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Dec 13, 2014 12:54 PM
May 2014
deadoptimist said:
It will have to judge itself and it can simply refuse to do so (they are sentient and human) or think that they’re right. Lastly, will it even be made public or matter in a long run? Sybil’s goal is not to be good, but to run things efficiently. The only use I can think of is that they will make Sybil see itself how ugly it has become, but it is too idealistic to believe that it will be affected. Especially considering that it is made of psychopaths.

Note how attached Sybil/Kasei is to the words "perfect" and "perfection", especially in S1 13, 19, 20.
ep 20, 07:25: "By achieving an absolutely perfect system, Sibyl has come to embody that ideal."

At least in S1 it said that hiding the truth is a temporary measure, and the intent is to eventually
reveal the truth.

If it could judge groups as well as individuals it is easy to see that it could be devastating for humans as a whole.
Examples: clubs, political parties, companies, schools, classes, and so on.
An extreme example would be to judge the human race (within its reach) as a single group.
konatachan80Dec 13, 2014 1:03 PM
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
Dec 13, 2014 1:22 PM

Jul 2014
konatachan80 said:
Note how attached Sybil/Kasei is to the words "perfect" and "perfection", especially in S1 13, 19, 20.
ep 20, 07:25: "By achieving an absolutely perfect system, Sibyl has come to embody that ideal.

Yeah, but does it mean that it has to apply to itself a well-known paradox about god? It is possible to have an ideal traffic system, for example, or strive to create one, but it won't have anything to do with omnipotence paradox. Sybil can't walk on water, ressurect people or turn stones into bread too.

Also it is supposed to be higly intelligent, so why try to solve this paradox in real world? I mean, cheery psychopaths that make up Sybil can pass time by trying to solve it theoretically, but they should be intelligent enough to not test a philosophical problem in real life. )

konatachan80 said:
If it could judge groups as well as individuals it is easy to see that it could be devastating for humans as a whole.
Examples: clubs, political parties, companies, schools, classes, and so on.
An extreme example would be to judge the human race (within its reach) as a single group.

Yeah, I too can see only catastrophic consequences.
Dec 13, 2014 3:22 PM
May 2014
deadoptimist said:
konatachan80 said:
Note how attached Sybil/Kasei is to the words "perfect" and "perfection", especially in S1 13, 19, 20.
ep 20, 07:25: "By achieving an absolutely perfect system, Sibyl has come to embody that ideal.

Yeah, but does it mean that it has to apply to itself a well-known paradox about god? It is possible to have an ideal traffic system, for example, or strive to create one, but it won't have anything to do with omnipotence paradox. Sybil can't walk on water, ressurect people or turn stones into bread too.

Also it is supposed to be higly intelligent, so why try to solve this paradox in real world? I mean, cheery psychopaths that make up Sybil can pass time by trying to solve it theoretically, but they should be intelligent enough to not test a philosophical problem in real life. )

It doesn't try to, but if it tries to do things like disabling Shisui's(?) dominator, starting a manhunt etc
on someone that has a clear PP it would deny its own claimed perfection by doing something that
proves it isn't perfect in what it does. Which I guess would be a somewhat dangerous road.

Whether it is omnipotent or not isn't really the point, but rather if it claims it is [attribute] then do
something that denies said [attribute], then it proves it wasn't [attribute] (or at the very least, isn't anymore).
(the above is an attempt to make a template of that paradox, but it might have flaws)
konatachan80Dec 13, 2014 6:03 PM
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
Dec 13, 2014 5:31 PM

Nov 2014
Yay Kougami made an appearance!

Can't wait for the last episode!
Hi there
Dec 13, 2014 8:40 PM

Apr 2012
That was one hell of a cliffhanger.
Dec 14, 2014 3:01 AM

Nov 2014
Let’s look at the parties involved.We have Kamui, whose brain is made of a bunch of brains, but it is unclear, whether he is a singular personality or an agglomeration. Actually he seems to have a sole personality – there’re no things in his behavior that suggest otherwise. More importantly he seems to have only one head and thus a normal amount of brain-mass, so how could parts of brains retain intact personalities of their previous owners? And if he is a new emergent personality how is he different from, say, someone with trauma-induced brain damage?

