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Days: 97.4
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Chinese game... looks like 2000's God of War meets Elden Ring meets Nier/Stellar Blade with a little Square Enix in there haha. Looks promising to me.
That might be part of it for me too with our age and how much we've seen now. My average scores have probably dipped more around to a 7 now. That's why like with a lot of this side Leijiverse stuff, I try to emphasis I'm still having a good time even if it's a lot of 7's haha. My new line of thinking lately is that I want an 8 for the bare minimum of something I'd rewatch. Not that I'm rewatching shows too often, but that's been a good way to me to evaluate some stuff now.
Man oh man... hit one of Rebirth's biggest odd plot dumps tonight haha. Some good stuff though. But I'm having more and more questions. I have faith in the process though. lol
But yeah I wouldn't fret it too much. I think for better and worse there are SO many mechanics and things you can do in Rebirth, I feel like I'm skirting by without even engaging in a lot of stuff. But yeah when you get to it, maybe I can help you jump start some stuff better than how long it took me to grasp some of this. I'm still getting the classic Remake abilities for the crew where I'm at. Some of the good ones though now like Disorder for Cloud, the huge 2 ATB hit, now Chi Trap with Tifa. But I can't believe what I just unlocked for Yuffie... basically clone ninjutsu that doubles all her attacks. I don't know if it completely doubles your attack, but it's freaking bonkers what's going on with her now in battles lol.
Cosmo Warrior Zero was cooler than I expected. Kind of nice to get a completely new cast and more space adventure stuff. Along with its mix of humans and mecha-humans having to coexist, I liked that a lot about it. I think Galaxy Railways slipped from an 8 eventually. Conceptually I liked a lot here but the characters didn't do a ton for me after awhile, or the more serious plot lines with weird alien villains and stuff. I feel like this series should have been like Patlabor or Planetes, just very down to Earth, human stories, these people doing their jobs haha. But instead contrast to most Leiji shows, I was surprised by how many deaths this had. So S2 must be kind of a clean start. I see that one is rated lower on average, hmm. But yeah it was an interesting mesh of like Yamato with the military and GE999. It gave me Terra e vibes at times in a good way. But it's not on par with that one haha. The budget was slipping further in too. Apparently the OVA was made next but aired after S2, so that's odd. Not sure what I'll start with but hopefully it's not a big deal. With a better budget and an even more tighter focus on the main characters I think it could have been cooler.
The Endless Odyssey feels like the peak of this era in every way. Even Rintaro directed it. I was almost shocked at the gruesome gore of the ghosts and such. It got pretty trippy and dark even for Leiji stuff. But it was the best budget of these all and really fun. I could probably rewatch this one.
Still chipping away at GE999, but once I knock out Galaxy Railways I'll go harder on finishing up GE999. Finally putting a bow on all this heh. Well I still have Yamato 3 to check out if I want haha. But Starzinger has been subbed now so I'm excited for that one and very curious. Looks different from Leiji's norm.
Man, are those Gainax trilogy movies even happening now? Feel like it's been years since we last heard an update on those.
Nice update on Rebirth too, about 40 hours in. Cait Sith's voice is awesome and making me like him haha. He's like a whimsical classic Disney character. He's definitely weird to use in battle though and probably one I won't use much. The Dyne stuff was pure cinema, this Barrett VO is just too damn good and gets me in the feels when needed. Gold Saucer was awesome, I liked it a lot. But it was good I random read that it and Costa Del Sol were in the same region and thus, after Costa I went back to do a bunch of side quests haha. So that worked out well for me, I was ready for more minigames at Gold Saucer. The haunted hotel was really cool too.
