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Apr 29, 2015 8:42 PM

Oct 2013
More development in 4 episodes than most shoujos hae in a full season. Fucking awesome show.
Code Geass is the most fun anime of all time, objectively speaking.
Apr 29, 2015 8:50 PM
Nov 2014
I'm impressed so far. ( 4 episodes in ) Takeo was AWESOME as always in this episode, Yamato's friends are a bunch of jackass though.
Apr 29, 2015 8:59 PM

Feb 2014
So... Takeo just went home with his clothes burnt, and his butt hole showing...
Apr 29, 2015 9:45 PM

Jan 2014
Madhouse seems to be in a roll lately..

HxH 2011, then Parasyte and Death Parade,

Now they are killing it with Ore Monogatari..
F0XFIRE said:
OP 4 most butthurt bitch on MAL.

Apr 29, 2015 9:53 PM

Nov 2013
Takeo-kun is just too heroic! Yamato is lucky to have him and their relationship is so sweet~ But I wonder how much more could this keep going? xD I mean I just can’t see how drama could start between them when their bond is so strong already.

xD Suna’s calmness throughout the situation makes me wonder if he’s the mastermind behind all these incidents just to make Takeo cool~ But he’s still the best support character! And...and....uuu~ >///<

Another great episode! If this keeps up, this will be my favorite of the season~!
Apr 29, 2015 10:00 PM

Jun 2013
Farabeuf said:
For a second, just for a split second, I thought that we would get a tragedy and Takeo would be lost to us and then we'd see the story of Yamato and Souna grieving together and eventually falling in love or something. Fortunately, Takeo channeled his inner Onizuka and survived against the odds. He's truly indestructible.

omg glad i'm not the only one, i was literally thinking that exact thing. which is weird that i did, considering there's been a dangerous event almost every episode and Takeo manages to save the day every time. BUT FOR A MINUTE THERE. i thought shit was going to get real dark real fast

also just like everyone else has said, this show has consistently been so fun to watch and makes me so happy with each episode?? I'm just... rly happy it exists and I hope the quality stays this good
Apr 29, 2015 10:19 PM
Feb 2015
It was pretty good although I dont know how this is gonna go on for 24 episodes and still be entertaining.
Apr 29, 2015 10:45 PM

Nov 2012
pretty good episode, it was funny. though imo they should stop including these convenient scenes like the fire that just exist for the purpose of showing how strong and what a good boyfriend takeo is. i'm sure there are other ways to show it that feel more realistic.
Apr 29, 2015 11:01 PM

May 2013
Takeo is really awesome. It's what I'd expect from the main man. Going through that fire was just sick! Now they see just how cool he is. Hahaha!

Great episode!
Apr 29, 2015 11:02 PM

Nov 2014
Although, they skipped 2 chapters in between "story where Yamato wants to do something more and progress the relationship.

-The story where Sunakawa's sister has thing for Takeo. I guess, we might see them later. They just changed the arc to keep up the flow going on!
Apr 29, 2015 11:03 PM

Jan 2011
ichii_1 said:
They skipped some scene but whatevs :'(
Maybe they'll put them as extras.

Gear 2nd full body flame mode XD

This. OP as hell.

Yamato is so sweet... she's like a bundle of happiness.

Perhaps Suna could've also been referring to himself when talking about Yamato's friends. Definitely has a dark past or something.
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Apr 29, 2015 11:17 PM

Feb 2012
Miriame said:
xD Suna’s calmness throughout the situation makes me wonder if he’s the mastermind behind all these incidents just to make Takeo cool~

This is my first thought, he's playing the blue ogre stirring up shit to make Takeo look like a hero. He was also the first to see the fire and call the firemen.
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Apr 29, 2015 11:26 PM
Jul 2018
4/5 Such a good episode!
I hated how those girls were talking crap about Takeo e_e
Fire scene was epic but funny when he got all burnt and dat ass crack tho ;p
Apr 29, 2015 11:41 PM
Dec 2013
there shoulda been a censor on Takeo at towards end lol
Apr 30, 2015 12:08 AM

Nov 2012
kickmesign said:
Miriame said:
xD Suna’s calmness throughout the situation makes me wonder if he’s the mastermind behind all these incidents just to make Takeo cool~

This is my first thought, he's playing the blue ogre stirring up shit to make Takeo look like a hero. He was also the first to see the fire and call the firemen.

Apr 30, 2015 12:29 AM
Ceasefire NOW

Aug 2009
silverwalls said:
kickmesign said:

This is my first thought, he's playing the blue ogre stirring up shit to make Takeo look like a hero. He was also the first to see the fire and call the firemen.

