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Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Jan 29, 2011 2:13 AM

Jun 2009
This episode makes me believe Kyubey is the devil even more. Leaving needless stuff aside, awesome episode is awesome. Finally something that is up to expectations i had about it from the very start.
And i think i'm going to put it in my favs if it'll be so awesome to the end, although it should be even better, taking that it's Gen.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jan 29, 2011 4:46 AM

Apr 2009
Kyuubei = Last Boss.
Jan 29, 2011 6:40 AM

Jul 2007
staticphrase said:
Someone posted a theory somewhere about Kyubey, instead of being evil, is a solely single-minded creature. The only thing that matters is forming contracts. I'm not sure which I believe more, but if I had to say, the single-minded Kyubey would scare me even more than he does right now.
Faust has also been mentioned in reference, so I'm wondering if he has something to do with that- according to wikipedia, "He decides to call on the Devil for further knowledge and magic powers with which to indulge all the pleasure and knowledge of the world. In response, the Devil's representative, Mephistopheles, appears. He makes a bargain with Faust: Mephistopheles will serve Faust with his magic powers for a term of years, but at the end of the term, the devil will claim Faust's soul and Faust will be eternally damned."
What if Kyubey is, in a way, represents Mephistopheles instead of the devil himself? A mere henchman? And getting contracts is some sort of survival tool, or something that boosts status? I'm not sure since it's a long shot, but thought I'd get it out.

U are mistaken if u see Mephisto as the Devil, Satan or whatever u call him. In Faust he is associate or henchman to God. These two make a bet for Faust´s soul.
Jan 29, 2011 7:02 AM

Nov 2009
Yumekichi11 said:
nerdyguy said:

-The splitting of Madoka into several pieces and absorbing them into the television; I personally believe it is the fragmentation of soul into different souls and thoughts into different thoughts. (taking into consideration that the assumption here is that a soul is not a single entity but made up of different fragments of "itself").

I agree it seems to be and so it can even go as far as to represent that the soul can have mutated changes in it personality.
nerdyguy said:
-"I don't like fools; I dont want to work". I have read the wikia site, but at this point of time, done shallow analysis on this and I do not know the meaning of this. And yes, that book is interesting.
I though about it and came to a conclusion. "I don't like fools" can be seen as obeying people and followers that are smart enough to follow without asking questions. "I don't like working" can be seen as being lazy and having followers. The witches so far are obvious in their intention to have all the minion do their work but this one particularly only wants to have them do all the work and none himself.]

Ahh, reminds me of Freud and Jung in their psychology.
Your "fools" statement also carries an irony too.

And lol, this is my shortest post for today, too tired to write posts.

PS: And if a double post comes today, please accept my apology and moderators, help to edit. My internet goes bonkers at around this time, and being sleep deprived at 12 am local time, i need my sleep. Thanks.
nerdyguyJan 29, 2011 7:42 AM
I hate myself. That is my philosophy.
Jan 29, 2011 8:17 AM

Jun 2008
eizeral said:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm beginning to wonder why this show is called MAHOU SHOUJO Madoka Magica, because I have yet to see Madoka become a frickin' magical girl. I heard this show is supposed to be only 12-13 episodes (god I hope that's wrong) and Madoka still has yet to become a f**king MS after 4 episodes? Wtf! Okay, becoming a mahou shoujo is a big deal, we get it!! But seriously, enough is enough! If she's not a mahou shoujo by the fifth episode, I'm done with this anime. It's reaaaally bugging me.

So who gives a fuck if the show is nice. All that matters is that is as relevant to the title as you imagined it? That's some screw up logic.