I'm definitely starting to question things about the plot changes and new twists on things though.. hmm. Crazy to think I'm maybe just halfway based off a menu list of the regions, it's half filled in screen wise. So that's my theory lol. The jungle is next, then maybe Cosmo Canyon? I won't confirm or deny if you don't want to know about what's deeper in. But damn more and more I hope Wutai is here heh. Loving Yuffie. Cloud is amazing in this one. It's all so subtle, but the bonds these characters have by this point is just incredible. Truly one of the best FF casts of them all. I'm pretty sure I got the "date" with Tifa heh, as it should be. She's still the best ever. I'm glad unlike some other FF sequels or big long sagas like this, it's very consistent character development wise at least. From Remake to this now, it's such an awesome journey with these characters and how they're growing. Cloud and Barrett are bros now.
Oh yeah, Elena is great too haha. Great addition to the Turks. Always liked her in the OG. There's truly been a lot of great laugh out loud moments and good writing with the humor at times.
Starting to get a better feel for the Synergy combo mechanics and all too and damn, they can really turn the tide. They might be nearly on par with Limit Breaks damage wise. Now I can see how it gets even more interesting figuring out good parties and taking these Synergy skills into account. I like how I can now have a pretty unique full party for my three setups: Cloud Barrett, Tifa, then Cloud, Aerith, Red, and Cloud, Yuffie, and Cait Sith.
Another cool new materia in this one is a yellow "Item Economizer", that lets you use items X amount of times when "certain conditions are meant" without using ATB at all. I have that and the Item Boost from Remake on Cloud again like usual. Then I like putting the ATB/Stagger boosting purple materia on him. I don't know if I mentioned it, but with the new skill tree system in Rebirth, the characters can kind of quickly learn a low level elemental spell for each element. Really only needed to exploit some weaknesses probably, but it also made me think I should only bother with equipping one person just like 1 elemental material that they specialize in. Then Rebirth has the cool combo ones that have two, so for merely two slots I could have four elemental spells with Aerith. Oh yeah those skills also boost the damage for that element too. So it's good to learn them in that way too. I kind of side stepped them with Tifa for awhile though, focusing more on pure power/skills haha.
Well in the end, it's the beauty of the materia system again. I saw some random YT suggestion the other night of someone doing a "No yellow/red Hard mode challenge run" heh. There's just so much cool flexibility in how you can outfit characters with this system. I love playing a good RPG with depth... unlike FF15. *laughs* I had to...
When you really like a game such as this one for you, it is fun to get absolutely everything out of it. I say go for it since you have the energy for the idea right now heh.
You might remember I think I mentioned liking Fort Condor in Intermission... but I just did the first one tonight in Rebirth and freaking hated it lmao. It took like 3-4 attempts because of the stupid time limit. So not sure I'll bother with those much if they're that tight of a timed window. Guess I'll see, looks like the Juno region might have 4 of these on the map...
It's interesting that I'm still leveling up a fair bit going backwards here, so maybe when I get back to the main path it'll be easier for a bit. It's been tough but nothing too crazy. I want to say Remake seemed harder in comparison so far.
50 hours... 20 more than what I've put into Rebirth so far for a semi "speed run" haha, crazy. The poison arrows is hilarious. I think in like Deus Ex or the Dishonored's, you could knock enemies out nonlethally and them dump them in water so they drown, it wouldn't count as a kill haha. Next time I replay Dishonored 1 I want to do a no powers run, that should be cool. But I don't think I'd ever have it in me to beat an entire game without killing anyone lol.
But yeah that sounds like a good plan. You can keep playing KCD1 while 2 cooks a bit longer. I'm watching Jill play some of 2 now haha. She loves these and jumped straight into it after beating 1 I guess. Yeah between this, Metaphor, and Rebirth, you're set for the year.
Think I'm nearing 30 hours and honestly love that I have so much left. I think one thing Rebirth has really done is making this feel like an actual believable world now, in terms of scope. The scale is just absolutely insane but it's so much more realistic now. OG FF7 feels like you just hit up dinky shacks and villages in a very weird world map after Midgar haha. So maybe you'll agree with me, that's a nice perk to modern third person design here, even outside of the huge Midgar that got its own whole game, Rebirth is really fleshing out this huge world in an amazing way. To me it now makes sense that there's so much more to this world than just Midgar. It feels like how gorgeous FF13 is but you can actually go to these places and have a bunch of towns and stuff in between. This really does feel like classic FF brought to life in a modern way.
