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Kagerou Daze (light novel)
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Jun 8, 2014 11:01 AM
Aug 2013
A connection is made between the monster and the snakes, hinting at her identity of Medusa, which is then confirmed.

With Marry's semi-prehensile hair and petrification powers, another connection is immediately made (also confirmed in the same episode).
Jun 8, 2014 12:01 PM

Apr 2014
That WAS Konoha/Haruka in the preview right? Because I need that kid back in my life.
Jun 8, 2014 12:02 PM
Apr 2014
This bad CG opening reflects the overall quality and effort from Shaft to this anime.
Jun 8, 2014 1:29 PM
Feb 2014
That opening was horrible. Why did they think that was acceptable to put into the episode!?

It looked like those dance music videos people make for vocaloids *shivers* the rest of the episode was good. But man, that opening was a let down.
Jun 8, 2014 2:09 PM

May 2011
I was too busy laughing at the creepy dead eyes and awkward running in the opening to pay attention to anything that was actually happening. SHAFT, I'm typically pretty fast to defend you, but that CG was absolutely horrible.

Thankfully the rest of the episode was fine.

Jun 8, 2014 4:36 PM

Sep 2012
That hideous CG.

CreamZi said:

Mr. Tateyama had powers as well. I was a little surprised by that.
I didn't understand when Shuuya said that one of them is carrying the queen.
Ene's body is at the school?! Out of words on that one.

Stole the words out of my mouth.
Jun 8, 2014 4:47 PM

Dec 2013
I thought it was a pretty good episode besides the awkward opening.
Jun 8, 2014 4:51 PM

Dec 2009
Okay, the opening CG was abysmal.
Which is a shame because the episode was pretty damn good, otherwise.
The pieces are coming together.
Jun 8, 2014 5:44 PM

Aug 2013
Dat CGI at the beginning.
It made me cry... of laugh xD
Seriously though, Shaft, you normally don't fuck those things. I jsut listened to the song, it had so much potential :(

So the root of everything is Mary we could say? Well, we could see that there was something important around her from the last episode ending.

All that story behind that parralel world is getting me confused. And thoses snakes too. We know that the dad had a ''double personality'', but he was clearly ordering Ayano to not go in his room. That mean that he knew what the snake was doing no? Was he scared of it?

I'm not sure, but from some theory I have read, Ayano would have suicided herself to get that near death experiance and come back with power. It could make sense somehow. I still don't understand exactly though why she would want those power, those power in general don't seem really powerful, but can be used cleverly to get out of some situation.

Anyway, there was an important revelation at the end. The body can be conservated. Does that mean that they can all go back to their original body or doesit only applicate to Ene and Haruka?
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jun 8, 2014 6:32 PM

Oct 2012
that opening cg animation... why? glad it wasnt for the whole episode

the mekakushidan trio are adorable though~

lots of new plot info
awesome episode (besides the begining cg thing...)
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Jun 8, 2014 6:32 PM

Aug 2009
Dunno what was creepiest; the CGI opening, the father or the amount of SHAFT headtilts...

Only three episodes left and I still don't know what to say about this show. I feel the characters have potential but the plot is just standing still for the most time. The monster story is good, and it fit into the main story now.
Jun 8, 2014 6:45 PM
Jul 2013
shizu_bara said:
The opening to this ep was pathetic. (for a professional company anyway.) It was like they took a long weekend with MMD and called it good enough. Just..... what??? o_O"
I literally had to pause it after the opening sequence just to say "That was f***ing pathetic." (and during I was wondering what happened to their budget) before moving on with the ep. For a little while I had dreaded that they had somehow blew their budget and the rest of the ep would be that poorly animated CG crap, but thankfully it wasn't. (Say what you will about the animation in the series, but it is better than the intro to this ep.)

You took the words right out of my mouth.. The opening CG looks like a poorly done MMD. I wonder if the people at Shaft were being trolls or did they just momentarily stop trying/caring?

