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Apr 10, 2014 9:04 PM
Oct 2012
MaxVdub said:
peco's voice sounded familiar, but there's no va listed for him on mal. anyone know who it is?

This is the first anime for him to voice.
He seems to have some experiences as a theatrical performer, but new face for anime.
Apr 10, 2014 9:26 PM
Jul 2018
It was a good episode, but the art style is not my cup of tea.

That's Chinese Player was so good.
Apr 10, 2014 9:31 PM

Jul 2013
9 pages of threads and all I see is people bashing whoever hates the art style. I'd say the bashers (who are desperately trying to sound as if they are more mature & sophisticated) are as close-minded as those who can't accept different art styles.

Oh well.. looking at the poster I knew this was the sort of arts I'd see in the anime. Personally this art somehow... pisses me off. It's not like I can't accept it or something but somehow it reminds me of that despicable sumo anime that I watched earlier this week (I think it's Matsutaro something..).

I know the art styles are different but that one also has a non-mainstream art (poorly animated too) and the color palette is similar. That's probably why I can't shake off the feeling that I was watching similar anime and that pissed me off greatly. It doesn't help that none of the characters in this anime is the least bit interesting. Moreover there's one named Smile which reminds me of Hamatora, another anime I really hated. I'd probably like this more if I hadn't watched Matsutaro and Hamatora.

Oh and the ping pong match was boring too. I'll try to see if the 2nd episode is more interesting otherwise I'd rather not waste my time.
MoeGodApr 10, 2014 9:35 PM
Apr 10, 2014 9:40 PM

Aug 2012
man i loved this i had a smile on my face the whole time. i can see how people could dislike the art style (mainly the character designs) but i don't see how you can think Yuasa Masaaki's direction is anything but sublime man. the voice acting was really good (even the chinese va), the dialogue was well written, the characters are interesting, and so far the ost has been really good too. i never would've thought an anime about fucking ping pong would impress me this much in one episode i hope it doesn't disappoint.
Apr 10, 2014 9:43 PM

Mar 2012
jiraiya_sensei said:
It doesn't help that none of the characters in this anime is the least bit interesting.
I think that the characters are excellent.

This is just speculation, but perhaps you find them boring because they're relatively realistic. I mean, they don't have "magical" abilities, nor do they run around yelling about needing to become stronger, so that they can win nationals—which, from what I've seen, is the standard in sports anime.

For instance, I thought it was quite realistic how Peco dealt with his loss. He was devastated, but also kept his cool and accepted his loss. That's how real competitive athletes actually act. I half expected typical garbage like "I-impossible! I've never been defeated! Who is this new super power!?" and then "I'll beat you next time!" but thankfully we got none of that.
JoshApr 10, 2014 9:52 PM
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 10, 2014 9:46 PM

Jun 2012
This is what I expect out of the Noitamina time slot

The "Yuasa" pedigree doesn't really add to the hype for me considering the only other thing I've seen from him is Kick-Heart but this was a good premiere and I'm excited for more

I liked the punkish OP song but the ED sequence is what really caught my attention
HybridMBLApr 10, 2014 10:05 PM
Apr 10, 2014 10:07 PM

Jul 2013
Those are some good Ping Pong skills, but I need to get used to the animation and art, it doesn't seem appealing to me.

Oh wow the ED song was great :D.

Apr 10, 2014 10:09 PM

Jul 2013
Kafka-san said:

This is just speculation, but perhaps you find them boring because they're relatively realistic. I mean, they don't have "magical" abilities, nor do they run around yelling about needing to become stronger, so that they can win nationals—which, from what I've seen, is the standard in sports anime.

You're only half-correct there. I actually hate those with super powers (which is why I dropped Kuroko) but I do like to see some enthusiasm on the main characters otherwise I don't see any reason to cheer or root for them. There's a reason Slam Dunk is my favorite sports manga of all time.

That being said I am hating this anime for all the wrong reasons. I just wish there's something else good enough to divert my attention from those reasons.
Apr 10, 2014 10:57 PM

Feb 2012
jiraiya_sensei said:
Personally this art somehow... pisses me off. It's not like I can't accept it or something but somehow it reminds me of that despicable sumo anime that I watched earlier this week (I think it's Matsutaro something..).

I know the art styles are different but that one also has a non-mainstream art (poorly animated too) and the color palette is similar.

