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Tomino admits that parts of Gundam Reconguista is hard to understand by the target audience the kids

Nov 28, 2014 10:22 PM

Jan 2009
Tomino also says that he doesn't understand the reaction he's gotten about Gundam Reconguista "because they don't see [the work we put into it]. If they saw it, they would realize they wouldn't be able to do the work." He admits that parts of the show may be difficult for the target audience — kids — to follow, but thinks that when they grow older, they can rewatch and understand.

heck im not a kid but i hardly understand where this story is going, its an average show so far

Nov 28, 2014 11:47 PM
Nov 2014
j0x said:
Tomino also says that he doesn't understand the reaction he's gotten about Gundam Reconguista "because they don't see [the work we put into it]. If they saw it, they would realize they wouldn't be able to do the work." He admits that parts of the show may be difficult for the target audience — kids — to follow, but thinks that when they grow older, they can rewatch and understand.

heck im not a kid but i hardly understand where this story is going, its an average show so far

'Tomino also says that he doesn't understand the reaction he's gotten about Gundam Reconguista "because they don't see [the work we put into it]. If they saw it, they would realize they wouldn't be able to do the work." He admits that parts of the show may be difficult for the target audience — kids — to follow, but thinks that when they grow older, they can rewatch and understand.'

this quote made by Tomino is very true, this series is good, it let us think out of the box. To consider the possibilities revolving throughout the plot. Most of the time, Gundam shows are just spoon feeding us information, but this time manner of transferring information is different. It is something new to venture off. Not like relying on always 'plot armor' scenario which everyone had already expected. Most of the ongoing shows, the story line is already expected. Then why not create something that is different and another way to appeal to audience regardless of critics? The world is changing, so do we. We dont expect things to be all the same and all straight. I bet Tomino wants to change, he is old, he knows its time to step down and entrust his will of gundam animation to the newer generations. Take a bigger picture and u will know the efforts of directing G-Reco.
Nov 29, 2014 12:10 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Apparently it seems like the first part of the quote was a mistranslation, as three people pointed out on ANN's thread.

Kamieichi said:
Actually, this part is mistranslation.
Original line:放送が始まってからの視聴者の反応は「分かりません。なぜなら見ていないから。見てしまうと仕事ができなくなる」
It says "I [Tomino] don't know the viewer's reaction about Gundam Reconguista because I don't see it. If I see it, I can't do my job".

hyojodoji said:
'I don't know reactions from people who watch Gundam Reconguista, because I don't read them. If I read them, I will be not able to work.'

But yeah, I agree with j0x. I don't know where the story is going either, and yeah I know some people said that it's not hard to follow, but idk, maybe I'm just not paying enough attention while I'm watching the episodes or something. When Tomino said that if the kid grow older, they can rewatch and undedstand, not sure about that. If I were a kid and I watched this and didn't understand it enough to be invested in it, I would've dropped it, much less, not touch it again in the future. But I guess if this series ends up highly praised or well-liked, then yeah I would be more inclined to rewatch it.
Nov 29, 2014 2:57 AM

Jan 2009
oh thanks for that correction on the translation

tingy said:
When Tomino said that if the kid grow older, they can rewatch and undedstand, not sure about that. If I were a kid and I watched this and didn't understand it enough to be invested in it, I would've dropped it, much less, not touch it again in the future. But I guess if this series ends up highly praised or well-liked, then yeah I would be more inclined to rewatch it.

exactly if i were a kid too and do not find this entertaining i will not bother watching this again

its funny that he intended this show to be watch by kids but he made it not understandable enough for kids
Nov 29, 2014 3:11 AM

Sep 2014
oh thanks for that correction on the translation

tingy said:
When Tomino said that if the kid grow older, they can rewatch and undedstand, not sure about that. If I were a kid and I watched this and didn't understand it enough to be invested in it, I would've dropped it, much less, not touch it again in the future. But I guess if this series ends up highly praised or well-liked, then yeah I would be more inclined to rewatch it.

exactly if i were a kid too and do not find this entertaining i will not bother watching this again

its funny that he intended this show to be watch by kids but he made it not understandable enough for I didn't understand The Big O as a kid but as I grew and learned more about computer science it slowly became my favorite.

