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Oct 19, 2012 2:32 PM

Feb 2012
Oh Neko, you are so hot, adorable and funny, I'm looking forward to her role in next week's episode.
More Awashima please, she is hot as fuck but I also want to see her kick ass.

Good to see them explain stuff about the kings, I guess the dancing guy was another king.
Oct 19, 2012 4:34 PM
Jul 2012
Kerozinn said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Yet another mediocre episode, seriously the animation is wasted on this plot, the preview indicating a school life episode doesn't help things either.

dont forget u LIKE anime with gaping plotholes.
u gave SAO 10/10

so please..

comment of the year right here LOL
Oct 19, 2012 4:59 PM

May 2009
Jeez guys stop whining about the potential BL. It's never going to turn full-fledged. And of course, fanservice for males is perfectly acceptable and girls are meant to put up with it, while just a teensy bit of fanservice for females is EWWW GROSS -9999/10 HORRIBLE SHOW KICK IT INTO THE DUMPSTER? Jeebus.

I'm personally very interested in what Shiro and Neko have to offer to the plot. They certainly do not exist just to be funny. (Not sure about Kuroh though - he seemed mysterious at first, but his past doesn't seem that exciting or relevant to the crux of the story.)
Oct 19, 2012 6:07 PM

Jun 2012
finally! the plot is getting serious!!!

/I was about to drop it if it was like the secon ep; too much fanservice for males with neko and her weird positions jumping everywhere naked and showing everything ewww/

- I only draw freestyle! -
Oct 19, 2012 7:44 PM

Nov 2008
I still don't get what this is all about but at least I hope that there is some plot.
Oct 19, 2012 8:46 PM

Oct 2011
I am extremely disappointed about this anime right now. I wasn't expecting too much either because of all the over-hype about it, but I was expecting more then this. It's seriously going nowhere and we're 3 episodes in. I pray that it gets better.
Oct 19, 2012 9:00 PM

Jan 2008
Erzaa said:
I am extremely disappointed about this anime right now. I wasn't expecting too much either because of all the over-hype about it, but I was expecting more then this. It's seriously going nowhere and we're 3 episodes in. I pray that it gets better.

It might simply be because the show is focusing on too many characters in a short amount of time.

The anime seems to be constantly jumping between:
-Neko, Kuro and Shiro.
-Fushimi who will probably get mixed in with Yata and the rest of the gang
-Suoh and Munekata
-Other minors (Shizuo That butler guy, the loli, dat ass girl, etc.)
-Others (more characters appeared.)

More characters appeared at the end of the episode... I wouldn't be surprise if new characters kept popping up with that 7 group/gangs or what. If they plan to show the rest of the kings, the series probably won't be doing much to any back story on every king/mc, considering we have 10 episodes left with how nothings actually happened the past episode and this.
Oct 19, 2012 9:06 PM

May 2009
They haven't shown any characters that they didn't show in the promotional materials, actually. So no, I doubt there will be any "new characters". Here's a basic list of characters if anyone needs them:

Main Characters
Isana Yashiro
Yatogami Kuroh

Suoh Mikoto (Red King)
Kusanagi Izumo (Bartender guy with the Engrish)
Yata Misaki (skaterboy)
Kushina Anna (loli girl)
Totsuka Tatara (guy who was shot)
(There are other Homura members, but they most probably won't be major - their stories would be covered in the manga.)

Scepter 4
Munakata Reishi (Blue King)
Awashima Seri (Big boobed woman)
Fushimi Saruhiko (The guy who looks like Reishi who raided the warehouse the Homuras were in)
(There are other S4 members, but again, not important.)

Other Kings:
Adolf K. Weismann (Silver)
Gold King (seen in Ep1 briefly)
Miwa Ichigen (Colorless)

High School
Yukizome Kukuri

Doesn't seem like a lot of characters to me.

They probably won't be showing the Green clan. It's probably going to be just like the Hufflepuff House or something.
Oct 19, 2012 10:09 PM

Jun 2010
Okay, I'm hoping this will get better in the next episode. I don't really feel a connection to the characters. The plot is making sense but again I feel disconnected to everything. The animation is great in most parts. I'm not sure what to think.

Maybe this won't turn out to have yaoi or whatever in it but I'm still surprised that so many people are uncomfortable with homosexuality.
Oct 19, 2012 10:57 PM

May 2009
Admittedly, the plot does get quite confusing if you don't know much about the characters yet. I went ahead and read up about the characters in the promotional materials before the anime aired, so it might've been easier because of that. Some confusion might've been caused in this episode, particularly the fact that Fushimi Saruhiko looks similar to Munakata Reishi because of the glasses (which apparently confused OP as well, as they thought the person who attacked the Homuras in the warehouse and was revealed to have been part of Homura once was Reishi, not Saruhiko.). Just to clarify that, the person who came to the warehouse was Saruhiko.

