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Mar 9, 2011 1:00 AM

Sep 2010
Great series, loved every bit of it.
Mar 13, 2011 11:24 PM
Jan 2008
IDex said:
Awesome series. Almost dropped during the first two episodes, but it turned out well. It's a relief that it didn't end in a cliffhanger. They also avoided the annoying shounen ending where everything turns out fine and they live happily ever after. Can't really find any significant to complain about. Characters were awesome and plot unfolded well so: 10/10

The same thing almost happened to me except I was 4 episodes in then just stopped watching because I had so many other animes to watch.

Glad I didn't completely drop it.
Mar 20, 2011 8:18 AM

Jan 2011
Great series. Powerful begining and powerful ending. Now I will move on and read Ga-Rei manga :3

Mar 27, 2011 6:24 AM

Sep 2010
Seeing as this is only the prequel and having read about the manga, I'd rather not have a second season.
It really doesn't seem like what the manga is all about can top what this was all about.
Anyways, Kiri and what'sherface live... that's actually excusable, but what's with Kiri losing her memory?
Things wrapped up nicely (as much as they could, considering how fucked up everything got along the way). No room for a happier ending. Still breaks my heart that old Yomi is gone.
Mar 29, 2011 2:39 PM

Oct 2008
Nothing really special.

Apr 1, 2011 12:28 PM
Jan 2010
Not too impressed with this ending. Also seemed like a lot of stuff wasn't resolved, like the motivation of the butterfly guy and the guy who died in the first episode's connection to anything. But I guess some of that is resolved in the manga, then?
I don't usually read mangas but I might pick that one up. Too bad Yomi died, she was my favorite character.
I was stuck between 8 and 9 for this show, but I think I'll bump it up to 9 due to Yomi.
Apr 17, 2011 1:05 AM

Jun 2010
To Yomi fans who haven't read the manga yet: don't read it. It'll break your heart to see how much the manga fucked her up...

That aside, this series was above average, and I would've gotten a 7 out of me if it weren't for Yomi. Now it's a 9.

Apr 20, 2011 8:21 AM

Oct 2009
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May 1, 2011 3:01 PM

Aug 2008
This ending really hurt me. The writers really did a good job of developing a wound only to come back later and pour salt in it.

Like how Yomi wanted to comfort Kagura after she lost her mother, only to end up taking her fathers life...
And how Yomi freaked out when Kagura called her oneesan during her rampage.
Basically they took everything that was beautiful in the show and trampled on it.

It takes guts for a story to do something like that.
And the current anger I feel towards this story goes to show exactly how well it was executed.
May 10, 2011 10:45 AM

Jan 2010
This is a good show, but I felt it a bit cliché. For example the poison stuff where appears an insane guy that passes to control another/brings he to another side is just too shabby, I mean where I saw this before? DBZ(Bu), DBGT(baby), Vampire stuff, Zombies stuff and much more that I don't remember right now. Besides I never was be a big fan of this.

That butterfly guy were also annoying, with that weird powers that we received from the stone of the Vatican. Seemed untouchable/immortal since the beginning he was so boredom for me.

The creatures were also cliché, not impressive, dragons, lion/snake (this one based in greek/roman mythology), zombies (again!?), simple ghosts, fire lizards (damn!).

However there are a great character and emotional development about the friendship of Yomi and Kagura, Kagura and Father even Naruku and Yomi, Noriyuki and Yomi, Kagura and her team mates.

I also liked very much the characters especially Yomi and Kagura. Even the introducing ones were good.

The art is also awesome, that rivers of blood prevailed in my head. The agony scenes were also awesome and well done. I also love the fighting music and the intro and end.

Overall for me is a 7 (I were with doubt about 7 or 8), mainly because the clichés and that irritating immortal butterfly guy. The story overall weren't also that impressive.
MeadosMay 10, 2011 11:01 AM
May 14, 2011 5:27 AM

Jul 2009
Oh goodness that was depressing.

