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May 7, 2011 7:57 PM
Apr 2011
OMG I loved Cordelia's dress (*´艸`*)!!!! she is SO beautiful <333 I could eat her >w<! kawaii~ althoug it's a little bit weird she is the same size that Victorique O.o
May 8, 2011 1:44 AM

Aug 2008
seeing Cordellia was great, but I have to laugh at these "twins." The short gene is VERY strong in that family. I'm curious to learn about the history between these two warring factions and how Brian Roscoe fits into all of it. That old man who's so happy to see is daughter is interesting, too. Man he sticks out. But I bet that guy who was all talkative with Kujo is gonna be the real problem.

May 8, 2011 2:17 AM

Aug 2010
Holy..! Interesting episode. Victorique's departure was almost inevitable but I didn't expect to see her mother soon plus that she showed Kujo the way to Victorique...
May 8, 2011 2:48 AM

Feb 2008
saxophone15 said:
Aria_Shachou said:
13man18 said:
Those nuns were creepy. Reminded me of To Aru Majutsu no Index's nuns.

Same here.

we are all thinking of the same thing...

and i was like "wtf is that giant statue all of a sudden?!" never knew cursing nuns are this powerful... well, of course, there's an explanation for it...

that old man wanting to see her daughter... he's quite creepy... i'm sure his meeting with his daughter would be anything but normal...

next ep we get to see the face of evil... XD
May 8, 2011 3:38 AM

Apr 2010
rodac said:
Aside from the anachronisms about Lithuania (still part of the Russian Empire and not a separate country at that point in the war) and German bombers (probably a little early although the observers dropping 8 or 10 kilo bombs by hand was how the first bombing started--the problem is that Lithuania was probably out of range for 1914 biplanes).
That they are German bombers doesn't have to mean they flew all the way from Germany they could have flown from a nearby captured airport.
I agree on those bombs being dropped by hands it just shows how quickly times change 97 years ago they where dropping bombs be hand 71 years ago they where dropping them by opening a hatch in the plane and now they use fully laser guided rockets.
About Lithuania it was established in 1230 so it was already a country before WW1 tho during WW1 it was indeed part of Russia but it was re-established in 1918 after WW1.
So it was a free country between WW1 and WW2.
PerlaNemesis said:
Lightyear8684 said:
w00t Victorique visited my country lol, anyways great episode and it was first time I seen someone mentioning Lithuania in anime o.o

Hetalia Axis Powers turi veikėją vardu Lithuania. :D
There was also a episode about it in Darker then Black and i heard it mentioned in some other Anime as well.
agent535 said:
that old man wanting to see her daughter... he's quite creepy... i'm sure his meeting with his daughter would be anything but normal...
My suspicion is, that he is Vicorique's father.
Or at least someone connected to Victorique being send there.

I am also suspicious of the dark haired girl who was with them at the dinning table in the train she seemed strangely silent.
May 8, 2011 7:40 AM

Dec 2008
Don't fuck with the Nuns!!!
May 9, 2011 3:27 AM
Jul 2018
Aversa said:
agent535 said:
that old man wanting to see her daughter... he's quite creepy... i'm sure his meeting with his daughter would be anything but normal...
My suspicion is, that he is Vicorique's father.
Or at least someone connected to Victorique being send there.

Isn't the Marquis de Blois the blondish man we see carrying Victorique away from Kujou towards a castle in the OP? We even saw him talking to Greville with Victorique covering herself in that blanket this episode. The old man could possibly be Victorique's grandfather, but I kind of think he's more of a oneshot character connected to the mystery this arc (and if he was Victorique's grandfather, the show would have to explain how/why he's away from the village of the Grey Wolves or opposing the Marquis).

Anyway, this episode was alright, but I liked Leviathan's arc a bit better. Maybe it's the lack of the pop-up biography or the bigger focus on Kujou, but it just seemed less interesting. Ah well, at least we get more of Brian Rascoe and the main plot.
May 9, 2011 11:18 AM

Jul 2010
Well that was quite easy. Her mother must have let the door open for Kujo, he could waltz right in! Victorique's mother is pretty short indeed. I'm surprised she actually working with Roscoe though. I wonder what they're up to.

