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Nihon TV's Policy to Support Unremunerative 'Chihayafuru'

Mar 11, 2012 10:15 PM

Feb 2008
According to Asahi newspaper, anime critic Fujitsu Ryota reported the policy of Nihon TV, which aired Chihayafuru. The quality of the anime was decent and it could have attracted audience in a wide range of generations if it had been aired in the evening. However, no company sponsored the program (i.e. the anime producers purchased the time slot) and the DVD sales were unsuccessful. There is a discrepancy between the purchaser of the DVD/Blu-ray disc media and the general TV viewers, which mainly contribute to the ratings. Nihon TV supports unprofitable anime such as Chihayafuru of their own volition.

Source: Scan of Asahi
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Mar 11, 2012 10:18 PM

Sep 2011
Uh hello? it's a josei, what were they expecting?
but it was a decent show, at least better than alot of rubbish they air.
Mar 11, 2012 10:26 PM

Jul 2010
In during people claiming that josei sucks because it doesn't make money.

Chihayafuru (and lots of titles from the josei genre) is an anime I'm glad exists, and that's a fuck ton more than I can say about most anime of any genre. Too bad the masses don't agree with me, but that doesn't change the fact.
Mar 11, 2012 10:29 PM

Jun 2009
:( kind of sad b/c it doesn't make much money compared to other series. But it's a great series :D I would definetly buy the DVD/Blue ray releases if I could.
Mar 11, 2012 10:30 PM

May 2010
But it's so lovely in every way. :<

This is not a second season announcement, what are you doinggggg.
Mar 11, 2012 10:32 PM

Jun 2010
Well I don't mind it, I think it's pretty decent to watch.
Mar 11, 2012 10:35 PM

Sep 2011
Takashi981 said:
:( kind of sad b/c it doesn't make much money compared to other series. But it's a great series :D I would definetly buy the DVD/Blue ray releases if I could.

same here, but that's sort of expected. infact Chihayafuru did much better than most josei out there.
But hey, it's japan we talkin about.
Mar 11, 2012 10:40 PM

May 2010
awww... D:

Chihayafuru is awesome. :3
I'd so buy it on DVD.

Are they saying it would have been more popular if it was aired in the afternoon? o.O
Mar 11, 2012 10:41 PM

Jul 2011
Underrated show, should have gotten more exposure.
Mar 11, 2012 10:43 PM

Apr 2010
IchigoHollowfi said:
awww... D:

Chihayafuru is awesome. :3
I'd so buy it on DVD.

Are they saying it would have been more popular if it was aired in the afternoon? o.O

Evening, actually. It aired originally around like 1:30 AM (which is normal time for late night anime), but this kinda show doesn't really appeal to the otaku... which is the normal audience for late night stuff. The mainstream people aren't staying up that late to watch tv shows.

Mar 11, 2012 10:50 PM

Jun 2011
I love this show. But I can see why the sales are not as good.

This reminds me of Penguindrums o_o
Mar 11, 2012 10:50 PM

Sep 2008
was expecting that it would be unsuccessful because its target audience was too small... and now I learn that it's also aired at very unfavorable time slot?
Mar 11, 2012 10:54 PM

Jun 2009
it's a crap anyway...
Mar 11, 2012 11:04 PM

Sep 2011
IZUMI64 said:
it's a crap anyway...

Eh no. why do people think stuff like josei, shoujo etc is crap? sure some of them are annoying as hell, but have you watched Chihayafuru? It's fairly decent and doesn't deserve to be judged by just demographic.
Mar 11, 2012 11:19 PM

Jul 2010
IZUMI64 said:
it's a crap anyway...

Just so you know, if you aren't going to substantiate your opinion with at least more than a few grammatically laughable words, People are going to be hard pressed to assign any value to it.

State why it was "a crap", or don't expect anyone to take you or your opinions seriously. I've no problem with you not liking it, I just wanted you to know that at this point in time you are more amusing than inflammatory.
StreetFighterMar 11, 2012 11:22 PM
Mar 11, 2012 11:33 PM

May 2009
That's quite a shame, because it's actually a good show.

