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Monogatari Series: Final Season
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Dec 31, 2012 1:07 PM
Jul 2010
Don't really want to do the whole chapter thing because it's tedious considering the setup of the 'season' for the last three novels. Finished Tsukimonogatari recently and things are blowing my mind. If you're not in search of spoilers, head back because anything beyond the beautiful line below will be riddled with them and you'll want to kill me.

====================Spoilers Ahoy=====================

First thing first : Holy shit Araragi can't just resort to his vampirism to solve all his problems now, it's like he's finally in a real pinch. Not to mention that it isn't just a limitation, it's a freakkin' ultimatum. He turns into a vampire, he dies and/or shinobu dies.

Second : Looks like we're finally going to see the grandiose return of our chain smoking, pink hawaiin shirt wearing, demon slayin' with bare bear hands manly man Oshino Meme. Nisio really succeeded in turning Oshino into a badass character. It's turned into a situation where Shinobu is doomed unless Meme intervenes and neutralizes the whole situation with the demon slayers and the vampire.

Third : The new looks. Karen with a ponytail and Tsukihi with the long hair is cute, not to mention the anticipated return of travelling Hanekawa, wonder what she'll look like.

Fourth : Ononoki is surprisingly cute.

Fifth : Nisio hasn't tampered with traps in his stuff yet. Nice to see that Ougi is dual gender, will be interesting to finally know if she really is Oshino or not.

Generally speaking, well rounded novel, some really amazing scenes and of course classic fan service (lol taking a bath with your sister) and the Hitagi scene at the end was very cute with the chocolates. Being a Shinobu favourite, I'm sincerely worried on the outcome of the series. Knowing NisiOisiN's previous work, I would not at all be surprised at her inevitable death (which really seems inevitable at this point) and Araragi turning to Senjougahara alone for final consolation (much like the end of Tsukimonogatari after the demon killer got killed by Ononoki).

Finding out about Ougi seems a central plot and it's like everyone is waiting for superman Oshino Meme to return. My only gripe with this novel was the lack of actual character development in the main cast. It very much focused more on the side-cast, especially Ononoki (as it's central to her). Nice to see more bonding moments between Shinobu & Araragi as well.

Shame though, I already know Araragi loves Hitagi the most, but Shinobu is so damn cute (and lethal). Things are really not looking good for her.
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Jan 4, 2013 2:38 PM

Jan 2009
thanks for the spoilers im not reading the light novels but im in the minority that like spoilers

and i hope Shinobu will still live but ye she already live very long enough as a vampire so it seems she is gonna die just for the sake of plot device
Jan 4, 2013 4:51 PM
Jul 2010
Nisio is infamous for killing off his main characters, so I wouldn't be surprised. Shinobu is my favourite in the bunch next to Hitagi.

Hitagi & Araragi's relationship is going strong but Hanamonogatari is set after the events of the series, kind of like an epilogue and nobody is mentioned in there aside from Araragi. Bearing in mind that specific novel was narrated by Kanbaru.

Basically, shit's hitting the fan.

PS: Here's a very condensed summary of events in every novel after nekomonogatari.

From the end of nekomonogatari:

Hanekawa heads out to find Oshino Meme, everyone's in dire need of his help.
Everyone sleeps over at araragi's and shinobu declares 'war' on nadeko saying "your cute look won't fool me."
Araragi is overdue on his homework so bribes shinobu with donuts to take them back in time, but she overshoots and they go back to 10 years earlier before hachikuji is about to die. They save her.

In the future, the world has changed and there are zombies everywhere, shinobu and araragi almost get killed until Hachikuji shows up in a rambo outfit, lobbing grenades and saving their ass. Basically because hachikuji never showed up in the 10 years later, araragi didn't get her advice on finding shinobu and gets killed by white hanekawa at the end of bakemonogatari. In this world Shinobu went beserk because Araragi dies and she turns everything into zombies to end the world. When she sees araragi at the end, the beserk alternate timeline shinobu cries blood. They resolve this and go back to the correct timeline.

Hachikuji leaves her bag at araragi's house.

The next day Araragi tries to find hachikuji to give back her bag. A blackness attacks them and shinobu explains her past life as a vampire ( too much detail to go into, you'll get 1-2 eps on it anyway because it's very important. It's also said here that Araragi isn't her first bound human and it's implied she isn't a virgin)

Long story short, hachikuji has been breaking 'the rules' as she was meant to disappear but hang around with araragi. her time has come and she must disappear - she does, goodbye hachikuji we never see her again.

