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Dec 28, 2014 5:54 AM

Nov 2011
Lol Monster-kun with the decoration...

Oh this finale was kinda amusing. There's a quiet atmosphere with Shione while Nonoka continues her search. That journey takes her to a sunflower field where she reunites with the others from show; thought that was somewhat clever. Ending felt underwhelming though. Very predictable to see Noel again.
Dec 28, 2014 7:42 AM

Oct 2013
FINALE TIME WOOOO expecting this to be a massive cop out episode

watching in a bit, will edit this post with results

yeah this was a huge cop out. They're not even going to bother explaining why it is Nonoka just woke up and suddenly found herself in an alternate, non-saucer'd reality? Really? If they were just going to chuck out the chance they had to give this show an identity, they should've just ended it at episode 11.

This would've been a good series if it wasn't such a huge Anohana rip off and it had the emotional depth to carry its preposterous melodrama. It was really cute, though, which made it an entertaining weekly watch and saved it from utter mediocrity.

Nonoka's dad was the best character.
ZadionDec 28, 2014 8:35 AM

Dec 28, 2014 7:46 AM

Dec 2014
I'm sorry But I have to do this because I love stupid surprise ending:

After ED:
Togawa: Nonoka.
Nonoka (cry with joy): Welcome back...welcome back! Noel!
Noel (pick up the sun hat, walk up to Nonoka, hand over the hat, looking innocent): I'm sorry but is this hat yours? How do you know Noel's name? I think this is the first time we ever met.

Dec 28, 2014 8:00 AM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012
I KNEW Noel would be back!! :D Didn't expect the art shift at the end, though. But the new (and final) visuals for the ED were adorable. :3 Noel you better stay for good and I'm not gonna let go of you, you little sweetie! <3
Dec 28, 2014 8:02 AM

Aug 2013
Well, great series. One of these which I really waited for, in every week.
Most of you probably will hate it, but for me it was great.
Last episode was quite predictable, but it changes nothing (even that art quality was decreased) .
HidenNinpoDec 28, 2014 8:17 AM
Dec 28, 2014 8:09 AM
Jul 2012
It's great to see Noel again, but... This show could be much better without two last episodes.
So what?
Dec 28, 2014 8:21 AM

Mar 2014
That was kinda bad, I'd rather it have ended with the ED, that last minute felt really silly.
Pretty weak finale overall though, I knew this show wouldn't manage to pull of a bittersweet ending so a "happy" ending would kinda go in it's favor but even that is up to discussion.
7/10 show though.
Dec 28, 2014 8:24 AM

Sep 2008
What's going on with that animation for ending theme and final scene with Noel?
I feel like they could use these last minuts much better...
because series was good, but that ending was meh...
Dec 28, 2014 8:27 AM

Jan 2012
Welp, Noel came back as expected, and all is right with the world.

I was pretty disappointed by this one. It had the Glasslip-esque tendency to make characters look pretty terrible at times for the sake of prolonging the drama. It also felt like a chore to sit through by the end like that show. Not quite as bad on the whole though I guess, 5/10.
Dec 28, 2014 8:30 AM

Jul 2010
Friendship is indeed magic!

Really glad that Noel came back at the end. So really they did stay in this different world after all. Shione having the most special role at the end being the connector of the two worlds!

I honestly have a weak spot for friendships. Talking about their fragility and strength at the same time just really hit home. Though, by all means not the most realistic one but I still really liked the drama about friendship. The togetherness at the very end is just such a magnificent sight to behold. Also with an added weakness for people people optimistic and cheerful in a sad situation.

An 8/10 for a big feels ride for me! Sort of liked the ending though it wasn't what I was really expecting. A last glimpse of Noel being seen in a different way. Well anyways, I enjoyed the ride much more than I've expected!
Dec 28, 2014 8:31 AM

Nov 2012
Noel returns, shocker.

Glasslip-Chickens+Lolis (+some left over Anohana melodrama)=Glassloli.

Dec 28, 2014 8:40 AM

May 2013
Yay Noel is back. That art style at the end looked really nice. Overall, I enjoyed this series.
Dec 28, 2014 8:42 AM
Oct 2013
Maybe I'm just confused, but...the show seemed bit boring to me.

I'll give it a pass 5/10 since art is fine and music is great.
Dec 28, 2014 8:53 AM

Jan 2009
1. ofc we're gonna see noel again. it's just that kind of story. very predictable.

2. main things that were annoying are yuzuki being cynical about the saucer & shione rudeness to nonoka

3. really enjoyed the serious / calm mood of this series

7/10 overall
Dec 28, 2014 8:57 AM

Feb 2008
As long as i saw shione again, everything was fine with me.

