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Apr 26, 2015 7:40 PM

Jan 2014
Hey, thanks for bringing this back! Just a quick suggestion, could you implement an "ignore this recommendation" button for the recommendations page that would stop that series from showing again? There's lots of reasons for this, like for example there are several anime series where I've chosen to read the manga instead and vice versa, and for a lot of these, especially those with well-done and complete adaptations, I'd prefer not to go back and see the material in another form. Or for example sometimes it comes up with ecchi series, which I don't want to watch, and they stay there taking up space. Not a huge priority but it would be nice :)
Apr 26, 2015 9:17 PM

Jan 2011
Matoro_Mahri said:
Hey, thanks for bringing this back! Just a quick suggestion, could you implement an "ignore this recommendation" button for the recommendations page that would stop that series from showing again? There's lots of reasons for this, like for example there are several anime series where I've chosen to read the manga instead and vice versa, and for a lot of these, especially those with well-done and complete adaptations, I'd prefer not to go back and see the material in another form. Or for example sometimes it comes up with ecchi series, which I don't want to watch, and they stay there taking up space. Not a huge priority but it would be nice :)

I'm all for this as well. I keep my hentai on alt account so now all but 2 of the anime in the recommendations section of my regular account is pornographic anime.
Apr 26, 2015 9:33 PM

Jun 2013
Matoro_Mahri said:
Hey, thanks for bringing this back! Just a quick suggestion, could you implement an "ignore this recommendation" button for the recommendations page that would stop that series from showing again? There's lots of reasons for this, like for example there are several anime series where I've chosen to read the manga instead and vice versa, and for a lot of these, especially those with well-done and complete adaptations, I'd prefer not to go back and see the material in another form. Or for example sometimes it comes up with ecchi series, which I don't want to watch, and they stay there taking up space. Not a huge priority but it would be nice :)

I'm so much for this. >.< I don't just want to watch magical girl anime.
My signature is lame...
Apr 26, 2015 11:29 PM

Jan 2013
better version, old one had weird artifacts

thanks for the templates too, fri
Apr 27, 2015 2:36 AM

Feb 2010
abystoma2 said:
Yaoi/Yuri should have only one level each imo. Is there even 100 yaoi and 100 yuri anime in the database:

Yuri + Shoujo ai animes (using mal genre filters) is around 80. I bet some yurists will add animes that doesn't have shoujo ai or yuri tag (for example Banana no nana doesn't have yuri nor Shoujo ai tag).
Mahou shoujo genre has this threshold:
Manga thresholds (and anime-mahoushoujo) are 15, 30, 50 and 80.

As for Yaoi + shounen ai: 108

I guess 1 level for intersex would be ok, as I don't know too much animes/mangas about this topic.
Apr 27, 2015 6:23 AM

Nov 2013
Narushisto20 said:
abystoma2 said:
Yaoi/Yuri should have only one level each imo. Is there even 100 yaoi and 100 yuri anime in the database:
It's for manga achievements and there is enough manga for 4 levels.

Oh, for manga it would certainly work. And we need more manga achievements.
You all need to watch Nami.

Apr 27, 2015 6:53 AM

May 2014
This manga should be added to the vampire genre:!/

And how about a lazy achievement for those who watched many anime with less than 12 episodes?
Apr 27, 2015 7:01 AM

Jul 2013
Hibiki07 said:
And how about a lazy achievement for those who watched many anime with less than 12 episodes?
XD I'd love that
Apr 27, 2015 8:07 AM

Nov 2013
Lwaxana said:
Hibiki07 said:
And how about a lazy achievement for those who watched many anime with less than 12 episodes?
XD I'd love that

I second this.
And lot of one-shots for manga.
You all need to watch Nami.

