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Aug 3, 2011 2:26 AM

Dec 2010

This was seriously the most dissapointing episode so far. The changes they made in this episode ruins a lot of character development that was going to happen in the future. I really like Shima and Izumo, so I'm really pissed right now.

I guess I'll just stick with the manga, because it's clearly superior imo.
Aug 3, 2011 2:44 AM
Feb 2008
Just wanted to say Amaimon in his true form is hot. :D
Aug 3, 2011 2:55 AM

Apr 2011
Awesome episode! Everyone was great, especially Rin, Shiemi and Mephisto. Good to see Amaimon is alive still. Next episode looks interesting too.
Aug 3, 2011 3:14 AM

Feb 2011
Akateito said:
lol, you saw the that random blue crystal too? >.<
stupid censorship

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Aug 3, 2011 8:27 AM

Jun 2011
I hate you Shiemi ._. To the CORE.
Aug 3, 2011 10:54 AM

Nov 2008
I'm starting to get vibes of Naruto's stupidity with this show... Which is a shame, since it's been pretty decent up until this point.
Aug 3, 2011 12:23 PM
Apr 2010
sad that they felt the need to go off on a tangent after they have done a good job of following the manga so far... but it was still a good episode
Aug 3, 2011 1:16 PM

Oct 2010
amazing_zia said:
Shiemi. I’ve never liked her much due to her personality, but that’s something that’s already been established. She’s a scaredy-cat. Hell, she’s even terrified by minor demons. And, as much as some of you shippers may love the idea of ‘love conquers all’, she really doesn’t know Rin that well at this point in the show. Are you telling me this little, forming crush of his could extinguish that major beserking going on, when his own brother couldn’t? Once again we are out of character in a move so cliché it’s sickening.
Well L-O-V-E is the most powerful not extinguishable as well unpredictable power there ever was. So Shiemi's love may have been powerful enough to do what anything else failed. For a plane such as Hell where is love is more of Chaos that tends to make wars and problems than solve anything in Hell, their move is justified. The unpredictable power.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 3, 2011 4:18 PM

Sep 2009
Yumekichi11 said:
Well L-O-V-E is the most powerful not extinguishable as well unpredictable power there ever was. So Shiemi's love may have been powerful enough to do what anything else failed. For a plane such as Hell where is love is more of Chaos that tends to make wars and problems than solve anything in Hell, their move is justified. The unpredictable power.

But love doesn't form overnight. That's my point. It takes time to develop real feelings for someone that don't rely on lust. Shiemi at this point in the story has nowhere near the same close relationship with Rin as his twin brother does, who couldn't calm him down. He really just thinks she's "kinda cute". So not only was it cliche, but it doesn't really work. What those two have is the potential for love, not love.
Aug 3, 2011 8:52 PM

Oct 2010
amazing_zia said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Well L-O-V-E is the most powerful not extinguishable as well unpredictable power there ever was. So Shiemi's love may have been powerful enough to do what anything else failed. For a plane such as Hell where is love is more of Chaos that tends to make wars and problems than solve anything in Hell, their move is justified. The unpredictable power.

But love doesn't form overnight. That's my point. It takes time to develop real feelings for someone that don't rely on lust. Shiemi at this point in the story has nowhere near the same close relationship with Rin as his twin brother does, who couldn't calm him down. He really just thinks she's "kinda cute". So not only was it cliche, but it doesn't really work. What those two have is the potential for love, not love.
I agree with you and it is totally rushed but love may have a rather instant effect suddenly. That's all I can say in regards to "Getting suddenly intense"

Sure they rushed it and over exaggerated all in the logic and execution but that just proves they will do anime only stuff. Whether they redeem themselves later on in the series remains to be seen to see if it satisfies the manga people. That's all.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 3, 2011 10:59 PM

Feb 2011
I loved it!
And I understand your position on cliches, but consider this: often, ideas are overdone because they work, not because the creator can't think of anything better. You can't expect innovation at every turn- there are innovative ideas and then there are innovative packages. An innovative idea is hard to find- if you ever find one, make it your own (that's all I'll say). An innovative package, however, can be made even using cliches, because it's not the individual ideas that make a story "new"- it's the way those ideas are structured. And honestly, isn't it more important for a story to send its point across and be well-executed than for it to be something that hasn't been done before?
As for the love thing, they have been building that for a while. I understand your frustration (though I haven't read the manga yet), but they've shown the chemistry and they've exposed both party's feelings. He cares for her deeply, she cares for him deeply, they've spent a lot of time together- I really don't see that much of a problem.
And I know at this point I'm probably pissing people off by being so contrary, (I love you all and I'm sorry- it's my nature!) but a manga should not be held to god-status. Manga and anime are two different mediums- I see no reason why an anime can't part ways from a manga from time to time. In my opinion, it's nice to know you're not getting the same thing twice. It motivates people to read/view the original source when there are deviations.
If you lived in your computer, you'd be home already.
Aug 4, 2011 7:20 AM

