Apr 20, 2015 4:36 PM
➜ Achievements (files) ➜ Suggestions (read before suggesting) | GAR suggestions (read before suggesting) ➜ Support |
DeividasMar 6, 10:00 PM
Apr 22, 2015 5:58 AM
Apr 22, 2015 6:17 AM
Any chance you'll add some new achievements? I've always thought it's kind of a shame that romance is the only genre achievement shared by manga and anime. (Consider this a suggestion to add more achievements). |
People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li |
Apr 22, 2015 7:27 AM
Nice. Yeah, the mystery achievements and whatnot for manga would be nice to throw into the anime fray. And do hook us up with a drop achievement! haha |
Apr 22, 2015 7:36 AM
Shame I don't know how to use photoshop... Space achievement would be fantastic. |
People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li |
Apr 22, 2015 9:35 AM
Ecchi - shoujo - hentai achievements still not going to happen? |
Apr 22, 2015 9:55 AM
There would be achievements for most of basic genres like: Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy/supernatural Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-fi (maybe instead of space?) I would also gladly see ecchi or hentai achievement ;P Maybe yuri and yaoi too. And what do you think about producers' achievements? Some other sites have such. |
Apr 22, 2015 10:08 AM
Jakly said: There would be achievements for most of basic genres like: Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy/supernatural Horror Mystery Psychological Sci-fi (maybe instead of space?) Would love to see achievements for psychological/sci-fi :) |
Apr 22, 2015 10:10 AM
Apr 22, 2015 11:05 AM
If just images are enough and you do the work, I'd gladly help: Because that's so close to the Earth (but space), that might work for a level 1 achievement. Something in the lines "You're finally outside the atmosphere, but there's still a lot to explore" (this would be a reference to Planetes anime). It also came to mind a "Fly me to the Moon" (obvious reference here to Sinatra and/or Evangelion's ending theme) achievement, but I can't seem to find a suitable image yet. As a reference to Yamato, level 2 could be something like Arrived at Iscandar - You've travelled vast interstellar distances and seen many galaxies in your way" This image might work for that: Level 3 I was thinking something like "Your rule the universe" or "Emperor of the Universe" with something in the lines of "You're the ruler of the whole universe. There's no one with more power than you." (a reference to Legend of the Galactic Heroes). This image would work I think: For the fourth achievement, I guess it should be like the others, a black blackground with just one symbol. I think an image of the Big Bang (just searching "big bang universe" in google gives you a lot of options) and the text should be something in the lines "You're responsible for the Big Bang" or something of the sort. Hope that helps a bit! |
People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li |
Apr 22, 2015 11:40 AM
abystoma2Apr 22, 2015 11:47 AM
You all need to watch Nami. |
Apr 22, 2015 11:44 AM
Apr 22, 2015 12:29 PM
abystoma2 said: Hm, would there be a possibility of getting dementia genre achievement? I could probably think about some desctiption and pictures for these. I always thought this should be a must, many times achievements works as inspiration for watching related anime and compared to other genres, dementia is pretty underwatched. It will work same as mahou shoujo. As for works you listed, I don't think Space dandy is dandy enough to be in GAR, it's a space adventure anime with very few scenes in and between. Dragon Ball Z can be considered GAR and also can you clarify, does naze nani shana contains anything similar to magical girls or it is just parody scenes. |
Apr 22, 2015 1:42 PM
i was suggesting making these achievements Comedy achievements Harem achievements |
Apr 22, 2015 1:42 PM
Inferno_Cop said: does naze nani shana contains anything similar to magical girls or it is just parody scenes. I haven´t watched it yet, but Shakugan no Shana: Naze Nani Shana is already mahou-shoujo and the specials I linked to used to belong under that entry, but it got split recenty. And yeah, everyone needs to watch more dementia. And what is better way to make people do so then an achievement for that? I started watching mecha because of MALgraph and I found out I actually like it. |
You all need to watch Nami. |
Apr 22, 2015 2:13 PM
abystoma2 said: Hm, would there be a possibility of getting dementia genre achievement? I could probably think about some desctiption and pictures for these. I came up with some possible titles you can give the Dementia genre (why the hell did they call it Dementia?) achievements. Dementia Level 1: "The /what/ genre!?" Dementia Level 2: "I've seen things..." Dementia Level 3: "I'm in too deep!" Dementia Max Level: "???" |