Fantastic character cast, the only thing that really brought it down was the pacing. Also, I think the overall betrayal thing would have been better if we didn't know Yomi was going to be an enemy in the first episodes. Basically, while the first episode was fantastic, it could have been better if we started with little Kagura instead of the big flashback.

Amazing art and animation. Holy shit, the character designs were great. Byakuei and Ranguren were so cool. I'll have to disagree with Meados, as I think the more traditional lion/dragon/serpent is the way to go generally, though the CG fire lizards didn't sit well with me due to the CGI generally being quite tacky.

Music was amazing. Think I'll go find the soundtrack immediately.

It was all about the characters though. Fantastic protagonists, amazing side characters (Nabuu = awesome), somewhat average antagonist (Presuming the little freak kid is the antagonist).

They should adapt the manga. Sadly, the art is dreafully unappealing for me in the manga, but I'll read it anyway to complete the story.
May 31, 2011 2:50 PM

Nov 2007
What a sad ending...and after all of that, I still wish that demon kid is dead. I hope to they adapt Ga-Rei to anime..someday...
Jun 7, 2011 1:38 AM

Mar 2009
Enjoyed the ending. I knew Noriyuki would show up at the end, even if he wouldn't be the one to defeat Yomi.

I'd love to see a continuation of the story (Ga-Rei adaption) if there are any plans for it.

Overall, this series was much better than I expected. I debated for a while whether or not I wanted to watch it, but so glad that I did now.

9/10 for me.
Jun 24, 2011 12:59 AM
Jul 2010
Beautiful but sad ending. Yomi's death seemed inevitable so it was totally expected but brilliantly executed. What I didn't expect was for her character to have such an amazing development in this episode. She cared for Kagura more than for her own life, her love was able to surpass her hatred and even while dying, she tried to comfort Kagura. It was simply beautiful and sealed her place as one of my favorite characters. What I didn't like was that, in the end, Noriyuki was still a coward. He "kinda" redeemed himself by saving Kagura but what did he do afterwards? Did he try to help? No, he just went away again, pitying himself for not having been able to kill Yomi back then in the tunnel. I didn't really blame him at that time, but he did become pretty annoying afterwards.

Overall, I really enjoyed the anime. I had reasonably high expectations for it but it managed to surpass them. I still look back at the first episode with a little anger because it left me so confused at the time and now it all seems a bit irrelevant but I did like how every piece of what they showed in the first two episodes fit together in the end.

The animation was good, the fight scenes were short but well choreographed, fast and brutal. That seemed to add a bit more realism and excitement to the whole thing. The character design was pretty good (at first I though the lips were damn wired but I ended up falling in love with that style) and the characters themselves were amazing. Especially Kagura and Yomi. (But well, the show was about them so of course they're the most developed.) Besides the characters, the music was the highlight of this show. Good OP and (imo) amazing ED but even better BGM. All the tracks were good and chosen to perfectly fit each scene. I can't deny that added a lot to the anime.

I'm still impressed at how much character development and action they could fit in 12 episodes without ruining the pacing. The theme of the show itself was good but the execution was even better. It's a 10/10 from me.

That said, I'm a bit disappointed that we don't get to know anything else about the butterfly boy (and even more so for the fact that he didn't die - I really came to hate him). However, I'm aware that this is a prequel, thus I didn't expect a complete conclusion either. So I guess I can live with it.
hontobakaJun 24, 2011 1:19 AM
Jun 24, 2011 1:08 AM
Dec 2007
Dusk252 said:

That said, I'm a bit disappointed that we don't get to know anything else about the butterfly boy (and even more so for the fact that he didn't that - I really came to hate him). However, I'm aware that this is a prequel, thus I didn't expect a complete conclusion either. So I guess I can live with it.
They do give you some details. He's the son of the researcher who went to look for the stone in Rome I believe. That means he was likely possesed in a fashion much similar to Yomi.