There are many little details which I really liked in these few episodes that really gave off bits and pieces of the characters, which were lovely. Such as Reishi's sudden switch from "watashi" to "ore" at the beginning of Episode 3 when Mikoto fell asleep, to show his more informal side that he doesn't show to just anyone. Also, the fact that Saruhiko looked half-bored, and half sick-of-life when he said "he's not here" in the warehouse, which was very curiosity-piquing. Seri's smirk when she said that she was just following basic procedures. Anna's tiny little reactions to things around her. The fact that Izumo may be plotting against Homura. All of these.
KirrohaOct 19, 2012 11:01 PM
Oct 19, 2012 11:31 PM

Mar 2009
Why isn't this anime about the funny cleaning robots?
Oct 20, 2012 12:35 AM

Sep 2012
Baconzombie said:
Kerozinn said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Yet another mediocre episode, seriously the animation is wasted on this plot, the preview indicating a school life episode doesn't help things either.

dont forget u LIKE anime with gaping plotholes.
u gave SAO 10/10

so please..

comment of the year right here LOL

Each day I read this comment and it reminds me of how wonderful the forum is.
Oct 20, 2012 12:55 AM

Apr 2012
we finally get to see some of ono daisuke's FAMOUS kimochi warui in this episode.
Oct 20, 2012 2:28 AM

Feb 2012
This was a good episode, at least we have finally some blink of a plot. Looking forward to the next episode, although Yashiro is so annoying...I don't know if I ever get used to him. But Kuroh was so funny acting completely OOC while describing the wisdom-telling gadget of his xD
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
Oct 20, 2012 2:48 AM

Jun 2010
Oct 20, 2012 2:58 AM

Jan 2008
I'm particularly interested in knowing the Colorless King.
Oct 20, 2012 3:22 AM

Jun 2012
Erzaa said:
I am extremely disappointed about this anime right now. It's seriously going nowhere and we're 3 episodes in. I pray that it gets better.

This anime feels meh to me.
‎"Our everyday lives may, in fact, be a series of miracles." - Nichijou
Oct 20, 2012 4:00 AM

Aug 2009
i still don't really get what this anime is about
Oct 20, 2012 4:36 AM

Aug 2011
Noinochi said:
Baconzombie said:
Kerozinn said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Yet another mediocre episode, seriously the animation is wasted on this plot, the preview indicating a school life episode doesn't help things either.

dont forget u LIKE anime with gaping plotholes.
u gave SAO 10/10

so please..

comment of the year right here LOL

Each day I read this comment and it reminds me of how wonderful the forum is.

Oct 20, 2012 4:57 AM

Jun 2012
Finally we got to understand some parts of the situation! Although the thing with Shiro being bad is really mysterious and I love it. Some kind of double personality, heh? That'd be cool. The explaining conversation between Kuro and Shiro were amazing, exactly what I was thinking. Really good so far.

My happiness is his unhappiness, and his happiness is my unhappiness.
-- Sankarea
Oct 20, 2012 7:59 AM

May 2009
MCY said:
i still don't really get what this anime is about

Then I suggest you pick up something more suitable and simplistic, like Codename: Kids Next Door.
Oct 20, 2012 10:01 AM

Aug 2009
Kirroha said:
MCY said:
i still don't really get what this anime is about

Then I suggest you pick up something more suitable and simplistic, like Codename: Kids Next Door.

Are you implying K isn't simplistic and is actually "complex"? Please, do elaborate.
Oct 20, 2012 10:50 AM

Dec 2011
I didn't expect Kuroh to be such a fanboy. Ahahaha.
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Oct 20, 2012 11:58 AM

Jul 2011
I'm glad that they get some explaining done at last...
Judging from the Souoh - Munekata interaction - some BL dj/fanfics are sure to come. Not that i mind actually.
Kuro, you've got crush on your old master? More BL? And what about Whitey-Blackey? Nah, go make threesome with Neko, for all I care for now.
Awashima, you cold bitch, I think I like you. Yes, not only for your sexy body.
And Yato - way to go! That were some good moves with those gangsters there.

