The ratings of various titles in this list are purely on the basis of my personal enjoyment and may not strictly reflect the show's merits or demerits. I suppose it's best to list them for reference:
0-1/10 : Unimaginably poor/ unwatchable with zero redeeming qualities. Many of the shows I've watched may actually deserve this.
2-3/10: Very poor anime with few good things to mention. Low in quality, may fail on various accounts but essentially feels a waste of time to watch.
4/10: Poor/mediocre show with serious flaws in characterization/ plot/ pacing etc.
5/10: Mediocre/average show which is unremarkable and unmemorable. Doesn't have any particular good or bad qualities.
6/10: Above average/fair . More or less satisfactory.
7/10: Fair/good show. Provides a satisfying and more or less enjoyable/engaging experience, but usually doesn't leave too great an impact. The vast majority of shows will inevitably fall between this and the preceding category.
8/10: A very good/great show which leaves a lasting impression. Sometimes I overrate shows which may actually deserve less, happens when you've watched for too long and found nothing good.
9/10: Not too much to distinguish from the preceding category, except that I liked these more, even if slightly. As good as non-existent nowadays.
10/10: Perfection; unforgettable masterpieces.
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I mostly pick up those titles that take less time, movies, OVAs, and short series, to be specific. Spending it that way on each title, at the same time I also get to cover a large variety the medium has to offer.