I must admit that after this last episodes this show is starting to make a fan out of me. I think the dark atmosphere they put in it is helping this show a lot.
I'm a little disappointed of another magical girl conflict though since we know she ain't the true evil and those are just some silly in-between fights. I hoped for more development on the witches.
Jan 29, 2011 8:44 AM

Jan 2010

all it need for this anime.
Jan 29, 2011 11:03 AM

Jul 2010
depressing episode but still it was great. never thought a loli magic anime can get this serious.

i don't even bother notice background music but this is awesome. anyone know when OST CD coming out? or is it already? (a PM download link will be really appreciated) <3
Jan 29, 2011 12:25 PM

Nov 2007
Yumekichi11 said:

I think you're spot on.
And I think they hinted at her wish in ep 2: to be a Magical girl like Mami in order to save and protect people.
It's in Madoka's nature to help people without wanting/expecting anything in return, and a wish like that won't play into Kyubey's cards.
They may throw in a twist so that Mami and other dead magical girls come back. But if they're really gonna follow Faust, than Madoka learning and accepting that she won't be able to safe everyone, and has limitations even as a Magical Girl will be part of the them of the show.

2. Sayaka
Deathflags went up the moment she formed a contract.
I don't know if Kyousuke will die, he might simply say she's crazy for claiming she's a magical girl and dump her. Whatever scenario, it's safe to assume the aftermath will be devastating for her and it remains to be seen if her wish was indeed unselfish.
Next ep's title: "There's No Such Thing as Regret", so I guess she's gonna do just that ^^

3. Homura
I think she genuinly cares for Madoka and wants to keep her from becoming a magical girl to keep her safe. The fact that her main focus is on Madoka, and not so much on Sayaka, leads me to believe that she and Madoka have a history together.
Her reaction to Madoka's "I won't forget you!" - Homura's clenched wrist - supports that. It also implies Madoka did just that: she forgot about Homura.
It makes me all the more curious about Homura's wish.

4. Much as I like this show, they really need to address the matter of limitations of wishes soon. I fully understand why Madoka didn't form a contract wishing Mami to come back alive, but I was a bit disappointed they didn't address the possibility.
For all we know, one can simply wish for all the witches and their minions to be gone forever...
cleoJan 30, 2011 5:18 AM
Jan 29, 2011 1:11 PM

Aug 2008
Haha I knew Sayaka would become a magical girl ahead of Madoka since she has a wish and all. I wonder what Madoka would wish for. It's been 4 episodes, hurry up and kick some ass!
Jan 29, 2011 2:18 PM

Feb 2010
It's gettin' better and better.
Jan 29, 2011 3:08 PM

Jul 2010
Shit just got real! What an amazing episode this was. Depressing, but amazing. Sayaka made the contract, but it looks like Kyubei isn't as good-willing as he appears to be. I have a bad feeling about this. I'm afraid Sayaka isn't going to last long. =(

The chemical suicide scene was pretty intense. Never expected such a scene to be in it. On the other hand, we already saw a beheading, so more scenes like this could be expected. =O

Very curious about the next one!

Jan 29, 2011 5:43 PM

Nov 2009
I am surprised Sayaka made the contract so easily. I like the realisticness... of this mahou shoujo. At first i was upset that madoka was not in contract yet when the series first started, but at this point i rather let her do it at the correct time.

Yes, i was also expecting Mami to get revived.
Jan 29, 2011 8:39 PM
Dec 2007
So, just out of curiosity, did they ever say who created those witches, or WHAT were they before the contract? They seem... not very human, but considering they deal in curses that could explain the more twisted form.

Jan 29, 2011 9:20 PM

Jan 2010
geasscommander said:
Mockman said:
Another fun thing about the episode is that the background scenery as Homura and Madoka cross the bridge at sunset looks strikingly familiar -- it reminds me strongly of Bakemonogatari.

Shinbo Akiyuki was the director of both. so there might be some scenes that will look similar.

I can't help but feel that he lifted some artwork directly. I'll have to watch for it the next time I watch Bakemonogatari. I don't remember exactly where I saw it and I don't want to go on a random search.