Feb 2008
MorningGlory said:
that paladin.... blue tooth ... LOL

naruto's plot.. ouch
haha I saw that too
Aug 4, 2011 4:30 PM

Sep 2009
TypeOfCicada said:

But they didn't need to think up something original, they already had a template to follow from the manga, so I find that to be a ridiculous excuse. Once again I'll say that it's not them deviating that bothers me--it's ruining a good series by deviating badly. The manga managed to stray from too many cliches AND be good. I don't think the manga is flawless--there are definitely things in it I have problems with, but it's far better than what I saw in this episode. As for the love thing, I have to disagree, but that's all up to opinions.
Aug 4, 2011 4:41 PM
Jul 2007
Cannot wait for the next episode. This one was great. Man the Earth King is mad!!!
Aug 4, 2011 5:44 PM

Feb 2010
wanna see Rin pwn that Earth King. Baller episode. (paladin's blue tooth was win lol)
Aug 4, 2011 7:49 PM

May 2008
Blind_Guardian said:
Amaimon's "true form" looks like a hybrid with one of his Behemoth pets; maybe they're his spawn? Or he's actually half-Behemoth himself? Satan might have been a little too drunk one night ...

Reading that made me laugh.
I didn't like the direction this episode took the anime, but considering how many chapters there currently are of the manga and how far the anime is I guess it was necessary to change things up.
(Almost) 13 years on MAL!
Aug 4, 2011 8:35 PM

Aug 2009
I'm sure most of my points have already been said, but I still want to give my two cents.

As many have noted, this is a pretty serious deviation from the manga, and we'll just have to wait and see whether or not that ends up being a good thing or not. My issue is that this throws a couple screws in the immediate manga arcs.

Manga spoilers:

I guess the other thing that bugs me is that it's not like there are only two or three episodes left and they have to wrap things up, and even if there were I think the prospects of more seasons is pretty good, so I have trouble seeing as to why they're making these changes. Either way, just got to ride it out.
Aug 5, 2011 12:05 AM
Mar 2009
Wow, what the hell was that?!? That was a HUGE divergence from the manga.

They're really trying to promote RinxShiemi when that scene never happens. She was scared shitless in the manga.

What the hell is with this, "fixing the sword with a magic nail?" and that girl? And Amaimon showing up in the middle of the trial? Lolwhat?

I appreciate that they're trying something different, but the next episode preview showed a manga scene with low action. What the hell? No consistency?
Aug 5, 2011 12:10 AM

Apr 2009
Seems rushed. I havent read the manga but from what everyone is saying this isnt what happened. Well, once the show ends I'll read the manga.

Let's just say I'm not that excited about this anymore..
Aug 5, 2011 11:34 AM

Aug 2007
Plotty episode, so that was nice. Angel's introduction could have been handled a little less clunky though. So much exposition all at once with no real reason to care. I would have thought a Paladin would have a better & more epic entrance.

New girl seems interesting! I don't think she'll be around much though...

Whatever Mephisto is up to, it isn't all that interesting, since he's been featured so little. His character lacks a lot of subtly.
Aug 5, 2011 1:08 PM

Jun 2011
the next episoode is going to be so epic
Aug 5, 2011 1:28 PM
Feb 2010
I watched Ep15 & 16.

They deviated from the manga and these events: the sword cracking up and the new character might be from a future chapter so I am dropping the anime.

Damn and I really liked watching it. I hate it when they don't stick to the manga.
Aug 5, 2011 9:25 PM

Aug 2011
OHMYGOD, When shiemi hugged rin, my heart stopped.
I was like, Did she really just calm down Rin Okumura?
Heh, I would really like to see the shiemi and amaimon couple...
Is it just me? :'>
Aug 6, 2011 3:41 PM

Aug 2010
The sexy voice of Daisuke Ono..
I recognize it anywhere :)
Aug 6, 2011 4:43 PM

Feb 2009
So the anime will deviate from the manga from there I guess. I wish they would not deviate from it oh well.
Aug 6, 2011 6:38 PM

Jul 2010
This episode was AWESOME! :D It is really getting suspenseful with the whole Demon King of Gehenna or Savior of Assiah...
Aug 6, 2011 7:02 PM

Jan 2011
I guess we see it with more detail next episode how Amaimon appears and the fight happens, but generally: How come Shura can make a barrier that keeps him away, but they can not do so during the trial? Except if it really was Mephistos doing.

