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Apr 2, 2012 6:05 PM

Nov 2010
hmm should i rate it 6 or 7

wasn't all that bad but the story was kind of bland, the ending was WAY to predictable (wonder if the first scene has something to do with this) so yeah i had some good parts and bad parts so for now i'll go with a 6.

could have been done better imo
Apr 2, 2012 6:32 PM

Jan 2010
Oh my god. Words cannot describe how terrible this show was. Especially that ending. No... just no.
Apr 2, 2012 7:02 PM

Dec 2011
Wow when Hibiki grasped control of the Durandal, I was amazed. She owned Fine!

I give this 8/10.

Is there goin to be a live action movie? At the end, I saw the word "live".
Apr 2, 2012 7:23 PM

Jan 2010
I don't understand anything that happened in this show.
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Apr 2, 2012 7:40 PM

Aug 2011
This is actually an anime I would have preferred to have a sad ending.
Everything just feels awkward now.

Apr 2, 2012 7:45 PM
Jun 2008
alright then yea i guess all is ok yea we get happy ending.

everyone is wow cause hibiki, tsubasa, & chris are back with power-up super mode.
oh they also develop mind saying so fine release the noises of kraken army.
cue chris riding the infinite justice jetpack blasting, tsubasa's bigger sword, & hibiki punch beam.
equal squash all the noise but fine gut slash self to combine all noise & sword.
to a giant red viper that blast a city.
now triple team attack with distract to give hibiki the sword even pushing by chris' gun.
sword grab & with everyone support the viper been slayed by synchogazer slash!!!
after fight hibiki carrying & trying reason fine then here come last boss.
aka fine just pulled the moon piece to fall onm earth.
yea after some fine saying just one soft tap punch by hibiki on fine give some wake-up saying.
ryoko within fine came back with little finger touch & believe in the song of your heart.
so now hibiki flying to stop moon piece with tsubasa & chris to join as well.
cue bigger sword, endless missile, & hibiki launching boom moon piece & miku crying.
fast forward back to crying miku on hibiki's grave hear trouble & oh remains of noise.
look like oh no but surprise they're back & ok yes miku you can leap jump grab hibiki now.
finally hibiki & miku get their meteor watching shower indeed THE END.

well now it all done give indeed this what we get combine madoka, nanoha, singing, chris the human gundam, xenosaga, genjuro-akuma, etc & yes yuri lesbian on it overall ok then now is ok all worth some watching now let wonder a dub version on it?
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Apr 2, 2012 8:05 PM

Jul 2008
InfiniteRyvius said:
Shitload of stuff

I loled.
Apr 2, 2012 8:19 PM
Sep 2009
Not gonna lie... I enjoyed every second of this steaming pile of shit. It was almost completely incomprehensible, nothing made any sense, and the story took the most asinine twist imaginable. I couldn't stop laughing; I don't think I enjoyed something so bad this much.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
Apr 2, 2012 8:25 PM

Mar 2008
So glad they all ended up surviving! :D I'm glad I didn't give up hope that Hibiki would live and surprise all 3 of them survive.
Apr 2, 2012 9:39 PM

Jan 2009
Holy fuck that was an action packed pile of complete and utter shit.

How did...? What just..... ='(
Apr 2, 2012 9:47 PM
Oct 2010
DarthVantos said:
Holy fuck that was an action packed pile of complete and utter shit.
At least it was a consistent piece of shit. You can now just flush it and forget about it.

A perfect 3/10 from me.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Apr 2, 2012 9:54 PM
Jan 2012
main thing:


but i can live with those things, its just an anime, still enjoyed it.

andrewisgodApr 2, 2012 10:08 PM
Apr 2, 2012 9:58 PM
Jan 2012
Tzu said:
RAWS were released a while ago

Lazy ass fansubbers ~.~

yeah how dare they be a few days late doing all that work for us just so we can watch something that we wouldn't be able to watch without them

Apr 2, 2012 10:52 PM

Jan 2011
what the fuck was this shit? i feel stupid for getting trolled in the end

6/10 for a series which its only good episode was the first one and i will miss Chris boobs.
Apr 2, 2012 11:00 PM

May 2010
Didn't pay much attention to this series at least I didn't use fast forward when watching it.
6/10 from me.
Apr 2, 2012 11:46 PM

Sep 2007
They should've stayed dead. And Yuuki Aoi should stop using that disgusting nasally raspy Madoka/Hibiki voice.