Actually, seeing that he was the director of this made me willing to watch a 'mahou shoujo' show. I was interested in seeing what would be done with it. I enjoyed Negima!? and loved Bakemonogatari. And I'm really impressed with this so far.
Jan 29, 2011 9:54 PM
Jun 2008
now i will wait and see what the side affect of the wish ^^

I don't think he will be happy even after his hand is cured or maybe he will commit suicide lol
Jan 29, 2011 10:25 PM

Jul 2010

Jan 30, 2011 12:41 AM

Aug 2009
Thriller genre added.

lol add 'horror' too..
Jan 30, 2011 1:27 AM

Feb 2009
Lol psychological genre
Jan 30, 2011 2:39 AM

Oct 2010
belatkuro said:
Lol psychological genre
I am not surprised, it's a mind fuck after all this. I love de-mind fucking this type of shows.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 30, 2011 5:52 AM

Nov 2009
Its very enjoyable altogether this show, I only watched the first ep or two just to add to my list but I have been very pleasantly surprised with the depth in the plot.

I like many cant shake the feeling Kyubei has alternative motives to getting these Mahou Shoujo's to serve him.
Jan 30, 2011 1:26 PM
Aug 2010
I personally don't want Madoka to make a pact with Kyuubey it seems making a pact with the magic cat is pretty much the same thing as commiting sucide, you might not get got now but sooner or later your going to make a mistake and that will be it. I don't think Kyuubey is evil in tecnical terms I think he is a good natured extremist whose only reason for existing is recruiting Magical Girls for the 'greater good'. So when Kyuubey acts like a manipulative monster going out of his way to send children to thier graves that is because he is trying to do whats right.
Jan 30, 2011 2:30 PM

Nov 2008
All posts relating to the discussion of subs have been deleted.
Jan 30, 2011 7:06 PM

Oct 2009
desolato said:
All posts relating to the discussion of subs have been deleted.
Jan 30, 2011 7:36 PM

Sep 2008
Gogetters said:
desolato said:
All posts relating to the discussion of subs have been deleted.

Rule #6 of the anime series episode discussion rules: Refrain from comparing/conversing about whose fansubs to use or watch in the Episode Discussion.

I'd forgotten about that one. Uncomfortable slip up>.<
Jan 30, 2011 8:02 PM

Aug 2008
Here's hoping Madoka's wish is to revive Mami.
Jan 30, 2011 8:56 PM

Oct 2009
Gangler said:
Gogetters said:
desolato said:
All posts relating to the discussion of subs have been deleted.

Rule #6 of the anime series episode discussion rules: Refrain from comparing/conversing about whose fansubs to use or watch in the Episode Discussion.

I'd forgotten about that one. Uncomfortable slip up>.<
I see...
Jan 30, 2011 11:02 PM

Oct 2010
Gogetters said:
Instead of that you should look at the votes done in regards to that subject of subs, they are good to see which you want to see. Back to the episode I suddenly had the though of WTF at Sayaka in regards to her sword, why the heck is it like a saber from Arabs or France? I have a custom pic of her with Madoka/Homura and she looks much better with a knight's sword/Excalibur. That sword would destroy witches so bad ass. It was made to fight off the bearer's enemies and in general in Arthurian fables to defeat evil.
Yumekichi11Jan 30, 2011 11:05 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 30, 2011 11:13 PM

Sep 2008
So something occurs to me today. Sayakka is concerned about the boy in the hospital, enters the Witch-zone and it's all syringes and stuff. Madoka, walking through the witchzone becomes massively concerned with cake, suddenly the place is nothing but cakes of every shape and size. Madoka makes a heartwrenching vow to never forget the way Mami fought, enters the witchzone and it's all a gigantic mechanism forcing her to revisit her memories of the final fight.

These witchzones are definitely somehow a reflection of the minds of those entering it. I don't know what that means though.
Jan 31, 2011 3:59 PM

Jul 2010
This came across as super depressing as well as kind of annoying. I feel like I'm the only one who wants to give Madoka a good slap. Yes, her friend of a few days/weeks just died in front of her eyes, but come on, enough with the sad faces. It was just frustrating to watch. I hope she becomes a Mahou Shoujo soon, because we're on episode 4 of a 12 episode anime here.

New character at the end there looks interesting. I just hope she doesn't steal the spotlight from Akemi. I'd much rather have more backstory on Akemi, but I guess the other character seems interesting enough.