Also, how is that Arthur is both Paladin and Upper First Class? Is Paladin a special rank? I mean, it is obviously special, having only one and being the top rank, but there is a rank between Upper First Class and Paladin. So Paladin is not directly included in the hierachy, otherwise he would first be promoted to Arc Knight and/or keep only the Paladin title.

They never talked about what rank Shiro had, besides Paladin, too.
Aug 6, 2011 9:04 PM

Jan 2009
Hito-Shura said:

They deviated from the manga and these events: the sword cracking up and the new character might be from a future chapter so I am dropping the anime.

Damn and I really liked watching it. I hate it when they don't stick to the manga.

MaxCrazy7 said:
So the anime will deviate from the manga from there I guess. I wish they would not deviate from it oh well.

well im glad they do not follow the manga anymore and will have a anime original ending for this just like FMA first anime has done and im sure with this popularity they can make a remake of Blue Exorcist just like what happened with FMA:Brotherhood

so im ready for Blu Exorcist: Brotherhood in the future!!!
Aug 6, 2011 10:00 PM

Nov 2007
-1 for this show, I'm absolutely sick of stupid healer bitches running out and putting their lives in danger to save the protag who has gone crazy with power (i.e. Orihime and Ichigo, Sakura and Naruto*). IT IS BULLSHIT. ANY SHOW THAT DOES THIS IS CRAP. How about you write something fucking original for once? Or at least make it RIN'S FREAKING BROTHER who can bring him out of it instead of some stupid girl he has a crush on. Lame.

*I know in this case Naruto actually hurt Sakura, which was amazing to me because hey that is WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE so at least that was a less crap version of this annoying scene.
Aug 7, 2011 5:50 PM

Jul 2009
yamakasi said:
-1 for this show, I'm absolutely sick of stupid healer bitches running out and putting their lives in danger to save the protag who has gone crazy with power (i.e. Orihime and Ichigo, Sakura and Naruto*). IT IS BULLSHIT. ANY SHOW THAT DOES THIS IS CRAP. How about you write something fucking original for once? Or at least make it RIN'S FREAKING BROTHER who can bring him out of it instead of some stupid girl he has a crush on. Lame.

*I know in this case Naruto actually hurt Sakura, which was amazing to me because hey that is WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE so at least that was a less crap version of this annoying scene.

I didn't even think - it is always healers!
As if it's the only way the 'nurse' (which they basically are - nurses + soilders) can help out in combat besides treating wounds.

We have a decent scene in Tenjou Tenge, inwhich another healer(type) girl jumps into combat to give her boyfriend a 'power of love' embrase - this doesn't go well; though expected, it still makes a change from the 'calm down hug' being the highly effective cliche we're use to seeing; also, this female isn't a main.

Aug 7, 2011 5:53 PM

Aug 2008
Uh I think the hug was silly. Such an overused scene.

Hmmm I get this feeling Mephisto doesn't really care about Amaimon as much as he does about Rin.
Aug 7, 2011 9:59 PM

Aug 2011
i swera to god manga fanboys are so obnoxious
Aug 7, 2011 10:13 PM

Aug 2011
VannaKatsura said:
OHMYGOD, When shiemi hugged rin, my heart stopped.
I was like, Did she really just calm down Rin Okumura?
Heh, I would really like to see the shiemi and amaimon couple...
Is it just me? :'>
ehh its anime, if people are i the same room with eachother for 5 seconds they get shipped together so your probably not the only one, i mean rina dn eyebrows is getting shiped when theyv not even had a single moment,
Aug 8, 2011 4:19 PM

Oct 2010
whats that crow doing !?
Aug 9, 2011 10:04 PM
Jun 2011
Having not read the manga, I have been enjoying this series. This episode had it's problems, but I felt they were slightly minor overall. I did not like how accepting they were of Rin's identity, but its a 25 episode anime. Unfortunately things are getting rushed. I can accept that, but I know not all viewers can. As far as the cliché of love calming a berserk character, I'm fond of it. Youth fall in (and out) of love quickly. Crushes are always mistaken for love when you're young.

