Thanks I've been prolonging to join here as I don't require the community time especially when i used chantango days but I feel maybe it time to enter myself in the main anime community
It's pretty good. It draws you in with it's mystery and storytelling. The OSTs are amazing and the animation is quite good (except for some designs like hair and eyes). It is easy to watch and the characters are pretty good. This is how they should make a vampire show (Twilight should take a note or two). Although there are some illogical stuff and how some characters behave come off rather as confusing. Enjoyment level is quite high. Overall it's pretty good around an 8 till now.
Yea Lol!!! Gintama is awesome, very good to watch an episode or 2 after a tiring day or after a dark and depressing show or movie.
GITS is really "heavy". Can't watch it after a tiring day at work, it bores me to death and tires me more. It requires lots of attention and focus. I'll probably start watching it on weekends when I have rested :P
Lol I know about it but it just isn't that appealing to me, the story at least. I have a feeling it's going to be more like DBZ style... no way I am watching this... Is it better than HxH? or let's say One piece? Naruto?
:) Well yea that's the point, it's not like other anime of this genre :P. Not everyone like that though. But I guess it isn't a total waste of your time right?
All Comments (20) Comments
GITS is really "heavy". Can't watch it after a tiring day at work, it bores me to death and tires me more. It requires lots of attention and focus. I'll probably start watching it on weekends when I have rested :P
I am watching JoJo, Mushishi Season2, Ping Pong which all are awesome.... Dropped FT 2014
Reading 20th Century Boy which seems good.... and Liar Game which has incredibly addictive and genius games...
What have you been watching lately? Anything good?