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Jul 4, 2013 6:24 PM
Jul 2012
Rozen Maiden: Träumend has a "sequel" button that redirects you here but this series does not have a prequel button, so I'm kind of confused.
Jul 4, 2013 6:35 PM

Feb 2013
Same here...I'm wondering if it's a sequel or remake. If it is a remake, I'll watch the original series, and this at the same time.

Off: nice sign ▲
Jul 4, 2013 6:37 PM

Jan 2008
Based on the posts I've read, it's not exactly a sequel but it isn't one either. The original season 1 and 2 didn't follow the manga. So basically this is more like a alternative version that actually follows the original source (correct me if i'm wrong) that rushes through multiple volumes in a single episode to catch up.
Jul 4, 2013 6:40 PM

Feb 2013
For me, who has never seen any of the series, what do you recommend? Watch in order of release?
Jul 4, 2013 6:47 PM
Jan 2012
Just finished the episode.
This series is the adaptation of the second series of the manga, sequel of the previews which got interrupted for some issues.
This new one is not connected with the other anime adaptations, since the story is different from the manga, basically you have to read the first manga series to watch this.
The first episode is a recap, but I don't think it is enough for those who don't know anything about the story, it's more a summary for those who don't remember the manga very well.
bbQsauceJul 4, 2013 7:03 PM
Jul 4, 2013 6:49 PM

Feb 2013
I see...ty all for the help ^^
Jul 4, 2013 8:47 PM
Jul 2012
im confused so is this a remake of the original rozen maiden season 1 or what?
Jul 4, 2013 8:54 PM

Jun 2009
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Jul 4, 2013 10:26 PM

Feb 2013
Yea I was somewhat confused at what was going on this first episode but after looking through the forums I understand it's some sort of recap for the older version (correct me if i'm wrong)? So assuming that, will episode 2 be the "official" start of the series then? Please explain it for someone who is brand spanking new to the Rozen Maiden series (like I am).
~ El Psy Congroo~

Jul 5, 2013 4:36 AM

Jul 2007
Like bbQsauce has said. It's not really a remake, or even a sequel to a previous anime.
This anime expects you have read the first part of the manga (and forget about the older anime series -they're too different from the manga storyline).
It looks as though it will now start at the beginning of the second part of the manga.

Essentially, there is no anime adaption for the first part of the manga you can follow - except for that rushed 'recap'.

Would recommend either for people not familiar with Rozen Maiden:

A. Read the first part of the manga - it's quite a short read
B. Watch the anime series created by Nomad - it'll atleast clear some things up and it's a good series. Different from the manga, but some would argue better.
or C. Keep watching this series and see if if becomes clearer as it continues.
Jul 5, 2013 2:14 PM
Feb 2012
This first episode shows a recap so you'll know how it ended up in the manga from the beginning/in the anime season 1 & 2. Now it shows the continuation of the manga, "what happens when Jun doesn't wind up Shinku". So it's kinda a new season, with new contents. But it's not "after" season 2. it's just a parallel universe :3
Jul 5, 2013 2:19 PM

Mar 2012

The series does not acknowledge or is connected with the first and second anime series.

It starts off at the beginning of the second Manga adaption which is actually a continuation of the first Manga series.

But instead of relying the story content of the previous series it acknowledges the story arcs of the first Manga series hence why during the recap the flashbacks seems so different because it is recapping the actual story progression of the first manga series and not the previous Anime series.

This new Series starts off at the begining of the Second Manga series and at the Midpoint of the whole story.

The recap is most definatly confusing to those who have not read the Manga series
because it was basically done in order to remined the story progression of those who have read the manga and at the same time acknowledging the essential important parts of the story which are needed to be done in order to continue with this series without rebooting it from the beginning

If this seems to be confusing to some ppl i recommend you read the first Rozen Maiden Manga series so u will get a clear picture of how things are and how things will continue to progress from here.

Hope it helps :)
Jul 5, 2013 2:47 PM

Jun 2009
So esentinally it is a hybrid. Watching the original 2 a little because it might go together better when watching.
Jul 5, 2013 3:20 PM

Oct 2010
So what does "First part of the manga" mean?
Jul 5, 2013 3:52 PM

Mar 2012
merurin said:
So what does "First part of the manga" mean?

it means that the story is divided into two Manga series Rozen Maiden and Rozen MAiden Tales. thefirst part of the manga is the first Manga series
Jul 5, 2013 4:41 PM
Jan 2012
merurin said:
So what does "First part of the manga" mean?
The first original manga was interrupted due some issues between the authors and the editor, so they ended it with an open ending.

