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Mar 20, 2015 1:50 PM
Jul 2018
Zuka finally gets a role.
Mar 20, 2015 1:51 PM

Dec 2012
Best episode of the series 10/10
I loved how she hid behind the book
Mar 20, 2015 1:54 PM

Jul 2013
Rorek said:
Best episode of the series 10/10
I loved how she hid behind the book

Aoi is truly a goddess.
Mar 20, 2015 1:55 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
clannadlover said:

Imagine though her happiness and relief that her friend finally took the first step, that simple and honest emotion of joy for someone else other than you. Miyamori, in this one simple performance, easily becomes one of my fave heroine's ever.

It was definitely one of the most honest and natural reactions I've seen recently in anime. Starting right from Aoi's surprised and kind of dumbfounded expression at seeing Shizuka, I felt like I was in Aoi's shoes. I cried so hard seeing Aoi's expression change throughout the scene, and especially at the end. Also that last line from Lucy pretty much mirrors Shizuka's current situation.

Pallando said:
Easily the best episode of the series so far. I was wondering how they could get Sakaki into the production so close to the end so I'm very impressed by the script of the episode. The perfect blend of humour, drama and tears.

Agreed! And this is how you properly fit in comedy and drama together in a single episode without interrupting the flow. Granted, the show was more comedy than anything to begin with, so we're not totally weirded out by the ridiculousness of Kinoshita's belly power techniques, but I think they built up the tone very well throughout the episode. It went from dire situation, to comedic showdown, to inspirational resolution (between Kinoshita and Nogame), to touching scene at the end with Shizuka. And I love that feeling of satisfaction that we (or I) got when Nogame knocked down the editor with his "HEN NA HANASHI JANAI!!!" Sakurai was a fitting choice for the role. Nogame-sensei is a pretty chill dude, really enjoyed the scene where he and Kinoshita talk it out about the ending, and how Nogame himself felt "hopeful and excited" working on his story with someone else. Part of it has to do with how well Kinoshita could change his view on the meaning of the story when he heard what the Thrid Aerial Squad meant to Nogame.
Mar 20, 2015 2:01 PM

Mar 2015
My favorite episode so far...

How the Director fought his way to the creator was just so stupid that it actually was hilarious lol

and aaaaawwwwwww that end really moved me when Aoi had to cry that Shizuka finally got her role and now all five of them worked on the same show like they dreamed about in the beginning
Mar 20, 2015 2:01 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Perfect. Just perfect. Like Tingy above wrote, it's one of the most honest and natural reactions I've seen in anime where things generally get blown a bit out of proportion for dramatic effect. This was just right. After seeing Shizuka struggle for 22 episodes, her best friend gets to see her come closer to her dream and cannot hold back the tears.
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There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Mar 20, 2015 2:13 PM

Jan 2013
The fight scene was absolutely hilarious!
Omg zuka finally gets a scene, myamori crying nearly made me lose it too :(

This series has been getting better and better every episode, definitely hoping for a season 2 announcement next week.
Mar 20, 2015 2:15 PM

Jul 2013
pakoko said:
Definitely choked up harder seeing Oi-Chan's tears than seeing the last episode of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.

Same here! Shigatsu was sad for sure, but didn't have the waterworks going the way that last Shirobako scene did. Every time I rewatch Zuka and Aoi at the end, I start crying all over again. :')
Mar 20, 2015 2:17 PM

Jun 2013
An epic battle between the director and the creator (I can tell conflict like that must be hard)

The girls are finally in a produced anime together as well even I kinda knew they would, I couldn't feel anymore happy for them!

This scene in particular hit me a little to much on the feels too. 5/5
Mar 20, 2015 2:32 PM
Jul 2018
I did not expect Miyamori to cry from happiness.
I too found it to be more emotional than Shigatsu.
This was one of the better episodes.
Mar 20, 2015 2:38 PM

Aug 2013
This show is without a doubt the best anime of the current season.

Though you cannot see me, there flows true tears of happiness from both sides of the screen, Aoi.
Mar 20, 2015 2:39 PM

Mar 2009
The ending got to me big time. I'm so happy for Zuka. ;_;
About damn time. She deserves it!

