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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Apr 15, 2015 6:38 PM

Jul 2014
This series has the best cinematography this year. Very nice camera panning shots and out of focus frames. You can tell they know their stuff when it comes to shot composition and properly utilizing space. Also the pacing is quite soothing, feels very natural, this has potential to be a good series as the long haul.
Apr 15, 2015 7:08 PM

Oct 2013
Well, things are starting to look interesting. Honestly, Asuka is great no doubt
Apr 15, 2015 7:53 PM

Aug 2014
mangalicker94 said:

What happened in the beginning. I don't think I understand. Why does Kumiko want to apologize? Did she screw up so they didn't compete in the Natioinals?

Kumiko just feels bad for saying, "You thought we could make it to Nationals?" The way she said it was discouraging, like, "I knew we weren't that good, so why get your hopes up." While Kousaka on the other hand was doing her best cause she felt they could, and was really upset when they didn't. Kumiko thought maybe Kousaka would hold a grudge against her, and not knowing how she felt made Kumiko uncomfortable. That's why she was relieved when Kousaka spoke to her.
Honoka is my Hero! Click Me!
Apr 15, 2015 8:53 PM

Oct 2012
esofdiamon said:
this animation is so beautiful, breathtaking to watch! I hope there is some romance between kumiko and her childhood friend, Shuichi. Maybe a little because its main theme is music I guess.

Haha thats to expect with Kyo ani, Except don't expect any sort of relationship, they haven't really tried to do anything like that since beyond the boundary and that wasn't very good so ya...
Apr 15, 2015 9:30 PM

Jan 2013
y123y said:
phantom19 said:
The way FeMC acts is very relatable and it's enjoyable to see how shes shy with her former classmate and becomes completely comfortable and tsun with her childhood friend. As a side note, those latter two together look so perfect that I'm already shipping them.

I was wondering why no one was shipping the female MC and the childhood friend yet....

Because this anime has the most obvious Yuri of all time. Basically this is Kyo Ani going back to redo K-On with their modern style and making the female love stuff more on the front line.

Her acting cold towards the childhood friend isn't to show she's close to him, but that she's probably not interested in men. "Isn't the teacher kind of hot?" "Is he?"

Look, you don't even need yuri goggles for this.

They basically tell you.


When it came to the show, I really can't enjoy the music part of it too much. I was always a science guy over art. I'm a programmer. I don't really enjoy KyoAni drama too much unless the people involved are relatable, though I must say the green haired girl is really interesting. The relatability thing's only happened to me twice, KnK and Haruhi. The only thing left for this show for me personally would be the romance and animation. Animation wise... lots of anime have been stepping up their game recently so, it's not really that important for me here.

Not a fan of Yuri so I'm probably going to drop the show, though I do see the teacher getting some romantic involvement. He's too defined not too, but I'm tired of that whole high school girl falls in love with a teacher thing.

I might come back in 10-15 episodes to marathon it.
TitanAnteusApr 15, 2015 9:38 PM
Apr 15, 2015 10:18 PM

Jan 2008
Asuka is so amusing, I hope she still gets this much screentime in future episodes.
Apr 16, 2015 12:18 AM

Oct 2013
There's something about this that feels it's being set up to take some horrifically dark turn
Apr 16, 2015 12:22 AM
Mar 2013
mangalicker94 said:
Why does Kumiko want to apologize?

Kumiko didn't have any hope to get the true gold prize that could take them to the Nationals to begin with. When she heard the announcement they got the dud gold, she thought she should be happy with that because it was still a gold prize, which recognized that their performance was better than a certain standard level that deserved to be gold. So, she was surprised at Reina crying for vexation that badly and made a careless comment, "So, you really believed you were able to get to the National, didn't you?" Kumiko didn't mean to do it at all, but now, she thought it could sound as though she had mocked Reina. She is now wondering -- "Should I say sorry to her because it was an indifferent manner? But still, I think it was a bit too optimistic thinking that we could have a chance to go to the Nationals. I wonder what should I do..."
htsujiApr 16, 2015 1:00 AM
Apr 16, 2015 4:10 AM

Jun 2008
SandyBoi said:
Asuka, what a fun girl she is <3
Best girl so far.
I already claimed her as my waifu.