Apr 22, 2015 2:26 PM
Here are the sports achievement set, I will work on some more. Sports Level 1 Title: Knockout! Description: You've held your own in the ring, time to go all the way. Image: Level 2 Title: Get Your Head In The Game Description: The odds are against you, time to get in the zone. Image: Level 3 Title: Welcome To The Big Leagues Description: There's no stopping you, just one final push. Image: Level 4 (MAX) Title: Olympian Description: First across the finish line, great job! Image: |
Apr 22, 2015 2:56 PM
I think the main point of low number genre related achievements was to not progress in 3-5 different achievements by watching one serie. It would be fun to see some series or cross series achievements (in boku no pico style), for example after completing 5-10-15-20 pokemon shows and obtaining pokemon master achievement :D |
Apr 22, 2015 3:03 PM
Apr 22, 2015 4:24 PM
All of the suggestions till now are genre based achievements, what about a new type achievement? Top 50 Achievement - watched top 50 popular anime. Top 100 Achievement - watched top 100 popular anime. Top 200 Achievement - watched top 200 popular anime. Top 300 Achievement - watched top 300 popular anime. ... The only problem with this in fact that it's dynamic. Though, it changes only when new anime is becoming popular very fast, like No Game No Life or Kill La Kill or even Tokyo Ghoul. If not by popularity, I thought maybe to make some specific anime titles into it, like Death Note, it was number 1 all of the years (and it is now), then Fullmetal Alchemist: brotherhood, it became actually popular and in top 10 (today it's top 5). We can make a legendary anime, which takes most of the popular anime by now. (We still can rely on the popularity base, SnK and SAO are the new anime that actually made a big change for top 5) We could call the achievement: "Must to watch" or something that people have to watch to get into the popular or good shows. :) And as it increases, the name can go like: "Must to watch", "I've seen the light", "Masterpiece is the minimum", "Legendary is all I watch"... or something like that. You get the point. I think it will encourage people to watch anime that many/most people are talking about. The idea is based on myself, I try to pick titles by popularity, so I know what most of the people watched. :P Of course not all the popular shows are amazing, I can tell that by myself, yet the idea is based on "most known" titles. People who watched Death Note and would like to watch more of the popular anime? Will get an achievement for doing that. :) That's funny though, I still didn't watch all that top 50 anime yet. --- Can you add anything to the MAL Graph besides achievements? For example like this suggestion: "Have a "class" name (near your nickname) based on your favourite genre. E.g. My top genre is Drama, so it could be: "Dramatical FunnyGames`s Profile". It's no achievement, but more like a class in RPG games. (Warrior/Wizard/Cleric)" Today's my favorite genre seems to be Super Power, so it can be "Super FunnyGames`s Profile". |
DeividasApr 23, 2015 12:19 AM
Apr 22, 2015 4:29 PM
Series specific achievements would be nice. Stuff that has a lot of entries, like Gundam, Lupin III, Pokemon, Dragonball and the like. Also an Ecchi achievement as well. |
Apr 22, 2015 8:23 PM
FunnyGames said: Of course not all the popular shows are amazing, I can tell that by myself, yet the idea is based on "most known" titles. People who watched Death Note and would like to watch more of the popular anime? Will get an achievement for doing that. :) You are basically saying it yourself. There's absolutely no reason at all to encourage people to watch anime only based on popularity! Everyone should watch whatever they want to see, not what the masses are talking about. |
Apr 23, 2015 12:08 AM
Xiaraith said: FunnyGames said: Of course not all the popular shows are amazing, I can tell that by myself, yet the idea is based on "most known" titles. People who watched Death Note and would like to watch more of the popular anime? Will get an achievement for doing that. :) You are basically saying it yourself. There's absolutely no reason at all to encourage people to watch anime only based on popularity! Everyone should watch whatever they want to see, not what the masses are talking about. And when you ask people for good anime? In case you don't have some of the top popular anime in your list, you will get them anyways. (also based on my own experience) Even when people ask me, I tell them some of the popular shows that I liked first and then the less popular. You don't know if people would like it or not based on popularity, but then what's the point of all other achievements? I don't like Mecha at all, and there's such achievement for that. There's even a special "Boku no Pico" achievement, then why would I want to watch it? Or even the Pre-1980 achievement, it's hard to follow up new anime and watch the old anime at the same time. People who are interested in getting achievements would watch the requirements of that achievements even if it's not their best choices. (Like Mecha for me, or even GAR achievement) So your point is irrelevant. |
