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Dec 8, 2009 6:10 PM

Dec 2009
Yeah I just figured that would be a good start. But I'll look into the other posts.

Thanks for the words of encouragement, I've just had fantastic teachers that I thought I'd return the favor. My only problem is that my weakest subjects are history and geography... and in elementary boy do they pile that on... but I'll just study extra hard I suppose :P
Jan 8, 2010 7:09 AM

May 2009
Hello everyone!
My name is Alejandra and I am Chilean.
Some time ago I see anime, but does little to read manga.
Before I read some mangas, but last year I was hired internet, so I started to read more. Even now I read more manga than watch anime.
Well, nice to meet you.
Jan 31, 2010 8:10 PM

May 2008
Hi, the names Dayanara!
I live in the United States and I am a freshman in Williamsburg Charter High School.I grew up watching anime and started reading manga when I was eight.I have been fascinated with Japan ever since.I`ve been studying the language and culture and I hope to one day live there.I find manga fascinating and my favorite manga would have to be Naruto.
Feb 2, 2010 8:07 AM
Jun 2009
Helloo ^^ I'm Ann, Californian, and I started manga 2 years ago, and since then I've been hooked. Trust me, InuYasha is a good starter.

I'm an eighth grader, and I don't know how but I stay up reading mangas til around 12 AM, and then start my homework (am I trying to kill myself or what?)
Feb 2, 2010 8:41 AM

May 2008
12 AM? That's pretty regular, wait 'till you get to University, heh.

At any rate, welcome to all the new members. I am happy to have you all join the club.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Feb 2, 2010 6:25 PM

Jul 2009
My name is Jennifer. I live in Idaho Falls, Idaho and I'm a sophomore at Idaho State University. I'm a history major and I'm minoring in art history.

I'm not really new to anime or manga, but it has become somewhat of a passion as of late. And since my boyfriend is just as into it as I am, its become much more integrated into my life!
“It’s not so much that I care about what you’re doing, but the idiotic way you’re doing it.”
Vincent Valentine

Mar 11, 2010 9:01 PM

May 2009
yo ^^

my name is John Paul....and I live in the Philippines....I'm majoring in mechanical engineering....I mostly watch anime....but as of late I have been reading a whole lot of mangas.....and all of that started with this awesome kickass manga named Berserk XD

"In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same."

Mar 12, 2010 1:16 PM

May 2008
Awesome, another engineer. How do you find the math?
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Mar 17, 2010 8:08 PM

May 2009
challenging sometimes =S

oh wait your an engineering student too?......what field are you majoring in?

"In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same."

Mar 18, 2010 5:13 AM

May 2008
Electrical Engineering is my major.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Apr 21, 2010 3:19 PM
Jan 2010
I'm Trenna. I go by Mandralyne/Mandy here on MAL, and several other sites. If you see that username around the web its me. I've only been into anime/manga since about December of last year. My college had a three week winter break in which I was extremely bored and decided to watch a few of the shows my brother told me about. After I watched Nana I wanted to know more so I read the manga and from there was been reading manga in my free time.

I finish college next Thursday and graduate on June 19th. I'll have my DSW (Developmental Services Worker) diploma and I plan on working with seniors. Currently I have a clinical field placement at the local Alzheimer's Society (which I love) although it is a challenging job sometimes.

To the engineering majors my college/campus has the Number 1 rated Mechanical Engineering program in North America.
May 28, 2010 11:49 AM

May 2010
Hi, everyone!
I'm Paula and I live in Finland in a town about 100 km from Helsinki to East. Right now I'm a student of tourism on a summer vacation.
I have watched anime since I was a little kid, but I fell in love with it when I was 10 or 11-years-old. That started with Sailor Moon. A little later I found manga when they started to publish Ranma ½ in finnish.
My favorite genres are shoujo, romance, comedy and fantasy.

I love to write own short stories and novels, I write also fan fiction sometimes. My other hobbies are (window)shopping, watching movies, listening to music and daydreaming.

Nice to meet you~!
May 28, 2010 12:03 PM

May 2008
Nice to meet you too, Paula.