Jun 24, 2011 1:19 AM
Jul 2010
Leon-Gun said:
Dusk252 said:

That said, I'm a bit disappointed that we don't get to know anything else about the butterfly boy (and even more so for the fact that he didn't that - I really came to hate him). However, I'm aware that this is a prequel, thus I didn't expect a complete conclusion either. So I guess I can live with it.
They do give you some details. He's the son of the researcher who went to look for the stone in Rome I believe. That means he was likely possesed in a fashion much similar to Yomi.
Yes, he does appear in that photo in an earlier episode. But I don't think that's all there is to it because:
1st - The stone doesn't posses people arbitrarily. They have to feel deep hatred (the reason he manipulated the events around Yomi, appearing in her most vulnerable moment) and they have to accept it themselves even if they have no choice after they do.
2nd - He seems to have a goal. I'm not sure what it is, but I don't think he just wants to destroy the world or something, since he could totally do that himself. (As he's ridiculously overpowered.)

Besides, we never really get an explanation about the plane crash in which his dad died. Giving information with which we can't conclude anything specific is far from being a (at least) satisfying explanation.

(I just realized I had written "that" instead of "die" in the sentence you quoted. Not that it makes any difference about what we're discussing.)
Jun 28, 2011 9:47 AM

Jul 2010
twas a sad anime :'(.
I wish they could have saved Yomi somehow.
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Jun 29, 2011 2:25 AM

Nov 2010
gregory003 said:
twas a sad anime :'(.
I wish they could have saved Yomi somehow.

They couldn't, she wasn't a human anymore. Which makes me sad because Yomi is the best character from this series.

Beautiful anime, really appealed to emotions. I thought the pacing was a bit too fast, with all that stone and the boy. BUT WHY, WHY WOULD THEY MAKE YOMI LIKE THAT. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Jun 29, 2011 3:49 PM

Aug 2008
This started great and ended meh, realy disappointed in it.
Jul 11, 2011 5:32 AM
Jun 2008
I really enjoy re-watch this.The BGM and Animation is amazing compare to Anime nowadays .Absolutely a great Anime

GAREI ByaKuEi KAiHoU >_< so cool !!!

Thanks to himado for uploading 200MB to let me enjoy the best quality of video.
Jul 13, 2011 10:06 AM

Feb 2008
What a great series, going to read the manga now 9/10
Jul 19, 2011 3:57 AM

Apr 2009
Great ending. Overall, I thought the show was enjoyable and surprisingly good. My only real gripe was that the CG monsters looked awful, but that can be easily overlooked because of how good the plot execution and the characters are. It's sad that there was no justice for Yomi's suffering, though, as the culprit is still very much alive. Maybe he dies in the manga.

I had no problems accepting the first cast of characters as false main characters, so I've already let go of them early on. Kagura and Yomi are the true main characters in this prequel, after all. Some people refuse to recognize that and let go of the initial cast, so it affects the way they see the story.

I am disappointed, however that nearly three years later since the show aired, there still isn't news of an adaptation of the manga as a sequel to Ga-rei Zero. Oh well, it's time to start reading the manga. I just hope it isn't as bad as others say it is. After seeing Kagura with short hair for so long, though, I might have problems associating her with the Kagura in the manga, even after seeing her in the epilogue.
Jul 20, 2011 2:02 PM

Aug 2009
This anime was a big clusterfuck of emotions.
Absolutely beautiful.

Why can't more anime be like this? The ones that hit you deep inside, the ones that play with your emotions... It's just stunning.
Jul 25, 2011 8:43 PM
Nov 2009
Beautiful. Got to say, Kagura looks a lot better with slightly longer hair.

But now to the meat of things. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMI ;______;
Sep 14, 2011 12:59 PM

Feb 2009
This whole thing was rushed, idiotically executed... It was a total trainwreck.
Oct 30, 2011 12:19 PM

Apr 2011
Okay, Kagura loved Yomi and Yomi loved Kagura. Why the title says "Will you kill someone you love, BECAUSE of love?" Better would be "Will you kill someone you love?" Or I didn't get the idea of the series?
P.S. I am sorry if it was discussed earlier, all I found was only short reviews.
Nov 6, 2011 7:13 PM
Apr 2009
lowlet said:
Okay, Kagura loved Yomi and Yomi loved Kagura. Why the title says "Will you kill someone you love, BECAUSE of love?" Better would be "Will you kill someone you love?" Or I didn't get the idea of the series?
P.S. I am sorry if it was discussed earlier, all I found was only short reviews.

