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Oct 19, 2014 9:56 PM
Right. Blame the kid who called the saucer when all of you willingly helped her out. Nice logic there, Shione. Hope Noel saucer-slaps her before the series ends. Wishful thinking haha. |
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness." "May those who defy their fate be granted glory." |
Oct 19, 2014 10:36 PM
TripleSRank said: Noel is the saucer. ...I can't type it with a straight face. I don't get Shione's problem; they all tried to call the saucer, so it's as much her fault as it is Nonoka's. I also don't see why the saucer is bad in the first place. I mean, it's not hurting anything, right? Hopefully the next episode will explain more. Um yeah, seriously. Despite having a feeling that Noel is related to the saucer, never would I have guessed that she is the dang thing. Is that what she means? Actually, what does being the saucer even mean? She's a human projection of the saucer? I may be thinking too complicatedly. But at least we're getting somewhere. I thought maybe we wouldn't know anything about it until much later. Not sure either what's the big deal with the saucer. Hopefully they aren't hating on it for no good reason. I'm not sure if Shione hates Nonoka because of the saucer thing like Yuzuki does, or if it's more like she hates Nonoka because she left after they summoned the saucer and then came back and forgot about all of them. Maybe. Still, not a good reason to slap Nonoka, heck she shouldn't be slapping someone who's not a threat to her anyways. |
Oct 19, 2014 11:11 PM
Oh the plot thickens. They have laid out all the factors. The real mystery now is what exactly is Noel has caused to make Nonoka hated by her friends with the saucer and why her friends can't seem to remember her properly. |
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Oct 19, 2014 11:31 PM
blitz_21x said: Not enough classical music and sakura petals.currently this anime score 7.00 isn't that a bit too low? i dont find any flaw of this anime yet, its fluid, cute and refreshind character. the MC is not annoying at all instead very lovable. anyone can explain why? |
Oct 19, 2014 11:49 PM
So...if those last 3 minutes weren't the biggest spoiler that this is going to have a sad as fuck ending... We learned that Noel IS the saucer, not a being that lives in it or anything. So I guess that means the saucer is something sentient and is able to manifest itself in a human form. And everyone hates the saucer...for seemingly no real reason. It's literally been floating there for 7 years doing nothing...why do you hate it so much? The question now is, why was the saucer summoned in the first place? I mean, we know that Nonoka wanted to summon a saucer with all her friends before she left town. And it stayed because the saucer's human form Noel, was friends and waited for her. But, is the reason the saucer showed up to grant a wish? Or to fulfill a role in something? I just don't see why it showed up because "oh, some elementary schoolers want to try to see it to make a happy memory". It just seems like it has a greater purpose. I also wonder if all the hearts and the start on the saucer mean anything, or if it just happens to be a moe saucer. MrJc said: So the one girl hates her because she suddenly left for seven years. Man how dare she just leave, It's not like her mom suddenly died or anything. >.> I wonder how she will react when she finds that out The mom was alive when they left town. She died afterwards. |
Oct 20, 2014 12:37 AM
MrJc said: So the one girl hates her because she suddenly left for seven years. Man how dare she just leave, It's not like her mom suddenly died or anything. >.> I wonder how she will react when she finds that out I know right! I wonder if that will be an early on reveal, or something midway... Other then that, I had a feeling Noel was the saucer, but still hearing her say it was pretty surprising. I wonder how they are all going to handle Nonoka now that she remembers... I'M LOVING THIS SHOW FOR SOME REASON! Maybe its a mix of the pacing and characters as well as an interesting story? Also amazing ED with BEAUTIFUL animation. |
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum. |
Oct 20, 2014 2:45 AM
