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Dec 31, 2012 3:31 AM

Apr 2012
IZUMI64 said:
2nd worst anime of the year (after GC)

the anime maker just selling art and softcore yaoi bishounen. ( I bet the ppl who said this anime is good (75% of chances) using bishone pic as their avatar)
the story is not really orginal (same as GC case)



Though, I won't give it SUCH a low rating, due to the stunning visuals, OST, and a few characters I happen to like.
Dec 31, 2012 3:52 AM

Feb 2012
This was just... lame. I'm usually pretty lenient when it comes to ratings but I can't give this show higher score than 3/10. Although the art and music was brilliant, the story just went to nowhere and it appeared very shallow and all the twists were pointless. The characters were very badly portrayed. I most probably won't watch the second season since I don't really care about what happens to the characters.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Dec 31, 2012 4:22 AM
Dec 2010
This show is a solid 6.5/10 the way I see it. It is a masterpiece at showing how to do certain things right and other things completely wrong.
Dec 31, 2012 4:23 AM

Dec 2009
Story: 5/10
Characters: 6.5/10
OST: 8/10
Animation/Visuals: 8.5/10
Overall: 6/10
Wasn't bad, but wasn't good either.
Dec 31, 2012 5:46 AM

May 2012
i cant belive mikoto-san died....
animation/visuals 10/10
deap deap inside i wanted that the worst happen...
and where the f.... is the silver king? isn't he imortal?
Dec 31, 2012 7:21 AM

May 2007
I wanted to finish off the series, so I watched episodes 09 to 13 in 2 hours, last time I scored this series a 8/10 after 8 episodes but the last 5 episodes of this series shifted a gear up and the series became dramatic and the twists for this series, I never saw coming. The series became even more endearing for me.

Seri-chan, the big-boobed blondie is a pretty hottie imo, I remember in an earlier episode, where she went to the bar in a dress with her hair down and she looked exceptionally cute.....I want to see more of that.

OK...Spoiler time:-

The music from the soundtrack to the ED were great additions to the series, despite some of the OST tracks being overused in the series but in their own right were awesome tracks to show the shift of focus or mood in the scenes.

I'm giving this series a 8.5/10, I hope season 2 will be even better, I wonder how long I have to wait for it though.
Dec 31, 2012 7:44 AM
Feb 2012
K took its time to get started with the plot but once it did, it was a good show. Nothing too spectacular in the story department mostly, but the visuals and music made up for it. That alone would've justified a 6-7/10 score but due to the beautifully made ending I'm rating it with 8/10 and remain with high hopes for the second season.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Dec 31, 2012 9:59 AM

Dec 2008
This was probably one the saddest endings to an anime that I've seen in a long time. I cried when Shiro sacrificed himself. I cried even more over Mikoto's act of sacrifice. If his Damocles would have touched the ground, it would have been the equivalent of dropping an atomic bomb. Kuroh a "Strain?" I'm quite sure he was the dog running in front of Neko (in her cat form). They ran behind Fushimi at the end.

Also, if a King dies, don't the clansmen lose their powers? After all, it's the King the bestows them. With that being said, I don't see how a second season could be pulled off. Besides, a second season to me is just not worth watching if there's no Mikoto Suoh.
Dec 31, 2012 1:28 PM
Jun 2009
The end really got me. I almost cried.
Dec 31, 2012 4:55 PM

Mar 2012
Damn such cliffhanger but I'm sure Shiro is still alive.. 8/10 overall, let's hope 2nd season will be good.. See ya..
Keep moving forward
Dec 31, 2012 7:21 PM

Mar 2010
AuronPond said:
Reading the comments of this thread, I feel like most of the people who gave low ratings (with the exception of select few):

One, was unable to grasp on to the story properly.

Two, expected too much from minor characters.

Three, don't understand why this was called K "project" in general.

Four, spew illogical hate.

To start, the series is called K project because it's not just an anime. The manga and novel consists of CANON tie-in prequels. This includes the story of Kuroh's travel to find Shiro and the members of HOMRA. If you feel the need to argue character development of anyone in particular in the ANIME, it would be Shiro, Suoh and Munakata. However, being that Shiro and Suoh were developed accordingly, Munakata is the only one who serves for complaint (being that nothing about him is explained in neither the manga nor the anime). Otherwise, the development of certain characters is completely unnecessary and only result in wasting time on episodes. With the 13-episode set they were given, they did exceptionally well in developing an entire set of characters (Mikoto, Anna, Shiro/Weissman, Misaki, Colorless, Fushimi). Seeing as there will be a season 2, I personally find no reason to give such a heavy downgrade simply because their stories had little relation to the story of the anime.