It's called giving something a second chance.
It's too bad more people aren't open to the idea.
j0x said:
oh thanks for that correction on the translation

tingy said:
When Tomino said that if the kid grow older, they can rewatch and undedstand, not sure about that. If I were a kid and I watched this and didn't understand it enough to be invested in it, I would've dropped it, much less, not touch it again in the future. But I guess if this series ends up highly praised or well-liked, then yeah I would be more inclined to rewatch it.

exactly if i were a kid too and do not find this entertaining i will not bother watching this again

its funny that he intended this show to be watch by kids but he made it not understandable enough for kids

I didn't understand The Big O as a kid but as I grew and learned more about computer science it slowly became my favorite anime to date.

It's called giving something a second chance.
It's a shame more people aren't open to the idea.
Nov 29, 2014 4:04 AM

Dec 2012
Being a show for kids means that kids in their 8 years of age would get and remember a different set of things kids of 12 and 16 years would. Even an 8 yo can enjoy the energy, character and mecha designs, and the relationships in G-Reco. Compared to 0079 and Turn A, G-reco is times lighter in tone and exposition. I would recommend it to a modern kid or teenager without batting an eyelash.

Now, those (Japanese) who complain about directing on message boards, aren't kids. They are probably young adults overfed with alternative Gundams, which, to be honest, are diluted waters in comparison to Zeta, Formula, and Victory's themes, foreshadowing, brutality, and complex storylines.

Tomino would not and will not offer you another version of SEED or Geass. FUYUKAI DESU. Ironically, ever since 0079 Tomino has fought controversial responses from audience and the industry, yet his work is a hallmark of real robot genre and war saga for a reason - Gundam has always been and will be a challenging and inspirational watch, when made by his own creator. It's not about being difficult to understand, it's about a little patience to see it completed, and say, "Oh, it makes sense now that I think back! Turn A fired at Diana Soreil's ship in the beginning of the series, because at that time on the Moon, Gym dug out ***!", "Funny how this shot changed the characters and their fates!"

It's not rocket science and it's nothing mentally abusive to see. For starters, I find G-Reco easier to follow than most of Tomino's other Gundams and it is a pleasant watch to boot.
Nov 29, 2014 6:49 AM

Dec 2013
LOL @ people "not understanding" G-Reco, I mean, it's not Evangelion's finale or something like that, besides the basic plot points of almost every Gundam series are the same (war between Earth and space colonies, space elevators, powerful mobile suits of unknown origins).
It means that people now have extremely short attention spans and need to be fed the whole plot in the first 3 episodes or so. I think the way we are finding out stuff with each episode will make the finale very satisfying.
Nov 29, 2014 7:00 AM

Jan 2010
Even so, this show could be a lot better if Tomino at least stuck to some basic structure of directing and storytelling. The wonderful OST, imaginative tech and world building, all the work put into small details like the character gestures - it all seems a bit wasted, because the production as a whole is all over the place and it's hard to take it serious.
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
(='.'=) Top wo nerae!
o(")(") Anime music:
Nov 29, 2014 7:28 AM

Sep 2013
Boltz said:
The wonderful OST, imaginative tech and world building, all the work put into small details like the character gestures - it all seems a bit wasted, because the production as a whole is all over the place and it's hard to take it serious.

Unfortunately, this seems to be the case. So much potential for greatness being squandered. It's not awful, but it could be much better.
Nov 29, 2014 3:50 PM

Jan 2011
4 factions - The capital army, the capital guard, Ameria, and Gondwan. (IIRC there is another country but I forgot it's name)

Raraiya and the G-Self came from space (possibly the moon)

The people from Ameria (At least Senator Surugan and megafauna co.) are concerned about the shit happening on the moon an even went to the capital to discuss it with pope. I'm guessing that's why they are going to space.

The Capital (Army) is concerned about Ameria (and possibly Gondwan). So they are breaking the taboo (using technologically advanced weaponry) to boost thier power. They also want the G-self and it's only pilots Bellri and Raraiya because they watched previous gundam anime and know it always wins. because it's powerful.

The Capital army Colonel is scheming (maybe it has something to do with the moon). He is using Mask squad to keep the Megafauna co. in check.

I probably missed a few things but it's really not that difficult to follow the show.
VioLinkNov 29, 2014 4:01 PM
Nov 29, 2014 4:15 PM

Sep 2011
I feel like the kids comment is really overblown and holds a ton less meaning than what people build it to be, i mean even if tomino says it the show's content very clearly aiming towards a teenage demographic at the very least as its quite dark at points and even with the slapstick comedy it never felt like it was ever in the realm of young children for a demographic. Now as for this particular quote itself:
tomino? said:
He admits that parts of the show may be difficult for the target audience — kids — to follow, but thinks that when they grow older, they can rewatch and understand.

