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All Comments (586) Comments
Lmao, I didn't even think of the Popeye arms in FF7 XD Personally, the graphics have grown on me, there is a charm to them. I'm about 11 and half hours into the game so far and it's much more fun and addicting than I thought it would be. I still haven't reached the dreaded Demon Wall battle though, I've been so paranoid about that fight that I grind like crazy lol.
You should check out Dragon Age Origins, I beat it a few days and thought it was pretty good. Combat takes some time to get used to, but overall, I liked it. I recommend it if you like Mass Effect or Lord of the Rings.
Exactly, for now I'm sticking with buying older games that are lot cheaper. Might pick up Dragon Age 2 next, since the Gamestop I was at when I bought Origins was selling a used copy for like $5.
By the way, I bought Final Fantasy 7 on PS4. I'm about 3 hours and a half in, it's pretty good so far. Although I can't help but feel like I'm playing a Lego game with those graphics, lol.
Same, I want to buy Kingdom Hearts 3 on release, but I just hate having to pay like $50-$60 on new games, lol. I wish games were a lot cheaper, then I would be able to keep up with more recent releases.
It seems like a lot of games have been moving away from traditional cinematic cutscenes recently. I guess making them take up too much time away from actual development and I supposed that gamers don't want their games to be essentially CG movies, lol.
That's very true, if I'm engaged with the characters or story, I don't mind about graphics at all. Although, I must admit, that the graphics for the FF7 remake look great and I would love to play that game just so I can admire the visuals. But hey, that's just me.
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, I actually beat the second one recently and really enjoyed it. Sure, I think the first game did certain things better, but the sequel was solid to say the least. Have you seen the E3 trailer for the third game yet? It looks really good and I can't wait to play it for myself.
I know right, I actually am more motivated to go through a mission if I'm given a cutscene to show that I made some progress. As silly as it sounds, that is an issue I had with Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain. The missions are so repetitive and there's barely any cutscenes, so I just got bored and have semi-dropped the game altogether (I still have the game and the save file, but I have almost no need to play it). Cutscenes can be a sign of progress and can help convince me to play more.
Don't get me wrong, I still will probably give FFX a chance, but I think I'm more interested in FF7. Most people I know have told me to either start off with FFX or FF7, since I'm sure I'm good with starting with either of these games. I've seen some clips of FF7 and while the graphics are pretty-dated, I honestly think I wouldn't mind as long as the game is fun.
You're not the first person I've met who never finished the first Kingdom Hearts game, but beat the second one. I was talking about it with someone I know the other day and she told me that she got up to Ansem n the first game, but just couldn't beat it. I was able to beat him after grinding for a week, since I tried going up against him at level 55 and got destroyed. I was going to level up to level 100 just so I could try to breeze through his battle, but decided to try fighting him at level 68, thinking I would lose again. I ended destroying Ansem, lol.
> You can just watch the cutscenes separately too
....But it feels so much better to actually beat the game and see it for myself, lmao. I know I said that I can get frustrated with games easily and would prefer just playing for story instead of challenge, but even I have to admit that it's more satisfying to beat a challenging part of a game to get a cutscene. But hey, that's just me haha!
I think that's one of the reasons why game developers put a lot of content into RPGs, since a lot of them are so long that you most likely would only want to start one file and just continue off from there, even after finishing the game. I mean, there are shorter, more simplified RPGs that are probably easier to have multiple playthroughs (first game to come to mind is Fable). Still, I find starting a new file in an RPG is just too time consuming, I would rather just play another game. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, but replaying it more recently didn't have the same "magic" as it did when I first played it years ago. I did end up starting a new a file in Fallout New Vegas last spring after never finishing my first file in high school, and honestly liked it more than Fallout 3. The choices you made really made a difference in the endings you would get, even depending on your alignment and what faction you join up with. Hell, even the choices you make affects the outcomes of the companions you meet, which is also affected by the choices you make during each of their personal quests. Fallout 4, on the other hand, dumb down a ton of different aspects that made the previous two games great and made the whole experience feel shallow by comparison. It was less of an RPG and more of an open-world shooter with repetitive quests that rehashed the same formula (like constant fetch quests and "go over there and kill those bad guys). It was enjoyable for what it was, but I can't see myself ever revisiting it in the future.
