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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Sep 7, 2014 2:52 AM

Mar 2013
This episode was bad. So much gender stereotyping.
Sep 7, 2014 3:16 AM

Jan 2011
eps 8 and 9 were so much better. here overpowered Kirito takes down a skilled GGO player in seconds and resques the girl from the death in a blink of an eye … yeah … i like the idea of a chasing scene, but it wasnt good executed … no fight and exchanging bullets in the buildings? simply grabbing a motorcycle and rushing down a long straight road? cmon, it could have been epic with the last two episodes, but it wasnt … horse was good. ah yeah, Death Gun is also kind of overpowered. camouflage coat and ultrasilent sniper … he could easily wipe out so many guys. i hope, they reveal good explanations for that. it was obvious, that there must be some feels somewhere, but the cave scene was to long and overacted->boring (less is often more) and all dem stupid and useless Shinon vag**a/ass scenes … -.- also some unlogical things like everyone is watching the battle and no one cares whats happening in there … and why they cant logout? this dont make sense. its a normal tournament. who gives up, gives up … … what i like are the desert and city backround scenes. the whole battleground looks realy good. i hope, the conclusion is somehow good and overlays some not so good things.
Sep 7, 2014 3:30 AM

Jan 2014
I would love too see that butt crack some more in the following episodes...but i wonder whose a lot messier in the head...Sinon or Asuna?..which i came across on some forums...that in the LN Asuna even went all by herself in SAO leveling and doesn't care if she dies...because of her own's like grinding like hell until your hp went down to 0...having a death wish...unfortunately she she just became strong...until she met Kirito and stop thinking like that
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Sep 7, 2014 3:37 AM
May 2014
ok so I'm on the fence with this one. for starters kirito should of slapped her and told her she is not alone in the whole "holly shit i killed someone" thing and make her get over it with is awesomeness (not his style, but would like to see it). on the other hand i didn't really mind the way they went about the soft approach to it, them telling each other about what they have done and what they feel like. i would of like to see more from the people in alo and see and hear there reaction from watching the live video (what i really wanted to see was all the girls getting pissed of a kirito for letting shino resting on him, would have been funny).

all and all i liked the episode, not the fav so fair but alright. hope next episode is full of sword play :)
Sep 7, 2014 3:38 AM

Oct 2013
Good episode,but the second part was kinda boring.

Sep 7, 2014 3:42 AM

Jan 2014
Meh episode. Too much overdone drama and Kirito admiration. Action was good though.
Sep 7, 2014 4:04 AM

Jul 2012
So now that Sinon has opened up to Kirito I wonder if she will be added into the harem now.

Great episode!!!
Sep 7, 2014 4:41 AM

Oct 2013
The cave scene was cringe-worthy.... sooo forced and overreacted. Suddenly Sinon is a damsel in distress for Kirito to save her and add her to the harem -,-. Kirito of course magically teleports and saves her from death gun moments before. Sinon can't shoot because she got PTSD even though it never hindered her game performance before. Kirito is also being unrealistically OP for no reason whatsoever once again. Damn the cave scene was so cliche, I swear I saw that exact scene like 20 times already in numerous anime. I seen better writing in fanfiction, a 15 year old could write a better script than that.
I am a human.
Sep 7, 2014 4:59 AM

May 2013
I thought Kirito doesn't hit a girl? Did he defeat Gunner X?

Nvm, although we already knew Sinon's past, its refreshing to see that she showed Kirito her weakness. And vice-versa.

I can feel that this arc will end soon.
The world shall know the truth soon.
Sep 7, 2014 5:12 AM

May 2011
I really didn't get into the episode, I found it very shallow and amusing when it is not supposed to be, I even laughed at some dramatic parts when I should cry or something, Like the part when her classmates were calling her a murderer, it's really obvious that she's the victim here, she saved her mother and all the post office clients/workers, there's no any reason for her to be called a murderer lol this is really unrealistic, how they knew that she killed someone in the first place ? The media said that the robber was died when his gun was misfired.

The first part was really great and full of action but the second one was horrible, I was about to throw up -_- the drama was overdone and really disgusting, a 10 years old boy would laugh at something like that.