Apr 23, 2015 1:37 AM
pokeguy123 said: Comedy achievements Not a good idea since most things are tagged as comedy. It's the top genre for everybody on for example. How about a awful anime and toonami achievement? |
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site |
Apr 23, 2015 3:07 AM
will u still have the achievement for Boku no Pico? hahahahaa here is some pic that I'd suggest mystery crop or resize it sports also can we have achievements for MAL posts and comments... like Mr. Popular and stuff, or maybe their friend number etc. |
Apr 23, 2015 3:53 AM
Great! What's next? Sports, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Space? |
Apr 23, 2015 4:56 AM
Here are the space achievement set, I will work on some more. Space Level 1 Title: 3... 2... 1... Liftoff! Description: You've taken one small step for man, not such a giant leap for mankind. Image: Level 2 Title: The Earth Looks So Small From Up Here Description: You're finally outside the atmosphere, but there's still a lot to explore. Image: Level 3 Title: Interstellar Traveler Description: You've traveled vast interstellar distances and seen many galaxies in your way Image: Level 4 (MAX) Title: Emperor Of The Universe Description: You're the ruler of the whole universe. There's no one with more power than you. Image: |
Apr 23, 2015 5:00 AM
nekomimibadik said: Ecchi - shoujo - hentai achievements still not going to happen? The simple watch 20/50/100 ++ achievements of a genre are nice but nothing really special. The Mean score achievements for example are much more interesting I think. So instead of making a simple counting achievement for Ecchi/Hentai you could make this: Kid’s Tag: 1 points No Tag: 3 points Ecchi Tag: 7 points Hentai Tag: 10 points Points total / number of completed shows = result 100+ completed shows required If result < 1,5: Cute and innocent If only the real world could be like this… If result >3 and result < 5: I watch Anime only for the plot… It’s not your fault that there is so much fanservice… Right? If result >=5 and result < 9: Only accidents! I swear! Physics in Anime are incredible. When you trip you always cop a feel. If result >=9 Hentai overlord No use denying it! You know what you are… |
YzeelbApr 23, 2015 5:45 AM
Apr 23, 2015 5:41 AM
Can you use images from aka_ben's post for sport achievements? They are well made and representing 3 iconic sport series. |
Apr 23, 2015 6:25 AM
Yay! :D I have new achievement! Mystery level 2. :) Now I need the icon and description! :),anime I just wonder, Drama achievement, Drama has about 1750 anime, is it too much? Same as Comedy, it has many anime. |
Apr 23, 2015 7:11 AM
I made a few images for the sports achievement in a non-specific order, I'll just leave them here maybe you have some use for them Title: The First Step Description: You've made your debut but remember: bashing faces in is not everything. Title: World Elite Description: Just because you're a bigshot, doesn't mean you can write on my camera! Title: Adversary Description: You've found your rival, will you have them score a homerun on you? Title: Shifting Gears Description: You know you have to step up your game to get to the top. Time to accelerate. Title: Bearly Safe Description: Did you think this would be easy? You'll win 90% of all games on the skin of your teeth. |
HanimirApr 23, 2015 11:02 AM
Apr 23, 2015 8:27 AM
I have something for the dementia genre. Maybe someone with photoshop skills could edit them into the same format other achievement images? With the MAX level having black background and stuff? (And somebody check the gramatical correctness, I´m not a native speaker.) Lvl 1 Title: What exactly did I just watch? Text: You discovered a whole new world of weird. Keep on watching. Img: Lvl 2 Title: My mind is full of fuck Text: Your attempt to wrap your mind around this failed completly. Img: Lvl 3 Title: Is this real life? Is this just fantasy? Text: It has become hard to distinguish between reality and fiction. Img: Lvl MAX Title: 「 Wired Sound 」 Text: Watched one too many dementia anime. You transcended humanity and operate on another level now. Img: |
