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Feb 15, 2015 2:03 PM
Mar 2014
Do you believe that a second season (or additional OVAs) are likely due to the success of Shirobako? It's been selling pretty amazingly, and hell, Girls und Panzer's getting a film, so I don't think it's completely out of the question.
Feb 15, 2015 4:33 PM

Oct 2012
Great topic. This series has turned out to be amazingly popular. So what's next?

As of just this moment, the Amazon Stalker points for Volume 3: (on sale: 2/25)

Blu-ray (regular edition) 8697
Blu-ray (special edition). .387
DVD. . .(regular edition). .555
DVD. . .(special edition). .101

I find it absolutely inconceivable that there won't be some kind of follow-on. What
naturally comes to mind is a spin-off series along the lines of what happened in
the otaku-centered "Genshiken" (2004,2006,2007,2013). Their fictional anime
series "Kujibiki Unbalance" was first made into a 3-OVA series in 2004 and then
later into a full-cour TV series in 2006.

In the case of Shirobako, the potential spin-offs are all too obvious:

- Exodus!
- Andes Chucky
- The Third Aerial Girls Squad
- The disastrous Shirobako backstory of "Jiggly-Jiggly Heaven".

Even if not full-cour, at minimum 3 OVAs of each.

As a side note, Tsutomu Mizushima worked on Genshiken in 2004, 2006 and 2013.
So the idea of a Kujibiki-Unbalance-like spinoff will certainly occur to him. I even
suspect that he has been planning so as to keep his options open from the very
okanaganFeb 15, 2015 5:03 PM
Feb 15, 2015 5:32 PM

Jan 2014
^ Sound interesting....
Especially interested with the back-story of Jiggly heaven :)

Feb 15, 2015 6:36 PM

Jan 2013
It would be interesting but I prefer if they just continue from this season and eventually all of the girls somehow work together on another anime or better their own anime.
Feb 17, 2015 3:34 AM

May 2012
I would love to see a second season if the original cast & staff comes back for it. Also, we have to consider that PA Works rarely does do sequels for their series. Maybe they could do a movie like what they did for Hanasaku Iroha.
Feb 18, 2015 2:12 AM

Oct 2011
Maybe they could animate a light novel series then a Visual novell type series in
Shirobako as a second season.
Feb 24, 2015 9:53 AM
Mar 2014
According to a Vol. 3 interview, Shirobako was originally planned to be 4 cours, with Miyamori going from runner to desk to line producer to producer. Hopefully this means more new material eventually!

Source (NSFW Ads)
Feb 24, 2015 10:59 AM

Sep 2011
vodall said:
According to a Vol. 3 interview, Shirobako was originally planned to be 4 cours, with Miyamori going from runner to desk to line producer to producer. Hopefully this means more new material eventually!

Source (NSFW Ads)
i hope they didnt scrap anything from the 3rd and 4th cour to fit into the 24 episodes we got, with these sales they can totally find the justification to make a sequel.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Feb 24, 2015 11:00 AM

Aug 2013
vodall said:
According to a Vol. 3 interview, Shirobako was originally planned to be 4 cours, with Miyamori going from runner to desk to line producer to producer. Hopefully this means more new material eventually!

This is certainly interesting to know.

It would be great if this original anime will continue on.
Feb 25, 2015 7:21 AM

Nov 2013
I hope they will make season 2!! 24 episodes is not enough!
Feb 26, 2015 9:01 PM

Dec 2013
I'm skeptical this show will get a second season, I've loved it dearly though the 20 episodes that we have gotten so far but this show might have too small of a niche market to get a second season, especially how hard getting sequels are.
Feb 26, 2015 9:58 PM
Jun 2012
vodall said:
Do you believe that a second season (or additional OVAs) are likely due to the success of Shirobako? It's been selling pretty amazingly, and hell, Girls und Panzer's getting a film, so I don't think it's completely out of the question.

