Aldnoah.Zero Season One
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Aug 9, 2014 8:24 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- HIME SAMA It was an alright episode. I notice the princess enjoying the view on Earth. And welp, Earth is under attack again. Decent OST this week and I have to say, that is quite an attack with the rocket punches. We'll probably get to see more attacks of this level later on. |
Aug 9, 2014 9:32 AM
Now people can stop bitching about Inaho's plans always working. Of course they won't call it an asspull that Slaine showed up just in time to pick off the punch Inaho failed to hit. =_= |
Aug 9, 2014 9:37 AM
Darklight0303 said: Now people can stop bitching about Inaho's plans always working. Of course they won't call it an asspull that Slaine showed up just in time to pick off the punch Inaho failed to hit. =_= That was a major asspull, hoping Slain fails soon. |
Aug 9, 2014 9:41 AM
ramonnl said: Darklight0303 said: Now people can stop bitching about Inaho's plans always working. Of course they won't call it an asspull that Slaine showed up just in time to pick off the punch Inaho failed to hit. =_= That was a major asspull, hoping Slain fails soon. Not to mention he managed to escape UNHARMED from a castle. If you wanna talk about asspulls in this series Slaine has the biggest one. |
Aug 9, 2014 9:45 AM
This anime will get even better if they gave that martian loli, Eddelrittuo, more screen time |
"Burn the heretics" |
Aug 9, 2014 9:48 AM
Darklight0303 said: ramonnl said: Darklight0303 said: Now people can stop bitching about Inaho's plans always working. Of course they won't call it an asspull that Slaine showed up just in time to pick off the punch Inaho failed to hit. =_= That was a major asspull, hoping Slain fails soon. Not to mention he managed to escape UNHARMED from a castle. If you wanna talk about asspulls in this series Slaine has the biggest one. I honestly thought he would die because of that, but it seems that people from Mars have other plans envolving him. Not necessarily an asspull though, imo (the foreshadowing is yet to be revealed too). |
Aug 9, 2014 10:02 AM
Danpmss said: Darklight0303 said: ramonnl said: Darklight0303 said: Now people can stop bitching about Inaho's plans always working. Of course they won't call it an asspull that Slaine showed up just in time to pick off the punch Inaho failed to hit. =_= That was a major asspull, hoping Slain fails soon. Not to mention he managed to escape UNHARMED from a castle. If you wanna talk about asspulls in this series Slaine has the biggest one. I honestly thought he would die because of that, but it seems that people from Mars have other plans envolving him. Not necessarily an asspull though, imo (the foreshadowing is yet to be revealed too). Sazbaum only wanted him because his father was related to Aldnoah Research. He said so in the episode. Cruhteo believed his escape only brought more shame on him. So far there's no sign of any reason why they'd let him go other than plot convenience. I wouldn't mind that all that much if not his fanbase wouldn't be stinking hypocrites and call that out the same way they've been calling out Inaho's so called ass pulls. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:13 AM
Ok, and stop bitching about Inaho being emotionless. I can see clearly that he care deeply for his sister and the princess. Hand down. Slaine has so thick plot armor lol. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:24 AM
Slaine can't die. He is one of the main characters who will be involved in love triangle including Inaho and Princess and it is highly possible he will be the main antagonist. Especially in the second season. I think we'll see him soon obsessed with princess which will lead him to darkness eventually seeing Inaho and Princess getting closer in the future. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:40 AM
Well, now people can stop complaining that Inaho is invincible and emotionless (even though the latter was obvious since episode 3 -_-)....Slain coming at the right time was expected so I wasn't surprised What I'm more interested in is the fact that it seems that Inaho wants to study Aldnoah and possibly create technology using it...And this is where I think that both Slain (It seems that his dad developed the tech and might have possibly shown him what to do) and the princess (She has the authorization code thing needed) will come into the mix |
Aug 9, 2014 10:41 AM
Aug 9, 2014 10:41 AM
Slaine just came in the nick of time, that Mecha that the women was piloting was very strong. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:43 AM
Can't wait for Earth side to get a hold of the super technology and head to Mars with eradication in mind, cuz you know it's coming. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:43 AM