The story works in a "Chaos Theory" format. To most, it seems like sloppy random actions. In reality, it takes a fair amount of excellent writing to execute this properly. For those unfamiliar with the Chaos Theory, events are made out to seem random and sometimes even pointless, but they end up tying to a single point in the end. They usually have a singular start, a number of events in the middle and then a solitary end.

So, with K, the start was the hunting of Shiro. Then, we've got these many different random adventures and events in the middle. In the end, all of those events in the middle tied together somehow.

If you get the story, rather, it you figure out the order of events, things make a lot more sense. As far as plotholes, I didn't spot any visible ones. You'd have to do a major amount of nitpicking.

I gave it a 9.5/10, but I round up when that's not available. So, it has a 10/10 for me.

Sadly there's no thumbs up button in MAL. (Y) all the way!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 31, 2012 10:35 PM
Jul 2018

Never expected Mikoto will die.
Looking forward to the second season.

Dec 31, 2012 11:40 PM

Sep 2011
Mikoto is my favorite character he better not be dead. I'll believe in Anna's words.

7.5/10 Season, but 7/10.

I can almost guarantee he is still alive, same with Shiro (Silver king).
TyrelJan 1, 2013 12:13 AM
Jan 1, 2013 4:15 AM

Apr 2011
Does anyone know what was the name of the song, before the ending?
Jan 1, 2013 4:21 AM

Jan 2012
I liked it and finished it but I didn't love it. It is just too ambitious for 13 episodes. By the time they finish explaining How everything works, its the last 2 or 3 episodes and you still never really get a grasp of different characters motivations, relationship, pasts, and everything else. Its like watching a fat girl try squeeze into some skinny jeans two sizes too small, it just doesn't work and there is always a muffin top. I hate anime that they don't seem to know what to do at the end, so the kill all the characters at RANDOM in the last episode... Ok, they don't have to make it a happy ending, but to kill all of them? I do have to admit, the animation is some of the best that I have seen, and especially for a TV series. However, that isn't enough to make up for the story flaws. One last thing, Kuro, and cat girl and albino boy were very likable characters. I don't know, I guess I am being a little harsh at the moment, but I think all of this anyway.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 1, 2013 7:46 AM

Dec 2012
r3dhawk said:
Does anyone know what was the name of the song, before the ending?

do you mean the last song before the show ends? that's "to be with u" by angela.
but if you mean the song where everyone was watching the red sparks, then i don't know :s
Jan 1, 2013 9:30 AM
May 2012
Quite shocking ending. Overall, good but was fairly disappointing as well.

Jan 1, 2013 9:43 AM

Sep 2010
Weak ending to an overall weak series...... Nothing much.....

Final Episode - 2.5/5

Series - 6/10
Jan 1, 2013 10:35 AM
Apr 2010
The visuals were the only thing that kept me in this series honestly... A weak and linear plot, with a wth ending, and it's not like the characters had any meat in them either...
7/10. The visuals were enough to get that, barely... or else it would have been 5.5...
Jan 2, 2013 7:46 AM
Feb 2011
AuronPond said:
Reading the comments of this thread, I feel like most of the people who gave low ratings (with the exception of select few):
I gave it a 9.5/10, but I round up when that's not available. So, it has a 10/10 for me.

I'll be harsh but you're a typical fanboy. You assume people who don't like a show simply didn't understand it. And that simply isn't the case. I've seen a lot of animes over the years, I can recognize a great show when it airs and a bad one when it airs. K was in-between. It had a lot and I mean A LOT of potential at the start. Its premise was really good and this could easily have been one of the top anime of this season. But as a project, it failed to develop its premise and thus failed as a show.

It's quite simple actually, a good story relies on characters and a story. Some shows also try to do world-building to create an atmosphere. K did that, similar to other shows like Durarara!! and Baccano did, but unlike them, it's didn't work. Those 3 major elements all failed at the end because of inconsistency. Now that I know it was done by 7 writers, I shouldn't be surprised. The story was all over the place. One episode, it tried to tell a story, the other it tries to do world building and after that, it decided it needed flashbacks because its characters lacked development. No consistency in direction. An excellent premise with horrible execution.