SweetCoconut said:
I thought Kirito doesn't hit a girl? Did he defeat Gunner X?

He didn't "hit" her, He did kill her. There's a difference.
Sep 7, 2014 5:13 AM

Sep 2012
That cave scene was terrible drama, too long, unnecessarry and mediocre in its execution. The chase scene was also ridiculous, but at least, it was a bit entertaining.
Sep 7, 2014 5:39 AM

Feb 2011
Bad episode, the embodiment of what i hate about SAO, over the top drama. If i would have taken out all that drama, i would still know exactly the same thing about each of them.
She can't pull the trigger, but she has time to lament? How is that even possible, you're either scared shitless in a corner unable to move or make rational decisions, or you act on your fear and make rash decisions if nothing else.
The action is damn good in SAO, the drama kills it. Again, piece of shit episode.
Sep 7, 2014 6:06 AM
Jun 2014
why would you imprison red players and not kill them i mean i know a lot of them don't have the guts or think too much of the morals but there's got to be one dude who just has the balls to finish them all off. Also why aren't the police notified of this, they are all in hospitals (After the game was over), their names and information booked tell them player xxx is a red player blah blah.
Sep 7, 2014 6:39 AM
Apr 2014
asad_watcher_ said:
why would you imprison red players and not kill them i mean i know a lot of them don't have the guts or think too much of the morals but there's got to be one dude who just has the balls to finish them all off. Also why aren't the police notified of this, they are all in hospitals (After the game was over), their names and information booked tell them player xxx is a red player blah blah.

Not that they could remember EVERY Laughin Coffin member name, it will be explained next chapter, Phantom Bullet explains everything [well, LN does and I hope anime does too] - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 7, 2014 7:21 AM

Aug 2013
Pretty slow episode. Lots of talking and crying. Still it was okay.
My Candies:
Sep 7, 2014 7:22 AM

Dec 2010
This episode was awful. When Sinon was wailing about not being able to pull the trigger I wanted to punch her.

Also I'm disappointed we didn't get to see any of the actual battle between Kirito and Gunner X, she looked like the best female character design in the show so far lol...
PknoctisSep 7, 2014 7:29 AM
Sep 7, 2014 7:26 AM
Apr 2014
-Riptide- said:
qemsxd said:

Well, that sucks. You're telling me the dead ones have to stay laying down real time for the rest of the tournament that, I don't know, could last for hours? They can't even surrender? What a shitty rule.

I can't remember if they are only able to just lie in the place where there are killed. I'm hoping they could at least watch the tournament from some room like what Kirito's harem are doing.

If they can escape to " the spectator hall", that kinda destroy the point of "can't log out". They will still escape Death Gun's threat in the tournament, after all.

And I'm still wondering if Kirito have any idea how to stop Death Gun at this point. I mean, I know they will eventually stop Death Gun, but does Kirito NOW have something in mind other than killing him in the tournament that will not stop him from killing people OUTSIDE the tournament? It's just a game after all, killing him now won't affect anything.

Satan-sama said:
I really didn't get into the episode, I found it very shallow and amusing when it is not supposed to be, I even laughed at some dramatic parts when I should cry or something, Like the part when her classmates were calling her a murderer, it's really obvious that she's the victim here, she saved her mother and all the post office clients/workers, there's no any reason for her to be called a murderer lol this is really unrealistic, how they knew that she killed someone in the first place ? The media said that the robber was died when his gun was misfired.

I thought the kids blaming her was kinda representation of her own feelings blaming herself? It can't be real or it won't make sense.
Sep 7, 2014 7:31 AM
Apr 2014
Satan-sama said:
I really didn't get into the episode, I found it very shallow and amusing when it is not supposed to be, I even laughed at some dramatic parts when I should cry or something, Like the part when her classmates were calling her a murderer, it's really obvious that she's the victim here, she saved her mother and all the post office clients/workers, there's no any reason for her to be called a murderer lol this is really unrealistic, how they knew that she killed someone in the first place ? The media said that the robber was died when his gun was misfired.