I hope you have fun here and on MAL.
Oh, and what kind of stories do you like writing? I have also written a few, and am slowly progressing, at least that's what I tell myself haha.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
May 28, 2010 12:33 PM

May 2010
Thanks. I hope that I will post something to other topics too 8D

I like writing mostly stories with different relationships in them. Not only romance, but also stories about friendship and brotherhood, for example. Usually my main characters are not so "normal", because I think tolerating all kind of people is an important theme too. And I write always in finnish, not only because it's my mother tongue, but because I love that language and enjoy using it.
Oct 19, 2010 1:13 AM
Oct 2010
my names matthew and i live in Australia i have bein addictited to anime and manga sciecer my friend got me on to it bout 4 years ago . science then i have gotten my brother on it MUhahaha spread the anime/manga addiction i have just finished highschool and i am appling to go to university to study game design. in my spare time you will ether find me watching an anime series reasing a manga or a book or playing a rpg game
Oct 19, 2010 5:16 AM

May 2008
That's pretty cool. I have a buddy of mine who works for Funcom, he says it's a lot better than studying haha. Welcome aboard, keep on spreading the love!
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Jun 13, 2011 2:56 PM

Dec 2009
| Name: | Alexander Da Mota
| Age: | (16 yo)
| Born in: | January 7, 1995 (6:06am)
| Hometown: | Canada, Montreal

Well, here goes!~ My name's Alex, as you can see. I've officially started discovering the world of Anime in the year 2008. But before that, I never knew what Anime actually was, nor did I know the name existed. I even watched Animes on TV when I was little without even knowing it was Anime.
And they were 'Dragon Ball Z' - 'Pokemon' - 'BeyBlade' - 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' - 'Battle B-Daman'

When I discovered the world of Anime, it was when I started watching 'Naruto' on my computer, thanks to a student in my Elemtary school. And I never knew that would be possible. meaning; I didn't know anything about Anime, nor that we could of watched it on Stream on the internet.

As for Manga, I officially started reading Manga in (Dec, 15 2009). My first manga that I read was 'Pandora Hearts'. And I must say, when I grew more fond of Anime and becoming an Otaku. I then become addicted to Romance anime/manga, and still am.

As for my life? I have my problems, went to feeling different, intimidation, isolation, depression, problems; all becayse of school. ect. ect. *cough* Anyways!!!
As for my "skills" idk idc. I want to become an Actor. I love Anime, Manga & Japanese Music. I have my goals; finish High School, College, University. start in an apartment, then buy mangas & anime dvd's. then wife, kids ect. And my interest's would be to write books about self-confidence/self-esteem & self-help stuff. and do ALOT of stuff as a Youtube User. maybe even animation x3 so mostly stuff on the computer.

well... I could probably say more, dont know where to start. but as if I'll say more-
check out my Blogs one day. When I finally get Photo Shop. I'm gonna get BUSY!!! w/ Blogs especially. well, see yah. ciao x3
Jun 13, 2011 3:19 PM

May 2008
Hi. Alex, another montrealer, eh?

I also like romance manga, might get around to going through your list for potential masterpieces I may have missed.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Jun 13, 2011 5:26 PM

Dec 2009
Lol, yeah I noticed that theres alot of Montrealers x3
and I assure you, you'll find ALOT of masterpeices, well fun Mangas to read ^-^
Oct 15, 2011 4:28 PM

Oct 2009
Hello! Intro threads are always a little difficult for me as I often wonder what exactly I should say. Many people come up with witty intros to start off with, and others seem to not know what to say at all.

I will just choose the right way for me and just be myself, for better or worse. ^_^

I am one of those anime fans who never really read manga, and always wondered why so many people would complain about things like filler episodes, and shows that did not do the source material justice. Then slowly, I began to read some here and there, and I gained a far better understanding of just why people complained about their favorites being adapted poorly. I also becgan to appreciate Manga more and more.

I have tried many genre's and some I like, and some not, but I think it is good to keep an open mind, and try new things you might not be familiar with. Recently I ran into one of your members, and he invited me here, so the rest as they say is fate. ^_^

Dec 11, 2011 4:58 PM

Aug 2009
Hello! My names Pia, I live in Brazil and I've been watching anime ever since I can remember. I always loved watching anime but it was only when I turned 12 that I started to read manga. Since then, I've begun to prefer manga over anime and I've read quite a few series. I try to read a wide variety of genres, because always reading the same genres is boring! Nice to meet everyone! ^^
Jan 15, 2012 5:08 AM

Jun 2011
Hi! I'm Procella and I live in Finland. I'm in high school and I would like to go university after high school. ^^

I've read manga about two years and I got into anime about half year ago. I'm active as an manga reader but I don't watch anime so much. Couple series every now and then. As for genres I'm okay almost all of them.