And jeez, I hope I do not have to read any more "Kyubey is evil" or "Shit just got real" posts. The latter has been the slogan for every anime this season. -_-
Jan 31, 2011 4:12 PM

Jul 2009
twonline said:

No Resurrection of dead people..... I LOVE IT....

Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Feb 1, 2011 12:28 AM

Dec 2010
Iilia said:
This came across as super depressing as well as kind of annoying. I feel like I'm the only one who wants to give Madoka a good slap. Yes, her friend of a few days/weeks just died in front of her eyes, but come on, enough with the sad faces. It was just frustrating to watch. I hope she becomes a Mahou Shoujo soon, because we're on episode 4 of a 12 episode anime here.

New character at the end there looks interesting. I just hope she doesn't steal the spotlight from Akemi. I'd much rather have more backstory on Akemi, but I guess the other character seems interesting enough.

And jeez, I hope I do not have to read any more "Kyubey is evil" or "Shit just got real" posts. The latter has been the slogan for every anime this season. -_-

Thats kinda what i though, we was getting al depressing and everything which kinda got annoying, but i guess that was needed to show how much they loved her and stuff.
At first i thought Sayaka's friend in hospital was a girl o_o . Whoops. YAY~ She became a M.S!! Its taken them quite long. But i must admit that the show is getting more interesting as the main girl probs will become a M.S, hmmm, wonder that her wish will be.
Maybe this will have a second season, coz the plot is kinda slow how she still hasnt changed yet nd that Kiyuube isnt following her anymore, but maybe she still wants to help people nd sht.
Feb 1, 2011 2:32 AM

May 2010
Unless you are a zombie, don't sign the contract.
Feb 1, 2011 9:16 AM

Jul 2010
Dusk252 said:
daultimate said:
I don't like how Kyuubei is always conveniently there. Hm. Oh well, new character. And pretty good episode.

Yeah, I found it really creepy when Kyuubei showed up in the hospital window. I really don't like how he takes everything too lightly. And that only gets worse when I look at his never-changing smiling mouth and hear his always-happy voice.

You know, Kyuubei kinda reminds me of Dung Beetle from Bokurano.. always smiling, always happy voice, but evil at heart. I just remembered him after pondering about Kyuubei over the weekend
I'm not an otaku.
Feb 1, 2011 10:35 AM

Oct 2010
Sigsig said:
You know, Kyuubei kinda reminds me of Dung Beetle from Bokurano.. always smiling, always happy voice, but evil at heart. I just remembered him after pondering about Kyuubei over the weekendYou said it! Dung Beetle exactly had that attitude and some have mentioned this is like Bokurano except magical, well if they put more characters then maybe it could up towards Bokurano. The concept of teenagers dying is definitely there.
desolatoFeb 1, 2011 11:02 AM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 1, 2011 12:50 PM

May 2009
Well, this is probably the best magic girl anime in my opinion.

And I HAVE to say this (even though almost everyone has already said it) KYUBEY IS EVIL! I have no doubt about it.
Feb 2, 2011 1:10 AM

Dec 2008
Two major misconceptions I noticed whilst skimming through this thread:

i)I still fail to see how anyone could have optimistic thoughts concerning this series when episode three and the name Urobuchi Gen are taken into consideration. Mami's dead and the most likely scenario in which she would return would be as a Witch (yes there is the possibility of Madoka wasting her wish on returning Mami/wishing for the reset but that's all speculation until more solid evidence makes itself apparent).

ii)People that are impatiently expecting Madoka to attain her Puella Magi powers are watching this series with a misguided attitude; what's important to Madoka, and arguably to the series as a whole, is not when or how Madoka initiates a contract with Kyuubey but why she chooses to become a Puella Magi.
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Feb 4, 2011 11:15 PM

Dec 2008
I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA! Why doesn't Madoka become a mahou shoujo next episode and use her wish to bring Mami-chan back! Honestly, Shaft should hire me as a writer.
Feb 5, 2011 2:02 AM

