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Mar 18, 2014 1:09 PM

Sep 2011
FlareKnight said:
afnakfanfn said:
Predictable episode. In the first episode we have seen Bizon wearing a helmet that is similar to the coupling system so from that episode alone I knew they will eventually capture the coupling machines.

This episode further proved that Zogilla is like the Nazi Germany and the Alliance is run by a bunch of idiots. The former is even worst because they just kills every alliance people and even go as far and swears to it.

Stop praising Hina's character because he just took three (3) soldiers and made three (3) family fatherless with his so-called "cool" death. That's not cool to me, unless you're a minor then I understand if that was cool for you.

I understand that the Alliance is losing the war so it's pretty much obvious that they have no choice but to go defensive. But that kind of gets annoying specially now that we have 11 episodes.

The episode is so, so but if you have low standard in which you take everything as it is without even questioning then you'll rate it to "i love it 5/5."

Honestly I think you're a bit off the mark with this episode. I mean how on Earth did Zogilia end up as Nazis? They are no more patriotic than any other country in the middle of a major conflict. And they are attacking a base, casualties are kind of a given. Of course they are going to get rid of anyone that gets in the way. They are stealing key weaponry not going to a grocery store.

And yeah we should get on Hina's father for his death while ignoring the people who wanted to shoot someone they figured was already dead. That's cool after all, they were so going to go and get him medical care right?

If you don't like an episode, that's not a big deal. But don't pretend that people who do have inferior standards to your own.
yah those are pretty dumb complaints since they essentially boiled down to "why are they killing people in a war" yah hit the nail on the head pretty well.

And this was one of the episodes that made the zogilia NOT seem like nazi's, in some of the early episodes we only saw them being strict oppressive military that treats their soldiers like shit while the alliance was all happy and care free, while these recent episodes have shown them in their free time enjoying themselves and in the last episode that they have a sense of humor of some kind and emotional connection to eachother. For the first time in the series they made the alliance seem like assholes for a bit

its the first ep in this series where it feels like a war and not a good vs evil match

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 18, 2014 1:48 PM

Dec 2008
Was Dio able to see that Aoba's been telling the truth about where he came from?

I've just about had it with Hina and Bizon. They should've just shot those Valiancer's down.

Sent with Mal Updater
Mar 18, 2014 3:50 PM
Sep 2011
I really liked the episode, except I would have loved for them to get the Valiancers back...:(

I think BC is a really good Anime (better than Valvrave) and for me this ep was just another proof for that.
They show more of the developing relationship between Dio and Aoba and don't just throw random supernatural things in it...;D

When I saw the pic of Hina as a kid (when she was found) I didn't know it for sure but I thought: Oh this could be a school uniform...Is there anyone else who thinks, that she may be the same Hina (Aoba thinks) and just became a kid instead of dying???

I really love the Anime, also because I love friendship, but I really wonder how they are going to solve the "Am I going bakc into my time or staying in the future" part of the story...also I think Sunrise (that was it, right?) is going for a season 2...since I seriously doubt they'll be able to put it in 13 eps...
Mar 18, 2014 5:40 PM
Custom Title

Jul 2009
This show is to damn unpredictable!
Mar 18, 2014 6:08 PM

Sep 2011
Aoba had a problem shooting and killing someone, but hasn't he killed countless people in their mechas already? Also what this idiot Aoba doesn't understand is that just because your friends with the enemy that doesn't make her the friend/Ally of everyone else.
ColdXClueMar 18, 2014 6:22 PM
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Mar 18, 2014 6:27 PM