So as I expected Slaine was related to someone who did research on Aldnoah. Otherwise he wouldn't be alive this whole time. He escaped pretty easily though... as if they didn't expect him to be at the starship port or whatever -.- Glad they explained the whole "Aldnoah drive." I thought it'd be like a key or an engine, but it's in our genes? They make it sound so easy to input something like that into our genes and have an immediate effect. I thought the first rocket punch would be deflected by Marito, but as expected he freezes up as soon as he gets into the kataphrakt. I wonder how much longer he'll need before realizing PTSD will render him unavailable to pilot no matter what he does. Or, being an anime, we can probably expect him to get over his PTSD magically to save the day eventually. An ok episode. The formula still stands as 10-12 minutes of info dump and then the rest dedicated to fighting, so nothing too exciting. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:44 AM
Aug 9, 2014 10:45 AM
solomon585858 said: Slaine can't die. He is one of the main characters who will be involved in love triangle including Inaho and Princess and it is highly possible he will be the main antagonist. Especially in the second season. I think we'll see him soon obsessed with princess which will lead him to darkness eventually seeing Inaho and Princess getting closer in the future. I think you're mistaking this show for Buddy Complex |
Aug 9, 2014 10:45 AM
Oh Shi*, her comes Slaine to the rescue :D. Now I think if Inaho and Slaine teamed as a pair, I think they will be probably invincible throughout the series. Well just glad that he saved everyone just in time. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:46 AM
Another nice ep ^^ Honestly didn't expect Slaine to save the day at the end. I thought Marito would overcome his panic attack. But that was nice to see ^^ Finally Slaine is gonna join our MCs. I wonder if he knows any helpful info about Aldnoah? Because no matter how u see it, Earthlings are screwed if they have nothing to resist that technology. Inaho was BA as usual this ep :D Loving this guy so much. And was cute seeing Aselyem blushing and pouting when Inaho corrected her info XD It's ur fault Slaine XD |
Aug 9, 2014 10:48 AM
Just a quick reminder, the current battle is NOT over yet. Those arms are only deflected, not destroyed. The female knight can still gather those arms and fight. I wonder they will continue the battle at the beginning of the next episode. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:49 AM
chickenonthepan said: Just a quick reminder, the current battle is NOT over yet. Those arms are only deflected, not destroyed. The female knight can still gather those arm and fight. I wonder they will continue the battle at the beginning of the next episode. Well they've got a more fair playing field now what with air support from Slaine. Still don't think it'll be an easy fight. those four rocket punches are quite the menace. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:49 AM
I had major problems with the episode as a whole, but overall I did think it was a lot better than the usual episode. Couple problems with the Slaine side of things actually... If they wanted to keep him alive to talk to him about his father.. umm.. Why didn't they talk to him before? What was stopping them? Also.. Slaine escaped really easily... Seriously what the hell? He has the entire base searching for him yet he somehow manages to run all the way to a ship, get inside, fly off through the hanger and no one chased after him? Was that their only ship or something!? Him coming in at the end was cool and all but really? No trouble? Disappointed. So... the Vers Emperor was able to choose anyone to be his knights... and he chose the most douchey evil people he could find... because turns out they were not cliche evil people because of generations of evilness because apparently this stuff only happened less than 100 years ago... Soooo I guess they were just born cliche villains (Btw, the lines that female attacking them was shouting, omg I rolled my eyes every time at the clicheness). Also love how ridiculously buzz kill everyone is. When the princess pointed out she just wanted to make peace, "Ya but she just caused more chaos". Or when she said Slaine told her about the water, "Ya but he's wrong". Sheesh, be a bit more light hearted would ya? xD This isn't a problem I just thought it was sort of funny. I did have a problem with them going all, "All high schoolers are being drafted" I don't care what lessons they take in high school, nothing prepares a teenager for war... I did like how they gave the adults more to do though and not all high schoolers were qualified. The shift in tone from relaxing talks with friends to *OMG ATTACK* was waaay too sudden... They should have paced that a bit better but that isn't a major problem. Just felt like they were