Again, it happened in a small town, it probably got leaked to some kid in her school, he didn't hear the details and the bullying began.

If you don't know she was defending her mother, then ofc she would be pushed away and be called a murderer, since she didn't tell anyone about that, people wouldn't get close to someone who they think committed murder and ask "hey, it was self defence, right?" cause, nope.

This kind of things happen irl too, in Venezuela its not uncommon to hear this kind of stories. - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 7, 2014 7:50 AM

Nov 2013
They finally talked to each other about how both of them are horrible killers that shouldn't be allowed to live. Inb4 they log out and commit suicide together.

Fuck, I am still waiting for Kirito vs. Death Gun. Is it ever going to happen or am I doing all this waiting for nothing?

Sep 7, 2014 7:52 AM
Apr 2014
Botato said:
They finally talked to each other about how both of them are horrible killers that shouldn't be allowed to live. Inb4 they log out and commit suicide together.

Fuck, I am still waiting for Kirito vs. Death Gun. Is it ever going to happen or am I doing all this waiting for nothing?


2 chapters from now, probably, even with this slow pacing it shouldn't be longer than 2 chapters. - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 7, 2014 7:54 AM

Nov 2013
Reyxe said:
2 chapters from now, probably, even with this slow pacing it shouldn't be longer than 2 chapters.
Ok so it does happen, like the OP theme suggests. Glad to know.
Sep 7, 2014 8:02 AM

Jun 2014
Botato said:
They finally talked to each other about how both of them are horrible killers that shouldn't be allowed to live. Inb4 they log out and commit suicide together.

Fuck, I am still waiting for Kirito vs. Death Gun. Is it ever going to happen or am I doing all this waiting for nothing?

First they need to get their shit together and come up with a plan(which will probably happen in next episode and so we see the fight between death gun and Kirito in episode 12)
Sep 7, 2014 8:34 AM

Jan 2014
This episode was so boring -_-
Sep 7, 2014 8:48 AM

Jun 2013
qemsxd said:

If they can escape to " the spectator hall", that kinda destroy the point of "can't log out". They will still escape Death Gun's threat in the tournament, after all.

I was wondering about this too. It's obvious that it's there so the protagonists don't have an easy way out without dealing with Death Gun, but as an actual practical matter it's sort of dumb. I mean, Kirito and Shion were suggesting that hiding in the cave would dodge the satellite scan. If that's true, some fucker could literally hide in a cave indefinitely. That map is fucking huge. Can you imagine how long it would take the last guy to find them without the scan? Three week tourney incoming.

And I'm still wondering if Kirito have any idea how to stop Death Gun at this point. I mean, I know they will eventually stop Death Gun, but does Kirito NOW have something in mind other than killing him in the tournament that will not stop him from killing people OUTSIDE the tournament? It's just a game after all, killing him now won't affect anything.

I'm wondering that too. My money is on them somehow getting a hold of his gun and either shooting him with it or rendering him harmless.
Sep 7, 2014 8:52 AM
Nov 2007
Sinon and this episode are worthless.
Sep 7, 2014 9:25 AM

Jan 2013
Great episode. Nice drama, the fight against Death Gun didn't go as I wanted it too. It wasn't direct.
Sep 7, 2014 10:12 AM

Aug 2014
Botato said:
They finally talked to each other about how both of them are horrible killers that shouldn't be allowed to live. Inb4 they log out and commit suicide together.

Fuck, I am still waiting for Kirito vs. Death Gun. Is it ever going to happen or am I doing all this waiting for nothing?


I laughed a lot harder than I should have at that.