It's funny, since I feel like gamers are totally split on Final Fantasy X, at least from what I can tell. Some people say it's a masterpiece, while others I've seen have said it's a terrible game. I still would like to try it out for myself, although I am thinking of buying Final Fantasy 7 on PSN. Everyone says its the best game in the franchise, so maybe starting there would be my best option.
Oh wow, you found the barrel segment in the Coliseum difficult? I thought that part was very easy, since it wasn't like you had to fight enemies or anything. I was actually able to beat Riku while on Destiny Island, but I also put the game on the lowest difficulty and used the power ups that they give you for that mode, lol. You don't have to beat him in the beginning, but it's really satisfying when you do. I did beat Kingdom Hearts and am now playing the second game, but man, the combat does seem easier than the first one. Although, I miss the atmosphere and mystery that the first game had, I feel like that's missing from the Kingdom Hearts 2. It's still a lot of fun though. Haha, sometimes I wish certain games had anime adaptations that I could watch so that I wouldn't have to slog through them and get my ass kicked. I still think I preferred watching the Persona 4 anime over playing the actual game, lol.
Ah, so I'm not the only one who got burned out of Pokemon, I also sort of stopped playing after I finished Heartgold. I have Pokemon Y, but I hardly touched the game and have barely any motivation to finish it. So, would you agree that Final Fantasy X is good place to start if I want to get into the series? I heard the story if excellent and very strange, but that just makes it much more interesting to me. The visuals look gorgeous as well, so that's another plus. I heard that the dub for FFX is a little....dated, but I can handle that. If I can handle old school anime dubs, I can handle FFX's dub. If I get the game, I'll make sure to grind as much as I can, I don't want another Persona 4 scenario. At least FFX doesn't have a time limit like that game, haha.
Oh man, the sphere grid was another reason why I was unsure about FFX, it looked pretty complicated when I read about it online. So, is it pretty easy to learn?
Even though I've been really enjoying Kingdom Hearts, I do agree with what you're saying. The controls took me some time to get used to, especially the platforming at some points. That race with Riku was still difficult for me to finish because of jumping on the trees, even though I used the short cut this time around. The combat is fun, even if it's kinda awkward at times. At least now I can use walkthroughs online if I get stuck on a level, wish I had those as a kid. Replaying (and FINALLY beating) the Wonderland, Deep Jungle, and Coliseum stages, I can still see why I had such a hard time with this game years ago. The game requires you to do a lot of backtracking and you really have to figure out what you have to do without much guidance. Wow, I had no idea that the first three questions were the difficulty settings, I just thought it was meant to be some philosophical questions for the sake of it, lol. Doesn't really bother me, since I decided to go full-on casual and put the game on Beginner mode. Yeah, I'm a noob, but I prefer playing games for the experience than for challenge.
I see, well I might check out Nier then, since it's seems to be pretty popular. I might even start off the first game before getting Automata, since I believe it's available on Xbox 360 (yes, I still use mine). I would still love to try a turn-based RPG that doesn't have "Pokemon" slapped on the cover, lol. Have you ever played Final Fantasy X? I read online that it's very good and that it's actual a great entry title for people who want to get into the series. I was thinking of getting the remastered version for PS4, but I am just a little worried about getting stuck like I did in Persona 4.
Also, I bought Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 Remix on PS4 the other day. I'm so excited to play more of it, since when I had the game on PS2 years ago, I had no idea what to do. Even though it doesn't seem like a complicated game, I think I was too young to really understand the mechanics when I first played it (I was like 6 or 7 years old back then, so I had no idea what to do). I think I replayed the Destiny Island section like a dozen times, simply because I had no idea how to even use save spots, lol.