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Kasei Madoushi no Isekai Seikatsu: Boukenchuu no Kaseifugyou Uketamawarimasu!
Oct 24, 2021 4:43 PM
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I really liked your totsukuni no shoujo review. As you mentioned, you wrote the review based on only the few chapters released at that time. So I'm curious to know- did you finish the manga and what're your thoughts about it? Because a lot of your predictions in the review were actually mostly spot-on and the manga just kept on improving as time went on, imo at least.
(Given that you wrote the review 6 years ago it's also possible you've forgotten about the series by now. In which case it's re-reading time !! Woooo! XD)
As for anime, if I haven't gotten to the manga beforehand, it's just a way for me to see whether or not I would continue on with the story because I know there's always more detail from the source. That's why I'm thankful for your input because it seemed like I was going to invest a lot of time for no satisfaction.
Maybe ironic wasn't the word and after all I was just hoping that the main character doesn't end up the same way. False hope, I guess.
I also see you have "Homunculus" in your long on-hold list. If you accept recommendations, I believe you would like that kind of story.
Yes, I did enjoy Freesia.
I find kinda ironic that shortly after Kano undestands what he wants and is willing to fight for it realizes that Keiko is dead and decides to put his mom in a caring house(? I dont actually know how it's called, lol). Basically the opposite of what he wanted.
To me the ending also gave me the feeling that Kano was talking to the reader.
I actually dont dislike open endings, depends on the type of story. Maybe in the near future I will reread it, because I feel like I missed lots of tiny bits of information the autor left in every page. And I think knowing this beforehand would make the reading more pleasant.
Lastly, thank you for taking the time to replying to me. Im looking forward to reading more of your reviews.