abystoma2Apr 25, 2015 2:57 PM
You all need to watch Nami. |
Apr 23, 2015 8:39 AM
Hmm.. All these ideas.. I'm not sure if this could work, but maybe there could be some achievements for certain Studios(for anime) or Authors(for Manga). I'm not exactly sure how this would work, but it's an idea. Also, seems like the site is down right now. |
Apr 23, 2015 9:04 AM
Apr 23, 2015 9:42 AM
Deividas said: Whoa! I'll add this too. Nice. Rethinking what I posted I think I choose the limits a bit too strict. For the 2nd level starting it at 3,5 would allow to exclude persons with very few Ecchi entries. If not a person with 2-3 Ecchi titles would get this achievement if she didn't watch any kids Aninme to compensate. And maybe up the limit for the first level up to 2 or probably no one will ever get this achievement. |
Apr 23, 2015 9:50 AM
Yzeelb said: This is nice but I feel like there should be a non-ecchi tier (maybe 2 more between the 1st and 2nd current ones so there's some variety) and push the current ones up some points (like the 2nd one should start when you get at least 4), unless you watch a ton of kids' shows you'll pretty much always have the score above 3.nekomimibadik said: Ecchi - shoujo - hentai achievements still not going to happen? The simple watch 20/50/100 ++ achievements of a genre are nice but nothing really special. The Mean score achievements for example are much more interesting I think. So instead of making a simple counting achievement for Ecchi/Hentai you could make this: Kid’s Tag: 1 points No Tag: 3 points Ecchi Tag: 7 points Hentai Tag: 10 points Points total / number of completed shows = result 100+ completed shows required If result < 1,5: Cute and innocent If only the real world could be like this… If result >3 and result < 5: I watch Anime only for the plot… It’s not your fault that there is so much fanservice… Right? If result >=5 and result < 9: Only accidents! I swear! Physics in Anime are incredible. When you trip you always cop a feel. If result >=9 Hentai overlord No use denying it! You know what you are… |
Apr 23, 2015 9:54 AM
Paulo27 said: ]This is nice but I feel like there should be a non-ecchi tier (maybe 2 more between the 1st and 2nd current ones so there's some variety) and push the current ones up some points (like the 2nd one should start when you get at least 4), unless you watch a ton of kids' shows you'll pretty much always have the score above 3. Do I get it right that if I´d watch lot of hentai AND lot of kids shows, I´d still have low level achievement? |
You all need to watch Nami. |
Apr 23, 2015 9:57 AM
FunnyGames said: All of the suggestions till now are genre based achievements, what about a new type achievement? Top 50 Achievement - watched top 50 popular anime. Top 100 Achievement - watched top 100 popular anime. Top 200 Achievement - watched top 200 popular anime. Top 300 Achievement - watched top 300 popular anime. How about two stand-alone achievements instead, one for watching x anime with mean score highter than 8, one for watching x anime with mean score lesser than let´s say 5,5? |
You all need to watch Nami. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:01 AM
Paulo27 said: This is nice but I feel like there should be a non-ecchi tier (maybe 2 more between the 1st and 2nd current ones so there's some variety) and push the current ones up some points (like the 2nd one should start when you get at least 4), unless you watch a ton of kids' shows you'll pretty much always have the score above 3. I think of it a bit as a "perversion" achievement meaning that if you aren't watching anything Ecchi you won't get any achievement. What would be the merit in getting an achievement for "nothing" with a non-ecchi tier in an Ecchi achievement? For the second part I agree. I already proposed to up the score a bit in the post above yours. 0,5 points more should do the trick. abystoma2 said: Do I get it right that if I´d watch lot of hentai AND lot of kids shows, I´d still have low level achievement? It's already the case like it's implemented at this moment. The balance of your list decides what level you get. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:03 AM