Apr 2011
Well at least now Dio knows that Aoba really knows Hina and that he's really from the past
Mar 18, 2014 7:45 PM
Jan 2014
To all the people who constantly complaining about about Aobas personality Hes not a friggin soldier hes a high school student pulled into time travel mess forced into piloting a mech that can cause a mental breakdown.
The person who rescued him was put back in time 60 years instead of the 70 years he was pulled into the timeline where she first met him. Episode 1 she told him to trust her and he does and she also told him to believe in her. She almost knew what she was going to do. She also wanted Aoba to reach out to her and have his
trust in her break it only to help him out later. His personality is a direct result of losing his own father who was a firefighter. Hes not fighting a war because he hates zogillia. Hes clearly fighting for people he cares about even if it means disobeying orders to protect someone who he does actually care about. It doesnt matter what side she is on he will continue to protect her.
Mar 18, 2014 9:53 PM

Apr 2008
bastek66 said:
No it was diffrent mecha, Koyasu build it.
That was hacker.

That son of a bitch!
Mar 18, 2014 10:28 PM
Jun 2012
Read on chia-anime that the Past Aoba may had die in the future so Hina went to the past and told the past Aoba that Dio is waiting for him...
So sad...i thought of that to in the beginning ep but i don't want him to die! and about Aoba being Hina's father, I WON'T ALLOW IT! HINA X AOBA!
Mar 18, 2014 10:48 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
I haven't seen that many mecha anime by Sunrise, but wow, this is already the third where a daughter gets told by dying father (who is some sort of important person) that he's not really her father. Even though I didn't predict it, it was definitely not surprising...

Anyways, I love how Dio gives up fighting against Aoba who says that he will not shoot Hina down. Not only that, but Dio's definitely warmed up to Aoba since he was shouting at Bizon to let go of Aoba. And lastly, he will finally believe that Aoba is not lying about coming from the past, and about Hina. Must've been one hell of a confusing moment (not to mention, that seemed painful). The valiancers were cooler though than the new mechs.
Mar 18, 2014 11:42 PM

Dec 2010
Kind of a boring episode in my eyes. The second part was a lot more interesting though, and now I'm beginning to wonder how time travel works in this series' universe. Also, there is no way this is a 1 cour show, it's impossible to reach a conclusion in the amount of episodes left.
Mar 19, 2014 12:01 AM

Jan 2014
shinsa said:
I think this anime is going to end up trolling us and end with Hina going back to start the time loop again.

Or maybe only her memory passed to another Hina on the past.
About her giant mech..... errrr.

lol so confusing
Mar 19, 2014 12:36 AM
Jul 2018
Didn't like it too much at the start because the part with Hina and her father seemed rather anticlimatic. The aftermath of Hina's emotional breakdown was also handled poorly imo.
It got better towards the end though now that Dio knows his situation. His story will be taken more seriously.

I also think Hina traveled back further than Aoba and for some reason as a child. That will link things in nicely.

Annnd...Ryazan revealing his secret before dying (while refusing treatment), Hina breaking down, Aoba telling Hina to join him, sharing of memories during intense fight...Wow, this show really will use all the cliches of mecha anime :P
Mar 19, 2014 7:33 AM

May 2012
CodeST said:
Did anyone notice this?

Time loop over and over again. No good.
Mar 19, 2014 9:03 AM

Sep 2008
Can anyone please report Aoba for assisting enemy forces during their invade, promptly sentence him to death for high treason and make Dio main character?

Please? Just to make that "Hina. Hina. Hina!" stop.
He looked different from usual mecha protagonists in that he was actually capable and did stuff at first. Now he's just whining about Hina 90% of his script.

Just shoot the bastard and retrieve your mechas with pilots capable of following orders and engaging enemy.

Hell, for all high command might see it, Hina blatantly lied to Aoba to reduce his morale, make him feel sorry for her and not fight anymore. It would be a great strategic choice. Of course, expecting any kind of military logic in anime would be too much. If this was 2nd episode I'd probably drop it right now.
However, it's 11th so no point dropping a show 2 episodes away from ending. If I survived through Kurogane no Linebarels I'll survive through this as well.
Mar 19, 2014 12:07 PM
Jan 2014
nina4life said:
Can anyone please report Aoba for assisting enemy forces during their invade, promptly sentence him to death for high treason and make Dio main character?