Matsutaro is pretty retro in design, but I wouldn't call it non-mainstream because it really reminds me of a standard anime from the past, whereas ping pong is relatively unique regardless of whether it was the 90's (when the manga was first published) or now. Also, the color palette...not really the same at all. Ping Pong is much brighter compared to the drab colors of Matsutaro.
Anyways, you seem to know yourself that your reasoning for disliking the show is a bit strange so whatever :P

But honestly, if you don't like it so much, just drop it, it's probably just not your cup of tea. Just please don't give it a low rating just for that reason. Some people come to MAL to look for stuff to watch, and I would hate to see this anime get a bad rep because people couldn't overcome the art style to which they're not accustomed to.
Apr 10, 2014 11:27 PM

Jun 2013
I watched it for the bishies

(no but really I don't know why I liked it but I did)
Apr 10, 2014 11:29 PM

Oct 2012
tankoubon-feind said:
man i loved this i had a smile on my face the whole time. i can see how people could dislike the art style (mainly the character designs) but i don't see how you can think Yuasa Masaaki's direction is anything but sublime man. the voice acting was really good (even the chinese va), the dialogue was well written, the characters are interesting, and so far the ost has been really good too. i never would've thought an anime about fucking ping pong would impress me this much in one episode i hope it doesn't disappoint.

I dont really dislike it, I just think it needs getting used to, there area lot of shows like this with interesting art. Kaiba for example didn't even closely resemble any form of anime, It looked more like an old bugs bunny show style of art then anime style, But that was still really good.
But i think this will end up being one of the highlights for this season, even though there is already so many good shows.

That ending was masterful! Sounded so good!
Apr 11, 2014 12:13 AM

Jan 2008
Was put off by the art at first, but it grew on me (in like less than a minute).

This will defiantly be an interesting one.

I always wanted to play ping pong.
Apr 11, 2014 12:33 AM

Nov 2010
I'm gonna watch this just cause of Chinese Player. he was a great character.
Apr 11, 2014 1:04 AM

Feb 2008
Anime of the season because they actually got someone who speaks Chinese to voice the Chinese player.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Apr 11, 2014 1:20 AM
Jul 2013
i loved everything about this episode oh my god. the personalities of all of them, the art style, it was directed really well in my opinion
Apr 11, 2014 1:30 AM

Feb 2012
Ultimately, it's hard not to see that regardless of whether you like the art style or not, it is the artist's own style, and not something that is reused for multiple Light Novel adaptations. When I watch shows like Ping Pong, I feel like I'm watching anime the way the creators wanted it to be. Isn't that was art is about? I don't go to MOMA to look at murals I can find at a chain restaurant wall, I go there to see stuff that may be strange but true to what the artist wanted to create.

As for the LN adaptations and the like, it's not so much the cliches (as even ping pong will play off some cliches/tropes of sports stories in the past), it's the fact that when I watch it, I feel like I'm being sold something and I don't really feel respected as a viewer. I find it similar to the sweet talk of a salesman, insincere.
Apr 11, 2014 1:34 AM

Sep 2013
The match against that chinese guy saved it. I really dislike that kind of art, but if it's an interesting anime, why not? So far, I'm just curious, the last match hooked me to watch the next episode.
Apr 11, 2014 1:38 AM

Oct 2010
I felt like I was watching a video from newgrounds. Damn its been awhile since I've seen such poor animation. Nevertheless, it oddly attracted me. We'll see where this goes.
Apr 11, 2014 2:05 AM

Dec 2012
Lol, look at all these hipsters and pretentious fuckers ''lel these mainstream moefags kids can't handle this unique and brilliant artstyle, how close minded and stupid XDDDD''. I mean really? the hypocrisy here is astounding.

These days people can't wait to get their hand on something that will make them superior and shit.

Some people didn't like the art and animation, what's the big deal? I don't, it's not interesting and being unique and different is not an inherently good thing. I loved The Tatami Galaxy art and style of animation, but I didn't like this, everyone has different preferences, so take your wannabe elitist bullshit elsewhere.
tsudecimoApr 11, 2014 2:09 AM
Apr 11, 2014 2:23 AM

Feb 2012
tsudecimo said:
Lol, look at all these hipsters and pretentious fuckers ''lel these mainstream moefags kids can't handle this unique and brilliant artstyle, how close minded and stupid XDDDD''. I mean really? the hypocrisy here is astounding.