I guess this shows that Japan's view on anime in general is pretty much as skewed as that of Western countries is, if buying a more favorable timeslot, or even finding sponsors is a huge pain in the neck.
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Mar 11, 2012 11:33 PM

Apr 2010
divinicide said:
RyanSaotome said:
IchigoHollowfi said:
awww... D:

Chihayafuru is awesome. :3
I'd so buy it on DVD.

Are they saying it would have been more popular if it was aired in the afternoon? o.O

Evening, actually. It aired originally around like 1:30 AM (which is normal time for late night anime), but this kinda show doesn't really appeal to the otaku... which is the normal audience for late night stuff. The mainstream people aren't staying up that late to watch tv shows.

Wow I did not know viewing anime at 1:30 am is normal in japan.

The majority of anime airs between 12 am and 2:30 am... the stuff that mainly airs during the day are kids shows and long running shonen.

Basically anything that is within 12-26 episodes airs at late night, with a few exceptions.

Mar 11, 2012 11:51 PM

May 2008
The show is a bit lackluster for me although I am trying to finish watching it. I think I would like it more if I was more familiar with the game they play, outside of what you learn from the earlier episodes.
Mar 12, 2012 12:03 AM

Apr 2010
The anime is not really about the game, though.
Mar 12, 2012 12:12 AM

Sep 2009
Well this is depressing news, I quite loved this series. It's a shame that with this news it pretty much says there won't be a second season.

Atleast Nihon TV supports it.
Credit to whoever made the above icon~
Sweet Banner made by Break~!
Mar 12, 2012 12:24 AM

Jul 2010
It not a surprise, their target audience is too narrow.
Mar 12, 2012 12:28 AM

Dec 2009
I think the long running shonens should be moved to the middle of the night since they already have a large fan base which will stay up and watch it and give their time slots to new animes like Chihayafuru.
Mar 12, 2012 12:40 AM

Jul 2008
Best anime.
Mar 12, 2012 12:53 AM

Apr 2010
bavoshiasb said:
I think the long running shonens should be moved to the middle of the night since they already have a large fan base which will stay up and watch it and give their time slots to new animes like Chihayafuru.

That makes absolutely zero sense. Their target audience are teenagers, and parents won't let their kids stay up that late to watch those shows.

Mar 12, 2012 1:18 AM
Dec 2011
Well for me Chihayafuru is a little bit meh for me because I like Chihaya but most development focuses on Taichi, and even after 20 episodes I really don't care about him. At all. So that kinda kills the fun of Chihayafuru to me as even Chihaya seems being neglected aside, only recently they focused back on Chihaya with nearly 3 episodes left. And I feel the anime lack some tension on the games, because I know in just one episode the game will be resolved nicely. So to me the anime is a good drama but not so much a good sports anime.
Mar 12, 2012 2:44 AM
Jun 2011
not surprising, but still disappointing

edit: referring to the news...not the show
Mar 12, 2012 3:38 AM

Mar 2009
A real shame Chihayafuru didn't get the exposure it deserved. Josei, shoujo, shounen or seinen...a good series has a way of snaring in fans from a cross sections of demographics and this is certainly one of those titles.

But in the end it's all about money so I don't blame thos in charge for making what they thought to be a prudent business decision.
Mar 12, 2012 5:16 AM

Nov 2007
it was a half an hour sleeping pill

I signed my screen and now its all smeary "When you meet your God tell him to leave me alone."

check out my blog

fix MAL already
Mar 12, 2012 5:33 AM

Sep 2011
i agreed, well Chihayafuru is one of the anime i looked up the most this (previous) season, too bad it airs on late night.

the plot seems good to be a family anime, and it airs on late night, WTF

the fact this one is a Josei doesnt mean that Chihayafuru is bad right?
Mar 12, 2012 7:17 AM

Jun 2009
In during people claiming that josei sucks because it doesn't make money.

Chihayafuru (and lots of titles from the josei genre) is an anime I'm glad exists, and that's a fuck ton more than I can say about most anime of any genre. Too bad the masses don't agree with me, but that doesn't change the fact.