Silver4000 said:
The ED screams of Tamako Market.
I just can't get into the ED. Maybe it has to do with the fact it's song by the main female characters? I don't know. it just doesn't grab me like "Dream Soloist" (OP) does.
Dodecahedron-O24Apr 16, 2015 5:31 AM
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Apr 16, 2015 5:33 AM

Jan 2013
ghosts said:
There's something about this that feels it's being set up to take some horrifically dark turn

What do you mean? School Days dark? xD
Apr 16, 2015 6:55 AM
Jul 2018
That "hug, hug" scene in the beginning was hilarious and Asuka was amusing as well. I really enjoyed this episode. The new sensei seems cool and looks like Kumiko didn't need to worry at all.
Apr 16, 2015 9:05 AM

Dec 2008
That Shut Up and the Tuba-Kun speech were hilarious xD

Ruben_Jb said:
ghosts said:
There's something about this that feels it's being set up to take some horrifically dark turn

What do you mean? School Days dark? xD

It really does feel like some flags were set, I just hope they just don't try and force some drama for drama's sake
Apr 16, 2015 10:15 AM

Oct 2008
Kumiko was trying so hard in avoiding on being assigned for the euphonium, but her childhood friend spoiled the truth from the overly enthusiastic Asuka Tanaka.
Kumiko didn't raise her hand on both choices because she's super indecisive.

Apr 16, 2015 10:21 AM

Apr 2015
the animation is soo pretty that it hurts my eyes
Apr 16, 2015 10:48 AM

Dec 2014
Nice episode. This series is definitely not going to be bad at all.

Having a lot of band friends though not playing an instrument myself, I know a lot of what their talking about. I died when Hazuki thought her mouthpiece was a trumpet one, and when she said she was never going to play tuba. I also felt bad for Kumiko when she wanted to play trombone but ended up with the Euphonium, again. Kousaka and Kumiko's relationship is going to be an interesting one as well. (Kind of like Haruka and Rins from Free in the first season? Oh KyoAni, you really love your struggling friendships don't you?)

Though I kinda hope theres something that goes on between Kumiko and Shuichi, I'm pretty sure that KyoAni was kinda going for more implied yuri than anything. Their animation is still beautiful and one of the main reasons I have hopes for them.

Can I just have Taki-Sensei just....take me away. He is the man I need in my life. I really hope there is no student-teacher relationship. (Kinda cause I want him all to myself XD) I've always found those just...weird.
Poiro-HApr 16, 2015 10:55 AM
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Apr 16, 2015 12:38 PM

Jun 2013
this was good
Apr 16, 2015 12:51 PM

Nov 2014
The animation is nice
Apr 16, 2015 1:55 PM

Sep 2014
Asuka is amazing. I love how to kind of just forced Kumiko into plying the euph. The teacher is hot like woah there, and his personality is interesting. I wonder if we'll learn more about him.
Apr 16, 2015 3:18 PM

Jan 2015
This show is getting better and better with every minute I watch (and rewatch. Like, over and over. It's on my phone and iPad and backed-up on about two hard-drives and three USBs. Nothing like overkill)!

I can relate to band (well, orchestra) because of ten years playing experience (violin...) - loving how Asuka tries to get Kumiko to join. And TUBA-KUN!!!

So far, I'm liking most of the characters. Aoi is too deep and I-want-the-world-to-understand-me-even-when-I-don't-explain-it-at-all. At least her hairstyle is nice. And tenor sax! Kumiko's hair is bothering me less, and Sapphire's just become more likeable. Hazuki and Asuka awesome as always, and Reina somehow even more realistic than before. I want to ship her and Kumiko but it's not coming together yet. Another few episodes.

What is Kumiko's problem with Shuichi? He was an arsehole in middle school, but she doesn't need to be so snippy. Secondary ship if ReiKo doesn't work out. ShuKo. Meh.


Apr 16, 2015 4:21 PM

Aug 2014
There's some depth to the ever so subtle narrative and storyline, and I like that. As students who immerse themselves into a hobby, some want to aspire for more and some simply want to have fun. It's a real problem to often face and we're caught between making the right choices in the ordeal.