These days people can't wait to get their hand on something that will make them superior and shit.

Some people didn't like the art and animation, what's the big deal? I don't, it's not interesting and being unique and different is not an inherently good thing. I loved The Tatami Galaxy art and style of animation, but I didn't like this, everyone has different preferences, so take your wannabe elitist bullshit elsewhere.

haha I'm gonna guess you liked the quick dialogue of tatami galaxy (basing this off your avatar), which is absent in ping pong.

But it's true, many of us have been less than courteous/understanding to the preferences of others (I like to think that I was pretty nice compared to the others :P ), but I think some of the seemingly knee-jerk reaction to the animation style is still pretty stupid.

And the whole "hipster" insult just perpetuates a never ending loop because your post sounds just as pretentious as any of the other posts (I'm not saying you are pretentious, though).
Apr 11, 2014 2:30 AM

Dec 2012
jimjameswhatever said:
tsudecimo said:
Lol, look at all these hipsters and pretentious fuckers ''lel these mainstream moefags kids can't handle this unique and brilliant artstyle, how close minded and stupid XDDDD''. I mean really? the hypocrisy here is astounding.

These days people can't wait to get their hand on something that will make them superior and shit.

Some people didn't like the art and animation, what's the big deal? I don't, it's not interesting and being unique and different is not an inherently good thing. I loved The Tatami Galaxy art and style of animation, but I didn't like this, everyone has different preferences, so take your wannabe elitist bullshit elsewhere.

haha I'm gonna guess you liked the quick dialogue of tatami galaxy (basing this off your avatar), which is absent in ping pong.

But it's true, many of us have been less than courteous/understanding to the preferences of others (I like to think that I was pretty nice compared to the others :P ), but I think some of the seemingly knee-jerk reaction to the animation style is still pretty stupid.

And the whole "hipster" insult just perpetuates a never ending loop because your post sounds just as pretentious as any of the other posts (I'm not saying you are pretentious, though).

Yeah you are right here, but I also loved the Tatami Galaxy art and animation. I don't know, it doesn't feel similar at all to Ping Pong's. And like I said in my initial post in this thread, it's closer to Kemonozume's. I think it slightly better than Kemonozume's but that doesn't say much imo.

Well the hipster thing seems accurate though. I mean their biggest defense is attacking the users who showed distaste with ''lol enjoy your mainstream moe trash, this isn't for you'' I think they literally used the word mainstream a couple of times. Instead of explaining why this anime as a whole is great so far.
Apr 11, 2014 3:00 AM

Dec 2010
tsudecimo said:
Lol, look at all these hipsters and pretentious fuckers ''lel these mainstream moefags kids can't handle this unique and brilliant artstyle, how close minded and stupid XDDDD''. I mean really? the hypocrisy here is astounding.

These days people can't wait to get their hand on something that will make them superior and shit.

You need to learn the meaning of hypocrisy, cause I don`t get whats wrong with not liking moe anime (as quoted from you "Some people didn't like the art and animation, what's the big deal?") and liking this.
Apr 11, 2014 3:02 AM

Jun 2011
Well, the art was.... very, very different. Normally this isn't a bad thing, but it was sloppy. There were huge amounts of QUALITY in it and it just doesn't really appeal to me. I'll continue to watch this, but y'all got to stop being wannabe elitists.
Apr 11, 2014 3:16 AM
Sep 2011
People, just stop with this bickering. This thread is for people who want to discuss the actual show, not for petty arguments about other users' supposed preferences. If you feel the need to insult others take it elsewhere please.
Apr 11, 2014 4:05 AM
Mar 2011
I was hooked because of that chinese! My chinese isn't that great, but it definitely fun to understand part of the episode without focusing on the sub. The dialogue is natural too.
Apr 11, 2014 4:14 AM

Apr 2014
Guten tag leute, i'm new here on mal. :)
Loved the episode, the voice actors (china) are really good.
"Even villains have standards"

Apr 11, 2014 4:23 AM

Dec 2008
Not a big fan of Ping Pong, but this was pretty good. The characters look interesting, the art doesn't bother me in the slightest and I loved the ED. I'm pretty excited for the next episodes.
Apr 11, 2014 4:54 AM

Sep 2013

This was just what I expected coming from Tatami Galaxy. Very much looking forward to the rest.