Apr 27, 2015 8:23 AM
Sep 2014
While we're talking about achievements, one thing that's always bugged me is how most of the anime genre achievements have a level 1 threshold of 25 shows. Why make it so that someone needs to watch 25 shows to get level 1 but only 15 additional shows to get level 2? I'd think that it makes more sense to give the level 1 achievement at 20 shows, so that the progression is more consistent -- level 1 at 20, level 2 at 40, level 3 at 60. This also makes it fit better with the progression of the manga achievements.
Apr 27, 2015 8:51 AM

Jun 2013
How about something for really weird anime. Like Cromartie, Ishida to Asakara, Bobobo, Inferno Cop, Warau Salesman, and Saint Onii-san to name a few. It could be like a "Weird is good" kinda thing.
My signature is lame...
Apr 27, 2015 12:18 PM

Apr 2013
gardevoir7 said:
How about something for really weird anime. Like Cromartie, Ishida to Asakara, Bobobo, Inferno Cop, Warau Salesman, and Saint Onii-san to name a few. It could be like a "Weird is good" kinda thing.

Ehhh, I don't think it deserves its own achievement, especially since the "weirdness factor" tends to vary with people. Saint Onii-san isn't something I'd personally find "weird", for example, nor Inferno Cop.

I just thought about this (and I'm not sure if anyone else suggested this), but what about martial arts anime? There's enough of them that it could have its own achievement, yeah?
Apr 27, 2015 12:54 PM

Feb 2012
I think manga and anime should have the same number of achivments
I mean manga should have the ecchi/hentai achievment too
And now that anime got the mystery it should have the yaoi one
And if we have the sports in anime , you can add the yuri one
My Candies 2024:
Apr 27, 2015 2:42 PM
Feb 2015
I have some ideas for music genre achievements. I will post them when I can get on my laptop. Is it a good idea for music achievements? Do you guys think there are enough?
Apr 27, 2015 3:01 PM

Jan 2011
Lil-Bird said:

I just thought about this (and I'm not sure if anyone else suggested this), but what about martial arts anime? There's enough of them that it could have its own achievement, yeah?

That seems very subjective. Some would fall under Sports and others under "fantasy scifi superpower magic" bs which naturally get martial arts like all the Dragonballs; while the other hardcore ones already are accounted for in the GAR achievement like the Street Fighters, the Hokuto no Kens, and Kinnikumans so you'd be double dipping there.

I'm all for it if it's a Sports genre achievement that lets in anime with the Martial Arts genre too if it's regular martial arts and if it hasn't already been accounted for by another achievement. Like Kakutou Bijin Wulong for example but Gifuu Doudou!!: Kanetsugu to Keiji would not.
Apr 27, 2015 3:13 PM

Nov 2010
ShiinaChan said:
I think manga and anime should have the same number of achivments
I mean manga should have the ecchi/hentai achievment too
Please, do this.
Apr 27, 2015 3:56 PM
Feb 2015
Here are my ideas for Music anime achievements. If someone could make the pictures in achievement format, that would be awesome.

Level 1: Piano Student
Description: So you started taking piano lessons from the old lady across the street. Nowhere to go but up!

Level 2: Prodigy
Description: All right, you've been discovered. The full-ride scholarships are pouring in left and right. But can you meet the expectations?

Level 3: Music Professor
Description: Bachelors degree: check. Masters degree: check. Doctorate: check. You're a full-fledged professor now. Can you possible go any higher in the world of music?

Level 4: Conducting Legend
Description: World renown. Even the artless jocks at high schools know your name. The thousands of hours of practice and years of blood and sweat have lead you to this: being the best at what you do.

So these are the ideas I had. I think these would be cool achievements!
Apr 27, 2015 4:09 PM

Nov 2007
I am going to second the Pokemon Master Achievement. Just one level, and need to of have completed 40+ pokemon titles (I counted and there's 50 completed now)
Apr 27, 2015 5:22 PM

Nov 2010
@curtis_sw117: from a musical point of view, prodigy should be 3 and professor 2.
Apr 27, 2015 6:54 PM
Feb 2015
Kinkara said:
@curtis_sw117: from a musical point of view, prodigy should be 3 and professor 2.