World building didn't work because they kept most of the story to 2 clans (Blue + Red) and although they showed 5 Kings, they only properly developed 2 of them (Silver King, Red King). Gold King barely shown at all, even though he was supposed to be quite close to the Silver King. You can't do world building and succeed with such half-assed efforts. When you commit to world building, you gotta deliver and show EVERYONE.

Story failed because it didn't progress until the final episodes. K was good initially but the story went nowhere because it was trying to do world building so it completely stalled. And I mean, almost standstill. I've rarely seen a show like K completely halt its story like that. Barely moved until the end when they realized stuff needed to happen. And only then did it get better again. Because the story was back in action and started being consistent again.

Characters failed because they didn't develop them. At first, there was basically no character development at all. Like, zero, except for Red King. At some point (near episode 8 I think), they realized they needed to develop Silver King, aka Shiro but it was too little too late. They developed Red King pretty well but everyone around him felt bland as hell. Very little development save for Skateboarder guy in the Red clan and the one who betrayed them to go to the Blue clan. And they didn't even deliver on that either!!! Why did that guy really leave? Why couldn't K show flashbacks of these characters so we could understand their motivations? Why didn't they also show more flashbacks of Kuro and his late Master? They kept showing that he really respected his words but they didn't show it! It's an animated story, you don't tell, you show it! But K didn't do it. Gold King played a part in Silver King's story IIRC but then was a complete no-show. Why? If they had such a close relationship in the past, why the hell didn't he get more exposition than that? Blue and Red King seemed to have a bit of a close relationship, why didn't they expand on that?

As you can see by what I'm writing, character development is what I consider K's greatest failure. If K wanted to succeed in 13 episodes, it needed to stop trying to do world building, develop its characters and side characters properly so we could relate to them and their motivations and cut out on the stupid hijinks of Shiro and Neko being on the run. It completely wasted at least a good 6 episodes of air time on stuff like that which meant the story was going nowhere. The characters had fights to look cool just because. No decisive winners, no nothing, it was just being flashy because it thought it needed cool animation. And K's animation was very impressive. But that's where it stopped for me because it lacked substance.

Horrible direction, completely and inconsistent messy story. Whoever directed K needs to be out of a job for good. How you can turn such an excellent premise and have it fail so spectacularly is horrifying. So to sum it up:

Amazing animation
Great conclusive ending
Great potential and great premise
Red King

Very inconsistent direction
Bad World Building
Very little character development = tons of bland characters (That's what a world building show looks like if you don't develop them)
Story completely stalled for half its length. To the point where it started being a running gag.

Rating: 6.0-6.5.

If you want to see what a good story that makes stuff happen and a direction that knows where it's going and knows what it's doing, you should watch Zetsuen no Tempest, Psycho-Pass or From the New World (aka Shinsekai Yori). It's really disappointing seeing a failed experiment like K get greenlight for a sequel when really many animes will never get to see one despite being excellent.
NcrdrgJan 2, 2013 8:01 AM
Jan 2, 2013 10:42 AM

Nov 2012
Ncrdrg said:
AuronPond said:
Whoever directed K needs to be out of a job for good.

lol , The funny thing about the director is that he is constantly criticize for being bad at fleshing out a well thought out story.

Plus, its an experiment so let the animators fix the problems for the 2nd season.
Jan 2, 2013 1:14 PM
Sep 2009
That's it? Season 2 better be good because as of currently this anime is pretty much the same as GC.

6/10 because of OST and visual.
Jan 2, 2013 7:19 PM
Mar 2012
Ncrdrg said:
AuronPond said:
Reading the comments of this thread, I feel like most of the people who gave low ratings (with the exception of select few):
I gave it a 9.5/10, but I round up when that's not available. So, it has a 10/10 for me.

I'll be harsh but you're a typical fanboy. You assume people who don't like a show simply didn't understand it. And that simply isn't the case. I've seen a lot of animes over the years, I can recognize a great show when it airs and a bad one when it airs. K was in-between. It had a lot and I mean A LOT of potential at the start. Its premise was really good and this could easily have been one of the top anime of this season. But as a project, it failed to develop its premise and thus failed as a show.

