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Nov 20, 2012 12:17 PM

Jul 2011
Oh wow this show is just so much different from what I'm used to in anime. It's definitely a school full of sluts though.
Nov 22, 2012 2:58 PM
Jun 2012
I can't belive what I saw. Makoto... I don't even have words for him. He was beta to start with, but he went to fucking omega.

I would not care if he was confident in fucking every girl possible like a boss, but he is just utter baka and scumbag. I hope his dna won't reproduce and he will met ending he deserves.
Nov 25, 2012 2:34 AM

Jun 2012
Colouring said:
I can't belive what I saw. Makoto... I don't even have words for him. He was beta to start with, but he went to fucking omega.

I would not care if he was confident in fucking every girl possible like a boss, but he is just utter baka and scumbag. I hope his dna won't reproduce and he will met ending he deserves.

You'll enjoy episode twelve.
Some parts of this post may be exaggerated.
Dec 27, 2012 7:49 PM
Nov 2011
I'm rooting for an ending where all the girls find out the MC is a bastard, kick him in the groin and say goodbye.... But he'll probably end up with someone.

Man what a player.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Dec 27, 2012 7:52 PM
May 2012
Vere, I so wanna spoil it...

-resists urge-
Dec 28, 2012 12:03 AM

Jun 2012
Veretax said:
I'm rooting for an ending where all the girls find out the MC is a bastard, kick him in the groin and say goodbye.... But he'll probably end up with someone.

Man what a player.

Makoto is so smooth.
Dec 28, 2012 12:13 AM
Nov 2010
lol go try the vn ^^
Jan 4, 2013 11:23 AM
Jul 2012
shitty episode.
skip entire episode fast forward
Jan 4, 2013 11:26 AM
Jul 2012
Tensai-Sama said:
Shuhan said:
Why is every chick into Makoto lol, i dont get it.

And was that rape at the end? Yikes if it is.

I really don't get it either, especially how he treats every one of them like a tramp.

May watch the final episode....
Feb 7, 2013 9:42 PM

Jul 2012
GRRRRR! This guy pisses me of to no end!
I hate the word “fate.” Birth, encounters, partings, success and failures, fortune and misfortunes in life. If our lives are already set in stone by fate, then why are we even born? There are those born to wealthy families, those born to beautiful mothers, and those born into the middle of war or poverty. If that’s all caused by fate, then God is incredibly unfair and cruel. Because, ever since that day, none of us had a future and the only certain thing was that we wouldn’t amount to anything. - Takakura Shouma
Feb 9, 2013 6:07 AM

Apr 2012
Why would he ever think that involving ANOTHER girl was a good idea, especially at this stage?! And would Katou really be okay with just sleeping with him once then never having anything again, since she's liked him for a few years? Pfffft. Sucks about Taisuke too, I just saw him as an emptyheaded unlucky-in-love goober, but that was apparently the rape scene... All the stuff that's happened to Kotonoha would probably make most people snap!
Feb 13, 2013 9:40 PM
Nov 2012
Sin said:
Ok I honestly thought there couldn't be a worse character than Makoto...that is until I saw what Taisuke did. That fucking bastard, did he actually rape kotonoha at the end?

I'm a bit late but wtf did taisuke do.. He's way better than Makoto... He just confessed.. probably not cause he actually liked her but he was just a horny bastard.. but so far it hasn't shown him trying to rape every single girl he sees..and he's obviously only choosing sekai over everyone else cause she lets him use her as some kind of sex tool..
May 11, 2013 5:17 PM

Apr 2013
Kotonoha is so desperate. He didn't come because he is busy.
Yes he is busy. Busy fucking his 3d girlfriend which he met 5 min ago -_-
Seriously this kid is hopeless.
Aug 5, 2013 4:51 PM

Nov 2012
Oh boy, how many times did this kid get laid already?
Aug 18, 2013 12:11 PM

Aug 2012
Lol Makoto is a hard guy to maintain.
Oct 6, 2013 7:58 AM
May 2013
I don't care anymore , I just want to watch this and laugh more than I laugh when I watch a good comedy.
Oct 14, 2013 4:08 PM

Feb 2013
It's pretty interesting how they have objectified Itou (by "they" I don't just mean the girls in the anime, but also the writers). He is basically a shell that exists for nothing but not-turning-away girls. It's like he doesn't even think it's a problem to cheat on Sekai.

I did laugh quit a bit at this episode. "Rest area" where students can go "do stuff" with their lovers?... how in the world did they get approval for such a thing? ... oh right, that's anime...
Mar 31, 2014 2:47 PM

May 2012
Makoto is a lucky bastard. All the girls want him.
Apr 2, 2014 4:33 AM

Oct 2013
He should choose 1 already,before things get complicated.