Then we have Sybil, which is a bunch of interconnected criminally asymptomatic brains (left intact). As far as I understand, it doesn’t have a singular personality.

And then there is their society that consists of different people with different personalities that are not particularly connected. Social groups work more or less in the same way.

I think we are having a quid pro quo over here....Kirito for the purpose of the plot of the manga is a joined entity rather the perfect symbol of a plethora of different body parts homogenously linked as one .i.e you see Kirito you see one person..Contrarily you have sybil who is a system based on the symbiosis between several brains which comprises sybil but then sybil has the singularity to consult or to have one brain be a representative (you can refer to the teacher in season one or/and togane's mother in season 2) so i have answered you both are somewhat homogeneous joined brains true but now sybil can have a singular brain be the director or the driver at one time which Kirito does not have

These are completely different thing. Judging Kamui won’t affect anything. Judging Sybil hardly seems possible, since it doesn’t have one personality and all her members are criminally asymptomatic. If Kamui is a singular being, he can either be judged after some tweaks, is a mistake and will be eliminated (which won’t mean anything for the system, since he is unique and artificial) or he is another criminally asymptomatic person and will be absorbed into Sybil. If he is akin to Sybil… Well, he can’t be, because he has only parts of brains and those were not all criminally asymptomatic. So him being judged doesn’t mean that Sybil will be judged too. Especially since there is no indication that it itself is interested in solving the omnipotence paradox. Technical limitations are technical limitations and it is not a god nor claims to be.

I think you are really contradicting your own statements....It all goes to the Omnipotent paradox which was already in season one more so explained in season 2. Judging Kirito is also juding sybil, why? because both theoretically cannot be judged to begin with... Psycho Pass, the HUE was conceived to keep human kind at bay meaning that only humans could be judged but not Sybil...Shougo could not be judged thus sybil wanted him, this season is more so geared towards society has a whole, thus Kirito who is just like sybil and yet sybil is just limited to the symbol of singularity which symbolized brains trading place in chief Kasei...Thus the conslusion is you judge Kirito, you judge sybil, hence the Omnipotent paradox...

In this episode they mentioned it having consequences for society as a whole, since a group can be judged, but it is unclear why it would and more importantly what difference it will it make to people. I can think only of Sybil wiping away whole groups now, and it would be only worse.

But that's what would render sybil omnipotent, a society is really an organic link between groups that decide on matters for a common good.Basically a group is strong than the individual, sybil deals at best with indivduals that's why it already trying to breaks groups by attacking individuals under via the mean of Psycho pass and HUE...that is the whole plot the of the series....

Only judging Sybil’s priorities may be a good idea. But then it is hardly technically possible (it is not a person, its parts are asymptomatic, this can actually create an overload). It will have to judge itself and it can simply refuse to do so (they are sentient and human) or think that they’re right
you know you kinda cited the Omnipotent paradox right,sybil cannot judge itself or cannot be judge that would refute the omnipotent paradox for sure

[color=blue]Lastly, will it even be made public or matter in a long run? Sybil’s goal is not to be good, but to run things efficiently. The only use I can think of is that they will make Sybil see itself how ugly it has become, but it is too idealistic to believe that it will be affected. Especially considering that it is made of psychopaths.
Even if Kasei mentioned that in season one, i doubt so. Revealing that the nation is run by a plethora of sadistic mind twisted psychopaths would only raise the population's stress level (if we follow the series' logic). How can you make sybil see how ugly it has become, now we go back to the omnipotence paradox, the sybil (the omnipotent one) established such procedures to stay dominant no matter, if anything the paradox can only further the path of destruction and carnage it embarked on....
Dec 14, 2014 3:34 AM

Jan 2011
Well this episode just made me push my planned score for this down a notch.
Dec 14, 2014 5:50 AM

Oct 2011
Dooropens said:
OK, this beyond me. Pleease, explain someone to me why is everyone so dissatisfied by the fact that the next episode is going to be the last one. Everything was said, everything was done. How many episodes do you need to end this? What for? There is nothing there that would need more than 1 final episode. I personally do not want more episodes than necessary from this season. Actually, considering the length of this season, the pace and the structure are one of the few things done well, so i do not really get the complains regarding the rushed end, that is absolutely not rushed if you ask me.