And yes, yes it does.
Sep 7, 2014 10:28 AM

Sep 2014
After this episode I feel that it's time for them to change the title of this anime to
"Kirito no Harem"
Sep 7, 2014 11:12 AM

Sep 2014
Sinon has a PTSD and plays online FPS. She went full Kaneki. Never go full Kaneki.
Sep 7, 2014 11:20 AM
Apr 2012
Fantastic episode as usual. Seeing Sinon break down like that was not pleasant, it led to a sweet bonding moment with her and Kirito. Sinon is such a great character but even she can't get away from that past trauma, shows how human she really is. Shes second only to Asuna in this series. Death Gun chose the mechanized horse and paid the price. I am ready for Kirito and Sinon to take him out now. 10/10 episode
Sep 7, 2014 12:22 PM

Nov 2012
Man I know Sinon had some serious trauma from that incident.. but damn she looked weak as hell during this episode, she had to competely rely on kirito for everything.. I do hope she gets her shit together and starts kicking ass again eventually, that was a huge point that I liked about her was that she was a bad ass and not falling head over heels for kirito kun once he saves her.

Well otherwise it was an okay episode.. it was kinda hard to believe that kirito was that good of a shot with his gun but I guess he had that pretty good weapon he stole from the Gunner X chick.
Sep 7, 2014 1:15 PM

Apr 2011
Worst episode of the season, even worse than the super talky 1st ep where nothing happened.

Sinon totally pulled a Shinji in this episode ... whiny, refusing to fight, feeling sorry for herself. This is not the Sinon that I liked so much in the early episodes.

There was some decent action at least, but the whole thing about 'You can't log out during BoB' was nothing more than a bullshit contrivance for the sake of plot. Why would they do it that way? Just disqualify anyone who logs out during the tournament and if they try to log back in, they show up in the viewing lobby. It really has no internal logic beyond 'We need to make sure nobody can avoid Death Gun by just unplugging from the game.' So are all the 'dead' players forced to remain logged in and staring at a patch of dirt or the sky for however many hours this stupid tournament is supposed to take?

I am disappoint.
Sep 7, 2014 1:19 PM

Dec 2008
Kirito is such a badass!
Sep 7, 2014 1:34 PM
Apr 2014
Blind_Guardian said:
Sinon totally pulled a Shinji in this episode ... whiny, refusing to fight, feeling sorry for herself. This is not the Sinon that I liked so much in the early episodes.

Sure, cause having PSTD its some easy thing and people can overcome it pretty easily. Specially when she sees the face of the guy he shot under Death Gun's mask, yep, it's totally normal that she would be able to do thinks while remembering the whole trauma.

About the no log out, even if they could, their avatars would still be on the floor and Death Gun could still shoot them so... would be the same. - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 7, 2014 1:49 PM

May 2013
My god, 5 minutes in and the episode is already complete bullshit.

Why would Death Gun ever use other munition for his rifle than the tranquelizer darts? It's bascially a one hit down everytime... and he even hit Kirito! When did he change his ammo? Obviously he had never time to do so but then Kirito would've instantly lost which of course can't happen.

Poor Musketeer X though... just off screened like a noob in front of Kirito who takes on even the pros of the game he plays for the first time like they are nothing. How he talked about it took the whole seriousness about the situation and threw it right out of the window - "Turned out it wasn't Death Gun... so I just killed her, took me about a sec... and then I was immediatly back to help you."

Then this stupid drama again. If Sinon is such a pro player in the game she would've known that ESPECIALLY THIS GUN is in the game if she even knows the most rare guns. I mean, how could she not?! "Turns out the very gun... the reason for my trauma is actually in the game... I'm playing this game as a pro, know every weapon in the auction house and know immidiatly from far, far away what kind of super rare, silenced sniper rifle he uses... but the handgun that I know every detail about because it's engraved into my mind and is the reason I started to play this game... it's actually in the game and a player uses it?! WHAT A SHOCKER! WHAT A SUPRISING TURN OF EVENTS!!! Now everything floods right back to me about this fateful day... o_O"

It's not even Death Gun, every single player could've been holding this handgun by mere coincidence and she would react like this? That's impossibly stupid for someone playing that game for so long, showing so much knowledge about every detail of the guns there. She would've faced (again) ESPECIALLY this gun way before that and would've come to terms with it being in the game or she wouldn't have made it so far in the first place if she can't even pull the trigger anymore after seeing it again.

So much for "Sinon being a different person in the game"...

