All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 207.9
Mean Score:
- Reading131
- Completed1,517
- On-Hold36
- Dropped51
- Plan to Read345
- Total Entries2,080
- Reread99
- Chapters17,718
- Volumes3,507
All Comments (746) Comments
Me too! No seriously you can't be any worse than me! I feel like such a procrastinator...well actually I've been busy's both...there's like pages and pages of delivery work waiting for me...and pages and pages of actually making the mc T.T"
yea...and I needa make some LE too xD
I realize that I spend most of my time on contests I don't win xD
really? Gone for a weeK? Where? :3? Vacation?
[We just had our spring break :3 But it's gone now TT___TT I used the time to finish my projects xP]
Yea same here! I'm very behind on LE and mc for some of my clubs :P
thank you!!!!it doesnt have to be something special just for the start
I made you admin than,and when you have time do something to improve the club lol xD
But you make great member cards so :3
sorry for the late reply.. just got back from spring break!
hehe how you doing?
you travel world wide like?