trying to shock me is all. The action was improved a bit, there was more movement and strategy involved even if it still was a tad slow and there was still pointless shocking deaths for the sake of having shocking deaths. On the character side of things we have the little sister helper of the princess.... MY GOD SHE IS ANNOYING OMG!!! *cough cough* sorry... The older veteran guy was cool this week, we actually got to see more into his personality and past and the resulting PTSD he has, always cool to have characters with problems they must overcome. I like how he wants to be responsible, even tossing his alcohol away but his PTSD just gets in the way at the worst time, love it so much, why isn't this guy the main lead and Inaho could have been support? Oh right, gotta appeal to those teenagers. Remember everyone, kids rool and adults drule. Saw more Inaho looking over statistics and things, at the very least I enjoy seeing that he works out problems beforehand most of the time, he is analytical which is at least something for his personality.. Still works better as a side character though but I never really hated him, just sort of found him boring... Still kind of is but at least we get more interaction with others this episode. Also he didn't just defeat the enemy no problem... So glad that wasn't becoming a formula, I wasn't sure it was. I knew they would probably improve the action later and I am glad they did it so soon... I just hope they don't bring it back. The music was again awkward sometimes.. It was too loud in the part where they were just talking so it felt distracting, made it hard to pay attention to what they were saying. Otherwise music was fine though. Animation was also fine. I guess this episode confirms that Slaine is now officially a good guy. So now it's just going to be them fighting against a bunch of 1-dimensional cliche villains... oh joy... At least they picked the option that made the most sense as opposed to Slaine staying with the Super-Nazi's. Had a lot more to talk about then usual so my post is pretty long. I actually enjoyed this episode despite a lot of the bullshit that came with it. Lol. |
KetenAug 9, 2014 10:53 AM
Aug 9, 2014 10:49 AM
Darklight0303 said: chickenonthepan said: Just a quick reminder, the current battle is NOT over yet. Those arms are only deflected, not destroyed. The female knight can still gather those arm and fight. I wonder they will continue the battle at the beginning of the next episode. Well they've got a more fair playing field now what with air support from Slaine. Still don't think it'll be an easy fight. those four rocket punches are quite the menace. Actually, there are 6, not 4... |
Aug 9, 2014 10:50 AM
Tokoya said: What I'm more interested in is the fact that it seems that Inaho wants to study Aldnoah and possibly create technology using it...And this is where I think that both Slain (It seems that his dad developed the tech and might have possibly shown him what to do) and the princess (She has the authorization code thing needed) will come into the mix It's inevitable that they'll start fighting with their own Vers Kataphrakt cuz I don't see this anime going in any other direction. I'm wondering, though, how can they even attempt to build one, let alone pilot it? Does the princess have to be the pilot since she has the Aldnoah drive? Or Slaine because he's a blood relative of Dr. Troyard? Or Inaho just because, lol? |
pakokoAug 9, 2014 11:03 AM
Aug 9, 2014 10:51 AM
Slaine got pinned down. I'm surprised that Saazbaum of all people would help him slip out.But then again the Martians need the power of the Aldnoah. I wonder where Dr.Troyard's hiding anyway. If he's on Earth then it might be a good idea to seek him out and gather some of his research. The Terrans need all the knowledge they can concerting the Aldnoah, in order to make a turn to this war. Eddelrittuo needs to get rid off that bad hime-sama habit, until everything's settled anyway. That was a quick and dirty excuse she pulled off though. Marito's condition worsened over that conversation he held with Magbaredge. Studying while he's on duty, that's our Inaho. That was a nice plan he came up in the last moment. Using the kinetic energy from the exploding HE shells to change the trajectory of those propelled arms was a neat idea. I guess he was in a pinch against the last arm. But whaddya know, Slaine shows up in the final moment. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:51 AM
Now, the series really take off. With Slaine joining the fight, which was predictable from the start after the death of the 'fake princess', Earth has slightly bigger chance. I wonder whether the UEDF will get at a point access to the Aldnoah-drives. Also, considering the fact that the princess is featured holding a gun in the OP, somewhere in the first half of the series I recon she'll start to play a more active role in combat. And the series byline 'Even though the heavens fall, let justice be served' makes me really wonder if the initiator of the assassination, Count Crutheo, will receive his just desserts. |