On a different note, I'm really questioning their decision of not including Outer Science or Summertime Record in the series but we'll see what happens.
Jun 8, 2014 7:11 PM

Aug 2013
CG intro was a bad of the episode was pretty good though.
My Candies:
Jun 8, 2014 8:40 PM

Aug 2013
I think I threw up my mouth a little because that CG was so fucking atrocious.

Getting that out of the way:

Very informative episode.
Learned about Ayano, her mom and the story of the red eye origins, and Kenjirou having a power.

Learned that Marry is the queen.

Learned that Ene's body is floating in a yellow tube somewhere.

....God....That fucking CG though....
Jun 8, 2014 9:59 PM

Oct 2011
For a moment I thought I was watching Sidonia no Kishi. The part that freaked me out was when that lady ( Mother of Ayano or owner of orphanage?) spoke at the same time as the song played.

Is Mary possessed then??

Seto's episode next week. Hope to learn more about him
Jun 8, 2014 11:17 PM

Nov 2011
I loled at the opening. Shaft trolled us with that CG opening xp
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Jun 9, 2014 12:48 AM

Jan 2014
Good lord, thankfully I hopped on youtube to watch the other version of Ayano's Theory of Happiness. Otherwise it was a decent episode, revealing more about Ayano's father, and what happened to Ene's body.

Jun 9, 2014 4:58 AM

Aug 2012
AnimeFan500 said:
Seto's episode next week. Hope to learn more about him

Next episode is about Mary.
Jun 9, 2014 6:22 AM

Oct 2011
That beginning FREAKED ME OUT! seriously. WTH! What was wrong with that weird 3D? O_o
But this episode was really good, in my opinion. Made me love every second (something rare to this anime, I think) I'm glad it explained some things. But as usual, it created some other questions.
Everyone was so cute in their childhood! Really, they were adorable! Kano was jealous of Shintaro hehe. It's kinda weird to see shintaro and Ayano in a High School uniform.
Next episode is Imagination forest!! Yeaah, on of my favorite songs!! (Ok, is hard to say which is my favorite. but I love this one)

Random question: Why Tsubomi used "Watashi" to reference herself and now she uses "Ore"? Isn't "Ore" a masculine form?
DeskachanJun 9, 2014 6:31 AM
Jun 9, 2014 6:23 AM

Aug 2013
Thanks god i saw the version without the CG
ParagonXXIJun 9, 2014 6:28 AM
Jun 9, 2014 6:27 AM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
Raniero said:
AnimeFan500 said:
Seto's episode next week. Hope to learn more about him

Next episode is about Mary.

It's mainly about Mary.
though I wouldn't be surprised if they put in a little of Shounen Brave, Seto's song and story, into the next episode, since part of it is Mary's story from his perspective.
Jun 9, 2014 8:28 AM

Oct 2013
So the reason why Mary's eye power was she can freeze in time anyone who looks at her is because she has the queen snake/Medusa...
Jun 9, 2014 9:10 AM

Oct 2013
Now they've ruined it.....
Shaft what the F is that crap,... lack of funds....?
They totally abominated it....
Life is a song - sing it.
Life is a game - play it.
Life is a challenge - meet it.
Life is a dream - realize it.
Life is a sacrifice - offer it.
Life is love - enjoy it.
Jun 9, 2014 9:22 AM

Aug 2013
Hello? SHAFT? What are you doing?

I have no complaints about the strange-arse animation, but this episode in general was just...sub-par.

Looking forward to Marry in the next episode.
"Your argument is like a naked banana--it simply lacks appeal."
Jun 9, 2014 9:38 AM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
Deskachan said:

Random question: Why Tsubomi used "Watashi" to reference herself and now she uses "Ore"? Isn't "Ore" a masculine form?