The nuns at the beginning reminded me of Index as well.

But best of all was this face. =3

May 9, 2011 11:36 AM

Jul 2010
I will give my props for mentioning Lithuania here and I won't lie, it was the first time I actually was interesting in watching Gosick. Even my tolerance towards Kujo was higher than usual. Although, I gotta say the episode itself was quite dull, except for the beginning and the abduction of Victorique.

And oh, the time when Kujo came across that ningyou made me lol. Since when dolls hit you just like that? You don't need to be a genius to find out that there is some reasonable trick to it and not just think it's some 'magic'. -_-

Looking forward to the next episodes since this arc looks somewhat interesting.
May 9, 2011 12:21 PM

Sep 2007
dws said:
I will give my props for mentioning Lithuania here and I won't lie, it was the first time I actually was interesting in watching Gosick. Even my tolerance towards Kujo was higher than usual. Although, I gotta say the episode itself was quite dull, except for the beginning and the abduction of Victorique.

You know, same here :}
And I also think that the only reason why the Lithuania was mentioned was maby because my country is also known in the world as the Land of Virgin Mary. Yet, still nice to hear :P
May 9, 2011 7:53 PM

Apr 2009
Crazy nuns FTL. Good ep though
May 10, 2011 8:37 AM

Apr 2010
memeki said:
Aversa said:
agent535 said:
that old man wanting to see her daughter... he's quite creepy... i'm sure his meeting with his daughter would be anything but normal...
My suspicion is, that he is Vicorique's father.
Or at least someone connected to Victorique being send there.

Isn't the Marquis de Blois the blondish man we see carrying Victorique away from Kujou towards a castle in the OP? We even saw him talking to Greville with Victorique covering herself in that blanket this episode. The old man could possibly be Victorique's grandfather, but I kind of think he's more of a oneshot character connected to the mystery this arc (and if he was Victorique's grandfather, the show would have to explain how/why he's away from the village of the Grey Wolves or opposing the Marquis).
I haven't seen the OP so i can't judge about that.
As mentioned i just think he is Victorique father tho i am purely speculating here and don't have any evidence he actually is her father.
We will find out who he really is in the next episodes.
May 10, 2011 9:18 AM
Jul 2010
Aversa said:
I haven't seen the OP so i can't judge about that.
As mentioned i just think he is Victorique father tho i am purely speculating here and don't have any evidence he actually is her father.
We will find out who he really is in the next episodes.

Imo, there's no way he's her father. That idea actually crossed my mind but if he was, indeed, her father, his actions wouldn't make any sense. Confining her, showing no concern for her health at all and just using her as a tool and then being all sad and seeming to genuinely miss his daughter (as seen when they get out of the train)? Nope, it doesn't make sense at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he was her grandfather though, like memeki said. Even though, I have nothing to support that, it's nothing more than a wild guess.

The main plot is finally developing, which is a great thing and I'm starting to care a bit about the characters (took me long enough, hum?). However, I don't recall anything being said about Marques de Blois' Ministry of the Occult... Didn't that just come out of nowhere? Someone please enlighten me if I'm wrong. Either way, it wasn't hard to understand and things are starting to get interesting. The Science Academy and the Ministry Of The Occult are rivals since at least the First World War and Brian Roscoe seems to have a grudge against the Ministry. But at some point, that Jupiter guy who led the Science Academy took the memento box from him and now he wants it back at any cost. So, with all of this questions raised, it's the first time since the 2nd episode that I'm eager to watch the next one. What drives Brian Roscoe? What is exactly his relationship with Cordelia Gallo? Victorique was born and is being raised as some sort of weapon for use in World War II. What is it? To what point is the war eminent and how much does Brian Roscoe and the two organizations referred know about what's gonna happen? Now I just have to wait to find out.
May 10, 2011 6:07 PM

Jul 2009
Kind of a boring episode IMO. I did enjoy the crazy nuns and the Virgin Mary at the beginning though, that was very interesting O_O
Cannot say enough how much Victorica's personality is grating me. I mean, Kujo went all that way to save her and all she can do is insult him and tell him to die? Wow, ungrateful much? OTL
Nice to see her mother with Brian, though. I hope that they will bring some life into this anime. He's looking for some kind of box and it has something to do with that crazy thing on the train? Interesting o_O
May 11, 2011 5:47 PM
Jul 2018
Aversa said:
I haven't seen the OP so i can't judge about that.
As mentioned i just think he is Victorique father tho i am purely speculating here and don't have any evidence he actually is her father.
We will find out who he really is in the next episodes.