Next Nadeko finds out that araragi has a girlfriend and that it's senjougahara. she spirals into depression, returns to the shrine and starts hallucinating. She becomes nadeko medusa and declares war on everyone in araragi's entourage.

Araragi fights shinobu for basically two months straight, using vampirism repeatedly.

hitagi has had enough of his risking his life for everyone and takes action into her own hands. She offers a lot of money to kaiiki to help her and araragi out (it's declared here that they may or may not have been previous lovers) and she even offers to sell her body to make the money to help araragi to which kaiiki laughs at and says he'll do it he'll do it.

Nadeko is basically 'the final boss' here and Kaiiki mitigates the situation by discovering what's in her closet- tonnes of mangas she drew herself. she wants to be a mangaka but has confidence issues and the problem is that nobody gives her credit more than for just being a cute girl. Kaiiki resolves this internal problem in her emotions and removes the item that gave her medusa powers. He tells araragi to never see her again or problems will arise, she will forget about him in time. Goodbye Nadeko

Then we find out the ultimate problem so far; araragi has used vampirism so much during the war against nadeko that he's becoming a full fledged vampire, not just a bitten-human-turned. Kagenui says that if shinobu bites him again, they risk turning him into a full vampire and if he becomes one, kagenui will kill him. Shinobu is ready to declare war and says she'll do everything to save his life.

We also find out abut Ougi Oshino who claims to be Oshino Meme's distant relative. Ougi has two genders and not much is said about him/her but Ougi does appear to play a very important role.

There's someone pulling the strings in the war between demons like shinobu and demon hunters like kagenui and kaiiki. Basically, shinobu is doomed to die or face some tragic decision unless Oshino meme returns. Meanwhile, Hanekawa is still out there searching for him.

That's everything summed up very rapidly so far.
Jan 6, 2013 6:16 AM
Jul 2010
thang99 said:
That's really a great summary, thank you! Though it made me a little sad that she was determined enough to sell body.

It's a double edged sword since she loved araragi that much but her methods were silly. It simply shows how irrational Araragi has made her in comparison to how she used to be. She has many many more cute moments than she did in the original. There's a scene in Tsukimono where she makes him chocolates and goes "Yay!" Yeah that's right, Hitagi goes Yay.

I also missed out most of the key events from tsukimonogatari mainly involving Ononoki since it's very complicated and would require me to explain in very deep details the previous events.
Jan 7, 2013 3:46 AM

Jan 2009

great summary dude i like it, cant wait for second season i heard in the news that it will be 2-cours i guess they gonna compress everything you summarize on a 22-26 episode series this coming July
Jan 8, 2013 11:11 AM
Jul 2010
j0x said:

great summary dude i like it, cant wait for second season i heard in the news that it will be 2-cours i guess they gonna compress everything you summarize on a 22-26 episode series this coming July

Everything I have that involves Araragi's vampirism restriction is for season 3. The books are split into 3 seasons.

Oh, I also missed out a nice scene where Shinobu reveals her past, very big.

If you guys have any questions I'm happy to answer them.
Once my modules are dealt with I'm planning to completely swarm the bakemonogatari wiki with information, so if there are any volunteers please PM me.
Jan 11, 2013 2:13 PM

Jun 2012
Thank you so much! I have been looking everywhere to find a summary of whats going on so far.
~Here's a waffle, please calm down...

"See that? She's cute and popular. You could say that her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard. But YOU club President... your milkshakes are wasted on you. In other words, you're wasteful." ~D-Frag (Best.Reference.Ever.)
Jan 11, 2013 4:28 PM
Jul 2010
TonyC1994 said:
Thank you so much! I have been looking everywhere to find a summary of whats going on so far.

This is very condensed, I currently don't have the time to look through everything again and make some well versed notes of summary, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Jan 21, 2013 10:53 PM
Feb 2012
In what other novels besides Katanagatari does he kill off one of the main characters?
Jan 23, 2013 8:20 AM
Jul 2010
Well in this he kills off...

Those are essentially character kills.

In most of his works he has a habit of twisted endings and killing of characters, main or not. His Zaregoto series goes to show how far he's willing to make characters unconventional in the anime scene, I mean as far as a harem lead goes Araragi is one of a kind and his style of writing and story telling is always quite depressing underneath the comedy surface.
Feb 12, 2013 3:20 PM
Mar 2008
Tayau said:
Well in this he kills off...

Those are essentially character kills.