Tsubomi uses watashi when she acted very feminine and was very shy. When she became the danchou, i wouldn't be surprised she switched to a more masculine form of speaking to over come her shyness.
Jun 9, 2014 10:46 AM

Jul 2012
So...I guess it's making more sense? o-o
How the guys got there power and stuff..... :P

But, what's the whole point of getting all the "snakes" together? o-o I didn't really get that part.......
And...who's the queen? D: I couldn't choose between Ene or Mary...since it looked like it can be either both of those.....

GAH! This anime! D:
Jun 9, 2014 11:45 AM
Jun 2014
EP 9: Ayano's Theory of Happiness
The start was pretty weird because of the art. I know that the purpose is for it to look like a child's drawing or something. But it's still weird. The proper art of the trio and Ayano are really cute though (that cute Kido, blushing Kano, and crybaby Seto <3 ). But something I noticed was that Seto's jacket was wrong. It was supposed to be white, right? From the PV of the songs, he was given a white jacket which he later on gave to Marry. And there goes Shaft's legendary head-tilts again!

Plot. hmm...Well it's like Ayano's Theory of Happiness + Yobanashi Deceive (is it just me who thinks so?) + Fifth novel revelations. Expect many scenes of Ayano and Kano. So somehow Jin tried to make us sympathize with Kano again. And the cycle continues (jerk Kano, Kano <3 , jerk Kano, and now Kano <3 again). Many revelations, and it's so much better than Kisaragi attention (or any episode dedicated to Momo. whydoyouhavetobeJin'sbias?! quitebittterhere)
Jun 9, 2014 3:48 PM
Dec 2010
Leaving episode itself apart - i dunno why is everyone flaming so much at opening sequence. I kinda enjoyed it, mostly because of the song which in my opinion was splendid. Great voice modulation :D
Jun 9, 2014 4:20 PM

Jan 2014
So I didn't understood shit.
I thought the Queen Snake was Ayano's father. This way maybe the death of his mother could have been his father's fault, obviously under Snake's influence because sue found out that she exists and knew something about the Kid's powers.

So who's the Queen?
Jun 9, 2014 6:03 PM

Jan 2013
That CG was sooo shitty.
But I liked the end of the episode.
Please understand.
Jun 9, 2014 6:44 PM

Nov 2013
Zelgadis94 said:
So I didn't understood shit.

...And the news are??

I've been saying all along that this anime is a huge fail either in terms of story, in terms of animation and also in terms of some of the songs, so it's no surprise you (and I for that matter) can't seem to understand....

I honestly don't see how can this possibly still be above #1000... Any show that shows these kind of fails cannot be considered to be top 1000.

Lets see, this show:

* Fails to create a coherent developing story (not characters backstories, but a "real time development story")

* Even if you somehow accept that the anime is nothing more than a collection of backstories and that they end up joining together in one big backstory, the key points related to the origins are still bogus... I mean:

- Where did these kids come from?
- Why did only they entered that crazy world when almost dying?
- Are they blood related so that only they are able to enter that world?
- Why must they be in groups of two in order to enter this world?
- If the suicidal girl died first (2 years before) and the neet only almost died during the mall incident, how come that those two counted as if they were together to enter that world?
- Why can only one get out?
- Why can't two force their way out?
- Why leaving this fantasy world gives you powers?
- How come there's a snake that only works shifts at night?
- What is this story about that monster?
- Who is she and where did she came from?
- [size=90]Where did her powers come from?
- What about this snake that talked to the monster, where did she come from?

[/color]- Why does she do that?

Too many things don't make sense and don't add up.

* Uses and reuses all the same bad drawings to create a animation where in 2 minutes you only see the same image over and over again. This Shaft animation is not bad..... is horrible!!!

* Uses and abuses of posing by the characters. ]I really don't understand why the suicidal girl must always, and I do mean always make the same pose, by bending her torso to the front and pulling her ass all the way back like she's showing her ass to someone behind her. She even did this while hiding a book behind her!!! I mean not even characters from the 70's did that anymore... If she did this once in a while, but no, it has to be everytime!!!

