All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 161.0
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed478
- On-Hold25
- Dropped27
- Plan to Watch212
- Total Entries744
- Rewatched0
- Episodes9,720
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 58.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries114
- Reread0
- Chapters10,017
- Volumes781
All Comments (109) Comments
Well, the vision he has for the country and his honesty, integrity, and experience (thus, he won't betray us when he gets in office, and he's not making empty promises as is common in our political system) would be the short answer. To go in more depth, I think America is falling far behind the rest of the western world in terms of prosperity when it comes to things like poverty, quality of life, infrastructure, healthcare, education, criminal justice, and a slew of other issues. Things are just so corrupt here and pander to the wealthy and corporations, since we elected Reagan back in the end of 1980. Really need to reverse the flow of things and change the way politics have worked the last 30-40 years, so that the government works in the best interest of the citizens as it should be doing. Basically all the bad things that happen here are due to the government have the corporations interests in mind rather than the people's, such as crime, income inequality, and poverty. Like for example, our government actually PAYS companies instead of taxing them and most welfare programs are wasted in that if the companies paid better most people wouldn't be on welfare. But ya... things are just a clusterfuck here politically and economically that it's about time we get a politician that doesn't want more of the same and actually does what he says.
I'm still waiting on the dates for the training to be decided, but at this rate it's looking to be another month or two before I leave. At least it'll be summer when I'm over there in Europe I guess, so that'll make traveling a lot easier. Still waiting on the visa to process, which is the main holdup on things. My lease doesn't expire until the end of April, so no big deal if things are pushed off a bit.
Needless to say I haven't exercised recently because two weeks after recovering from the flu I still have a cough and feel weird exercising near people with it. /sob
In other news, I spend a lot of time volunteering for the Bernie Sander's campaign. .w.
Sort of kind of. My old job did have me working automotive projects sometimes, but other than that not really. The old job was very tech support / sales type work, where as now I just work as a normal engineer working in design. The old job was a great way to get my foot in the door a bit, but overall it sucked, and the new job is right where I want to be in a growing field to boot.
I quit LoL~! For the most part, I'll super occasionally get on if I'm pestered by certain friends on skype, but I still have games on my match history dating back from around September-ish. Quit near the end of last season with a month or two until the end of the season and was somewhere in mid plat when I left. Didn't have it in me for the diamond grind and it's just not something I particularly feel like dumping time into anymore.
I'm trying to work out more right now, but it's only 2-3 times a week right now. Last week a friend dragged me out to try two different gyms with here that offer classes and boy where those tough. I feel so unfit after them and was super sore to boot. I'll be going to Germany in the next month or so for my work as part of my introductory training for half a year, which will be great for traveling around Europe and what not since I'm there anyway. No idea how I'm going to handle anime watching though...
Am a failure. Had a hard time getting into it, and then had some shitty life curcumstances that happened during the summer, which included going to the hospital and totalling my car. Not fun. Everything from the summer is good and worked out now, minus hospital bills because fuck the system and their overpriced garbage service. u_u
Netflix, specifically Person of Interest, has recently been distracting me a bit from anime though. I'm going to try starting Madoka Magica when I wake up, been getting a lot of people nudging me to watch it, heh. Also steam has been great these last couple months with all the visual novels they're adding. /drool
What's shaking with you?
In my country, Christmas is celebrated today ;'D
Merry Christmas ;D