8:26 PM

Apr 2009
Agreed, Teito's "smile" was hilarious xD
Guess next ep will have lotsa action...
They care so much for each other... ^_^; *prevents mind from wandering to other assumptions and thoughts*
Jul 21, 2009 8:27 PM

Jul 2008
Pretty good episode, though I got so many Frau/Teito vibes I don't know what to say lol. In any case, this arc was great in the manga so I can't wait for the rest to be animated. I wonder where the anime will cut off.

Looking forward to some more Black Hawk scheming.
Jul 21, 2009 9:01 PM

Apr 2009
Aww, Teito. :)
And a Traitor, hmm. :D
Jul 21, 2009 9:04 PM

Dec 2008
I still lol'd when I see Razette's face turns into Frau's xD

Teito's effort to smile was cute. And nice to see Teito thinking about Mikage in the past :D
Jul 21, 2009 9:59 PM

May 2008
Razette turning into Frau is always funny xD

&I'm not one for FrauxTeito...but that was cute =w= I'm such a sucker for that kinda stuff..Frau's manly voice and Teito being all 'eep ///'. Loved it~

I loved Teito's goofy smile xDDD Bahahahah. But man..he really can't keep away from blondes, can he?

The dedication quote they did for Mikage was cute ;~;

Jul 21, 2009 10:29 PM

Jan 2009
I really love this episode!!!
Teito is so cute when he smiles. Though it's funny, it doesn't matter
he's cute anyway ^_^

I agree this ep has too much talking, but I don't mind coz I really love the underwater scene of Frau & Teito.
It was so cute
looking forward to next episode.
MikityApr 6, 2010 8:46 AM
Jul 22, 2009 2:31 AM

May 2008
awww man this episode makes me wish Mikage was not dead yet

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jul 22, 2009 5:37 AM

Apr 2008
i suddenly laughed when i see the mermaid wear Frau's face

Jul 22, 2009 6:27 AM

Aug 2007
lol soft hints of Frau/Teito? :D

Jul 22, 2009 6:43 AM

Aug 2007
Blitzaga said:
lol soft hints of Frau/Teito? :D
Soft? Pretty hard if you ask me.

Razette was funny with the Frau face. So, they finally get it that there's a traitor amongst them... Was it that hard to figure out? I dislike the slow pace of the anime...
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Jul 22, 2009 8:12 AM

Jul 2008
so we learn more about the war, but also that there's a traitor XD
gatta love's Razette's Frau face
Jul 22, 2009 9:12 AM
May 2008
Alright episode with the bits of back story and character development... but way to slow... it feels like most of this should been revealed five episodes ago.
Dead Account
Please Delete
Jul 22, 2009 9:38 AM

Dec 2007
Teito had a lot of uke-like expressions in this episode. Not sure if I like it or not. And at least Teito tried to smile, which was good; maybe he will stop being so emo now.
Looking forward to what's going to happen next; I might as well read the manga, but it's so confusing, bleh.
Jul 22, 2009 9:51 AM

Jan 2009
fuck yeah! ahahahh that cracked me up xD
and btw, did Teito reeaaaally Have to Jump into the water from the Bridge? O.o wouldn't it have been easier to just get in about where he put his clothes? >.>
and get the damn collar off already =.=' it's really bugging me by now
although I like his first attempt at smiling, kinda like me xD BUT that gets dragged into the mud by that flashback containing Mikage, that guy's contagious : /
also, Hakuren > Teito : D Teito's a wuss : p
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jul 22, 2009 11:08 AM

Aug 2008
So...I'm kind of confused. I thought that Teito's dad died because of the war and then he was sent off to the church where he met Fea. After this little conversation, they make it sound like Teito was sent to the church by his dad for some unknown reason, Fea leaves the church with Pandora's box, and is (maybe) linked to his dad's death. Is that right? If so, how? Why/how is Teito at the church in the first place? Or is that something that will be revealed later?

The show is doing a terrible job at clearly giving us information, and then just doing episodes light on any information or development, padded out with the same couple of things (flashbacks, Teito not being friendly or warm, Ayanami being evil, very inappropriate shounen-ai elements) over and over again. I'd like to see an episode full of plot and character development that isn't linked to a flashback at all.
Jul 22, 2009 11:12 AM

Jan 2009
noteDhero said:
So...I'm kind of confused. I thought that Teito's dad died because of the war and then he was sent off to the church where he met Fea. After this little conversation, they make it sound like Teito was sent to the church by his dad for some unknown reason, Fea leaves the church with Pandora's box, and is (maybe) linked to his dad's death. Is that right? If so, how? Why/how is Teito at the church in the first place? Or is that something that will be revealed later?