Yeah man that sounds maddening haha. You're possessed. How long would a quasi-speed run go? For SMT5 I at least had the perk of doing NG+ on my second run haha, but then one of the huge maps was completely different and I was still pretty thorough. Think I burned like another 30 hours on my NG+ run. I think Elden Ring will forever be one of the craziest cases where I just straight up played it twice back to back with two different characters. Great stuff.
Saw the IGN reviewer for KCD2 that gave it a 9/10 also gave Dragon Age Veilguard that score... be careful out there! Hopefully it didn't get ruined, but after Star Wars got buried alive for me, nothing is guaranteed lol...
So if I can somewhat cheat and count the Xenoblade 3 DLC, I clocked in about 180 total hours on that with XB3 doing 100%. Got you beat barely haha... but dang that's no joke. Pretty cool how much attention to detail there was in being historically accurate and going out of their way to note when it wasn't the case, that's different. I'll have to give it a look someday. Hopefully the sequel is good and free of modern audience crap.
Hah I must have missed that minigames highlight reel from Square. It's true though, what will be my score and thoughts when I roll credits? Could be some up and down emotions. I probably did ~50% of the first region, then Juno, man not even 10%? lmao. The main Juno city was right there next to the region's chocobo stable (guess you need to do those to travel between the regions), so I couldn't resist. So my 15 hours could maybe be more like 30 if I were doing way more along the way. But now I should be getting Yuffie soon so it was probably good to speed through. I don't feel like I'm missing key items, equipment, or anything. I do see some unique materia for some simulation battles I haven't unlocked, but yeah. No issue with the difficulty or feeling like I'm missing key stuff. They've definitely remixed the materia up in some cool ways.
Yeah I worry about your experience on a base PS5 right? I heard some people couldn't stomach it and it's one that upgrades a lot on the Pro. Digital Foundry just dropped their PC version analysis. Man I guess I won the lottery without any major issues and at 15 hours in, I think I'm in the clear. I still worry about FF16, but maybe I can run that decently too. Square seriously needs to invest in some more R&D for all hardware and get these things worked out. This is no doubt why Rebirth is hovering in the mid 70's "Mostly Positive" on Steam right now.
You know it! 16 hours in myself. You can just nod to all this report and I won't spoil anything major.
I think it's working out well that I had to wait and go in knowing what to expect a bit, so maybe you'll feel the same. Trying to pace myself and just really soak into this. It reminds me of what I heard about Red Dead Redemption 2 being so realistically slow with its odd design choices, but the game and this one just want to be real deliberate and take you for a really varied ride. It continues to be one of my favorite worlds to be in and explore and I just can't love these characters enough. So damn cool having Red around in full now. His banter is awesome, along with Barrett. And like I heard about lead writer Nojima wanting to emphasis Aerith and Tifa's growing friendship, I've already seen signs of that numerous times.
Also happy that my PC is running it like a champ. For once this truly feels like I'm finally playing a 9th gen game. It is frankly staggering, the scale and detail. It makes me think of how FF12's towns were mindblowing for the PS2 era and looked so realistic, lived in, bustling with activity. This is that on another level. Outside Midgar and it truly feels like you're in this vast other world. They knocked it out of the park with Juno for me. The ship stuff was great, with that iconic boss fight being my favorite so far. Then just like OG FF7... the tonal whiplash of fighting a cosmic horror Jenova on a ship, to hitting up the beach at Costa Del Sol is still there. LOL, that's where I am now. So it still captures the spirit of FF7's story and pacing being kind of wonky, but it's just a crazy big fun adventure in that way. Been seeing Yuffie, I hope she joins up soon.
The story is going in some places I didn't expect. I'll say that.