It's quite simple actually, a good story relies on characters and a story. Some shows also try to do world-building to create an atmosphere. K did that, similar to other shows like Durarara!! and Baccano did, but unlike them, it's didn't work. Those 3 major elements all failed at the end because of inconsistency. Now that I know it was done by 7 writers, I shouldn't be surprised. The story was all over the place. One episode, it tried to tell a story, the other it tries to do world building and after that, it decided it needed flashbacks because its characters lacked development. No consistency in direction. An excellent premise with horrible execution.

World building didn't work because they kept most of the story to 2 clans (Blue + Red) and although they showed 5 Kings, they only properly developed 2 of them (Silver King, Red King). Gold King barely shown at all, even though he was supposed to be quite close to the Silver King. You can't do world building and succeed with such half-assed efforts. When you commit to world building, you gotta deliver and show EVERYONE.

Story failed because it didn't progress until the final episodes. K was good initially but the story went nowhere because it was trying to do world building so it completely stalled. And I mean, almost standstill. I've rarely seen a show like K completely halt its story like that. Barely moved until the end when they realized stuff needed to happen. And only then did it get better again. Because the story was back in action and started being consistent again.

Characters failed because they didn't develop them. At first, there was basically no character development at all. Like, zero, except for Red King. At some point (near episode 8 I think), they realized they needed to develop Silver King, aka Shiro but it was too little too late. They developed Red King pretty well but everyone around him felt bland as hell. Very little development save for Skateboarder guy in the Red clan and the one who betrayed them to go to the Blue clan. And they didn't even deliver on that either!!! Why did that guy really leave? Why couldn't K show flashbacks of these characters so we could understand their motivations? Why didn't they also show more flashbacks of Kuro and his late Master? They kept showing that he really respected his words but they didn't show it! It's an animated story, you don't tell, you show it! But K didn't do it. Gold King played a part in Silver King's story IIRC but then was a complete no-show. Why? If they had such a close relationship in the past, why the hell didn't he get more exposition than that? Blue and Red King seemed to have a bit of a close relationship, why didn't they expand on that?

As you can see by what I'm writing, character development is what I consider K's greatest failure. If K wanted to succeed in 13 episodes, it needed to stop trying to do world building, develop its characters and side characters properly so we could relate to them and their motivations and cut out on the stupid hijinks of Shiro and Neko being on the run. It completely wasted at least a good 6 episodes of air time on stuff like that which meant the story was going nowhere. The characters had fights to look cool just because. No decisive winners, no nothing, it was just being flashy because it thought it needed cool animation. And K's animation was very impressive. But that's where it stopped for me because it lacked substance.

Horrible direction, completely and inconsistent messy story. Whoever directed K needs to be out of a job for good. How you can turn such an excellent premise and have it fail so spectacularly is horrifying. So to sum it up:

Amazing animation
Great conclusive ending
Great potential and great premise
Red King

Very inconsistent direction
Bad World Building
Very little character development = tons of bland characters (That's what a world building show looks like if you don't develop them)
Story completely stalled for half its length. To the point where it started being a running gag.

Rating: 6.0-6.5.

If you want to see what a good story that makes stuff happen and a direction that knows where it's going and knows what it's doing, you should watch Zetsuen no Tempest, Psycho-Pass or From the New World (aka Shinsekai Yori). It's really disappointing seeing a failed experiment like K get greenlight for a sequel when really many animes will never get to see one despite being excellent.

I agree with the original poster. Also, I think you're one of those people who over analyze things. It's an anime show. It's meant for entertainment. In 13 episodes of course nothing is going to be perfect. Yeah it had its problems, but how much can they squeeze into 13 episodes? I don't like when people need to criticize every little thing about a show. Everyone acts like they could do so much better. Why can't someone just enjoy a show instead of knit picking every detail? It's not right to call someone a fanboy just because they really liked the show for what it was and didn't complain about every little thing. I loved K and i gave it a 9 out of 10. Just because i really enjoyed it and i liked the characters. If i didn't like it or disagreed so much with all the details i wouldn't keep watching it. Granted, i don't watch anime very much and when i do i usually just really love the shows. I don't criticize or get stuck on small issues.

Bottom line, it's an anime show. It's meant for entertainment. Yeah the story line could use a little work. But then again we only got 13 episodes. I loved it for what it was.
Jan 2, 2013 7:26 PM

Dec 2012
maipoxx said:
Ncrdrg said:
AuronPond said:
Reading the comments of this thread, I feel like most of the people who gave low ratings (with the exception of select few):
I gave it a 9.5/10, but I round up when that's not available. So, it has a 10/10 for me.