I liked this episode, but... what the fuck with the end? They're all upset because Nonoka thought up of some idea to call a saucer, and they WENT ALONG WITH IT, and Shione in particular hates Nonoka because she left town after they called for a saucer, like, you know, she was a little thug daughter who forced them all to summon down alien life at gunpoint while smoking a blunt, right? AND WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT THE SAUCER ANYWAY. THE SAUCER IS A NICE TOUCH OF SCENERY. PROBABLY AIN'T EVEN DOING ANYTHING BUT SITTING THERE LOOKING COOL. This is the most moronic attempt at melodrama I can recall seeing. Gonna keep on watching anyway because it's kind of fun when it's not trying to be up its own ass in melodrama, and wow kawaii animation wow moe girls kawaii... 'least Yuzuki's adorable enough to carry the show... smh. So far this is really looking like a second-rate Anohana. |
☩ Discord: ☩ RateYourMusic ☩ |
Oct 20, 2014 3:49 AM
many kawaii. so moe. wow so suspicious saucer. bad saucer. must burn nonoka at the stake. yolo 420. Joking aside: really enjoyed that episode, lovely art and the characters are so cute, though agreed with Zadion that the silly melodrama that makes no sense is kinda lolz. |
Oct 20, 2014 4:28 AM
They should have shown the slap; I might have given it a 5/5 then. I liked this episode. A slow and tame buildup (but with actual stuff happening) towards the climax right at the end. Transitions to the OP and ED in this episode were well done for the most part; though, I'm somewhat unsure of starting the ED music before the ED animation starts; that didn't make me wince this episode. ANOHANA INCOMING? except no Mari Okada script I see that the plot will likely end up to be something stupid. The ED song is pretty good. I have hopes for it to be a good non-TV size song. |
I don't consider myself a good judge. trying not to be an obnoxious otaku |
Oct 20, 2014 5:29 AM
Zadion said: I liked this episode, but... what the fuck with the end? They're all upset because Nonoka thought up of some idea to call a saucer, and they WENT ALONG WITH IT, and Shione in particular hates Nonoka because she left town after they called for a saucer, like, you know, she was a little thug daughter who forced them all to summon down alien life at gunpoint while smoking a blunt, right? AND WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT THE SAUCER ANYWAY. THE SAUCER IS A NICE TOUCH OF SCENERY. PROBABLY AIN'T EVEN DOING ANYTHING BUT SITTING THERE LOOKING COOL. This is the most moronic attempt at melodrama I can recall seeing. Gonna keep on watching anyway because it's kind of fun when it's not trying to be up its own ass in melodrama, and wow kawaii animation wow moe girls kawaii... 'least Yuzuki's adorable enough to carry the show... smh. So far this is really looking like a second-rate Anohana. Cant agree more, i can already see that the saucer will leave the town, fuq anyone who hates poor little Noel.... |
Oct 20, 2014 5:46 AM
Omg I just don't get how they DON'T RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER THE SECOND THEY MET. I mean; I have several childhood friends whom are just hard to NOT recognize. I don't blame Shione for being mad at Nonoka. She was talking about some 'promise" when she slapped Nonoka. And I just hate characters being THAT stupid that they don't even recognize freakin childhood friends. It's been only 7 years, not around 20 or 30 years. Nonoka obviously meant a lot to Shione for some reason, so I'm not blaming her if she's mad at Nonoka. But at least she could've talked to Nonoka.. I guess it's a problem in a lót of animes: talking. Anyway I thought the episode was ok. There was sóme development and we're certain now that Noel is the saucer (I would've expected to find that out later in the series). I wonder what they will do now. c: |
check out my twitch: |
Oct 20, 2014 8:59 AM
Zyukichan said: Omg I just don't get how they DON'T RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER THE SECOND THEY MET. I mean; I have several childhood friends whom are just hard to NOT recognize. I don't blame Shione for being mad at Nonoka. She was talking about some 'promise" when she slapped Nonoka. And I just hate characters being THAT stupid that they don't even recognize freakin childhood friends. It's been only 7 years, not around 20 or 30 years. Nonoka obviously meant a lot to Shione for some reason, so I'm not blaming her if she's mad at Nonoka. But at least she could've talked to Nonoka.. I guess it's a problem in a lot of animes: talking. Anyway I thought the episode was ok. There was sóme development and we're certain now that Noel is the saucer (I would've expected to find that out later in the series). I wonder what they will do now. c: Hold on, i have to point out that Nonoka lost her mother after she moved to Tokyo, that must be a big loss to her when she was little. Maybe she was too shocked, which then made her forget everything in the past, amnesia i guess ?? But that slap was unnecessary tho :-/ |
Oct 20, 2014 9:13 AM