I feel like he doesnt mean this and just worded it horribly. which was kind of how g reco feels to me, like he never intended for it to be such a complicated plotline but it ended up that way. Though hypothetically if thats a legit quote and truly what he intended, that is really stupid of a decision.

NebulaC3I said:
Boltz said:
The wonderful OST, imaginative tech and world building, all the work put into small details like the character gestures - it all seems a bit wasted, because the production as a whole is all over the place and it's hard to take it serious.

Unfortunately, this seems to be the case. So much potential for greatness being squandered. It's not awful, but it could be much better.
I'm still somewhat hopeful that its 2nd cour is gonna salvage itself in someway, that and i think its best for this show to be seen on a non weekly basis which is why I have it on hold for now. Though im finding that turn A(from the little ive seen, need to give it more of a watch soon) is all that G reco wasnt, it has the music, the art style, the world building, keeps you in the dark but not to the point of turning the viewer off, and has a good pacing. kind of wishing G reco turned out a bit like what ive seen of turn A so far.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Nov 29, 2014 6:30 PM

Apr 2013
JizzyHitler said:
Though im finding that turn A(from the little ive seen, need to give it more of a watch soon) is all that G reco wasnt, it has the music, the art style, the world building, keeps you in the dark but not to the point of turning the viewer off, and has a good pacing. kind of wishing G reco turned out a bit like what ive seen of turn A so far.

I agree completely. I really enjoy Turn A, but the same things that worked so well there aren't working here. Don't get me wrong, Turn A had some problems, but it was able to focus and make sure we were invested in the characters. Ten episodes in and I couldn't care less about the characters, what they're doing and the world they inhabit.
Nov 29, 2014 7:32 PM

Aug 2014
Other than the character design and vibrant colors, I don't feel G-Reco is kid-friendly at all. There's a lot of details that are easily missed. Even an adult's attention can waver, especially due to their initial negative perception of the show, much less a child.
TheAshmanCometh said:
Don't get me wrong, Turn A had some problems, but it was able to focus and make sure we were invested in the characters.

How much do you think that is attributed to the slice-of-life aspects of the Turn-A, and how much of it is aesthetics and personal preference? Do you feel G-Reco's at a disadvantage due to pacing and length?
QuattroVaginasNov 29, 2014 7:38 PM
Sieg Zeon!
Nov 29, 2014 10:19 PM

Apr 2013
QuattroVaginas said:

How much do you think that is attributed to the slice-of-life aspects of the Turn-A, and how much of it is aesthetics and personal preference? Do you feel G-Reco's at a disadvantage due to pacing and length?

I don't think it's necessarily because of how slice-of-life Turn-A is. Turn-A very clearly designates its characters and factions along with the technology and the state the world is in. Aesthetically I think the two shows are very similar, taking advancements in the way tv anime looks nowadays into account. I don't think G-Reco is honestly at a disadvantage. All Tomino needed to do was be efficient with his plotting and characterization, but I don't think he's up to the task. Turn-A had time to meander, but G-Reco doesn't and that hasn't stopped most of the show from being the Megafauna just wandering around and getting into skirmishes.
Dec 1, 2014 9:09 PM

Oct 2007
VioLink said:
4 factions - The capital army, the capital guard, Ameria, and Gondwan. (IIRC there is another country but I forgot it's name)

Raraiya and the G-Self came from space (possibly the moon)

The people from Ameria (At least Senator Surugan and megafauna co.) are concerned about the shit happening on the moon an even went to the capital to discuss it with pope. I'm guessing that's why they are going to space.

The Capital (Army) is concerned about Ameria (and possibly Gondwan). So they are breaking the taboo (using technologically advanced weaponry) to boost thier power. They also want the G-self and it's only pilots Bellri and Raraiya because they watched previous gundam anime and know it always wins. because it's powerful.

The Capital army Colonel is scheming (maybe it has something to do with the moon). He is using Mask squad to keep the Megafauna co. in check.

I probably missed a few things but it's really not that difficult to follow the show.