The show is doing a terrible job at clearly giving us information, and then just doing episodes light on any information or development, padded out with the same couple of things (flashbacks, Teito not being friendly or warm, Ayanami being evil, very inappropriate shounen-ai elements) over and over again. I'd like to see an episode full of plot and character development that isn't linked to a flashback at all.

tl;dr they gotta explain this better xd
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jul 22, 2009 11:32 AM

Nov 2008
Teito ran out of breath after only one minute (by my watch) under water. He's got to work on his lung capacity... LOL
Jul 22, 2009 9:33 PM

Jun 2008
This episode... I don't know. I liked it. Not gonna say much. I lied.

Frau's reaction to Teito trying to smile was freakin' epic. Frau isn't speechless/shocked very often. Very nicely done, that scene.

The whole thing with the Zaiphon bubbles and the talking and the words and junk, I thought was kind of annoying. Or maybe it was the sound effect that was getting on my nerves.

Bastien and Jio conversation seemed a bit off though. I don't remember the whole bit about Jio being forbidden to say why Frau can't use a Bascule. Maybe I'm off my rocker and need to reread though.

Hakuren still kicks serious ass though, even when he's not doing anything. I think it's the purple eyes. Those purple eyes make me melt.

Rule of Anime #18 - Law of Hemoglobin Capacity
The human body contains over 12 gallons of blood, sometimes more, under high pressure.
Jul 22, 2009 9:40 PM

Apr 2009
Razette freaks me out with the Frau face. o.O''
Jul 23, 2009 5:43 AM

May 2007
That was the most cutest episode. I swear, when Teito "smiled" and Frau dropped his apple, I was in some kind of ecstasy. : ) If someone would ask me to "SMILE", I would do the same.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next ep.
And because I didn't read manga yet, I'm curious how they will save him.
Jul 24, 2009 6:31 PM

Feb 2009
Uskaro said:

The whole thing with the Zaiphon bubbles and the talking and the words and junk, I thought was kind of annoying. Or maybe it was the sound effect that was getting on my nerves.

I would agree that it was kind of annoying....not the words, just the way they did the scene with the bubbles.

I felt that this episode had a much slower pace than the last couple of episodes :( At least it wasn't filler material.

Judging by the previews, it looks like the next episode is going to resume the pace that it had been going at. I'm so excited about seeing Frau as a kid ^^
Jul 24, 2009 11:03 PM

Dec 2008
For some reason, I put off watching this episode for a couple of days, I just wasn't looking forward to watching this anime - this is coming from a fan of the manga.

I'm really not liking how they are giving out so much info about Teito's past, that bothered me a lot.

Other than that, the last half of the episode was pretty good. The swimming scene lasted longer than I expected and Studio DEEN yet again dissapoints me with their lack of creativity with the background music during that whole scene.

I loved the whole scene between Teito and Frau - really shows that they care for each other (dammit guys, it's not shounen ai or yaoi - get your heads out of the gutter). I thought those Zaiphon talking was completely unnecessary. Did they even use Zaiphon bubbles in the manga? I thought the scene in the manga, Teito couldn't talk (cuz he was underwater) but he could hear Frau because of the close proximity (like how it was demonstrated when Frau told Teito to smile - that was done without Zaiphon) =__= What's wrong with you guys Studio DEEN...seriously...ugh.

I love the reference to Mikage memory - that was one of my favourite memory :). Really shows how Teito applied something he learned from his past to the present. Teito's attempt at the smile was adorable :P.

I also love how yet again, we get to see Teito's detemrination and strength grow more and more :)

robbydesuJul 24, 2009 11:06 PM
Jul 26, 2009 4:02 AM

Oct 2007
I don't have much to say about this episode.
I love under water scene it look like a cool place to swim in. :D
Teito Smile is very cute even he try to smile in the past.
Nice to see Teito and Frau getting along.

greenmush said:
awww man this episode makes me wish Mikage was not dead yet

I know how you feel. :(

robbydesu said:

Oh yes that I i'm really looking forward to see next week.
KuroTsuki14Jul 26, 2009 4:09 AM
@ MAL Claim an Anime Character v.2
Jul 26, 2009 1:49 PM

Apr 2009
Overall an okay episodes with a few great moments. Didn't Teito think he was the son of Raggs royalty earlier in the series? I have to echo earlier confusion about his life in Raggs and his father.

The smile was definitely awesome and the highlight of the episode.

"Guard my clothes." lol
Jul 26, 2009 2:46 PM

Jul 2009
Meh this episode was pretty boring.. It was kinda long winded for such a short moment. It was lots of talking and nothing really happened.

Then again, since I've read the manga, I suppose that knowing all the "spoilers" they were giving away about past things and.. stuff.. were kinda nothing new..