Swayze_Express said: blitz_21x said: currently this anime score 7.00 isn't that a bit too low? i dont find any flaw of this anime yet, its fluid, cute and refreshind character. the MC is not annoying at all instead very lovable. anyone can explain why? is this somehow affected by the last season Glasslip anime? In general rating 7/10 is a high one. but as for MAL standards its pretty low, since every other shitty anime has rating floating around 7,4-7,8 and mean score almost below 7 is reserved (mostly) for real crap (strangely that's how it works here), so im as well surprised with the score of this anime That's pretty much my take too - it's not so much that this show is underrated as that most of the series on MAL benefit from fanbase rating inflation, whether it's fans of the franchise, the studio, the genre, or even the seiyuus. This show doesn't enjoy any advantages in that regard, so it's working at a big disadvantage. It's a brand-new-from-scratch series that never had a manga or VN or game. It's not a shonen or an action series, which usually pull the biggest audiences. Most of the seiyuus aren't well known; the only real "star" in the cast is Aki Toyosaki. And it's being put out by a brand-new studio so it can't even attract people based on the studio's past work, like a Trigger or ufotable. The glacially slow pacing of these first few episodes isn't helping it with building an audience either. I suspect that, if the series does turn out to be a good one (and the jury's still out on that), then the rating will go up once it's finished, because then the ratings given by people who quit after one or two episodes will be excluded from the average. Also, there are some people like me who are still watching this but haven't rated it yet - I never rate a series unless I've seen at least 50% of it, and I'll usually wait until it's completely over. |
Oct 20, 2014 9:42 AM
Bet ch'all that Shione isn't actually hating on Nonoka because of the saucer, but because she left afterwards. They probably had a pact for after summoning Noel, but they probably forgot about that too. As for the show overall... I like it :D |
Oct 20, 2014 9:53 AM
A 7 rating is pretty freaking high on my scale. I'd only give it to a show that has an extra little something special. I currently put it at a 6, which to me means "enjoyable, better than average". Asking for more than that at this point is probably a bit greedy considering barely anything has happened. |
My old Japan blog which I'm never going to finish: |
Oct 20, 2014 10:48 AM
Okay so the obvious stuff about Noel is the saucer or related to it has been revealed Now I want to see what happened between them I still think it's weird that only Shione is the only one who recognize Nonoka while the others didn't. What did she change that much or did they just forget about her ?? |
Oct 20, 2014 11:05 AM
Well now that the obvious Noel is the saucer and Nonoka called it in the first place is out of the way... let's see where this is going :) |
For those who seek perfection, there can be no rest on this side of the grave. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. |
Oct 20, 2014 12:57 PM
Oct 20, 2014 1:29 PM
Oct 20, 2014 2:20 PM
Just to reiterate something about ratings--regardless of what the legend attached to rating scores is, the actual practice on MAL is to give an average rating of 7 or 8. What a score of 7 means is that people think this show is a little below average. Why? Well it's not because of the animation which I find to be quite attractive and well done, although perhaps a little too cute for my druthers. Rather I think it's because a certain fatigue has set in with SOL shows about cute girls doing cute things with no romance and no other hook to grab the audience. Saucer floating above the town? Ho-hum, it really isn't doing anything. Cute un-aging preschooler who is the saucer? Well, was anyone really surprised at that development. Regardless of how lush the visuals are, there just isn't enough going on to really draw a lot of people to this show, particularly when you get the feeling that you've seen it done before, and done better. Pleasant it is, but it's not exciting, and the steady decline in rating scores ( would bear that out. (Edit: And just to be clear, I tend to work with the median scores rather than the mean because it's a more appropriate measure of central tendency for ordinal data.) |
rodacOct 20, 2014 2:38 PM
Please don't feed the trolls! In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student carrying a piece of toast in her mouth...rodac |
Oct 20, 2014 5:03 PM