BenMSAug 9, 2014 10:59 AM
Knight of the Obsidian Order Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR Animatic (Anime-fanatic) |
Aug 9, 2014 10:53 AM
So I assume from the new info we have now is that Earth has never encountered these kinds of super-mechs the Martians have. The information on the show's website indicates that the United Earth government's official stance is that no Martian Kataphrakts made it to Earth's surface during the Heaven's Fall war. Well, I guess we can see based off of Marito's testimony that was a load of baloney. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:55 AM
Search for Slaine continues, though it looks like he got away successfully. Nice! Lt. Marito's talk about Tanegashima report was an important part. Apparently, Aldnoah drives are essential to fight efficiently against the Martians. We also get a little history about the concept of Aldnoah too. So, that foolish of His Majesty is an earthling? O.o Asseylum's pouting face after Inaho saying Slaine was mistaken about the sky of earth was cute. :3 Capt. Magbaredge revealed something gravely traumatic for Lt. Marito. Damn, just how is he responsible for her big brother's death? :O Martians didn't waste time at all; already launched their next attack on the ship. Even in the face of such an overwhelming war machine, Inaho's calmness and the teamwork he put on with Inko was awesome! Still, they almost got wiped out at the end though.. Out good hero Slaine saves the day. I take it back about him being a closet wimp. He's certainly another badass character! Good episode. Death flag for Lt. Marito stands firm. I have a feeling he'll die soon.. I hope I'm wrong though. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:56 AM
AICW said: So I assume from the new info we have now is that Earth has never encountered these kinds of super-mechs the Martians have. The information on the show's website indicates that the United Earth government's official stance is that no Martian Kataphrakts made it to Earth's surface during the Heaven's Fall war. Well, I guess we can see based off of Marito's testimony that was a load of baloney. They just got their asses handed so hard they knew that the truth would start a panic. chickenonthepan said: Darklight0303 said: chickenonthepan said: Just a quick reminder, the current battle is NOT over yet. Those arms are only deflected, not destroyed. The female knight can still gather those arm and fight. I wonder they will continue the battle at the beginning of the next episode. Well they've got a more fair playing field now what with air support from Slaine. Still don't think it'll be an easy fight. those four rocket punches are quite the menace. Actually, there are 6, not 4... Okay six then. Well their chances didn't increase that much in that case. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:56 AM
And again, Inaho thinks of another plan and it succeeds and the ignorant masses praise his insight. I don't think that his plan was so 'brilliant' and it would be nice if some other characters aside from him got some spotlight too. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:58 AM
OG-3 said: And again, Inaho thinks of another plan and it succeeds and the ignorant masses praise his insight. I don't think that his plan was so 'brilliant' and it would be nice if some other characters aside from him got some spotlight too. It didn't succeed completely. If not for Slaine's arrival that last punch would have pulverized them. Start using your eyes please. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:58 AM
why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying? |
Aug 9, 2014 10:59 AM
AzureAlert said: Good point.The pace of this anime is really good. They are neither rushing nor wasting time. They could've easily had Slaine running around the space station for like three episodes, but nope he's already on Earth saving Inaho and friends. This is getting pretty good. Haha, I could imagine that. Btw, just FYI, Cruhteo's Landing Castle was already impaled into Tokyo. So that complemeted Slaine's getaway even further. |
Aug 9, 2014 10:59 AM
orangpelupa said: why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying? I'm guessing he panicked so his shots kept missing adding to his desperation until his clip was spent. -Resident- said: AzureAlert said: Good point.The pace of this anime is really good. They are neither rushing nor wasting time. They could've easily had Slaine running around the space station for like three episodes, but nope he's already on Earth saving Inaho and friends. This is getting pretty good. Haha, I could imagine that. Btw, just FYI, Cruhteo's Landing Castle was already impaled into Tokyo. So that complemeted Slaine's getaway even further.Not really. The castle has defense mechanisms. Missiles and lasers. They could have shot him down if they wanted. |