Apr 3, 2012 12:02 AM

Mar 2008
Haters Gonna Hate. Gonna give it a 10/10 cause I loved every minute of it.
Apr 3, 2012 2:37 AM

Sep 2010
OK ending I guess... Anyway that final trolling of all girls surviving made this just a OK ending otherwise a might consider as a good ending...

This series was good for the first few episodes.. And then become too predictable, cliche in the latter.

Episode - 3.5/5

Series - 7/10
Apr 3, 2012 3:25 AM

Jun 2011
Well this series was a lot better than i expected, especially along the second half of the show. Undoubtedly Chris is the best character for me, shes just so cute at time, beautiful at times, looks weak sometimes that just makes u wanna hug her and her voice was really beautiful, also her sympohgear just rocks.

Good series, great fighting, awesome last episode, good characters and great songs(except Hibiki's), so overall a 8/10

P.S. The fight where the three of them vs like a million noise was badass totally BADASS, i fangasm-ed at that moment
ArcanaTraceApr 3, 2012 3:31 AM
Apr 3, 2012 4:11 AM

May 2011
I..dont really know what should i rate it, i dont normally rate animes below their average score. I was going to give it a 6, the plot is messy, the ending is not that good, but i had to admit i loved the OP and ED. And the insert songs and bgm were just simply amazing. Only if they could improve the quality of the show..

Well. 8/10.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Apr 3, 2012 5:14 AM

Sep 2008
Goddamnit!!! Every single episode of Symphogear should've looked like this. I've had goosebumps all the time.

But seriously, she pulled the moon...what the actual f*ck? O_o

I give it 6/10 for 3,14 Megatons of wasted potential and 4 good songs.

Apr 3, 2012 7:33 AM

Jan 2012
The girls should of stayed dead so it would have been a bittersweet ending.
Like what the hell, Tsubasa survived singing her swan song twice.
Chrissie survived singing her swan song twice.
Hibiki survived singing hers.
Kanade died immediately after singing hers.

Overall this series is a 7.5/10
The singing that saved them in episode 12 was cheesy, but the action has always been great once you go used to the style.
The singing from Tsubasa and Chrissie is pretty good.
Hibiki overall pissed me off, her character design was one of the worst I've seen in a while, her voice was a little annoying. Her resolve was the only redeemable trait about her that made me able to stand her.
Show was enjoyable though and some of the suspense and scenes were well played out at times.

It was a good series to watch every week and I looked forward to seeing what happened next so I'm glad I watched it, despite the plot holes and extremely cheesy moments.
/end rant
Apr 3, 2012 8:40 AM

May 2011
Judging from the majority of the comments, I think this anime falls under the "so bad, it's good" category. This last episode was so full of what the fuck that I couldn't help but enjoy it. And the whole ending just completely sealed the deal: "The world sucks, people are dying, but it's okay because WE HAVE SONGS!!!11!one!"

I'm glad it's over, and I'm not recommending that anyone watch it, but I can't say I didn't look forward to each new ridiculous episode.

Also, did anybody else want Miku to pick up Durandal or something and just wreck shit? She literally did nothing but cry the entire series. Chris was probably the best character in the whole thing... when Fine/Ryoko crumbled into dust, I teared up for her.
Apr 3, 2012 8:58 AM

Dec 2011
razisgosu said:
Solkiskey said:
Finally finished this. Was going to rate it a 5 but that ending just totally ruined it.

It's kind of hard to take you seriously when your rated anime makes absolutely no sense.... Seems to me like you just put a random number next to your completed series.

He has once again prove that he is a hater.
Apr 3, 2012 12:09 PM

Aug 2007
Pfrt. This show would really be better with all of them being actually death, making it more sense. Or at least Hibiki. Really. First they reincarnate, then they sort of die again and then they are still alive? Good lord, go watch Mawaru Penguindrum, that's better than this.

I really don't know what's so good about this show. The only thing that I really liked was, well, Kanade, and Tsubasa grew also on me, but Hibiki... Ugh. It's the same old plot with befriend your enemy and oh yes, actually one of our staff is schizophrenic stuff. At least the rage-mode about Hibiki was nice. I liked it when she still couldn't use her Symphogear properly. Guess I won't be able to rate this reasonably for a while, so I am being fair and will put it at a 6 for the moment.

Oh yes, best thing: killing the moon. I totally laughed my socks off when I first saw it.

Oh dear, I really put all of my thoughts in this.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Apr 3, 2012 12:38 PM

Apr 2010
The anime itself wasn't that bad and it wasn't great it was interesting in a way and the ending was terrible.
There was so much of everything but not enough to make this anime bad just allot of raw emotions but not in a way that the viewer would start feeling them.
Still the main character had a very nice and appealing personality which was something that kept me watching.
Chris violent nature was worth watching as well.
Apr 3, 2012 12:38 PM

Jan 2011
...if they were going to bring them back to life they could of at least put one single line in there about HOW.

