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Nov 21, 2010 3:12 PM
Mar 2010
Personally, Blassreiter is pretty entertaining just because the fight scenes were pretty amazing. However, I'm still pissed at how the writers just threw in Snow for like 1 episode and then discarded her.
Dec 4, 2010 8:46 PM

Jan 2010
Amazing series. I haven't seen a series with a "Kill 'em All " attitude since Zeta.

Personally, the whole level of drama was perfect, as well with the theme discrimination, suicide, sex, and who's really wrong? (ie is Xargin really a villain for wanting to change the world.)

The ending was, as some say, corny. I would have been satisfied if only Joseph and Herman would have come back. But eh, Beatrice and Xargin action's killed many innocent people but they were "brought back to life" to me that lowered the score from 10 to 9.5.

overall good series.
Dec 13, 2010 10:04 AM

Oct 2009
this ep was another example of the powers that be not being able to end an anime series properly. After all that, the satisfaction level was primarily lacking. The series itself was balls to the wall amazing, but the ending was kind of rushed. I gave it a 9/10. Certainly buy it on Blue-ray when available.
Peoplestring - where you get paid to use the web as you please -

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Jan 12, 2011 9:03 AM

Dec 2010
Great Show! also as mentioned by some before me, this has been a rarity in the sense that they actually killed some people off (well all of them lol but you get my point) unlike other shows where you know the main guy is untouchable and somehow he will pull through no matter what, so it was a change of pace. As for what i thought of the end, i liked the episode i actually did, i liked how Joseph died (as i did many others, they made their deaths... acceptable in a way, like going out with honor) but like others i thought the holograms were a bit lame, and Malek was a fail replacement of Joseph so dressing like him in the end was lame... but besides that solid story, with nice meaning behind it all. a solid 8/10 or 9/10 for me

"Even in our darkest hour life still has meaning"-Joseph Jobson
Feb 7, 2011 9:32 AM

Dec 2008
"How about I reunite you with that whore Beatrice?" ~Hermann
That was the best line of the entire show!
Sucks that everybody died, but it was nice seeing them all again at the end. Except for that bastard Wolf. It's his fault that the XAT got wiped out!! "Please forgive me." He said. I think, NOT!!
May 1, 2011 5:15 PM
Dec 2010
LOL so in the end.. Joseph still didnt beat xardin..
also.. he is unfortunate until the end..
Unexpected ending.. but still great..
what bothers me is why the hello are they all happy together inside Malek when they all tried to kill each other? LOL...

Great anime.. 9.5/10 :)
Jul 27, 2011 1:55 AM

Feb 2010
Man, this anime had a hell lot of potential and yet it managed to trash it with pointless CGs and characters randomly dying. I feel like someone wrote a 70 episodes long script and then the studio decided to make a 24 episode anime out of it.

The characters were all done great, yet none of them had any chance to actually shine. The story starts with Gerd as the protagonist, then switches to another character who's got more personality and is more involved with the story than some random guy getting infected. That's a sign of complex story telling, yet the anime fails to tell any story at all because it's practically filled with CGs of Mecha fighting weird creatures who can fuse with vehicles, but for some reason don't use their ability in the majority of episodes. The fact that Snow was randomly introduced out of nowhere and in the end appeared among the dead, makes me think that there was originally some plot behind it that was cut off in the final production. I say if this anime had a chance for developing the story it could have been much, much better. I also feel like the ending was kinda out of place, a last moment kinda thing: If we go by Blassreiter's logic, either all the blassreiters should have died in the end (including Malek) which would have made sense, or we could see them coming back to life again using nano-technology. (They DID come back many times, after all most characters died multiple times in this show)

My favorite part was Joseph's backstory, it actually surfaced my feelings. :)

Overall score: 7/10

@Fatentity: I agree with everything you said.
killerfett0 said:
I had to lol at the end when the united states used the Emergency Contingency plan, NUKE EVERYTHING!.
lol, it would be cool if the nukes actually hit, and then the US president would say: "As you can see they struggled a lot and almost fixed everything, but we nuked them anyways."
Kira01 said:
Rather odd to clone one's own daughter to become a grand-daughter, then make her a cyborg to extend her lifespan.
lol, yeah he was one twisted sick ****.
Aug 3, 2012 6:38 PM

Dec 2010
i still dont get in the end r they artificial or real?
Sep 8, 2012 3:06 PM

Sep 2012
Pardon the meme, but...

Sorry. :P
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Nov 26, 2012 11:43 AM

Jun 2008
magentaanbu said:
lol this ending was incredibly corny XD

adamantine said:
I seem to never like epilogues. I feel like the hole show has been tainted by that lame everyone still alive... kind of. And, oh look a rainbow!