Think so? I was thinking of just being discovered and not having a great understanding in the theory aspect of music. But it can be changed up whichever way is best. I don't mind
Apr 27, 2015 11:16 PM

Jan 2013
abystoma2 said:

I fixed up the sizes for them. Then I took some liberty with Yuuno. Then penguins happened. Perhaps we could make this a dementia/psychological achievement? They often go hand in hand, and your descriptions fit both genres well (given a slight change to the last one).

Dementia/Psychological anime achievement:

What exactly did I just watch? / You discovered a whole new world of weird. Keep on watching.

My mind is full of fuck / Your attempt to wrap your mind around this failed completely.

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? / It has become hard to distinguish between reality and fiction.

Wired Sound / You've seen too much. You've transcended humanity and operate on another level now.

(I do like 「 Wired Sound 」 as a title, except that I think the uniform font is more important here. Let me know if you like it or want to see any changes)

edit: I changed the name of lv3 to 'Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?', you were quoting Bohemian Rhapsody, right?
Eri_ViApr 27, 2015 11:35 PM
Apr 28, 2015 12:30 AM

Apr 2013
To the one person who suggested the music genre, thank you. That should definitely be a thing.

lanblade said:
That seems very subjective. Some would fall under Sports and others under "fantasy scifi superpower magic" bs which naturally get martial arts like all the Dragonballs; while the other hardcore ones already are accounted for in the GAR achievement like the Street Fighters, the Hokuto no Kens, and Kinnikumans so you'd be double dipping there.

I'm all for it if it's a Sports genre achievement that lets in anime with the Martial Arts genre too if it's regular martial arts and if it hasn't already been accounted for by another achievement. Like Kakutou Bijin Wulong for example but Gifuu Doudou!!: Kanetsugu to Keiji would not.

Ah, figured as much. Having it in sports seems to be the better idea, but ah well. So much for more motivation to get into martial arts anime.

xochandaox said:
I am going to second the Pokemon Master Achievement. Just one level, and need to of have completed 40+ pokemon titles (I counted and there's 50 completed now)

Wait, who suggested this? I'd totally be for something like this and not because I would pretty much be a Pokémon Master lulz, though it should probably include other 'Mon shows. Then again, I don't think there's enough of it to make the cut. sooooo... *hangs head*
Apr 28, 2015 4:38 AM

Feb 2012
abystoma2 said:
Lwaxana said:
XD I'd love that

I second this.
And lot of one-shots for manga.

I don't think the lazy one would work, cuz there are too many 12ep series
I agree about the onshot one (achivement for 150+ oneshots maybe)
Also anime could get one for Movies (150+ movies)
My Candies 2024:
Apr 28, 2015 5:43 AM

Jul 2013
ShiinaChan said:
I don't think the lazy one would work, cuz there are too many 12ep series
I agree about the onshot one (achivement for 150+ oneshots maybe)
Also anime could get one for Movies (150+ movies)
That or maybe short anime? Like 3/5 minutes? Though I'm not sure if there are many of those.. >_<
Apr 28, 2015 9:09 AM

Nov 2007
Lil-Bird said:

xochandaox said:
I am going to second the Pokemon Master Achievement. Just one level, and need to of have completed 40+ pokemon titles (I counted and there's 50 completed now)

Wait, who suggested this?

It was in the first page, post #21.
Apr 28, 2015 9:44 AM

May 2014
ShiinaChan said:
I don't think the lazy one would work, cuz there are too many 12ep series
I agree about the onshot one (achivement for 150+ oneshots maybe)
Also anime could get one for Movies (150+ movies)
I said less than 12 episodes. For example Afro Samurai (5 ep), NouCome (10 ep) or Tsukimonogatari (4 ep). But when I think of it, the number of such anime might be a little short...
Apr 28, 2015 10:17 AM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
Hibiki07 said:
ShiinaChan said:
I don't think the lazy one would work, cuz there are too many 12ep series
I agree about the onshot one (achivement for 150+ oneshots maybe)
Also anime could get one for Movies (150+ movies)
I said less than 12 episodes. For example Afro Samurai (5 ep), NouCome (10 ep) or Tsukimonogatari (4 ep). But when I think of it, the number of such anime might be a little short...