I'll be harsh but you're a typical fanboy. You assume people who don't like a show simply didn't understand it. And that simply isn't the case. I've seen a lot of animes over the years, I can recognize a great show when it airs and a bad one when it airs. K was in-between. It had a lot and I mean A LOT of potential at the start. Its premise was really good and this could easily have been one of the top anime of this season. But as a project, it failed to develop its premise and thus failed as a show.

It's quite simple actually, a good story relies on characters and a story. Some shows also try to do world-building to create an atmosphere. K did that, similar to other shows like Durarara!! and Baccano did, but unlike them, it's didn't work. Those 3 major elements all failed at the end because of inconsistency. Now that I know it was done by 7 writers, I shouldn't be surprised. The story was all over the place. One episode, it tried to tell a story, the other it tries to do world building and after that, it decided it needed flashbacks because its characters lacked development. No consistency in direction. An excellent premise with horrible execution.

World building didn't work because they kept most of the story to 2 clans (Blue + Red) and although they showed 5 Kings, they only properly developed 2 of them (Silver King, Red King). Gold King barely shown at all, even though he was supposed to be quite close to the Silver King. You can't do world building and succeed with such half-assed efforts. When you commit to world building, you gotta deliver and show EVERYONE.

Story failed because it didn't progress until the final episodes. K was good initially but the story went nowhere because it was trying to do world building so it completely stalled. And I mean, almost standstill. I've rarely seen a show like K completely halt its story like that. Barely moved until the end when they realized stuff needed to happen. And only then did it get better again. Because the story was back in action and started being consistent again.

Characters failed because they didn't develop them. At first, there was basically no character development at all. Like, zero, except for Red King. At some point (near episode 8 I think), they realized they needed to develop Silver King, aka Shiro but it was too little too late. They developed Red King pretty well but everyone around him felt bland as hell. Very little development save for Skateboarder guy in the Red clan and the one who betrayed them to go to the Blue clan. And they didn't even deliver on that either!!! Why did that guy really leave? Why couldn't K show flashbacks of these characters so we could understand their motivations? Why didn't they also show more flashbacks of Kuro and his late Master? They kept showing that he really respected his words but they didn't show it! It's an animated story, you don't tell, you show it! But K didn't do it. Gold King played a part in Silver King's story IIRC but then was a complete no-show. Why? If they had such a close relationship in the past, why the hell didn't he get more exposition than that? Blue and Red King seemed to have a bit of a close relationship, why didn't they expand on that?

As you can see by what I'm writing, character development is what I consider K's greatest failure. If K wanted to succeed in 13 episodes, it needed to stop trying to do world building, develop its characters and side characters properly so we could relate to them and their motivations and cut out on the stupid hijinks of Shiro and Neko being on the run. It completely wasted at least a good 6 episodes of air time on stuff like that which meant the story was going nowhere. The characters had fights to look cool just because. No decisive winners, no nothing, it was just being flashy because it thought it needed cool animation. And K's animation was very impressive. But that's where it stopped for me because it lacked substance.

Horrible direction, completely and inconsistent messy story. Whoever directed K needs to be out of a job for good. How you can turn such an excellent premise and have it fail so spectacularly is horrifying. So to sum it up:

Amazing animation
Great conclusive ending
Great potential and great premise
Red King

Very inconsistent direction
Bad World Building
Very little character development = tons of bland characters (That's what a world building show looks like if you don't develop them)
Story completely stalled for half its length. To the point where it started being a running gag.

Rating: 6.0-6.5.

If you want to see what a good story that makes stuff happen and a direction that knows where it's going and knows what it's doing, you should watch Zetsuen no Tempest, Psycho-Pass or From the New World (aka Shinsekai Yori). It's really disappointing seeing a failed experiment like K get greenlight for a sequel when really many animes will never get to see one despite being excellent.

