I was right! Chris survived the laser that took a massive chunk off the moon, she's lucky isn't she? Back in my day that'd be kinda fatal. There's the scene where Fine pulls the fragment of the moon down, I sort of thought to myself that the show is so stupid that I wouldn't complain, but that was...
Look, let's ignore the fact that she managed to make that chunk of the moon fall in the first place, assuming the moon fell at the speed she pulled it, it would take ages for the moon to crash. The moon is close astronomically, but it's still 384,000km. Even if she pulled it to a speed of 1 km/s, it would still have taken a significant amount of time to start burning in the atmosphere, like over half a year. To get it burning in 3 minutes... she must have been dragging it at 2000 km/s. If that had hit the Earth, it would be so fucked it's not even worth explaining.
Okay, let's say that piece of the moon was about 1/8 of the size of the moon, so about 9.2x10^21 kg, she pulled it at around 2000km/s. So it would have a kinetic energy of 1/2 mv^2, so about 2.84 x 10^34 Joules of energy. The power of the sun is 3.939×10^26, so she just outdid the sun by a factor of a 100 million. Wow, those Symphogears are powerful.
It seems the series didn't have the stomach to kill Hibiki, so it turns out that they just hid her, Tsubasa and Chris from Miku. My god they are awful. 3 months they told her that her friend died, and then they casually go... okay, she can know now.... If I were Miku I'd be really pissed off. Hibiki doesn't seem to even comprehend she just fucked over her fried emotionally for 3 months, and it's all smiles. What the hell?
The Series
If I was to say that there was one word that summed up this series, many people would give their guesses, but I imagine they would all approximate to this: Stupid.
I started liking the show for it's earnest stupidity towards the end, but it's so truly terrible it makes Guilty Crown look better. This is unusual for me to do whilst summing up a series, but I will now list how stupid it was in various areas:
- So the Noise come along frequently, attack people, killing them upon touching them, and wreck havoc. Large death tolls every time. If this happened, first of all the population would be much lower than usual, secondly people would be much more hesitant about leaving the house and going outside, say I lived there:
Me "I fancy taking a walk through the streets today, so I can look at the pretty flowers and the buildings"
Someone "But what about the Noise? If there'a an attack whilst you're outside, you'll probably die, and they attacked 3 times last week".
Me: "Hmmm, you make a good point, much as I like walking, I like living more... I guess I won't go out unless necessary."
- WHY THE FUCK DO THEY LIVE THERE ANYWAY? Quite clearly the Noise attack there more than most places. Perhaps they can't afford to move because their house prices crashed.
- A: "So, where do we establish a secret base? Be aware we need to construct a massive underground tower for no reason as well...." B: "I know, since Tsubasa needs to go to school, why not have it under the school?" A:"GENIUS!!"
- The underground tower had a secret use for Fine, but for everyone else, what was it's purpose? Aesthetics?
- More stuff about the worlds lax attitude to the curse of the noise. Apparently they've actually been around for some, yet everyone is still surprised by them, and all the world has to offer in defense are a couple of powered up highschool girls? ><
- "You're just like a girl from an anime"/"If this was an anime"/"This isn't an anime" girl was annoying at the beginning, though towards the end I found her stupid failed meta comments almost endearing.
- I found Hibiki "I preach my shit to everyone" Tachibana to be rather annoying at times, especially when at the end she was preaching shit to Fine about random crap that was a waste of effort since she was the bad guy.
- "You have the shards that were in Kanade! YOU'RE TRYING TO TAKE HER PLACE!!! I HATE YOU"
- "I hate you, but you've just pointed out how messy my room is. Okay, I like you now."
- "We can't be friends anymore because of... urm... you keep missing classes and you're being secretive!"
- In a better series, Chris would get a lot of mentions, but here she's the most understandable and reasonable character by far.
- I wonder who Fine is? She has a secret identity, but who could it be? It's Ryoko?!?! OMG, SURPRISED!!
- Chris "I'll make peace by beating the crap out of those who fight!"
- Exceeding the power of the sun by a factor of a billion.
Art and Animation

The Music
If I were to rate the quality, it'd be 2, but I feel like giving it a 3 because I quite enjoyed it towards the end. Since I hated it up til episode 8, I'll give it a 2. |