Good anime so far.
Apr 16, 2015 7:43 PM

Jun 2011
Mediocre content so far, but boy does this show look pretty. KyoAni's style is just so high quality. And gosh dangit these girls are cuties.
Apr 16, 2015 8:30 PM

Jan 2013
holy god every girl is cute and entertaining.

even sapphire/midori who i thought was going to ruin the show for me, is one of my favorite characters.

animation and OST are gorgeous as well.
Apr 16, 2015 9:03 PM

Oct 2011
Miyuki gave up baseball and became a music teacher <3
Apr 16, 2015 11:30 PM

Oct 2013
Ruben_Jb said:
ghosts said:
There's something about this that feels it's being set up to take some horrifically dark turn

What do you mean? School Days dark? xD

lol omg no although I'd find it hilarious if this were like yep just a KyoAni moe slice of life nbd for 10 episodes then NEVER MIND DEATH EVERYWHERE

mostly I'm a little worried there's going to be a student teacher relationship that's going to involve sexual assault, really hoping I'm wrong
Apr 17, 2015 9:39 AM

Apr 2014
This just keep getting better and better.
Not really into music anime, but this one is good.
Funny and enjoyable as well, just like K-On!
Looking forward to next episode!
Apr 17, 2015 10:02 AM

Apr 2013
really good

god damn the backgrounds are beautiful

keep the romance at a minimum if there is any and focus on the instrument playing is what i want
Apr 17, 2015 11:23 AM
Jan 2010
Black haired girl has autism.
Apr 17, 2015 2:05 PM
Feb 2015
The artwork for this anime is still amazingly. But the story is a bit slow for me. Hopefully they pick it up and add more music!
[center] *>.>[Spoiler][/spoiler]<.<*
Apr 17, 2015 2:25 PM

Apr 2011
Vindstot said:
Asuka taking Midori in her team had some subtle Yuri vibes. "Come on, baby... Contrabass-chan, you're mine from now on." :3

Tuba-kun part was hilarious! Asuka's instrument of destiny talk was effective enough to convince (gullible) Hazuki. XD

Liked how Taki-sensei didn't force a goal on the students but rather let them choose the objective. Pretty chill personality he has.

Aoi's conversation with Kumiko were nice, but it seems like she has her own share of personal problems. "Establishing an alibi" could just be a pretext.

Decent episode. Midway cards in this show will probably mention names of different instruments from now on.

Wow :) I think the same. And I really want to hear Kumiko play the UFO :P. Also I think something must have happend to Aoi in the past. I just can't understand how it happend that Asuka has such a look and still her character^^'...but I like it! It's somehow refreshing:D And as for Taki-sensei you're right...also on the page I watch anime someone commented : "I was straight until that teacher appeared..." >o< I was like lol... As a yaoi fangirl just couldn't ignore this...sorry..

And the cherry of this episode are the backgrounds....really beautiful~~

Apr 17, 2015 2:38 PM

Apr 2011
y123y said:
ghosts said:
mostly I'm a little worried there's going to be a student teacher relationship that's going to involve sexual assault, really hoping I'm wrong

Ohhh, something like this:

After a long day of work, sensei decides to take a nap in the teacher's lounge. When he wakes up, he finds himself tied up with a rope. And it was the students who tied him up:

Sensei: WHATS GOING ON HERE!!!!!!!!!

Female students: Sorry sensei, you belong to us now!!!!

Sensei: NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!!!!!

Then the students are arrested and expelled. Sensei quits his job and decided to become a monk.

Ohh, that would be different. :)

Hahaha whats with this story! Hilarious! ^3^ but seriously I wouldn't want any romance with the could ruin his image :P It really could be like Free! just deep friendship...