I think it's safe to say that Kagura loved more than just Yomi. She loved the people around her very much, for example, that school nurse that she killed when the nurse was controlled by a Category D. If you look at it from that aspect, it was very painful and hard for Kagura to kill Yomi, the person she loved the most, but she had to do it, because she loved Yomi and everyone else. If Kagura left Yomi alone, it would only destroy Yomi further since she's not even acting on her own will any more, and also Yomi would wipe mankind off the face of earth. So...ultimately, Kagura decided to kill someone she loved, Yomi, because of love.
Nov 11, 2011 6:10 PM

May 2009
Radzeer said:
This whole thing was rushed, idiotically executed... It was a total trainwreck.

Yep, have to agree. It ruined everything magnificent it built in the first 9-10 episodes.
Jan 16, 2012 10:16 PM
Nov 2011
Lovely ending, though quite rushed. The anime was, all in all, worth watching once. The premise episodes were annoying and I really didn't like them very much, especially the first episode.When the show went all flashback, it started gaining depth, which I think, is the main attraction and asset of this particular anime; the depth, understanding and love between the two sisters were amazing. I, also, think that the slogan which we all were being subjected to right from the starting of the anime--"Will you kill someone you love, because of love?"--was magnificently showcased in the ending. As a whole,the anime, starting off anonymously, then gaining depth in the middle, and finally rushing over till the end, gets a 7/10 from my side. I sure as hell hope for a sequel because I believe this was more or less a prequel, i.e. the incident that took place before the story in manga, Ga-Rei. Byakuei was beautiful, by the way.
Feb 21, 2012 5:59 PM

Sep 2011
Haven't watched a really good Anime like this in awhile. Feels great! I really hope there is a season 2 because they still need to kill that brat! >:(

R.I.P Yomi<3 :(
funkotakuFeb 21, 2012 6:29 PM
Mar 10, 2012 7:18 PM

Aug 2007
Great season! I was just about to drop the series until the last 5 minutes of the first episode. I was thinking.. zombies.. guns.. motorcycles attacks.. flaming pokemon.. no thanks. Then everyone died and it became interesting. Glad I didn't drop it!

Now off to the manga...
Apr 6, 2012 5:02 AM

Dec 2011
What a sad ending.
I want Yomi alive.
But this show was awesome for sure.
Apr 15, 2012 7:07 AM

Nov 2011
Soooo, she gets freakin blown up, cut, shot at a billion times, chocked by wires while being flown away on a wheelchair, and she doesn't die. Then she gets stabbed by a knife and dies in one hit. I DON'T GET YOU YOMI!!! I guess she just wanted to die so she chose not to regenerate haha.
Really enjoyed it, a second season would be awesome for sure.
DarkShardsApr 15, 2012 7:22 AM

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Apr 17, 2012 8:20 PM

Mar 2012
Ga-Rei Zero is one of the top animes I have watched so i rated it 10/10
I do believe Ga-Rei Zero should stay with just 1 season because if there is going to be another season it might spoil the whole anime. I prefer Yomi rather than Kagura because Yomi is so much more interesting..
Apr 25, 2012 1:37 PM

Apr 2011
WTB -> Second series.

Definitely led into it by introducing the main character from the manga. That was weird seeing the assistant alive but lost her memories or something.

Interesting ending, good anime.
May 14, 2012 7:09 PM
May 2012
SayakaMagica said:
It's sad that there was no justice for Yomi's suffering, though, as the culprit is still very much alive.