Please? Just to make that "Hina. Hina. Hina!" stop.
He looked different from usual mecha protagonists in that he was actually capable and did stuff at first. Now he's just whining about Hina 90% of his script.

Just shoot the bastard and retrieve your mechas with pilots capable of following orders and engaging enemy.

Hell, for all high command might see it, Hina blatantly lied to Aoba to reduce his morale, make him feel sorry for her and not fight anymore. It would be a great strategic choice. Of course, expecting any kind of military logic in anime would be too much. If this was 2nd episode I'd probably drop it right now.
However, it's 11th so no point dropping a show 2 episodes away from ending. If I survived through Kurogane no Linebarels I'll survive through this as well.

you dont seem to clearly understand aobas actions in this episode hes not person with a military mindset.

He now knows the truth to what happend she lost her memories and everything she knew was a complete utter lie. She was a confused panicked state. The point of this episode wasnt going against aobas back. When they performed that coupling with firebrand and skynight triggered something and because of that dio and aoba exchanged memories
. Aoba has very high morals and a strong sense of justice like his father his mindset is more of a firefighter. Dio now knows why he lied to him in episode 8 tried to save her in episode 3 stopped him from killing her in episode 5. It was because he was telling truth. The hina from the future seemed to know the events taking place and that is why she told him trust her. She knew this was going to happen. She also wanted Aoba to reach out to her.
bagface36Mar 19, 2014 12:18 PM
Mar 19, 2014 2:42 PM
Sep 2012
Hina turned into a child? That's just plain STUPID.
Mar 19, 2014 3:42 PM
Jan 2014
No she didnt she was 10 years earlier and her existence merged with her past self with no memories and her only remembered her name yet she was wearing the same uniform as Aobas highschool. It makes sense.
Mar 19, 2014 4:04 PM

Mar 2014
Mordant said:

Alliance only weapon that gives them a chance against Zogiria (spelling?) gets stolen and you don't do anything about because some newbie from god-knows-where says that it was his friend? What's worse, we are getting the same situation every freaking second episode.

This complete lack of any logic in (pretty much all of the) cast behavior is killing this show.

I think their decision still plausible. Because his natural compatibility with coupling machine aoba is as good as a wildcard and irreplaceable. If the stolen machine got shoot down and kill hina in the process, possibly aoba will break down or rebel. That way alliance will loose 2 couplers, because dio cant do coupling without him. In other hand zogilia's chance to get compatible coupler are slim.
For me it just like gambling, both choice have its own merit and demerit.
Mar 19, 2014 10:18 PM
Feb 2014
Hina having a breakdown and actually considering switching sides after all the "ZOGILIA'S ENEMY IS MY ENEMY" shit in the previous episodes was kinda unrealistic
I liked the super coupling with Aoba and Dio, though...reminds me a bit of Gundam 00 Second Season with all the "sharing memories".
Mar 20, 2014 5:23 AM
Jan 2014
You guys seem to misunderstand that she was brought up as a war orphan being told everyone who is not from zogillia is a enemy. She was lied by her adopted father and then he told her she only remembered her name. The only person Hina can trust is Aoba currently she may have broken his trust she had reasons for doing so.
I think Aoba understands Hina better than anyone.
Her future self must have merged with her past self and that explains the memory loss. She felt betrayed by what her father said to her and the only person she can go to is Aoba.
She took the luxon not because she wanted to she did it to stop bizon from killing him and then he decided to chase him and bizon went after him and dio had to stop him she couldnt do anything because her fear of having suspicion. She was clearly brainwashed into believing everything that zogillia was doing was morally correct and Aoba stood up against to gengo to what he believed in he couldnt let them do that and because of that they were making a gamble.
The key to the alliance winning this war for the alliance is aoba who was telling the truth about coming from the past. If anyone remember dr fermis time leap theory it explains to why he is so compatible with the coupling system. He truly was telling the truth. And about people supporting bizon he tried to kill Aoba and in hina and had no qualms about killing civilians in episode 1. Hes clearly insane at this point.
bagface36Mar 20, 2014 5:26 AM
Mar 20, 2014 8:50 AM