There's 167 total completed series currently listed as being TV series less than 12 episodes long. A lot of those have 10 or 11 episodes each, mind you, and 10 or 11 eps is currently considered a "full length" single cour, but it's still worthy of note.
Apr 28, 2015 10:47 AM
Feb 2015
Deividas said:
Not enough titles (<200) for dementia. And too much short anime (same for music).

Deividas said:
Psychological - no. Not enough titles (<200).

though i'm not that big of a fan of the genres themselves ( as far as i've seen psychological always ends up with a bit to much drama and breakdowns for my tastes ) i support the idea of getting an achievement for those

in my opinion you should make a shared achievement for both and/or use smaller tressholds like the mahou shoujo and manga achievements

mentioning tressholds, maybe space could the smaller tressholds as well considering it has less then 300 titles, even with 15/30/50/80 tressholds you'd have to watch about 30% of all anime with the tag to get level 4

abystoma2 said:
Lwaxana said:
XD I'd love that

I second this.
And lot of one-shots for manga.

well...10 and 11 episodes are considered a full cour as well, so just OVAs, specials or maybe even movies would be a better alternative as all of those are pretty lazy way to get all but the boku no pico, rating, ecchi/hentai and long runner achievements

achievement for reading X one-shots would be great

maybe a gore achievement could be added functioning the same way as GAR and mahou shoujo, i have no idea if there are enough titles to back it because i'm not good with gore myself but it would be a pretty intresting alternative to a horror/thriller ( not implying those are the same as gore , but the majority of them have gore )
CrackmoreApr 28, 2015 10:59 AM
Apr 28, 2015 11:53 AM

Nov 2013
gardevoir7 said:
How about something for really weird anime. Like Cromartie, Ishida to Asakara, Bobobo, Inferno Cop, Warau Salesman, and Saint Onii-san to name a few. It could be like a "Weird is good" kinda thing.

Dementia achievement is what are you looking for.
You all need to watch Nami.

Apr 28, 2015 11:58 AM

Nov 2013
Lolicon4Life said:
abystoma2 said:

I fixed up the sizes for them. Then I took some liberty with Yuuno. Then penguins happened. Perhaps we could make this a dementia/psychological achievement? They often go hand in hand, and your descriptions fit both genres well (given a slight change to the last one).

Dementia/Psychological anime achievement:

What exactly did I just watch? / You discovered a whole new world of weird. Keep on watching.

My mind is full of fuck / Your attempt to wrap your mind around this failed completely.

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? / It has become hard to distinguish between reality and fiction.

Wired Sound / You've seen too much. You've transcended humanity and operate on another level now.

(I do like 「 Wired Sound 」 as a title, except that I think the uniform font is more important here. Let me know if you like it or want to see any changes)

edit: I changed the name of lv3 to 'Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?', you were quoting Bohemian Rhapsody, right?

Looks awesome. And if the psychological anime would be included, there would be no problems like "too little dementia anime in database" or "too many short dementia anime". And people who wanted psychological achievement would be happy too.

But I would keep 「 Wired Sound 」 if possible, exactly because of the uniform font. Because, you know, dementia has always been the weird, different genre. So max level having different font than other achievements is really fitting, at least that´s what I think.
You all need to watch Nami.

Apr 28, 2015 12:08 PM

Nov 2013
Hibiki07 said:
There's 167 total completed series currently listed as being TV series less than 12 episodes long. A lot of those have 10 or 11 episodes each, mind you, and 10 or 11 eps is currently considered a "full length" single cour, but it's still worthy of note.

Why count tv series only? Just count everything with 5 and less episodes, make the treshold 300 or more and we´re ready to go. There are tons of anime with 1 episode only, trust me.
You all need to watch Nami.