May 5, 2014 10:37 AM

Jan 2014
i liked how he said "i dont care" when that other girl asked him to hang out(he doesnt care as long as the one he is with breathing)

and i wish sekai would kick him harder at the start of the episode that would solve a lot of problems...

haha.i cant stop watching every single character in this anime getting more and more and more stupid with every episode.i hope kokoro-chan wont get raped,i cant be sure about anything anymore...
May 25, 2014 5:10 PM

Aug 2013
Wait, at the end... Have she been... raped? If so, Sawanaga, please die.
Is everyone fucking awful in that show?

For fuck sake, now he even slept with his childhood friend, as I guessed. Makoto is fucking disgusting, no wonder he's friend with the other dumbass.

So he choosed Sekai in the end. Or did her..? He didn't answered her at the end, he cheated on her a few minutes before and he's a fucking sociopath.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jun 28, 2014 7:34 PM

Jul 2013
YoungVagabond said:
At any rate, Taisuke, while an annoying idiot, just like every other character in "School Days", is also one of the few that did nothing morally wrong. He genuinely thought Katsura loved him, and that they were a couple after he told her what a cheating scumbag Makoto was. She did absolutely nothing in that scene to indicate that this wasn't the case.

This quote is really old but I don't care. This is RAPE. You are excusing RAPE. Never EVER blame the victim for being raped. It is both a physically and psychologically traumatizing event and if you're going to blame someone for not thinking rationally during an assault like this then you're wrong. Rape is NEVER the victim's fault. Don't excuse Taisuke for raping someone just by saying "he was being an idiot."
Jul 3, 2014 6:56 AM

Jan 2014
Meh, all characters are annoying
Oct 4, 2014 5:11 PM

Oct 2013

fucking douchebag Makoto

Legion17 said:
totally lost me there, She just kept saying Motoko so I was under the impression that she was still in shock after realizing Motoko betrayed her and that was the reason for the look on her face. As for Taisuke, I just thought he was hugging her... trying to tell her to give up on Motoko and go to him or something...

This. I was thinking for awhile Taisuke is the best character in this series, but if he actually raped her... but I didn't get that at all. I'd assume people are just thinking that as that's what happened in the game, but it happening in the game does not mean that's what happened here. But I'll find out in the next episode I guess. But the way Taisuke acted didn't at all make me think "omg rapist."

If he did... wow. I felt utterly terrible for Kotonoha before, but... >_>

Oct 10, 2014 8:55 AM

Dec 2013
no comment ...
Oct 20, 2014 8:15 PM
Jun 2013
This show is screwed up on so many levels.
Nov 22, 2014 2:06 PM

Oct 2014
Well, I take back what I said last episode. Makoto is still an asshole. I feel so badly for Kotonoha at this point, especially since it looks like Taisuke raped her. I had liked him up until this point too.
jdimaria3Nov 22, 2014 2:13 PM
Dec 12, 2014 2:58 PM

Jan 2013
Those phone calls were scary.
What will he say, what will happen...
Dec 30, 2014 6:36 AM

Apr 2013
I didn't have the impression that Taisuke raped Kotonoha... I guess we will see about that.
But Sekai should have been kneeing harder, seems like afterwards he gave in to his dicks desires readily again, cheating on BOTH Kotonoha and Sekai with Otome...
Jan 16, 2015 1:15 PM

Dec 2012
Ok, in this episode nearly everyone broke some promise, which, for me turned the not bad characters into fucking bastards.
May 27, 2015 8:56 PM

Jan 2014
It seems like all of them are having a hard time :)
Jun 12, 2015 8:10 AM
Sep 2013
After watching this episode and reading these comments.It made me very angry!!!!
Why did Kotonoha didn't resist why!!!!! I thought she stab Taisuke and it was his blood and I found out it wasn't why!!! This anime is ......
Jul 28, 2015 5:00 AM

Aug 2007
Oh wow, jesus, Taisuke raped her?
It was pretty subtle, but I did get that much.
I mean Taisuke RAPED her. I know Makoto is a piece of shit, but he at least hasn't done that.
Uhm, unless I'm missing some very lowkey subtext...
I've never played the game before, so I don't know. I'm guess Makoto probably ended up doing it anyway. He already pressured Sekai a lot even in this anime, so I guess it wouldn't surprise me...

Aug 8, 2015 7:28 AM

Feb 2015
Ugh I hate Makoto SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
Oct 6, 2015 5:46 PM

Sep 2015
I'm not enjoying this anime in any form for the past 4/5 episodes. It's been a really frustrating journey so far.

