Jul 14, 2013 11:48 AM
6.98? really? I just watched it and it's not even that bad. |
Jul 14, 2013 11:51 AM
MAL agrees with you OP: Most voters gave it a 7 or 8. |
-Fixing- |
Jul 14, 2013 12:41 PM
MAL ratings = take it with a grain of salt I dunno. Anime fans are getting worse and worse as time goes by. The fact that the anime industry kept spouting out generically bad series does not help. It makes some people unable to actually distinguish a good series from a bad one. |
bla bla bla The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.Niko-kun said: On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard? |
Jul 14, 2013 1:05 PM
@OP - I just finished the first episode for real, I had a glance at the second but I'll wait a quality release. I'm a TYPE-MOON fan, not a fanatic one but I finished FSN's VN and wander around with their other works ~.~ You know... the fantastic part here is how high the rating actually is... It doesn't have any story, just a lot of clichés but it's not funny enough to just call it an ONA, it doesn't feel TYPE-MOON, they're doing one hell of a bad job with Tohsaka and Ilya. We could list a few reasons why someone would actually watch this -----Just to see your favorite character again: Nope. Not here. I left Einzbern Soundanshitsu top score until I finally got down my horse and lowered it to 9 just because seeing Irisviel again was that much fun. But not here... this one is bad, feels off. Being an another world would be a good excuse to show us some slife of life fun but its failing so far. ----Fanservice: It's nothing great... ----Story: ROFLMAO. ----Just to complete your F/S franchise: Yeah, here it actually works. People are rating it 7 because it's not "bad", it just doesn't have anything going for it, but it's Illya and it's Fate, so they're watching it and... why give it a low score, its not like the world will explode or anything. You see, this whole anime is running from a "just because" excuse, if this were an independent show, and you didn't know the characters the rating would be dramatically lower. Kamina__ said: who the fuck even takes the rating seriously? Everyone should take them seriously. If you don't trust ratings then there would be no meaning to this website |
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity. Group franchises in Top Anime page. Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5. |
Jul 14, 2013 1:12 PM
I skimmed over some of the manga, and there definitely seemed to me like there was a plot.... |
Jul 14, 2013 1:26 PM
Omegadark said: Even the first episode is incredibly meaninful in "plot". It depends only on your own quality standards.I skimmed over some of the manga, and there definitely seemed to me like there was a plot.... If you still insist this anime is worth a topscore then I just give up on you. You'll find some other people who agree with you. |
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity. Group franchises in Top Anime page. Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5. |
Jul 14, 2013 1:26 PM
Jul 14, 2013 1:48 PM
Rapha_Lamperouge said: Omegadark said: Even the first episode is incredibly meaninful in "plot". It depends only on your own quality standards.I skimmed over some of the manga, and there definitely seemed to me like there was a plot.... If you still insist this anime is worth a topscore then I just give up on you. You'll find some other people who agree with you. This series is no better or worse than Cardcaptors Sakura. In other words, unless you can define a bit better what your "quality standards" is, let's say comparing it to Cardcaptors, then it's a bit pretentious to criticize the OP's "quality standards". I cringe whenever someone start claiming his/her "quality standards" is better than someone else's |
bla bla bla The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.Niko-kun said: On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard? |
Jul 14, 2013 3:37 PM
ROFLMAO Okay Okay Okay. I'm just leaving the thread since it's not headed anywhere good, I'm not really fond of flamming. I would kindly ask not to badmouth me in my absence :3 See ya. |
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity. Group franchises in Top Anime page. Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5. |
Jul 14, 2013 5:34 PM
How can you even rate a show if you have not completed it? I mean seriously only two episodes are out and you already concerned about ratings? Are you really going to take people serious if they start ratting a show after just two episodes, it's pretty much the same thing about worrying what you have for breakfast one year from now. |
Jul 14, 2013 6:32 PM