Now I'll admit, I've been cruising a bit fast through the open world sections. I do want to go back to them soon though and sink in more. But some of that is where you can start questioning... why are we doing this lol. For the summons in the simulator now, you can find ~3 artifacts in the overworld/region that lower the difficulty. This seemed basically required for me to beat the first region's summon, I got 2/3 of the artifacts. But when you find the artifacts? You have to do this weird minigame to get the item. You have to do that for almost everything. Stealth missions for a new chocobo in a new region. 2-3x I had to move around this big ass vacuum thing to suck up some mako before I could proceed through some door. The painstakingly slow "Hold Y" to open things is still there. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING! lol... but yeah. It's hardly enough to not make me still love the game overall.
I'm also enjoying Queen's Blood, the card game. Not sure what the hate is on this. On the ship there's a tournament and you can completely skip it if you want. But so far it's like, hit a new town, there might be ~3 new NPC's to fight. So it's not even as crazy as FF8's or Gwent where you can play so many NPC's. It's a small set of specific people it seems.
The side quests themselves don't seem offensively bad so far at all. They sound a lot better than the MMO styled stuff I've heard about FF16. But you'd probably know more on that. There is a LOT of side content here, which is mostly optional. But I feel like people had me thinking I'd be buried alive with too much content. I'm not really feeling that issue thankfully. I think for the first region, there is only ~4-5 main side missions based off the menu. I probably did like 30-40% of that region and maybe even less of Juno. So it's crazy how optional a lot of Juno, outside the city, seemed. I just wanted to hit up that area asap though. Looked immaculate.
The linear dungeons have been great so far. Maybe better than Remake's in a way. They just flow nicely.
Now if there's one thing that truly does suck... Chadley. It's baffling dude. Whatever you heard, I can't prepare you enough either. Whoever at Square thought this guys role needed to be magnified needs to be slapped 10x over. It's like Hope in Lightning Returns but even more. Those open world side activities I mention above? Chadley will chime in for like every single thing you complete. Even worse, Cloud pulls out this tablet like device so you get to see Chadley's stupid face. Chadley created some female AI thing, who doesn't look special, but I got excited thinking that would be nice. I haven't seen her in hours lol. They really need to pull a Jar Jar Binks on this guys ass, I need him written out of part 3 pretty much entirely. I even think that Kyrie chick would have been better. Johnny! Anyone. So yeah, get ready for Chadley. A lot of Chadley.
One big hope for this trilogy is that it really does Wutai justice. Whenever I revisit the original and go in realizing that they're supposed to be like the second strongest nation in this world next to corporation Shrina... in the OG game they're like a mountain village with a few families. lmao, so I hope the scope of Wutai is a lot bigger or something here. Real curious how they'll handle all that.
Anyways lmao... yeah man I'm loving it. Don't care how long or big it is yet, so hopefully this meditative approach keeps any fatigue away haha. I told myself just simply beating it by the end of the year is good enough. Now I want to beat it sooner than that and move on, but yeah haha. The game is huge, it's deliberately slow about things with some weird design choices, but I'm embracing it all and having fun. Putting my bias of Midgar aside, I think I could maybe see it beating Remake main path wise. I'm glad I dodged any key spoilers, I have no idea exactly what this game will cover and where it ends. Exciting stuff. I'm already feeling like in retrospect, we'll feel pretty spoiled that we got a massive modern trilogy out of FF7. It's starting to feel like Mass Effect in that way to me. Bit of a dream come true.
Good lord lol. I think the closest I've gotten to this kind of gameplay was playing Fallout New Vegas on hardcore one time. Kind of forces you to engage with sleeping, hunger, etc. Was never too bad though and I wasn't starting up the game as an actual baby that knew nothing haha. And damn, already 70 hours in? And still sounds like you're doing some basic stuff in any other game. Hot damn.