She was to me the sole reason i watched the whole anime.
Nonoka as mc was rather annoying, noel was hmm okish
Dec 28, 2014 9:19 AM

Jul 2014
Good to see Noel return as expected, and even the rest of the episode was decent enough even though it felt very aimless. What was with that art style in the ED and in the final scene with Noel? It was very odd, but I actually kinda liked it for some reason.

An alright series, but the way it did things with trying to make me hate the characters and all the absurdly forced melodrama really reminded me of Glasslip. And that's something which I really DON'T need to be reminded of.

6/10 for this.

EDIT: This would have been better had it ended at episode 11 instead of going on for two more episodes.
AtavisticDec 28, 2014 9:32 AM
Dec 28, 2014 9:21 AM

Mar 2013
Lovely ending,
as expected Noel is back,
show were a bit boring from time to time but i still enjoy it.
6/10 for me :)
Dec 28, 2014 9:26 AM

Feb 2014
That part after the ED was unnecessary imo. 7/10 good show but predictable.
Dec 28, 2014 9:27 AM
Apr 2014
what the fuck. are you kidding me? what's with that end... why were the final 20 seconds in such a weird art style? why did noel come back without the saucer? why did they jump back in time? why do only Nonoka and Shione remember?

Should have ended with episode 11. It was obvious Noel would come back anyway. But now you have a shitload of unanswered questions after the final episode.
Dec 28, 2014 10:03 AM
Jul 2018
Noel is back at the end. The art style of her at the end was pretty nice.

The ending was meh.
Dec 28, 2014 10:07 AM

Nov 2009

Well, they tried to call the saucer as expected but the show added a little twist....the saucer didn't come but they got beautiful sunflower field insted. I have to say this ep. and ep.12 have so many beautiful sceneries. The painting artstyle animation at the end is beautiful and well-done.

They really ships Nonoka x Shione here. Shione looks really in her white summer dress. Also, the atmosphere around her is so different when she always wear a smile on her face.

Noel comes back is predictable, yes. BUT that's not the point of this ep. IMO, the purpose of last two eps is to show the freindship between main characters and they did it really well. I think we can call the last two eps. as "After story"

Overall, a good show to watch. The drama in the first half is a bit too strong for me but when the show get past that, it is pleasant to watch until the end. OST is really beautiful can't wait untill they release the OST CD.

P.S Why some people have a problem with the artsyle near the end?. That's really beautiful and well-done.
Dec 28, 2014 10:11 AM

Mar 2014
Marina2 said:

P.S Why some people have a problem with the artsyle near the end?. That's really beautiful and well-done.

It's like, really out of place and makes no sense as to why it'd be there.
Dec 28, 2014 10:20 AM

Jul 2009
Best thing was in is: NOEL is back! I will give it a 8/10 for that, I really wanted she to appear sooner and they have some happy moment together, but I am happy just seeing her smile!

Dec 28, 2014 10:21 AM
Jul 2018
Ep. 1-12 were crappy/meh and bad executed (6/10). But with that finale (before credits) i think this show deserves no more no less than 7/10 from me. Chibi montage at the credits was cute :3 I think the post-credits scene was unnecessary and i was scared that it was going to screw up the nice closure it had before credits.

Dec 28, 2014 10:29 AM

Aug 2010
A meh series in general, it didn't have a lot to offer, other than a moeblob being cute. I mainly watched it for Shione. Had a nice ED too. 4/10.
Dec 28, 2014 10:30 AM

Oct 2013
Nanashi- said:
what's with that end... why were the final 20 seconds in such a weird art style?
that was animated by Kou Yoshinari, one of the industry's best animators. his style is rather notorious for having this uncanny valley CG-ish feel to it, due to colouring and animating the cuts all by himself. the insanely fluid movements make his scenes stand out as well.

here is a nice little compilation of his animation cuts
BrobotDec 28, 2014 10:40 AM
Dec 28, 2014 11:03 AM

Nov 2009
Nanashi- said:
what the fuck. are you kidding me? what's with that end... why were the final 20 seconds in such a weird art style? why did noel come back without the saucer? why did they jump back in time? why do only Nonoka and Shione remember?

Should have ended with episode 11. It was obvious Noel would come back anyway. But now you have a shitload of unanswered questions after the final episode.

I will try to answer you.......

Why were the final 20 seconds in such a weird art style?
- It's beautiful and well-done. It's not weird at all.

Why did noel come back without the saucer?
- Remember that Noel is the saucer. And if MCs look at the sky after the end, the saucer might be already in the sky or it is moving down to the position. XD

Why do only Nonoka and Shione remember?
- They are the two persons who are closest to Noel ,so they have clear memory of her while others only have an incomplete memory.