Laughed at all the Street Fighter references in this episode. Just a great episode in general.
Mar 20, 2015 2:55 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
The moment when Zuka-chan FINALLY got a role in the show. Miyamori's tears pretty much sum up how most of us feel. It's ok Aoi, cry all you want, we are here for you.

Zuka getting rejected multiple times finally gets to end show with a bang.

Chubby guy pulling a Kirito as he goes to meat Noragame. Evades all those gold balls, KIRITO style xD

Mar 20, 2015 3:13 PM

Feb 2014
Best episode by far!

The director was surprisingly bad-ass in his cowboy get-up, fighting his way to the top like a boss!

I'm glad that we get to meet the author at last. Putting their ideals together for the best outcome for TAG, the two eventually agree with each other with an ending that they both approve of. Also glad to see the useless agent getting put in his place too! >D

But the best part was that Shizuka FINALLY got to be part of the show at last. The realisation of this fact overwhelmed Miyamori and cried. This alone made me shed tears too. T_T

Let's hope the final episode wraps up this great anime in style! =D
Mar 20, 2015 3:43 PM

Nov 2010
*slow clap*
Second season,please.
And aldo a season or two of actual aerial girls squad anime.
Mar 20, 2015 3:55 PM

Dec 2013
That last scene was just beautiful.
Mar 20, 2015 4:02 PM

Jan 2013
Wow, there are so many awesome episodes this week!
Kantoku's meeting with Nogame-san was amazing. I had to laugh tears when they used Street Fighter references, like Hadoken and Shoryuken XD
And I'm glad Nogame and Kantoku get on pretty well for the first time seeing each other. That was amazing.
I'm also glad that the production of the last episode went smoothly. I think nobody expected that Zuka-chan got the role of Lucy. I was so touched when she voiced her. And Miyamori's tears moved me so much, I even had to shed a tear.

Mar 20, 2015 4:09 PM

Jun 2012
I watched this on my way home on the lightrail. Bad idea....
After the episode was over, I had the biggest smile on my face with watery eyes. That shouldn't have hit me as hard as it did considering how telegraphed everything was but I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
HybridMBLMar 20, 2015 4:16 PM
Mar 20, 2015 4:11 PM

Jan 2011
This is by far my favourite and best episode of Shirobako in my opinion. The scenes with Kinoshita entering the building was so entertaining, oh my goodness. I loved the whole cowboy outfit and music playing in the background. I laughed so hard when he used "Hadou-belly" and "Tatsumaki Snepuu-belly" - totally didn't expect those Street Fighter references. KINOSHITA'S SECRETLY RYU!!!111 The scene with Kinoshita and Nogame-sensei was also really great. I loved the end part where Zuka finally got a voice-acting role and Miyamori burst into tears, such a beautiful moment.
Mar 20, 2015 4:12 PM

Jun 2013
Finally!! Zuka got a role!!

One of the best episodes of this series so far.

The dialogue really matched her story :)
Mar 20, 2015 4:22 PM
Mar 2012
KawaiiKato said:

Chubby guy pulling a Kirito as he goes to meat Noragame. Evades all those gold balls, KIRITO style xD

You mean Ryu style.
Mar 20, 2015 4:28 PM

Jun 2014

I'm right with you there Oi-chan...
Mar 20, 2015 4:44 PM

Nov 2013
It just keeps getting better. It was super funny the scenes with the director and that agent finally got what he deserved! And that ending, god i wasn't expecting Aoi's tears :'(

StevenHu said:

I really love this gif, they portrayed the emotions so well <3

Mar 20, 2015 4:54 PM
Oct 2012
HybridMBL said:
That shouldn't have hit me as hard as it did considering how telegraphed everything was but I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

That is what makes a great "Slice of Life" animation. The slow build-up, the repeating comedy jokes that slowly start to annoy but then get transformed at the end, the long expected resolution that is done perfectly, so at the end getting a bit choked up is the only proper response.

The joke about the director's weight that was getting stale, then seeing him use it in a fantastic way.
Who didn't want the editor to get slammed every time he said that "it's a funny story", first the director's belly slap down, then the author's godlike response: "it isn't a funny story" twice driving the man to the ground was so cathartic.
And then absolutely perfect honest emotion of Aoi at the end.