Never hated so many characters, so much... I hate them all! Even Kotonoha who actually was the only one I really cared so far, in my view she's literally disappointment in person. I don't feel sorry for her anymore, the same way I don't feel sorry for a punching bag getting hit. Her naivety and innocence was cute at the beginning... RIGHT NOW it's just annoying.

It doesn't take a genius to know what's going to happen next. Shit's going to get even crazier and that D*CK Makoto is going to cheat again with that other annoying character mos def. These are the types of guys who in real life end up dying soon, as mistakes is all they keep on making.

2/10 Not a fun watch. I was better before seing this anime; BUT I guess I don't wanna drop this yet... 9 eps watched so far... soooo I can bear just 3 more to see the ending.

Right? :(
TchamiOct 22, 2015 7:50 AM
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Oct 6, 2015 5:55 PM

Sep 2015
Lycan said:
Oh wow, jesus, Taisuke raped her?
It was pretty subtle, but I did get that much.
I mean Taisuke RAPED her. I know Makoto is a piece of shit, but he at least hasn't done that.
Uhm, unless I'm missing some very lowkey subtext...
I've never played the game before, so I don't know. I'm guess Makoto probably ended up doing it anyway. He already pressured Sekai a lot even in this anime, so I guess it wouldn't surprise me...

Wait what?!! He raped her? I didn't watch that scene... Are there different versions of this anime?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 21, 2015 2:14 PM

Jul 2013
Now Makoto slept with Otome! OMG! D: Who won't this guy sleep with?

Plus Kotonoha had sex with the best friend D:
Oct 27, 2015 2:56 PM
Jun 2015
I really don't know how to feel. I hate pretty much everyone on this show, Makoto is an asshole, the worst human being ever created in an Anime/Manga. Sekai and Katsura are really annoying sometimes, but i feel a bit bad for Katsura. I'm going to finish it today, but i got to say: THIS IS THE MOST IRRITATING ANIME I HAVE EVER WATCHED. THAT'S IT. However there's not many animes that can make you feel this way.
Dec 3, 2015 4:24 AM
Nov 2014
This show is a complete mess, I can see Kotonoha killing herself by the end of this clusterfuck of a show.
Mar 6, 2016 3:33 PM
Feb 2015
These guys literally created a Love Hotel for the school festival wtf
Apr 3, 2016 8:16 AM

Sep 2015
"Iie", Makoto. "Iie" is japanese for "no", Makoto. You should try it out.
Apr 8, 2016 11:29 PM

May 2014
Makoto is betraying everyone, even Kokoro ;_;
Damn, I hate this show, yet it certainly is weird
Apr 14, 2016 12:39 AM

Apr 2016
This is bullshit!! Makoto I'll kill you Motherf! This is the worst MC ever created!! Everything is ridiculous!

"If it made you happy, then everything’s okay."
- Haruka Kasugano

May 15, 2016 5:43 AM

Jan 2016
Damn what's this nigga's secret? I NEED THE RECIPE!!
Aug 21, 2017 11:23 AM

Jul 2016
Holy shit. Such a tangled web after this episode.
Jan 3, 2018 2:24 AM

Sep 2013
Wow...what an unholy cockturd

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
May 16, 2018 8:49 AM

Mar 2018
Sekai kneeing Makoto in the balls at about 9:00 was awesome!

I really, really, REALLY hate those girls who are bullying Kotonoha. They are the absolute worst. Much worse than Sekai and Makoto.

Otome is shit. That is all.

Makoto's behaviour with Otome and Sekai around 11-12 minutes in reinforces my hypothesis that he is not ruled merely by lust but by convenience. He always does what is easiest and most appealing; faced with any non-trivial adversity he immediately caves in.

BurntJelly said:
It's pretty interesting how they have objectified Itou (by "they" I don't just mean the girls in the anime, but also the writers). He is basically a shell that exists for nothing but not-turning-away girls.
I agree. Makoto is like a robot who has no free will but merely responds to stimuli. He is ruled not only by lust, but above all by convenience. He always does what is easiest and most appealing; faced with any non-trivial adversity he immediately caves in. I wrote a long post about it here. Makoto's behaviour around Otome and Sekai around 11-12 minutes in reinforces this hypothesis IMO.

BurntJelly said:
I did laugh quit a bit at this episode. "Rest area" where students can go "do stuff" with their lovers?... how in the world did they get approval for such a thing? ... oh right, that's anime...
I don't think they told the teachers what they had in mind. They just asked for a "rest room".
SpectrumDTMay 16, 2018 8:56 AM
Feb 13, 2019 9:01 AM

Jul 2014
Very deep symbolism with the play Setsuna was watching.
Feb 16, 2019 11:03 AM

Apr 2014
D-ohnuts said:
Very deep symbolism with the play Setsuna was watching.

So deep I almost drowned.
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