I honestly feel like people are claiming this on purpose. It has a very fake meme feel to it somehow and it's not the first time I've seen this sort of thing leveled against a Sunrise mecha series where I just honestly had no trouble following what was going on whatsoever. Either that or people are just so fixated on this idea that's utterly incomprehensible that they just aren't actually paying attention and it's sort of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Again would not be the first time I've witnessed this and probably won't be the last.
Dec 3, 2014 10:31 AM

Apr 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
VioLink said:
4 factions - The capital army, the capital guard, Ameria, and Gondwan. (IIRC there is another country but I forgot it's name)

Raraiya and the G-Self came from space (possibly the moon)

The people from Ameria (At least Senator Surugan and megafauna co.) are concerned about the shit happening on the moon an even went to the capital to discuss it with pope. I'm guessing that's why they are going to space.

The Capital (Army) is concerned about Ameria (and possibly Gondwan). So they are breaking the taboo (using technologically advanced weaponry) to boost thier power. They also want the G-self and it's only pilots Bellri and Raraiya because they watched previous gundam anime and know it always wins. because it's powerful.

The Capital army Colonel is scheming (maybe it has something to do with the moon). He is using Mask squad to keep the Megafauna co. in check.

I probably missed a few things but it's really not that difficult to follow the show.

I honestly feel like people are claiming this on purpose. It has a very fake meme feel to it somehow and it's not the first time I've seen this sort of thing leveled against a Sunrise mecha series where I just honestly had no trouble following what was going on whatsoever. Either that or people are just so fixated on this idea that's utterly incomprehensible that they just aren't actually paying attention and it's sort of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Again would not be the first time I've witnessed this and probably won't be the last.

It also goes the other way, Kaioshin. Sometimes it seems like people will defend certain shows endlessly simply because they feel they're supposed to like them. Even though Violink says that the show isn't difficult to follow after his summary, the summary itself seems to demonstrate the exact opposite. It's made up of a bunch of vague plot details strung together by guesswork. Simply put, I find the show's narrative to be muddled and incoherent and the majority of people who I've seen defending it don't seem to have any better understanding of what's going on than its detractors do.
TheAshmanComethDec 3, 2014 3:26 PM
Dec 4, 2014 12:38 PM

Jan 2011
TheAshmanCometh said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

I honestly feel like people are claiming this on purpose. It has a very fake meme feel to it somehow and it's not the first time I've seen this sort of thing leveled against a Sunrise mecha series where I just honestly had no trouble following what was going on whatsoever. Either that or people are just so fixated on this idea that's utterly incomprehensible that they just aren't actually paying attention and it's sort of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Again would not be the first time I've witnessed this and probably won't be the last.

It also goes the other way, Kaioshin. Sometimes it seems like people will defend certain shows endlessly simply because they feel they're supposed to like them. Even though Violink says that the show isn't difficult to follow after his summary, the summary itself seems to demonstrate the exact opposite. It's made up of a bunch of vague plot details strung together by guesswork. Simply put, I find the show's narrative to be muddled and incoherent and the majority of people who I've seen defending it don't seem to have any better understanding of what's going on than its detractors do.

Like I said I know what I need to follow the show and for the things I am confused or seem vague on haven't been completely revealed yet. So for that all I can give is theories or"guesswork" which is commonplace for original anime.
Dec 5, 2014 4:21 AM

May 2013
>Target audience=kids
>Is a late night anime

something doesn't add up here...
Dec 7, 2014 11:27 AM

Oct 2007
KokkoClaus said:
>Target audience=kids
>Is a late night anime

something doesn't add up here...

It's since been given a time slot on BS11 at I believe 5:30PM
Dec 7, 2014 7:14 PM
Nov 2014

seriously they can just put a 30 second exposition that cover stuff outlay in this graph...
Dec 12, 2014 2:25 AM

Nov 2007
I highly doubt this series is really understandable by kids especially since younger audience have shorter attention span. Heck, even I have trouble concentrating on this series at some times.

Overall Tomino's work only tends to be become interesting starting midway into the series. So far, I admit it's been very boring, especially compared to the modern fast-paced trend in anime.