Unfortunately this show never really took off plot wise but the soundtracks that came from it was definitely worth it.
Apr 3, 2012 12:45 PM
Oct 2007
That's a lot of potential wasted in the last few episodes. I like the combat scene, great songs and animation was refreshing to watch. Discarding the inconsistent story plot and development, 7/10.
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Apr 3, 2012 3:14 PM

Sep 2010
Ugh that ending was just.... I really really liked this show in the beginning. Probably was right after the hibiki/chris fight finished when the show rly just sank fast with a few sprinkled good fights here and there. Worst though was that ending ... good lord that was awful. Was so chock full of "Friendship Powerups" and other sappy stuffs to make me wanna retch. blegh

Edit: Honestly I didn't really even like the new powerups... thought their normal suits n weapons were way cooler and the music in this episode was mega lame... sigh what a waste o potential
KhaoticsuccubusApr 3, 2012 3:17 PM
Few maxims have done as much harm as, "Children should be seen and not heard."
Apr 3, 2012 3:18 PM

Oct 2011
I love almost everything on this anime except Hibiki and THAT ENDING!!!

seriously, the ending trolled me . . .
and I'd love it more if Hibiki died . . . :p
Apr 3, 2012 10:46 PM

Jan 2009
Well, for what I was expecting out of the show, it really outdid itself.
There was some sort of decent animation going on and big weapons (this is what I looked forward to the most in this show cause I don't know what else to look for!).

Kinda enjoyable ending. I should use this strategy to enjoy all anime! (i.e. drop expectations to almost nothing)

Of course they were gonna live though. If they didn't live, it would almost not make sense (sense in Symphogear). Silly excuse to have Miku not know Hibiki was still alive, but whatever.
IaMP with me.
Apr 4, 2012 4:54 AM

May 2010
I don't think that the ending was bad but I think it would be better if they were really dead.
Apr 4, 2012 6:16 AM

Mar 2011
ahmed_great2005 said:
I don't think that the ending was bad but I think it would be better if they were really dead.

I think it may have been the moment when Chris sang her Swan song (which used to be fatal), got blasted by a laser that destroyed part of the moon, and fell back down to earth, only to come back without so much as scratch that I thought to myself that these characters could never die.

The fact she survived was no no surprise at all, to be honest I think it's better that they did survive, because a serious ending didn't suit Symphogear at all. This ending, where Miku finds out that everyone has told her her best friends are dead for 3 months for no reason suits the anime much better.

Why was there such an ass pull? I can tell you, at the beginning of the series, they really did intend to kill Hibiki, however, as the series went on and they realized that no one was taking it very seriously, they decided that it would be detrimental to the series if she died. This was supposed to be serious, but it turned out to be light hearted fun. Obviously, with them so blatantly declaring Hibiki's death in epiosde 1, it was hard for them to have make her live in a way they made sense.

That's why they lied to Miku for 3 months for no reason, telling her Hibiki was dead. As I said before, I'd be fucking pissed at how they hid it from me, especially how they reveal they are all alive in a casual manner.

But that's Symphogear, stupidity at it's best.
Apr 4, 2012 9:25 AM

Jun 2011
I don't understand anything about this show.
Plot holes are everywhere.
I enjoyed it but meh.

A terrible enjoyable show. (wait wut?)
That's all.
"Kindness can bring you even bigger troubles." - Akemi Homura[/right]
Apr 4, 2012 12:35 PM

Nov 2010
hmm, I think there's one HUGE problem with this show, they spent so much hype about how using too much power would kill ya, but out of 7 swan songs in the show (3 Tsubasa, 2 Chris, 1 Hibiki and 1 from what's her name in the first ep) only 1 of them was fatal... WTF?
Apr 4, 2012 4:46 PM
Jan 2009
I honestly enjoyed the blending of magical idol and magical girl warrior subgenres of magical girl. I can't help but feeling that this was a 26 episode show jammed into 13 episodes. I really think doubling the episode count would have removed a lot of issues with characterization and plot.

Apr 4, 2012 4:50 PM

Dec 2006
For me ,this anime was worth to watch just because of the seiyuus and their songs, Mizuki nana & Ayahi Takagaki are great and I know Yuuki Aoi sings way better than how they made her sing here!. So I hope the live gets a BD!.