In most of his works he has a habit of twisted endings and killing of characters, main or not. His Zaregoto series goes to show how far he's willing to make characters unconventional in the anime scene, I mean as far as a harem lead goes Araragi is one of a kind and his style of writing and story telling is always quite depressing underneath the comedy surface.

Of course it would be two of my favorites.
Apr 26, 2013 6:41 PM

Jul 2012
in Tsukimonogatari, Koyomi has mentioned that his bathroom is not as big as in the anime and there's not too much space for two people in at the same time. It makes me laugh =))
Apr 27, 2013 3:54 AM
Jul 2010
pikeman1 said:
in Tsukimonogatari, Koyomi has mentioned that his bathroom is not as big as in the anime and there's not too much space for two people in at the same time. It makes me laugh =))

yep, nisio isiin loves to brutalise that 4th wall.
May 27, 2013 8:10 AM

Nov 2012
just read a couple chapter from nekomonogatari : shiro.. I'm a bit confused.. because I dont really read monogatari first season after all.. so I want to ask something.. it's when hanekawa said (as a narator) senjougahara was been rehabilitated? or rehabilitation? (idk I'm forget about it.. -_- sorry..) what is this all about? what is the meaning of rehabilitation of senjougahara? I mean what happen to her?

and then.. I want to ask you about tsukimonogatari because I cant read all of volume from baka-tsuki lol.. btw.. in koimonogatari I want to ask about it too.. because i haven't read it too as you expect.. so.. what is this all about in koimonogatari? what kind of deal that senjougahara and kaiki made? and the end.. I was thinking senjougahara die.. and its not true right?

hehe seriously I really love this manga and anime.. most of all.. and.. hope you answer it soon yeah! :D
May 27, 2013 9:02 AM
Jul 2010
Talking about Senjougahara's rehabilitation I assume (it's been some time) is simply referring to the recovery of her social isolation after Koyomi removed her of her crab spirit and its effects.

Senjougahara in Koimonogatari is asking Kaiiki to find a way to deal with a now corrupted and god-mode Nadeko Medusa. She even says that she is willin to sell her body to pay for it in order to protect Koyomi from Nadeko and Kaiiki feigns disinterest then helps her by removing the infection from nadeko (the charm that made her medusa). Nobody dies but Nadeko is forbidden from talking to Koyomi or going near him and Koyomi is forbidden from going near Nadeko in order to prevent further feelings for him rising up inside Nadeko.

If theres anything else, feel free to ask. For Tsukimonogatari, the basic summary is that things are getting desperate and there is an ultimatum - Koyomi cannot become a vampire or he will be one permanently, thus if he is a permanent vampire then Yozuru will have to kill him but Shinobu has made it clear that she will murder anyone that threatens Koyomi thus putting her on the line too. So:

Either Araragi gives up vampirism and lets Shinobu go,
Shinobu sacrifices herself for Araragi,
Araragi and Shinobu kill all oddity hunters,
X Option? Maybe Oshino Meme? Hanekawa is still looking for him and reports no findings.

Feel free to ask anything else.
May 27, 2013 9:35 AM

Nov 2012
in koimonogatari again.. so what happen to senjougahara after kaiki help her?

then in tsukimonogatari again.. I'm about confused about this one.. why koyomi want to be a vampire? I mean.. after he fighting medusa nadeko. he has one more chance before became permanent vampire right? then thats one more chance? why would he use it? isn't he dont have to use the vampire power anymore isn't he doesn't have any enemy left does he? I really confused about this one..

and then I have some question about monogatari second season trailer because I haven't read the LN so maybe I can know it from you

at the 0:23 I forget what the meaning is but I want to know is that karen or tsukihi voice? is she talking to koyomi? because she said "kami-sama" right? I really curious about this one..
May 27, 2013 11:30 AM
Jul 2010
makarov52 said:
in koimonogatari again.. so what happen to senjougahara after kaiki help her?

Nothing, she helps Araragi fight Nadeko and then later on Nadeko is taken out by Kaiiki and he convinces her to stop fighting everyone. Senjougahara doesn't even appear that much in the volume despite the front cover having her on it, the majority of Koimonogatari is focused on Kaiiki and is narrated by Kaiiki.

makarov52 said:
then in tsukimonogatari again.. I'm about confused about this one.. why koyomi want to be a vampire? I mean.. after he fighting medusa nadeko. he has one more chance before became permanent vampire right? then thats one more chance? why would he use it? isn't he dont have to use the vampire power anymore isn't he doesn't have any enemy left does he? I really confused about this one..