Rapha_Lamperouge said: Omegadark said: Even the first episode is incredibly meaninful in "plot". It depends only on your own quality standards.I skimmed over some of the manga, and there definitely seemed to me like there was a plot.... If you still insist this anime is worth a topscore then I just give up on you. You'll find some other people who agree with you. I'm really not fond of criticising people based on their tastes, but considering you are doing as such with other people and putting yourself on a pedestal like a pretentious dickwad, I'm going to make an exception. First and foremost, from your previous response, "Everyone should take them seriously. If you don't trust ratings then there would be no meaning to this website", means that you personally take the ratings seriously and thus all of your ratings would be serious as well. Therefore, your page should give an accurate view of your 'quality standards' that you seem to think highly of. So then, I wonder, why do you have Sword Art Online down for 10/10? Similarly, you have Fairy Tail as a 10, which I must say is far from being anything that would imply your standards were any higher than somebody that enjoyed Fate/Kaleid. Especially as you gave series such as FLCL, Wolf's Rain and Black Rock Shooter a score of 1. Now just to clarify: I really don't take scores seriously. If you were to look at my list, you wouldn't find scores that actually reflect how I felt about them. I rate based solely on enjoyment or for the most daftest of reasons - so definitely nothing you could call objective. However, I did this just because this stuck up moron thinks highly of himself for what he pretends is high standards. I also have no problem with people enjoying Sword Art Online or Fairy Tail. It's just that they are by no means a 10/10 if you were to rate them seriously, which would suggest that you find it a 'masterpiece'. |
meh |
Jul 14, 2013 8:06 PM
Aversa said: Well you can rate a show even if it is not completed. I don't do it myself, but I don't see the problem. However, I do agree that rating after two episodes doesn't mean anything. You shouldn't be concerned about MAL rating before the end of a series... Hell, you shouldn't be concerned by it at all. But if you are, just wait until the end, there is plenty of time for it to go down :)How can you even rate a show if you have not completed it? I mean seriously only two episodes are out and you already concerned about ratings? Are you really going to take people serious if they start ratting a show after just two episodes, it's pretty much the same thing about worrying what you have for breakfast one year from now. |
Jul 14, 2013 9:52 PM
I feel like it's mostly because of disappointed Type-moon fans who just want grimdark and edgy Fate/Stay Night stuff. Spin-offs like this are fine, imo. It's nice to see the characters in a world that doesn't hate their guts for once. |
Jul 15, 2013 1:33 AM
Aversa said: How can you even rate a show if you have not completed it? I mean seriously only two episodes are out and you already concerned about ratings? Are you really going to take people serious if they start ratting a show after just two episodes, it's pretty much the same thing about worrying what you have for breakfast one year from now. The thing is, there are people that will pass this show up when deciding what to watch if they see a rating like 6.98, as a score like that generally means the anime wasn't that good. You can't expect everyone to know not to take early MAL ratings seriously either. This is why for shows like this, I go ahead and give it the 10/10 for now in order to try and bump the average ratings up to make it look like it's at least average. Honestly I think it would be better if they made it so you can't rate an anime until you've completed it, but that's probably impossible. |
Jul 15, 2013 2:18 AM
Basically two types of people: - People who are prejudiced against magical girl shows. - People who have no idea that nasuverse is a multiverse and can't comprehend an alternate route idea, thus yet again, rating without giivng a proper go through. Strawhat_Pirate said: I feel like it's mostly because of disappointed Type-moon fans who just want grimdark and edgy Fate/Stay Night stuff. Spin-offs like this are fine, imo. It's nice to see the characters in a world that doesn't hate their guts for once. if one has no freaking idea what magicalgirlverse, despite it being mentioned and used in F/Hollow Ataraxia, then one is not really a type moon fan. Also while its not as grimdark as F/0 its still grimdark enough for the rest of franchise. |
Jul 15, 2013 4:05 PM
I'm sorry to break it to you but this shit was pretty bad. I had high hopes for it, but I dropped it. Don't get me wrong I love mahou shoujo and type-moon but |
Jul 15, 2013 5:59 PM
Pangeaa said: I'm sorry to break it to you but this shit was pretty bad. I had high hopes for it, but I dropped it. Don't get me wrong I love mahou shoujo and type-moon but Agreed with everything, except for the part about mahou shoujo... I hate those. I dislike all moe anime and everything related to that. So this anime comes to me as a disgrace to Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero... This is why people are rating it low. |