Sep 2008
Trevelyan said:
I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA! Why doesn't Madoka become a mahou shoujo next episode and use her wish to bring Mami-chan back! Honestly, Shaft should hire me as a writer.
I suppose someone who could come up with predictable plot lines would round out their team...
Feb 5, 2011 11:43 PM

Feb 2010
i love this show. i love that there's a magical girl show that isn't afraid to get very dark.

thank you shaft.
Feb 6, 2011 5:57 AM

May 2009
so, they just IGNORED the option of bringing back the busty one by wishing for it? naisu...-.-

Oh I forgot, if they had thought about it for a second they wouldn't have had the chance to cry out their big round eyes the whole bloody episode...-.-
MikeOnHighway61Feb 6, 2011 6:02 AM
Feb 6, 2011 11:58 AM
Dec 2007
MikeOnHighway61 said:
so, they just IGNORED the option of bringing back the busty one by wishing for it? naisu...-.-

Oh I forgot, if they had thought about it for a second they wouldn't have had the chance to cry out their big round eyes the whole bloody episode...-.-
Watch episode 5, they seem to hint that not even Kyubei has the power of bringing back the dead. After all, Mami could have saved her dead family along with her back when she became a Mahou Shoujo yet the only one that got saved from the accident was herself.

Feb 8, 2011 3:48 PM

Aug 2010
Pretty sad episode. And mass murder the hell? Thought this was the typical mahou shoujo show!!

Other than that, Kyubei is so evil!! grrr
Feb 8, 2011 9:03 PM

Oct 2008
New girl seems interesting.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Feb 9, 2011 12:30 PM

Dec 2008
Hmmm...this is not your average magical girls anime. It's actually quite dark.
Kyubei is not to be trusted. It's obvious that he's a stalker, and I'm pretty sure is the instigator behind all of these labyrinth/witch appearances. I believe Akemi is aware of that. Perhaps that's why she tried to take Kyubei out.
Feb 10, 2011 10:46 PM

Jan 2009
Kyubey is seriously creeping me out. Sayaka seems pretty cool as a mahou shoujo, and it's only a matter of time until Madoka follows suit.
Feb 13, 2011 2:33 PM

Aug 2008
In the just the span of an episode things have almost turned 180 degrees. I don't find it unbelievable though. Sayaka is just too in love and heartbroken by her crush's predicament to do the smart thing. And after what Madoka has seen, a near mass suicide, I can't see her ignoring her strong sense of right and wrong just to protect herself and do the smart thing. Not when one of her best friends was so obviously taken by a witch. Even more intriguing is that we have a new head hunting magical girl popping up.

I see chaos, utter chaos waiting in the wings. This narrative is so deliciously dark and twisted.

Feb 13, 2011 3:36 PM

Aug 2008
In the just the span of an episode things have almost turned 180 degrees. I don't find it unbelievable though. Sayaka is just too in love and heartbroken by her crush's predicament to do the smart thing. And after what Madoka has seen, a near mass suicide, I can't see her ignoring her strong sense of right and wrong just to protect herself and do the smart thing. Not when one of her best friends was so obviously taken by a witch. Even more intriguing is that we have a new head hunting magical girl popping up. I see chaos, utter chaos waiting in the wings. This narrative is so deliciously dark and twisted.

Feb 13, 2011 3:47 PM

Jul 2009
Wow ... pretty depressing first half X_X Kind of sad that no one will know what happened to Mami ... I mean, I guess her family did die and everything but that's still pretty sad T_T
That Kyousuke guy? Yea, stop being so mean to Sayaka D; Again with Kyobey just happening to be there as it gets all "only a miracle or magic can heal this" ... Anways, mahou shoujo swordgirl Sayaka was pretty awesome :3
This week's battle / preview was pretty creepy, with everyone going to kill themselves and the witch playing off Madoka's guilt about Mami :S
New character next week? :O
Feb 15, 2011 11:03 PM

Mar 2009
Another crazy episode. It had some interesting parts.
Feb 16, 2011 8:12 AM

Aug 2010
Art style in this anime is just horrible.
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