Aug 9, 2014 11:00 AM
orangpelupa said: why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying? He was hitting it. But it was descending towards them at top speed at a 90 degree angle, and he was hitting directly, which is the point of most resistance. Inaho would need a MUCH bigger gun to displace that kind of mass traveling at that velocity. Fortunately Slaine hit it an angle which is why his shot knocked it off-course. Basic physics, folks. |
Aug 9, 2014 11:01 AM
[quote=-Resident-] AzureAlert said: Haha, I could imagine that. Btw, just FYI, Cruhteo's Landing Castle was already impaled into Tokyo. So that complemeted Slaine's getaway even further. He is interested in the orange mech. So he goes and finds it immediately. Idk what is his intention though. |
Aug 9, 2014 11:03 AM
slaine, mvp of this episode, come in the nick of time (y) can't believe he was betrayed by traitor, though and from that female-maritan, it's clear that every knight just want an area to control, so they (want) to kill asseylum to spark the war between Vers and Earth, damn knight -_- |
a dual-sword wielder, fire element in right arm and ice element in left arm |
Aug 9, 2014 11:03 AM
Slaine coming in for the win. We also get to know what Aldnoah is. They have the worst luck to keep running into powerful enemies. |
Aug 9, 2014 11:05 AM
novian14 said: slaine, mvp of this episode, come in the nick of time (y) can't believe he was betrayed by traitor, though and from that female-maritan, it's clear that every knight just want an area to control, so they (want) to kill asseylum to spark the war between Vers and Earth, damn knight -_- I believe besides Crutheo, just a few of the other knights are involved, mostly linked to his 'house'. And with the lies fed to the emperor, a chance for peace is far away sadly enough. |
Knight of the Obsidian Order Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR Animatic (Anime-fanatic) |
Aug 9, 2014 11:06 AM
Darklight0303 said: orangpelupa said: why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying? I'm guessing he panicked so his shots kept missing adding to his desperation until his clip was spent. >Implying our main character Inaho-sama can exhibit emotions of anxiety. |
Aug 9, 2014 11:10 AM
hantere said: Slaine coming in for the win. We also get to know what Aldnoah is. They have the worst luck to keep running into powerful enemies. I'm inclined to believe the most of the Mars/Vers troops are not directly involved in the fight, but in maintaining and operating the fortresses. Only the knights and their most trusted lieutenants seem to have access to the Kataphrakts, which are however highly customized and have access to the Aldnoah-technology. Even then, guessing off what we've seen so far, I estimate per castle at least 4-10 people have access to an Kataphrakt. And with... 32 was it? or 16?... landing castles, that leaves plenty of Kataphrakts. |
Knight of the Obsidian Order Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR Animatic (Anime-fanatic) |
Aug 9, 2014 11:11 AM
pakoko said: Darklight0303 said: orangpelupa said: why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying? I'm guessing he panicked so his shots kept missing adding to his desperation until his clip was spent. >Implying our main character Inaho-sama can exhibit emotions of anxiety. Hmm, you failed to notice that? |
Aug 9, 2014 11:14 AM
thanks i though he was missing all the shot and i got baffled. AICW said: orangpelupa said: why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying? He was hitting it. But it was descending towards them at top speed at a 90 degree angle, and he was hitting directly, which is the point of most resistance. Inaho would need a MUCH bigger gun to displace that kind of mass traveling at that velocity. Fortunately Slaine hit it an angle which is why his shot knocked it off-course. Basic physics, folks. |
Aug 9, 2014 11:16 AM
Huh... BTW, they changed EDs already |
Knight of the Obsidian Order Nth incarnation of NRVNQSR Animatic (Anime-fanatic) |
Aug 9, 2014 11:18 AM
chickenonthepan said: pakoko said: Darklight0303 said: orangpelupa said: why MC's shot unable to hit the last Arm that flying? I'm guessing he panicked so his shots kept missing adding to his desperation until his clip was spent. >Implying our main character Inaho-sama can exhibit emotions of anxiety. Hmm, you failed to notice that? Lol learn to take a joke. I know even Inaho couldn't help but feel desperate and broken down when he ran out of ammo. I was just joining in the fun at people saying Inaho is this emotionless character. |
Aug 9, 2014 11:21 AM