Also, there is a problem in that I do not have any interest in any of the characters or faction. This makes the series not very enjoyable and quite a chore to watch so far.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 14, 2014 4:10 AM

Dec 2014
To me it's simple, if you do not respect your viewer, it's fine. We can still judge the show by its own merits as we are not tools. Just like the other way around, the show doesn't become good because you say so or you put certain things into the show.
Dec 14, 2014 6:41 AM
Apr 2011
Raraiya and Chuchumy is the reason why I still watch this show...
Dec 14, 2014 7:57 AM
Jul 2018
I dunno about kids or not but I for one love this show...

the artwork, animation , battles, dialogue, music, characters, and plot, everything is on point.

I dont get all the hate it gets... oh its for kids but its confusing it sucks! oh its 10 eps in and i dont understand every last plot detail.. it sucks!! some people seriously need to just chill out, your watching an anime, just sit back, relax, and enjoy it..

I agree completely with what Tomino said about people complaining but really, they couldn't do any better at all if they were in his shoes. Not even close.

I love shows like this that make you think and guess whats really going on, and the dialogue that makes you think what did he / she really mean?

This show is my fav this season and the reason I decided to go back and watch all other gundams.

I love the old school animation... they even inserted stuff that looks like stars / dust specks in the black of the mobile suits like was on original MSG, though on that one I think it was just a side effect of being made in the 70s...

also the angular boxes on screen that show the pilots faces when in battle are also throwback to older, awesome gundams.

I love that its got hand drawn mecha and action instead of CGI.. everything about this show is awesome. Eureka 7 character designs, instead of lil kids somehow ending up with the crew we have some cute chicks that are hilarious.

I also love there are so many factions you have no idea who is right and who is the good guy... At first capital tower seemed to be the good guys, then your like uh maybe not maybe pirates will have to save the day? then Ameria seemed to be good guys but within a couple eps you are questioning their motives, then you wonder if that white haired guy that said earthnoids should be extinct, perhaps he really is a good guy and Cumpa of capital army is bad guy.

THEN MOON PEOPLE SHOW UP and its connected to turn A like fuck.. mind blown .. i love this show because I have absolutely no idea where it is heading or how it will end or even what will happen next.

Do you guys like predictable shows or something?

Lastly, I also love the religious imagery, this show is commenting on modern society, japanese and western, as well as religion. This show is a complete win for me so far I would be surprised if I don't give it 10/10. You people complain too much. Seriously every fucking anime show on these forums all I hear is complaining, why even watch anime?
removed-userDec 14, 2014 8:01 AM
Dec 14, 2014 8:03 AM
Jul 2018
zellami said:
Being a show for kids means that kids in their 8 years of age would get and remember a different set of things kids of 12 and 16 years would. Even an 8 yo can enjoy the energy, character and mecha designs, and the relationships in G-Reco. Compared to 0079 and Turn A, G-reco is times lighter in tone and exposition. I would recommend it to a modern kid or teenager without batting an eyelash.

Now, those (Japanese) who complain about directing on message boards, aren't kids. They are probably young adults overfed with alternative Gundams, which, to be honest, are diluted waters in comparison to Zeta, Formula, and Victory's themes, foreshadowing, brutality, and complex storylines.

Tomino would not and will not offer you another version of SEED or Geass. FUYUKAI DESU. Ironically, ever since 0079 Tomino has fought controversial responses from audience and the industry, yet his work is a hallmark of real robot genre and war saga for a reason - Gundam has always been and will be a challenging and inspirational watch, when made by his own creator. It's not about being difficult to understand, it's about a little patience to see it completed, and say, "Oh, it makes sense now that I think back! Turn A fired at Diana Soreil's ship in the beginning of the series, because at that time on the Moon, Gym dug out ***!", "Funny how this shot changed the characters and their fates!"

It's not rocket science and it's nothing mentally abusive to see. For starters, I find G-Reco easier to follow than most of Tomino's other Gundams and it is a pleasant watch to boot.


excellent post bro seriously

Boltz said:
Even so, this show could be a lot better if Tomino at least stuck to some basic structure of directing and storytelling. The wonderful OST, imaginative tech and world building, all the work put into small details like the character gestures - it all seems a bit wasted, because the production as a whole is all over the place and it's hard to take it serious.

Basic structure of directing and storytelling?

wtf you guys just throw words together to try and sound like you know what your talking about.

the directing and storytelling is FINE.

Tomino knows exactly how he wants this show to feel and where he wants the plot to go, just because you don't like the show for whatever stupid reason doesnt mean the direction and writing is bad.