Later the authors made another manga series, it was a sequel, but it started as a different story [different world, same universe], and you have to read the first one to get it, since the stories of the two adaptations merge later in the manga.

This is the adaptation of the second manga series, this first episode was a recap for those who watched the other anime which don't exactly follow the original story [there are characters that appears only in the anime and vice versa].
Jul 5, 2013 4:43 PM

Sep 2008

well then, off to the manga
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Jul 5, 2013 7:07 PM

Dec 2007
Ugh, so as a person who watched the first series I still have to read the manga to watch this? Seems like an incredibly awkward way of doing things.
Jul 5, 2013 8:55 PM

Mar 2012
I think that everyone's questions and inquiries will pretty much boil down to this question, then:

Can I watch this as a first Rozen Maiden anime? Without watching the prior series' or reading the manga?
キ チ リ * カ チ リ
Jul 5, 2013 8:59 PM

Jan 2009
gangsines said:
I think that everyone's questions and inquiries will pretty much boil down to this question, then:

Can I watch this as a first Rozen Maiden anime? Without watching the prior series' or reading the manga?

this... somebody answer this
Jul 5, 2013 9:07 PM

Jul 2007
I depends how Deen handles it from now on and if they give additional information to the whole 'Rozen Maiden' setup.

My gut feeling is 'no', not without a lot of confusion.
Jul 6, 2013 4:58 AM

May 2012
I agree with Kasi. I would recommend watching the previous seasons first, based on the description.

Jun Sakurada, a middle school shut-in refuses to go to school after being traumatized by an embarrassing incident at school. One day, he receives a letter asking “yes or no”, and chose “yes”, meeting the living doll Shinku and the events of the original Rozen Maiden series unfolding. However, what would have happened if he had chosen “no”?

This would be an alternate version if the description is correct. Since I'm not familiar with the manga, I'm not going to say what version follows the manga...
Jul 6, 2013 5:39 AM
Feb 2011
j0x said:
gangsines said:
I think that everyone's questions and inquiries will pretty much boil down to this question, then:

Can I watch this as a first Rozen Maiden anime? Without watching the prior series' or reading the manga?

this... somebody answer this

you properly shouldn't watch it first as the first episode is a recap but its far to vague and you'd miss out on all the character development that the first 2 season have also the recap is of what happens in the manga not the anime and apparently the manga has a lot of differences to the anime
Jul 6, 2013 6:32 AM

Jun 2009
j0x said:
gangsines said:
I think that everyone's questions and inquiries will pretty much boil down to this question, then:

Can I watch this as a first Rozen Maiden anime? Without watching the prior series' or reading the manga?

this... somebody answer this

A long time Rozen Maiden fan here.

I think it's best to watch "everything" in released order.
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Jul 6, 2013 7:53 AM

Jul 2008
Kasi said:
Like bbQsauce has said. It's not really a remake, or even a sequel to a previous anime.
This anime expects you have read the first part of the manga (and forget about the older anime series -they're too different from the manga storyline).
It looks as though it will now start at the beginning of the second part of the manga.

Essentially, there is no anime adaption for the first part of the manga you can follow - except for that rushed 'recap'.

Would recommend either for people not familiar with Rozen Maiden:

A. Read the first part of the manga - it's quite a short read
B. Watch the anime series created by Nomad - it'll atleast clear some things up and it's a good series. Different from the manga, but some would argue better.
or C. Keep watching this series and see if if becomes clearer as it continues.

This is the answer people should listen to. If you want to go into this anime fully understanding everything, read the first Rozen Maiden manga series. You can watch the first two anime series as well, but there is a lot of filler (especially S2). Watching this series right off the bat is essentially like skipping 8 volumes of story and character development.
Jul 6, 2013 8:49 AM
Oct 2010
j0x said:
gangsines said:
I think that everyone's questions and inquiries will pretty much boil down to this question, then:

Can I watch this as a first Rozen Maiden anime? Without watching the prior series' or reading the manga?

this... somebody answer this

you wont understand it fully. so I guess probably not.(from someone that watched the first 2 seasons and i am still kinda confused where they are going with this)
Jul 6, 2013 8:50 AM

Nov 2007
Info for someone new to the series, and what to do to actually start watching RM 2013

- Split into two 'series'
- 1st series is 7 volumes
- 1st series ended in a cliff hanger
- 2nd series is still ongoing, and each chapter is called a 'Tale'

- Based loosely off the 1st manga series

Manga vs Nomad:
- 1st manga series and Nomad's version ended in cliff hangers
- despite how the stories progressed, both Souseiseki and Hina Ichigo were the first to be out of the Alice Game in the same order