What? The pacing was done well? Huh? The pacing has been inconsistent and was started really slow, decent in the middle and then fast these last couple of episodes.

Series could have been 22 episodes if they developed their characters right, allowed Kamui to slowly build his fanatic followers, explain the type of drugs and what brainwashing he does to his followers, actually DEVELOP Mika, background stories on all the enforcers, more self thought from Akane, give us references from season 1 like Akane comparing Makashima to Kamui, more dangerous missions and more action. This season has been terrible but I think if they had more episodes to deal with, they could have fleshed things out A LOT better.
Dec 14, 2014 5:50 AM

Oct 2011
Dooropens said:
OK, this beyond me. Pleease, explain someone to me why is everyone so dissatisfied by the fact that the next episode is going to be the last one. Everything was said, everything was done. How many episodes do you need to end this? What for? There is nothing there that would need more than 1 final episode. I personally do not want more episodes than necessary from this season. Actually, considering the length of this season, the pace and the structure are one of the few things done well, so i do not really get the complains regarding the rushed end, that is absolutely not rushed if you ask me.

What? The pacing was done well? Huh? The pacing has been inconsistent and was started really slow, decent in the middle and then fast these last couple of episodes.

Series could have been 22 episodes if they developed their characters right, allowed Kamui to slowly build his fanatic followers, explain the type of drugs and what brainwashing he does to his followers, actually DEVELOP Mika, background stories on all the enforcers, more self thought from Akane, give us references from season 1 like Akane comparing Makashima to Kamui, more dangerous missions and more action. This season has been terrible but I think if they had more episodes to deal with, they could have fleshed things out A LOT better.
Dec 14, 2014 3:21 PM

Dec 2013
This episode finally cleared some things up for me. I think that making Sibyl a latent criminal is a really interesting idea; probably the most interesting thing that has happened this season as it reminds me of the smartness of the first season.

Hoping for some sort of enlightening ending next week.
Dec 14, 2014 5:21 PM

Jan 2014
I'm pretty sure Kamui is unaware of Sibyl's true nature. Now they are just shoddying up the ending.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Dec 15, 2014 1:12 AM

Jan 2008
Rayzer said:
So Kamui Kirito was really trying to destroy the Sybil System by making it malfunction/overload?

No he was trying to hack it so he could meet it face to face and then choose whether or not to destroy it..
Dec 15, 2014 4:43 PM

Jul 2013
Glad Akane's standing up against the Sibyl System! The cliffhanger!!!
Dec 16, 2014 2:24 PM
Jun 2013
So this Thursday is the last episode? I knew that it started airing in October, so I was waiting for some episodes to pile up in order to watch them alltogether, but I thought it was going to be 22. Are we going for a 3rd season, movie or what? There are so many things until the sibyl system is destroyed.
The main point of this world is that everyone at some point of his life can have a high level of stress without commiting a murder or something. Is it ok to judge him like that?
Dec 17, 2014 7:30 AM
Jul 2018
That blood on his neck was her grandmother’s? God damn you Togane! One guy has no problem killing people with the excuse to save them and Sybil has no problem killing 500 hundred people to eliminate Kamui who is a threat to its existence…why does both side have to bring innocent people who want nothing to do with bullshit into it? And Mika is as useless as ever.

Oh I’m glad that Akane isn’t falling for his lies anymore!!! What? Kamui is the one who gets to kill Togane? Wow that was intense.