tingy said: TripleSRank said: Noel is the saucer. ...I can't type it with a straight face. I don't get Shione's problem; they all tried to call the saucer, so it's as much her fault as it is Nonoka's. I also don't see why the saucer is bad in the first place. I mean, it's not hurting anything, right? Hopefully the next episode will explain more. Um yeah, seriously. Despite having a feeling that Noel is related to the saucer, never would I have guessed that she is the dang thing. Is that what she means? Actually, what does being the saucer even mean? She's a human projection of the saucer? I may be thinking too complicatedly. But at least we're getting somewhere. I thought maybe we wouldn't know anything about it until much later. Not sure either what's the big deal with the saucer. Hopefully they aren't hating on it for no good reason. I'm not sure if Shione hates Nonoka because of the saucer thing like Yuzuki does, or if it's more like she hates Nonoka because she left after they summoned the saucer and then came back and forgot about all of them. Maybe. Still, not a good reason to slap Nonoka, heck she shouldn't be slapping someone who's not a threat to her anyways. I have no idea. Maybe she's part of the saucer? Literally being the saucer makes no sense, unless it is a projection thing like you said. I suppose that also ties into Noel's granting of Nonoka's wishes. I agree that it's good we're getting info sooner rather than later, though. I'm pretty sure they all hate the saucer for some reason. Shione's a jerk, in any case. |
Oct 20, 2014 6:52 PM
Great episode, its finally getting interesting. I wonder whats so bad about the saucer. |
Oct 20, 2014 6:52 PM
Uhhh.. I'm pretty sure the only one who hates the saucer was Yuzuki, the rest seems pretty chill about it especially the girl whose shop was under the saucer. Shione looks like she was mad because Nonoka left without telling her rather than because she made them summon the saucer. Other than that I just find it hilarious that everyone predicted that Noel is an alien and that the saucer is her ship (I think even a 5-year-old can make that prediction) yet no one thought that she is the saucer. The drama was still a bit forced or at least it looked that way currently. There may be more underlying issues that strained their relationship that hasn't been revealed yet. At least they don't hold back on Noel's identity until the end. |
Oct 20, 2014 10:54 PM
Noel so cute :3 good and interesting episode so far :D I'm curious about that Saucer |
![]() |
Oct 21, 2014 3:22 AM
My favourite episode out of the 3 released yet. Yay Noel is the saucer!!! Please don't go away Noel. You're too cute. :3 I hate Shione. I kind of get why she is upset but It feels like Nonoka went trough some trauma that made her forget about her friends??? |
Oct 21, 2014 4:37 AM
rodac said: Just to reiterate something about ratings--regardless of what the legend attached to rating scores is, the actual practice on MAL is to give an average rating of 7 or 8. What a score of 7 means is that people think this show is a little below average. Why? Well it's not because of the animation which I find to be quite attractive and well done, although perhaps a little too cute for my druthers. Rather I think it's because a certain fatigue has set in with SOL shows about cute girls doing cute things with no romance and no other hook to grab the audience. Saucer floating above the town? Ho-hum, it really isn't doing anything. Cute un-aging preschooler who is the saucer? Well, was anyone really surprised at that development. Regardless of how lush the visuals are, there just isn't enough going on to really draw a lot of people to this show, particularly when you get the feeling that you've seen it done before, and done better. Pleasant it is, but it's not exciting, and the steady decline in rating scores ( would bear that out. (Edit: And just to be clear, I tend to work with the median scores rather than the mean because it's a more appropriate measure of central tendency for ordinal data.) Spot on. Nothing about this show is "special" yet. Absolutely nothing. Anybody giving this an exceptionally high rating (9-10s for most people, 7-8s for people with a more balanced rating scale) is just really biased towards slice of life and cute girls. |
☩ Discord: ☩ RateYourMusic ☩ |
Oct 21, 2014 11:54 PM