abystoma2 said: I think the main problem would be that unless you watch only hentai, ecchi and/or kids stuff you're always going to run into the problem that there's just too many shows without those tags that you really won't be moving very far away from 3.xx, a better idea would be to not spread them out so much and have the achievement max out at 5 points and ~Paulo27 said: ]This is nice but I feel like there should be a non-ecchi tier (maybe 2 more between the 1st and 2nd current ones so there's some variety) and push the current ones up some points (like the 2nd one should start when you get at least 4), unless you watch a ton of kids' shows you'll pretty much always have the score above 3. Do I get it right that if I´d watch lot of hentai AND lot of kids shows, I´d still have low level achievement? concentrate them more. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:05 AM
Yzeelb said: Say you haven't watched any kids shows, any hentai and you watched just a couple ecchi shows, that's already enough to get it as normal shows give 3 points already.Paulo27 said: This is nice but I feel like there should be a non-ecchi tier (maybe 2 more between the 1st and 2nd current ones so there's some variety) and push the current ones up some points (like the 2nd one should start when you get at least 4), unless you watch a ton of kids' shows you'll pretty much always have the score above 3. I think of it a bit as a "perversion" achievement meaning that if you aren't watching anything Ecchi you won't get any achievement. What would be the merit in getting an achievement for "nothing" with a non-ecchi tier in an Ecchi achievement? For the second part I agree. I already proposed to up the score a bit in the post above yours. 0,5 points more should do the trick. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:10 AM
Girls und Panzer, Saki, Saki Achiga-hen, Saki Achiga-hen Specials, Saki Zenkoku-hen are Sports anime. If Redline is there, Tailenders should also be. One Outs is very similar to Touhai Densetsu Akagi - latter should also be counted. While I'm at that, it would be nice to have Psychological achievement, both of those qualify, along with two seasons of Kaiji among other things. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:10 AM
Paulo27 said: Say you haven't watched any kids shows, any hentai and you watched just a couple ecchi shows, that's already enough to get it as normal shows give 3 points already. Yes that's the reason why I already proposed to up it to 3,5 like posted here: 3,5 will be pretty hard to get with just "a few" Ecchi titles. [3.5 with American value separation and not between 3-5] Another way would be to level this achievement with the ratings (G, PG, PG-13, R, R+, Rx) on this site but I guess this wouldn't make much difference. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:12 AM
Progeusz said: I imagine the Sports achievement comes from the genre tag, if the show doesn't have the tag it won't be counted.Girls und Panzer, Saki, Saki Achiga-hen, Saki Achiga-hen Specials, Saki Zenkoku-hen are Sports anime. If Redline is there, Tailenders should also be. One Outs is very similar to Touhai Densetsu Akagi - latter should also be counted. While I'm at that, it would be nice to have Psychological achievement, both of those qualify, along with two seasons of Kaiji among other things. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:16 AM
Paulo27 said: I hope not (at least not 100%) because MAL is absolutely terrible at tagging.I imagine the Sports achievement comes from the genre tag, if the show doesn't have the tag it won't be counted. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:17 AM
Paulo27 said: Say you haven't watched any kids shows, any hentai and you watched just a couple ecchi shows, that's already enough to get it as normal shows give 3 points already. How about not getting penalty for kidsor normal shows, just having ecchi award you one point, hentai two points and the achievements would be measured not by anime watched but by points getted. Like lvl 1 10 points to lvl MAX dunno, 250 points for example: |
abystoma2Apr 23, 2015 10:22 AM
You all need to watch Nami. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:18 AM
Apr 23, 2015 10:28 AM
abystoma2 said: Of course they are Sports anime. You do realize a show can belong to more than one genre? They follow all sports anime tropes.Progeusz said: Girls und Panzer, Saki, Saki Achiga-hen, Saki Achiga-hen Specials, Saki I don´t think these are sports anime. Girls und Panzer is military, Saki is game. Actually, GuP or Saki are "more sports" than Ping Pong. |
Apr 23, 2015 10:29 AM
abystoma2 said: How about not getting penalty for kidsor normal shows, just having ecchi award you one point, hentai two points and the achievements would be measured not by anime watched but by points getted. Like lvl 1 10 points to lvl MAX dunno, 250 points for example: This would than simply be another counting achievement. Isn't having a few dynamic achievements a nice change? |
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