* Has some songs that instead of singing, they are nothing more than speed reading by a narrator. I mean, yes there were some (few) good songs, but most of them is just a narrative story read at different speeds (which pretty much invalidates the need for any kind of image - Instead you should use your imagination). This is not singing, I can't even call this declaiming, no is just reading at really high speed.

Long story short.... a fail anime!!!

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
ZelotJun 9, 2014 7:07 PM
Personal tastes are like peoples behinds, each one has its own,
and only those who wants to find [...] will smell one another.

Jun 9, 2014 7:41 PM
Apr 2014
Zelot said:
Raniero said:

Next episode is about Mary.

It's mainly about Mary.
though I wouldn't be surprised if they put in a little of Shounen Brave, Seto's song and story, into the next episode, since part of it is Mary's story from his perspective.

I always saw Shounen Brave and Imagination Forest as two separate videos. Meaning the characters' back stories are the same but the meeting was different.
Jun 9, 2014 7:56 PM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
FuckSchoolDays said:
Zelot said:

It's mainly about Mary.
though I wouldn't be surprised if they put in a little of Shounen Brave, Seto's song and story, into the next episode, since part of it is Mary's story from his perspective.

I always saw Shounen Brave and Imagination Forest as two separate videos. Meaning the characters' back stories are the same but the meeting was different.

though you are right
I still would assume the same events would happen in next episode.
I mean every meeting should be quite similar?
Or that is the major point.
Now that you did point that out about Shounen Brave, I do believe you are right.
Jun 9, 2014 10:19 PM
Apr 2014
Zelot said:
FuckSchoolDays said:

I always saw Shounen Brave and Imagination Forest as two separate videos. Meaning the characters' back stories are the same but the meeting was different.

though you are right
I still would assume the same events would happen in next episode.
I mean every meeting should be quite similar?
Or that is the major point.
Now that you did point that out about Shounen Brave, I do believe you are right.

As far as whats shown in the MV, it doesn't really hint to Mary knowing anything about the loop
Zelot said:
FuckSchoolDays said:

I always saw Shounen Brave and Imagination Forest as two separate videos. Meaning the characters' back stories are the same but the meeting was different.

though you are right
I still would assume the same events would happen in next episode.
I mean every meeting should be quite similar?
Or that is the major point.
Now that you did point that out about Shounen Brave, I do believe you are right.

Jun 10, 2014 12:30 AM

Dec 2009
secret__otaku said:
You took the words right out of my mouth.. The opening CG looks like a poorly done MMD. I wonder if the people at Shaft were being trolls or did they just momentarily stop trying/caring?

I'm gonna give them the benefit of doubt and just say I guess they like to experiment. Which should be a good thing usually. But experiments can fail, and this one ... did.
Jun 10, 2014 2:13 AM

Apr 2011
9 eps and I still don't understand shlt.

Also the op was a wtf..
Jun 10, 2014 2:29 AM

Jan 2011
Okay I think this needs to be said, the CGI isn't horrible. It's the uncanny valley-ness of it that gives that impression.

Homm said:
9 eps and I still don't understand shlt.

Were you even paying attention? There was a big info dump at the end.
Jun 10, 2014 4:19 AM
Nov 2012
The CG isn't that bad, but it has its problems. The episode was great, I think it deserves a better score. People are making conclusions out of the first 2 mins of the episode instead of reviewing the episode as a whole before voting for the poll.

Info dump episode, not for losers who keep saying "It's confusing" before even trying to understand. No offense. And I'm not referring to anyone here but if you have a confession to make go ahead.
Jun 10, 2014 4:37 AM

Apr 2014
gilayans said:
Info dump episode, not for losers who keep saying "It's confusing" before even trying to understand. No offense. And I'm not referring to anyone here but if you have a confession to make go ahead.