LOL. Interesting plot development we got going on here.

What I like about this anime is the friendship between the two guys. It's not the usual bff rivalry in a shoujo anime. Instead, they incorporate some funny scenes that you wouldn't usually see in shoujo anime (like a burnt butt haha).

And I think this anime is kind of making fun of the shoujo genre too?? Like the blushing, overkill of sparkly effects and fuzzy backgrounds.

Man, a falling beam, and crazy fire (where were the firefighters btw? I saw the truck at the cafe before he jumped)? Dark stuff.
Apr 30, 2015 12:39 AM

Dec 2011
RarestProGamer said:
Although, they skipped 2 chapters in between "story where Yamato wants to do something more and progress the relationship.

-The story where Sunakawa's sister has thing for Takeo. I guess, we might see them later. They just changed the arc to keep up the flow going on!

They only skip 1 chapter and they change the order to episode 5...
You should put an spoiler tag for the second part you mention for non manga reader.
Apr 30, 2015 1:12 AM

Mar 2014
man the preorder ranking is pretty low. wondering if madhouse can keep going on that high quality of animation.
Apr 30, 2015 1:13 AM

May 2014
DrummerX09 said:
More development in 4 episodes than most shoujos hae in a full season. Fucking awesome show.

PREACH IT BROTHA. so true man. In 4 SHORT episodes mind you ( they are barely 20 min without credits) this show has given us SO much personality and has also moved its story on quite quickly. Shows like Kimi ni Todake, or that maid one, or Love complex or whatever its called, AND SO MANY OTHERS ( having a brain fart about the names) took forever to flesh out even some of the very BASICS of a relationship and how feelings work. This show seems a bit more real in the fact, they both are just naive and say whats on their minds without all the hesitation.
Apr 30, 2015 1:15 AM

May 2014
silverwalls said:
kickmesign said:

This is my first thought, he's playing the blue ogre stirring up shit to make Takeo look like a hero. He was also the first to see the fire and call the firemen.

Its very possible. I have heard that a lot and while i didnt REALLY think that was the case, it was a small voice in the back of my mind. I mean suna is REALLY 2 steps ahead of everyone. but im glad hes cool and aloof but not a dick. At first glance he looks and acts like So many others in that archetype, but u soon realize that he is way more complex than his demeanor displays.
Apr 30, 2015 1:16 AM

Aug 2014
Damn I love this series.
Apr 30, 2015 1:27 AM

Jun 2013
Everything about this episode was just perfect. This is definitely anime of the season for me. They only way I can see drama at this point is if some thing bad happened to Rinko and that worries me a lot.
Apr 30, 2015 1:31 AM

Aug 2008
Pretty epic. I can see why he's popular with the guys (and why he scares MOST of the ladies). Bro is very macho and brave, but soft hearted.

babymilo91 said:
I lol'd at Suna trying to get the fire out behind Takeo while he is hugging Yamato. Takeo really is awesome.

Dude has his back good. He rejects girls too solely on the grounds that they talk trash about his pal. If that isn't what a best friend is, then I dunno what is.
Apr 30, 2015 1:57 AM

Jan 2008
Zeando said:
Darklord_bg said:
I've got to say though - that fire which appeared and the fact that the two shallow girls were exactly the ones who got trapped in it was way too convenient.

one possible explanation for all these accidents is that there is suna behind them, playing the part of the blue ogre :3
but it doesn't really need an explanation, it can just be something silly happening for no precise reason :P

Haha, that's brilliant (Fridge Brilliance), I did not think of that. It would be interesting if it was really the case. I think it is just plot convenience though.
Apr 30, 2015 2:05 AM

Aug 2013
ichii_1 said:
Inugirlz said:
The ugliest thing about him is his lips.

Imagine those lips and tongue action down there thou ;)

Apr 30, 2015 2:53 AM

Apr 2014
this anime is so cute om g
Apr 30, 2015 4:08 AM

May 2010
Of-course the girls would be rude. Calling Takeo a gorilla and "barely human" was overboard. Their reaction was realistic, that's for sure. In the end, they are nice girls, just a bit too quick to jump to conclusions.

Another overdramatic episode. It was proceeding nicely up till the save the girls part, but another "the objects dropped from the ceiling." wasn't a very unique thing to do. The worse is, Takeo went saiyan-mode cuz he felt the need to save Yamato. He got ''nakama power'' thanks to Suna. How is this any different from all the nakama stuff everyone bashes these days? Here everyone's like "oh so cool. wa wa wa." yet people outright bash those shounen protagonists... At least you watch those anime expecting nakama fights. Here it was unsuitable and just another thing step to emphasize Takeo's 'bro-ness' and strength.