Sorry if it's to random. Cold meds melt the brain.
Oct 20, 2012 12:35 PM

Jun 2012
So many awesome characters... especially Reishi, dat voice.... Why are all characters voiced by Sugita Tomokazu so badass... And they always seem to put others above themselves :D
Oct 20, 2012 2:19 PM

Dec 2010
im glad they finally explained stuffs...
first part was good, until the MC with neko appeared...
i really dont like that cat, can the red haired guy be the MC instead :)

"Either Die as a Hero... or live long enough to see yourself becoming the villain..."

Oct 20, 2012 2:52 PM

Oct 2011
Mabey one more episode for me on rather i/m going to put on hold,keep watching or drop......I just LOVE tha music and art though :>
The story is good and all its just ....meh a bit jumpy and filled with plot holes..for now.I hope it gets better/clear ....Ugh such a hard decision 3/5
Avato-chanOct 20, 2012 2:57 PM
Oct 20, 2012 4:08 PM

Dec 2011
Well, this episode was best than the shitfest that was the last one. At least now I can see characters, not only pretty boys and girls.
Oct 20, 2012 4:12 PM
Nov 2009
Only thing that makes me watch this is the good VA's, the background art and the music other than that I still find the story and characters pretty boring.

The King system thingy seemed interesting though, but we'll see.
Oct 20, 2012 5:13 PM

May 2009
STM said:
Kirroha said:
MCY said:
i still don't really get what this anime is about

Then I suggest you pick up something more suitable and simplistic, like Codename: Kids Next Door.

Are you implying K isn't simplistic and is actually "complex"? Please, do elaborate.

It has several factions for one, which the poster doesn't seem to be able to keep up with. There are also more behind the scenes that hasn't been shown yet, because who the heck expects every plot twist to be thrown into their faces by the third episode? We have a premise now. We have a promise for more things to come, as can be seen by the implied relationships between some members of Homura and SCEPTER 4 which hasn't been clearly shown yet (a.k.a. Izumo and Seri clearly has something going on - so could Izumo betray Homura later on? etc. etc.). Then, there is also the whole Yashiro thing which is definitely linked to everything, as well as the deal with the Silver and Gold Kings, and in the following episodes we will see how they are going to be interwoven with the plot between the red and blue kings. All in all, I do not see how this plot is shallow or pointless or non-understandable.
Oct 20, 2012 5:48 PM

Jun 2010
another interesting episode. Love the ending to this episode with Kuro sipping his tea and saying "Well then, time to kill you" lmao. And this fanatic obsessing with that voice recorder...Way out of character lmao. Loved it.
Oct 20, 2012 10:48 PM

Aug 2010
I thought they would explain more of the clans but they stopped at red. Anyway, Neko makes this show worth watching.
Oct 21, 2012 1:53 AM
Oct 2012
A few things I've found about this show...

+ Beautiful graphics: the details of the city is astounding; character design was a decided miss for me (unfortunately). It felt that they were trying to squeeze as many archetypes into the show as possible...

+ Interesting world: hands up for those who wants those cleaning robots!!

- Plot: or the lack of.

"Is that you?"
"No, you're mistaken."

Does this need to go on for two episodes?

- Characters: they're boring; just because you have a handful of pretty boys attached with names does not mean you have an epic story.

- Direction: if you're trying to kill someone, this is surely not a good way to go about it. Heck, it's not even like Shiro is trying to run away! I'll cut it short here before I go into a full caps rage.

Well, that's pretty much why I'm dropping this show. You had me at ep really did.....
Oct 21, 2012 5:29 AM

Aug 2009
Kirroha said:
STM said:
Kirroha said:
MCY said:
i still don't really get what this anime is about

Then I suggest you pick up something more suitable and simplistic, like Codename: Kids Next Door.

Are you implying K isn't simplistic and is actually "complex"? Please, do elaborate.

It has several factions for one, which the poster doesn't seem to be able to keep up with. There are also more behind the scenes that hasn't been shown yet, because who the heck expects every plot twist to be thrown into their faces by the third episode? We have a premise now. We have a promise for more things to come, as can be seen by the implied relationships between some members of Homura and SCEPTER 4 which hasn't been clearly shown yet (a.k.a. Izumo and Seri clearly has something going on - so could Izumo betray Homura later on? etc. etc.). Then, there is also the whole Yashiro thing which is definitely linked to everything, as well as the deal with the Silver and Gold Kings, and in the following episodes we will see how they are going to be interwoven with the plot between the red and blue kings. All in all, I do not see how this plot is shallow or pointless or non-understandable.