Me, I started up Rebirth today and it's glorious. Orgy to my ears. Running good on my PC and OLED. Already going to want more smol cowgirl Tifa haha. Cloud's Punisher mode is definitely a bit different, gotta get used to that. But I seem to remember most saying they liked the combat even more in this one. I've only been Nibelheim and some mountains that went into an old Shinra factory, but man, this is again instantly one of my favorite worlds to be in. Can't wait to dive in hard this weekend.
The story around this is still unraveling, but sounds like Grummz claims with new proof that it isn't woke. Maybe it handles any content like that to historical accuracy like you're saying or has some meaning to it beyond a purple whale putting in modern day politics into a game haha. Honestly, this doesn't look like much of a you kind of game to me from a glance, but I guess this time period is a huge selling point for you. It looks like a hardcore 90's CRPG. Does it have dungeons? lol
I can't believe I just heard about KCD1 being on the Switch haha. But it sounds horrible on there and not recommended at all. I saw Razorfist playing it on PC the other day. It's suddenly everywhere now, you playing it, etc lol. Must be with news of 2 on the horizon giving it more attention again.
Definitely not what I meant to convey with Soul Hackers 2... I dropped it after about 5 hours haha. It's not outright bad but it was pretty boring in ways. 5 hours vs 115 for SMT5, hah.
I ended up blasting through Ghostwire Tokyo. I had some big nitpicks with this one yet the charm and unique factor carried it enough for me to roll credits. Definitely gets point for being original. So I prefer The Evil Within games for sure, but yeah. I'm glad Tango got rescued by some Korean publisher after MS tried to shut them down completely.
There's definitely a bit I've heard about KCD that sounds pretty cool. Sounds like Skyrim but a lot more hardcore and better haha. I'll be curious how it keeps going for you. I actually got it for $5 on some big Steam sale awhile back. I'm seeing some shenanigans around KCD2 being anti-woke, but now people digging up it has unskippable gay scenes. *shrug* Maybe the first one is woke free?
The legend himself, Keiichi Okabe. But it's all downhill from there lol. 4 hours of this one and it's a bust for me. So I think the mixed reception is maybe right. The production values are great, there's something certainly here, but it's just so freaking boring. So it might not be an identity crisis of a weird mix of SMT and Persona, it's just kind of a subpar offering that doesn't do anything that great.
This is the second dungeon theme I had to endure, without falling into a coma lol
I forget how big MONACA is and that they even do anime. So to me it's clearly Okabe probably wasn't that hands on with this game.
The combat is completely fine with some cool stuff. Probably some Persona in there, with comparisons to SMT Digital Devil Saga 1-2 from the PS2 I can think of. And I even like some of the main characters, like this hime bob cut Ringo. Buuuut yeah. I've had my fill. Either I hit up another SMT instead later this year or give Persona 5 a whirl. Rebirth drops on the 23rd so I don't want to start up anything too long now.
Man oh man, am I stoked for a big replay this year though haha:
Looks like TONS of new content and QOL changes. The area at the end is completely new. I think I told you I regretted rushing this game a bit. Funny enough it's kind of like SMT though compared to the other XB's, way more gameplay first with story taking a backseat. But everything there is still awesome and cool to soak in. Think I'll have even more fun with it this time.
Atlus doesn't seem to miss with OST's. SMT5 is incredible, with over 40 battle tracks. That's insane. I think SMT4 is still my favorite OST of these games, but yeah. Great music from these teams. If you like those hymns and choirs, how about this banger?
Mastema's theme apparently. Now I'm sad my first playthrough wasn't the right route to finally fight this SOB. Is he in Persona too? I wouldn't be surprised. He's always this weird shady character on the sidelines. I think SMT kind of pits Law/Holy as the real villains. He's so creepy and asks of your bidding all for his Holiness. lol, oh well I do have him on my team actually haha. He's cool to use. But I want to finally fight this guy.
I'm being stubborn and can almost knock out one of these last two super bosses I have on this SMT5 playthrough... need the RNG Gods to assist me. lol