- Nomad had an anime-only doll called Barasuishou which had her designs based on Kirakishou's, which never appeared (until the very end for a few seconds as cameo)
- Souseiseki's first medium is totally different
- plus many many more

- follows the 2nd manga series, hence calling each episode 'Tale' too
- 1st episode was a recap of the 1st manga series

Best advice:
- Read the 1st manga series which consists of 7 volumes
Second best advice:
- Watch the first 2 Nomad seasons, and supplement with info from wikis on the anime and manga differences.
Jul 6, 2013 9:01 AM
Dec 2012
The person above me has the best explanation.
I only watched the 2 Nomad anime... didn't read the manga, but I can somewhat understand the recap~ Oh yeah, Suigintou daisuki <3
Also, NEED MORE DESU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 6, 2013 10:20 AM

May 2011
Thanks for the explanations, everyone. I'm a little put off that I have to read the manga to understand what's going on in this anime, but this episode has gotten me pretty interested in it at least.
Jul 7, 2013 5:00 AM
May 2010
Why is there the need to rush thru the first Manga then? I would love to keep it at slow pace and not having to confuse the audience by stitching those completely unrelated pieces into one episode. It doesn't even flow at all...I seriously thought this series just came out and is ending on its second episode.
Jul 7, 2013 6:43 AM

Mar 2012
jimmy2027 said:
Why is there the need to rush thru the first Manga then? I would love to keep it at slow pace and not having to confuse the audience by stitching those completely unrelated pieces into one episode. It doesn't even flow at all...I seriously thought this series just came out and is ending on its second episode.

Most likely that did not have enough of a budget to do enough episodes to cover all the 8 volumes of the first manga and than start from the new unwound world.

so they most likely compacted it so it would ensure that the most important story elements from the first manga series are shown in order to at least provide a background at some of the plot points that will be covered in this series.

It is unfortunate believe me i wanted it to start from scratch as well but at least to some extent now there actually adapting the manga material this time.
Jul 7, 2013 6:50 AM

Apr 2013
They could have at least started the adaptation from where kirakisho appears in order to link it better with the first RM anime season rather than starting 2/3 volumes after the place where the first series ended, leaving no choice but to read the manga in order to start watching this season.

On top of this they didn't properly explain what would be this series priori to its airing, which confuse people even more (as if the rozen maiden manga/anime's circunstances with off topic series, manga series stopped midway and started again in another editor...) weren't already confused enough, now we get a new anime series that starts in the middle of the story without any prior anime series covering the previous manga volumes. How could DEEN make such a poor, poor choice? This is ridiculous...
Jul 12, 2013 10:53 PM

Jun 2012
Well I can't say for sure, as I have not seen the original nor read the manga, but I decided to watch this anyway, since it was a part of the summer season.
I believe I got the basic gist of it, although I could easily tell it wasn't a standalone since it felt a little quick for someone new. Well, that's my opinion, and I'm going to try watching it. Again, I feel like I understood it, but it will probably get deeper.
I'll see if I can remember to post here again at the end of the series to inform others if there were many or few problems.

EDIT: I made a new post on page 3, which is after I finished the series.
Yasu-kunOct 2, 2013 7:53 PM

Jul 19, 2013 1:58 PM
Jul 2012
So is this a different version of the original show?
Jul 19, 2013 7:38 PM
Dec 2012
Not really. The first two shows started to go into filler territory, but this one adapts the events of the second Rozen Maiden manga. It's really confusing to explain... so I would just recommend reading both manga first, then watching all the seasons.
Jul 19, 2013 9:38 PM
Dec 2012
This is my first exposition to the series and so far, there's nothing that is really confusing although I may miss some good character development. But all is good so far up to ep 3 (the latest). Maybe I'll post my opinion on this adaptation for new watchers after this season ends.
Jul 21, 2013 1:57 AM

Apr 2013
GoldenBRS said:
So is this a different version of the original show?

What are you calling "original show" now?
The only original are the two MANGA seasons. The anime was never the original to begin with. And the two previous seasons of the anime were respectively partially filler and completely filler compared to the original manga.

Rozen Maiden 2013 basically follow properly the original material, whereas the two previous series (especially the second...) did NOT. So if anything, rozen maiden 2013 should be the one called "original" between the three anime series ImO.

The first two anime season (especially the second one) are crappy compared to the manga. No need to watch them if you just want to be in the best condition to watch rozen maiden 2013. Just read the manga up to the beginning of the anime. It will take you less time, you'll apreciate far more both the manga and rozen maiden 2013 by doing this.
ZefyrisJul 21, 2013 2:01 AM
Jul 21, 2013 2:11 AM

Jul 2007
Different does not mean 'filler'. Whether the Nomad series were inferior or not compared to the manga is purely subjective. I know many people who prefer them to the manga's storyline.
Jul 21, 2013 11:57 PM

Jul 2013
Well, i've seen this series here and there, but actually never saw it myself(just the first episode).
I always change of anime categories after some time, so now i want to see Rozen Maiden.
I'll just go the point.