Huh, really; not once in 16 episodes? It's a pretty good one too. Oh well.

Anyway, this is the guy I'm talking about:

And here's the first part of his conversation with Greville (happens around 6 minutes into the episode):

Note how Greville calls the man father.

Then the scene cuts to this after a few more lines:

Like you said, we'll find out who the old man is in the next episode or two, but he's most likely not Victorique's father unless the show wants to pull a very odd plot twist on us.
May 12, 2011 5:35 AM

Oct 2010
It was an okay episode. Nothing much going on yet. Still no thrill.

CORDELIA! Please give some life into this anime. I'm getting tired of Victorique always insulting Kujo when he comes to find her.
[insert awesome signature here]
May 12, 2011 8:02 AM

Jun 2008
Cordelia must have found the elixir of eternal youth to look exactly like her small daughter.
I want whatever she's drinking.
She helped Kujo find Victorique but she's also working with that magician? So did she helped Kujo because she cared about her daughter or was it something else? Does that mean the magician is a friend? But the why was he talking about using a small wolf or something like that which i assume it ment Victorique?

If they manage to connect the stories we have seen until now to one big plot then i will take my had to them. At least three can be connected easily and there are ways to connect the others too.
What started now can be proved lame or awesome lets hope they manage to surprise us in a good way.

Seeing that scene from the past with all the preparations and boxes, it seems to me like those were the guys that pulled that trick with virgin Mary and had nothing to do with the crazy nuns. Some kind of an illusion trick,
May 12, 2011 9:33 PM

Feb 2011
Wah victorique and her mother are really look alike except that her mother has a deep voice.
May 14, 2011 2:23 PM

Apr 2010
memeki said:
Aversa said:
I haven't seen the OP so i can't judge about that.
As mentioned i just think he is Victorique father tho i am purely speculating here and don't have any evidence he actually is her father.
We will find out who he really is in the next episodes.

Huh, really; not once in 16 episodes? It's a pretty good one too. Oh well.

Anyway, this is the guy I'm talking about:

And here's the first part of his conversation with Greville (happens around 6 minutes into the episode):

Note how Greville calls the man father.

Then the scene cuts to this after a few more lines:

Like you said, we'll find out who the old man is in the next episode or two, but he's most likely not Victorique's father unless the show wants to pull a very odd plot twist on us.
I always skip the OP since i consider them to be spoilers they usually show characters and events which didn't appear in the show till that part yet.
I skip them on every show Gosick is no acceptation to this.
The man in those pictures could indeed be Victorique father judging by his hair color and figure, but maybe there will be some weird plot twist it would certainly make things interesting.
May 14, 2011 7:00 PM

Nov 2009
chrono564 said:
Very nice episode and i am 99% sure that cordelia was inside that doll.

ooo, i like that idea. Although... well it looked a bit cramped.

I am looking forward to this mystery setup; plus it is the main storyline to boot!
May 18, 2011 2:02 PM

Feb 2009
Woah that's Victorique'a mom, she's a shrimp like her daughter and Marquis Du Blois is a freaking lolicon!
MaxCrazy7May 18, 2011 2:28 PM
May 20, 2011 11:23 AM

Apr 2011
It was an okay episode. Now I see where Victoria gets her shortness from.
May 21, 2011 8:50 AM

Jan 2008
I really enjoyed this episode, I'm curious to know where the story will go next. One of my favourites from this season. A few plotholes I found, but forgiveable
May 21, 2011 6:42 PM

Jan 2011
Oosran said:
Aww, too bad, it wasn't the mad maid, it was just a bunch of mad nuns.
Hoppy said:
Batshit insane nuns invoking the Virgin Mary's power to destroy German biplanes.
Damm. First mad nuns then giant Virgin Mary.
Ooh, red dress just make Victorique look more like Shinku.
Give it 4/5.