I agree with the original poster. Also, I think you're one of those people who over analyze things. It's an anime show. It's meant for entertainment. In 13 episodes of course nothing is going to be perfect. Yeah it had its problems, but how much can they squeeze into 13 episodes? I don't like when people need to criticize every little thing about a show. Everyone acts like they could do so much better. Why can't someone just enjoy a show instead of knit picking every detail? It's not right to call someone a fanboy just because they really liked the show for what it was and didn't complain about every little thing. I loved K and i gave it a 9 out of 10. Just because i really enjoyed it and i liked the characters. If i didn't like it or disagreed so much with all the details i wouldn't keep watching it. Granted, i don't watch anime very much and when i do i usually just really love the shows. I don't criticize or get stuck on small issues.

Bottom line, it's an anime show. It's meant for entertainment. Yeah the story line could use a little work. But then again we only got 13 episodes. I loved it for what it was.

bless you for saying that.

besides that, the thing that bothers me the most is that people who gave this anime a low rating always act like other opinions are wrong.
it's okay that people have different opinions about this anime and it's okay to point out the "flaws", but don't attack people who enjoyed this anime. (it's probably pointless to say that because this forum isn't really known for accepting different opinions, but yeah.)
Jan 2, 2013 8:07 PM

Dec 2008
Too bad Mikoto was killed, looking forward to wach season 2.
Jan 2, 2013 8:55 PM

Mar 2009
Well, I liked the cleaning robots and Neko.

Otherwise, I have no fucking idea what this show was about. Colors fighting each other for some reason or another. It sure was gorgeous looking, though. Nice soundtrack, too.

So, in the end, who won? Blue or Red?
Jan 2, 2013 11:34 PM
Feb 2011
maipoxx said:

I agree with the original poster. Also, I think you're one of those people who over analyze things. It's an anime show. It's meant for entertainment. In 13 episodes of course nothing is going to be perfect. Yeah it had its problems, but how much can they squeeze into 13 episodes? I don't like when people need to criticize every little thing about a show. Everyone acts like they could do so much better. Why can't someone just enjoy a show instead of knit picking every detail? It's not right to call someone a fanboy just because they really liked the show for what it was and didn't complain about every little thing. I loved K and i gave it a 9 out of 10. Just because i really enjoyed it and i liked the characters. If i didn't like it or disagreed so much with all the details i wouldn't keep watching it. Granted, i don't watch anime very much and when i do i usually just really love the shows. I don't criticize or get stuck on small issues.

Bottom line, it's an anime show. It's meant for entertainment. Yeah the story line could use a little work. But then again we only got 13 episodes. I loved it for what it was.

And my rebuttal is simple. K failed to entertain me because of the reasons I listed. I didn't over-analyze the show, I got insulted by this arrogant prick saying people who didn't like it/were disappointed by it didn't "understand it".

And I pointed the 3 main flaws of the show and expanded on it to disprove this notion that I don't understand the show. I got the show quite well, it's just that I can't enjoy a show that tries to do everything at once. If you tell a story, I want you to tell a story and stick to that. If you do a 'Chaos Theory' and do world building ala Baccano, you need to focus on all the characters, flesh them out and give them interesting personalities. And other shows focus less on the story and more on fleshing out characters.

Each aspect I listed are what I like about shows in general. But when a show like K tries to ambitiously do everything at once, I get excited. K's premise was fantastic, it was interesting and it has amazing animation. I liked it at first but the pacing was too slow it totally killed all my enjoyment to the point it became a chore to watch it. I still continued hoping it'd flesh out its characters more, or go back to the story. It grazed the surface with a few flashbacks (but not enough) and the story only became interesting again near the end. A lot of people will enjoy K and I'm not saying they're "wrong" to like it. It's just that I had high expectations for another Baccano/Durara! type show with cool psychic powers and it let me down big time. Normally, I wouldn't even bother posting a long ass post like I did just there, I usually don't care enough for that.

But then a certain prick had to imply that anyone who didn't like K didn't understand it. Yes, he, not me implied everyone else was wrong (Yes, that's aimed at you, hiabara, for trying to imply the opposite). And for the record, the 3 elements I mentioned which I had issues with were not minor issues. They're the key components of the entire anime story K was showing. They were MAJOR problems for me. Maybe not for you. I mean, there's a lot of people who absolutely love ecchi shows and romantic comedies. I HATE them. People have different tastes and I know that. K was obviously not for me and its premise fooled me into thinking it might be. That's why I was disappointed by K.
Jan 3, 2013 2:12 AM

Oct 2010
hiabara said:
You all are missing the point, IT DOES NOT STOP AT 13! It goes for S2 so there is no IF K WANTED TO DEVELOP IN 13 EPISODES. It's going to be 26 with a S2 so K in fact held out to develop in S2.