Aug 2012
they got their mechs stolen but they have a spare strike freedom and infinite justice so no worries...

and they'll just use berserker mode instead of coupling system

Mod Edit: double post merged.
ThangLongMar 21, 2014 8:47 AM

someone else always have what you want, but it usually means nothing to them...
Mar 20, 2014 9:32 AM

Nov 2012
bastek66 said:
niaxato said:
Not sure if Aoba could suck any more. Kira was a better MC than this tool.

Well, if this ends up being a split cour, hopefully the second season can turn the show around from this train wreck.

What is wrong with him? He's pretty good protagonist, definitely best of recent mecha.

And learn what's trainwreck because you clearly don't know what are you talking about.

/shrug, if you like it, more power to you, just expressing my opinion. Not sure how a mc screaming Hina for 11 episodes and basically ready to let everything burn for a girl he has known for 15 mins, regardless of her being the one who brought him to the future makes a good mc but whatever.

As far as train wreck goes, if everything makes sense to you, that's great. All I see is some very vague mentions of time travel and a lot of screaming. If there is a second season maybe it will make more sense to me.

Edit: Ok, so he has known her for 2 days instead of 15 mins. Still barely knows her. And yeah, she did bring him to the future, but up until the middle of episode 8, she was trying to kill him or at very least very hostile towards him. Just didn't like the way he constantly jeopardizes the people actually helping him.
niaxatoMar 21, 2014 4:01 PM
Mar 20, 2014 5:43 PM
Nov 2013
niaxato said:
bastek66 said:
niaxato said:
Not sure if Aoba could suck any more. Kira was a better MC than this tool.

Well, if this ends up being a split cour, hopefully the second season can turn the show around from this train wreck.

What is wrong with him? He's pretty good protagonist, definitely best of recent mecha.

And learn what's trainwreck because you clearly don't know what are you talking about.

/shrug, if you like it, more power to you, just expressing my opinion. Not sure how a mc screaming Hina for 11 episodes and basically ready to let everything burn for a girl he has known for 15 mins, regardless of her being the one who brought him to the future makes a good mc but whatever.

As far as train wreck goes, if everything makes sense to you, that's great. All I see is some very vague mentions of time travel and a lot of screaming. If there is a second season maybe it will make more sense to me.

15 mins? are we watching the same show? pretty sure even just in ep 1 alone they had interact more than 15mins, not to mention episode 8
Takeoff31Mar 20, 2014 6:04 PM
Mar 20, 2014 6:37 PM

Sep 2011
niaxato said:
Not sure how a mc screaming Hina for 11 episodes and basically ready to let everything burn for a girl he has known for 15 mins,
very skewed view of what the character relaitonships are, for starter aoba has known hina before the series they just hadnt talked much, being transported 70 year in the future and her being literally the only person he knows anymore would give you a shit ton of reason as to why youd at least try to be around her to learn what the fuck is going on, it wasnt till they got trapped on that island together(which btw they were on there for over a full day and night which is way more than 15 min) he came to realize shes not the same person he knew however he did in fact spend an entire day and night with her and actually was able to talk to her and get to know her without them trying to kill eachother in battle.