I agree with you on that one. :T

Every episode there are people saying they still don't understand anything, whereas in reality I'm having trouble understanding why they still don't understand anything. The storyline might be a little more complex than the average anime, but it's not like it's rocket science or anything...
Jun 10, 2014 5:43 AM

Jul 2012
It's getting better
Woah I guess why Kano hates Shintaro so much, maybe he had a crush on the sis?
(Yeah the beginning had a poor animation, but wtf, the rest was fantastic)
Jun 10, 2014 6:42 AM

Jan 2011
InTheOtherWorld said:
gilayans said:
Info dump episode, not for losers who keep saying "It's confusing" before even trying to understand. No offense. And I'm not referring to anyone here but if you have a confession to make go ahead.

I agree with you on that one. :T

Every episode there are people saying they still don't understand anything, whereas in reality I'm having trouble understanding why they still don't understand anything. The storyline might be a little more complex than the average anime, but it's not like it's rocket science or anything...

The storyline isn't complex, they just can't understand a story that changes character focus.
Jun 10, 2014 6:58 AM

Jul 2008
gilayans said:
The CG isn't that bad, but it has its problems. The episode was great, I think it deserves a better score. People are making conclusions out of the first 2 mins of the episode instead of reviewing the episode as a whole before voting for the poll.

Well, I agree the the ep as a whole is good (at least a lot was explained and I'm finally beginning to understand what's going on in this story) but I still say that the CG WAS that bad. If it had been done by an amateur I would have said it was great, but for a professional company I think it's pathetic, like they didn't even try. I think the main reason for this is because the CG is clashes so badly with the normal animation and it sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison. Here's an example
Also the CG is just so lifeless and flat. There is no shading, no shadows, their mouths move like an MMD video and over all it's just a mess.......

BUT other than the intro I did enjoy the ep.
Jun 10, 2014 11:30 AM

Feb 2013
Looks like the story is finally coming together. The CG styling wasn't really my thing but at least the music is still good.
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Jun 10, 2014 5:59 PM

Jun 2012
the episode was interesting but the beginning with that 3D(?) part was shitty looking to be honest :/

- I only draw freestyle! -
Jun 11, 2014 4:46 AM

Aug 2013
That MMD...or whatever it's called... Really...made it pretty bad.
Jun 11, 2014 9:45 AM

Jan 2012
I can't believe how ugly the animation was during the song at the beginning...

And Ayano looked totally suspicious when she took the diary... with her hands always behind her back like that --"

And the tale of the monster is pretty sad ><
Jun 11, 2014 9:57 AM

Dec 2013
Well now they've completely butchered Ayano's Theory of Happiness, I guess its time I gave on any further expectations that the future songs will be anything but bad....
I mean, come on! This was literally one of the easiest to adapt songs to do, and what happens? You make all the kids in the song talk and act like those muppets from Sesame Street! How much worse can it be???

Argh... rant aside, this was a really good episode where they sort of cleared a lot of plot points up:

First off, Ayano's parents were investigating about the weird phenomenon in the fairy tale, which is why they brought in Kano, Seto and Kido. Ayano, being older took the initiative to take care of them. Kano apparently already had a crush on his "Sister", thus developed an unhealthy hatred for Shintaro later on (he could probably tell Ayano liked him).

Second, some incident occurred with Ayano's parents which sent the mom to the other-verse, and made dad develop his red-eye powers (which apparently activates without the dad knowing anything, that's some scary shit). Evil dad then went on to collect more snakes by splitting off Honoka from his body and turning Takane into data-bytes. The reason why Kano knows about the secret lab and where Takane's body is, I'm betting it's due to the secret that Ayano told him before she died (i.e. Dad is Batman, here's where his Bat Cave is...).