If I am wrong then by all means BITCH AT ME! If however due to experience I am right then S2 should be way better than S1.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 3, 2013 3:39 AM

Aug 2009
I loved this show from start to finnish and I am looking forward for the second season!
Give me more (´ ▽`).。o♡
RewstonJan 3, 2013 4:12 PM
Jan 3, 2013 4:03 AM

Aug 2010
The episode wasn't too bad, sure it tried too hard just like the rest of the series, but I have to give it to them that they killed off Mikoto and Yashiro. 3/5. I really hope they don't bring them back for season 2. Except if it's a prequel, I would like to know more about the red king.

5/10 for the show, great visuals, good music, terrible plot with good looking but underdeveloped characters.
Jan 3, 2013 7:26 AM

Sep 2010

Had some flaws but it was enjoyable anyway. I hope S2 will be better.
Jan 3, 2013 8:21 AM

Aug 2011
This last episode felt weak and rushed to me. All the characters got so little screen time. Maybe the sequel everyone's talking about will have more back story on the characters. I really really hope so. And why is everyone surprised Mikoto died? We knew it was going to happen from the start.

Overall I really enjoyed watching this series, although it still only gets a 6/10 from me. It's sad because it had so much potential, but it has a lot of problems, mainly with story and character development.

And to the people complaining about the BL... SERIOUSLY? Are you seriously that homophobic that you would want to drop a series because of... what exactly? Because two guys got in each other's faces? What? There is no BL! That's just childish, not to mention insulting... I mean, I hate female fanservice with a passion but I don't drop a series when I see it (which goes without saying as I got through K didn't I?) I mean I actually like Seikon no Quaser and fanservice is the whole point of that series!
And even if some of the characters in K turned out to be gay, that doesn't automatically count as fanservice or even BL, since, you know, gay people do actually exist...
I never hear any girls complaining about the giant boobs and panty shots, or naked Neko running all over the place or the little yuri thing going on with the student counsel president. So why must guys complain about bishies and "BL"? This is a huge pet peeve of mine.
SilverDemonJan 3, 2013 1:26 PM
Jan 3, 2013 1:39 PM

Apr 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
You all are missing the point, IT DOES NOT STOP AT 13! It goes for S2 so there is no IF K WANTED TO DEVELOP IN 13 EPISODES. It's going to be 26 with a S2 so K in fact held out to develop in S2.

If I am wrong then by all means BITCH AT ME! If however due to experience I am right then S2 should be way better than S1.

Woah, someone else that thinks this way, nice. :) I don't think much can be said about "developement" of story until a second season hence I think it's weird to say they failed at that. The story kept me entertained, there was some developement and the characters got pretty deep. For 13 episodes I deem it enough and a second season is therefore considered episode 14+ by me.
Jan 3, 2013 8:09 PM

May 2012
wow Season 2 is going to suck without Mikoto.
Jan 3, 2013 9:15 PM

Nov 2012
Just finished the series... I think I'll have to watch it again... either the version I saw was mistranslated on purpose or a lot of plot elements were left unexplained beyond the point of inference. Seriously, I only kept on watching because the fights and the animation were good, I wasn't able to connect with many characters (not even Mikoto). Too bad because most of the time not even the fights had impact on the plot, and I sure wasn't looking for a Naruto clone here, I would pick Hunter X Hunter any day over the typical shonen. This had potential for being a really awesome series, but they tried to do too much for a 13-episode anime.
kchorrex2012Jan 3, 2013 9:28 PM
Jan 4, 2013 1:33 AM

Jan 2008
Mikoto-san!!! This show was an eye-candy. Overall 6/10 for me.
Jan 4, 2013 11:05 AM
Jun 2009
Meh. That's all I can say.
Jan 4, 2013 12:09 PM

Mar 2009
Overall the whole series was kind of bland, but they did a good job with the ending.

It felt like nothing happened for the 1st 8 episodes. I only kept watching because the idea of the Kings was interesting. Lucky it turned out to be an ok show worth the time i spent watching, even though it did nothing special.
Jan 4, 2013 12:24 PM
May 2012
The reason why people feel that the plot is lacking is because it wasn't developed from a manga but had a manga and "side story" as it's prequel, and also because they probably already had in mind when they were making the first season that they would announce the second season right after because it's a really pricey anime so they couldnt have done 26 episodes right from the start.
Jan 4, 2013 5:30 PM
Dec 2008
This was painfull and frustrating to watch. There's so much more that could have been done with this anime, yet it all felt dull because of the bad pacinga and storytelling. I wanted to like K, but I just couldn't enjoy it. And it's not because "I took it too seriously".