I know this is based on a novel but could the anime by any chance be co-directed by M. Night Shyamalan?
DancingJackSep 7, 2014 2:08 PM
"The fool who believed in miracles now walks among the dead." ~ Blade of the Phantom Master
Sep 7, 2014 2:07 PM

Apr 2011
Reyxe said:
Blind_Guardian said:
Sinon totally pulled a Shinji in this episode ... whiny, refusing to fight, feeling sorry for herself. This is not the Sinon that I liked so much in the early episodes.

Sure, cause having PSTD its some easy thing and people can overcome it pretty easily. Specially when she sees the face of the guy he shot under Death Gun's mask, yep, it's totally normal that she would be able to do thinks while remembering the whole trauma.

About the no log out, even if they could, their avatars would still be on the floor and Death Gun could still shoot them so... would be the same.

First, it's PTSD. Second, seeing the face of the guy she shot is just her own hallucination. So she has an excuse to be acting whiny and crazy. So did Shinji, didn't make him even remotely less annoying. She's still fucking useless through the entire episode.

And logging off would definitely protect a player from being killed by Death Gun. If the player is not plugged in to the NerveGear, there's no way for DG's bullet to effect them. Assuming it's not some sort of weird magic and is even remotely science-based, and so far we've been given no reason to believe that magic exists in the real world. The only way Death Gun can kill someone with that thing is if it sends some sort of signal to the plugged-in player's mind. If they're not plugged in, no signal, no kill.
Sep 7, 2014 2:09 PM
Oct 2012
DancingJack said:
Why would Death Gun ever use other munition for his rifle than the tranquelizer darts? It's bascially a one hit down everytime... and he even hit Kirito! When did he change his ammo? Obviously he had never time to do so but then Kirito would've instantly lost which of course can't happen.

Darts are ambushing weapons, they travel slower than bullets, and as such would be easier for normal people to dodge let alone Kirito.

DancingJack said:
Then this stupid drama again. If Sinon is such a pro player in the game she would've known that ESPECIALLY THIS GUN is in the game if she even knows the most rare guns. I mean, how could she not?!"Turned out the very gun... the reason for my trauma is actually in the game...

That gets explained later. For now lets just say it was more the combination of DG having the gun than the gun itself. Put yourself in Shion's position, she thinks she is about to be killed (for real) and the killer happens to have the exact same gun that she killed someone with. That would be pretty traumatic for the person. And as not to spoil anything, I will now add: And no it isn't bad writing.
Sep 7, 2014 2:18 PM

May 2013
Thanks for the info, I really, heally hope so.
"The fool who believed in miracles now walks among the dead." ~ Blade of the Phantom Master
Sep 7, 2014 2:23 PM

Jun 2014
Blind_Guardian said:
Reyxe said:

Sure, cause having PSTD its some easy thing and people can overcome it pretty easily. Specially when she sees the face of the guy he shot under Death Gun's mask, yep, it's totally normal that she would be able to do thinks while remembering the whole trauma.

About the no log out, even if they could, their avatars would still be on the floor and Death Gun could still shoot them so... would be the same.

First, it's PTSD. Second, seeing the face of the guy she shot is just her own hallucination. So she has an excuse to be acting whiny and crazy. So did Shinji, didn't make him even remotely less annoying. She's still fucking useless through the entire episode.

And logging off would definitely protect a player from being killed by Death Gun. If the player is not plugged in to the NerveGear, there's no way for DG's bullet to effect them. Assuming it's not some sort of weird magic and is even remotely science-based, and so far we've been given no reason to believe that magic exists in the real world. The only way Death Gun can kill someone with that thing is if it sends some sort of signal to the plugged-in player's mind. If they're not plugged in, no signal, no kill.
It is Amusphere not Nervegear, Nervegear were the one that could kill, Amusphere cannot. Hint for how he actually kills:
ByonKunSep 7, 2014 2:33 PM
Sep 7, 2014 2:25 PM

Oct 2012
Not bad episode. At least the managed to make them A LOT closer to each other. But with state Sinon is right now I doubt she would be any use in this tournament.
I wonder if they meat with each other in reality.
Sep 7, 2014 2:33 PM
Apr 2014
Blind_Guardian said:
Reyxe said:

Sure, cause having PSTD its some easy thing and people can overcome it pretty easily. Specially when she sees the face of the guy he shot under Death Gun's mask, yep, it's totally normal that she would be able to do thinks while remembering the whole trauma.