It's not one more chance, it's IF He uses it ONE MORE TIME, he will become a permanent vampire and become a target for oddity hunters. This is a result of Araragi fighting with Nadeko constantly during her medusa corruption period. He has enemies left, he is not sure about Kagenui and more importantly, the supposed Oshino boy/girl (nobody knows). He has basically used up almost all of his 'free' vampirism powers and is almost permanent as a vampire, but at the same time he is the sole saviour of this town from oddities. Oshino Meme left his legacy to Araragi and Araragi see this as a duty he must follow. Araragi isn't violent like Meme however, and fights by wearing out vampirism's indestructibility rather than using it as a weapon

makarov52 said:
and then I have some question about monogatari second season trailer because I haven't read the LN so maybe I can know it from you

Ask away.

makarov52 said:
at the 0:23 I forget what the meaning is but I want to know is that karen or tsukihi voice? is she talking to koyomi? because she said "kami-sama" right? I really curious about this one..

I actually can't seem to quite catch this one, it's definitely talking about Gods, it may just be referring to Nadeko's godhood (she becomes nadeko medusa, literally almost a god/deity) in which case it would be tsukihi as she is friends with Nadeko. These trailers are sometimes hard to understand because of how compressed everything is, but I suspect this is the case. Just speculation for the time being, I'll ask around.
May 27, 2013 8:27 PM

Nov 2012
okay thank you so much bro.. you answer all my question... :D

I will PM you and post in this forum topic if I have another question about monogatari series.. okay :D

thanks again bro..
Until Next Time :D
Jun 3, 2013 12:34 AM

Mar 2013
where do you read? the LN's in English?
It’s not always the talented that wins! But the ones who won because they persevere!
Jun 3, 2013 5:09 AM
Jul 2010
rkeizen said:
where do you read? the LN's in English?

Only very few are translated to english, most are untranslated.
Jun 4, 2013 7:22 PM

Nov 2012
rkeizen said:
where do you read? the LN's in English?

I read it in baka-tsuki.. but its not complete
Jun 7, 2013 12:24 PM
May 2013
Seriously, reading this thread after reading everything that is translated on baka-tsuki really makes me want to just learn japanese just to read manga/LNs the second they release T_T

I guess I'll ask a question, just to give you a reason to post more (post count hur hur).

Can I expect a lot more dialogue between Araragi and Hitagi in season 2 of the anime?

I honestly find a lot of the random support character arcs to be boring in comparison to every piece of dialogue between Araragi, Hitagi and Shinobu. Those three characters make the whole story for me and I really hope there will be more focus on it in comparison to Season 1.
Jun 7, 2013 12:49 PM
Jul 2010
Felkin said:

Can I expect a lot more dialogue between Araragi and Hitagi in season 2 of the anime?

Not really, it'll remain at more or less the same amount though with a few more cute moments. Hitagi's presence is actually not that relative in comparison to the other characters. You'll see a lot more of Shinobu though, as well as Yotsugi.

FYI There are no such things as supporting characters in this series, they're all very important.
Jun 7, 2013 1:02 PM

Mar 2010
Felkin said:
Seriously, reading this thread after reading everything that is translated on baka-tsuki really makes me want to just learn japanese just to read manga/LNs the second they release T_T

I guess I'll ask a question, just to give you a reason to post more (post count hur hur).

Can I expect a lot more dialogue between Araragi and Hitagi in season 2 of the anime?

I honestly find a lot of the random support character arcs to be boring in comparison to every piece of dialogue between Araragi, Hitagi and Shinobu. Those three characters make the whole story for me and I really hope there will be more focus on it in comparison to Season 1.

Here some excerpt from Koimonogatari, the dialogues between Kaiki and Senjougahara. Chapter 19, page 136-137.




I have translated the excerpt above to English (in the spoiler), but heck, my English was not that good and I hope you can get the idea.
Sorry that it has to be Senjougahara--Kaiki's dialogues and not Araragi--Senjougahara's though. But this leads to the end of the Monogatari 2nd season actually. Sorry.