This I completely agree with. :'( Yomi is now officially one of my favorite female chars in all of anime.
Which is why I so desperately why I want the manga to be adapted to an anime.
Through the anime, I fell in love with Yomi so much, but through the manga which I read right after finishing the anime, Kagura became pretty amazing as well.
Both characters make this anime so amazing. Definite 10/10, especially since it was created in 2008! Art was great, concept was great, and this 12th episode sealed it for me. The flashbacks as Kagura killed Yomi was heart wrenching to the max. :'(

They need to create more animes with amazing stories like this.
Come 2012 and we get animes like polar bear cafe, Nyaruko-san, and a bunch of just fan service series. :( Need more emotional quality animes like GR!
May 31, 2012 7:00 AM

Dec 2009
Not bad series, but I`ve seen better dramas. To me it was like hollywood movie - almost all deaths were accompanied by long monologues of dying characters; the end of the storyline is awful - many of supporting good characters die while trying to defeat the main villain which seems to be invulnerable; at that time the main hero who is supposed to be the chosen one is weak and hiding somewhere; then she/he receives new super power from his father/ancient god/sensei, gets determination to fight evil and go to the final battle, but it`s still not the end - a master blacksmith/sensei/fairy gives to the main hero a new weapon/sword/gun/ancient artefact with the help of which he/she defeats the villain - happy end!..
We`ve seen such plots hudreds of times. Personally I like anime because of sometimes really unpredictable, dramatic, emotional plots, so this one was really dissappointing. And one more thing to mention - chaingun in the leg??? Nobody warned me that this is japanese trash movie!.. Disgusting.
But, nevertheless, Ga-Rei: Zero is not bad, 8/10 )))
Jun 15, 2012 6:26 PM

Nov 2007
I really didn't like how the ending went. I wanted Yomi to be saved, or some kind of redemption. At least some payback on butterfly kid. Nothing. I still felt bad for Yomi, just like Mei. They were both used, and controlled, but neither got any salvation.

Too bad I guess there is no 2nd season as I'd love to see butterfly kid get murdered brutally. As is everyone still blames Yomi, when they should blame him.

At least Kagura was finally useful.
Jun 30, 2012 4:58 AM

Feb 2011
Really enjoyed the series 10/10
Jul 30, 2012 3:51 PM

Jul 2011
This series was pretty great and got me really attached to the plot and characters in a short amount of time. I also think the soundtrack is pretty underrated and definitely provided a great ambiance at the right times (like 06: Prepared).
Aug 1, 2012 5:05 PM

Apr 2010
to be honest, kagura at the end was disgusting, acting all bossy
"Do not consider yourself deprived because your dreams were not fulfilled; the truly deprived have never dreams."
-Marie von Ebner
Sep 18, 2012 11:58 AM
May 2012
I feel sorry for Kagura... Poor Yomi... I really hate that kid with white hair!! Off to the manga now

Sep 19, 2012 2:34 PM

May 2012
Not a bad ending, lot's of things happened but it lacked a decent plot ending, the ending is quite open so there's allot of room to make a second season!

The global anime was okey but it lacked some attributes to make it good for me! 6/10
Sep 30, 2012 5:52 AM

May 2009
<img src="" border="0" />
Oct 13, 2012 1:43 AM

May 2012

One of best animes I watched in last few months. I hope they make a sequel
Oct 26, 2012 10:26 AM

Mar 2012
That was a nice ending.
Oct 27, 2012 5:03 PM

May 2012
It indeed is.
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Oct 30, 2012 1:37 AM

Dec 2011
Looks like Black Rock Shooter, but I REALLY enjoyed.


And nice for Yomi-chan at the end o/
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Nov 5, 2012 2:35 PM

Oct 2010
well the first half of the last fight was good, the second half was just emotional, and forgive me if i am wrong but there are so good emotional fight scenes, at least exciting and emotional doesn't mix. this anime wasn't that great though to be honest, it dragged out towards the end, and i didn't like any of the "bad guys" or the monsters, but then again there wasn't any thing super terrible about this anime 6/10 i think
Nov 15, 2012 9:14 PM

Oct 2012
why did it have to end :( I got depressed
CG Artist 3D Animator

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