Keten said: I had major problems with the episode as a whole, but overall I did think it was a lot better than the usual episode. Couple problems with the Slaine side of things actually... If they wanted to keep him alive to talk to him about his father.. umm.. Why didn't they talk to him before? What was stopping them? Also.. Slaine escaped really easily... Seriously what the hell? He has the entire base searching for him yet he somehow manages to run all the way to a ship, get inside, fly off through the hanger and no one chased after him? Was that their only ship or something!? Him coming in at the end was cool and all but really? No trouble? Disappointed. So... the Vers Emperor was able to choose anyone to be his knights... and he chose the most douchey evil people he could find... because turns out they were not cliche evil people because of generations of evilness because apparently this stuff only happened less than 100 years ago... Soooo I guess they were just born cliche villains (Btw, the lines that female attacking them was shouting, omg I rolled my eyes every time at the clicheness). Also love how ridiculously buzz kill everyone is. When the princess pointed out she just wanted to make peace, "Ya but she just caused more chaos". Or when she said Slaine told her about the water, "Ya but he's wrong". Sheesh, be a bit more light hearted would ya? xD This isn't a problem I just thought it was sort of funny. I did have a problem with them going all, "All high schoolers are being drafted" I don't care what lessons they take in high school, nothing prepares a teenager for war... I did like how they gave the adults more to do though and not all high schoolers were qualified. The shift in tone from relaxing talks with friends to *OMG ATTACK* was waaay too sudden... They should have paced that a bit better but that isn't a major problem. Just felt like they were trying to shock me is all. The action was improved a bit, there was more movement and strategy involved even if it still was a tad slow and there was still pointless shocking deaths for the sake of having shocking deaths. On the character side of things we have the little sister helper of the princess.... MY GOD SHE IS ANNOYING OMG!!! *cough cough* sorry... The older veteran guy was cool this week, we actually got to see more into his personality and past and the resulting PTSD he has, always cool to have characters with problems they must overcome. I like how he wants to be responsible, even tossing his alcohol away but his PTSD just gets in the way at the worst time, love it so much, why isn't this guy the main lead and Inaho could have been support? Oh right, gotta appeal to those teenagers. Remember everyone, kids rool and adults drule. Saw more Inaho looking over statistics and things, at the very least I enjoy seeing that he works out problems beforehand most of the time, he is analytical which is at least something for his personality.. Still works better as a side character though but I never really hated him, just sort of found him boring... Still kind of is but at least we get more interaction with others this episode. Also he didn't just defeat the enemy no problem... So glad that wasn't becoming a formula, I wasn't sure it was. I knew they would probably improve the action later and I am glad they did it so soon... I just hope they don't bring it back. The music was again awkward sometimes.. It was too loud in the part where they were just talking so it felt distracting, made it hard to pay attention to what they were saying. Otherwise music was fine though. Animation was also fine. I guess this episode confirms that Slaine is now officially a good guy. So now it's just going to be them fighting against a bunch of 1-dimensional cliche villains... oh joy... At least they picked the option that made the most sense as opposed to Slaine staying with the Super-Nazi's. Had a lot more to talk about then usual so my post is pretty long. I actually enjoyed this episode despite a lot of the bullshit that came with it. Lol. I agree that the guy with PTSD is interesting. He probably hasn't sought help for it, considering that it's so bad even years later. It will be interesting to see if he's ever able to overcome it. Also, Inaho is a bit bland, true, but better than in earlier episodes because he seems a bit more human now. One thing I can praise is that his strategies show a clear understanding of the limits of human technology and the skillset of his peers. For example, he uses smokebombs (no need to be accurate to shoot them) and deflects rather than tries to destroy the arms (when everyone else has given up when they realize they can't destroy them). His strategies aren't grand gestures, they're simple but effective. Unfortunately, because he's the strategist, it wouldn't make sense to have a different MC ... guess we'll just have to deal with it. I wouldn't have minded Slaine as the MC |
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