--actually I take this from what I have discussed with Tayau earlier. Lol
Be warned for definite spoilers though.
yukaru00Jun 7, 2013 2:07 PM
Jun 10, 2013 6:45 PM
Jan 2013
Korean translation ftw;
1. Koyomi cannot use vampirism. If he becomes vampire, Kagenui Yotsuru will kill him. So, Koyomi/Shinobu pair cannot fight anymore after this volume.
2. Someone tries to "get everything right". (obviously Ougi since she said exact same thing in Onimonogatari)
3. Tadatsuru says this entire incident of him kidnapping Kanbaru and stuff is like a 'set' - like a theater. Most likely controlled by Ougi.
4. Tadatsuru says "Find Oshino Meme, he is the one who can see everything in neutral position out side the theater". He dies after that.
5. Ononoki in Koyomi's house now, joining Araragi Harem

Currently, the one who has most possibility retiring from the series is Shinobu - Koyomi normalised = Shinobu leaving. However, knowing all those foreshadowings on Kitashirahebi shrine, we know there is possibility that Shinobu can just stay in the Shirne as a god and end with 'everyone becoming happy' ending. Also, we don't know if Shinobu survived even with Hanamonogatari, since she never appeared in that volume.

Since we cannot believe anything in Koimonogatari properly due to fuckin Kaiki doing the narration, we still don't know if Ougi is from Oshino family or just pretending to be one. However, we know he/she is more likely to become final boss if Gaen won't be one.
KitchiriJun 10, 2013 6:49 PM
Jun 11, 2013 2:43 AM

Mar 2010
Kitchiri said:
Korean translation ftw;
Since we cannot believe anything in Koimonogatari properly due to fuckin Kaiki doing the narration, we still don't know if Ougi is from Oshino family or just pretending to be one. However, we know he/she is more likely to become final boss if Gaen won't be one.

What are you even talking about?
Koimonogatari is still a valid story even if it was Kaiki who did all the narrating.
I've finished reading the whole book last night, I came to a conclusion that Kaiki is superb, a really well created character despite his "fraud" nature.

Jun 11, 2013 1:12 PM
Jul 2010
yukaru00 said:
Kitchiri said:
Korean translation ftw;
Since we cannot believe anything in Koimonogatari properly due to fuckin Kaiki doing the narration, we still don't know if Ougi is from Oshino family or just pretending to be one. However, we know he/she is more likely to become final boss if Gaen won't be one.

What are you even talking about?
Koimonogatari is still a valid story even if it was Kaiki who did all the narrating.
I've finished reading the whole book last night, I came to a conclusion that Kaiki is superb, a really well created character despite his "fraud" nature.

The problem is whether or not you can trust Kaiiki's words. Interestingly, the final scene with Kaiiki where he is kidnapped is enough to warrant some trust over his words, it lookes like Gaen wants him gone. More worrying is Gaen's conflict with Yotsugi and her master, it's becoming a battle royale and if Shinobu gets angry we're likely to see Kiss Shot become very very lethal.

Inb4 Oshino Meme returns in his manly manliness of MAN
Jun 11, 2013 3:24 PM

Mar 2010
Tayau said:

What are you even talking about?
Koimonogatari is still a valid story even if it was Kaiki who did all the narrating.
I've finished reading the whole book last night, I came to a conclusion that Kaiki is superb, a really well created character despite his "fraud" nature.

The problem is whether or not you can trust Kaiiki's words. Interestingly, the final scene with Kaiiki where he is kidnapped is enough to warrant some trust over his words, it lookes like Gaen wants him gone. More worrying is Gaen's conflict with Yotsugi and her master, it's becoming a battle royale and if Shinobu gets angry we're likely to see Kiss Shot become very very lethal.

Inb4 Oshino Meme returns in his manly manliness of MAN

I really hope that he makes a very glorified manly comeback with his manliness of MAN.
Aug 15, 2013 3:00 AM
Aug 2013
Tayau said:

hitagi has had enough of his risking his life for everyone and takes action into her own hands. She offers a lot of money to kaiiki to help her and araragi out (it's declared here that they may or may not have been previous lovers) and she even offers to sell her body to make the money to help araragi to which kaiiki laughs at and says he'll do it he'll do it.

Who? Kaiiki and Hitagi?
Aug 15, 2013 3:51 AM
Jul 2010
Foxer09 said:
Tayau said:

hitagi has had enough of his risking his life for everyone and takes action into her own hands. She offers a lot of money to kaiiki to help her and araragi out (it's declared here that they may or may not have been previous lovers) and she even offers to sell her body to make the money to help araragi to which kaiiki laughs at and says he'll do it he'll do it.

Who? Kaiiki and Hitagi?