Why did they jump back in time?
- You shouldn't think too much about this when there is magic in the show, really. You can assume that the time is reset because when Noel disappeared,all memory and event related to her need to be gone too. However, due to strong friendship, Nonoka and friends remember Noel (Noel always remember them!) from the first timeline and here what we get.

Something like this... Don't take this seriously. There is a lot of hole in this explanation.

Timeline 1: Saucer came
Nonoka moved always >>> Nonoka returns to the town >> Ep.1-11 >>> Wish fulfilled >> Noel disappeard >>> RESET >>> Start timeline 2

Timeline 2: Saucer nevers come
Nonoka moved always >>> Nonoka returns to the town >> Ep.12-13 >> ?

Dec 28, 2014 11:14 AM

Jul 2013
this show was enjoyable at it's best, but the story was somehow boring, there was meaningless drama, and there were a lot of unexplained aspects, like some people have pointed out
definitely one of the worst shows this season
Dec 28, 2014 11:21 AM

Sep 2014
I don't see why so many people didn't like this. It had varied characters, good character development, and a fantastic art style. It sent me on a feels trip multiple times. Maybe it was a little predictable and the ending might be open-ended, but it had such a nice feel to it, that I can't help but love it.

8/10 from me :D
Dec 28, 2014 11:41 AM

Apr 2014
7/10 good anime i knew what i was getting myself into when i started it

and for the ppl that are compare this to glasslip please watch more anime so ur not dumb enough to compare with such little knowledge of the slice of life genre

art style in the end was okay...i have no problem with changing art styles seeing as how i love shafts work so ive been used to it
Dec 28, 2014 12:13 PM

Apr 2013
I feel like these last two episodes were rather unnecessary. I'm not disappointed with the series, but something's still missing, and I don't know what. It started out with promise, then fell short of reaching its fullest potential, and that's pretty sad. The show I think was meant to be something to relax the viewer with cute girls doing cute things, and for what it is, that worked, and Noel was fun to watch. I also liked the OP, I always watched it every week as it did set the right mood and was relaxing. I'll probably forget about the characters outside of Noel within the next couple of weeks.

Still, I hope Studio 3Hz continues to make more anime, this had pretty artwork and animation that I was relatively pleased with.

7/10 total.
Dec 28, 2014 12:52 PM

Jun 2014
I feel this show lacked a certain something overall. Can't identify with the childish squabbling for the most part, but for the animation and general soothy-ness, I give this an average rating of 5/10

Would probably watch this again eventually.
Dec 28, 2014 1:10 PM

Aug 2014
What? No saucer? It got replaced by the sunflower field instead, so perhaps Noel can now venture out of the city as long as she has a sunflower or even just a petal with her instead of needing to be within range of the saucer...I Now that it's finished, it seems like a modern day Pinocchio-style story with an E.T. twist. So is she finally "real" and can stay indefinitely or does she come and go as long as they "wish" her back? Are the "wishes" infinite or Aladdin-esque limited? Why the time-shift in episode 12? Was it to extend it for one more episode or was it a "Men In Black" memory reset effect (now that Noel, who accomplished her mission, teleported out on the night of the meteor shower) to minimize the emotional trauma for Nonoka and company?

But I guess all's well that ends well, and most importantly, Noel is/came back -so it's a "good" thing. This seemed like a one-shot title nicely wrapped from beginning to end and with no second season. (unless of course Noel is some galactic princess who gets hunted down by Loki or something to justify a second helping). Sad that it's over, but glad that it ended well. And yeah, that was a nice touch, albeit different, for the cute epilogue with the oil painting style effect showing Noel at the end. ^_^ [8.5/10]

Now on to Fleet Girls:KanColle when it comes out in January.
Binbo_GaijinDec 28, 2014 1:42 PM
"The human eye is lustful; it craves the novel, the unusual, the spectacular."
-Stephen E. Ambrose
Dec 28, 2014 1:39 PM

Oct 2013
I liked the series overall and will give it a 7.5 out of 10. Somewhere between good and very good.

Though I agree the attempt to call Noel back was predictable (but wouldn't you do that?), the giant sunflower field and the magic petals had a mysterious quality that I liked.

At the end I feel Shione is my favorite character. She came the farthest out of all of them and is something of a heroine in EP 13 when she shows her true friendship to Nonoka. I really liked Nonoka's statement when she and Shione were sitting on the bench.
Dec 28, 2014 1:55 PM

Dec 2009
Liked it, especially the ending.

Even though it was obvious Noel was going to return, it was heartwarming seeing her.

So 8/10 in my books.
Dec 28, 2014 1:59 PM

Dec 2014
yup i know it that noel well come back think god that i see her again
i think the ending was ok good 7.10

the art an the ending was so cute and Beautiful

welcome Home noel :3 i want to see her again
Dec 28, 2014 2:10 PM

Aug 2014
It's actually fucking done.

