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May 12, 2011 12:12 PM

Jun 2009
This was really a good movie, both relaxing and dramatic. The ending was also surprisingly thoughtful that relates to how it started. Overall, had me hooked up all the way til the end.
Makoto's friend looks sure looks ugly though (and so his mother o.O sorry)

The movie lived up to its title. 10/10 :)
NouverJul 28, 2014 11:36 AM

May 12, 2011 5:08 PM
Oct 2009
Interesting movie. I enjoyed it a lot. I think they spent a little too much bro-mance with Makoto and his friend though haha.

I thought it was interesting how he is the particular soul that he is and yet he was very mature and seemed like a grown man that lived a long life beforehand. In the way he talks, thinks, and observes human behavior.

Very depressing movie, but good depressing. I like these types of realistic anime's with a touch of fantasy in the story.

I think I have to watch it a 2nd time to fully understand the main message about people being colorful.

"I've started to realize that people are hurting each other because the world is too colorful to distinguish the true color of themselves from others"

"we're all beautiful screwups, everyone is like that, people dont just have one shade,
we have all sorts of different colours, and it's fine to have them, pretty colours.. disgusting colours.. nobody knows what their true colours are, it's fine to be
colourful and to live colourfully.."

Best anime movie I've seen in a very long time. I just love the animation as well. I've never seen anything like it before.
May 17, 2011 5:42 AM

Oct 2009
I was put out when Hiroka said "You see, I only have to do it three times to save enough money to buy it". @_@
I wish they had concluded that relationship between Hiroka and the old man somehow.

Apart from that, very nice movie. A bit long-dragged, but I like that. Especially when there's rain in the background.
May 17, 2011 3:13 PM

May 2009
I felt so bad for the mom throughout almost the entire movie... He was so rude to her! When she was crying at the dinner table I wanted someone to give her a hug or something, lol. And girls like Hiroka - it just boggles my mind how they would sell themselves for accessories and stuff. Bitches and whores.

A bit of a boring/slow movie imo, but it ended up being really good. The scene at the dinner table and the ending were very powerful.
May 17, 2011 4:33 PM

Mar 2010
Beautiful movie.
May 17, 2011 4:45 PM

Jan 2008
I agree... Beautiful Movie.
May 17, 2011 5:44 PM

Nov 2009
A little slow moving but as everyone else has said Beautiful Movie.
May 17, 2011 7:59 PM

Feb 2010
ABSOLUTELY beautiful movie...I felt very moved by the scene when PuraPura rephrased to makoto-kun:

"Humans aren't just comprised of a single color, but with many different ones. What our true colors are, what our own colors are, we will never know and no one else knows. Progress colorfully and continue to live colorfully. "

That, to me really struck me...absolutely stunning movie, definitely recommended, although I do agree to it being very slow-paced and at times I was REAL frustrated with makato-kun when he mistreated his mother....>:(

sure his mother's a two-timer but she seems to look ashamed of it and she's human and every human has flaws and sins so, yeah. >:c
May 18, 2011 4:31 AM

Dec 2009
the movie was incredible... and has a great message behind it
May 18, 2011 8:24 AM

Feb 2009
Love the movie, even though it is sad it is also beautiful; full with interesting characters and lessons about a life.
May 18, 2011 10:27 AM

Mar 2009
Fantastic movie, I really enjoyed it.

I agree it was a little slow, but it was far from boring.
I can appreciate "slow", especially when it's done to this degree.
It's what made the movie as good as it is, that relaxing, well thought-out living is what makes you understand and relate yourself to the character that much more.

The message is great, one I think I sometimes need to heed!

And, the art is fantastic! It had kind of the look of the recent children's/family anime that have been airing the past couple of years. But, a lot higher quality version, with a very sophisticated look. If that makes any sense.

My only complaints were...
1. They should've elaborated more on him forgiving his mother. I'll agree, I liked the subtly of him eating his mother's food and clearly enjoying. But, is it too much to ask for a teary hug? I was all ready to start balling and everything! :>
2. He should've told Sono the he was sorry for calling her hideous, and that she was beautiful!

Other than that, it was an excellent movie.
I'll give it a 10/10.

I really hope it gets an R1 release, no dub needed. I would just love to own this on BD.