I went for this show, thinking it would be a realistic romcom but alas. It isn't even realistic. If Takeo had normal-sized lips, no one would call him ugly (if anyone did, I would've been mad cuz judging someone based on looks is one of the worse things you can do to them) but nah, the mangaka had to make them extra big so that his so-called-ugliness becomes more apparent. Just draw his lips the normal size they are for God's sake, and stop treating it as some kind of joke. They focus way too much on his lips and I don't like that.

My point is, everything about this is fine. You wanted a story about an unattractive guy and a cute girl? Cool, I l support it. But you know, I would rather make the unattractive guy more natural and real. His lips are too big, his strength is way too high for a human being (and he's a high school kid btw. It's a shojo btw) No matter how you see it, he is overdone but nah as long as he's a bro, it's okay.

I just feel lonely in my opinion... Sigh.
Apr 30, 2015 4:08 AM

Jun 2013
This show just loves to end off the episodes with extreme BS eh

I don't even know what to expect anymore. I like how they are a couple already, and how much they each like each other. Thank the gods for no stupid beating around the bush
Apr 30, 2015 4:17 AM
Sep 2014
danieltortoisee said:
Wow. I've seen quite a lot of shoujo, and though this show has been subverting my expectations right from the start, I never imagined seeing an episode like that. For a moment there, I didn't actually comprehend the fact that there was a burning building. It was so out of left field that it just completely shocked me. Damn was it impressive though, especially the way he jumped out of the burning building right at the end.

Not really. There was REALLY blatant foreshadowing in the episode itself. Remember when they came out of the lift and were all "it's so dangerous to leave all these boxes here"? Those things were blocking the emergency exit. Which was locked. And what do you use in a fire? Why, the emergency exit of course!

Also, it's not surprising that those two girls were the very same ones who were trapped. Remember, the others said they never came back from the toilet. That means they probably decided to go after Yamato and probably apologise for making her cry, but they decided to search inside the building first. The fire probably started while they were busy searching; it may have also trapped them in, if they happened to be near where it started and couldn't get away in time.
fatalysticApr 30, 2015 4:21 AM
Apr 30, 2015 5:01 AM

Oct 2013
11/10 Takeo points of manliness.
Apr 30, 2015 5:01 AM

Jan 2014
Apr 30, 2015 5:13 AM

Jan 2015
Holy shit, Takeo is really frickin cool!

I didn't expect him to behave like Rambo!
Apr 30, 2015 5:18 AM

Apr 2014
Badass Takeo is badass.
Apr 30, 2015 5:26 AM

Jun 2008
kickmesign said:
Miriame said:
xD Suna’s calmness throughout the situation makes me wonder if he’s the mastermind behind all these incidents just to make Takeo cool~

This is my first thought, he's playing the blue ogre stirring up shit to make Takeo look like a hero. He was also the first to see the fire and call the firemen.

Nope. Guys Suna is the ultimate bro, the most selfless guy bro in shojo history, he would never even consider to put Takeo in a dangerous situation. He is calm because ...well it will be explained later. The one thing I can say is that Suna really cherishes his friends.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Apr 30, 2015 5:33 AM
Nov 2014
TragicRomance said:

I just feel lonely in my opinion... Sigh.

Nah, I kinda agree with most of your points. I mean, this anime is fine and I can't say I don't like it, but it really is overdramatic at times. Takeo has an interesting and kind personality, and I think there are better ways to show it than have him heroically save people from randomly falling objects every two episodes.
Apr 30, 2015 5:36 AM

Aug 2014
Aah, I'm actually worried if this series get boring after Takeo and Yamato got together.. Glad to see it's actually getting better. :)

lol nice theory on having Suna's the one who setting the fire. lol I really doubt it though. xD

Takeo to the rescue once again! lol at the reactions of Yamato's friends at the end! xD
I'm actually expected a harem between Takeo with Yamato and all of her friends in the future!

Apr 30, 2015 5:38 AM

May 2010
this anime is so over the top with near-death situations it's kinda ridiculous. first the metal beam and now the fire? how unlucky can they be lol

but we know takeo will always pull through and save the day. it's like he's a real superhero to yamato which makes for a better love story at the end of the day. I just hope there won't be a time where takeo isn't able to save the day :(
Apr 30, 2015 5:39 AM

Jan 2011
When he just picked up that baby carriage, lmao. Seems kinda sus how that restaurant caught fire.
Apr 30, 2015 6:10 AM

Sep 2013
StevenHu said:
ichii_1 said:

Imagine those lips and tongue action down there thou ;)

Apr 30, 2015 6:13 AM
Jul 2014
Omg somebody actually voted that they hated it? What can you hate about this show? It's super cute :'( and it I already made me cry a few times lol.