What next? If you have time, try watching Nana Mizuki's( am I spell it right?) scarlet knight PV if you want to see more nuns playing violin with a girl wearing red-colered dress.
HyoroemonMay 21, 2011 6:46 PM
There is like 2 weeks delay in my recent reading list
I randomly bought discount/second hand manga with cute/mysterious cover.

Use Personal Blacklist extension in Chrome if you just want to Google for a series synopsis, without google slapping MAL score in it.
Jun 4, 2011 8:00 AM

Oct 2010
Things are starting to get a little wild and Kujo x Victorique got to a new level. The first thing I am damn happy about is Cordelia in the following,

her appearance was about time! Loved seeing her lead Kujo and seeing a up close face was fantastic. Cordelia's very beautiful just like Victorique except she is younger. It was also nice to see her with Brian in the spoiler
The final players are gathering. For some reason Cordelia's eyes are kind of sharper than Victorique.

The most important thing to me after Cordelia is quite simply what ups and seals further Kujo x Victorique with that hug as follows,

holy shit that was emotional considering how Victorique was before the hug and during it in the spoiler
damn that was super intense. I kind of knew from the start that Victorique leaving her hat with candies meant she was taken against her will. Really sad in seeing Victorique write in tears, no one should go through that in Victorique's situation but it was the only message medium at that time. Victorique certainly does not look good in that black hood. I was surprised that while Kujo was packing up Victorique's stuff of all people Greviel came but who can blame him when he is serious about it.

In the train the new character Simon Hunt is rather interesting and Brian Roscoe why I am not surprised anymore that he shall be seen more. The statue gag was hilarious as it hit Kujo. I really want to know about the young girl in the spoiler
who is she? The scenery 1 and scenery 2 are really nicely done! TBH the carnival in the spoiler
is just plain weird. I mean there girls that have daring dresses in a religious place, now that is plain strange.

  • I find that Jupiter and Brian's talk in the spoiler
    was rather interesting in regards to Brian's view points of the Ministry and why he would join with Jupiter.

  • At first when I saw nuns going crazy, dead people, WW1 German planes dropping bombs and appearing Virgin Marie making the planes crash in the spoiler
    in Lithuania during the 1914s, I was seriously wondering WTF, all this got real and serious with death lingering around.

  • Although Avril showed up just a little, she was still cheerful and showed nice concern for Kujo in the spoiler
    even going as far as worrying about him when he was not in class. Seriously Kujo/Avril/Victorique make a most amazing team considering that Avril is a adventurer female!
Once again things are really getting good.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 10, 2011 3:55 PM
Mar 2010
Coredlia Gallo returns!!!!!!
Ok we just understood it, even so this arch seems good, and probably it is final arch, too...
Victorique is kawaiii like always...

next to 17th ep
Jun 13, 2011 2:10 PM

Mar 2010
Kujo is a slow runner

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 14, 2011 3:41 AM

Feb 2011
Victorique's sneezes are epic win.
Jun 22, 2011 10:27 AM

May 2010
LOL. Crazy nuns using Mary's power to beat the planes. O.o

Ok, things are starting to unfold within the main plot I guess.
Jul 24, 2011 9:00 PM

Apr 2011
I kinda feel a deeper connection between Gosick and Rozen Maiden when I hear Cordelia Gallo's seiyu been Miyuki Sawashiro hehe.
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Aug 20, 2011 8:04 AM

Oct 2009
I wish Kujo would stop shouting VICTORIQUE!!!! All the fucking time, its annoying the hell out of me! >.<!!!
Sep 7, 2011 9:13 PM

Jul 2010
can't vic act just a LITTLE BIT grateful? seriously?! after all the crap he's been through?

Sep 20, 2011 4:14 AM

Jul 2009
How did Kujo's suitcase magically appear in Victorique's room after the chase? XD
Nov 7, 2011 6:10 PM

Jun 2011
Grevil started to show his "brotherly-love" towards Vic although he's still reluctant about his feeling.