Some characters where great and I loved the anime's art. However, the joyful trio were so out of pace compared to the rest. Neko alone is one of the worst character i've seen. She's only there for fanservice, and in an anime like that, it doesn't fit at all.

This anime made me thing of Guilty Crown. I hate watching animes like that even more than plainly bad animes because i know that this could have been a great anime. Wasted potential again. 6/10
Jan 5, 2013 7:18 AM

Dec 2012
the anime has definitely a lot of potential but the ending just sucks!!!!
Jan 5, 2013 12:54 PM

Nov 2012
This ending sucks why did they have to kill my king the Red King Makoto.Overall I enjoyed the anime but not really what to score it as.I'm not sure whether or not I'ma be interested in season 2 seeing as Mikoto and Homra are gone :(.
Jan 5, 2013 1:02 PM
Jun 2010
I really don't know how I watched this all the way to the end. Had the potential to be the greatest anime this season to me and just fell off because of bad, very bad storytelling, which is a must in my opinion to keep an audience watching (but apparently not). The story I give 2/5. The concept of kings with very big swords in the sky is really appealing but they absolutely told us nothing about these kings, why they exist besides that ancient relic, and several other plot holes. I get that it's not finished and there's a 2nd season coming which I'm looking forward to, but things like that MUST be explained.

Soundtrack was gorgeous. Perfect 5/5 and fit the show completely. Animation was fluid and excellent. Another 5/5. Characters 5/5 (Neko for eye candy and Kukuri was the most beautiful of all). The colors, awww the colors!! (is this even a rateable category?) Did anyone else notice this? Never seen artwork with such splendid use of colors in a show. That deserves 6/5 just for creativity. Overall a 7/10 only because of the storytelling. S2 better be epic!!
Jan 5, 2013 8:12 PM

Feb 2012
Damn, two kings dead, the writers sure had balls to kill Mikoto, I thought Shiro would try to save him but that didn't happen, I wonder what that blue light was.
Jan 6, 2013 11:42 AM

Jan 2011
I suppose this show was pretty enjoyable, visuals very nice and the fights were cool as well. Story is completely ridiculous unless they make a second season and properly explain stuff.
8/10 since it was enjoyable, objective score is a lot lower though, but I overrate everything.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jan 10, 2013 4:22 PM

Jan 2008
Nice visuals. Nice fights.
Why was the red king killed?
What happened with the silver king? Where did he go. He hinted 'black dog' that he is going to where red and blue kings were fighting. But didn't.
Jan 10, 2013 6:58 PM

Jun 2011
I projected that this would be the anime of the season. But Chuunibyou blew it out of the water. It was sort of a disappointment really.

Jan 11, 2013 9:41 AM

Sep 2012
I really enjoyed this series. I actually teared up a bit at the end, and the ED was another awesome angela song (a band I used to listen to a lot :P). I hope the sequel is good. I especially liked the crazy Kukuri in this one, and Yata Misaki kicked ass. Just like
Jan 12, 2013 1:19 AM
Jul 2018
I never expected them to kill off the most popular character
Jan 12, 2013 2:18 PM

Apr 2012
I actually find the base plot for this show quite interesting, what with the different kings and all, but if you ask me, the series focuses too much on unimportant stuff half for the better half of the season. I feel like these last episodes was too packed with info, and I didn't really get the chance to understand all of it before moving on to the next.

I'm a bit confused as to how it all came down to Mikoto and Munakata facing off, but at least I got the part about the power-obsessed Colorless King and his body-changing. Learning that Shiro was actually a centuries old man was a bit unnerving though.

If they decide to do the sequel, I hope we'll focus more on a bigger picture (there are more than just the Red and Blue king, after all); and I say this without having read the manga sequel.

Unimpressed said:
In the end K ended up in the middle of the pack from what the Fall season had to offer with its underdeveloped plot and characters. Still, the last few episodes were an improvement compared to the beginning and the sequel has a lot of unexplored topics it can focus on.

Exactly what I was thinking.
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