Jul 15, 2013 6:43 PM
Ownsin said: Pangeaa said: I'm sorry to break it to you but this shit was pretty bad. I had high hopes for it, but I dropped it. Don't get me wrong I love mahou shoujo and type-moon but Agreed with everything, except for the part about mahou shoujo... I hate those. I dislike all moe anime and everything related to that. So this anime comes to me as a disgrace to Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero... This is why people are rating it low. You watch one episode and talk like you know a thing about this series hell if you even watched till the end of episode 2 you would of seen Rider pierced through the heart by Miyu by equipping the Lancer card and using Gae Bolg. These 2 episodes have covered 2 chapters of a total of 47 translated chapters spread over 3 series of this and you talk like you know anything about this? There is comedy (toned down comedy in the anime compared to the manga) and yes it definitely does parody stuff but it is also very faithful to the type moon universe and is a interesting spin off with a magical girl card captor Sakura/Nanoha setting. Many characters will appear and you have already seen a number in the first 2 episodes with even a grown up Waver making an appearance in episode 2 and he wont be the last one to show up. You can sit there and try look down on it after watching 1 or 2 episodes all you want but dont think for a second you can tell what it will be like, it may not be Zero or Stay Night but this is most definitely still a Fate series at it's core. |
Othinus Touma Pairing |
Jul 15, 2013 6:56 PM
Ownsin said: Pangeaa said: I'm sorry to break it to you but this shit was pretty bad. I had high hopes for it, but I dropped it. Don't get me wrong I love mahou shoujo and type-moon but Agreed with everything, except for the part about mahou shoujo... I hate those. I dislike all moe anime and everything related to that. So this anime comes to me as a disgrace to Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero... This is why people are rating it low. THis post is hilarious considering anyone who knew anything about FSN would know that Kaleidostick, Kaleido Ruby(as Rin's "sort-of" split personality due to dimensional magic), etc, have had their first appearance, SPECIFICALLY in FSN vn, after that having made several appearances in various media, both canon and half-canon - stuff as Battle Moon Wars(which is not canon) and Carnival Phantasm(which contains mostly canon elements. So this "disgrace" has been, literally, in the original work. And then you add two and two together and realize that the one who MADE those items has been around in nasuverse EVEN BEFORE FSN was created, so... But please, continue. Having rated Madoka of all things a 6, genre bias is strong in you. Rapha_Lamperouge said: Omegadark said: Even the first episode is incredibly meaninful in "plot". It depends only on your own quality standards.I skimmed over some of the manga, and there definitely seemed to me like there was a plot.... If you still insist this anime is worth a topscore then I just give up on you. You'll find some other people who agree with you. I hate to resort to the flawed "HA HA YOUR LIST" argument twice in same post, but this begs for it. Bleach 8 Danganronpa 5 Ergo Proxy 6 Fairy Tail 10 Shiki 6 Gargantia 6 SAO 10 Trigun 5 Tsubasa Chronicle 8 Wolf's Rain 1 Either tell your list is a huge joke or stop talking about "standards" before you embarrass yourself further. Slicer22 said: Ownsin said: Pangeaa said: I'm sorry to break it to you but this shit was pretty bad. I had high hopes for it, but I dropped it. Don't get me wrong I love mahou shoujo and type-moon but Agreed with everything, except for the part about mahou shoujo... I hate those. I dislike all moe anime and everything related to that. So this anime comes to me as a disgrace to Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero... This is why people are rating it low. You watch one episode and talk like you know a thing about this series hell if you even watched till the end of episode 2 you would of seen Rider pierced through the heart by Miyu by equipping the Lancer card and using Gae Bolg. These 2 episodes have covered 2 chapters of a total of 47 translated chapters spread over 3 series of this and you talk like you know anything about this? There is comedy (toned down comedy in the anime compared to the manga) and yes it definitely does parody stuff but it is also very faithful to the type moon universe and is a interesting spin off with a magical girl card captor Sakura/Nanoha setting. Many characters will appear and you have already seen a number in the first 2 episodes with even a grown up Waver making an appearance in episode 2 and he wont be the last one to show up. You can sit there and try look down on it after watching 1 or 2 episodes all you want but dont think for a second you can tell what it will be like, it may not be Zero or Stay Night but