Boring fights and not enough deaths & yuri so I'll give it a 7/10 . (I was going to give it an 8 but Hibiki remained alive -3-)
Apr 5, 2012 12:28 AM

Jul 2011
Unexpected happy ending lol

I liked the fights so... 7/10
Apr 5, 2012 3:52 AM

Aug 2010
I don't know what has gotten into me, but for the last few episodes the show didn't seem to be utterly ridiculous. I'm glad the ending snapped me out of it. Originally wanted to give it a 4/10, but some of the fight scenes and the music was enjoyable, and I liked Yukine too, so a generous 5/10.
Apr 5, 2012 2:46 PM

Dec 2008
Suddenly Durandal disappeared just so they can make this fake as fake can be climax?
And the distance between Earth and Space suddenly seemed so small.
I don't know. The number of face palming and illogical things just made it very bad for me.
4/10 I suppose.
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Apr 6, 2012 1:01 AM
Feb 2010
An ending where Miku get a Symphogear and start battling like Hibiki would be bettter, I think.
Apr 7, 2012 1:21 AM

Apr 2008
nearly teared up at Tachibana singing her swan song.

I would've avoided this type of anime but I really enjoyed the songs, so now to search for all the songs. 8)
Apr 7, 2012 5:00 PM

Jun 2008
Hahaha! This show was so badly made that it was actually fan watching it if that makes any sense.
And the ending was even more badly made to put a nice finish to the whole joke.
I have to admit though that in a way it was kind of fun so i will give it a 5.
Apr 8, 2012 2:38 AM

Mar 2010
Omg Hibiki, I was almost soooo soo flipping pissed at you, goodness fucking gracious, omggg.
What the hell??D;

Thank goodness everyone was okay though, damn!
That was crazy! But I gotta say, through all the trolls in this anime, I really did enjoy it~~
Long live Mecha Music Magical Girls!~♥

Apr 8, 2012 1:01 PM

Oct 2010
Lol we got trolled or the producers got a lot of negative feedback regarding the possible ''bad end'' so they changed it. So only Kanade died in the end... hmmm...

That's all there is to say about t his show.
Apr 9, 2012 6:09 AM

Nov 2007
ahahaha so hibiki lied to miku again after all. anyways 8/10

great animation.
Apr 12, 2012 1:19 PM

Feb 2012
Thinking about it, the reason Kanade died the way she did was because she was incompatible with symphogear and had to force it to work. Everyone else's worked naturally so they only went into critical condition after their swan song, whereas Kanada who was incompatible just crumbled away.

Because of this, the resurrection song the classmates sang activated the gear upgrades and the healing of Chris and Tsubasa. They were probably critical when they fell from space after their song but somehow managed to be restored. Since they fully synched with their gears in the end perhaps the damage wasn't as bad because the compatibility rates were so high.
Apr 25, 2012 3:55 AM

May 2008
The last few episodes kinda sucks . i m a little dissatisfied , first of all NOT ENOUGH SINGING. If your gonna sing everytime you fight MAKE SURE YOU SING EVERYTIME YOU FIGHT. Also Previous episode you died AND REVIVED, this episode you died AND REVIVED. A bit too repetitive, seeing as SOMEONE died in the first episode and didnt revive .

Overall i hated the starting and hated the ending but the middle was really well done and i felt totally into the story.SOOOO 7/10 .

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Apr 26, 2012 9:53 PM

Nov 2007
this anime was terrible, and the people that made it should feel terrible.

nobody dies. way ridiculous overpowered symphogears. noise = pointless and irrelevent. SINGING = INCREASED MAGIC POWERS!!!!

the main character was such a freaking idiot. oh sure let's forgive the enemy too.

rip off chunks of the moon? eh who cares some stupid girls can save everything with no negative effects. why the hell was Miku crying? it was obvious nothing can happen to the main girls. nothing.

this is a 4 for being BAD at best. I feel like giving it a 3 for being TERRIBLE.
Apr 28, 2012 10:23 AM
Jun 2010
Theoritically, this anime stands out for their insanity. However, those insanity was offset by the music. It trolled me indeed,
Try thinking a bit of missing event in the whole anime timeline. Assume the anime 'real story' started in April 2024.
Nov 2022 : Kanade died (this is easy to calculate)
Apr 2024 : Beginning of the anime (when Hibiki started become Senki)
Jun 2024 : Tsubasa kamikaze
Early Jul 2024 : Chrissie separated with Fine
Sep 2024 : They begin reconciliate one another
Late Oct 2024 : Final Battle against Fine
Nov 2024 : The scene Miku cries in front of Hibiki's grave in both episodes.
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