I agree, they shouldn't make all the dead make appearances like that.
Dec 27, 2012 5:37 AM

May 2011
wait. DID SNOW DIE?! dats pathetic. episode 19
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

Jan 22, 2013 10:15 PM

Aug 2008
I loved this anime...aaaand I may have shed a tear too many //without shame
I'm sad its over. Pretty much all of my favorite characters died ;A;
Jun 28, 2013 12:24 PM

May 2012
While I totally didn't liked this anime the ending was pretty decent for what its worth. I thought this would more be focused around racing than it was now, together with the horrible pacing and weak story development I was quite disappointed in this anime. Nor the beginning nor the end was to my liking but well at least I finished it...
Jan 19, 2014 10:55 AM

Aug 2013
Elea seemed jealous of Maria.

The show overall was okay, ending was pretty good though.
My Candies:
Feb 10, 2014 5:46 AM

Apr 2009
This anime is the most underrated series that i have watch. It's a masterpiece for me. :)


i just wish they made an epic battle for Xargin and Joseph. :(
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May 25, 2014 4:35 AM
Dec 2010
I really liked first half of the show. Somewhere around the time when mechas took over and everything was happening on large scale I started to loose interest, fortunately not entirely. Overall 8/10.
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Aug 26, 2014 9:58 AM

Aug 2013
kuroshiroi said:
Pretty much the only good thing about this show: Elea.

^Hahaha.. have to agree. I wish she had more screen time.

I guess many feel the same.. the premise was really good. The story was great at least until everything goes berserk.. everything went crazy after the first half. Sure wasn't expecting things to turn out like this.. and suddenly at the end everyone came back as hologram like ghost..? awkward. Of course some of the deaths are awesome and epic.. but a lot of them makes no sense or logic. They just did whatever convenient to them. How Snow died was like what the heck.. the rest had limbs torn apart but still survive like mosquito bites but she died by just a few punches ? Bullshit. I wouldn't want to go into detail how stupid some of the things that happened were.. in the end what's the conclusion from everything that happened anyway ? The few things I enjoyed was badass Joseph and loli Elea.. and some of the memorable epic deaths. Snow never should have died ! If it's the concept it's not bad but the story just isn't my cup of tea.. leaves a bad aftertaste. Overall it's fine I guess.. but there's so much I hate about in anime. LOL.
Dec 14, 2014 6:11 PM

Jun 2011
Lol at the amount of bullshits that are in this episode, the show is a huge mess after Gerd's death, at the halfway point I stopped caring. Amanda is the only normal one to live through that, and in the end I didn't even feel like she went through a lot, she was just there for the whole time. Is there any decent pink hair anime character out there?

When Joseph's hologram or whatever that was slowly fades away, my eyes were watery, not because I like his character or anything, but because of what he went through, and he's gone now.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jan 29, 2015 3:40 AM
Jan 2015
What the hell was that ending? Ghostish Holograms? Hermann and Gerd possessing Joseph out of the blue? And their strength levels actually hard to understand. Joseph caught Xargin's sword yet when they clashed sword again, he totally lost.

I kinda expected the AmandaXMalek ending though(not sure if this is what is going to actually happen).

Well, in overall, it was still a 7/10 for me.
SecretXPuppeyJan 30, 2015 8:23 PM
Apr 3, 2015 11:39 PM

Jul 2012
not sure how its possible to like this anime

gonna try to watch it with an unplugged monitor next time maybe it helps
Apr 20, 2015 8:31 PM
Sep 2014
Despite the retarded last battle and ending this show was really enjoyable and fun to watch.
Its really rare to see such a nice story flow.
Underrated imo.
Jul 12, 2015 8:58 PM

May 2013
I think this would have been much better if they hadn't done the whole epilogue. The ISIS made some sense as area self-destruct weapon, but then why not take it early? Why keep fighting for an hour when he just could have swallowed that before leaving...

Also whole throwing nuke after nuke thing...

Final battle I can get, but everything surrounding it... Just an excuse to kill more characters, which I appreciated though...
Sep 11, 2015 1:11 AM

Jan 2012
At the start it was enjoyable until the other half just went downhill and became confusing as hell. I felt the characters were jumping all over the place and then being killed off. In addition, they didn't let Joseph stay alive after having to survive the suffering from past therefore it was a 6/10 but final verdict it is a 5/10


"Humans, your existence was a mistake. Conflicts, lies, jealously, greed. You once caused me to lose everything and today I will devour everything... Because I am the Valkyrie Goddess">
Jan 9, 2016 11:23 AM

Feb 2015
Urgh, everything was going well until this episode. That stupid... stupid last battle.

And epilogue too.
Jul 5, 2016 4:33 AM

Oct 2014
Where is Snow?

Battles were badass.