Dec 28, 2014 2:18 PM

Jul 2013
Could have been better if it stopped on episode 11. The last 2 episodes, were kind of pointless, and predictable, and all the drama build up were kind of melodramatic from the middle of the series.

A 7 should be my opinion, but since the last 2 episodes came by, made me dropped it into a 6. To me Noel, Nonaka I guess, and Nonaka's father are the only one stands out in the series, but as for the rest of the characters were Eh.

Dec 28, 2014 2:24 PM

Mar 2009
I watched this for Noel.

Loved that hand-drawn animation at the end. Nice art.
Dec 28, 2014 3:55 PM

Dec 2010
This episode was nice but was filled with Deus Ex Machina. I would have liked to have a bit more of the ending explained. But its meant to be something you feel I believe, more than something that deserves an explanation.

My relationship with this show was a complex one. I liked most of the characters even if they weren't expanded upon enough for my liking. It had some great music, and the interactions, and the level of feels were quite high. But, for some reason it was the show I had a hard time convincing myself to watch. I enjoyed it when I did watch it, but it was hard to sit down and watch it. Its probably just the kind of show it is.

Anyway, I give it a 7/10. Not bad for a studio's first work, but I hope their future shows are better. Plus Noel is still, and will always be adorable.
Dec 28, 2014 4:17 PM
Nov 2013
God finale. Although expected, Noel coming back is great for me since she was the best character in the show besides Nonoka's dad. Also, the animation was beautiful, especially the scenes with the sunflowers.

Pretty okay series. 6/10
Dec 28, 2014 4:20 PM

Jan 2013
Well... this episode was fast. It was over as soon as I noticed, while the art at the end was a little weird, it was cute. But it would have a better ending if it ended with the (full) ED while showing them hugging and stuff (can't think of anything better at the moment).

Still, it was good, could have been done a little better, and as always, I would like to see the life after said ending (it happens from time to time, were I get curious about their life now that everything's over), but oh well... at least we got Noel, a cute moe loli, what could we ask more.
Dec 28, 2014 4:32 PM

Apr 2010
All of them where a bit different but the one that was most noticeable was Shione, she had a pretty big personality change.
She was more social and more friendly compared to how she was before, her clothing style was a bit different as well.

In any case this was a nice anime and a really enjoyed watching it.
Dec 28, 2014 4:43 PM

Jul 2014
Yep it really predicable a type of anime that can describe in a single page but made into 13episode >__>" 6/10
Dec 28, 2014 4:49 PM

Jan 2011
This series was alright think it gets most of it's hate from glasslip comparisons though,i would of liked it they had ended off at ep 11 think that was well done but hey everyone likes happy endings right can't say we didn't expect this.

overall just about a 71/0 music10/10 giving me 2 of my favorite singles for fall and the animation was quite nice at times wish they had been able to keep the fluid movements from the earlier episodes(but we could of done with out the last bit at the end)
Dec 28, 2014 5:19 PM

Aug 2014
Huh, Nonoka's mom was quite the MILF, huh? Errr...

A meh ending to a meh anime. Total waste of time. Bland characters, forced melodrama and the plot went nowhere fast. I admit Noel was a treat to watch, but she barely had screen time. Wasted potential?

VanishingKira said:

Glasslip-Chickens+Lolis (+some left over Anohana melodrama)=Glassloli.


Yeah, this sum up things well.
But Glasslip managed to be terrible but sorta kinda funny, even if unintentionally.
Sora no Method is just plain forgettable.
Dec 28, 2014 5:29 PM

Jun 2014
I mean we all knew what was going to happen. it was by no means a surprise. BUT IT WAS STILL CUTE AS HELL.
If only this show didn't have the stubborn characters it might have been top 3 of the season for me.
But the beautiful OP and ED's, the visuals, the the all out cuteness of Noel really make this show soar for me.
Was kinda hoping for this show to be the seasons "Hanayamata" but it wasn't. But i loved it just the same.
9/10 for beautiful visuals, REALISTIC WALKING AND RUNNING CYCLES, best ED, and Nonoka's father.
That smile sparkle.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Dec 28, 2014 5:44 PM

Jun 2014
I loved this anime! 9/10!

I was so happy to see that Noel came back and that everyone was able to see that Nonoka wasn't hallucinating her all this time!

I was glad to see the friends back together and the new ending animation was awesome!
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Dec 28, 2014 6:29 PM

Oct 2012
A very nice ending
Dec 28, 2014 7:00 PM

Aug 2013
I tend not to dislike series

but when i do, i dislike it a lot and post about it -.-

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