Third, Mary is the..... what did they call it?.... the Host Snake? Anyway, she has the power or obligation to gather all the snakes together for some super secret ritual. Probably has something to do with what Evil-Dad is doing, but wait a sec... Evil Dad doesn't know of Mary's existence right? Or maybe she's the missing link in his "experiments" that he's been looking for? Either way, Evil-Dad is looking for Mary for some probably weird reason (I'm thinking sacrifice ritual or sticking her into some contraption to use her powers). I get the feeling that Mary has something to do with the fairy tale which has been playing in the end of each episode. It wouldn't surprise me if she was like the Monster's daughter.

Lastly, Ayano found out something serious enough to make her commit suicide, by snooping around her dad's room during school hours. I get the feeling that more will be revealed in the coming episode, so I digress.

Have never read the LN, but I have seen most of the MVs for this series. What I don't understand is all this talk about alternate timelines. Can someone please explain how many timelines there's suppose to be? All I know from the past few episodes is there is a Route 1 and a Route XXX from Shintarou's MV.... are there suppose to be others? What happens in those alternate routes anyway? And which route is considered by fans to be the main "canon" route?

Still so many questions and not enough answers here....
Jun 11, 2014 10:44 AM

Jun 2013
L-Ryoshi said:
Have never read the LN, but I have seen most of the MVs for this series. What I don't understand is all this talk about alternate timelines. Can someone please explain how many timelines there's suppose to be? All I know from the past few episodes is there is a Route 1 and a Route XXX from Shintarou's MV.... are there suppose to be others? What happens in those alternate routes anyway? And which route is considered by fans to be the main "canon" route?

Still so many questions and not enough answers here....

I'm only going to cover the ones that involve Shintaro and the actual confirmed scenes and routes.

Kagerou Project Vocaloid Songs (Feb. 2011 - Sep. 2013)
There are two timelines shown. One is called 'Route 1' and the other is 'Route XX'.

Route 1

Route XX

Kagerou Days Light Novel (May 2012 - ongoing)
The fan assumed that the novel follow Route 1. Actually I haven't read this, lol. It's more of flashbacks and prologues.

Kagerou Days Manga (June 2012 - ongoing)
There are two routes known. The first route ends at 'Kagerou Days' and the second route happens after the 'Kagerou Days'.

Before the Kagerou Days

After the Kagerou Days

Every route is the canon route by the way.

The new 'daze' album (contains the OP and ED of the anime; release date June 18) contains the chronological time table of the series and a novel and a drama CD which holds the key to the secrets of the Kagerou Days.
Jun 11, 2014 3:47 PM

May 2014
Well, once again you are criticizing the anime as an adaptation, not as something for itself. Stop! I found it a very interesting and intriguing episode - and yes! Finally made sense out of the ending story, "Death God's Record".

Of course, the opening itself has some spoilers about the main serpent (I think), but anyway... Explanations! Cool!
And there was that bloody cliffhanger! Oh, so very nice.

I, too, have begun feeling they will never make it a very good manga adaptation (because it's been nine episodes and I'm still confused); but yeah... I'll read it afterwards. After all, I'm guessing the anime's proving itself nicer for people who haven't read the manga...
AnaCarolinaJun 19, 2014 8:32 AM
Jun 11, 2014 7:00 PM

Sep 2013
Oh so the Little Monster was Ayano's bedtime story :)

Ayano's mom's singing face creeps the shit out of me, also the CG :/

Young Kido is cute.

I liked that song. The backstory was also very nice and the presentation was unique.

Woot more backstory.

"The Bespectacled Man of Mystery!" Lol "I'll gonna turn this boy into glasses, too!" XD

That's sad, but I guess that's how their dad got his red eyes.

Ah so Shuuya was telling Ene the story. Interesting I didn't know he could copy people's appearances.

Woah info dump, but this really helped the story make sense :P

Wait why would she have the Queen? Sure she has the power to petrify, but other than that :/

Ene's real body :O

Nice end cards and a great episode.
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