I do have one small question though, who the hell is watching them work other than Sybil? I mean if Akane shows him Sybil and he judges it and then Sybil kills him why does it have to be broadcasted throughout Japan that Sybil accepted a collective existence? I mean it doesn’t really make sense, they could just erase it from the records and then done no one knows that Kamui exists anymore and he was a ghost to begin with so who cares if he finally disappears other than the idiots following him who are most likely going to die very soon after he does?!
Dec 17, 2014 10:11 AM

Aug 2014
neronakos said:
So this Thursday is the last episode? I knew that it started airing in October, so I was waiting for some episodes to pile up in order to watch them alltogether, but I thought it was going to be 22. Are we going for a 3rd season, movie or what? There are so many things until the sibyl system is destroyed.
The main point of this world is that everyone at some point of his life can have a high level of stress without commiting a murder or something. Is it ok to judge him like that?

There's a movie trailer on youtube. Second season is disappointing so say the least but the movie looks great.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Dec 17, 2014 2:55 PM

Jun 2008
Pretty good episode. I sure hope Kamui doesn't die to the hands of that guy.
Dec 17, 2014 5:28 PM

Feb 2013
God if I could never read "painted black" again
Dec 17, 2014 10:54 PM

Apr 2014
Let's see how this would end in few hours.
Haters always gonna hate.
Dec 19, 2014 9:16 PM

Dec 2012
OMG that end ! Akame changed during this episode, she understood everything about the systeme and Togane's mother.
769 (OoO) nice score, now it's time to watch the last.
Dec 21, 2014 2:58 AM

Jul 2009
Akane is really a good person, even when the person is guilty like Tougane she wanna save them!
Dec 22, 2014 3:30 AM

Jul 2008
Well that escalated quickly. How many people will die next episode and will Sybil be judged...
Dec 25, 2014 3:46 PM

May 2012
Oh boy that cliffhanger! Pretty damn epic development and I do wonder what will happen next so without further ado let's find out what the last episode will offer us!
Dec 29, 2014 5:13 PM

Jul 2013
Why is togane trying to blacken akane?

So they can shoot her to get rid of her from their plans of killing kamui?
Dec 29, 2014 9:46 PM

Jan 2013
Fairly good episode. It went by fast.
Dec 31, 2014 4:47 AM

Dec 2010
An ok episode. I doubt that Tougane will die for some reason. And the finale is totally unforseeable to me. It better be decent at least.
Jan 7, 2015 5:05 AM

Jun 2013
Mika is guilty.

Kogami shows up again in Akane's conscience. I really miss him so much.

So Akane knows the chief's dark secret.

Kamui vs. Togane.

TicklingThoughtsJan 7, 2015 5:44 AM
Jan 16, 2015 2:35 PM

Jan 2012
i felt it
My Guitar Covers:

Jan 16, 2015 8:34 PM

Feb 2013
Wow, Tougane's crime coefficient is over 700. (I think Akane figured out who really killed her grand mother.) Kind of wonder if Sibyl will lock the trigger on Kamui though.
Jan 24, 2015 10:49 AM

Jan 2013
this show was made for the exact definition of "it was good", but more like "eh.. It was okay".
black1blade said:
At this point I can see this is getting a solid 7 from me.

The ending and opening came in at such appropriate times in the show, made me think I as watching season 1 again, but alas, was only but a hallucination. This episode was pretty stellar though, but also somewhat convoluted if I may say so myself.
Jan 24, 2015 1:04 PM

Oct 2014
pretty good ep dat cliffhanger
Feb 22, 2015 7:29 AM

Jan 2014
A great episode :D I like how I'm not really cheering for anyone.
Well, except for Akane a bit.. cuz she's mah waifu ^-^
Feb 26, 2015 2:45 PM
Jul 2014
Vau,what a script! Kumagai, Jun, script-writer you are the best!!! Will follow your work!
Apr 17, 2015 11:35 AM