The show is doing this on purpose, lots of factions and it wants to make you question who is the right / man force the main char should be fighting for? as others have said not EVERYTHING has to be solved / explained in first couple eps.. its called just enjoying the ride and waiting for the pay off.
removed-userDec 14, 2014 8:07 AM
Dec 15, 2014 4:19 AM
Aug 2013
Tomino is somewhat right.
I ended up backtracking & now have clear picture of whats going. If anything the dialogue in the show is easily forgettable
Dec 15, 2014 7:30 AM

Jun 2008
Cut the shit Tomino. Yes the way the plot is presented is convoluted. Is not that the plot is something overcomplicated it just that every element of the plot is thrown piece by piece threw conversations left and right threw many episodes and then you have to remember and put everything together.
That is something kids will have a hard time to do.

BUT what is completely incomprehensible is not the plot itself. The plot may be hard for kids but what even adults don't understand is the crazy reaction and attitudes. That shit is just unexplainable. Why are "prisoners" left to roam around and even given mechs. Why was she dancing ballet? Crazy weird over the top reactions etc, that same shit ZZ had where characters seem like silly caricatures.
I bet kids may find that amusing since those seem like crazy childish insensible reactions BUT if the plot is unattractive to kids and the characters are too childish and incomprehensible for adults, then who the fuck is this for!?
Dec 15, 2014 9:29 AM
Aug 2013
BUT what is completely incomprehensible is not the plot itself. The plot may be hard for kids but what even adults don't understand is the crazy reaction and attitudes. That shit is just unexplainable. Why are "prisoners" left to roam around and even given mechs. Why was she dancing ballet? Crazy weird over the top reactions etc, that same shit ZZ had where characters seem like silly caricatures.
I bet kids may find that amusing since those seem like crazy childish insensible reactions BUT if the plot is unattractive to kids and the characters are too childish and incomprehensible for adults, then who the fuck is this for!?[/quote]

At the beginning of Episode 3 Bellri Mother states that Aida was transferred into the custody of the research division. At the Capital research facility Colonel Cumpa treated her more as a guest rather than a prisoner. Aida even compliment the Colonel on him being a proper Gentlemen.
Bellri was summoned to the research facility where he was told that he, Monday, Aida are the only ones that can activate the G Self.
As for the G Self being stolen the Colonel wanted Aida, Bellri & Monday to activate the G Self. Not only did the Colonel have no problem tellig them where the G Self was located but he also watch Aida, Bellri & Monday leave his office he even directed them to where the elevator to the hangar was. He had clear view of the hangar & watched as they got into the G Self. He pretty much wanted the G Self to be taken.
Oh also the character Noredo Nug stated that the Colonel told where the G Self was located
Dec 15, 2014 6:40 PM

Apr 2008
Maybe the word isn't comprehension but cohesion.

But after research, it looks well thought of.
Dec 18, 2014 12:39 AM
Dec 2014
I agree with what most people are saying about this series in that the plot itself is not that hard to comprehend (though for people that never watched a Tomino series, it took a bit of research to actually understand), but the little details like dialogue, the conversations, and general common senses is way off.

I think some people already mentioned it, stuff like why are prisoners basically allowed to roam freely and given war machines. Heck, what was even the point of bellri killing that friend of Aide (that captain guy) so that 2 episodes later its like it never even happened.

One episode that confused the Sh** out of me is when Bellri, Aide, Bellri's mother all were in a meeting with the pope, the colonel and the capital tower. 5 minutes into the meeting, Bellri, Aide, etc all just left and seconds later were being chased.

Like i said, its not the plot, its the general flow of the story, reactions, minors details that makes a deep series enjoyable is missing. Some series that were similar but better in my opinion like Death Note, Code Geass, hell even Gundam 00 have better story flow. Death Note in particular might've been a bit tough to follow in some parts but the author did a good job of actually keeping things in context.

I mentioned that this is my first time watching a Timino and pretty much expected this kind narrative but i thought at some point things would actually make more sense and the flow would be better but its already episode 11 and it still doesn't get easier reading inbetween the lines and understanding the narrative.

While i get that this might a classical for quite a few fans but it doesn't take away the fact that unless you have already watched Tomino's work, research a heck a lot material before and after watching an episode, the narrative is tough to understand.
Dec 19, 2014 9:25 PM

Sep 2011
The only thing I don't understand about this anime is the god awful design for the MC's Gundam.That god damn head:

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