Who are you complaining to?
Viewers =="
Just kidding.. to make it more lively xD
But that's not good, kouhai!!
I'm not old.. I'm not old... Yeah, definitely not old
Ehh.. I never heard of life too..
So what kind of food is it?
I'm curious "Kininarimasu" (Anime reference xD)
I don't know, I just don't interested in K-Pop anymore..
Well, sometimes anime OP & ED.. The singers are from Korea..
Maybe I'm a bit interested.. A bit
I.. just never informed about anything outside Asia..
Why are you asking? Champs?
Sorry, but I never.. Maybe I'm not too well informed.. Gomen :(
Yeah, Portal 2 reference.. But then it's contaminated into every anime with cakes xD
Or maybe the cake is a spy!!
You definitely won't understand this xD
Right?? Beside cookies we have the fabulous dances
Anyway welcome!! I hope you'll like the dark side & stay forever xD
All Comments (8) Comments
Viewers =="
Just kidding.. to make it more lively xD
But that's not good, kouhai!!
I'm not old.. I'm not old... Yeah, definitely not old
Ehh.. I never heard of life too..
So what kind of food is it?
I'm curious "Kininarimasu" (Anime reference xD)
I don't know, I just don't interested in K-Pop anymore..
Well, sometimes anime OP & ED.. The singers are from Korea..
Maybe I'm a bit interested.. A bit
I.. just never informed about anything outside Asia..
Why are you asking? Champs?
Sorry, but I never.. Maybe I'm not too well informed.. Gomen :(
Still not 17
Totally not legal xD
Ehh- You're talking about my age?
So, you're now watching both western & eastern (anime,etc)??
I don't really remember
I think I just turned from K-Pop to this
I just remember Gintama & Fairy Tail.. Then bam..
Gomen, gomen~
I saw... Your history
And you just completed No Game no Life..
What's your opinion about that R+ anime?
It's for 17+ you know xD
Wah.. you're younger than me.. Now I feel old :(
Btw, what made you jump into the dark side??
Sadist?? Sadist everywhere? xD
I-It's not I'm angry or anything!! Hmph!! xD
Yeah, Portal 2 reference.. But then it's contaminated into every anime with cakes xD
Or maybe the cake is a spy!!
You definitely won't understand this xD
Right?? Beside cookies we have the fabulous dances
Anyway welcome!! I hope you'll like the dark side & stay forever xD
Thanks for the add :)
Nice to meet you ^^
"Recently been lured into the world of animes"
Welcome to the dark side!!
Here's your cookies xD
Ofc, there's no cake.. Cake is a lie
Btw, singular or plural.. It's still anime (without s)