this is most definitely still a Fate series at it's core. ^THIS. Not just Waver - we have seen Zelretch himself too, whose appearance makes it in on itself already. And really the list of why it is part of the franchise can keep on going: - Saber Alter and Alter forms of every servant. - Indications of what went different with Fate Zero. - Einzbern family's nature and purpose. - Iris and Kiritsugu. - Illya's maids. - Multiple characters directly referencing the multiverse idea. - Freaking Gilgamesh. - Kaleido Ruby and Kaleidosticks being canon characters appearing in Ataraxia. - Luvia Edelfelt being 1000% canon character and her rivalry relationship with Rin being 1000% true to canon. - Freaking Bazett. This is as close as one can get to having "Illya Route", even if the divergence in this case begins somewhere midway Fate/Zero and not with Shirou at the start of 5th Heaven's Feel. |
AhenshihaelJul 15, 2013 7:03 PM
Jul 15, 2013 9:26 PM
Man with this getting only 10 eps, I fear we might not get to the awesome that is Gilgamesh.... |
Jul 16, 2013 1:28 AM
Think it's retarded that people rate on the first episode, unless they are dropping it. Oh well, this IS MAL. |
![]() |
Jul 16, 2013 3:57 AM
Omegadark said: Man with this getting only 10 eps, I fear we might not get to the awesome that is Gilgamesh.... I would expect Kuro and Gilgamesh to be the "teaser ending for the season". |
Jul 16, 2013 3:57 PM
I rate after the anime, people that rate it head of time must be able to see the future o.O |
Jul 20, 2013 7:37 PM
okthxbaii said: Think it's retarded that people rate on the first episode, unless they are dropping it. Oh well, this IS MAL. "People don't rate like me, they are retarded, blablabla" Ur comments are giving me cancer. |
Jul 20, 2013 10:21 PM
Pangeaa said: okthxbaii said: Think it's retarded that people rate on the first episode, unless they are dropping it. Oh well, this IS MAL. "People don't rate like me, they are retarded, blablabla" Ur comments are giving me cancer. He said the act itself was retarded, not the people.... |
Jul 21, 2013 12:05 AM
Being a typemoon fan myself i like how this series started and being able to see typemoon characters alter ego is a win soo yeah... I don't really take the rating seriously since some people just have a loooot of free time and create account just to vote 10's or 1's on series they love/hate...I rate my anime based on how much i enjoyed watching it and the "Ah that was time well wasted feeling". Also if some rated this as 1 i don't care since that's their opinion and I respect that. wakka9ca said: I dunno. Anime fans are getting worse and worse as time goes by. The fact that the anime industry kept spouting out generically bad series does not help. I think the anime industry keeps making this "generically bad series" because that is what the majority of the anime fans want. And on a completely unrelated subject: Is it just me or are the two kaleidostick tsukihime character? |
Jul 21, 2013 3:29 AM
I'm utterly surprised at how ppl think that Neptunia is some kind of godlike anime, when it actually is a boring as fuck anime which makes no sense.On top of that it has a higher rate than Prisma Ilya , when Prisma Ilya is a lot better. |
Jul 21, 2013 6:38 AM
Don't worry about the rating. This is still ongoing, it may rise As for myself, I enjoy this show. I've read the manga and I think it's good. |
Jul 21, 2013 7:30 AM
scythez said: Being a typemoon fan myself i like how this series started and being able to see typemoon characters alter ego is a win soo yeah... I don't really take the rating seriously since some people just have a loooot of free time and create account just to vote 10's or 1's on series they love/hate...I rate my anime based on how much i enjoyed watching it and the "Ah that was time well wasted feeling". Also if some rated this as 1 i don't care since that's their opinion and I respect that. wakka9ca said: I dunno. Anime fans are getting worse and worse as time goes by. The fact that the anime industry kept spouting out generically bad series does not help. I think the anime industry keeps making this "generically bad series" because that is what the majority of the anime fans want. And on a completely unrelated subject: Is it just me or are the two kaleidostick tsukihime character? YEah Ruby is Kohaku and Saphirre is Hisui.Their VA's at least. |
Jul 21, 2013 9:09 AM
ssjokg said: YEah Ruby is Kohaku and Saphirre is Hisui.Their VA's at least. Well I don't know about their VA's but their characteristics are way to similar. Now Imagine ruby planning something while showing a happy facade that would be nice. |
Jul 21, 2013 9:22 AM