I guess you have a point there, but this is all speculation and hoping for its potential to grow, right?
And how do you expect them to add all these "awesome plot twists" and a "strong plot" in a mere 8 episodes when the show is about 7(!) kings, a random dude and a cat?
For me, the show has already ruined itself for providing us with almost extremely useless first and second episodes and a stupid third episode. The only thing redeeming about this show is the background art cause holy shit, those are the prettiest backgrounds I've ever seen in anime.
Oct 21, 2012 7:45 AM
Mar 2012
Wow Neko is entering school from the looks of it!
I'm also glad that things turned out the way they did with Isana and Kuroh.

*Warning* It will get a little confusing if you don't have a good hold of the characters.

Im also intrigued about the colorless king, and the color gangs. (see what I did there?)
MathewfigglehornOct 21, 2012 7:57 AM
Oct 21, 2012 10:47 AM

Mar 2012
So many awesome voice actors ^^ Tomokazu Sugita, Mamoru Miyano, Jun Fukuyama, and Yuuichi Nakamura in one show… not to mention Miyuki Sawashiro and Daisuke Namikawa ^^
Oct 21, 2012 11:07 AM

Aug 2012
The lieutenant probably has the worst uniform I've ever seen...

The plot so far seems really... meh. Feels like an excuse to throw pretty-boys at us.
Oct 21, 2012 1:06 PM

Apr 2012
This anime is just...i dunno...not that great :/
Oct 21, 2012 2:48 PM

Jan 2012
Interesting. Interesting.

If there isn't any superb fight scene in this anime, it's getting a straight 3/10.
Oct 21, 2012 3:38 PM

May 2012
As usual, I like this episode. Now we're slowly given some exposition while keeping some things hidden until future episodes. Comedy is still good. Character interactions are still what's kept me interested.
Oct 21, 2012 5:59 PM

Oct 2012
The animation definitely gives high hopes of potential. I just hope that's not all this series relies on.

And so, our protagonist gets to live another day.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Oct 21, 2012 7:30 PM
Apr 2012
Baconzombie said:
Kerozinn said:
InfiniteDestiny said:
Yet another mediocre episode, seriously the animation is wasted on this plot, the preview indicating a school life episode doesn't help things either.

dont forget u LIKE anime with gaping plotholes.
u gave SAO 10/10

so please..

comment of the year right here LOL

Oct 21, 2012 9:53 PM

Jul 2010
I want to finish this series, but blushing Shiro and Kuro are making me want to drop it right away.Plot seems interesting, i like ideas about Kings, and other characters are great as well.I don't reallly know what to do with it.For now i guess i will check 2 episodes more and then decide.

4/5 for episode without moment i mentioned above.
Oct 22, 2012 12:17 PM

Feb 2012
This is pretty meh so far. It's shaping up to be Guilty Crown 2.0 as I expected. I'd love to be proven wrong.

One thing's for sure, all these dudes blushing is making me want to punch a puppy.

Thank god Neko is there to keep things straight.
Oct 22, 2012 3:02 PM
Mar 2010
Really glad we got an explanation of the Kings but I want to know what the other colours are. xD
Oct 23, 2012 12:38 AM

Nov 2008
Watching for the Neko~
Oct 23, 2012 8:58 AM

Apr 2009
It seems I'm not the only one annoyed with male characters blushing, what is with these guys? There's nothing wrong with blushing per se but it's the guys who are doing it most of the time and it's only episode 3! Hell, I'm waiting for the Red and Blue Kings to blush too! >_< Sorry been whining again, I'll suck it up and blush in the corner too. LOL

Anyway now that's out of my system, at least now we get background information on the Kings. Maybe Kuroh will serve Shiro in the future...if Shiro passes his scorecard first, of course.

Awashima should stop wearing microskirt, maybe it helps her move faster in a fight but it's distracting (in that sense, it's also effective. XD), she should go like Neko, au naturel! LOL
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Oct 23, 2012 9:01 AM

Apr 2011
iLostReason said:
I want to finish this series, but blushing Shiro and Kuro are making me want to drop it right away.Plot seems interesting, i like ideas about Kings, and other characters are great as well.I don't reallly know what to do with it.For now i guess i will check 2 episodes more and then decide.

4/5 for episode without moment i mentioned above.

Prretty much this.
Oct 23, 2012 11:09 PM

Oct 2012
Questions from the first and second episodes have been pretty much answered after this. It explained a lot and it looks like the story is coming along. I'm not too sure about Shiro's innocence though, I feel like something fishy is going on...
Oct 23, 2012 11:45 PM

May 2010
It was kind of started to explain some things!Neko chan was lively as always XDD but why should they put yaoi factors ????
I hope the next one will be more interesting..
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