The problem is that PA Works just doesn't do sequels. They've never done one for any of their shows.

Hibbington said:
this show might have too small of a niche market to get a second season, .

No, sales are actually quite good, well over 10k. That's not an issue.
Feb 27, 2015 12:37 AM

Feb 2013
A second season would be amazing. It's pretty fun watching this kind of show and how anime it's made. Hard work!

Feb 27, 2015 3:44 AM

Oct 2012
They already included Episode 1 of "Exodus!" with Volume 3 of the Blu-ray/DVD
which contains Episodes 7, 8 and 9. Volume 3 went on sale on February 25th. The
raw is already out, and I'm hoping it will be subbed really soon. I take the fact
that it is being called "Exodus! Episode 1" is a hint that there might be additional
episodes. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if "Exodus!" turned out to be a very
successful independent spinoff series. I watched the raw and the animation quality
is fantastic, as expected.

Given the huge sales in Japan, and given the natural open-ended nature of the
story, I feel certain that we will be seeing Shirobako Season 2 before long.

My initial reaction was also that Shirobako addresses a very specialized topic,
uses a lot of technical terminology, has a large ensemble cast, and therefore
would appeal only to a niche market. In fact, I suspect that this is actually true.
But it seems that a very large percentage of people in Japan want to own it,
rather than just see it once on TV and move on to the next series. Shirobako is
a loving, detailed, technically-accurate documentation of the anime industry in
Japan, which is one of their modern national treasures.
okanaganFeb 27, 2015 3:48 AM
Feb 27, 2015 6:02 AM

Nov 2011
Can't get enough of this show atm, a 2nd season would be welcome, would like to see how they tackle 2+ shows at once, which is a norm with the bigger studios.

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Feb 27, 2015 8:11 AM

Jul 2013
vodall said:
According to a Vol. 3 interview, Shirobako was originally planned to be 4 cours, with Miyamori going from runner to desk to line producer to producer. Hopefully this means more new material eventually!

Source (NSFW Ads)

Now it makes sense why we see so little of Zuka and Misa. The story is only half-way through!
Feb 27, 2015 10:37 AM
Sep 2013
considering the sales number, probably yes
but it's PA Works and i never heard they're doing second season :|
Mar 11, 2015 11:01 PM

Sep 2009
This show needs season 2!!!!
Mar 12, 2015 10:23 AM

Mar 2013
Mixed feeling on this one. Felt burnt out watching this already. Character and story are likable but it's too normal for my taste. I rather watch a documentary about animation studio than this if you are really interesting in making or learning the process of Anime.
Mar 12, 2015 12:58 PM

Aug 2013
zetsubousei_hero said:
Mixed feeling on this one. Felt burnt out watching this already. Character and story are likable but it's too normal for my taste. I rather watch a documentary about animation studio than this if you are really interesting in making or learning the process of Anime.

Mar 14, 2015 8:39 AM
Jul 2018
Mar 14, 2015 9:29 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Helpme said:
vodall said:
Do you believe that a second season (or additional OVAs) are likely due to the success of Shirobako? It's been selling pretty amazingly, and hell, Girls und Panzer's getting a film, so I don't think it's completely out of the question.

The problem is that PA Works just doesn't do sequels. They've never done one for any of their shows.

I thought this too. But please let this be the first PA Works show with a sequel. Knowing that they had originally planned for four cours, it makes sense why we haven't had enough focus on Shizuka and Misa yet...
Mar 15, 2015 10:36 AM
Jul 2018
Originally they thought of making 4-cours? Wow I really hope so, I love this anime.