I like physics, biology, languages (I can speak finnish, english, swedish and more or less french), writing (mainly stories & songs), thinking about life, being alone, reading (both manga & books), listening to rock / metal and just being on computer even without proper reason. ^^

Well, that's pretty much it. Nice to meet you everyone! ^__^
Why does the world want to become one? Dreams and ideals are not supposed to be the same.
Jan 15, 2012 7:15 AM

May 2008
Hi ^_^
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Apr 24, 2012 5:27 PM

Apr 2012
Hey i'm not so conceded, and write a long introduction about myself, just a manga reader, just mostly read forums don't talk, i'm from Canada kthxbai.
<img src="" />
May 1, 2012 2:29 PM

Feb 2011
I on the otherhand, am quite conceded. So brace yourself for a substantial intro that takes an in-depth look into myself and my manga interests ^_^

Hi everyone! My name's Ricky and i'm happy to join this club! i've been watching anime for a while but have only been getting into manga recently. For anime i like ones about following your dreams (i.e: One Piece, Hanasaku Iroha) or one's about finding or creating a place where you belong (i.e K-On, Naruto).

For manga however, for whatever reason, i absolutely just love shoujo manga. I'm open to other genre's but would be real interested in any shoujo recommendations(preferably completed stuff). I've read a few and my favorites so far are dengeki daisy, strobe edge and koshitagari no blue.

Also, being new to manga, i don't really understand licensing or why mal says some series are finished yet when u go to look for them on the web, they're clearly not finished. if anyone could offer any intel on either of these issue's i'd really appreciate it. i'd love to chat w/anyone so hit me up here or on my page!
Jul 2, 2012 7:53 PM
Jul 2010
Konnichiwa, im new here..
I'm from Malaysia, i love reading manga even i dont have time coz im still studying.
But i will try my best to catch up with the latest manga as possible!
lots of <3..=)
Jul 2, 2012 8:30 PM

Jun 2012
im osman im from australia. i like anime but prefer to wait for a series to finish before starting it, as far as manga goes i havent read any since it looks too much like graphic novels and i prefer a book that is detailed and doesnt have a random layout. any reasons why i should leave novels/movies/anime and strt manga? if so feel free to give recommendations and site where i can read them.

Aug 8, 2012 3:43 PM
Dec 2010
Hallo! yea Hallo, not hello!
Im a 14 year old girl from the Netherlands! ..humm, the date i was born was: 27-11-1997, i hate it(i shouldnt say it so harsh:) I dislike it, i mean im unlucky+i get older. >.>;;
The name is Miya, and I have known anime sinds,, well idk, since pokémon excists. I started watching anime online cuz theres almost none here. That was, ... maybe 2 or 4 years ago? actually i dont know, i forgot. More basic infoo? hmm: height: 1.62 metres, 47 kilograms (gosh im ashamed of myself >:/ ) and even though i live in NL, i am CHINESE.

COMEDY(ALOT)+ a lil bit of romance+ gorgeous drawings= my perfect manga. (or anime) *o*

I do sports, well actually ballroom and latin dancing, so idk if its a real sport. I am doing the sport for 2 years, started after i danced in a contest for schools and became 4tth of the province yay. About hobbys, i like drawing (duh) , painting, origami, listening to music, watch anime/read manga(another duh) and play games, its just that i do it much, just once in a while addicted, and then like, no ... i wanna do something else, and then after a month/months i play it again, or after a year ._. (games i play(ed): Grand Chase, getamped2, stardoll, neopets, cute-hero, aq, chess(lol jk, in real) .
Music~~ : I am learning to play the piano~. (just started rececently, ...for a year now i think, but they are shortlessons)
Music i like: J/C/K-POP,rock and whatever, i also like vocaloids, but Adele is also a like (her songs, ... not how she acts)
Book: PERCY JACKSON, its omg funny+adventurous, with a lil bit of romance, I LOVE IT.
Btw i wear glasses i got 2 pairs, a black with red one, and the one im wearing, a milk-white one.
Fav animal: Panda,. Color: red. Flower:Rose. food: Noodles. Tree; the one with pink pettals, cherry blossom tree?
Last activity: ate watermelon, it sure was tasty ^^

Im getting carried away with this introduction ._. , so G night! (its 0:44 atm.)
P.s.: we use military time
P.p.s.: that's not called military time here.
Oct 12, 2012 8:06 PM

Jul 2009
Hello, name's Pedro Cabrita, I'm portuguese and I'm 19, almost 20 years old.
There isn't much to say about me. I am addicted to manga and videogames.
Favorite manga include: One Piece, 20th Century Boys (Anything by Urasawa actually), Berserk, Love Hina and Memories of Emanon.
I'm currently trying to reach 100 completed mangas, currently at 91 and reading Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro and Franken Fran.
I've been looking for a couple manga groups to join and this one looked like a good one.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 12, 2012 10:04 PM

May 2008
I love Memories of Emanon :) I've only read it once, but the art is simply beautiful.