Jan 2013
Was nice seeing Kougami in this show for a little while.
Also Togane's CC was 769 ... that's absurdly high ^^
Apr 17, 2015 11:37 AM

Jan 2013
Hiroshi_obakun said:
hassan0297 said:
So Kamui wants to see if Sibyl can be judged by its own rules? If it doesn't get judged by its own rules then Kamui and Sibyl are alike yet different.Then,in that case,it will be completely OK for Kamui to destroy the system and similarly that's what the system is trying to do to Kamui.It's a race against time and so far Kamui has been the dominant one.Sibyl has Tougane as his trump card.If Tougane ends up dead then I guess Sibyl will have no choice but to accept the concept of "Collective Identity Judgement".In this way Kamui will be acknowledeged in the Society and Sibyl would be able to be judged.But then Sibyl would be identified,as whole,a criminal,which it does not want.And that would mean the end of Sibyl.That's why Kamui can not exist.So,it means that Kamui was smart enough to think that Sibyl is just like him.If it were not then Sibyl would have judged Kamui.Either way,it's gonna end up in Sibyl's destruction.Damn this omnipotence paradox.I don't know if what the hell I am saying is even correct or not but this is what I think:
1) Sibyl and Kamui are alike.Sibyl made up of different brains.Kamui made of different brains and organs.
2) Both of them can not be judged because they are not individual beings.
3) Kamui wants acknowledgement in the society regardless if he is acknowledged as a criminal and wants "Collective Identity Judgement" while Sibyl absolutely detests the idea of this concept and does not want itself to be recognized as a criminal.

fantastic mate, you got it....

Pretty much, I'm sure this helps a few other people understand it aswell ^^
Apr 19, 2015 7:38 AM

Mar 2009
769... that's one crazy Crime Coefficient number!

And Mika's presence is just annoying. She has a tendency to look away from trouble that is right before her eyes when she can do something about it. Instead she tries to shift the blame away from herself. Her focus is always on how wrong she thinks Akane is instead of her job =_=

On the plus side, we got to see Kogami again briefly.
Apr 20, 2015 8:00 PM
Mar 2009
769? Jesus, what do you do to become that high? And wasn't the pocket knife he pulled out the same as Shinya's?

And what's up with Sibyl? Why have they allowed Sakuya's mother to be in control this long when she clearly has a personal connection to this case?

At least Sibyl finally revealed that it wants to just get rid of Akane altogether instead of having her stick around. Quite the contrast to the last episode of Season 1.
Aug 20, 2015 5:19 PM

Dec 2013

Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his hue level?

Dankirito vs. Boogeyman, it would be cool if one of them showed some kung fu moves. Seems like Togane's already finished though. LOL.

Akane, we miss Kogami just as much as you do, but it's kinda cringy when you hallucinate about him so often.

Eyepatch-kun still has her Dominator working fine and dandy, somehow. I don't even know anymore.
PriestSlayerAug 20, 2015 6:03 PM
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Oct 10, 2015 7:49 AM

Mar 2014
>Sibyls wants to take all inspector privileges from Akane
>Refused to do that to the eyepatch chick although she's a threat to the system as well

The writer is a fucking idiot isn't he
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Dec 11, 2015 9:41 AM

Jul 2009
Wow what an episode!!

Damn they really want to break Akane like that. It's obvious it was Tougane who beat her grandmother to death.

I knew Kougami would appear as a some sort of reminder when she's in a pinch.

Still Kougami should have appeared in the series. I don't know how Akane got hit at the back of her head like that if he isn't there :P

I think Makishima had like 300 or 400 Coefficient? Tougami has the highest so far.