I do man i persoly like josei and go out of my way to watch them though i havn't watched that one
Mar 12, 2012 7:18 AM
Mar 2012
Every time I go to an anime forum people talk about an anime like that is the only source of material out when the majority is base on a manga or light novel. Chihayafuru is no different and I hope you are aware that there are sites that have the English translated manga so you guys can actually read the manga of anime that are no longer airing.
Mar 12, 2012 8:20 AM
Mar 2012
jmal said:
Huh, did not realize Chihayafuru was airing in a late-night slot. That definitely would screw it pretty badly, it's the kind of show that needs a daytime/evening slot and to rely more on ratings. It would have made a very good noitaminA show. Guess nobody wanted to take a chance on karuta, but that's a bit strange considering how huge the manga is.

Not strange as there is no real way of knowing which manga can be a hit anime.
Mar 12, 2012 8:22 AM

Nov 2008
Josei anime don't sell, they need to get it through their greedy skulls.

Mar 12, 2012 8:34 AM
Mar 2012
Hoppy said:
Josei anime don't sell, they need to get it through their greedy skulls.

You seem to forget Usagi Drop, Princess Jellyfish,Honey & Clover(lasted 2 seasons),Nodame Cantabile(lasted 3 seasons) and Paradise Kiss. These are proof that Josei anime can be successful.
jmc234Mar 12, 2012 8:38 AM
Mar 12, 2012 8:36 AM

Nov 2008
not watching it anyway
Mar 12, 2012 8:38 AM

Mar 2011
But it's SO good!

Mar 12, 2012 8:56 AM

Apr 2010
jmc234 said:
Hoppy said:
Josei anime don't sell, they need to get it through their greedy skulls.

You seem to forget Usagi Drop, Princess Jellyfish,Honey & Clover(lasted 2 seasons),Nodame Cantabile(lasted 3 seasons) and Paradise Kiss. These are proof that Josei anime can be successful.

Usagi Drop barely passed the Manabi line, Princess Jellyfish was a dud sales wise, as was Paradise Kiss.

Honey & Clover and Nodame Cantabile were both hits in sales, though.

Mar 12, 2012 9:11 AM

Nov 2007
AnimeMangaSuki said:
I had an idea while watching Chihayafuru :D
wouldn't it be awesome if the Karuta game would be changed from poems to something anime related?
like the person would read part of an anime song and you would pick the correct lyrics in continuing that part xD just sayin please dont hate!
I come in peace! <(_ _)>

... that would be non-karuta. Karuta is where they pick cards with poems.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 12, 2012 9:44 AM
May 2009
Chihayafuru is under-rated. Its a great show.
Mar 12, 2012 10:21 AM
Jul 2009
If I'm reading the article right, the issue is a lack of external sponsorship.

NTV would probably have preferred a daytime slot, but it makes no sense without a means of generating ad revenue. They could get high ratings, but without advertising partners on board, that wouldn't translate into money (which is a significant opportunity cost for a TV station).

Under another producer, this might've spelled cancellation. However, NTV supported the show despite a low chance of turning a profit, which the critic cites as a policy unique to the station.
Mar 12, 2012 10:31 AM

Oct 2008
If it's any consolation, which it isn't, I will purchase a Chihayafuru blu-ray if it ever gets licensed in the States. Since it's doing terrible in Japan, it actually has a chance of being licensed for cheap around the world, which is a plus for us so don't complain. Of course getting a second season will be a problem unless foreign licensing and sales could bring some profit back to the creators. It's a Catch-22 but a previous person pointed out that if you want to continue the show you can always read it's manga. I haven't checked it out yet but am curious how far the anime has progressed in the manga. Perhaps I will have to check it out when the sow finishes airing.
Mar 12, 2012 11:23 AM
Feb 2011
That makes me really sad because this is such a wonderful anime! I hope that josei anime continues to be made because some of my favorite series are in the josei category. They always have great stories and characters plus none of that fanservice junk. It seems to me that Chihayafuru is more popular overseas than it is in Japan... which is kind of strange since karuta is a Japanese game. I had absolutely no idea this even existed before watching it. But you really don't have to be that familiar with the card game to enjoy the show.