Yes, Kaiiki and Hitagi have had a previous relationship of some sort and it's hinted that it was romantic.
Aug 15, 2013 6:07 AM
Aug 2013
Can you explain more in detail/spoiler? You say it was only hinted but how? I mean he seems like twice her age, besides he tricked her. Calling them lovers... meh :/ why something so bad had to be mentioned.
Aug 15, 2013 7:40 AM

Sep 2012
And she declared herself a virgin (even after all that has happened to her) when she met Araragi so I doubt she was Kaiki's lover. I don't remember that anywhere.
Aug 15, 2013 8:03 AM
Aug 2013
She said she hasn't even kissed anyone before, just calling them lovers seems too big for me. Also when Kaiki and Hitagi met she was 16 at most. Which book it is suggested?

I just watched Nise and it is explained that it was only a crush, as for Hitagi anyone who wanted to help her was a prince for her. Also in Bake, episode 3 I think she admits that she is a virgin and in episode 12 she says that she never kissed.
Unless something more was told in recent books?
Foxer09Aug 15, 2013 9:33 AM
Aug 19, 2013 6:41 AM
Sep 2012
WOW. thanks.
El Psy Congroo.
Aug 21, 2013 5:27 AM

Mar 2010
hpulley said:
And she declared herself a virgin (even after all that has happened to her) when she met Araragi so I doubt she was Kaiki's lover. I don't remember that anywhere.

Kaiki has told to us about Senjougahara's romantic affection towards him while he was in charged as a practitioner to cure Senjougahara's strange illness before. Kaiki used this chance to con her mother and herself.
Read Koimonogatari again and you could find the answer... even though it is a vague story as it was told by Kaiki, the fraud.
yukaru00Aug 21, 2013 7:48 AM
Aug 24, 2013 7:03 PM
Aug 2013

Then we find out the ultimate problem so far; araragi has used vampirism so much during the war against nadeko that he's becoming a full fledged vampire, not just a bitten-human-turned. Kagenui says that if shinobu bites him again, they risk turning him into a full vampire and if he becomes one, kagenui will kill him. Shinobu is ready to declare war and says she'll do everything to save his life.

We also find out abut Ougi Oshino who claims to be Oshino Meme's distant relative. Ougi has two genders and not much is said about him/her but Ougi does appear to play a very important role.

There's someone pulling the strings in the war between demons like shinobu and demon hunters like kagenui and kaiiki. Basically, shinobu is doomed to die or face some tragic decision unless Oshino meme returns. Meanwhile, Hanekawa is still out there searching for him.

That's everything summed up very rapidly so far.[/quote said:

Tayau- thank you so much for the summary first of all. I only follow the anime because the light novel is too incomplete and I don't know japanese. Kabuki has just been announced to be animated and I honestly can't wait to see Shinobu crying over Koyomi cause she loves him. Does anybody know when that's coming out? And I know a lot of people want Hitagi to be with Koyomi but.. something about Shinobu just makes her... cooler.. XD Do you have a prediction for the ending of Monogatari? And also please keep giving us summaries!!! Thank you so much
Aug 25, 2013 4:02 AM

Mar 2010
Soulbond said:

Kabuki has just been announced to be animated and I honestly can't wait to see Shinobu crying over Koyomi cause she loves him. Does anybody know when that's coming out? And I know a lot of people want Hitagi to be with Koyomi but.. something about Shinobu just makes her... cooler.. XD Do you have a prediction for the ending of Monogatari? And also please keep giving us summaries!!! Thank you so much

Shinobu doesn't exactly loves Araragi in a way of "love" itself. She's bound to Araragi and she's just being so attached and fond to him as a master-servant relationship.

Oh yeah, the Second Season of Monogatari Series is being aired right now (every Saturday 24:00 JST), spanning over Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabukimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari.
Aug 25, 2013 5:50 AM

Sep 2012
yukaru00 said:

...Oh yeah, the Second Season of Monogatari Series is being aired right now (every Saturday 24:00 JST), spanning over Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabukimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari.
I guess we'll know for sure in a few weeks but they have said that Hanamonogatari is going to be released afterward as an OVA/OAD series like Neko Kuro was. Probably a similar timeframe as Second Series will run through the fall so perhaps another New Year's Eve 4-episode blast?
Aug 25, 2013 6:00 AM

Mar 2010
hpulley said:
yukaru00 said:

...Oh yeah, the Second Season of Monogatari Series is being aired right now (every Saturday 24:00 JST), spanning over Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabukimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari.
I guess we'll know for sure in a few weeks but they have said that Hanamonogatari is going to be released afterward as an OVA/OAD series like Neko Kuro was. Probably a similar timeframe as Second Series will run through the fall so perhaps another New Year's Eve 4-episode blast?