Urahara Out!!
May 18, 2011 12:31 PM

Jun 2009
I actually really enjoyed it. Even though its slow but its really good. But I feel bad for Makoto's mom, he should apologize to her. But overall, its really a fantastic movie :)

May 18, 2011 12:52 PM

Aug 2010
Great movie!

May 18, 2011 3:14 PM

Apr 2009
For me, it started interesting then before even halfway through it became slow and almost boring, it picked itself up again when he met Saotome at the train station progressing through the picnic with his father and finally to that very well portrayed family dinner. I'm relieved that it finished quite nicely till the end. Overall I think it was a very good movie that entertained me for 2 hours, whether the message got to me is well... let's just say I'm glad to be alive as well. XD
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
May 18, 2011 4:22 PM
Jan 2009
f**k I wish there had been a Saotome when I was growing up...

or, if there was, I wish I had had the b*lls to be his friend.

I think everything would be... better.
May 18, 2011 4:43 PM
Jul 2018
Good movie, and the art was just amazing.
May 18, 2011 10:24 PM

Aug 2008
Saotome is the best friend one could have.
At one point I dislike how Makoto was treating his mum, it was a little overboard.
I'm glad he forgave her in the end.
May 19, 2011 8:32 AM

Jul 2007
Amazing movie! Really loved it and usually I don't like slow pacing. It made me wonder if it's possible to look at my life from an outside, objective perspective and see what can be changed.

I also felt really bad for the mother, but I understood his anger - her affair was the last straw that made Makoto commit suicide. The way he forgave her was subtle (very japanese like, imo) and touching. Ah, this entire movie was really touching... I'm going to watch it again.
May 19, 2011 10:57 AM

Aug 2010
darkerealm said:
Saotome is the best friend one could have.
At one point I dislike how Makoto was treating his mum, it was a little overboard.
I'm glad he forgave her in the end.
Anyway, great movie. The artistic part of it was very beautifully done. The scenery caught me from the first seconds to be frank xD The music...a little half-assed on some portions and looped over but very nice overall. My current love is piano and boy, it really made a great pair with the violin in this one :D
About the storyline...I think everything that needed to be mentioned was already noticed by everybody else.
Overall, the movie was great imo...I would've never guessed [Big Spoiler]
. Perhaps I should reflect a little after seeing this and, of course, raising it to a high priority for re-watching :D
It gets a 9/10 from me.
May 20, 2011 9:17 AM

Nov 2010
Beautiful movie. Very nice to reflect afterwards.

The only stuff I didn't really like was Makoto's voice acting, and the ugly megane girl's annoying behavior, but those are just very little nitpicking. The most plus side for me (apart from the moral) is the breathtaking scenery art, it makes me want to visit Japan again. Apart from the drama, I also enjoyed the subtle humor.

Saotome's such a bro but Purapura is my most favorite character. <3
May 20, 2011 8:49 PM

Jun 2010
Predictable (the supposed twist at the end was much too easy to figure out; the movie doesn't make much sense without it) and without much to say beyond the usual platitudes. Even a bit boring (oh, boy let's talk about trains for 10 minutes). All that scenery porn went to waste.
May 20, 2011 8:52 PM

Sep 2009
beautiful anime ....just amaze me
May 21, 2011 3:32 PM

Jun 2010
MrHatandClogs said:
My only complaints were...
1. They should've elaborated more on him forgiving his mother. I'll agree, I liked the subtly of him eating his mother's food and clearly enjoying. But, is it too much to ask for a teary hug? I was all ready to start balling and everything! :>
2. He should've told Sono the he was sorry for calling her hideous, and that she was beautiful!

Maybe you had better stick to Hollywood romantic comedies.

myth720 said:
The way he forgave her was subtle (very japanese like, imo) and touching.