Well I hope it gets licensed in America because I will buy the dvds and support Chihayafuru!
DisapparateMar 12, 2012 11:27 AM
Mar 12, 2012 11:27 AM

Sep 2011
nerdsonfire1 said:
That makes me really sad because this is such a wonderful anime! I hope that josei anime continues to be made because some of my favorite series are in the josei category. They always have great stories and characters plus none of that fanservice junk. It seems to me that Chihayafuru is more popular overseas than it is in Japan... which is kind of strange since karuta is a Japanese game. I had absolutely no idea this even existed before watching it. But you really don't have to be that familiar with the card game to enjoy this show.

Well I hope it gets licensed in America because I will buy the dvds and support this amazing show!

fanservice junk? Look, we know you like josei, and so do i, but if you're gonna bash on another genre just because you don't like it then don't post in the first place.
and for the record, "fanservice junk" sells much much much better than josei, even much better than most other genres, so get over it.
Mar 12, 2012 11:30 AM
Feb 2011
bakayarokonoyaro said:

fanservice junk? Look, we know you like josei, and so do i, but if you're gonna bash on another genre just because you don't like it then don't post in the first place.
and for the record, "fanservice junk" sells much much much better than josei, even much better than most other genres, so get over it.

Excuse me, I can post whatever I want as it's my opinion! Yes fanservice does sell because unfortunately there are more perverts who watch anime :P
Mar 12, 2012 11:36 AM

Sep 2011
nerdsonfire1 said:
bakayarokonoyaro said:

fanservice junk? Look, we know you like josei, and so do i, but if you're gonna bash on another genre just because you don't like it then don't post in the first place.
and for the record, "fanservice junk" sells much much much better than josei, even much better than most other genres, so get over it.

Excuse me, I can post whatever I want as it's my opinion! Yes fanservice does sell because unfortunately there are more perverts who watch anime :P

Keep your pointless opinions for yourself, this thread is about CHIHAYAFURU.
Why thank you, fanservice sells high and it will keep selling whether you like it or not.
perverts? Hah, i guess that's true, i'm grateful to those perverts though, thanks to them i get to enjoy my anime ;)
Downgrade355Mar 12, 2012 11:45 AM
Mar 12, 2012 12:00 PM
Mar 2012
RyanSaotome said:
jmc234 said:
Hoppy said:
Josei anime don't sell, they need to get it through their greedy skulls.

You seem to forget Usagi Drop, Princess Jellyfish,Honey & Clover(lasted 2 seasons),Nodame Cantabile(lasted 3 seasons) and Paradise Kiss. These are proof that Josei anime can be successful.

Usagi Drop barely passed the Manabi line, Princess Jellyfish was a dud sales wise, as was Paradise Kiss.

Honey & Clover and Nodame Cantabile were both hits in sales, though.

Thank you for the correction Honey & Clover and Nodame Cantabille (and its original manga) are basically Josei versions of stories you would normally find in the Shoujo genre(you can say the same with some Seinen/Shounen shows and manga) and because of those shows they will keep making Josei anime which is why Shirokuma Cafe is airing next month(an Josei Gag anime).
Mar 12, 2012 12:02 PM

Sep 2011
That sucks.It's a really good show, too :(
Mar 12, 2012 12:06 PM
Mar 2012
Orion1 said:
If it's any consolation, which it isn't, I will purchase a Chihayafuru blu-ray if it ever gets licensed in the States. Since it's doing terrible in Japan, it actually has a chance of being licensed for cheap around the world, which is a plus for us so don't complain. Of course getting a second season will be a problem unless foreign licensing and sales could bring some profit back to the creators. It's a Catch-22 but a previous person pointed out that if you want to continue the show you can always read it's manga. I haven't checked it out yet but am curious how far the anime has progressed in the manga. Perhaps I will have to check it out when the sow finishes airing.

The manga is 5 years old and is ongoing with at least 15 volumes published plus people are just recently scanning and translating the manga so what is available will likely be already in the series.
jmc234Mar 12, 2012 12:15 PM
Mar 12, 2012 12:26 PM

Aug 2009

If the ratings r low, does that me no second season which is show DESPERATELY needs? T_____T

I really want 2nd season! T__________T
Mar 12, 2012 12:53 PM

Aug 2008
I really really really hope they will make a season 2!
We need more Josei in the anime industry!
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