Its completely logical that aoba acts the way he does with her

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 20, 2014 7:24 PM
Jan 2014
JizzyHitler said:
niaxato said:
Not sure how a mc screaming Hina for 11 episodes and basically ready to let everything burn for a girl he has known for 15 mins,
very skewed view of what the character relaitonships are, for starter aoba has known hina before the series they just hadnt talked much, being transported 70 year in the future and her being literally the only person he knows anymore would give you a shit ton of reason as to why youd at least try to be around her to learn what the fuck is going on, it wasnt till they got trapped on that island together(which btw they were on there for over a full day and night which is way more than 15 min) he came to realize shes not the same person he knew however he did in fact spend an entire day and night with her and actually was able to talk to her and get to know her without them trying to kill eachother in battle.

Its completely logical that aoba acts the way he does with her

Aoba is caught in a timeloop he remembers everything that happend to him except for everyone around him doesnt it explains why he is so hesitant towards her and refuses to let anyone shoot her down. The answer to happend to what happend to the hina that saved him is that she merged with her past self 10 years earlier to where he ended up It also helps to realise her father lied to her she only remembered her name i think she does indeed trust Aoba but she had to go along with bizon to stop him from killing Aoba.
She was hesitant to stop him and by going through this mission shes protecting him by stealing the luxon overcoming his own trust for her She was trying to protect Aoba from a distance its similar to whats she did in episode 1 by remaining cold and distant towards him. It also helps to know why dio now knows the truth the time leap theory by dr fermi is now true Aoba indeed came from the past and it explains to what happend to hina.
Mar 20, 2014 11:40 PM
Sep 2013
I thought it was so obvious that he wasn't her father that I'm more surprised she hasn't figured it out. For one thing, she's suppose to be Japanese while he suppose to not be Japanese.

Kudos to Aoba for how firmly he stood his ground about shooting down Hina; sometimes a man's gotta act on his feelings if he feels strongly enough about it.
Mar 21, 2014 1:08 AM
Nov 2013
MrNTR said:
I thought it was so obvious that he wasn't her father that I'm more surprised she hasn't figured it out. For one thing, she's suppose to be Japanese while he suppose to not be Japanese.

Kudos to Aoba for how firmly he stood his ground about shooting down Hina; sometimes a man's gotta act on his feelings if he feels strongly enough about it.

She may not Japanese, the father found her in Zagreb, Zagreb is Croatia, i think about Hina's name, Hina is name of famous news agency in Croatia who is based in Zagreb..
Mar 22, 2014 6:21 PM

Feb 2013
Called it! Dude wasn't Hina's real dad.

Those old-model coupling mecha showed us that the coupling system has more potential. Screw you limiters!... probably have to wait till season2 for that though...
Mar 26, 2014 6:18 AM

Nov 2011

How many stupid things have lined up one behind the other. Hina Aoba and more and more unbearable was the highest during their dialogue, I would have strangled! D:
The good that they do not understand never a pipe, about what they want to do the bad guys.
At least the story is engaging and irritating at the same time. ^ ^ "
Plot? It could have been better, however, so far, everything went smoothly comel'olio.
I smell a second season.
Drawings, as usual, just enough I think more and more that Sunrise did not want to spend much, oh well!
Mar 26, 2014 11:04 PM

Oct 2013
I think this may end up being the infinite cycle of Hina traveling back and forth through time
Mar 27, 2014 8:12 AM

Jun 2013
LOLLL at Dio's "Let Aoba go!"
It's like a love triangle between Aoba Dio and Hina :x
Mar 29, 2014 1:43 PM

Apr 2013
Well, we're seeing that Bixon, a cool and composed character in the beginning, is finally starting to match the Bizon in the first episode. I'm actually interested to see Bizon's development; his childhood friend and love is getting farther away from him.
Apr 1, 2014 7:42 PM

Nov 2012
When they were showing each other connecting and the memories it kind of reminded me about Newtypes
Apr 6, 2014 11:13 AM

Jun 2011
Lol the whole thing with Hina was stupid, and the cliche "you are not my daughter", it wasn't even done well, Hina's dad was a plot device, and the drama about her was so bad. Aoba was annoying too in this episode, "Hina's there, you can't shoot them down", oh wait, it's smarter to let the enemy get a hold of your technology. The only part I liked about the episode was the Dio/Aoba thing, now Dio knows about Aoba, where he is from, about Hina, and so on, and Aoba now knows about Dio's past, I can't wait to see how this plays out.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Apr 10, 2014 8:01 PM

Jun 2012
Damn, so now Dio knows he's from the past...