Subtle? They hit on the "he doesn't want to eat his mother's food" thing over and over again through the film (he even specifically stated in monologue that he didn't want to eat it), and his dad specifically brings it up on their fishing trip.
FronzelMay 21, 2011 3:36 PM
May 21, 2011 4:23 PM

Dec 2007
That's not all they did. He's also wearing that jacket that his mom picked out for him at the end if I remember correctly.
May 21, 2011 4:29 PM

Jan 2009
Amazing movie ^^
It made me rethink about ending my life
May 24, 2011 8:50 PM

Dec 2009
It was a beautiful movie, a little depressing, but it was good and I loved the art too. It got me thinking about my life in general.
May 25, 2011 9:15 AM
Dec 2007
I really don't like Keiichi Hara's anticlimactic and purposedly slowish direction, melodramatic plot decisions, that much is clear. Oh and of course Makoto(s voice. It really distracted me from what could have been a great movie (I mean, it's a very similar concept to Capra's "It's a wonderful life") because apart from that honestly, it's all good.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 25, 2011 12:39 PM
Feb 2010
That was a really moving movie, it was great.
May 26, 2011 1:25 AM

Oct 2009
Oh my gawd, such an eye openning that makes you think. I don't think I've enjoyed a movie this much in a long while. I have so much to say, but then I'm a bit lost for words at the moment to be able to do so.

Man, Hiroka, wished her characther was explored a bit more thoroughly and conclusively; such a waste. I really liked her, and felt sorry for her. If only Makoto had stopped her before 'the first time'... Over all though, I really like all of the characthers. A bit more Hiroka x Makoto would of have been nice but whatever. Oh yeah, a bit less yaoi would of have been definitely great too, lol.

The art, where do I start? Pardon the irony but, the colours were beautiful. Were they real photographs from IRL rendered for anime? That's what they looked like, some of them. Didn't really love the characther designs so much but, I guess it did fit quite nicely and grow on your during the watch.

I'll write up a nice review if I have the time, as well as maybe edit this post to write up what I really want to write.

I'd really love to read the novel...
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May 26, 2011 4:25 AM

Mar 2011
Beautiful movie, shame it's a unrealistic happy ending.
May 27, 2011 4:10 AM

Aug 2010
Loved this movie, my only complaints are about the VA (Makoto and Purapura were weak), and the lack of detailed forgiveness towards the mother (sure, he ate her food and wore the coat she bought him, but he was way too cruel towards her before, there should have been something more to it). The ending was a bit predictable, still I enjoyed it very much. Gets an 8/10 from me. Nice to have a slow paced watch once in a while.
Mogami-kunMay 27, 2011 4:14 AM
May 27, 2011 1:48 PM

Aug 2009
I had low expectations prior to watching this movie, but it proved to be very good and I enjoyed it thoroughly. True, it may have been slow but it was far from boring.
While characters design I thought was not all that great, the scenery and the use of a wide variety of colours were mesmerizing.

DoubleDango said:
Were they real photographs from IRL rendered for anime? That's what they looked like, some of them.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure real photos were used in several scenes.

The movie gets a solid 8 from me, really refreshing watch.

The only thing I didn't quite understand was that art room scene with Hiroka (around 1h:33m). After saying 'I won't ever die' she seems to have suddenly disappeared. What was that? Was she also already dead? Don't know what to think about that but I found the scene somewhat confusing and ambiguous.
May 29, 2011 4:20 AM

Jun 2009
I blame whoever wrote the synopsis for Colorful on MAL for skewing my experience. I expected a downright depressing movie when it wasn't really that cruel.

Would I have given this a higher rating if I hadn't read anything about it beforehand? Yes I probably would have.
garytekMay 29, 2011 4:26 AM
Jun 7, 2011 1:31 AM

Sep 2008
Why in the 7 Hells did I let this stay unwatched for so fucking long?

This was such an amazing watch; I absolutely loved the sense of realism surrounding the supernatural sense with Purapura. He was actually the character that I liked a lot, but I liked Shouko a bit more because of her awkwardness.
The music was great, not up to Tenmon, but still very well done by Ootani Kou.
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Jun 19, 2011 3:29 PM

Aug 2007
Okay, let's just say that it took me 3 freakin' days to get through the first half. After that, I watched it in one-go. It just gets better with Saotome and I have to say that I was pretty fond of the
thing. That was, yes, after watching it, you'd say, DOH!, but I wouldn't have guessed beforehand. Poor PuraPura, but I am not amazed. I mean, the way he bashed into Makoto? I bet he was a thug or something. First 10 minutes: 7/10, first half: 4/10 for being ridiculously slow, last half 8/10. Loved it how it's a more realistic anime, too bad it took its time to get started. Still, 8/10 overall, despite seiyu and first half.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Jun 26, 2011 10:34 PM

Oct 2009
Ending was very easy to predict, right down to the line he used.