I want to see Zuka finally get a big role in an anime and then eventually have them all work on the same project. That would be so epic tbh.
Mar 26, 2015 6:16 AM
Mar 2014
today is the day in which we may recieve our answer
prepare for anything. i'm kind of having a crisis over this

vegetablespiritMar 26, 2015 8:13 AM
Mar 26, 2015 11:10 AM
Sep 2013
no sequel news yet, even after last episode airing. but if i heard it correctly the ending indicates that the story will continue, probably with A1 pictures style, doing few shows in 1 season
Mar 27, 2015 11:33 AM

Oct 2010
Yeah...they kinda hinted at a season season or ova/movie with "I have our next show lined up" and such. I won't get my hopes up too much though
Mar 28, 2015 12:50 PM
Sep 2013
katsuragi and nabe-p talking about creating 2 anime together next year. one is adaptation and the other one is kinoshita's original. this is probably the best hint they could leave if they really intented to make another season.
Mar 28, 2015 3:44 PM

Jul 2014
vodall said:
According to a Vol. 3 interview, Shirobako was originally planned to be 4 cours, with Miyamori going from runner to desk to line producer to producer. Hopefully this means more new material eventually!

Source (NSFW Ads)

We're only halfway through, then.
Jul 9, 2015 10:22 PM

Sep 2013
I think the director needs to be fired if he's throwing away guaranteed near 10K sales.
But hey if the series he's doing bombs like glasslip they have to do season 2 to make up for it XD
Jul 10, 2015 3:31 AM

Nov 2014
That's some bad news..

Jul 10, 2015 4:58 PM

May 2013
It seems less a matter of whether it'll happen, and more a matter of how long unit it CAN happen.
Jul 10, 2015 5:02 PM
Jan 2009
nah let it die, the anime ended great already
Jul 31, 2015 6:59 AM
Apr 2015
I really hope there will be one! I really enjoyed the first season.
Jan 8, 2016 4:06 PM
Dec 2015
Just finished, loved the series, especially ending of EP 23.

i'd love a second series... but after watching the show... no pressure, lol. The Director's busy
Jan 8, 2016 4:08 PM

Apr 2014
Ending was fine imo. Doesn't really need another season.
Jan 11, 2016 4:51 PM

Jan 2015
Protaku said:
Ending was fine imo. Doesn't really need another season.

But admittedly, who doesn't want a second season. Even if its only 1 cour.
Jan 13, 2016 7:39 AM

Aug 2013
I really hope it doesen't. It was an amazing series, so why milk it until it goes to shit like they do with most series
Jan 16, 2016 6:53 AM

Sep 2013
I wanna see the 5 girl to move again and finish their anime.
But the ending in episode 24 is very satisfying too
Jan 18, 2016 10:09 PM

Dec 2014
I want a small loan of a million episodes !!
Apr 9, 2016 11:00 AM

May 2015

Wow, that is really interesting and great to know. I really hope so. This show was really amazing.

Mar 9, 2018 2:29 AM

Nov 2012
Could it finally be happening?IIRC I remember Tsutomu Mizushima (the director) stated he wanted to or would like to make a second season but was too busy at the time with a bunch of other projects.
Mar 9, 2018 2:35 AM

Apr 2016
VanishingKira said:
Could it finally be happening?IIRC I remember Tsutomu Mizushima (the director) stated he wanted to or would like to make a second season but was too busy at the time with a bunch of other projects.

Well damn, but i think it would be OVA or something, but S2 would be much appreciated.
Mar 31, 2018 12:02 AM
Jun 2016
VanishingKira said:
Could it finally be happening?IIRC I remember Tsutomu Mizushima (the director) stated he wanted to or would like to make a second season but was too busy at the time with a bunch of other projects.

I'm really excited for this event hope to get a second season (^ ^)
Apr 28, 2018 12:45 AM

Nov 2012
Movie announced,betting it'll be an anime movie about making anime movies lol
Apr 28, 2018 1:16 AM

Dec 2016
>Tfw you don't have the time to make a forum signature so you greentext instead
>Tfw you have a new review and want to promote it
Apr 28, 2018 3:30 AM

Sep 2016
wooooohooo a movie is now on production :D
very nice P.A Works
Apr 28, 2018 4:12 AM

Apr 2016
Hold your horses boys ... its three years from now.

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