I do want to read the manga now. Everyone, including my boyfriend, keeps comparing the anime to the manga and expressing their disappointment.
Aug 16, 2011 12:58 PM

Mar 2011
Yumekichi11 said:
This episode was pretty wild in the sense of a rocket fight start from last episode to follow. After the fight I got totally blown by Shiemi in the following,

she is the only one who calm Rin down? Only Fujimoto was able to calm Rin down. This only leads to what many wish for in the spoiler
Rin x Shiemi is now impossible to deny.

^They had an INU&KAGOME moment there xD Hmm...found Shiemi much more tolerable this episode..'o'
Aug 17, 2011 3:33 PM

Dec 2007
I fuckin' hate when the storyline is this much different between the manga and the anime !
Aug 19, 2011 2:17 PM

Feb 2011
I love Kansai-ben. xD Even though this had some filler material, it wasn't bad.
Aug 19, 2011 6:32 PM

Feb 2009
When reading some comments I am so happy I don't read manga. I can just enjoy this show, even if the storyline or details in the manga differ from the anime. :D

But o well, I enjoyed this episode a lot. The RinxShiemi moment was cute, and I still don't get what Mephisto is up to. Great show so far!
Aug 20, 2011 6:16 PM

Nov 2010
CG said:
Argh. The power of love was ridiculous, among other stuff. How much more overused can it get...

I would've really preferredif they stayed true to the manga instead...

i agree. i liked it better that in the manga Shiemi also didn't know how to react perfectly. it helped her seem more like a real person and was not as cheesey. just my opinion though.
~ * my number is 3 * ~ _._ : l 'o' ( ; _-_ : ( T.T &: .~. : P >.<
Sep 14, 2011 7:40 PM

Apr 2011
lol@ chibi Shiemi

I was expecting Mephisto to stop Rin and put him down a few pegs, to show how powerful Mephisto can be, but the generic "Shounen girl" stopping the craze hero, works fine with me. The real drama in this episode was about Rin losing his friends, rather than the process of execution, also was hoping that the majority of the friends (except Shiemi and brother) went with the "hesitation route" and not support Rin to add more depth to the story.

Oh it seems this episode and scene never happen in the manga. Its a good thing I never read the manga, because it might of made me feel bit sadden that the anime adaptation would change the story. For you manga readers, here a tip, treat the anime and manga separately, this way you can enjoy life more.
vansonbeeSep 14, 2011 7:44 PM
Sep 18, 2011 10:36 PM

Mar 2010
Well, I won't say that I'm disappointed or anything, but I got tired of the ''girl hugs main character guy, then saves him from rage mode'' thing a long time ago. Its really played out unless the story is at a climactic point, I think. Well, aside from that 'Paladins' are now equipped with Bluetooth headsets. That's always interesting. Looking forward to the next!
Sep 23, 2011 2:11 PM

Apr 2007
Mephisto was awesome, as usual~
Oct 24, 2011 4:28 AM

Sep 2008
Phooey, not enough people doubting Rin.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 27, 2011 8:10 AM

Jun 2011
Yeah, maybe Rin x Shiemi will actually come true?

Mephisto got his own agenda, as always. But why is he against his own father (Satan) in the 1st place?
Dec 19, 2011 3:43 PM

May 2009
This was a great great great great episode! My favourite so far.
And Shiemiii ♥

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

Feb 25, 2012 6:15 AM

Nov 2010
Impressive actions.
With all the stuff Mephisto done.
I think he wants to be the new Satan.
Mar 6, 2012 3:54 AM
Nov 2011
At least the ever-so-annoying comedy moments are done for. I hope for some seriousness...
Apr 19, 2012 8:46 AM

Apr 2012
Oh god, it'd be so awesome to be a blacksmith.
Apr 22, 2012 3:31 PM

Apr 2008
HiyuuT said:
i dont get why theres some disappointment in not sticking to the manga >_>; whats the fun in an anime sticking to manga like a glue that actually discourages watching the anime/reading the manga dont you think ._.; looks like konekumaru is at least sticking to the script >_> besides i heard amaimon did not appear after the epic rin cut in the manga, in this way they may give amaimon some sort of ending (after the trial, fleeing or dead)

I hate when anime diverge from their manga because I do not read manga. They are inferior visually to anime in every respect, and visuals are an essential component of action anime, which is mostly what I watch. Most mangaka can't even adequately depict action scenes in their mangas and each battle just becomes a confusing mess. Pretty sure that's where the whole calling your attacks/describing your attacks comes from, cause otherwise you'd be 100% lost reading any fight in a manga.

So, if an anime diverges from the manga, that means that's another manga that I'm forced to tolerate and read through to find out the story.
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