Apr 28, 2015 9:12 PM
Dec 2009
How about a sort of counterpart for pre-80s achievement? Something like "I love them fresh" and it's granted for having over 80% of titles in list start after the date of user registration.
Apr 29, 2015 1:01 AM

Jul 2013
I like the idea of a music achievement, but maybe different levels would be better.
The pictures with the exception of the prodigy one all look like visual novel images for example.

You could maybe have a K-On reference with the tea and cake or maybe an AKB0048 reference.
A Franz Von Stresemann picture would also be a possibility for one of the levels lol

There's a lot of very distinct music anime out there and I just feel it would be nice if the achievement would represent those a bit more.

I don't know if there's enough of those in the database though considering how the vast majority of them seem to be music videos which are way too easy to watch for an achievement.
Tyrantarmy6Apr 29, 2015 1:09 AM
For those who seek perfection, there can be no rest on this side of the grave.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Apr 29, 2015 8:33 AM

Nov 2010
curtis_sw117 said:
Kinkara said:
@curtis_sw117: from a musical point of view, prodigy should be 3 and professor 2.

Think so? I was thinking of just being discovered and not having a great understanding in the theory aspect of music. But it can be changed up whichever way is best. I don't mind
hmmm... yeah I understand, ut the fact still remains that prodigies understand music better than professors (please note the gigantic difference between being a musical professor and a professional musician).
Apr 29, 2015 9:14 AM

Jun 2014
For fujoshi max achievement it must be one of this two:


Nothing else is more fitting.
Apr 29, 2015 9:20 AM

Nov 2010
Kinkara said:
ShiinaChan said:
I think manga and anime should have the same number of achivments
I mean manga should have the ecchi/hentai achievment too
Please, do this.
Anyone up to doing this??? pls It'd be awesome!!!!
Apr 29, 2015 10:23 AM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
abystoma2 said:

Why count tv series only? Just count everything with 5 and less episodes, make the treshold 300 or more and we´re ready to go. There are tons of anime with 1 episode only, trust me.

I'm well aware there's a ton. You're talking to someone who's seen hundreds of movies and short OVAs/specials. I just don't see how it's that much of an achievement to watch a ton of titles with very few episodes each.
Apr 29, 2015 10:30 AM

Jun 2014
It can be joke "anti"-achievement, something like "Cheater! / You watched this many OVAs, ONAs and specials just to inflate your list, isn't it?"
Apr 29, 2015 10:46 AM

Jan 2013
Numi said:
I just don't see how it's that much of an achievement to watch a ton of titles with very few episodes each.

I'm with you on this. A few new achievements will be nice, but we shouldn't go overboard. Too many and they just feel gimmicky, like this one.
Apr 29, 2015 10:53 AM

Jan 2013
Speaking of too many achievements, I'd still like to see a music achievement. Only TV series with music genre though, rather than the huge amount of music videos (if you can distinguish between them?).

Apr 29, 2015 11:20 AM

Aug 2013
[quote=Lolicon4Life]Speaking of too many achievements, I'd still like to see a music achievement. Only TV series with music genre though, rather than the huge amount of music videos (if you can distinguish between them?).

There are movie or OVA with music too..
Apr 29, 2015 12:13 PM

Nov 2013
Lolicon4Life said:
Speaking of too many achievements, I'd still like to see a music achievement. Only TV series with music genre though, rather than the huge amount of music videos (if you can distinguish between them?).

How about not counting tv series only, but instead just filtering music videos out? If that´s possible.
You all need to watch Nami.

Apr 29, 2015 4:09 PM

Aug 2009
Lolicon4Life said:
Speaking of too many achievements, I'd still like to see a music achievement. Only TV series with music genre though, rather than the huge amount of music videos (if you can distinguish between them?).

You da real mvp. Amv is the best kind of anime
Apr 29, 2015 4:10 PM

Aug 2009
Alex-and said:
It can be joke "anti"-achievement, something like "Cheater! / You watched this many OVAs, ONAs and specials just to inflate your list, isn't it?"