Though it would have been a pretty depressing ending if it had turned out that the protagonist wasn't Makoto all along and the family lost him for real when the protagonist's soul left his body.

I would have liked a more satisfying reconciliation with his mother, the subtle way they did it would have been acceptable if Makoto hadn't spent more than half the movie being a complete prick to her.

Still pretty good overall, though it dragged on a little.
Jul 1, 2011 1:50 AM

Jun 2009
Meaningful, didn't find out that he killed himself :(
Many things seem to be unsolved but i liked the ending that way.
PuraPura >< !!
Jul 1, 2011 3:32 PM

Aug 2010
Wonderful movie! The first half really had me despising the little boy but the end shaped it out pretty well.

When the movie began I knew right away that another soul can't go into another body and retain the same memory as the original host. He knew his own mother too well and he already knew what friends he had and didn't. Anyways, he didn't have to experiences all that pain and suffering. He's just a little boy. Hopefully he sat down with his mother and talked things out. If felt that Makoto could drive his mother to suicide if he kept treating a pretty woman like her the way he did...
Jul 11, 2011 10:22 AM

Nov 2008
First of all this movie was great though I disagreed with how they dealt with some of the serious issues brought up in it. Anyhow, after going through all the replies before me I was amazed how everyone thought Makoto was immature in the way he dealt with his mother's adultery and her betrayal of her nice husband and the rest of her family. I mean come on even adults find it very difficult to deal with such situations after all. Personally speaking, if Makoto's mother couldn't find help and was sick of her husband she should have divorced him then she would have all the time in the world to screw around. As for Hiroka and her Enjo kosai I thought it was pretty messed up especially with her being in middle school and all but unfortunately this phenomenon is true and it was interesting to see how Makoto would deal with it knowing he had a crush on that girl.
Aug 2, 2011 10:31 PM

Feb 2010
Such a beautiful and inspiring movie~
It was slower-paced at some parts that dragged on, and the ending was
pretty much predictable, but either way it's really inspiring movie that really made me think.

PuraPura...he was such an adorable character. T___T
My favorite character in this movie...*sniff *
Aug 13, 2011 5:34 AM
Dec 2010
I totally agree with FF-FANATIC when it came to the situation with Makoto's mother. I seriously thought it was just me that Makoto's mother deserved the ill-treatment after reading the messages (prior to hers) on this forum. Seriously, there were other options to cope with whatever she was experiencing that didn't include a love hotel.

Overall, I was satisfied with the movie even though there were some loose ends. It ends off with realization that while people are supporting and caring for "you", "you yourself" are supporting them too. So, with that realized, I had a revelation and decided that this movie was worth a 9.

..I still don't like Makoto's mom though.
Aug 13, 2011 9:56 AM

May 2008
" I hope to live forever, yet I feel like dying everyday."

This did it for me, it home really hard... Just like a lot of other moments in this movie.

About what everyone else is saying about how Makoto was treating his mother; maybe I'm just a bitch but... if I caught my mother having an affair, I wouldn't have reacted all that differently. Even if she's regretful, that still doesn't make it right.
Oct 16, 2011 3:20 AM

May 2009
I really enjoyed it, I was lucky enough to see it in a cinema, with the asosciate producer attending, who reasured that all the film was drawn, even after him telling us that I still had a hard time thinking that everything was art as it was so good.
Dec 31, 2011 6:04 PM

Jan 2008
I just watched Colorful on hearing good things about it from Zac and Justin. May I please have my 2 hours of life back? I feel I could have been doing something more worthwhile, like snorting cocaine.

Oh my God, I've seen more subtle messages on fortune cookies. The twist was pathetic, and the spoiler[whole bullying part] was so goddamn predictable it was laughable to have them present it like a surprise. I could go on stating the problems with this story.... so I will.

The pacing was horrible, and nothing was actually resolved with the family, like AT ALL. I cannot believe this movie is getting such high scores. It was beyond boring. I didn't even know there WAS anything beyond boring, but apparently, it's when you actually start thinking about soup during the movie.
Dec 31, 2011 7:50 PM
Jan 2008
good graphic, good graphic,good graphic .... hold on.... what was the plot again?
Mar 17, 2012 12:47 AM

Dec 2008
DmonHiro said:
I just watched Colorful on hearing good things about it from Zac and Justin. May I please have my 2 hours of life back?