Apr 17, 2015 2:48 PM

Apr 2011
Also I'm soooo jelous that Japanese have after school clubs...In my country we don't have something like that. And they usually seem to learn how to play instruments in school too~~ Of course I(we) do not! ;(

Apr 17, 2015 5:35 PM
May 2011
Another Kyoto Animation production with a boring premise and stellar direction and animation. I'm already liking it.
Apr 18, 2015 2:36 AM

May 2013
Hope the series gets better, not that interesting yet, Kyoani's animation is always flawless.
Apr 18, 2015 4:52 AM
Apr 2013
Boring episode as usual, but fagott and Asuka made me laugh.
Apr 18, 2015 7:02 AM

Apr 2015
Apr 18, 2015 7:25 AM
Jul 2018
That main girl's wishy-washy attitude seriously winds me up and greatly contributes to this show boring the shit out of me. 80% of the show is her just umming and ahhing. She needs a good fucking slap....
Gunna give it a couple more episodes purely because Reina is hot.
Apr 18, 2015 10:39 AM

Apr 2011
I'm liking Asuka as well she's funny and a glasses beauty at the same time. I want to know how good Kimiko plays the Euphonium since she's so experience.It was amusing how the newbies were let to choose their instruments and try them out. The advisor is cool giving them a choice and supports it.

I'm really enjoying this show so far.
Apr 18, 2015 3:13 PM

Sep 2014
this is an unexpected delightful surprise of a show.

I don't know if they have what it takes to reach the finals. as pointed out, students mostly raised their hands because it was what they felt like they had to do, not what they actually want to do. in order to not cause conflict.

kousaka is my favorite character. I like that she didn't just make up right away with kumiko, it adds some interesting drama between them.
Apr 18, 2015 10:48 PM

Sep 2014
I laughed pretty hard at the "Tuba-kun!" (Cinderella) part. Looking forward to future episodes.
Mirai, zura~!
Apr 19, 2015 3:18 AM
Jan 2012
Nice introduction of the characters so far, and very good psychological representation here and there. Taking it nice and smooth.

Looking at the animation, there are Naoko Yamada's trademark cinematic blurs and focus and symbolic flowers (Canola: "cheerful" "competition" in language of flowers), which works fine.

Aspects of Haruhi, K-On!, Nichijou, Tamako here and there.

Supporting VAs Minori Chihara (Nagato in Haruhi), Minako Kotobuki (Mugi in K-On!), Yoko Hikasa (Mio in K-On!), Saori Hayami (Kaho Jumonji in Hyouka; more known as Ayase or Sawa or Yukino or Tsurko in other animes). Also Yuri Yamaoka (Ai in Kyokai no Kanata and Choi in Tamako; more known as Erika Senpai in Shirobako).

Interesting to read some say this is boring. But people expecting a main character's head rolling off in Episode 3 should not watch this series. There won't be bloody wired sword combat action either. Those are found in other series, which are nice and exciting in their own ways.

Anyway, in three words: "Sapphire is cute"
GohanwaOkazuApr 19, 2015 3:24 AM
Apr 19, 2015 4:11 AM

Jul 2008
Ok episode, hope it gets better :) can't wait to see how these girls perform :D
Apr 20, 2015 11:21 AM

Apr 2011
Very kawaii episode
Apr 23, 2015 3:05 AM

Jan 2012
Well there was a bit more drama in that one but the tone still felt moreso upbeat to me, especially the first half choosing of the instruments. Now onward, to the first practice! :D
Apr 24, 2015 8:37 AM

Nov 2011
Episode quite interesting and a lot more substantial than the previous. In light of what we saw today, I have to re-evaluate the idea that I had done last time.
The narrative makes it seem like this anime a serious thing, unlike what we saw in the past by KyoAni; just this thing I could promote this TV series as one of my favorites already.
Many characters have been unveiled and my interest has skyrocketed.
Interesting directing and screenplay, not least the characterization.
Drawings and animations promoted, for now; I await the next episodes.
Apr 24, 2015 10:06 AM

Jun 2008
StardustReverie said:
Black haired girl has autism.
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Apr 25, 2015 3:53 AM

May 2009
sbyrstall said:
StardustReverie said:
Black haired girl has autism.

It's buzzword meaning "a character that acts different then I would like for unknown reason".
Apr 25, 2015 2:32 PM
Jul 2018
I'm actually quite enjoying this anime :3
Apr 27, 2015 12:11 PM

Jun 2008
Contrabass-chan XD

I will never remember all the character names...
Apr 27, 2015 2:28 PM

Jan 2012
Kumiko is my favorite, she's such an unintentional asshole.
Apr 27, 2015 11:19 PM
Jul 2018
Haha, all Euphonium players have a similar origin story. I know from personal experience.
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