8/10 for now, 5/5 for this episode. Third favorite show from this season, after Knights of Sidonia and Captain Earth
Apr 11, 2014 5:18 AM

Apr 2009
I liked it more on a rewatch. China is so great.

Also, Veronin, I'm going to have to disagree. This does not look the exact same as Tatami Galaxy, Tatami's visuals were more polished and the animation was smoother. I don't dislike Ping Pong's visual style, but to say it's just a copy paste of Tatami's is a discredit to both.
Apr 11, 2014 5:48 AM

Apr 2013
lnteresting, but I don't sense much of a story yet.

Art style is different like expected from that director, some parts I thought was weird, others were quite beautiful.
Apr 11, 2014 5:53 AM
Oct 2011
"It's different therefore it's good/bad"
Please people, stop using that argument, because it makes you look dumb. Ty.

Nidhoeggr said:
galimx said:
@Mallony Says the guy with yusogo no sora and highschool of the dead in his favourites :) Funny, but ok.

I am sure it is the "art" that draws people to these shows ;-)
It's actually the pl0t as well.
Eudaimonia said:
I have the feeling the discussion is going a bit off-topic. Let's not insult each other because of personal tastes, shall we?
But what's MAL without bashing each other's opinions and favorites?

An ok episode, didn't mind the art, and the animation was good at some points despite the repeated scenes, but I'm not into sports anime so won't follow.
Amarrez said:
I liked it more on a rewatch. China is so great.

Also, Veronin, I'm going to have to disagree. This does not look the exact same as Tatami Galaxy, Tatami's visuals were more polished and the animation was smoother. I don't dislike Ping Pong's visual style, but to say it's just a copy paste of Tatami's is a discredit to both.
Yup, that as well. This and TG are different even though they're by the same director.
Apr 11, 2014 6:06 AM

Jan 2009
i like it im not gonna be surprise if this win art style and animation award this year

lol so peco is not really better than smile, i wanna see smile get serious and win against china
degApr 11, 2014 6:36 AM
Apr 11, 2014 6:28 AM

Mar 2008
This is what you call 'exceeding expectations'. PING PONG IS BEST.
Apr 11, 2014 7:47 AM

Sep 2011
the animation is shitty but idc im enjoying this anime so much
into my list<3
Apr 11, 2014 7:49 AM

Aug 2011
Meh, not a fan of the art.
Smiles and laughter are always good, but never forget your Poker Face.~
Apr 11, 2014 7:51 AM

Dec 2012
galimx said:
The anime doesnt have generic elements like most animes that the industry is giving us nowdays. There is no moe, no boobs, no cute things, no explosion, no super powers, no bishounens, no pretty art. Its just Yuasas style. If you have watched any of his other works you know what im talking about. Yuasa has a different art style, a free art style approach. The characters are complex with good dialogs. The animation in ping pong is one of the best this season. There isnt anything bad to say about ping pong because its faboulus. All the hate just because of the different art makes me puke. People dont apreciar nothing new nowdays. They just like the generic look all over again, each season, each year with their cliche qt characters in it... On the other hand its also personal preferance, everyone has its own, but you must have an objective opinion as well, not just subjective. If the anime uses a different approach and different style it doesnt makes it bad, just unusual.

Yuasa-dono, please carry on.

There are a lot of wrong stupid things in this post, the most important is that there is such thing as an objective opinion. Objective opinions don't exist, there is only subjective ones, like yours and mine and etc. Please don't escalate the stupidity here. You seem to be the worst offender in this thread.
Apr 11, 2014 8:18 AM

Oct 2011
galimx said:
On the other hand its also personal preferance, everyone has its own, but you must have an objective opinion as well, not just subjective. If the anime uses a different approach and different style it doesnt makes it bad, just unusual.

Yuasa-dono, please carry on.
AversaApr 13, 2014 12:29 PM
Apr 11, 2014 8:21 AM

Oct 2011
Chinese was spot on. I hope to see Smile vs China!!!
Apr 11, 2014 8:22 AM
Jun 2008
Hah, had to reply after tsudecimo's last post.

When we talk about subjectiveness and opinion, its usually when someone likes a shitty/bad taste piece or dislikes a masterpiece for some reason. Whether the works of art are good or bad is not a point of debate, nor is it something subjective concerning opinions. Anyone can like or dislike Dante's Divine Comedy, Beethoven's 9th or Van Gogh's Starry Night, but if anyone goes on to say that they are shit, he will be rightfully laughed at and ridiculed. Artistic quality is objective.