Haha! Wow, really? What they said sparked my interest in it too and I actually had to pause it over halfway though at one point to go to the restroom and I was like, "Oh my God; there's ONLY THIRTY MINUTES LEFT ARGHHH!"

I can understand what people are saying about it being really, really slow and dragged out and pretty cliche - maybe I'm just a dumbass but I was loving the idea of seeing someone else's life being played out in front of you and having to adjust yourself into it to make it work. I liked the idea so much throughout the movie that when it came to the last few minutes and he was apologizing to people and telling him how he truly felt, I got the (somewhat obvious, I guess) message and how it really connected to the whole, "OH right so he killed himself and that's why he's doing this." I mean, it makes sense. That's how the movie comes full circle.

Yeah, fine, it wasn't that thrilling of an overall conclusion but I don't think this movie was about that "I actually killed myself" conclusion; it was more of how, when you see your world from the outside looking in, there's a lot that you may take for granted, including your relationships with the people around you and how you can change things for the better. I think that's more of what this movie is saying rather than focusing on the characters as unique beings.

Makoto was a pretty average boy with no real quirks; he has no real friends, he doesn't get along with his family, he gets bullied; it sounds like a typical middle school/high school student just trying to get by day to day. That's not interesting, that's just normal - the ride he takes makes it interesting. Even if that ride was very slow and daunting to some people, I was loving it far too much that I didn't wanna get off.

Then again, I like slice-of-life stuff and I don't mind the slowness because I felt like this movie gave me enough time to really absorb myself in certain moments and think about how the characters were interacting with each other at any given time. Okay, sure, I think some parts could have been trimmed down significantly and probably could have come out with pretty much the same point in some scenes. But I liked being able to just really get a feeling of comfort or discomfort and admire all the scenery porn.

Also, the way Makoto treated his mom didn't bother me. I did feel sorry for his mother, but you could also tell by the look on her face that she felt guilty for what she did and even more so that Makoto found out and wasn't going to forgive her for it - not easily, anyway. So that's why she tried to do so much for him, to show that even though it happened, it wasn't going to ruin their relationship as a parent and child, despite the awkwardness Makoto felt it made in his family.

Besides, what does society think of women who sleep around behind their husband's back? They're whores. So no wonder Makoto gave her glares and thought that she was disgusting for trying to keep up this sweet mother to the family act and didn't think she should be around if she wanted to be with her dancing teacher like that. And at the time, he didn't even realize it was his own mother! So OF COURSE he would think badly of the situation, especially just being told matter-of-factly of his mother's background by Purapura.

This movie hit really close to home for me and it meant a lot to me as well. Like some others, it made me think about how to observe my life from an outsider's point and what I can do to change things in my life and what I really mean to my friends and family, as well as what they mean to me. I thought it was brilliant. I sincerely want this to be released here in the States on bluray because I would preorder this thing I love it so much - and I never preorder anything.
Mar 17, 2012 7:39 AM

Aug 2011
I think it was a very good and emotional movie! Not depressing or the kind of movie that makes you cry, but still it had a lot of meaning. Some of the voice acting wasn't as good as I had hoped, but nothing was unbearable. The plot was also interesting.

Throughout the whole movie I thought that Makoto had been bullied at school, and one of his bullies was actually the soul that was placed inside him after suicide - therefore his sin was driving Makoto to suicide, and he had to regret it. Not quite far from the real ending, but not that predictable either! Overall a very enjoyable story.
May 6, 2012 7:27 AM

Oct 2009
I have a really good feeling after watching this. Loved it!
May 13, 2012 6:55 PM

Feb 2012
Wistaire said:
About what everyone else is saying about how Makoto was treating his mother; maybe I'm just a bitch but... if I caught my mother having an affair, I wouldn't have reacted all that differently. Even if she's regretful, that still doesn't make it right.

Exactly. When people watch something, they tend to fixate more on what they're actually watching than on the backstory behind what they're watching, even if they consciously understand that backstory. For a 15-year-old, I believe Makoto's actions were justified, even if they showed a lack of maturity.
May 16, 2012 5:29 PM
Apr 2011
Great movie but I realized how it would end after 5 minutes.
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