I wonder how this will work for somebody with 5000 titles
Apr 29, 2015 4:12 PM

Mar 2014
nekomimibadik said:
Alex-and said:
It can be joke "anti"-achievement, something like "Cheater! / You watched this many OVAs, ONAs and specials just to inflate your list, isn't it?"

I wonder how this will work for somebody with 5000 titles
Make it % based, maybe if you've like 40% of your entries being only 1 episode long or so (could even make it by levels, like 30%, 40%, 50% for each one).
Apr 29, 2015 5:36 PM

Jun 2014
nekomimibadik said:
I wonder how this will work for somebody with 5000 titles
I doubt there are many users with such amount, and I doubt they'll think anything about such "achievement". In the end, it'll be only a joke achievement. Also, this achievement can be rightfully applied even to users with great amount of titles - it is possible that they started with that intention (to quickly get big amount of titles in list) and only later realized how stupid it is and stopped doing this.
If possible, I think that % should be calculated not based on the amount of short titles, but instead on total time of shorts. I have a friend who can easily get this achievement only because (s)he likes big franchises with a lot of stories and so watching every special/OVA that related to such franchises.
And if that achievement will be implemented, I think it also MUST be implemented for manga. I know a lot of girls that reads only short stories (i.e. dodjinshis), me being one of them. Such disrespectful attitude to the medium must be properly and funny punished. :-)
Apr 29, 2015 6:11 PM

Aug 2011
Alex-and said:
It can be joke "anti"-achievement, something like "Cheater! / You watched this many OVAs, ONAs and specials just to inflate your list, isn't it?"

This could also work for manga... Someone who has more than, I don't know, about 50% of titles on his list as oneshots, could have "oneshot maniac" with description like "Not every story needs lots of volumes to have a conclusion"
Apr 29, 2015 6:56 PM
Nov 2012
Alex-and said:
Such disrespectful attitude to the medium must be properly and funny punished.

Have you thought of people who like pre-1960 anime? Of people who like OVAs of 80s and 90s? Of all the people who watch single-episode shows out of sheer interest in these parts of the medium, not to boost the amount of titles? How exactly does exploration of the roots of the medium become "disrespectful attitude"? Achievements are intended to encourage people to explore new horizons, not to discourage them from doing so. If anything, I'd support what was suggested earlier in the thread:

abystoma2 said:
I would split the pre-1980 achievement to pre-1960 and 1961-1980 with the first one named something like "Monochrome master race" and the second one keeping the "VHS master race" title. Also, I would change to minimum required anime number, as it´s now it´s the easies achivemenent of all.
Apr 29, 2015 7:43 PM

Jul 2012
Lolicon4Life said:
Speaking of too many achievements, I'd still like to see a music achievement. Only TV series with music genre though, rather than the huge amount of music videos (if you can distinguish between them?).

Considering that things that have the "magic" genre don't necessarily get to fall under the "mahou shoujo" achievements, I can see this working in terms of filtering. If users pitched in to offer a large amount of music themed anime that aren't music videos than this could be a success.
Apr 29, 2015 8:31 PM

Jan 2011
ihateeveryone said:
Lolicon4Life said:
Speaking of too many achievements, I'd still like to see a music achievement. Only TV series with music genre though, rather than the huge amount of music videos (if you can distinguish between them?).

Considering that things that have the "magic" genre don't necessarily get to fall under the "mahou shoujo" achievements, I can see this working in terms of filtering. If users pitched in to offer a large amount of music themed anime that aren't music videos than this could be a success.

There aren't enough Music genre TV anime on the database though (less than 100).

And something to consider: "what about idol anime"? Those get the music genre too even though almost all of them just feature the cast singing and dancing. No instruments required. Most of the anime focuses on them doing things to look pretty rather than working on the actual music itself. Which in turn does mirror the idol industry in Japan; it's great that they have an automated system to have non-stop idols debuting but it seems like it's own category away from "music anime" like that of K-ON! or Beck or Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso which do have a heavy hand in the music creation process.
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