Shirobako's director also did "Girl Und Panzer", which proves that he is the undisputed master at pulling off an ending (though of course we still have one more to go, what emotions await us I wonder :-)

Another thing that makes this director godly is his OVAs. GuP had awesome extras on their BDs, and Shirobako is not far behind. I am so looking forward to seeing the OVA on the 3rd squad.

As for the MAL ratings. No mind, people here have the attention span of a gnat. They don't do stories. The real test is BD sales, and the unit sales I believe are currently at 12K - this show has been a HUGE success. Given how strong it ended, it will probably end around 15K.
Mar 20, 2015 5:10 PM

Dec 2009
Finally, Zuka got a role on the anime. I'm glad the five girls finally managed to work together in an anime.
Mar 20, 2015 5:11 PM

Jul 2014
That entire struggle to get to Nogame at the Booksellers' office was absolutely wonderful, despite it being a bit over the top. A compromise was made and thus gave Shizuka the opportunity we have all been waiting for.

There is no doubt that the Aria/Lucy segment is the one that will catalyze all the discussion here. There was no better way to cap off this episode than with what we got here. It took me a while to realize the true significance of that last scene. All the 5 main girls have reached their goal (more or less) and the zenith of the series is evident. I am eager to see how they conclude the series next week.

This will patently get a second season considering the sales and ratings for this damn show, so I'm not too anxious about this series coming to a close.
Why do people have such bad taste? Anime isn't subjective anymore.
Mar 20, 2015 5:22 PM

Jan 2011
hands down the best episode for me that final scene made me go dawwwwww~ seeing Miyamori hide her face Zuka finally got a role!

i pray this show comes back for another season in the future
Mar 20, 2015 5:28 PM

Aug 2007
This was like the best episode!
Mar 20, 2015 5:35 PM

Aug 2013
43211 said:
StevenHu said:
This show is without a doubt the best anime of the current season.

Though you cannot see me, there flows true tears of happiness from both sides of the screen, Aoi.

Well, Winter 2015 stinks, so its not that difficult to acquire the title of "anime of the season."

It's true that the Winter Season is always the weakest within a year, but this time around it wasn't bad.
Mar 20, 2015 5:56 PM
Sep 2013
really, people prepared for tears in Shigatsu but it turns out to be Shirobako which delivers it.

have rewatched this episode few times, and the last one with sub (finally) now i fully understand what happen in this episode. well, i need to learn more.

so the director still had hopes for Shizuka till the end, and finally include her in the production.

rsc-pl said:

Lol. It is always like that. Good shows has ratings from ~6.5 ~ 7.8.
If you want something interesting, just search in this range.

that's why SAOII is better than its predecessor..
Mar 20, 2015 6:03 PM

Nov 2012
These last few episode I've started really liking this series,now with one episode left I'm sad :(
Mar 20, 2015 6:04 PM

Nov 2012
That last scene really brought tears to my eyes. 11/10 for this episode alone
Mar 20, 2015 6:36 PM

Jul 2012
oh, fuck yeah!!! I'm practically in tears here!! not only does chazawa get smacked around by kinoshita and nogame, but Zuka finally gets her chance to shine!!!

ohhhhhh, thank god zuka-chan finds some success in this anime... it was just getting way too depressing to watch.... even if the "characters should die/characters should fail/characters should be miserable" crowd would have been happy without it happening.

aoi crying at the end, there, hit me rather hard.... I'm just so happy, you guys :')
NinjaDustMar 21, 2015 8:27 AM
"Let's make a miracle happen using the power of friendship."
"If that was all it took, there'd be no need for training arcs!"

"Normal rabbits don't carry guns!"
Mar 20, 2015 6:44 PM

Feb 2009
I'm so happy Zuka finally got her big break. Miyamori's tears almost made me wanna cry too.
Mar 20, 2015 7:05 PM
Nov 2010
welp i teared up at miyamori crying T-T
I'm so happy for zuka
Mar 20, 2015 7:42 PM
Aug 2009
As much as it is a tear jerker can anyone blame me if I find Miyamori infinitely cute when she attempts to hide behind the script? I just wanna give her a big hug after that.
Mar 20, 2015 7:44 PM

Feb 2013
Cried a happy....
Mar 20, 2015 8:02 PM

Jan 2013
KawaiiKato said:

Zuka getting rejected multiple times finally gets to end show with a bang.