These fan-service moments with Amanda's cleavage... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Apr 9, 2017 12:12 AM
Mar 2017
Hmmm.. Que bueno. Es una lastima que todos hayan muerto. mirándolo de nuestro punto de vista todos vivieron y murieron rapidamente... pero almenos Elea sobrevivi... ah, digo. Amanda y el hermano.
jaja. fue bastante un anime interesante, todos murieron, algunos incluso hicieron como 3 veces. (lolwut) hubieron problemas para matar a la mayoría de los personajes principales, que sin duda era interesante. Pienso que fue demasiado matar a José :'v . (su fondo era simplemente demasiado triste, pero bueno...)

Cuando apareció Snow(La peliroja). Ya me veía venir que se quedaría con Joseph. pero al final se murió en 2 capítulos, q hdps xD.
después crei que se quedaría con Amanda, pero resulto que se murió y quedo Amanda con el hermanastro c_c...
Amanda teniendo 34 años y Malek 19... no jodas. no queda bien. N O.

Los personajes estaban muy bien hechos, pero ninguno de ellos tuvo la oportunidad de brillar. La historia comienza con Gerd como el protagonista, luego cambia a otro personaje que tiene más personalidad y está más involucrado con la historia que un individuo al azar que se infectó. Ese es un signo de contar historias complejas, pero el anime no puede contar ninguna historia en absoluto porque está prácticamente lleno de CGs de Mecha luchando contra criaturas extrañas que pueden fusionarse con vehículos, pero por alguna razón no usan su habilidad en la mayoría de los episodios . El hecho de que Snow fue introducido al azar de la nada y al final apareció entre los muertos, me hace pensar que originalmente había alguna trama detrás de ella que fue cortada en la producción final. Digo que si este anime tuviera una oportunidad para desarrollar la historia, podría haber sido mucho, mucho mejor. También siento que el final fue un poco fuera de lugar, un último momento un poco cosa: Si vamos por la lógica de Blassreiter, o bien todos los blassreiters deberían haber muerto al final (incluyendo Malek) que tendría sentido, o podíamos verlos- Volviendo a la vida usando nano-tecnología. (Ellos volvieron muchas veces, después de que la mayoría de los personajes murieron varias veces ya)

Y el final... Como que pareció que no sabían hacer un final bien y quisieron poner a todos. incluso pusieron a los villanos que mataron a cientos como hologramas. no tiene sentido ._.... pero bueno. El anime estuvo entretenido. le doy 7/10. Lo que mas me gusto fue: Joseph y, Elea <3 :3

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Jan 11, 2020 8:20 PM

Mar 2016
No subtlety whatsoever, but bad ass all the way through. Transforming motorcycle mechs will never not hold my attention. I don't even know if I could call the writing 'bad' since they knew the story they wanted to tell and didn't try to dance around it. I think the progression of the overall plot was done pretty smartly at the very least. Like there being not too much focus on any one character and the shift from XAT to Zwolf was satisfying rather than jarring (I mean just that glimpse at all the new toys in the arsenal was enough to get me excited). Tons of CG but the action scenes were very dynamic and I loved how much missile circus there was. And Xenogenesis Assault Team is one of the coolest squad names I think I've seen.

I liked this series quite a bit, as cheesy and heavy-handed as it could be. Like how many anime are you going to see where a guy from Hiroshima crashes into an American missile to prevent future Germany from being 'purified' by nuclear hell-fire? The fixation on Christian morality and the European setting can't have been just an aesthetic decision, and I really don't care about any of the political implications here, (it's almost as if the 'West' is being chastised for forgetting certain values in allowing tragedy) but it definitely leaves an impression. There's just a lot of shit going on here but it works in a weird way. An entertaining series for sure.
syncrogazerJan 11, 2020 8:46 PM
Sep 18, 2020 5:21 AM

Sep 2019
It was worth watching even the I enjoyed the anime the ending didn't click with me. Anyway im Happy most of the characters died those good for nothing disserve that it would've been better if Amanda died too.

And for the MC who has even less screen time then the side characters, well nevermind I don't have anything to say regarding to him. Concept was good but the animation , character development, character direction were poor.

Jan 12, 2021 9:19 AM

Jul 2013
I started off the show feeling like it was a 6/10, but it told a satisfying story of fate, free will, tragedy. etc so it's ultimately a 10/10 for me. Had me teary eyed a few times lol.

The ending was a real one. Still, I wish somehow the show had a second season.
Jan 29, 2022 3:36 AM

Nov 2009
Okay, the ending was stupid, but excluding that it was a fun and enjoyable ride. 8/10
Mar 28, 2023 12:29 PM

Jul 2020
the first cour was way better than the second, after ep. 14 they started overcomplicating things to an unnecessary and pretty stupid level. still was quite fun, binged it in one day and don't regret it. 7/10
Jul 31, 2024 4:47 PM

Jun 2022
So they're all trapped in a computer program,lol? ngl, the final episode was going so smooth until that very last part that ruined it all...
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