I am...
a happy pessimist, kind of crazy (in a good way, I hope ;D), curious, sometimes very blunt and honest, a bad listener (but I try~~), a hobby-writer, a very bad singer (no modesty but pure honesty), picky about my likes and dislikes except for food, accepting of other people's opinions, polite when necessary, very~~ lazy (lazy, not incompetent or unmotivated), a fast talker, a serious daydreamer =3
I think that pretty much sums up my character, if your're still interested in being friends with me or have any questions etc feel free to leave a comment, message or friend request :D
Also as a side info, my manga list is probably not up-to-date at all...I just read too much ^.^ so I gave up making a list of it...
Regarding my anime ratings:
10 - I liked it very much/this was AMAZING
9 - the same as above + there was this one plotline or character that was annoying
8 - it was great but not masterpiece great/it was fun to watch
7 - it was ok, I guess/It wasn't that good but it's definitely better than giving it a 6 or 5
6/5 - I watched it and I didn't hate it
4 and below - everything below 4 is the same and I didn't really care anymore...it's just bad and not my kinda thing
All Comments (7) Comments
We are at the beginning of the season and at the Anime Guild our main specialization is being a Seasonal Club.
We choose the best Opening, Ending, Character and of course Anime of the Season with also a Review Section and a Power Ranking Group
If that seems appealing to you, you should join in for the full Fall 2016 experience!
I have already sent an invite as well as provide a link to our club ^.^ - http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=63899
would you like to join us ?