So we're going to see a stand off between Kamui, Tougami and Akane. I wonder who will win at the end :O

Shame the series kinda ends in the middle

Final Episode let's go!!
Feb 28, 2016 6:43 PM
Jan 2012
good episode. The idea of kamui judge system sibyl is amazing. I hope great conclusion. His different of makishima think broke system sibyl.
The plan's of kamui is very intelligent and interesting people.
The plan of kamui about bomb's make me a big surprise.
I 'me happy because finally was revealed the psycho pass of togane and 765 or 769. I think read correct;
RafaKojiroFeb 28, 2016 6:47 PM
Mar 9, 2016 9:50 PM

Sep 2014
God damn 769? Nice.
Apr 13, 2016 1:24 PM

Jul 2013
Akane's poor grandma :(

Hello Kougami ;) you couldn't take your shirt off again.

Flooding the subway and all the crazy.

Bad Togane, I wanna see Kirito and Akane together.

Togane crime coefficient was off the chart! like OMG! I didn't think they could go that high.
May 31, 2016 9:50 AM
Jul 2018
Wtf is this bullshit about the system not being able to handle so many Dominators going off at once/too much data? Kamui only has like 8, and they're not even being fired at the exact same time. Is that seriously too much for the Sybil System to handle-- system comprising of what looks like hundreds of human brains processing data all at once?

Wtf Akane saying Sybil System exists because they can cast "equal and perfect judgement" on society? Last season we established that they can't, because they're made up of human brains, each with their own goals/motivations/personalities. That was the whole point of the first season-- that Sybil isn't perfect. In fact, the end of this episode confirms that as well when Akane says that it's Misako Tougane who is in charge of the Kamui case. Even if Misako has to communicate with Sybil regarding any decisions, if her personal interests/involvements didn't matter, why didn't they just assign another brain to cover the case/act as Chief Kasei?

Wtf Inspector Shisui turning into some cartoonish villain's lackey.

I don't feel like Kougami's appearance was necessary, even as a hallucination. Thank god Makishima/Kagari/Masaoka died last season, that saved them from having to appear in this piece of shit sequel.
Aug 14, 2016 9:27 PM

Feb 2015
Lamfreyde said:
I have this bad feeling Kamui can kung-fu. That would make the season the ultimate joke.


Mayuka said:
Cool, so you haters have finally made me open my eyes and see how bad this show has become. I can't even enjoy this season anymore.


EchelonHunt said:
Okay, can we please talk about this face?

Because this face will give me nightmares.

hey, at least it's great for S&M.

Toua said:

I don't feel like Kougami's appearance was necessary, even as a hallucination. Thank god Makishima/Kagari/Masaoka died last season, that saved them from having to appear in this piece of shit sequel.

yeah, that would have made it worse for sure.
i see. tsunemori regains her sanity when she's even lost her grandmother because of the magical spirit of kogami.

these writers ruined their friendship. and the thing i can't even believe is that they hardly show the two and have done this. it's utterly amazing.

the most infuriating part of the episode:


oh look. someone freaking mentioned what i said.

WHAT. that's your answer???

"Well we just can't do nothing, so we'll just point our justice guns at him and do nothing. Because after all we can do nothing."

dear Lord.

oh yeah and let's make tsunemori magically know all things and hide behind this fact by claiming she "searched them up".

Dec 16, 2016 9:24 PM
Jun 2013
how the hell does sybil think itself not evil when its willing to kill so many innocent people. also was crazy seeing akane snap.
Mar 23, 2017 7:41 PM

Sep 2015
Knife user usually wins against a gunner with that range between them
Apr 20, 2017 7:24 AM

May 2010
Mika is high. Oh well, better ignore.

Yay dominators have infinite bullet now smh

Must say again, the writing is disappointing despite some interesting plot twists. Don't even know how can a writer feel okay with another writer continuing his work but ok.
TragicRomanceApr 20, 2017 7:37 AM
Nov 4, 2018 4:31 PM

Jan 2017
Plot twist #3: Enforcer Togane about to get cheesed.
Apr 4, 2019 4:45 AM

Dec 2010
Ok, episode finally made sense the whole Kamui debacle, I can officially say that this episode was on the level of quality of Season 1. I felt intrigued by every minute, holding onto my chair. Hopefully, this spells a good future for the franchise.
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