Yeah. Hanamonogatari will not probably be inline with the rest because of its advanced time gap.
Aug 25, 2013 6:29 AM

Sep 2012
yukaru00 said:
hpulley said:
yukaru00 said:

...Oh yeah, the Second Season of Monogatari Series is being aired right now (every Saturday 24:00 JST), spanning over Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabukimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari.
I guess we'll know for sure in a few weeks but they have said that Hanamonogatari is going to be released afterward as an OVA/OAD series like Neko Kuro was. Probably a similar timeframe as Second Series will run through the fall so perhaps another New Year's Eve 4-episode blast?

Yeah. Hanamonogatari will not probably be inline with the rest because of its advanced time gap.
Yes though the overall broadcast/publishing order is a bit of a mess.

Real question is will we get Kizumonogatari animated first? Or last? Or ever? LOL
Aug 25, 2013 8:12 AM

Mar 2010
hpulley said:
yukaru00 said:
hpulley said:
yukaru00 said:

...Oh yeah, the Second Season of Monogatari Series is being aired right now (every Saturday 24:00 JST), spanning over Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabukimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari.
I guess we'll know for sure in a few weeks but they have said that Hanamonogatari is going to be released afterward as an OVA/OAD series like Neko Kuro was. Probably a similar timeframe as Second Series will run through the fall so perhaps another New Year's Eve 4-episode blast?

Yeah. Hanamonogatari will not probably be inline with the rest because of its advanced time gap.
Yes though the overall broadcast/publishing order is a bit of a mess.

Real question is will we get Kizumonogatari animated first? Or last? Or ever? LOL

That is still a question to every fan of monogatari series. SHAFT didn't announce further information regarding the said film.

As for the plot-ordering case, well, it is better SHAFT follows the book settings, I have a thought that it will turn a complete mess if they are to sort the plot according to the series chronological order.
Aug 25, 2013 8:47 AM
Aug 2013
Shinobu doesn't exactly loves Araragi in a way of "love" itself. She's bound to Araragi and she's just being so attached and fond to him as a master-servant relationship.

Oh yeah, the Second Season of Monogatari Series is being aired right now (every Saturday 24:00 JST), spanning over Nekomonogatari Shiro, Kabukimonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari.

Dang it! I thought in kabuki Shinobu destroyed the world cause she felt there was nothing to live for after Koyomi's death? And regarding the light novel, as it already ended, just not translated? I seriously want to know if Shinobu fights to the death for Koyomi, or something like that with Hitagi XD
SoulbondAug 25, 2013 8:52 AM
Aug 25, 2013 8:57 AM
Aug 2013
Araragi fights shinobu for basically two months straight, using vampirism repeatedly.[/quote said:

Why did they fight?
Aug 25, 2013 3:02 PM

Mar 2010
Soulbond said:

Dang it! I thought in kabuki Shinobu destroyed the world cause she felt there was nothing to live for after Koyomi's death? And regarding the light novel, as it already ended, just not translated? I seriously want to know if Shinobu fights to the death for Koyomi, or something like that with Hitagi XD

Well, in Kabuki, they went for time-space travel to 11 years back, in parallel dimension by mistake. Araragi got the idea to save Hachikuji from being hit by a car and they succeed the plan. Then, as they went back to present time (whilst not knowing that they are actually in a parallel world) they ended up reaching the present time of the parallel world, where the world is mostly destroyed (to be exact, Japan), and zombies are swarming all over the place.

More spoilers for Kabuki.
The zombie apocalypse is actually caused by Araragi himself, as the effect of him changing the world's little history. With Hachikuji saved, the world's Araragi will not meet with ghost Hachikuji and that leads to Araragi being killed by Black Hanekawa , in which the event in Bakemonogatari episode 14-15 were totally screwed up leading to an alternate event. With Araragi's death, Shinobu (the alternate world's version, not the one you know) going rage and turned Black Hanekawa into Blood Hanekawa (Black Hanekawa after being turned into a vampire), grieving the lost of her master Araragi Koyomi. She then uses Blood Hanekawa to turn people into zombies in pledge to destroy the world itself.
Later in some last scenes before Araragi and Shinobu known to us, are preparing their way back to their true reality after being led by Oshino Meme's letter by the help of grown up Hachikuji Mayoi, they meet with Kissshot by chance. Seeing Araragi of her alternate world is still alive, she cried blood, happy to see him. After some small talk, Araragi and Shinobu finally reached their true reality, and Araragi once again reunited with the apparition Hachikuji--which is then continued on to Onimonogatari.
yukaru00Aug 25, 2013 3:23 PM
Aug 25, 2013 3:28 PM

Mar 2010
Soulbond said:
Araragi fights shinobu for basically two months straight, using vampirism repeatedly.[/quote said:

Why did they fight?