I found Shione very annoying. She is blaming Nonoka for calling the saucer even though she voluntarily helped Nonoka to call the saucer. and I need further explanation why these kids are so against saucer being in their town other than what explained in the first episode. To be more specific why they hate Nonoka so much for calling the saucer. Overall nice episode with some flaws Zadion said: rodac said: Just to reiterate something about ratings--regardless of what the legend attached to rating scores is, the actual practice on MAL is to give an average rating of 7 or 8. What a score of 7 means is that people think this show is a little below average. Why? Well it's not because of the animation which I find to be quite attractive and well done, although perhaps a little too cute for my druthers. Rather I think it's because a certain fatigue has set in with SOL shows about cute girls doing cute things with no romance and no other hook to grab the audience. Saucer floating above the town? Ho-hum, it really isn't doing anything. Cute un-aging preschooler who is the saucer? Well, was anyone really surprised at that development. Regardless of how lush the visuals are, there just isn't enough going on to really draw a lot of people to this show, particularly when you get the feeling that you've seen it done before, and done better. Pleasant it is, but it's not exciting, and the steady decline in rating scores ( would bear that out. (Edit: And just to be clear, I tend to work with the median scores rather than the mean because it's a more appropriate measure of central tendency for ordinal data.) Spot on. Nothing about this show is "special" yet. Absolutely nothing. Anybody giving this an exceptionally high rating (9-10s for most people, 7-8s for people with a more balanced rating scale) is just really biased towards slice of life and cute girls. So will you consider it special if I mix some 'darker' plot and more mature and less cute character design into it? Please don't treat what you view as a good anime is same with other people. Some people like cuter character and some people dislike it. Just imagine if there is a time when what's trending is a darker story and more mature character and some people dislike this trend and attack you and say "These people just really biased toward darker story and mature girls". Just imagine |
Oct 22, 2014 4:08 AM
4/5 I was appalled by what I saw in the narrative, because it has not yet made sense to the story, but the story of buying interest in the final, but nothing funny in the first part of what a. The drawings are good and smooth animations. The plot remains obscure to me, I await the next episode, however, I was amazed when Noel claimed to be her same flying saucer. The opening reminds me a lot of anime like Onegai Teacher and others similar to it. |
Oct 22, 2014 10:51 AM
Cedronia said: So will you consider it special if I mix some 'darker' plot and more mature and less cute character design into it? Please don't treat what you view as a good anime is same with other people. Some people like cuter character and some people dislike it. Just imagine if there is a time when what's trending is a darker story and more mature character and some people dislike this trend and attack you and say "These people just really biased toward darker story and mature girls". Just imagine He didn't say anything like that; actually, I think it's funny to consider 7-8 as average on a "balanced" scale. Anyway, to answer your question: TripleSRank said: ...for those wondering why the score is "low": The characters are flat and the plot has yet to develop. At that, the amnesia suggests a cliché plot development (though this a more justified case given the characters' ages). There's basically nothing of note other than the saucer, which could easily be considered a gimmick/viewer hook at this point. Plus, the supernatural nature of the saucer could easily lead to a deus ex machina (or multiple). The character designs are plain as well (and there definitely are people that will count that as a negative). Basically, this has all the workings of an average supernatural slice of life, and nothing to really differentiate it yet. That doesn't mean you can't/won't enjoy it, but people who aren't big SOL fans won't care for it as much, nor will analytical viewers rate it as highly. |
Oct 22, 2014 12:04 PM