About the no log out, even if they could, their avatars would still be on the floor and Death Gun could still shoot them so... would be the same.

First, it's PTSD. Second, seeing the face of the guy she shot is just her own hallucination. So she has an excuse to be acting whiny and crazy. So did Shinji, didn't make him even remotely less annoying. She's still fucking useless through the entire episode.

And logging off would definitely protect a player from being killed by Death Gun. If the player is not plugged in to the NerveGear, there's no way for DG's bullet to effect them. Assuming it's not some sort of weird magic and is even remotely science-based, and so far we've been given no reason to believe that magic exists in the real world. The only way Death Gun can kill someone with that thing is if it sends some sort of signal to the plugged-in player's mind. If they're not plugged in, no signal, no kill.

Just... watch, i was just trying to make some sort of excuse so people would stop asking and saying the same thing and watch the next chapter in which everything is explained, ffs.

Also, even if its her hallucination, that doesn't make it feel less real. - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 7, 2014 2:56 PM

Oct 2011
Kirito saved her in time. Yes!!!

Sinon saw the robber in Death Gun.

Dat heart to heart moment with Kirito and Sinon brought me to tears T__T

Question regarding about Death Gun.
Sep 7, 2014 3:05 PM
Apr 2014
AnimeFan500 said: - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 7, 2014 3:14 PM

Sep 2013
This episode had a lot of drama in it and less action then what I was starving for!

I would have chosen the horse to ride out in style

Both talk about how they killed people in the real/virtual worlds. (Didnt Kirito already tell Sinon about killing people from Laughing Coffin episode or two back?)

Sinon went all tsundere yelling I hate you (Im very confused why she hates him for, is it because of the girl thing I mean come on), then immediately lays on his lap, good job Sinon!

Not so bad of an episode!

Sep 7, 2014 3:22 PM

Jun 2014
AnimeFan500 said:
Kirito saved her in time. Yes!!!

Sinon saw the robber in Death Gun.

Dat heart to heart moment with Kirito and Sinon brought me to tears T__T

Question regarding about Death Gun.
Sep 7, 2014 3:31 PM
Oct 2012
IcynatoKytozaki said:
Sinon went all tsundere yelling I hate you (Im very confused why she hates him for, is it because of the girl thing I mean come on), then immediately lays on his lap, good job Sinon!

No, it's not because of the girl thing and no she doesn't hate him. As for the head on the lap, think back to what Sinon's mother's reaction to Shion was, and you will understand what Shion was really looking for there.
Sep 7, 2014 3:32 PM
Apr 2014
IcynatoKytozaki said:
Sinon went all tsundere yelling I hate you (Im very confused why she hates him for, is it because of the girl thing I mean come on), then immediately lays on his lap, good job Sinon!

Hmmm... probably because for her, Kirito was a rival, someone she had to beat in BoB but the guy ended up protecting her... well, i would be mad too, lol - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 7, 2014 3:42 PM

Oct 2011
Byon-kun said:
AnimeFan500 said:
Kirito saved her in time. Yes!!!

Sinon saw the robber in Death Gun.

Dat heart to heart moment with Kirito and Sinon brought me to tears T__T

Question regarding about Death Gun.

Thank you for the reply.
Sep 7, 2014 3:42 PM

Jul 2010
Good; they both know each other's stories now. Now for Death Gun...

Sep 7, 2014 3:51 PM

Oct 2013
Fun fact about Musketeer X. In the LN, Kirito ran up and stabbed her while she was introducing herself. He totally didn't tell Sinon about that part in the anime.

Kirito was shot by Musketeer X in the process, and that's where the bullet hole on his shoulder came from. It didn't come from Death Gun.

That's also why Kirito knew that Gunner X was actually Musketeer X, since that's what Musketeer X told him when he turned to the dark side of the force.
RinthSep 7, 2014 4:41 PM
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