I think Tayau's intention was to write:
Araragi fights Nadeko Medusa for basically two months straight, using vampirism repeatedly. Shinobu helps with that.
Aug 25, 2013 9:19 PM
Jul 2012
yukaru00 said:
Soulbond said:

Dang it! I thought in kabuki Shinobu destroyed the world cause she felt there was nothing to live for after Koyomi's death? And regarding the light novel, as it already ended, just not translated? I seriously want to know if Shinobu fights to the death for Koyomi, or something like that with Hitagi XD

Well, in Kabuki, they went for time-space travel to 11 years back, in parallel dimension by mistake. Araragi got the idea to save Hachikuji from being hit by a car and they succeed the plan. Then, as they went back to present time (whilst not knowing that they are actually in a parallel world) they ended up reaching the present time of the parallel world, where the world is mostly destroyed (to be exact, Japan), and zombies are swarming all over the place.

More spoilers for Kabuki.
The zombie apocalypse is actually caused by Araragi himself, as the effect of him changing the world's little history. With Hachikuji saved, the world's Araragi will not meet with ghost Hachikuji and that leads to Araragi being killed by Black Hanekawa , in which the event in Bakemonogatari episode 14-15 were totally screwed up leading to an alternate event. With Araragi's death, Shinobu (the alternate world's version, not the one you know) going rage and turned Black Hanekawa into Blood Hanekawa (Black Hanekawa after being turned into a vampire), grieving the lost of her master Araragi Koyomi. She then uses Blood Hanekawa to turn people into zombies in pledge to destroy the world itself.
Later in some last scenes before Araragi and Shinobu known to us, are preparing their way back to their true reality after being led by Oshino Meme's letter by the help of grown up Hachikuji Mayoi, they meet with Kissshot by chance. Seeing Araragi of her alternate world is still alive, she cried blood, happy to see him. After some small talk, Araragi and Shinobu finally reached their true reality, and Araragi once again reunited with the apparition Hachikuji--which is then continued on to Onimonogatari.

Did you read this all on your own from the original Japense LN or did you find a translated version? Baka tsuki only has the first 15 chapters translated >.<.
Aug 25, 2013 9:47 PM

Mar 2010

Did you read this all on your own from the original Japense LN or did you find a translated version? Baka tsuki only has the first 15 chapters translated >.<.

I read the Japanese book.
Aug 25, 2013 10:13 PM
Jul 2012
yukaru00 said:

Did you read this all on your own from the original Japense LN or did you find a translated version? Baka tsuki only has the first 15 chapters translated >.<.

I read the Japanese book.

Ah I see. Could you enlighten me on the dialogue between Kissshot and Araragi?
Aug 26, 2013 2:42 AM

Mar 2010

Ah I see. Could you enlighten me on the dialogue between Kissshot and Araragi?

The conversation started with Shinobu blabbering and asking her alternate self, Kissshot--as she (Shinobu) sees Kissshot's body covered with burnt scars, telling that she is trying to kill herself after humanity is destroyed.
Shinobu kept asking in full of regrets to Kissshot of her deeds.

(Read the spoilers at your own risk. This is a very definite spoilers translated from chapter 29 of the novel)

Then, Kissshot let out a long laugh, then stopped only to said

Hope this answer your question.
But remember, don't get your hope too high for the anime version to be exactly the same as the novel version. Akiyuki Shinbo would probably cut stuff for the anime version. Just like what happened in the second episode of Kabukimonogatari...
yukaru00Aug 26, 2013 2:51 AM
Aug 26, 2013 12:31 PM
Jul 2012
Wow...that had a feeling of nostalgia from Kizu; such a tear jerker too :'( . The fact that this reality existed, and once again, Kiss-shot getting the short end of the stick, never fulfilling her own wish. Now I really want to read the rest of Kabuki knowing that if the Anime misses even a bit of this, I'm going to be platinum mad >.< .

They cut off a lot in the second episode, more than I thought they would. The scene where Shinobu's in the process of transforming, and the dialogue that took place when they were trying to sleep were all cut out.

Thanks a lot for the translation, but now I feel so depressed after reading that :(.
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