This was exactly what my reaction was when Zuka got that phone call.

Mar 20, 2015 8:14 PM

Oct 2014
oh my god that ending was beautiful
Wait, did you just say that Jojo is shit?
Mar 20, 2015 8:44 PM

Nov 2014
This episode was an interesting and funny one with the western theme and the director fighting the various stages of 'bosses' until he could finally meet the Sensei. (for once, the fats help a lot!)
The interaction between the director and the Sensei is great as well with how they exchange each of their initial perspectives before realizing where the difference is(for the director's) and sort of helped the Sensei to think of the suitable ending for his series!
The truth of that editor not doing his job is plain out that it is no longer a funny story(well he deserved it!)
Then, the addition of the character, Lucy, director thinking back to the audition and Zuka getting a call... Super happy that FINALLY she got a role and even better the lines she said(so naturally) reflect very much of her or rather the girls of finally getting their dream role in the anime industry(and working in the same anime as well!)
Aoi crying at the end really show how happy she is to see that all 5 of them working on the same anime like how they dreamed in their highschool!
This episode was a great one, especially with Zuka joining in and finally gotten a voice acting role! And I suppose next episode will be the last.(hoping for a 2nd season if there is!)
Mar 20, 2015 8:50 PM

Oct 2011
ZUKA-CHAN YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T________________________T

Mar 20, 2015 9:33 PM

Feb 2014
FINALLY! Like someone else said in the previous episode's thread, I was afraid Zuka would become the scapegoat to show how competitive and ruthless the anime industry is. Glad that she has now finally joined the rest of her friends. And all those parallels, Catherine representing Zuka and Aoi seeing her own lack of dream and goal in Aria. Aoi crying at the end made me tear up too. Best episode since episode 12.
Mar 20, 2015 9:45 PM

Mar 2012
I loved everything about this episode. From the fatty director spamming Ryu moves with his belly to all the Aoi-Zuka feels. I think I have some dust in my eye.
Mar 20, 2015 10:01 PM

Apr 2013
When Aoi cries, everyone cries. :'(

Mar 20, 2015 10:02 PM

Dec 2008
NihonFalcom said:

Oh my God. Oh my God this got me SO HARD, that was so heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, like oooommmmgggg.

It was kind of BS waiting 23 episodes for this moment but both of their reactions at the end? Totally worth it.

EDIT: Also Aerial Girls needs to be a thing. Seriously.
KirikaYuikoMar 20, 2015 10:12 PM
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Mar 20, 2015 10:16 PM
Jul 2018
Best episode yet!!! omg I loved it all, the director and the president flying scene was cute! I also loved the company fight, no one is a match for the director's belly. Seeing funny story get blown away by both the director and the author was so epic!!!! I said last time that Zuka wont get a role on this because they finished recording but I have never been this happy to be wrong about something, I didn't care at all for what happened in Shigatsu but this scene made me tear up and for a good reason too.

NihonFalcom said:

Finally all the girls are working on the same project and I really hope I get to see a second season of this anime. 4-cour rumor please be true

GohanwaOkazu said:

This is the best anime of Winter 2014-2015 (period).

definitely the best imo and definitely my favourite of that season.
Mar 20, 2015 10:41 PM

Nov 2014
Being rejected sometimes, being extra in a crowded scene, and having a extra work on a kiddie show. Finally, she got a role where her friends working on. I didn't think that shirobako will pulled-off that kind of scene, the scene where meowmori starting to cry because she was happy or relieved, and the script was perfectly fit on shizuka. Hoping for a second season or at least 2 - 4 ovas.
Mar 20, 2015 10:44 PM

Dec 2011
Those were true tears of happiness. I was genuinely moved by it. ;_;
Didn't expect to love this series so much but damn, I don't want it to end.
Mar 20, 2015 11:06 PM

Jul 2013
Miyamori in tears T_T
Director's fights with the editors LOLOL.

Another fantastic episode.
Mar 20, 2015 11:14 PM

Nov 2012
How does this show not even get in the top 1000 on MAL. The show, while not something exceptional, is still damn well executed.

Realistic, light-hearted but also emotional, great cast of characters, and also pretty good production value.
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