Maybe I should update people on my intro :P It's been almost 3 years since I started this thread, and in that time, I have gotten even more into manga. These days I don't have a lot of free time, though, due to working full time, as well as my involvement with various online communities. I have learned to enjoy programming in these 3 years and have dabbled a bit in web dev. I have also gotten involved with scanlation and am currently an admin at Imangascans. Oh, and I'm studying in Electrical Engineering with a bit over a year still to go before I graduate.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Aug 13, 2013 11:25 PM

Sep 2009
Hello, my name is David, I have 28 years and I'm from Barcelona (Spain), but currently live in Talca (Chile).

Many years ago I see anime, but it will make about 7 years I began to see more. I also read enough manga. The time spent depends on my free time and the desire to have.

Also I have a great interest in Japanese culture.
Jan 29, 2014 8:37 PM

Jan 2014
Hello !! I'm 2agal from India.
I love reading manga,havent read a great number,maybe a few online and after that was on a hiatus.
Started with Death Note recently and this time I dont wanna stop...
I love reading a lot, usually works of fiction(horror,fantasy,supernatural,urban fantasy,paranormal,sci-fi) & graphic novels & comics.
My other interests are related to health & fitness like swimming,running,nutrition,cooking.
I have a cat :) who goes by the name Goldie.
I'm also a fan of TVD and love to watch Hollywood movies & TV series,love Avril Lavigne.Also I recently discovered Light novels & Visual novels..I'm readin up on them...
I'm glad I found this website..Thank-you !!

P.s. I'm also on although I go by a different username...
“Manga is virtual. Manga is sentiment. Manga is resistance. Manga is bizarre. Manga is pathos. Manga is destruction. Manga is arrogance. Manga is love. Manga is kitsch. Manga is sense of wonder. Manga is … there is no conclusion yet.” - Osamu Tezuka.

Aug 9, 2014 8:57 AM

Jan 2014
Hi, i just joined :)

Hi I'm 23
You can call me Fenix or MadLane :D
I'm friendly so I'll mostly accept random friend requests, so don't be afraid to send me one.
I'm also very friendly ^^
I love Anime!!! and Tv Shows
I'm going to start reading Manga, so if anyone want to suggest stuff plz do it, tip(i like extreme stuff and mystery that keeps me focus)

That's all i have to say ^_^
Mar 16, 2016 1:34 PM

Sep 2015
Hello what it dookie tho I am so glad to be here! I love manga manga manga! I always wanted to have discussion about manga chapters and review them hell to the yea so glad to be apart of this joint
check my List for manga I have red, or manga you think I should read
Feb 26, 2017 6:57 AM

May 2016
Hey guys, I'm just another dog on the internet(or am I a cat?). I enjoy reading manga, especially those ones that leave a major impression on you and can be life changing. I'm also a musician and I play trombone and hope to go into college as a music education major. Nice to meet you all!
Feb 26, 2017 8:01 AM

May 2008
Hello! Yeah, I can relate... some mangas just seem to change you forever. Good luck with music! I wish I knew how to play an instrument, but it's something I never really spent much time on when I was younger, and now it's probably too late.
A past can last a lifetime.
How to Read Manga! | AnimeBytes | iMangaScans
Apr 17, 2020 8:15 AM
Dec 2019
Hi Guys! I am GodUchiha7. I am an anime lover like all of us here and i iove to watch anime. I mostly love shounen anime and i am new to other genre like josei, shoujo, isekai etc, but i hope i will find iinterest in that.
Oct 3, 2020 12:59 AM
Nov 2019
Yo! I am new here, joined MAL recently, used to just watch anime on other sites, am from East Africa, and am a sucker for MYSTERY manga and anime, and what better club to join than this one, hopefully, I'll have a good time here, Nice to meet you all.
Apr 30, 2021 7:53 PM
Jul 2018
Hey. So I'm new to the club and the website. First of all, my name is Ikumin. People can call me Ikumin or Iku for short. I watch animes so I wanted to try reading the manga. I first started watching anime when I was 8 around there when I got into it cuz of my brother. My first anime was Pokemon. Several years of watching anime I wanted to try out the manga. So that why I'm here. Thank you ^^
Jul 17, 2023 1:25 PM
Jul 2023
Hey there!! My Name is Ansh. I hail from India. It's been around 2 years watching anime and as for the anime i watched around 120 anime. I am a college student as for my hobby is watching anime i can complete whole anime seasons in one sitting along with that i am pretty decent with studies as well. Recently i was searching for something regarding anime. so i came to know this platform. and saw this club and joined. I hope we'll make good relations. Thanks!!!!!
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