scythez said: Well I think that was what they were thinking when they were choosing those two.ssjokg said: YEah Ruby is Kohaku and Saphirre is Hisui.Their VA's at least. Well I don't know about their VA's but their characteristics are way to similar. Now Imagine ruby planning something while showing a happy facade that would be nice. Dont forget that this series is full of references for those that have read the originals of Fate/ and Tsukihime.Ruby and Sapphire reflect Kohaku and Hisui in their actions(but not their pasts.That would be weird for magic wands) Hell even FZ anime had some nice cameos and other stuff. |
Aug 12, 2013 1:04 PM
Don't people realize what type of show it is just from the synopsis/preview/cover/etc? I find it odd that people who aren't fond of Mahou Shoujo are watching this and find it disappointing when it's clear what type of show it would be to begin with. |
Aug 12, 2013 1:14 PM
aznkirby890 said: Don't people realize what type of show it is just from the synopsis/preview/cover/etc? I find it odd that people who aren't fond of Mahou Shoujo are watching this and find it disappointing when it's clear what type of show it would be to begin with. Except that. 1) its not a traditional mahou shoujo show. 2) its not exactly clear what kind of show it is, but people judge it as traditional mahou shoujo show. |
Aug 12, 2013 2:26 PM
Fai said: Well it IS a mahou Shoujo show.+Fate/.aznkirby890 said: Don't people realize what type of show it is just from the synopsis/preview/cover/etc? I find it odd that people who aren't fond of Mahou Shoujo are watching this and find it disappointing when it's clear what type of show it would be to begin with. Except that. 1) its not a traditional mahou shoujo show. 2) its not exactly clear what kind of show it is, but people judge it as traditional mahou shoujo show. Some people judge Madoka purely based on its Mahou Shoujo premise regardless if it is very different to the likes of Pretty Cure etc.It isnt odd that it happens here too. |
Aug 12, 2013 3:16 PM
ssjokg said: Fai said: Well it IS a mahou Shoujo show.+Fate/.aznkirby890 said: Don't people realize what type of show it is just from the synopsis/preview/cover/etc? I find it odd that people who aren't fond of Mahou Shoujo are watching this and find it disappointing when it's clear what type of show it would be to begin with. Except that. 1) its not a traditional mahou shoujo show. 2) its not exactly clear what kind of show it is, but people judge it as traditional mahou shoujo show. Some people judge Madoka purely based on its Mahou Shoujo premise regardless if it is very different to the likes of Pretty Cure etc.It isnt odd that it happens here too. Its a fate show with two magical girls in it. Otherwise it really has not much to do with usual stuff in the genre. |
Aug 12, 2013 3:29 PM
Fai said: Problem is that some people,unfortunately dont care.ssjokg said: Fai said: Well it IS a mahou Shoujo show.+Fate/.aznkirby890 said: Don't people realize what type of show it is just from the synopsis/preview/cover/etc? I find it odd that people who aren't fond of Mahou Shoujo are watching this and find it disappointing when it's clear what type of show it would be to begin with. Except that. 1) its not a traditional mahou shoujo show. 2) its not exactly clear what kind of show it is, but people judge it as traditional mahou shoujo show. Some people judge Madoka purely based on its Mahou Shoujo premise regardless if it is very different to the likes of Pretty Cure etc.It isnt odd that it happens here too. Its a fate show with two magical girls in it. Otherwise it really has not much to do with usual stuff in the genre. Even worse some see Mahou Shoujo and Fate all in one so they bash it even more. |
Sep 13, 2013 1:10 PM
Fai said: Ownsin said: Pangeaa said: Bleach 8 Danganronpa 5 Ergo Proxy 6 Fairy Tail 10 Shiki 6 Gargantia 6 SAO 10 Trigun 5 Tsubasa Chronicle 8 Wolf's Rain 1 Either tell your list is a huge joke or stop talking about "standards" before you embarrass yourself further HAHAHAHA. Thanks if in over 320 anime you could only find that many "flaws." More than enough has been said about Danganronpa adaptation, I protested against all the haters, we're watching an anime and not playing a game but it simply failed to me, too rushed and obvious. People die without any mystery, expectation, thriller, surprise, just completely out of the blue, they show a couple tools for a couple of minutes and class court starts, then culprit ragequits and it's over. The MC is neither smart, passionate or charismatic for those discussions to keep me awake. The culprits always give in themselves with a small contradiction and go off character when it is pointed out I only watched the start of Proxy and Shiki, the latter even happens to be on-hold with the 3rd episode saved in my PC to watch later. Because yeah, those 2 do have a plot and meaning I have to stop and analyze. Different from here. I counted Tsubasa skipping fillers and the story was amazing. I didn't really see it coming from you who has Tsubasa manga as your top favorite. Yeah, the adaptation slowed it down to an 8 for me. So I heard Gargantia has a cool art. Yeah, I rated it 6. So I heard SAO is clichéd? Gargantia is cliched too. I rate shounens for the enjoyment they provide, SAO was incredibly enjoyable, the development was really nice too. I'm personally still in love with KiritoxAsune lovey-dokeyness. How do you think shounen like Naruto came to be that popular? People rate shounen and GAR anime by how awesome it feels. Or isn't that how people are supposed to enjoy anime? I rated Trigun movie with an 8 or 9 if I remember correctly... the anime was great but it got incredibly boring towards the middle, we just kept staring at Vash in emo mode for 15 minutes as he stared into the sky, reminded about a woman with barely no lines and punishes himself. Maybe that masochist stuff isn't for me. Wolf's Rain is a more complicated matter you can send me a PM and we discuss about it. |