Why debates like this get started is usually because of narrow mindedness. I mean no one should really be surprised why every thread about Mamoru Oishii movies has the same comments about "slow plot/no plot at all" and why every anime with unconventional art style is instantly labeled as garbage when you check out the top anime on this and other sites (not just anime as well).

Of course there are people that just don't like something, but I assure you, they are the extreme minority. If you still think the discrepancy I outlined in the previous paragraph is not related to this, you are plain and simply wrong.
Wind_FalconApr 13, 2014 2:05 PM
Apr 11, 2014 8:22 AM

Jan 2008
I picked this anime up only because I play Ping Pong. But hey, it's not so bad. So far so good. Thumbs up.
Apr 11, 2014 8:22 AM

Mar 2008
IntroverTurtle said:
tsudecimo said:
Lol, look at all these hipsters and pretentious fuckers ''lel these mainstream moefags kids can't handle this unique and brilliant artstyle, how close minded and stupid XDDDD''. I mean really? the hypocrisy here is astounding.
What do you expect them to say? It's only with anime that use a significantly different art style that we get all these crap art comments. And where is the hypocrisy with me saying it?

The worst thing about these little 'shitstorms' is that everybody takes it as a personal spat. Straw-manning is everywhere, and people select their targets, aiming for the most offensive, over-the-top rants which were probably troll comments anyway.

And hey, some people actually give a sound argument and wreck those flawed stirrers to bits, but then, for every poster that does that, we have 5 or more who get embroiled in some terrible little dirt-flinging contest that muddies the whole room.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that provocateurs, intentional or otherwise exist on both sides, and people need to grow the hell up and just stick to their side of the little line in the sand, because clearly, some of us just aren't mature enough to deal with opposing opinions.

Also, this episode was fantastic.
Apr 11, 2014 9:44 AM
Sep 2013
I want to recommend those who hate art style to read manga.
The art is much work better in manga and in black and white.

And Live Action Movie(I don't know whether this is available with english sub) is surprisingly very good too, for those who hate art style. Actually I hated art stile and could not read it more than 3page before watching live action movie as a child.

I understand why people pay attention to art style because it is different from others especially among anime, but the story itself is one of the masterpieces of story telling.There is a reason why it has gotten anime adaptation after so long time.

umashikanekoApr 12, 2014 5:55 PM
Apr 11, 2014 10:22 AM

Apr 2013
This was awesome, tbh.

Amarrez said:
China is so great.

I'm sure I repeated the "is this hell?" line 15 times at least.
Apr 11, 2014 10:37 AM

Oct 2012
I loved how Yuasa managed to put Matsumoto's wonderful art in motion. It's a real treat to see such a difficult art style adapted with justice. Yuasa's eye for directing is still as sharp as ever.

The story is engaging but not new. Wenge is cool but I know I've seen his archetype used a couple of other times. Heck, even the whole Smile-Peco dynamic reminds me of Touch in some way (the characterization is different, of course.)

I'm very excited about this series. I'm pretty sure it'll develop further in future episodes. Will definitely watch some more.
Apr 11, 2014 1:58 PM

Oct 2011
The terrible animation kinda ruins the matches a bit for me. Albeit, I do appreciate them actually hiring Chinese VA's for the Chinese characters, and the fact that the matches look quite realistic, is always a plus.

Apr 11, 2014 2:49 PM

Jul 2010
Utterly fascinating, this is like fresh air for me. In an Era of moeshit and such, I love seeing this kind of unique works done.

Smile looks more MC than Peco btw.
Apr 11, 2014 3:08 PM

Jan 2011
wasn't bad got used to the art within 5mins since it's clearly the look they were going for

also ED is pretty great op is alright
Apr 11, 2014 3:33 PM

Mar 2012
Jody32 said:
I never knew so much can be attained about Ping Pong and the people involved in a match just by listening to the players game it on.
I've never been a competitive ping pong player, but I'd guess that that scene was more than a little overblown.
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Apr 11, 2014 4:44 PM
Aug 2013
Haikyuu first ep was better by a mile. After watching this I still don't get who is the main character. But overall it was enjoyable, China seems like an interesting character. Art style is... unique, but there's something "cool" about it.
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