Cedronia said: So will you consider it special if I mix some 'darker' plot and more mature and less cute character design into it? Please don't treat what you view as a good anime is same with other people. Some people like cuter character and some people dislike it. Just imagine if there is a time when what's trending is a darker story and more mature character and some people dislike this trend and attack you and say "These people just really biased toward darker story and mature girls". Just imagine He didn't say that at all, as a SoL fan, as much as I'd love to praise this show as being the next underrated masterpiece it really isn't so far. You are even complaining about the show in the same post as you said that, like "Shione very annoying", lots of people probably think that too, wether it's justified or not is another story but bottom line people are finding her annoying, if the characters in the show are annoying people won't praise the character for that exact reason. Then you mention "I need further explanation", it's not just you, everyone needs this, my problem with this show is that it's like hiding the answers on purpose and it's taking too long to tackle the problems, I love SoLs but SoLs with drama and the SoL part is a way to stop you from reaching the drama? That's a huge turnoff, I imagine lots of people are finding themselves in this situation, that said, I still think this is pretty underrated if you take into consideration the scores for other shows airing this season, but that's all personal bias I guess. |
Oct 22, 2014 2:44 PM
This episode finally got to the point and I find it a little jarring that it took this long to get here, but I'm still lost as to where it'll go from here. |
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." |
Oct 22, 2014 8:30 PM
If the whole group of friends turn on her than dam going to hate the anime. Did she get amnesia? cause that took a long time to remember wat she did.... like dam. |
Oct 22, 2014 9:29 PM
Shione...why put the "friends" picture back up backwards. If she hates Nonoka so much why didn't she throw it away (Tsundere moment?). And she's mad at someone who obviously doesn't know what she is upset about. i don't see why the saucer is such a big deal either but hey. I know it's anime but sometimes I just want things that are normally logical to remain so. I think it is so odd to hold on to childhood promises so tightly but maybe I'm the wrong type of human idk. |
Oct 23, 2014 5:40 AM
Ranoom said: If the whole group of friends turn on her than dam going to hate the anime. Did she get amnesia? cause that took a long time to remember wat she did.... like dam. kelken said: Shione...why put the "friends" picture back up backwards. If she hates Nonoka so much why didn't she throw it away (Tsundere moment?). And she's mad at someone who obviously doesn't know what she is upset about. i don't see why the saucer is such a big deal either but hey. I know it's anime but sometimes I just want things that are normally logical to remain so. I think it is so odd to hold on to childhood promises so tightly but maybe I'm the wrong type of human idk. It's pretty obvious they didn't just "call" it, they made some sort of promise and then she just dissapeared, Noel even said it herself, that she was there to grant their wishes, obviously they got mad at her, what's more weird is that only Shione recognizes her. |
Oct 23, 2014 7:31 AM
Cedronia said: So will you consider it special if I mix some 'darker' plot and more mature and less cute character design into it? Please don't treat what you view as a good anime is same with other people. Some people like cuter character and some people dislike it. Just imagine if there is a time when what's trending is a darker story and more mature character and some people dislike this trend and attack you and say "These people just really biased toward darker story and mature girls". Just imagine While I confess that I typically prefer anime with darker plots and more mature themes, I am a fan of SOL anime. What I meant in my post is that there's nothing about Sora no Method that differentiates it from OTHER SOL anime. The plot isn't unique, the characters aren't unique - the only thing about it which is remotely special is the animation. The plot just isn't bringing anything new, unique, or really even especially entertaining for an SOL. And unlike, say, Barakamon, which won me over with its sheer charm, there's not an exceptional charm to Sora no Method either. Right now, this is just an average, decent watch, but nothing special. TripleSRank said: He didn't say anything like that; actually, I think it's funny to consider 7-8 as average on a "balanced" scale. Zadion said: Anybody giving this an exceptionally high rating (9-10s for most people, 7-8s for people with a more balanced rating scale) is just really biased towards slice of life and cute girls. For reiteration. On a balanced rating scale, 7-8 is above average and an exceptionally high rating. |
☩ Discord: ☩ RateYourMusic ☩ |
Oct 31, 2014 10:41 AM
Visuals and cuteness spiked again It was boring to me most of the time, but at least there is progress in the story and the identity of the Disc and Noel |
Nov 16, 2014 11:33 PM