I don't want them to rush, but I really hope I don't have to wait until the second season to know why Hina went to the past. :/

ToG25thBaam said:
Lol the whole thing with Hina was stupid, and the cliche "you are not my daughter", it wasn't even done well, Hina's dad was a plot device, and the drama about her was so bad. Aoba was annoying too in this episode, "Hina's there, you can't shoot them down", oh wait, it's smarter to let the enemy get a hold of your technology. The only part I liked about the episode was the Dio/Aoba thing, now Dio knows about Aoba, where he is from, about Hina, and so on, and Aoba now knows about Dio's past, I can't wait to see how this plays out.
Yeah, I agree, that reveal was kinda meh. Honestly I don't even see what the big deal with it was... she should've known, it's not like he never told her... she just forgot about it. She clearly wasn't all that young when he found her, so I don't even see how she didn't know. Also I don't see why it matters so much to her personally, it's not like anyone knows her biological father... and he raised her so he might as well be her "real" father. But I guess some people are just bothered by that more than others.
HalibelTheEspadaApr 10, 2014 8:05 PM
May 14, 2014 8:19 PM

May 2012
07:42 umad, pirate?

12:30 unmei no futatabi no saikai

7.5/10 for this episode.
Dio shares his mem now?
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Nov 22, 2014 2:49 PM

Jun 2014
Hina not being his daughter was so shocking, I thought they resembled each other perfectly.

Jul 27, 2015 5:47 PM

May 2012
So they shared their past with each other through the incompatible linking? Well that sure was interesting! A bit of a melodramatic episode but I liked the development and overall change in atmosphere! Let's see what's next.
Jan 14, 2017 7:54 AM

Dec 2015
And the show has suddenly taken a huge dump right in front of us...
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
May 4, 2017 6:45 PM
Apr 2015
Anyone else think Bizon was the one from the first episode ?? The similarities are uncanny
Feb 13, 2021 5:05 PM

Feb 2012
Ah, the prototypes that are actually more powerful but weren't used because they are in fact dangerous for the pilots.

Of course, the special buddy Aoba can handle it.

The first time I saw this, I expected Aoba or Dio to kill Ryazan, ruining Aoba's relationship with Hina (maybe they would've done this if it were 2-cour), but a background character mortally wounded him instead.

When Ryazan found Hina, she was wearing her school uniform, so the implication is that Hina exited the time tunnel earlier and wound up in approximately 2074 in Zagreb whereas Aoba wound up in 2084. Perhaps it was because Hina exited the time tunnel without the Valiancer that she lost her memories and became a child. But this Hina is likely destined to go back in time to rescue Aoba from a jealous Bizon killing him, so she's like the embodiment of a bootstrap paradox; destined to switch between the identities of Hina Yumihara in the past and Hina Ryazan in the future forever, with no defining origin. Same with her hairclip, Hina receives it from Aoba on the island, but Aoba receives it from Hina after she (likely intentionally) left it behind in the cockpit in the time tunnel.

Also regarding Hina being adopted being "Obvious": Well, this is anime, we got brown-haired green-eyed Japanese Aoba. Hina Yumihara was an exchange student so maybe she isn't fully Japanese or not Japanese at all, thereby passing as the non-Japanese Ryazan's daughter. Picking the Japanese name Yumihara as an identity was perhaps a mistake on her part to fit in.

Alternatively, Ryazan is from the Asian part of Zogillia (he was only deployed in Croatia) and can pass for being Hina's father.
Fortress_MaximusFeb 13, 2021 5:12 PM

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