Kujo is still an idiot even after 16 episodes. Cordelia really looks like her daughter. they can even be twins~
Apr 18, 2012 3:57 PM

Mar 2009
Well that "raspberry" looked red to me lol.
Nov 14, 2012 9:01 AM

Sep 2010
I want Victorique and Cordelia to meet!
"If you can eliminate all the other choices, the remaining choice, no matter how improbable, it is the answer."- Sherlock Holmes
Mar 11, 2013 10:12 AM

Jan 2013
When will Kujo admit he loves her?
And if that wasn't a kiss scene then doesn't look like it will happen.
Mar 23, 2014 4:01 PM

Sep 2011
Did Cordelia or Brian unlock the door to Victorique or was it open all along? :/
I guess it was Cordelia inside the box/machine/whatever, I'm pretty sure she could fit into it :D
I thought Kujou will have a harder time finding Victorique, oh well, I'm happy they are back together :)
I'm also happy that Grevil (seemingly) had a change of heart, or at least doesn't want to hurt Victorique.
Apr 30, 2014 5:22 AM
Mar 2013
IceAndCream said:
I suppose Victorique has little hope of getting any taller, considering mama's size.
Lol that's exactly what I was thinking. Maybe to compensate for their small figure they have massive intellects :D

This arc is going to great. We get to see Victorique's mom and she seems to have a connection to Brian Roscoe but how or why we don't quite know yet.
Aug 23, 2014 2:06 PM

Oct 2013
my bloody goodness, Victorique is like someone asked himself, "How would a Victorian tsundere act?"

smh Vic, get yo head outta yo ass.

Sep 16, 2014 4:54 PM

Aug 2013
Grevil said that their goal was to use Victorique as a bait to trap someone. I wonder if that someone is Cordellia and/or Roscoe. The train guy will be part of the scheme too. I kind of doubt that he only sell clock x)
The old man was weird too. I guess her daughter was there during the war and maybe died.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Mar 27, 2015 4:00 PM

Oct 2013
lol I don't understand how Kujo is so level headed that he goes hmm this doll moved must check the mechanics to being such an idiot he immediately tells the first nun he sees that he's there to find Victorique like come on doofus you know she's being held prisoner what if that nun had you captured too.

Victorique's pink house is apparently a tardis
Apr 15, 2015 7:58 AM

May 2009
Wow I have to count how many time Kujo says this.

Anyway Vicotirque should stop behaving so rubbish towards Kujo.
check out my twitch:
Jul 14, 2015 1:48 PM
Jun 2014
I am honestly so sick and tired of these anime series. They usually have a interesting main theme, but they make a romance between the 2 main characters a major part of the shows. Problem is that the damn romance plays out the same in every single anime of this type. It's always the same. Main character is always the same as well. Dumb ass who hasn't hit puberty yet who wouldn't understand what he was looking at or what was happening if a girl dropped her panties and sat on his face. Sick and tired of MC abuse series as well. Such humor has it's place, but when it's overused and used in the wrong situations then it's just bullying and as i said, abuse.

Guess this post covered more than originaly intended :/
Dec 17, 2015 1:16 PM
Jul 2018
Cordelia can seriously run...
I'm rather curious how he did not catch her at the one bend. He was probably ~5 seconds away, and I feel as if he absolutely should have been able to get to her at that point. Ah well.

Nice episode. Kujo, you made it! I wonder what Simon's role is in the next episode, seeing him run around like that at the end.
Dec 22, 2015 8:13 AM

Aug 2014
Things are getting interesting now!
Feb 15, 2016 9:57 PM

Jul 2015
It's finally getting to the good stuff! Been waiting for this!
May 6, 2016 2:34 AM

Jun 2014
It's getting interesting. I can't wait!!!!!!!!

Also, I kinda get the feeling Brian and Cordelia are about to do some shit. Victorique being as cute as ever in this episode too!!!!!
Mar 18, 2017 8:31 AM

Feb 2013
Victorique was taken away to Lithuania,lol.
Her mother and Brian are there too.
May 27, 2017 1:22 PM

Nov 2016
With Roscoe and Cordelia around I have hope that things will get interesting in the next episode.

Victorique Tsundere as fuck again, can't wait for the moment she will put that attitude aside for a longer moment and treat Kujou a little better. The hug was a sign of hope.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

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