danieltortoisee said: I figured that Noel and the saucer would be linked in some way, but the possibility of Noel actually BEING the saucer had never even crossed my mind.. My thought exactly. Looking back at the ending of episode 2, I kinda figured that they were connected when Noel paused after Nonoka asked for her help in getting rid of the saucer. I think that Shione's hostility towards Nonoka has more to do with Nonoka leaving without telling her, than it does with her suggesting that they call the saucer. |
Matsuoka Yoshitsugu has hardly any range as a voice actor, and is grossly over-cast. Yeah. I said it. |
Dec 31, 2014 3:04 PM
Jan 14, 2015 2:26 PM
Nice drama and ending twist. It was expected but at least that let us watch their interaction with anticipation. And it was good. Looking forward to next parts. |
Apr 8, 2015 4:14 AM
Nov 11, 2015 6:52 PM
Yes, the plot definitely thickens. Noel said she wanted to return the favor to Nonoka, or a "wish." She also mentions that she could help get rid of the saucer -- soon. Does this mean Noel is expendable? T_T I hope not, but we're gonna find out. |
Nov 22, 2015 8:57 AM
Shione going boss mode, Nonoka kind of annoyed me. I'd be annoyed if there was a saucer just sitting there in the sky, not doing anything. Aside from tourism maybe increasing, I believe it was said that the lake was closed due to danger from supposed saucer. Something must have changed Shione during the 7 year gap after Nonoka left town. And wow, middle school kids traveling on a dangerous mountain with no adult supervision. Are adults totally this trusting about the kids not getting in danger? |
Dec 14, 2015 5:31 PM
I'm kinda surprised how are people annoyed by Shione. In my opinion Nonoka is the annoying one. Shione's behavior is not really surprising, she's totally seeing Nonoka as a dear friend, but she's mad at her for simply disappearing 7 years ago without a word. Any kid would be hurt by that, right? And now when she's back, she acts like nothing ever happened. Finding out that someone you care about a lot doesn't remember you at all after 7 years must hurt a lot. Just imagine all the precious memories you have and now it seems like they meant nothing for the person you're sharing them with. Horrible... No wonder she acts so cold. And she made it clear she's not interested in talking to Nonoka, she warned her what will happen if she calls her her name again, so it was Nonoka's own fault for getting slapped. A lot happened to Nonoka, so no wonder her memories of the city where she used to live as a kid with her family are blurry. But it's still weird how she didn't remember any friends from that time... And Shione doesn't have a clue what happened to Nonoka, so she's just feeling betrayed and upset. As for the saucer, it's like ''there was this girl who made us summon the saucer with her and then disappeared without a word, while the damn saucer lingers above the city all this time''... I'm not surprised they don't like it. As it was mentioned previously, it has some negative effects on the life in the city. Like the lake and the island in the middle of it are off limits. It had to cause a ruckus when it appeared and these kids were aware they're the ones bringing it upon city. It's quite heavy stuff for such a small kids. Let's see how the story unwraps. |
Jan 14, 2017 8:20 PM
Shione pisses me off. Nonoka doesn't treat them as stupid. Even if that would be the case, it would be correct in her case, since she is a dumb broad. That Nonoka just doesn't remember, seems to be beyond her imagination. Also normally, flying saucers don't appear, when little girls wish for it. In the end, she remembered. That Noel is related to the saucer, was quite obvious. |
Sep 12, 2017 8:42 AM
Shione has nice pair of boobs. Ok, officer I'm ready to go to jail. Please be gentle. Koharu best girl. |
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there." "Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life." |
Oct 22, 2018 12:56 AM
I like how they basically showed the whole plot of this anime nonchalantly lol. My hypothesis on how this series will go is getting stronger Anyways, road to friendship recovery starts here |
XiferVPOct 22, 2018 1:00 AM
Apr 16, 2021 2:28 AM
This Shione girl is a past friend of Nonoka's makes no sense why she's so rough on her Shione even slapped Nonoka that's not nice considering you're in the same group Noel being clumsy again quite laughable I might say Nonoka got lost but Noel found her yet again Noel is the disc didn't expect that to be a known fact I wonder how will the series progress from now on. |
Aug 4, 2023 12:38 PM
I thought shed be an alien not the whole damn saucer |
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