But even then. Zaiphon bubble conversations, and too much chatter = boring episode x_x
Jul 26, 2009 2:48 PM

Dec 2008
Lunaki said:
Then again, since I've read the manga, I suppose that knowing all the "spoilers" they were giving away about past things and.. stuff.. were kinda nothing new..
But doesn't it still bother you :(?? It bothers me a lot :( poo...
Jul 26, 2009 3:32 PM

Sep 2007
I thought this was a pretty bland episode, for many of the reasons people already stated. It's leading me to wonder why I haven't dropped it yet.
Jul 26, 2009 6:37 PM

Dec 2008
Iriya said:
I thought this was a pretty bland episode, for many of the reasons people already stated. It's leading me to wonder why I haven't dropped it yet.
Hahaha why haven't you dropped it yet?
Jul 26, 2009 7:46 PM

Sep 2007
robbydesu said:
Iriya said:
I thought this was a pretty bland episode, for many of the reasons people already stated. It's leading me to wonder why I haven't dropped it yet.
Hahaha why haven't you dropped it yet?

I have no idea, can't tell you. Maybe I'm just waiting, hoping for everything to be explained clearly?
Jul 27, 2009 11:29 AM

Sep 2008
Does anyone know that song that was playing around 17:40 is called?
Jul 28, 2009 9:37 PM

Jul 2008
with that mermaid girl i thought they might do something differnet when it came to teito running out of air... anyways, frau's request took me by surprise, a smile? here i was thinking he would ask for some mags, guess i was wrong
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Aug 1, 2009 12:46 PM
Aug 2009
The traitor is the Bishop Bastien, Frau kills him when he finds out.
Aug 8, 2009 5:36 AM

Jun 2008
The interaction btw Frau and Teito is great. Giggled at Frau for his reaction towards Teito's smile. But it was sweet that Teito really wanted to help.

Hey dude on top of my post, try not to post spoilers here or at least put a spoiler alert. I know how the story goes because I'm reading the manga but that does not mean others do know
Dec 28, 2009 1:07 AM

Oct 2008
The way Teito tried to smile for Frau was cute. Loved Frau's reaction. <3
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
May 14, 2010 4:56 PM

Jun 2009
KayChan4U said:

I loved Teito's goofy smile xDDD Bahahahah. But man..he really can't keep away from blondes, can he?


lol, good catch
Jul 25, 2010 11:09 AM

Jun 2009
Damn, I love Frau.! *-*
''Even if your throne crumbles and your shiny crown turns to rust. Even if the bodies pile up endlessly. Above the bottomless piles of corpses beside you as you lay softly down I will be, until I hear the words, check mate'' Sebastian Michaelis.
Jul 28, 2010 3:48 PM

Apr 2010
God, Frau's reaction when he saw Teito's 'smile' was EPIC WIN I nearly fell off of my chair laughing seriously xD...

They can't execute Frau seriously, I'll kill them if they do!
Sep 19, 2010 7:29 PM

Jun 2008
Am i the only one who felt closer to crying than laughing during the Teito smile scene? ._. Didn't find it funny at all, bittersweet more than anything. That whole scene, with the ending music overlapping, just beautiful. I finished the series and i still think this episode is my favorite.
Dec 5, 2010 3:41 PM
Dec 2010
dbaranyi said:
Teito ran out of breath after only one minute (by my watch) under water. He's got to work on his lung capacity... LOL

member the pool was long. y couldn't he walk to the part where the whole was then jump in? he would have more air, but the mermaid was there. so i guess everything works anyway :3 lol
Apr 25, 2011 10:01 AM

Dec 2009
Actually I think that Teito's smiling face is so funny. It make me laughed.

Sep 17, 2011 10:54 AM

Dec 2009
Takai said:
Am i the only one who felt closer to crying than laughing during the Teito smile scene? ._. Didn't find it funny at all, bittersweet more than anything. That whole scene, with the ending music overlapping, just beautiful. I finished the series and i still think this episode is my favorite.

Yes, the smile was freaking cute. Especially after the Mikage's flashbacks. Teito just wanted to make Frau feel better. <3
The best scene from the episode i'm sure.
Oct 25, 2012 1:39 AM
Dec 2011
Holy hell he held his breath for a LONG time!! HAHAH

Big win for Frau/Teito fans <3 I happen to love ALL the 'pairings" if there was romance in this that would be. I dunno it's like a reverse harem and I am soo addicted, MORE ROMANCE AND SECOND SEASON PLEASE!! <33 Anyways love it ((By pairings I mean Frau.Teito, Mikage.Teito, and all the rest Teito haha))

Want to talk more message me!!
May 24, 2013 11:29 AM

Jul 2012
This one had me crying again. I reeaaallyyyyy like how Frau and Teito's relationship is developing. It suits both of them! Though I still like Haruken more, heh *w*
Dec 8, 2014 2:13 PM

Jun 2010
Didn't like this one so much
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Mar 26, 2024 7:23 AM
Jul 2015
This eps is so gay mannn even more during mc meeting with Frau in prison then they whispering to his ear to smile

In the end he smile frau let the apple fell, man i guess mc can makes any straight guys realised they're bent

For now he has 4 harem who really close to him

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