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity. Group franchises in Top Anime page. Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5. |
Sep 13, 2013 1:26 PM
^ That you fail to see any meaning in the show's plot isnt anyone fault but yours.Just like SAO was enjoyable and cliche so was FAte/Kaleid.And with better and longer fights.What everyone expected from SAO but instead got romance between Asuna and Kirito. Shiki has no plot that you have to stop and analyze.It is quite frankly your usual vampire vs human story. Shiki aside,as you can see it isnt about "quality standards" because if it was,you already fail because of SAO,but it is all about what you want from a show. What we wanted from FAte/Kaleid.A plot that easily makes sense,Fate/ stuff,and the chars that we know and love.We got all that. |
Sep 13, 2013 1:55 PM
MAL ratings are usually at least 1-2 points too high so if show is barely above 7 you know there's something wrong with it. Even more if being part of franchise with loads of fanboys can't carry it... |
Ii tenki desu ne... |
Sep 13, 2013 1:57 PM
Sep 13, 2013 2:01 PM
Antanaru said: MAL ratings are usually at least 1-2 points too high so if show is barely above 7 you know there's something wrong with it. Even more if being part of franchise with loads of fanboys can't carry it... MAL ratings are fine.There is nothing wrong with any show.Fanboys exist for Fate/,Eva,FMA,Aria,Clannad etc etc. So either there is something wrong with EVERY series or nothing is wrong ta all. |
Sep 13, 2013 2:56 PM
ssjokg said: ^ That you fail to see any meaning in the show's plot isnt anyone fault but yours.Just like SAO was enjoyable and cliche so was FAte/Kaleid.And with better and longer fights.What everyone expected from SAO but instead got romance between Asuna and Kirito. Shiki has no plot that you have to stop and analyze.It is quite frankly your usual vampire vs human story. Shiki aside,as you can see it isnt about "quality standards" because if it was,you already fail because of SAO,but it is all about what you want from a show. What we wanted from FAte/Kaleid.A plot that easily makes sense,Fate/ stuff,and the chars that we know and love.We got all that. I don't understand it anymore, I rated it a six and then I'm the greatest shiki fan ever. Now I can be sure you guys are trolling. |
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity. Group franchises in Top Anime page. Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5. |
Sep 13, 2013 3:15 PM
Rapha_Lamperouge said: Now I can be sure you guys are trolling. sadly theyre not |
Sep 14, 2013 1:46 AM
Rapha_Lamperouge said: Fai said: Bleach 8 Danganronpa 5 Ergo Proxy 6 Fairy Tail 10 Shiki 6 Gargantia 6 SAO 10 Trigun 5 Tsubasa Chronicle 8 Wolf's Rain 1 Either tell your list is a huge joke or stop talking about "standards" before you embarrass yourself further HAHAHAHA. Thanks if in over 320 anime you could only find that many "flaws." More than enough has been said about Danganronpa adaptation, I protested against all the haters, we're watching an anime and not playing a game but it simply failed to me, too rushed and obvious. People die without any mystery, expectation, thriller, surprise, just completely out of the blue, they show a couple tools for a couple of minutes and class court starts, then culprit ragequits and it's over. The MC is neither smart, passionate or charismatic for those discussions to keep me awake. The culprits always give in themselves with a small contradiction and go off character when it is pointed out I only watched the start of Proxy and Shiki, the latter even happens to be on-hold with the 3rd episode saved in my PC to watch later. Because yeah, those 2 do have a plot and meaning I have to stop and analyze. Different from here. I counted Tsubasa skipping fillers and the story was amazing. I didn't really see it coming from you who has Tsubasa manga as your top favorite. Yeah, the adaptation slowed it down to an 8 for me. So I heard Gargantia has a cool art. Yeah, I rated it 6. So I heard SAO is clichéd? Gargantia is cliched too. I rate shounens for the enjoyment they provide, SAO was incredibly enjoyable, the development was really nice too. I'm personally still in love with KiritoxAsune lovey-dokeyness. How do you think shounen like Naruto came to be that popular? People rate shounen and GAR anime by how awesome it feels. Or isn't that how people are supposed to enjoy anime? I rated Trigun movie with an 8 or 9 if I remember correctly... the anime was great but it got incredibly boring towards the middle, we just kept staring at Vash in emo mode for 15 minutes as he stared into the sky, reminded about a woman with barely no lines and punishes himself. Maybe that masochist stuff isn't for me. Wolf's Rain is a more complicated matter you can send me a PM and we discuss about it. Ahhh, so basically you fail to comprehend the plot so its, bad? I see. :3 |