I want to enjoy this series as much pssible. For example, with Evangelion i'm seeing all the series, movies, and recaps in a certain order...

My question... I can do the same here? I mean, see the first anime adaptations, then this one? Or wil be almost no gain in seeing them all?

I guess it would be YES if the original anime and original(second) manga series(which will also be this adaptation) are REALLY(considerably at least) different.
Another Example: Full Metal Alchemist and FMA Brotherhood.

So... can i see all the adaptations and enojey them or not?

If "yes"... would you tell me the order to see them?
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki, Houtarou
Jul 22, 2013 12:49 AM

Jul 2007
If reading the manga is not in your interests, IMO, I think you can / should see them. When you get up to Zurückspulen, accept that some events happened differently, some characterizations may not be quite the same (particularity Suigintou and Souseiseki), and the character Barasuishou is no longer relevant / doesn't exist in this storyline.

The order would be:

1. Rozen Maiden

2. Rozen Maiden Träumend

3. Rozen Maiden Ouvertüre
This is perhaps optional since it focuses on the Anime characterizations of Shinku and Suigintou. This is not canon in the manga, the manga version is (disappointingly) never clear why the two are at odds with each other. Watching this and then delving straight into Zurückspulen might be a bit odd given the way the two characters will interact with each other in the future episodes.
I love it, but I would class it as optional.

4. Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen (2013)
The first episode will outline some of the differences in the events, like a rollercoaster.
Jul 22, 2013 7:23 AM

Nov 2012
This is manga continuation, read first 43 chapters then go to Rozen Maiden (2013).
KrunchyJul 22, 2013 7:27 AM
Jul 29, 2013 2:22 AM

Jan 2013
Can I feasibly just read the manga and watch this?

I'm embarassed to say this but the other series art is horrendous and I'd rather not look at it.
Jul 29, 2013 8:42 AM

Nov 2007
SolviteSekai said:
Can I feasibly just read the manga and watch this?

I'm embarassed to say this but the other series art is horrendous and I'd rather not look at it.

Of course. RM 2013 follows the manga and carries absolutely none of the anime-only story/plot over.
Aug 1, 2013 3:24 AM

Jul 2007
Hopefully someone can add to this because I've just quickly listed some differences off the top of my head.

Sep 17, 2013 6:36 AM

Jul 2013
I was first introduced to RM through this adaptation and this alone, and I still get all that's happening perfectly, no need to watch other adaptation or read the manga first imo.

Oct 2, 2013 10:43 AM

Jun 2013
I dont know if I would call the first anime useless. I view it more like the difference of fma and fma brotherhood; they are the same through the first half and then diverge. Its been a while since I read the manga and saw the first anime, but the main divergence is with Basharou and that didn't happen till a while later. And even then, aspects of the recap follow the first anime although maybe out of order. Jun does get trapped in the N field in the first anime at somepoint, he gets out I think; but whatever, its not hard to get.
Oct 2, 2013 7:51 PM

Jun 2012
I just finished the 2013 series with no knowledge of anything from the other sources, the previous series nor the manga. I understood it very well, no problems at all.
However, although the beginning may be a little sudden (gets almost straight to introducing the dolls and the two worlds), it really is no big deal and you can easily figure it all out within a few episodes.
Also, since this was my first taste of Rozen Maiden, I can say I understood it well, but I cannot say what I am missing or what is different.
So in my opinion, unless you have the interest and time, I would say you can watch this series and be fine.

Oct 3, 2013 5:06 PM

Feb 2008
Krunchy said:
This is manga continuation, read first 43 chapters then go to Rozen Maiden (2013).

Thank you; I appreciate the specific and straight answer.
In sterquiliniis invenitur.
Oct 23, 2013 5:58 PM
Nov 2011
Ok, here it is.

In the original series, MC gets a letter, he says 'Yes', and gets Shinku.

This is a 'what if' series, What if he said 'No' then. This takes place later than the first series, but in a different world.

It could be watched as a first. It is an entirely different story. I would suggest watching the original series first, as you would then know the characters (plus it's pretty good) however, that is basically the only benefit to watching the original series first, so it should not be necessary.

Dec 23, 2020 11:35 PM
May 2019
I was under the impression that this discards what happens in season 2 and 3 of the anime and takes place after the first season.

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