That was another great episode! Takeo's and Yamato's relationship is really something. They have a great chemistry.

I was actually giggling for a moment when he jumped through the know, it made it look like an action movie lol. Plus he got a great tan at the end XD
Apr 30, 2015 6:27 AM

Apr 2015
TragicRomance said:
Of-course the girls would be rude. Calling Takeo a gorilla and "barely human" was overboard. Their reaction was realistic, that's for sure. In the end, they are nice girls, just a bit too quick to jump to conclusions.

Another overdramatic episode. It was proceeding nicely up till the save the girls part, but another "the objects dropped from the ceiling." wasn't a very unique thing to do. The worse is, Takeo went saiyan-mode cuz he felt the need to save Yamato. He got ''nakama power'' thanks to Suna. How is this any different from all the nakama stuff everyone bashes these days? Here everyone's like "oh so cool. wa wa wa." yet people outright bash those shounen protagonists... At least you watch those anime expecting nakama fights. Here it was unsuitable and just another thing step to emphasize Takeo's 'bro-ness' and strength.

I went for this show, thinking it would be a realistic romcom but alas. It isn't even realistic. If Takeo had normal-sized lips, no one would call him ugly (if anyone did, I would've been mad cuz judging someone based on looks is one of the worse things you can do to them) but nah, the mangaka had to make them extra big so that his so-called-ugliness becomes more apparent. Just draw his lips the normal size they are for God's sake, and stop treating it as some kind of joke. They focus way too much on his lips and I don't like that.

My point is, everything about this is fine. You wanted a story about an unattractive guy and a cute girl? Cool, I l support it. But you know, I would rather make the unattractive guy more natural and real. His lips are too big, his strength is way too high for a human being (and he's a high school kid btw. It's a shojo btw) No matter how you see it, he is overdone but nah as long as he's a bro, it's okay.

I just feel lonely in my opinion... Sigh.

The exaggerations are often used as a hyperbole in numerous animes and even in classic novels for enhanced comic relief. Although I can't say much about you feeling that way, but the way the plot is being progressed in this anime is quite fine, regardless of the use of dramatic events. It's a slice of life, easy going, no absolute realism, kind of an anime. Takeo's super-human life strength and unconventional looks with Yamato's typical "nice-girl" type of personality and looks seem incompatible at first. However, as you can see from the show, their chemistry is impeccable and pleasing to look at.

Of course, you're entitled to your own opinion. But, I think giving it a "6" is quite harsh. What do you think? haha
Apr 30, 2015 6:45 AM

Apr 2015
I think this series has established itself nicely with this episode. Like a lot of other people are saying, the beam falling in episode three seemed contrived, but with that precedent set, the restaurant fire in this episode didn't seem so out of place. For that reason I think I enjoyed this episode a little more, though I've liked the whole series so far.

Yeah, the show's a little ridiculous and treading the line of outright parody, but I like it.
Apr 30, 2015 6:49 AM

Jul 2013
This episode is so great!!!
Apr 30, 2015 7:09 AM

Sep 2014
Such a fantastic episode! I love it right from the start. I can definitely see the excellent romance between Takeo and Yomata developing! Takeo jumping through the glass in the last minute for Yamato's sake was greatness. Can't wait for the next episode.
Apr 30, 2015 7:26 AM
Oct 2013
To be honest i wish the episode would have ended before the fire started (since that was very cliche) still imma give a 5/5
Apr 30, 2015 7:37 AM

Nov 2014
Takeo and Yamato hugged while Suna swapped out fire on Takeo's back.
Apr 30, 2015 8:06 AM

Feb 2015
Good episode but hope something like this dosen't happen every episode.

Suna attempting to put out of the fire xD.
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Apr 30, 2015 8:34 AM

Jul 2014
A little bit predictable but a good episode nevertheless.
Apr 30, 2015 8:48 AM

Jul 2011
This show continues to melt my stone heart. Yamato is best girl of this season, Takeo is the dream guy and Suna is the bro I wish I had

Apr 30, 2015 8:53 AM

Aug 2008
You would already tell that place was a shithole to begin with lol. That fire that came out of nowhere made me laugh. And Takeo jumping out of it Hollywood style was fuckin swweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
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