Sep 14, 2013 2:35 AM
Rapha_Lamperouge said: ssjokg said: ^ That you fail to see any meaning in the show's plot isnt anyone fault but yours.Just like SAO was enjoyable and cliche so was FAte/Kaleid.And with better and longer fights.What everyone expected from SAO but instead got romance between Asuna and Kirito. Shiki has no plot that you have to stop and analyze.It is quite frankly your usual vampire vs human story. Shiki aside,as you can see it isnt about "quality standards" because if it was,you already fail because of SAO,but it is all about what you want from a show. What we wanted from FAte/Kaleid.A plot that easily makes sense,Fate/ stuff,and the chars that we know and love.We got all that. I don't understand it anymore, I rated it a six and then I'm the greatest shiki fan ever. Now I can be sure you guys are trolling. Yes that is exactly what I was saying above.....Maybe you are right ,maybe you do have to stop and analyze it. Exblaster said: Rapha_Lamperouge said: Now I can be sure you guys are trolling. sadly theyre not "Sadly" because we cant agree with someone that talks about "quality standards" that even he himself doesnt have? Because he cant or doesnt want to comprehend what we say? If someone is trolling here that is him. |
Sep 15, 2013 10:20 AM
i shouldve meant "sadly for him" i was actually agreeing with you guys ssjokg said: If someone is trolling here that is him. i thought he was just being painfully ignorant |
ExblasterSep 15, 2013 10:26 AM
Oct 1, 2013 8:47 AM
I don't understand why you people are getting on dissenters throats. Frankly I think across the board MAL has ridiculously low scores. I also think Fate Prism is a good show. That said its basically its a headscratcher. It kind of reminds me of Angelic Days Eva. First it tries to be a cartoony version of a series show. Then it goes all serious at parts, but comes off as goofy at others. If someone likes the played straight series I can see them not liking this. Its not Fate Stay, its not Tsukihime, its not Garden. Then it comes down to taste. I mean look at it this way. Someone paints a realistic painting of a fruit. Its a technical masterpiece, looks exactly like the photo. But I could see an art critic complaining, whats the point, their is nothing unique about it. Its a picture of a fruit, it does not invoke that feeling that one should get from a true masterpiece work. Someone else might take the opposite view and look at it in terms of skill, and say, does not get better than that. So in short you guys should chill. Plus I also hate to point this out, but I get the feeling vocal minorities are the only ones that every post. I can say that as being a naysayer on the boards of other shows. How many different people actually posted in this thread. And how many people rate the show. You don't get a bigger vote just because you post. Often times the majority just does not care enough to deal with every naysayer on a good show, and every proponent of a bad show. I mean just look at sports, if your team wins and wins alot they are good by the performance on the field. Is the majority of people going to feel the need to fight every straggler who comes in and says you suck. No, the team won who cares what they say. You can't just throw out the rating, because the handful of people who comment on this board have the opposite opinion. Once again I like the show, personally I think ho and les yay is crap, its fan service pandering and honestly comes of as extremely disingenuous to some who is actually lbgt. And if you tell me otherwise, Ill just point out that maid scene which I am sure if you showed to average none anime fan they would probably like to throw in jail for watching. But that aside the comedic value of the show shines through. The dark scenes work occasionally, and its nice to see some old faces; although honestly Id like to see Shirou, Sabe, Sakura, Archer and some others more, and less of some of the other characters. |
Oct 1, 2013 8:53 AM
krownklown said: although honestly Id like to see Shirou, Sabe, Sakura, Archer and some others more, and less of some of the other characters. Season 2 and 3 will have enough of that. LIke this guy: Archer(EMIYA) a special case.... |
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